#selaki stiden
fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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In fact, I love this punk so much I had difficulty even reviewing her bc she’s GREAT like a white shark
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU? I have an AU where when Condy (or another fuschia, idk still on the fence about it) conquers more and more planets, she establishes a rule where there has to be one heiress per planet that has children on it, to keep more order amongst her empire. However once the heiress becomes of age, they are normally killed by the Empress to prevent her throne from being challenged, and are replaced by a new heiress to watch the planet. The heiress also has to be assigned to a monstrous lusus, that could produce planet-destructive consequences if left neglected. The Empress assigns fuschias to them specifically, to exhaust them to make sure they don’t challenge or pose a threat to her.
Man I super like this especially since our frequent submitter silentekos came up with a similar concept and like. Word! I love that as a concept because it’s pretty much exactly how capitalism works to keep its own power centralized while granting itself greater surveillance of those they govern.
The planet that’s the main focus for my story is governed by ENTER NAME HERE. The hemospectrum is upheld in a very familiar fashion to Alternia’s, though less chaotic than Alternia, in terms of random bouts of violence caused by drones, is made up for with random bouts of floods and earthquakes caused by Selaki’s lusus, due to her neglect to fulfill her duties.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Selaki (from the scientific name of sharks: Selachimorpha) Stiden (from the prehistoric megatoothed shark, Carcharocles angustidens).
Age: 7.85 sweeps (around 17 years)
Strife Specibus: tridentkind, with only one side with sharp edges, in the shape of her sign. She likes to use it as a fashion accessory, and a symbol to show off her royal status.
God I love it it’s so dope-looking.
Fetch Modus: She uses a purse modus. It’s relatively uncomplicated, and functions basically the same as wallet modus, but with a bigger size restriction.
Hmmm I kinda like a modus that sizes items up or multiplies them? The Abundance Modus. It gives her a tool as a ruler to potentially assist her subjects with getting the resources they need but like. That’s not what she uses it for. She can basically use it to generate more stuff for herself and to give everything she owns this larger-than-life sense.
Blood color: Fuschia. She is the current heiress governing her planet.
Symbol and meaning: Pira, sign of the Visionary (Prospit + Mind)
Trolltag: voguishDespot, referring to her fashionable rule over her planet.
I like maybe crestingDorsal [CD] to bring this idea of a shark’s dorsal fin breaking the waves. Gives a sense of forboding! Furthermore, “crest” as in “crown” emphasizes her royal nature.
Quirk: Selaki types her “W”s with )_(|)_(, and often says words like “dear” “dahling” or “sweetie” in either an affectionate or condescending way, depending on the situation. Other than that, normal punctuation and grammar.
Ex: “The quick bro)_(|)_(n fox jumped over the lazy dog, dahling.”
Little cliche but I love shark quirks? You indicate that she’s kinda dramatic now, so she could preface her initial entrance into a chat with
CD: ^ ^
CD: ^ ^
CD: ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ( ˇ෴ˇ )
Special Abilities (if any): She has no psychic abilities, normal for a highblood.
Lusus: Since she is an heiress, she is assigned a monstrous lusus to keep tame to prevent her planet from being severely damaged by a fit of rage from her lusus. Her lusus, specifically, is a ginormous megalodon shark, capable of causing earthquakes and floods. Their relationship is almost nonexistent, due to Selaki’s insistence to avoid contact unless absolutely necessary. This results in her neglecting her duties, until her lusus starts wreaking havoc by causing chaos, forcing her to tend to her, by feeding her large lusii she orders her drones to kill. She also apparently feeds trolls that piss her off to her lusus. The main reason she doesn’t like to tend to her lusus, besides the exhaustion that comes with the task, is because she feels put on the spot, and doesn’t like the pressure of taking care of a giant destructive shark monster, which leads her making less than stellar decisions.
Physical Appearance: Selaki is rather short for a highblood, and wears heels to make her seem more intimidating. She died her hair fuschia, but her roots slightly grown, showing her natural black hair, cut into a messy bob. She has gills, normal for a seadweller, and sharp teeth, as a reference her lusus. Selaki also has a scar on the middle of her forehead, in the shape of her sign. This is given to all fuschias at birth, to permanently mark them. She has her horns the shape of the pisces symbol, like Feferi’s.
Selaki has golden accessories on her horns instead of a tiara, and is almost always seen wearing her circular shades. She wears a designer jacket, with her symbol on the sleeves, and a black dress with her sign.
Personality and Backstory: Selaki was assigned to her lusus as soon as she left the brooding caverns, forced to take care of her lusus to prevent it from causing destruction to her planet. Before her change to what she is now, she was pretty meek and socially awkward, due to constantly having to monitor her lusus personally, having little time for herself. However she eventually got burned out, and turned to neglecting her duties as a fuschia in favor of focusing on her hobbies. She essentially came out of her shell, dressing in more glamorous fashion, and putting on a more gregarious personality, becoming quite eccentric.
She keeps in contact with the other planets’ fuschias on a private social media reserved for them only, and is monitored by the Empress. It’s basically if you take a bunch of queen bees and put them in the same room. The fuschias constantly try to one-up and brag to each other, and are very cut-throat with each other. Selaki used to be picked on by the other heiresses due to being unconfident in herself, but learned to not let their words affect her as much. In fact, she became just as cut throat as they were, if not more. An apex predator if you will *cough cough shark pun*.
Selaki loves putting on a facade of living a glamorous life of luxury, and tries to put up an “i am better than you” vibe. Despite being a sociable person, her eccentric behavior causes her to say pretty odd things, as she is still a bit socially awkward, in the sense she blurts out whatever she thinks, and tends to value honesty, and absolutely hates being lied to. However despite seemingly stopped being the stressed individual she claims she used to be before her burnout, but still gets stressed out quite easily deep down. It’s because of this stress that she often makes irrational decisions, such as ignoring her lusus. However her ego makes her put on a front that she is making completely rational choices, despite obviously not. Instead she’ll just roll with her bad choices and see how things go.
Selaki loves to design and has a passion for architecture, however she isn’t very great at it, but prefers to call her works “abstract” to void criticism. She designed her own palace, and many buildings on her planet. She likes to do things with style, no matter how dirty things get.
When interacting with others, she is very dominating, and wants to appear superior to…pretty much everyone. She subtly treats everyone as if they’re beneath her, and treats those she fondly regards almost as pets, in terms of affection. Whoever does piss her off, she reacts in a number of ways. If it’s another fuschia, she playfully insults them. However if it’s any troll underneath her blood-wise, she outright threatens them, and feeds them to her lusus if they piss her off enough.  
God I…love this girl. I will protect her.
Interests: Fashion, design, voguing, FLARPING (secretly. She thinks it’s nerdy.), money
Title: Selaki’s sign is tied to the mind aspect. In case her current character doesn’t fit the mind aspect, I’d rather take suggestions in order to make her more mind-bound, instead of giving her a different aspect, please! Currently, I think she’s a Page of Mind before her journey to grow as a person, but I’m down to change her class, as long as it isn’t thief! She’s in the same session as Charyl, another troll I submitted here a bit ago!  I decided to go with your suggestion for Charyl to be a thief of space, so I don’t want to overlap classes lol.
I think she’s def. Mind but maybe a Bard? She’s destroying through logic and, as an inverse, creating her own Self. Also god the idea of this little punky brewster in a Bard of Mind outfit sounds absolutely ridiculous.
Land: Any suggestions would be great!
How about Land of Currents and Waterfalls? I feel like the flow of the water would be a good nod to Mind, and she could find colonies on the water-covered planet by figuring out which waterfalls hide a cave system behind them.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Yep! All in all, I adore Selaki and honestly don’t have any visual changes for her? She’s amazing (mazing) just the way she is.
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