#self indulgent scenarios in my head where half the canon does not exist
making my own canon even if no one else likes it (i am too insecure about my headcanons so I just assume no one agrees with them instead of trying to share them)
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spotsupstuff · 4 years
🥺 vibe check my baby shithead?
bless... its my sibwing time...
Why I like them:
what the fuck is there not to like about them, lets be honest. their personality is unique when compared to other bvs. i lowkey always hoped id get to see a bv that would be more bold, angry, just more sharp towards the world. most of bvs that ive seen before joining the creating part of the fandom were soft shy kids that didnt want to hurt anybody. its valid to characterize bc like that, but it was everywhere. lost was like the polaris in the entirety of the fandom. learning about them was refreshing, comforting, it felt and still feels safe to consider and think about them. they feel real, i feel like i could meet them on the street in a playground and become friends with them. you made them so real and important to me. ive said this plenty in the server, but theyve helped me through a lot of hard times. i was too sad or anxious or scared to come out of bed? i thought about them interacting with broken and i felt better. i was in a lot of pain? thinking about them helped distracting me and getting me through a lot of it. im so so thankful for their existence and even more so for your willingness to interact, rp and vibe with me. i love lost so much.
Why I don’t:
their clinginess sometimes worries me. they are valid in it, but clingy people generally make me Slightly uncomfy bc i have times where id rather not be touched and i have trouble speaking up because i dont wanna offend or hurt. broken is the same and i fear the day they will have to disappoint lost by turning away a hug or a cuddle session. the mixture of natural understandable clinginess and anger can result in a sort of manipulation. unintentional, but still manipulation
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
,,,ill be mildly self-indulgent and say that the scene where them and broken adopted each other, overlaying with the morning after, is perhaps my favorite thing ever. BUT!! i liked the scene with them shunning ghost out of oros hut. it established their thoughts and determination to Keep things important to them away from people that had hurt them.
Favorite season/movie:
the ENTIRE FUCKIN FIC THATS ABOUT THEM GETTIN FROM THE ANCIENT BASIN TO ORO. bro ive checked ao3 like every morning when the second chapter was still in the wip bin, i just couldnt wait for it kgjslkgjsldkk the amount of details to the struggles and the size of torment expressed through your words was so so real and i couldnt get enough of it. im incredibly thankful for that fic and for all the feelings it stirred up in me wee heart
Favorite line:
”I mean you’re a clown. do I need to say it slooooowwwweeerr?” the beginning of an age...
“don’t ever pull Us together like that, ever again” theres a lot to unpack here and boy, im keepin the entire suitcase right in my lap and i WILL think and dive deep into it with my thoughts
Favorite outfit:
theyve got One but they sure be rockin in and i -cocks designer gun- have Some ideas for that second cloak that net would make them so i Hope that will follow close behind their og look
this lil creachure is fifteen, i only ship them with safety and parental/platonic love and care
them and purl!!! but also them and hornet, even though its not as close of a relationship, it makes me very happy that they arent completely shut off from each other. that lil short story they shared about their first encounter with cain instinct committed by hornet has been inserted into my mind forever out of the RAN universe canon... them and broken for obvious reasons, them and net (ive been LOOKIN for an AGE AND A HALF NOW SO HARD at that relationship) and tbh??? them and junior has been on my mind a Lot lately. ever since the first doodles of junior hiding them with wings in the among us au, ive been considerin n thinkin of scenarios
Head Canon:
-thunk emoji- hmm... theyll never be too great of a flyer. they will be able to do more than just flap once or twice to get over some distances, definitely, but i feel like they will forever prefer ground over the skies. some minor hcs: ,,,they might pick up some sort of sewing from net in the bverse, maybe; their hand writing will/does look like yours; one day, they will do something that will make a giant difference in something important, completely by themself
Unpopular opinion:
i dont fahcken kno how to do these with yalls characters what hte fuck
A wish:
i wish radiance didnt fuck them up so much during Those years. they deserve to get tall and strong, capable of their dads nailarts, big enough to wield a bigass nail like him and suplex broken
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
this is an incredibly unlikely scenario to happen cuz i know you dont like thinkin about the ultimate end of people and characters, but my biggest fear is that one day they will come back from a hunt or a visit to a cold body in their dads bed, with eyes closed to never open again, not giving them the chance to even say goodbye.
5 words to best describe them:
angry, worried, caring, gentle, afraid
My nickname for them:
sibwing... lil star (just like u heehoo), sometimes i think about them as simply “safety” or “comfort”
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gutterflower-dreams · 6 years
So I think I have Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder, but I can’t say for certain, because some of my circumstances are different from what I’ve read.
I pace to music pretty frequently; it started out with my sister doing it when we were little, and I kind of just copied her (because that’s what younger siblings do), until it became my own thing. I usually do it after watching a movie or show I really like/that I fantasize about, but I don’t have a playlist. It’s usually more of a “this character is singing this” or “this character is listening to this,” etc., but it’s always tied into the song I’m listening to. I usually can’t focus enough if it’s instrumental and without words.
I also have to have my room a certain way before I pace; it has to be clean, tidy, and can’t have distracting stuff nearby (paper on the ground, even specks of dirt, dresser drawers have to be closed, lights on...). I don’t pace outside of my room, unless I’m desperate. I don’t do it in public, either--I’m pretty sure people would notice.
So, I’m able to control it. Kinda. I can keep from being “triggered” by music and stuff, and can listen to music without daydreaming...but if I’m walking and listening to music, it’s usually not my typical daydream that I’d have in my room, so much as a “I’m-picturing-my-crush-or-favorite-character-watching-me” for whatever illogical reason I can come up with.
I have one main character that I use for all my scenarios. She changes a little bit depending on the fandom/show/movie I’m daydreaming about, but is mostly the same. She also fits whatever image I need (ie: A real person/celebrity for her as a real person, a cartoon character for cartoons, an anime character for anime, etc. I even insert her into fanfictions that I like). She’s got a dark and tortured past that’s really detailed and elaborate, and totally mary-sue. 
But the thing is...I usually use my fantasies solely on a romantic level, and usually only with pre-existing worlds (tv shows and such). It’s rare that I myself am in my fantasy, and not my “other self” (character that I use for everything). I don’t have very high self-esteem, so it’s hard to picture myself in my daydreams (unless I look slightly different or something). So, I usually use my character and pair them in my head with whatever guy I’m falling hard for (very rarely a real person--usually it’s a character).
Additionally, my daydreams are always...unsatisfactory. I only ever get as far as like...where the show is? What season it’s gotten to? I try to not stray from canon as much as humanly possible in my fantasies. And! On top of that, the fantasies almost NEVER get to the actual point of my character actually being with the guy I like. It’s almost always me just picturing scenarios in which the canon guy character is watching my character, and seeing them with other guys and stuff, in situations where they might be jealous.
I think it’s because I’m too literal, and can’t think beyond what the author would have wanted their character to be like. Which is why I enjoy roleplaying sometimes, because then I can take my daydreams beyond just them...existing (except in roleplay, I have to play as a more reasonable character, unlike my totally-unrealistic-OP-mary-sue persona)? I can’t actually make my brain figure out what the canon male character would *do* if faced with my character, and never actually fantasize about them being together.
Is that weird? It frustrates me to think about it--always fantasizing about the canon character being present or overhearing something my main character says, or somehow seeing their memories or something from their past--but never actually being able to play as that character myself. It’s why fanfiction writing is also hard for me, because I feel like I could never actually write how the character would react under these circumstances.
So...it’s normally just me picturing my character in (insert whatever canon universe), maybe being in the presence of the guy canon character...but they rarely even so much as interact, or even speak to each other in my world. It’s more of them seeing something without my character knowing, or overhearing my character talking to another one of my characters that I’ve built.
I would LOVE to be able to fantasize about *actual* stuff happening, and my character getting romantic and sexual with the guy I like...but it just ends up weirding me out when I try, because it feels so...forced? Or like the guy is OOC? Again, that’s why I prefer roleplay, because I can play as my character and get the rp partner to play the guy.
So why are these daydreams so appealing to me, when I get basically nothing out of them and am left usually feeling kind of depressed? No clue.
I go through periods of depression from them, because I know in my heart that they will *never* be real, and that real life is kind of...disenchanting to me. In comparison, my daily life seems so dull and out of my control. So while my daydreams leave me feeling empty afterward, I still love them and use them.
I usually daydream before bed--that’s my most frequent time. Despite other people saying it keeps them up, it actually usually helps me sleep. I never get very far into them, and usually repeat a scene over and over again to death, and by the time I fall asleep, I haven’t gotten anywhere, and end up starting from the beginning the next night.
So, I can control when I daydream, but I still don’t *feel* like I have much control--if that makes any sense. I don’t hallucinate or actually appear physically in another world in my head, but I do drift off and indulge in them a lot, and look forward to being able to climb into bed and play them out in my head. I don’t daydream in public, half because I don’t want anyone to notice, and half because I just...can’t? I get distracted easily, and need a lot of focus for my daydreams.
I used to daydream A LOT as a kid, which I figured was normal, but looking back...it was constant. It’s a wonder I ever passed my classes, because I would zone out alllll the time. I mastered the art of looking at the teacher/looking like I was listening, but would be in my head. Except in school, it was usually me picturing characters or animals or something in the room with me, instead of playing out a fantasy dream in my head. 
I also had imaginary friends, and pictured them often in class. I see a lot of people with this disorder saying they don’t have many friends, but that hasn’t been a problem for me (minus wanting people to leave so that I can go pace in my room to music, or take a nap and daydream). Otherwise, it’s not a big issue for me, minus the depression it often brings.
I also usually can’t read a book or watch a movie without inserting my own characters into the plot. Even with fanfictions, and reader-insert fanfictions, I have a strong need to put my own character in them. This is also probably why I don’t like the canon guy characters that I like to be gay or bisexual in fanfics and fan stuff, because it would then mean that my character wouldn’t work with them (and sure, I could *pretend* they were straight--but again, my brain doesn’t like it when I stray away from canon, so I can’t get myself to change the guy, even in my own damn daydream).
My daydreams tend to follow whatever show or fandom I’m currently obsessed with. And my characters are never something I think up on my own (their appearance, I mean). I always have to have some kind of “faceclaim” that I can picture in my head for my characters, and they have to fit whatever art style the show is, or age of the canon characters in live-action.
I rarely make up my own world--and when I do, it’s for the sake of a book I’m writing. But those aren’t as much fun, because I have to make my characters more realistic, I don’t have any structure to go by, and I don’t have a canon character I’m crushing on. So, I don’t do that a whole lot.
Does any of this sound familiar to you guys, or am I just the odd man out? And is this really maladaptive dreaming, if it’s almost all based on existing fictional worlds? 
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