#selfish reason i know but can covid just kill itself off already???
rose-skunk · 3 years
Rest in peace to the San Francisco MM show that was canceled a day before the event, your Portland and Seattle friends know your pain 😔
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
House of Mouse: Mickey and the Culture Clash (Commission by WeirdKev27) or “What the Hell, Clarabelle?”
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Hello, hello, hello... I wish I could say I was in good spirits but i’m tired, have covid induced chills running down my spine.. and oh yeah there was an armed insurrection i the captial last night that showed just how broken this country was. And while Monster Bash would still be relevant... I couldn’t do it. I admit to being unable to do an episode where the millitant racist nutjob who harms people runs off into the night, and does much worse in later episodes, while the people she harassed are arrested the night after a bunch of millitant, racist, sociopathic, selfish nightmares sieged the captial, killed a woman, raised the fucking maga flag over the buildling and took pictures like they were goddamn heroes.  We got a stark reminder, not a wake up call, not an opening a REMINDER of just how badly broken our country is last night, and it wasn’t till this morning I found out just how BAD it was. The deaths, the flag, the fact josh fucking hawley, MY STAT’ES SENATOR and registered piece of shit, raised  A FUCKING FIST IN SOLIDARITY, which gives me the crippling fear his stupidity and unabashed racisim and support of a cou could mean riots at best and attempted uprisings at worst and who knows what kind of hate crimes against those of color and those in my own queer community. I am afraid, tired, and I am pissed and I feel we could ALL use something wholesome, warm and far removed from the shit going on. And in my hour of need to figure out something like that to put on the schedule.. Kev brought up a wonderfufl idea.  Every month this month till the end of it Kev is going to comission one episode of a show near and dear to both our hearts that has it’s 20th birthday this month. House of Mouse. He was intitally going to request Pete’s One Man Show, which is one of my faviorites, but was ironcially one I already planned to cover next month to celebrate both the show’s anniversary and Pete’s Birthday. But since he was happy to wait till then to comission it, he instead asked for another classic and one with easily my faviorite character on the show: Moritmer Mouse. 
One of the best things House of Mouse did was bring back Mortimer Mouse. Introduced in Mickey’s Rival, Mortimer was an ex of minnies who showed up for one short to be a dick to mickey before running off and leaving Minnie at the mercy of a bull he pissed off. He also weirdly kept electrodes and a car battery in his pants. The short itself is.. not great mostly because Minnie dimissies Mickey rightfully being pissed someone is hitting on his girlfriend in front of him, making jokes at his expense, and generally being a pillock as being jealous... which yeah, yeah he is. Most of the time jealousy and supscison of your partner is ugly, gross and damaging to a relationship.  You should trust them unless you’ve been given good reason not to, and if your paranoidly jealous about every friend she has she could be attracted to.. get some fucking help. Seriously, I need to, not for this for various other problems, but get some therapy to help with your trust issues or if your just being the kind of dick who naturally assumes men and women or men and men or women and women or men and nonibinary persons, or women and nonbinary peeps and so on and so on cannot be friends if they could possibly be togehter romantically... grow up.  I say all of that because those are serious underlying issues and I didn’t want it to seem like for a moment I was supporting them... and because sometimes i’ts OKAY to be jealous, to either just feel a little jealous of someone, or to you know be irate because your girlfriend’s ex is hitting on her in front of you and she’s being entirely receptive to it. 
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So yeah i’ts really hard to feel bad for minnie’s bull attack or find the ending sweet after Minnie was you know, what ramona said for an entire short. However my point for this rant, besides giving out about the short again because I clearly didn’t enough in my Mickey Birthday Special, is that Mortimer is still pretty great. He’s a frat bro in the 40′s sense sure, but the idea of a local douche hoping to swoop in and woo minnie away, who has an oddly specific sense of humor and a bizzare, memorable and wonderful walk, seriously the short is worth watching for mortimier’s “I got two car batteris in my pants’ walk, is a good one. While he’d naturally show up in comics and what have you Mortimer just sort of vanished. But clearly someone on the House of Mouse staff, and Mousewerks before it, agreed because Morty was made easily one of the best and most recurring characters in the HOM, and often more prominent than Horace or Gus. While he still tried his old “I’m gonna do your common law wife act” a few times he was mostly there to be an annoying douche when the ep needed one and to be taken down a peg by everyone in the house. And that VERY MUCH includes Mickey. That’s also part of why I love this show bringing him back: It gives Mickey someone besides pete to give out too on a regular basis. He’s still his charming self about it but it’s lovelyt os ee Mickey sarcastically roast someone. And I honestly attribute the main factor of his sucess on the show to VA Maurice LaMarche. While his original VA, Sonny Dawson, was fantastic.. it’s Maurice who very clearly made the character his. While others like Jeff Bennet have taken over since i’ts Maurice who gave him his signature “ha-cha-cha” catchphrase, swagger and signiture voice. And no i’ts not lost on me that one of Maurice’s OTHER best roles is another cartoon mouse.. and I now very badly want him to meet Pinky and the Brain. But yeah, Maurice just oozes the smarm that defines mortimer for me, oozes condescinon and assholery and he, is., glorious. He was a faviorite as a kid, he’s a faviorite now, and Disney needs to use him more.. and also have Maurice voice him for wonderufl world of mickey mouse, though Jeff Bennett is not bad at all I just prefer the master at the role. 
So obviously, after the nightmare of an evening america had yesterday, an episode not only about how wholesome mickey and minnie are but about Mickey teaming up with Mortimer was EXACTLY what i needed. So pitter patter, this is Mickey and the Culture clash. As always for house of mouse i’ll be chonking it up and since this one starts right with the wraparound, and sicnce you know I spent a godo few pagraphs going over mortimer and he’s only IN the wraparound this episode... let’s start there
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Mickey and the Culture Clash: Don’t Go Changin, To Try and Please Me So we open the episode and the review proper with Mickey performing a banjo sernade for Minnie, their song in fact. It’s a really sweet scene.. that’s quickly ruined by Clarabelle being an asshole, who says i’ts a bit crude. Minnie counters that while “It’s not mozart”, it’s nice and she clearly likes it and the gesture. Instead of you know leaving it there like a good friend, like she’s SUPPOSED to be to Minnie in most continuities, Clarabelle.. takes the things she said and her having to run out to wrangle pluto out of context, painting it as her thinking he’s not sophisticated and then running out because of it. Oh and she tops it by pointing to a classified add from a MM looking for sophisticated companionship. 
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It just paints Clarabelle not as Minnie’s friend or a chatty gossip, but as a heartless bitch who has no trouble implying one of her best friends would cheat on her boyfriend TO HIS FACE, and is fine wrecking a perfectly lovely relationship just to have more to talk about. Seriously she starts gossiping to everybody on top of it just in case you thought Clarabelle was a decent person in any shape this episode. She’s the one thing about this episode that dosen’t work despite being integral to it.. well two but hte other thing is a small, end of episode gag we’ll get to. This.. this is an integral part of the plot. It also relies on Daisy and Donald being absent for the episode for what I can only assume is their annual sex decathalon because otherwise the second she heard about her friend doing this, before reassuring Minnie, Donald would be holdiing her while Daisy beat the absolute shit out of her for hurting thier closest friend and not bothering to take a look into anything when leveling such a rough accusation at Minnie. In a really stellar, really well paced episode, Clarabelle being so heartless stands out. It’s also, might as well get this out of the way, teh final episode not inlcuding the two holiday specials.. and it’s a good note to go out on otherwise, I just can’t ignore the obnoxious cow in the room.. in both senses of the word. 
So yeah Mickey’s trying to be fancy, and Mortimer gets a good dig in about him reading “You having trouble sounding out the words”, but once he hears what’s going on, or rather once he realizes mickey things Mortimer’s personal add is in fact his girlfriend cheating on him, he decides to help Mickey. And to his credit for this con.. Mortimer actually thought things out on how to trick his rival, and his plan here is douchey as hell but incredibly genius: he offers to help mickey and while that’d normally be suspcious he offers a genuine, and very mortimer explination for helping him become a bit more sophisticated to win minnie back: if Minnie finds a handsome, sophisticated guy to date, what chance does MORTIMER have against that? At least with Mickey, in his deluded egocentric view of things anyway, he has a shot at beating him. 
So Mickey classes it up a bit, taking some sopshitcated stances when announcing and trying to woo minnie by talking in ye olde english. When that fails, she just finds it silly but charming, Mickey finds Jose.. hitting on her.
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Just.. I expect better from you man. Woo ladies all you like as long as your respectful but I expect better than to hit on someone else’s girlfriend.. which granted he has but given the last time we saw him do that, he nearly got stabbed a bunch and the last time he agressively hit on a woman he got punched in the beak as he should, you’d THINK he’d of learned something. Seriously once again Donald is only missing because this time Daisy would be holding Jose down while Donald hit him. Or possibly they’d take turns. Point is Jose REALLY shoudln’t be doing this and knows better.. marginally. But.. it is in character enough so ti’s not as bad as Clarabelle the homewrecker. 
So Mickey tries being fancy and goes on to do poetry instead of letting O’Malley and the Alley Cats play.. which is a nice running gag the series does as they NEVER get to play.. which while funny is a shame since I love the Aristocats. So then we finally get what Mortimer’s been playing at, he swoops in, claims MICKEY dosen’t need HER, and uses the same personal add to trick her. See, while what Mortimer’s doing is vile.. unlike clarabelle I can repsect it at least. I don’t condone it and i’m glad he gets foiled.. but as a bad guy plan it’s pretty clever and for someone like Mortimer whose usually pretty incompitent.. it’s pretty suprising he could pull this off. It’s still pretty damn low and scummy, no question, but props to being able to outwit and nearly outplay two people who deal with your crap on a regular basis and still convincingly conning both.  Thankfully while he tries to take Minnie out Mickey, in a great visual gag, puts two and two together, and busts out their song, with Mickey and Minnie heartwearmingly reuniting on stage as seen above. Then we get that gag I mentioned not liking: Mickey gets Morty back by planting a false marriage proposal from Moritmer to Clarabelle, again under MM and he gets carried off.. HAHA HE’S BEING FORCED INTO A MARRIAGE HE DOSEN’T. LAUGH. LAUGH AT IT. The gag just really hasn’t aged well, as otherwise it’s clever Mickey used Mortimer’s own trick against both him and the person who caused all of this but really.. Clarabelle gets no real compuance. At worse sshe finds out she was tricked.. but she again you know tried to break up her close friends relationship for shits and giggles. But .. it’s at the very end of the episode and very easy to ignore, so it dosen’t really bother me too bad, and compared to some gags of the type i’ve seen, it could be MUCH worse.  Overall this wraparound is one of the series best and a good one to go out on. it has a simple premise, a brilliant antagonist plot, some great bits from all involved, and even a great Belle and Beast cameo. All in all a really good wraparound only hampered by a sexist and dated ending and Clarabelle being portrayed as ...
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She’s the worst, in the world. Okay onto the shorts.
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Mickey’s Piano Lesson: That was a Fun One
It really was. It’s a simple premise: Minnie wants MIckey to do a piano recital and he decides “I don’t need practice i’m mickey mouse. “ And it’s REALLY nice to have a short that has, rather than aw shucks mickey, shenanigans mickey. While thanks to the new shorts we’ve had tons, it’s still nice to get one in the House of Mouse era, and it’s just fun to see Mickey take the usual donald roll of letting his overconfidence punch him in the face> It fits both though: Both are everyman and while I lean towards the duck, to no one’s shock, Mickey is just as capable, and his lack of practice comes off less like the angry and hostile way donald would dismiss it and mroe just loveable procastination. And as someone who REALLY struggles with procastination I related to this short, as Mickey does everything else he’d rather do from bathing the dog to skydiving till Minnie, in a great bit informs him everyone from the president, to several dignitaries from other countries, to a televised audience will see. We then get two really great and really beatuifully animated bits as MIckey wrestles with the notes on thep age then fights with his piano as he performs, still pulling it off but destroying the thing and rightfully earning a glare form his girlfriend. Just a fun, slapstick short with a great premise. 
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Dance of the Goofys: Scary Children Set to classical music, this one has a bunch of goofys as Fairy’s, who are making the flowers go and the one who sleeps in ends up saving the king from a horrifing looking little brat. He reminds me of Montanna Max a bit.. speaking of which Creer Summer recnetly announced Elmyra won’t be in the reboot. And while this does make me fear actually good characters like Fifi, Montana Max, and more will be cut like the animanics reboot and I do feel for Cree not getting to be involved and hope they find another roll for her as, given her status in the industry she deserves better.. THANK FUCKING GOD. I’ll go into this in another review I have planned for the future but unlike the cuts made to animaniacs this was a REALLY good decision i’m really greatful for. Thank you crew thank you. 
Back on topic, it’s just a fun, really beautifully animated short about the goofies and hteir shenanigans with a really great high concept. 
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Maestro Minnie: Brahm’s Lullabye: Simply Irresitable Another simple but clever and lovely to watch one, and one I like quite a bit more. Minnie is conducting some living violins to Brahm’s Lullabye to get a baby Violin to sleep, and we get some really beautiful shots of her as she does so.. only to get comically interuppted by other insteruments turning up the noise. Not much to say on this one as it’s short and simple.. but sometimes short and simple is just what you need and the fun premise nad really beautiful especially for tv animation at the time visuals really sell this one.  ONce again, good stuff. 
Overall: This was a REALLY good note to go out on. While as I said the Clarabelle stuff can eat my entire ass, everything else is really damn good and I highly recommend checking this one out. Next time, in about a month, we’ll be looking at Pete’s spotlight episode for his birfday. While you wait tommorow we have my first look at legend of the three cabs. But for now, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. 
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
Why I’m Going to see Tenet in Connecticut
Hi there! I think the title of this blog post is pretty self-explanatory, but I want to make sure that this doesn’t mean that I’m explaining my decision to justify it to anyone who happens to be reading this or to try to convince you to do something as potentially irresponsible, crazy or unsafe. Far from it. I just know that there’s gonna be someone out there who starts attacking me or ridiculing me or otherwise just because I made this decision... or more likely, everyone on #FilmTwitter will just ignore me like they always do.
Warning: Part of this post goes into RANT LEVEL ORANGE. It was written free-form with no editing as with some of my 30 Minute Experiments. I won’t be taking questions.
If you have been reading what I’ve been writing on this blog over the past five months then you already know how I feel about New York Governor Cuomo and his dismissive nature about reopening movie theaters despite feeling it’s safe enough to open schools, gyms, museums, resume high contact sports and all sorts of other things that people enjoy. But movies? It’s not even that he’s gone on a rant about high risk it is like some of my colleagues (who obviously know so much better than scientists, experts, and I dunno... people who studied contact tracing and the spread of COVID to be more informed about these things). No, he just didn’t mention movie theaters at all... well, actually, twice. Once was when he was announcing counties of New York opening in Phase 4, supposedly the final phase of the phased reopening, when he mentioned that movie theaters wouldn’t reopen but again a few weeks ago when directly asked about the press.
No, movie theaters aren’t open in New York City or New York State despite having the lowest infection rate in the country. I mean, even California has started to figure things out and the majority of that state still has 6 - 8% infection rate. It’s in the midst of the pandemic and doesn’t have it in its rear view mirror.
So yes, one of the reasons I’m going to CT to see Tenet is as a big middle finger to Governor Cuomo and also in some ways to Mayor DiBlasio for not standing up to him. Every other decision Cuomo has made -- schools, gyms, etc -- he’s allowed it to be at the discretion of the counties or in the case of NYC, it should be the mayor, but he continually feels like he needs to punish ALL of New York City residents cause of a “few bad eggs.” (Wait, wasn’t that Chainsmokers concert on Long Island where all your rich friends hang out, Gov?)
But enough about Cuomo. Yes, part of my decision to see Tenet in a movie theater as soon as possible is selfish, because I have been waiting for it for a long time, and so I’ve been anxious to see it. And I know that if I try to wait until Cuomo gets his stick out of  his butt, one of these sites is gonna spoil something in a headline or someone is gonna make a casual tweet spoiling something, and yes, that would ruin my enjoyment of the whole mystery behind the movie. I was able to get through opening weekend of Avengers: Endgame without spoiling stuff, but I won’t be so lucky twice.
And yes, my selfishness is probably as much about having to sit at my computer watching movies for the last five months. I mean, I’m sitting at my computer so much during the course of the day, that I’ve had to shut it down and turn on the TV and watch whatever’s on. I’ve really gotten into the ABC summer game shows. Every once in a while, I’ll get a Vimeo screener that I can watch on my TV and I can maybe try to focus in a way I can’t when my laptop is open and there’s so many distractions. But I miss distraction-free movie watching. 
Even one of my most-anticipated movies of the year -- not Tenet, but Disney’s Mulan -- I’ve had to watch on my computer screen just last night and about halfway through, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was enjoying the movie and you’ll see from my review(s) that I kind of love it, but it’s just not the same experience of shutting off the rest of the world and just sitting in a theater enjoying a movie. The funny thing is that in the ‘90s (and even now) I’m way more into music and I’m not even THINKING about when I might be able to see a concert again. I have a lot of tickets for 2021 shows that were once 2020 shows.
So yeah, getting out of my apartment, going to a theater, and just sitting in there for 2 to 3 hours to get away from the world? I’ll take my risks that with a 1 in 100 chance of encountering anyone in a state with a sub-1% infection rate, the 30 people in my theater aren’t all hacking up COVID into the air via “aerosoles.” (I’m seriously ready to spit in the face of the next person who cites aerosoles, and fortunately, it will just mean a gob of spit on my laptop screen that I’ll have to clean off.I won’t have to spend the 30 minutes sanitizing it like they’re doing at most movie theaters since I’m the only person who touches the thing... there’s an obvious joke to make here. I’ll resist because I’m already deemed “toxic” by someone whose name won’t be mentioned.)
But there’s a lot more to me watching Tenet than me revisiting my punk roots or being selfish. I mean, if i had to watch it on a screener, I probably would but I know that I just won’t enjoy it as much. 
Last week, I spoke out about the public shaming and attacks being made against anyone who felt that they want to return to movie theaters, and especially against Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan for not offering the movie in drive-ins or sending screeners to critics in movie theaters-less areas. I won’t get into that again, except to say that Nolan did not shoot anyone 7 times in the back. He made a movie and he gave people a choice: “You either decide that it’s safe enough to go to a movie theater to watch it or you don’t see it, and you wait until you’re comfortable or it’s on HBO Max or whatever.” 
You were given a choice. In fact, you’re ALWAYS given a choice... except when a governor decides that he’s going to make the decisions for you by keeping movie theaters closed even after all his speeches about “reopening the valve,” “phased reopenings,” etc. He did an amazing job getting New York out of the things but now he’s being just as political and egoistic as Trump. When you can just write executive orders to get your way, why bother with everyone else that we’ve elected for the State Senate and Assembly? Are they just sitting at home twiddling their thumbs? Have they been secretly furloughed? No, a few of them have spoken up including a few in Albany itself... but I ...  won’t steal Peter David’s schtick by digressing...
I’ve already had people yelling at me about my stance on this with everything from “You might kill others” (sure, if I actually have COVID and don’t wear a mask or social distance) to “think of the poor movie theater employees”... oh, you mean the ones who have been out of work and have no income and even less with the pandemic unemployment being cut off? Okay, let’s get to them because more of my decision is about them than myself. 
I was mostly unemployed when COVID hit and I would be struggling if I didn’t get UI (unemployment insurance) but I can only imagine what some of the people who work at theaters are going through. I mean, my local theater the Metrograph, I absolutely love the staff there. They are fucking top-notch and the way that theater is run should be a blueprint for EVERY SINGLE ARTHOUSE THEATER IN THE COUNTRY. Sure, they’re all insanely young and good looking but they’re also truly nice and good people, still eager and excited about the world and not quite as cynical as we get once we turn 30.
But this isn’t just about the youngsters, no. I want to talk about another regular theater I go to called the Village 7 in the East Village. This used to be the WORST THEATER IN THE CITY (and that’s saying something). I mean, every time I went there in the early ‘00s as a film critic was a horrible experience. The place was dirty, poorly maintained and it was a disaster. They’ve since renovated and remodeled and it’s actually a really nice and comfortable place to see a movie to the point where I’ve started going there more than the Kips Bay theater which is about 20 minutes further North by bus. But the important thing about mentioning Village 7 is that if you go there during the week, there are two elderly ladies, one at concessions and one taking tickets. I have to say that both are probably in their 60s... and (I’m not making this up) THEY’VE BOTH BEEN THERE FOR 3 DECADES!! They are lifers who stuck through the theater’s worst and came out the other side with jobs and now 5 1/2 months after COVID hit, I have no idea how they’re doing either physically, health-wise or financially without having jobs. Who knows if they’re being taken care of and whether they’ll be back if/when the movie theater reopens.
So my decision is just as much about the theater workers, many who actually like their job and try to do a good job, because there are a lot of them despite all the disparaging comments about theater workers by many of my friends and colleagues.
To me, it really hurts seeing some people I genuinely and truly like, and even some of my closest and dearest friends, taking this opportunity to stand on a soapbox and rail against movie theaters reopening and movies like Tenet in particularly just because... let’s face it.... THEY’RE SCARED. 
I said from the very beginning of this pandemic that the worst thing that one can fear is fear itself. I didn’t make up those words. They were uttered by possibly one of the country’s greatest Presidents who had to come into office in the middle of  one of the country’s worst financial crises with a second and more blood world war about a decade on the horizon still. But he was right, and i know this from experience. The worst thing you can do for anyone at this point in the pandemic (especially if you live in New York) is to still be cowering at home and boosting the media’s fear-mongering and pushing an anti-movie-theater narrative, as if you think that will save lives. (The funniest moment in the last couple weeks is when one critic claimed that they were railing against my pro-movie-theater-reopening stance because they cared and were worried about ME. Yeah, right, dude. We have never had a conversation outside of a junket and not even in the past few years. What a laugh.)
I don’t want to be cold or callous about this but my central TENET (har har) has always been that everyone should be allowed to do what they want and believe what they want AS LONG AS THEY DON’T HURT OTHERS. And that means everything from physical harm to emotional and mental distress by the type of piling on we’ve seen now that we’re well into the Cancel Culture Generation. I already have good friends giving me virtual side-eye for my stance and my decision, completely disregarding all the things I know about the spread of COVID that comes straight from Johns Hopkins. I watch a lot of news and a lot of political press conferences and few of them ever mention some of these things, downplaying them in favor of the constant “Wear a Mask! Wear a Mask! Wear a Mask!” that most of us already are doing. 
We follow Cuomo’s orders and do what he tells us to do, and then he reneges and doesn’t do what he said he would do... reopen safely. This doesn’t mean keeping movie theaters, often a haven for New Yorkers in summer not just to escape the oppression of everything that’s going on in our city but also the oppressive heat.
You see, #FilmTwitterElite, some of us don’t have cars, because we don’t need them or we can’t afford them. Some of us don’t have AC for the same reason.  Heck, some of us (like myself) don’t even have a partner or significant other or children to keep us company. Some of us aren’t invited by their so-called friends to do Zoom watch parties every weekend.  Some of us haven’t seen a single friend, acquaintance or colleague in person for 5 1/2 months, and have started having meaningful conversations with the guy at the bodega. (His name is Salach, and he’s awesome. Whenever I didn’t feel like going out or get out of bed, I can call them up, and he knows my number, my name and even my order. I try to stop by once a week to check in on him because they stayed opened EVERY SINGLE DAY during the pandemic. I worry that it’s wearing down on him.)
So don’t fucking tell me that I don’t care about the theatre employees, you fucking #FilmTwitterElite hypocrites. I bet you don’t know the name of a single employee at your local movie theater. I made an effort to learn every name of anyone who worked at the Metrograph, and I call them by their name, and even talk to them about movies when they’re not busy working. (Granted, some of the names have escaped me after not seeing them for six months but I do hope they’re being taken care of.) That’s all I have to say. On Monday afternoon, I’m getting on a subway for the first time in almost six months, and then I’m getting on an MTA train (first time in a couple years I think) and going to Bridgeport. I’m being met by one of my long-time movie colleagues, one who I actually like and respect as a person immensely, which let me tell you, is a VERY small group, so that will be another first in nearly six months.
I have a ticket to an IMAX theater in Milford, CT with four empty seats next to me, and I’ll be wearing my mask during the entire experience although yes, I probably will get popcorn if it’s available because while I’m not a big popcorn eater, I want the full experience, since God knows how long I’ll have to wait for New York movie theaters to get the okay. (I’ll wash my hands between the train ride and digging into the popcorn.)
I’ve gotten a lot better at watching screeners than I was in March, but that doesn’t mean the experience of watching screeners has gotten better. No, far from it. And boy, it will be an absolute JOY to watch a movie that doesn’t have my name and/or Email address emblazoned in the middle of it. I know who I am. I’m the guy who is trying to get the movie business and especially the theatrical aspect of it back in whatever way I possibly can. 
If I end up getting sick from the experience than fuck me. You all were right. But I will be getting tested on Tuesday and I’ll go back to my near-quarantine from the last 5 months to make sure I’m not spreading anything to anyone who might get someone else sick. No one wants that. I don’t want that. Christopher Nolan doesn’t want that, and I’m guessing no one at Warner Bros, AMC and all the other theater chains want that. They all just want the world to make an effort to get back to some semblance of normalcy in a safe way, and you can’t do that by cowering at home or flaunting your ability to go to drive-ins.
If I sound angry, it’s because I am, but more I’m just disappointed... in my friends, in my colleagues and even in movie writers who I don’t even know but I know for a fact that they’ve made a nice living thanks to the movies, the people who make them but more importantly, the people who plunk down their money every week to WATCH them in theaters. The people who don’t have screener links handed to them on a silver platter whenever they want them. The people who don’t have cars or AC or even a lot of money but still feel the need to use the little money they have to go to the movies every once in a while to escape this absolutely horrible world we’re living in right now. Why would you make the situation worse for them by shaming them and soapboxing? Seriously...
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