#seikihei monogatari
kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari - Chapter 2: Captive Princess
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F91 and co arrive to rescue Bera (Cecily). Meanwhile, Cecily claims to not know the phrase to awaken the Holy Machine Soldier. One thing she does know is that three items are needed to revive it, to Giros's surprise.
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GP02 decides to hold off the enemy on his own to allow GP01 and F91 to advance forward. During this, F91 notices that Cecily's earring is glowing.
This is because the Holy Machine Soldier is in the room ahead.
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GP01 calls out that they're here to save Cecily, but are cut off by Neo Zeon's machine soldiers. F91 is surprised to find out that his sword does not work on Machine Soldiers, putting them at a disadvantage. Giros, with the threat of fire, asks Cecily again.
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A mysterious armored knight saves Cecily and is revealed to be Seabook. Despite the armor being super heavy, Seabook's desire to save her pushes him on. Cecily recognizes the armor. The two are cut off by Giros turning into a monster to attack them.
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GP01 uses his Dancing Leaf technique to allow the two to escape from the Machine Soldier's captivity. They appear close to Cecily and Seabook and are immediately attacked by Monster Giros...with fire.
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F91 emphasizes how much of a dumb idea this was, as his name is Burning Knight and easily takes down Monster Giros. GP01 watches in amazement at F91's skill and speed.
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With Giros taken down, F91 properly introduces himself to Cecily and they thank Seabook for his help. Then they are attacked by Evil Machine Soldier Dark Tyrant. The machine soldier tries to grab Cecily, but Seabook and F91 protect her and are surrounded by a barrier.
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Turns out, the armor, shield, and sword Seabook was carrying were the three items needed to awaken the Holy Machine Soldier. It awakens, and is restrained by Neo Zeon. However, Cecily says there is a problem: It has no pilot.
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Suddenly, words appear in the barrier surrounding Seabook and F91.
Cecily: "When the resonating power is aligned…the Holy Machine Soldier will awaken…" is that…the spell to revive the Holy Machine Soldier…!?
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End of Chapter Two.
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kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari - Chapter 1: Legendary Majin
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The kingdom of Dabat is under attack by the Neo Zeon Clan. If it continues, the whole country will be destroyed. A lone GM messenger is sent to Britis to ask for assistance. Knowing that Saddrac is not at peace if Dabat isn't, King II sends F91 to Dabat.
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On their journey, the GM talks to F91 and Ghina about the legendary Majin known as the Holy Machine Soldier. It is believed that the Holy Machine Soldier will bring Dabat to victory. Their conversation is interrupted by various falling trees.
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And the trees fell because two units from the Neo Zeon Clan's Machine Soldier Army is passing through this area. Machine Soldiers is the term for mecha in this series, and F91 feels dread about fighting them.
Meanwhile, Cecily is asking where the treasures to revive the HMS is.
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With Seabook watching in secret, his father argues with Cecily and her maid, Matilda that he won't give her the treasures because Cecily is the princess from the evil Rona family bloodline. His words make her cry and then their house is destroyed by the Neo Zeon Clan.
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The Machine Soldiers were there for Cecily and take her away. Seabook tries to go after her, but is stopped by his father because she is their ally. However, Seabook knows in his heart that Cecily wants nothing to do with the Neo Zeon Clan.
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Meanwhile, F91 notices the Machine Soldier passing by and tells the GM to track it. Ghina then notices something on the ground. It is an earring. F91 asks what a precious earring is doing here.
Then the leaves begin to twirl.
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"RETURN PRINCESS BERA!!" A mysterious knight attacks F91. This is Knight GP01, and he has come to rescue Princess Bera. He accuses F91 of being the kidnapper due to having one of her earrings in his possession.
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F91 explains that he just found it over there, but GP01 isn't hearing it and the two fight. It goes as expected and they are cut off by laughing. "GP01, don't falter…that's expected if you fight a Knight of the Round at your skill level." "Huh? A Knight of the Round?!"
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The second knight apologizes for the younger knight's rudeness and introduces themselves. He is Heavy Knight GP02 and the other is GP01, his squire. The duo was tasked with escorting Princess Bera and lost sight of her. Their conversation was cut off by a yell.
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The GM explains that the machine soldier that kidnapped Bera headed to the Royal Family Valley. This is where the Holy Machine Soldier is, and the Neo Zeon Clan needs Bera to revive it.
GM: Huh? GP01 and GP02…when did you two get here? 01: That doesn't matter!
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Dabat is toast if Neo Zeon gets the Holy Machine Soldier, so they head to the Royal Family Valley. The reason why Cecily/Princess Bera was kidnapped is because she knows the spell to awaken the Holy Machine Soldier.
To their surprise, their guard monsters are being obliterated.
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Berga Giros is shocked to hear that one of the Knights of the Round Table is with the Dabat Knights and that they're able to cut through their forces so easily.
With his help, they intend to stop the Neo Zeon Clan and save Princess Bera.
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End of Chapter 1
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kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari: The Reposted Thread
Posting this thread here for the exact same reasons as the previous ones.
This manga is the adaption of SD Gundam Gaiden: Seikihei Monogatari, and is a direct sequel to Knights of the Round Table. It was serialized in Comic Bom Bom as part of Hoshino Ryuichi's "Knight Gundam Story" manga series. Like all other Knight Gundam mangas, the mangaka is Hoshino Ryuichi (ほしの竜一).
It didn't get as popular as Knights of the Round Table, but it was used in a lot of marketing and got an animated adaption for SD Gundam Matsuri, though that was probably because they couldn't adapt Knights of the Round Table for the reasons I mentioned in that thread. I plan on doing a separate thread on that animation and might upload it to Google Drive for those who want to watch it. I know I definitely plan on doing a difference thread between the actual carddas story and the anime, so look forward to that.
Note: This thread uses the original tankobon release instead of the compilation volume.
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Part 1 - Revival of the Holy Machine Soldier and Holy Machine Soldier VS Machine Soldier Army
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Part 2 - Another Holy Machine Soldier and Birth of the True Holy Machine Soldier
Chapter 7
Extra Threads
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kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari - Chapter 6: Ominous Omen
Previous Chapter
Gunrex falls under attack by Zamared Mansa. Meanwhile, Queen Nina receives word that their entire machine soldier army has been wiped out.
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Not only that but R-Jannon was also destroyed. At this rate, Dabat's entire force will be wiped out completely. Suddenly, the G-Griff statue breaks and reveals a fragment of a stone slab. It flies off towards the direction of Baraba Plain.
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Gunrex continues to be pummeled, even having GP01's head knocked against one of the sides, giving him a concussion, and distorting his vision. Before the final blow can be landed, their battle is interrupted by the merging tablets.
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The G-Griff is furious that they are using Baraba Plain as a battlefield and offers them a weapon that could finish off this battle to whoever can read the spell on the tablet. Unfortunately, GP01 can't read it due to his concussion. But the text is old, so Mansa struggles.
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"When the three of lights merge, the evil power will be rended in half by the shield that appears from the glowing white!" At first, GP01 assumes Mansa read it, but that isn't the case when Mansa questions who did it and the silver shield is given to Gunrex.
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This is because the one who read it was Red Warrior R. His family studied the ancient texts, and therefore allowed him to quickly read the spell. Mansa tries to attack him, but Gunrex protects him with the shield.
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With this newly obtained power, GP01 defeats Mansa easily. However, the duo then begins to hear a bombardment coming from the far distance. At first, they assume it's from the main base but…
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Dabat itself is now under attack by Neo Zeon. It seems that was a trick to leave the castle unguarded, making it so they could easily be attacked.
Meanwhile, Mars meditates on the life of a mercenary as Dabat castle goes up in flames.
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End of Chapter 6
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kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari - Chapter 5: Anger
Previous Chapter
Nina hopes to the G Griff statue for victory. However, Cecily then points out that the G Griff is pissed because Baraba field will become a battleground, therefore they won't win.
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Meanwhile, GP01 meets up with Minstrel Knight Red Warrior R, a knight from Dabat's ally, Regashim. They discuss the G Griff, an old god which R believes will grant them victory if they protect these two stones. GP01 wonders this.
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The fight begins and the army is easily slaughtered thanks to Tactician Quattro's tactics.
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GP01 and Gunrex fight back, but are clearly outnumbered. R assists them in his machine, R-Jannon. But he is taken out by hidden Shinobi Qubeley in their mechs.
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One of the Shinobi Qubeley attacks hit the stone G Griff statues, and R despairs that they will lose this battle. A new machine, piloted by Zenon Mansa appears and takes out R-Jannon, sending GP01 into a rage.
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Gunrex powers up with rage, as Gunrex is a machine that grows with its pilot. With this new strength, he is easily able to take out the mechs piloted by the Shinobi Qubeley.
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However, he wrecks the other statue and leaves himself open to Zenon Mansa's attack.
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End of Chapter 5
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kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari - Chapter 4: Nocturnal Assault
Previous Chapter
With F91 incapacitated, the knights try to get Gunrex moving. After Ghina fails, GP02 doubts it could get moving. Then 01 decides to try, but fails as well. They assume that only F91 could pilot it. Then a boulder falls towards them.
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The boulder is stopped by Gunrex's hand. To his and everyone's surprise, GP01 has gotten it to move! With GP01 chosen as the pilot, the group heads back to Dabat. However, the one most surprised by this development was GP02.
02: "It wasn't me…but GP01…!"
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Meanwhile, Dabat is receiving its usual nightly scheduled attack by Neo Zeon's shinobi machine soldiers, to Queen Nina's dismay. Shortly after, the group returns with Gunrex. This means the tide of battle can turn in their favor. Meanwhile, a strange knight watches.
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For becoming Gunrex's pilot, GP01 is given holy armor by Queen Nina. As she praises him, a voice speaks up. "You'll only destroy yourself if you fight in that thing now." It is Mars Gundam, a mercenary. He says that the mech is only as good as its pilot, leaving GP01 worried.
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To try solving his worries, GP01 meets up with Seabook, who is doing maintenance on Dabat's machine soldiers. He asks Seabook about Gunrex, who comments that the battle damage on it already healed up without any repair work, to his and his father's surprise.
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This makes GP01 more worried. F91 only piloted Gunrex once and is still bedridden, having yet to regain consciousness. Seabook says this personality is unlike GP01 and explains that he and Gunrex are like newborns: They have to grow together.
Night falls and Gunrex is missing.
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The Neo Zeon Clan's night attack has started again. GP02 tells Leslie to prepare a machine soldier for him to pilot so he can gain his own glory. He refuses and is attacked in anger. Then GP02 finds a strange shield, picks it up, and falls under its control.
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Nina yells to deploy the machine soldiers despite preparations not being complete yet. This is because there will be a massive counteroffensive in three days from Dabat at Baraba Plains. GP01 prepares to counterattack with Gunrex.
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The machines are surrounded with tree leaves. "Wait, there is a strange knight in Dabat that uses tree leaves." "That's…Knight GP01…" "And also…" "He's the pilot of the Holy Machine Soldier Gunrex!!"
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GP01 incorporates his tree leaf illusion technique to take down the machine soldiers with Gunrex. As Mars reevaluates his thoughts on GP01's abilities, Seabook comments that they are no longer "newborns" and getting better and better.
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With this bit of progress made, Gunrex sorties to Baraba Plains for the decisive battle.
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End of Chapter 4
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kachikirby · 1 year
SD Gundam Gaiden Seikihei Monogatari - Chapter 3: Holy and Evil
Previous Chapter
Cecily: "When the resonating power is aligned…the Holy Machine Soldier will awaken…and purify evil!"
The cockpit opens up and Seabook and F91 are released. F91 believes that the earring caused the spell to appear. NZ argues over who gets to pilot it.
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The NZ soldier who attempts to pilot Gunrex is crushed by the machine, due to being deemed unworthy. It goes berserk and threatens to destroy the cave. The ledge the group was on breaks during this. After the onslaught, GP01 and Seabook notice that F91 is missing.
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F91 is seen on the Holy Machine Soldier and attempts to pacify it, only to be grabbed. Just then, the unit leader Dark Tyrant appears and attacks the Holy Machine Soldier. The hand that held F91 was attacked…the duo assume the worst. However…
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Seabook points out that the cockpit is closed and they assume that F91 is inside. They are correct, as F91 is slightly confused about what's going on. He hears a voice saying that the machine moves based on his mental image. F91: I want a sword that can cut those chains!
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The machine soldier activates and frees itself from its captors. This brings relief to GP01 and Seabook, as they now know that F91 is alive. Dark Tyrant is engaged. The enemy uses a shadow clone attack, which confuses F91 as he can't tell which is the real one.
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Before any action can be taken, the cockpit is stabbed and F91 collapses. The Holy Machine Soldier deactivates. GP01 and Seabook become worried about what will happen to F91. Evil Tyrant orders his subordinates to take it into custody. Suddenly, it begins to move again.
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"Wh…what the-!?"
The entire Neo Zeon Clan force was taken out.
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GP01 briefly questions the dragon he saw before getting F91 out of the machine. Thankfully, he is still breathing. He awakens, but only long enough to reply with an ominous phrase before passing out.
"The….Holy Machine Soldier…should have never awakened…"
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GP01 asks Ghina and GP02 to help carry F91 back to Dabat. He thinks again about the Holy Machine Soldier.
"Could this thing really be the guardian god of Dabat and the Saddrac World…?"
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End of Chapter 3
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kachikirby · 2 years
Why not get into the Knight Gundam series? We got…
-The literal embodiment of Neutral Good
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-King Arthur, but better
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-The most normal person ever
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-Takeru Myoujin
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-Kenshiro Skywalker
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-Sunny Delight
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-Tokusatsu Angel
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-Dragon Quest
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-The Butterfly Effect
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-Tekkaman Blade
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-A N G Y Toku Hero
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-A Simple Plank of Wood
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-Actually the Most Clever Reference in this Series
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kachikirby · 2 years
I know I don't do this much, but I'd like to promote this tweet I made, mostly to bring attention to preserving the lost media of iMode and EZweb games.
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Let me know if you know anything about finding this game or at least how to watch videos without an account on Internet Archive Nico Douga.
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kachikirby · 1 year
Tfw Bandai made me drop from my break the second time today to react to them revealing a new carddas box set that is just "Seikihei Monogatari art with different backgrounds" while I'm reposting the manga chapters.
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kachikirby · 3 months
I will remind you all of this again closer to the dates, but I will be taking a break from Tumblr from September 23rd to the 29th.
However, I will do what I did last year and continue my translation thread of SD Gundam Gaiden: Seikihei Monogatari by scheduling one chapter to go up each day.
I will still be on Discord and Twitter, I just won't be here.
Of course, that week's Metaccine Monday doodle will still go up as usual.
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kachikirby · 9 months
SD Gundam Translation Masterpost
Will be updated as time goes on.
I highly recommend checking the sd gundam lore tag on my blog for posts discussing the stories of each work, as certain aspects of the manga are not canon to the series as a whole.
Link to the manga translation table of contents:
Knights of the Round Table
Seikihei Monogatari
Kikoushin Densetsu
Knight Gundam Monogatari (Maryu Zero no Kishiden)
Link to other SD Gundam ramble threads
SD Gundam Ultimate Battle summary (Part 1, Part 2)
New Testament SD Gundam Gaiden Saddrac Knight Saga + EX (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8)
New Testament SD Gundam Gaiden New World Advent Legend (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
Translation of Full Color Theater Christmas chapter
Gold Saga Livetweet Collection
Gaitoshin Senki Livetweet Collection
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kachikirby · 1 year
Heads up, September 23rd to the 30th I'll be taking a mental health break from Tumblr.
I'll have a few posts scheduled to go up then, but it'll mostly be a few prepared drawings and reposting manga threads from Twitter. Probably the reposts of RikkALive from Twitter and maybe I might find time to translate Pupupu Train.
But the biggest announcement will be the long awaited lore thread for SD Gundam Knight of the Round Table and the rest of Seikihei Monogatari's manga (both of which will be exclusive to Tumblr, actually).
I'll be on Discord if anyone needs me during this period.
This is probably also a good time to say that the Bleach TYBW threads have been suspended because I just don't really have the energy to do them anymore and I'll be doing a big thread at the end of the season.
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kachikirby · 1 year
Blog update
Ok, unlike my other updates, this one is probably important.
The main thing I'm posting about is this:
Due to how quickly Twitter is gearing up to self-destruct, it appears that I need to hurry up with reposting the rest of my SD Gundam manga threads from there. Not just the rest of Knights of the Round Table, but also what I got done of Seikihei Monogatari and probably my live reaction threads to the Sangoku Soketsuden mangas will have to be reposted as well.
So to force myself to get this done, I'm gonna try to queue up threads to post once a day during September in addition to my usual art and whatever posts.
In addition, I'll probably be queuing my screens from my 13 Sentinels Switch play through and my Live A Live play through from Twitter as well to post here.
All of this is a lot of work, but if I want to keep them preserved, it'll have to be done.
tl;dr for those of you reading the Kirby Light Novels, Pupupu Train is probably being delayed once again. Hooray, I guess.
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kachikirby · 2 years
SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Kikoushin Densetsu: Extra 3
Extra 3: Indy Gundam's Adventure
During Seikihei Monogatari, the Lacroa Knights set up camp due to thick fog while someone talks about their plan to control thoughts and become king. Indy is awakened by a kid's voice only he can hear and goes to investigate.
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Indy is lead to a Mansion, where he is attacked by Jagd Griffon. He notices its heart is warped and knocks the collar off to see it has a human/monster control spell on it. He is then attacked by monsters wearing the same collar. He then steps on a trap door and falls.
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The mastermind is Sorcerer Doctor Hygoog, who wants to control humans and monsters so he could be king of the world. He claims that monsters are his friends, who Indy denies, and he is forced to fight the strong Tyrannozaku while Hygoog goes after Amuro and co.
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The voice Indy heard was from the child of his monster opponent, who doesn't want Indy to hurt him. They work together to successfully remove the collar from the Tyrannozaku child's father and it returns to normal.
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The fog from earlier was actually paralyzing medicine and it had worked on Amuro and Guntank. They are surrounded until Indy and Tyrannozaku attack and take down Hygoog. The collars are removed and Tyrannozaku goes to take care of Hygoog, leaving a message to help other monsters.
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Guntank uses growth magic on the baby Tyrannozaku and it joins them on their journey.
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End of extra 3
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kachikirby · 2 years
SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Kikoushin Densetsu: Extra 2
Extra 2: Seal of Makai
Post Seikihei Monogatari, the Lacroa Knights head back through Naraca valley because Indy heard a monster crying. Indy says not all monsters are bad, just under evil influence. The group finds a dead family of monsters and are attacked.
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Amuro is sucked into a hole in the wall and the rest are taken out. Guntank sends a Messenger Haro to Dabat for assistance. Naraca Valley is where Satan is sealed and it'll be bad if he's revived, so Roux summons Cloud Buster to take GP01 there quickly.
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Amuro meets Satan, who tempts him with enough power to beat Sieg Zeon and his monsters upon revival. Amuro remembers what Indy said and rejects, leading him to get beaten up until GP01 arrives. Two of the four seals have broken and Satan can move out of the barrier.
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During the fight, a third seal is broken, leaving Satan stronger. Amuro shields them with a fragment and the spirit of Superior Dragon appears. He says GP01 will see him and Gunrex again and will lend him power this time to defeat Satan.
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GP01 defeats Satan for good and Cloud Buster seals the door to Makai. The group questions Sieg Zeon's revival, but conclude that they are prepared for it due to their passionate friendship.
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End of extra 2
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