versegm · 4 years
I just had a thought, all we need is a Avenger Artoria and the classes will be complete.
Can’t wait for Avenger Artoria who hates the very concept of fate and whose noble phantasm is trapping her kingdom in a 7-years time loop in a desperate attempt to find a way to prevent the fall of Camelot.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
I just........... really want Twisted Wonderland to have something otome sim cause I want to imagine what the boys will say for their confession. I want them to be soft and be loved unconditionally cause they deserve it.
I’m in denial and I pretend that it actually is an otome sim. 🥺🥺
Imagining their confession—that’s so cute I’m dead 😭😭
(also me: taking notes for a future idea—)
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universal-kitty · 4 years
Well technically my Watch Dogs insert wears a jacket with a rabbit motif (ears on the hood, bunny buttons, etc) but since picrews hate me I had to make do. But she does wear a bunny onesie when it's downtime.
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cuppykin · 4 years
Is that guy from the house husband manga?
HES ACTUALLY FROM kengan ashura, I DONT RECOMMEND THE SERIES to those with a light stomach, but i like
all the muscles
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sshoujo-ais · 4 years
Imagine play wrestling with Yang and one of you pins the other to the floor which leads to making out for the next hour or so.
i am Imagining it/////
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🍄!! (only if you're not flooded)
You’re beauty you’re grace you deserve a cute Pokeyman! Such as... Alcremie!
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shuttershocky · 5 years
You know, Fate/Grand Order is literally the Found Family trope incarcerated. Gudako just forming a family with all the servants and Romani, looking out for each other, having each other's back and forming a really close bond that'll last forever.
The really funny thing is that the outside world sees Gudako as this complete monster of a magus that has built the most powerful military force in the history of the planet meanwhile Gudako’s just handing out flyers to any lonely soul she comes across advertising the world’s only interchronological, interdimensional adoption facility.
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teratobf · 4 years
pale pink & lavender!!!
twisted wonderland
by extension, alice in wonderland and tea parties
long hair on men 
giant poofy dresses 
“the early bird gets the worm!”
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versegm · 4 years
I think it's very unsexy of DW to not let us marry our servants. It's pretty much canon that some of the servants love us back (I'm looking at you Avengers) so come on Nasu, don't be a fucking coward.
Can’t believe i’m gonna have to write my own self-indulgence myself like some kind of writer
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
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About a month ago, I had reached 100 followers! Because of that, I decided to do an art giveaway in celebration. The premise was that I would draw the winners’ Twisted Wonderland Ocs! There were supposed to be eight winners, but not that many people participated in it. Regardless, I did want to honor the four people who did (and won lol)! 
This first piece is for @selfinsertheaven ! Thank you so much for letting me draw your girl! I hope you like it~! 
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universal-kitty · 4 years
So I've been thinking about my Watch Dogs insert and Wrench making special viruses just to fuck with people. If you get struck by the WM virus your device will start playing the Troll Song on repeat, spam you with cursed memes and turn any message into uwu speak.
   First of all, the idea of Wrench taking time to sit down with his lil sis, coming up with shitty code to curse people with...... [chef’s kiss] Perfection.
   GOSH, THAT SOUNDS AWFULLY DELIGHTFUL, THOUGH. Hell yeah, fuck up that computer! They’we only typin’ in uwus now and we love it that way. You already know Wrench helped your SI code in webcam access to any cameras in that hacked home so you two can make your sides hurt from laughing so hard at the reactions you get from the idiots you target!
   (Kool Kat would always love to stop by and watch the chaos, when possible. Frustrated people are the funniest people, and that’s that on that!)
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sshoujo-ais · 4 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
awwww thank you mel <3
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imagined-comfort · 5 years
Could I get a letter from Zoro (One Piece), my cat Tigger passed away and I missed him so much. He was a good cat, I just need some comfort. Thank you in advance.
I... I’m not the best at... saying things the right way. I’m usually to harsh, or too blunt... or I usually let my anger do all the talking...for you though....
Tigger huh? 
Sounds like a strong name. Probably was a hell of a fighter. Probably kinda proud. And.. they protected you. 
Losing anyone hurts, and I’m sorry they’re not here with you anymore....it takes strength to make your way through grief, to grab a hold of life and let it pull you forward. 
No longer at your side, but forever in your heart...
...just remember, I’ll always be with you, too. 
With Love,Zoro
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Hello I'm here for an oc matchup please? I'm female, mainly into guys but I am ok with females (also cool with a polyamorous relationship). I'm sweet and caring, kinda the mom friend and a big daydreamer. My type is someone who can be a dick but have a heart underneath. I want someone who’s loyal, always has my back and will love me unconditionally, also them spoiling me is a big plus. Thank you in advance!!
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this is tati inkwell!!!! she's the leader of an anti-government group and is Trained To Kill. she's very stoic and assholey at first but once you weasel your way into her heart, she'll put her life on the line to protect you. She's also a tattoo artist, and communicates most of her feelings through her art, and she'll shower you in gifts and art. She's basically crow with a knife.
also shes trans n very valid
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inannaschosen · 5 years
💫 + Archer Gilgamesh?
now that is a boy i love! god come home to me in fgo you golden garbage can man. your mother misses you.
⇀ How bemusing for one who owns all the world’s treasures to be made to recognize the falsehood of that proclamation. For you are certainly the dearest and rarest treasure he could envision, but you are not an object to be merely possessed and stored away. No, that would demean the relationship you share, the equality that is not quite equality but edges near. (A marvel you might be--and certainly are--yet you are only human, a far cry from his or Enkidu’s divine natures.) He views you as one worthy of standing beside him, a cherished contradiction he strives to wholly possess whilst chiding himself for the crudeness of such an impulse.
⇀ Reverent praises extolling your being are, of course, part and parcel of being with Gil. His love for you measures just shy of his love for himself, and you must be able to see and understand how flattering and sincere such an arrogant sentiment is coming from him. For himself, he accepts only the best, and for you, he demands the same, even if you are content with less. Glimmering gold and silver-tongued speech only do so well in cloaking that he is the type to throw a tantrum at a restaurant when your meal comes out slightly overdone. He is as embarrassing as he is flattering. 
⇀ With any troubles you might experience, it is difficult to predict a reaction from Gil. Sometimes, he might swoop in, cackle, and busily insert himself despite any protests from you or others to resolve the issue. You’re above petty concerns; how foolishly, dangerously daring of mongrels to pester you themselves or with their idiocy. But, then, provided nothing is life threatening or aggrieving you deeply, he can be equally content to let you face your own problems. There is meaning in struggle, in hard-won victories, and he delights to see you affirm his belief in your ability. Caprice does so often dominate his behavior.
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