#i watched it live on twitch and i would look over at the chat freaking out about the new songs and just smile cause even though i couldnt
satorusugurugurl · 4 months
The Leisure Streamer is a Hottie (Chapter Two)
Summary: Rumor had it the top donor of the-strongest-streamers chats get to see him naked! Now that you're the top donor will you get to see the goods or was it just a rumor. Time will tell.
Pairing: Streamer!Gojo x FAB!Reader
Warnings: language, suggestiveness, fluff
A/N: Part two of the highly requested LSIH!! This will probably be a four part series, maybe five IDK yet!! 💚💚💚
Part One Part Three Part Four
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Voices were muffled as someone gently tapped your cheek. Nausea swirled in your stomach as you felt your eyes and eyebrows twitch as you stirred. “Hey! Come on! Wake up!” Suguru? Your new boss was calling your name.
“She saw Gojo’s face; I would pass out too if I had to see his pasty ass.”
“Fuck you, Sukuna.” Satoru snapped as you slowly opened your eyes. “Hey! Good morning!”
As you turned your head towards Gojo’s voice, you blinked slowly, making out his shape. He was standing at the edge of the couch, grinning as he elevated your legs up. Seeing him like that had your face turning red as you glanced around. Having your favorite streamer elevate your legs was the least embarrassing thing that has happened thus far.
Suguru was crotched next to you, and the whole damn shop's employees circled the couch you were lying down on, watching you.
“Yuuji, go grab her a glass of juice.” Geto stands up as Gojo lowers your feet, resting them on the cushions. “Megumi, Nobara, can you make her a sandwich to go with it?”
“On it, boss!”
The trio heads to the kitchen as Gojo hurries to your side, helping you slowly sit up. “I am so sorry.” You utter out, looking up at the six-three man who smiles, bangs falling in his face.
“Please don't apologize; I'm glad I was there to catch you.” He glanced at his phone, grinning wide. “Sorry, I need to take this call, Satoru—” bright blue eyes leave your face for a second, “make sure she eats and drinks the food; it’ll help with nausea.”
“Yes, sir! Have fun on your date!”
“It's not a date! It's just an employee and her boss going out for lunch!”
Suguru flipped Satoru off as he hurried to the back with the other employees. He was leaving you all alone with your favorite streamer in person. The same person you had masturbated with the night before.
“One sandwich and a glass of juice!” Yuuji grinned, handing you a plate.
“Thanks, Yuuji,” Satoru grinned, waving him off before turning his head to you. “You heard Mama-Geto, eat. Then we could talk.”
At least your favorite streamer allowed you to eat your food before talking to you. If you weren’t sitting on the couch and didn’t have some sugar coursing through your veins, you might have passed out for a second time. You were lucky that you didn’t pass out for a second time. You sat there in silence, eating the delicious sandwich that was provided to you by your new boss.
Once Gojo sees that your plate is spotless, crumbs and all he turns to smile at you. He’s so much cuter in person. Which you thought was impossible, seeing that he looked like a freaking God on his live streams. Especially last night when he was stroking his co—.
“Feel better?” Gojo interrupts your reminiscing of the night prior. The way you jump doesn’t go unnoticed. “Easy there, sweetheart. I’m not gonna bite.” He cocks a pristine white eyebrow at you. “That is unless you asked me to. Then I would be happy to bite you.”
“Oh my gosh.” The way you giggle makes Gojo smile wide. Last night, he was speechless when he first saw your face, not the adorable mochi avatar you designed. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. For you to get flustered over him had him swelling with pride.
The stranger you had shared an intimate moment with via WebCam the night before stood up and sat beside you. “Are you feeling okay?” for the first time since you came, there was concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine, I promise. I was just shocked to see you. Who would’ve guessed that we lived in the same town.”
“The world is a small place.”
“It most definitely is.”
Satoru beamed, holding his hand out to you. “Gojo Satoru, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled wide, grabbing his hand and shaking it, and as your fingers brushed against his, you swear it felt like electricity passed through your fingertips. The sensation was both alarming and comforting at the same time. A strange new sensation that you welcomed.
“So you’re telling me your name isn’t The-strongest-steamer? What a rip-off.”
“Oh! So sorry, mochigurl89! So tell me, do you prefer to go by ‘mochi’ or ‘gurl’?”
“Neither.” In between giggles, you tell him your name; upon hearing it, he gasps dramatically, placing his hand over his heart.
“And here I thought I hit the jackpot! The daughter of some mochi tycoon! I was having dreams about diving into a pool full of mochi.”
“Damn, you must really like mochi.”
Satoru nods his head, “Kikufuku is my favorite! I love the Zunda and cream-flavored ones.” He licked his lips at the mention of his favorite sweet treat.
“Really? I've never tried that kind. Do you know of any cafés that sell it here in Tokyo?”
“It’s a Sendai specialty.”
“Oh, I'll have to try it if I’m ever out there.”
“Hell yeah, are you bus—”
Your favorite streamer stiffened his head, lurching forward as the front door to the coffee shop flung open. Just as he was slowly sinking to the ground, you turned to the source of the voice. A man with blonde hair, neatly brushed, wearing a blue button-down shirt and a cream-colored suit jacket, walked inside. Honey-Brown eyes scanned the area before landing on you.
“Oh, apologies,” The man fixed his yellow and black spotted tie before heading further into the shop, “Geto informed me that Gojo had finally made his way out of his dungeon, but I guess he’s crawled his gremlin ass back down there.”
The man was about to turn and head towards the basement when he heard the floorboards creek under Gojo’s weight as he tried to lay underneath the couch. You weren’t sure how to react or what to do in a situation like this. So you just let it play out, your eyes focused on Gojo’s feeble attempt to hide himself before darting back to the blonde man storming towards the couch.
Satoru’s attempts to hide him under the smallest space of the couch were rendered useless as he saw the stranger's shadow stretch out on the floor below him. With a nervous laugh, he turned to look up at the man who was glaring down at him as the blonde man’s eyebrow twitched.
“Do not call me that! What do you think you’re doing? Why have you been ignoring my calls?”
Gojo grumbled before rolling back to try to hide himself underneath the couch. “Because you're gonna lecture me.” Nanamin, which obviously wasn’t his real name from the way he reacted, stepped around the sofa and gently hooked his foot around Satoru’s leg jerking him away from the couch.
“Damn right, I’m going to lecture you! That is my job as your PR manager!”
So, the mysterious man was Gojo’s PR manager. He was typically responsible for handling all sorts of business deals and sponsorships and finding indie games for Gojo to play. You had heard on the Discord servers that his PR manager was amazing. Not only did he make Gojo look amazingly good online, but he also helped pick out games that had blown up because of Gojo. Thus benefiting both the Satoru’s channel and the game designer.
People often praised Gojo for his honest reviews and his support of small creators. It's all because behind every good drama-free streamer was a good PR manager. And from how popular and drama-free Gojo’s channel usually was, the tall man standing before you had much to do with that. You also had heard through the grapevine that being a PR manager was a hassle, and there is no doubt that was true, too, because Gojo’s PR manager looked like he was about ready to commit a federal crime.
“You promised me that you would consider going to San Diego Comic-Con! Mind telling me why I just got an email from the guest board stating that they were sorry that you had declined their offer?!”
“I thought about it and decided I didn’t wanna go. Simple as that, Nanamin!”
“You need to go out there and meet your fans face-to-face. You'll start losing followers if you don’t contribute more to your public appearance.” Satoru pouted like a child, grumbling about Nanamin not being his dad. “You know that I’m right.”
Satoru sat up, groaning as he motioned to himself. “Nanami, what am I supposed to do? Go out on a stage half-naked in my sunglasses?! My followers don’t follow me for the games; as charming as I may be, they follow me because they like watching a half-naked man play leisure games!” The mysterious Nanami released an exasperated groan, rubbing his hands through his hair.
“This is why I keep telling you to do more streams, fully clothed!”
“Again, my followers prefer it when I’m half naked.” Cerulean eyes landed on you as Satoru pushed himself off the ground. “Isn't that right, sweetheart?”
Finally, noticing your presence again, Nanami’s eyes snapped in your direction as Gojo addressed you. For a long second, it looked like he was trying to put together what to say. Before a single syllable could leave his lips, Gojo had his arm draped over his shoulder, pulling him close to his side. The blonde man huffs out a sigh before his shoulders, relaxing the tension leaving his muscles.
“I-I mean, you being half naked is a perk to watching your streams. And I’m just speaking for myself here, but I enjoy watching your reactions and reviews more than looking at your chest.”
Nanami perked up at the bluntness of your words, which left Gojo in shock. “See, perfect example, your fans don’t just see you as eye candy; people watch you because you’re funny, you make your streams enjoyable, and you’re always giving back to the community that has welcomed you so lovingly.” you
For just a second, you thought that maybe Gojo was listening to Nanami, but when he shrugged his shoulders, giving a little ‘eh’ in response, Nanami threw his hands in the air before dropping them to his sides. There was something almost comical, watching them interact with each other; they got under each other's skin. It was quite the dynamic.
“I give up on you; I’m going to put my notice in one of these days because of the headache you constantly leave me with.”
“You would never in a million years, put your never give me your notice.”
“Wanna bet?”
The threat had Satoru sitting up straight, dizzy, cleared his throat, “I’m going to pretend that it didn’t happen, and I’m gonna introduce you to my top donor from last night.” A look of panic plastered over Nanami’s face as he examined you like you were some crazed stalker. “N-No! Look, Suguru needed an artist to help design a new logo for the café! Mochigurl89 just happened to be applying for the job without me knowing.”
“It's true; I am not a stalker.” You held your hand out to Nanami, who took it without hesitation. After introducing yourself, you bowed at the waist. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Nanami Kento, the pleasure is all mine.” His gaze focused back on Satoru. “Now, enough with the distractions, we have work to do. We have to retract the statement you gave to the Comic-Con committee. We must review new trends and games I found for you to play. It’s going to be a hectic day, so I hope you’re ready.”
Being a streamer seemed like a busy job. You were eager to have your meet and greet, but it seemed like Satoru’s day was booked. Since you would be working at the cafe, you could schedule your meet and greet for another day. You pushed yourself off the couch, grabbing your saddlebag off the ground and putting it over your shoulder. Seeing you get up, Gojo’s face fell as he rushed after you, holding your wrist and stopping you in your tracks.
“Wait, please don't go! I owe you a meet and greet!”
“No, it's okay! We can rain check for next time. Nanami seems to have a long day planned for you, and I don’t wanna interrupt that.”
Satoru grumbled, shooting a glare in the direction of his PR manager. For a moment, you could almost hear the wheels turning in his head before his pout transformed into a mischievous smirk. Satoru took several steps before draping his arm over Nanami’s shoulder, pulling him tight against his body. Sensing something was at play, Nanami lowered at his client, eyeing him up and down, waiting to hear whatever excuse came out of his mouth.
“Ya’ know, I thought you said my fans are my biggest priority.”
Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling through his mouth. “They are a big part of your career, but you can’t just get away with talking and meeting your fans. There is more to this, and you know that.” You shifted again, eyes darting from the exit back to the two men standing in the middle of the coffee shop. It didn’t feel like a conversation you should be involved in, but Satoru had stopped you from leaving. So it wouldn’t hurt to stick around and see what he had planned.
“Right, yes.” Satoru cleared his throat, eyes darting towards the counter of the shop. “You’re so right, Nanami Kento! What would I do without such a great PR manager? Nanami Kento is the best!!”
You were about to ask why he was yelling his name when you watched Nanami’s pale cheeks flush as he glanced toward the counter. “Nanamin!!” Yuuji and another boy practically threw themselves over the counter, rushing toward the taller man. “Nanamin! Hi!” Yuuji’s eyes glittered and gleamed, and he held his fist up in front of him. “Could you show me some new moves the next time we’re at the dojo together?! I practically mastered the ones you showed me before!” another boy wearing a beanie dug through his backpack, holding out a laminated folder towards the older man.
“Ino, what’s th—”
“A report on some of the newest trends! I also compiled a list of games I think would be great for Gojo’s channel! I could help you!”
The two young men crowded Nanami with a big grin, stars practically twinkling in their eyes. Not once did the PR manager look uncomfortable. In fact, he almost looked like he was happy to have two young men interested in conversing with him. You could’ve stood there all day and listened to their enthusiastic chatter, but Satoru grabbed your wrist and yanked you out of the coffee shop while Nanani was distracted by his two pupils.
Gojo was laughing as he looked over his shoulder at you, pulling you closer to him as he ran faster. “Come on! We got a train to catch!” A train? Why in the world did you both have a train to catch? When he said he owed you a meet and greet, you figured you’d probably do it in the comfort of the coffee shop.
“W-Where are we going!?” you laughed aloud as you followed him down the street towards the train station.
An hour and a half later, you got your answer as Satoru placed a bag in front of you. “Kikufuku! Sendai’s specialty and my absolute favorite sweet treat!” He opened the bag and pulled out a small box, placing it in front of you. “Go on! Try one!” You weren’t sure where Gojo was looking, looking through his dark sunglasses and the black mask covering his face so he wasn’t recognized in public. But as he sat in front of you, motioning to the box, you could feel his stare.
You opened the box without hesitation and pulled out one of the emojis that had brought you to Sendai on your spontaneous day trip because Gojo wanted you to try his favorite mochi. You pulled the rice cake out of its wrapper before biting it. It was chewy and soft; the flavor was sweet but earthy simultaneously, a perfect balance to the sweetness. But the whipped cream in the middle had tilted your head back in near orgasmic pleasure. Satoru wasn’t kidding when he said this was his favorite treat. Because honestly, he might have you hooked on it now.
“Oh my god, it’s so good!”
“Right!” Satoru asked, yanking down his mask and placing it on the table's surface, allowing him to eat one of the mochi balls freely. “I’m telling you, it’s the whipped cream in the middle!”
“M-Mmmhmm! It is!”
You both sat there munching on mochi while sipping on your Boba, which you had insisted on buying despite Gojo’s protests. He had been kind enough to buy you a ticket and bring you to Sendai for mochi because of a spur-of-the-moment decision. Who knew your tiny, cute little avatar would end up being the reason you got to go out with your favorite streamer? This was a dream come true, and if it really was a dream, you didn’t want wake up.
Not even twenty-four hours ago, he was a stranger to you, and now you were sitting across from him at a table at a shopping center. You were laughing and talking like you had known each other for years. You guys had just so much in common. The game shows you watched, to a similar taste and sweets. It felt like the meet and greet/day trip with some of the most fun you had had in years. There seemed to be a spark between you two, and it wasn’t because you had lost composure and had masturbated with each other the night before. There was more to it than that.
“Oh my god, that was so good, it hit the spot! And it will be well worth facing Nanami’s rage later.”
Sipping on your boba, you slowly leaned forward, getting closer to Gojo's face. “Is he gonna be mad about you playing hooky with me?” Satoru snorted out a laugh, toying with his face mask.
“Sweetheart, if anyone were going to get in trouble for playing hooky, it would be me. And honestly, it’s not the first time this has happened, and it definitely will be the last.”
“Oh, so do you take all your meet and greets to Sendai for mochi?”
“No, just the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Someone who has stolen my breath away and has been on my mind since we signed off our call last night.” You looked away momentarily with burning cheeks before slowly glancing back toward Satoru. “I’m being serious. I cannot stop thinking about last night.”
Last night was one of the most unforgettable nights of your life. You were used to having okay days or bad days ever since your ex broke up with you. Since then, you have felt stuck in the never-ending cycle of mundane days. You were going to school, working on commissions, and watching your favorite streamers in your free time. Two great back-to-back days felt weird, but you gladly welcomed the change.
“I can't stop thinking about it either.”
“I’m going to be truthfully honest with you. I have never done anything like that in my entire career, let alone my entire life.”
“That makes two of us then.”
“Would it be awkward if I said I wanted this meet and greet to be more like a first date?”
Satoru’s words had you inhaling sharply, mid-suck on your boba. So ungracefully, you choked on the tapioca balls, sending milk tea spurting out of your nose as you coughed roughly. Satoru stared at you for a long minute, cerulean eyes going wide before he clamped his hand over his mouth. While you tried to find a shred of dignity, the white-haired man in front of you shook, his face red.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” You warned as Satoru’s face turned redder. Despite your warning, Satoru threw his head back, roaring with laughter. He smacked his hand against the table while tears flooded his eyes.
Being mad at him for laughing at your pain was hard when he looked so pretty. There was only one other thing for you to do. You laughed with him. With your laughter joining his, Satoru laughed harder, leaning his head forward, white locks hiding his face while you wiped up your mess with a napkin.
“Oh my god, oh fuck! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!”
“Yeah? I’m glad my suffering could entertain you.” You teased, winning a wide grin in return.
“I was going to say something inappropriate, but I don’t wanna ruin the moment.”
Already having an idea of what he would say. “First date and I’m choking on balls?” The only sound of laughter is your own. Feeling as though you made it awkward, you give him an apologetic smile, only to see the flushed cheeks and gentle grin Satoru is giving you.
“So it is a date?”
“I-I guess it is, yes.”
“Would you be uncomfortable if we take this back to my place?”
Darting your tongue out you lick the sweet traces of milk tea up. “Ooor~ there’s a love hotel just down the road.” Satoru’s eyes widened as he stood up packing the bag before grabbing your hand.
“Let’s go!” Both of you hurried out of the shopping center, completely unaware that Gojo’s mask was left behind.
@witchbybirth @zoeyflower @missmuffinr @kalulakunundrum
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
478 notes · View notes
effetsecndaires · 18 days
— 𝐂𝐀𝐌 !
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➺ PAIRING | gyutaro shabana x fem!reader.
➺ CONTENT WARNING | modern setting, gyutaro is human, camgirl reader, sex work, use of sex toys, masturbation, nasty comments from men. wc: 2,3k
➺ NOTE | You guys... I've been cooking this one for MONTHS and it's finally ready for you to read! I'm actually planning on turning this into a multiple part series if it gets a good enough response. Also, the plot and some of the dialogue are somewhat inspired by the movie CAM! feedback would be much appreciated 🫶🏻 Read on AO3. (recommended)
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The lights in Gyutaro's room are dimmed to the minimum, his laptop screen being the brightest source in the space. Blood is already rushing to his cheeks as the stream starts up, your camera switching on to reveal the familiar setting of your room.
He presses the volume up.
“Hi everyone! Sorry for the late start, I couldn't get this freaking eyeliner to cooperate.”
The camera refocuses as you sit on your queen-sized bed, elegantly positioning your legs. You're wearing a different wig this time, he notices. He likes it.
With a quiet sigh, Gyutaro’s hand drops to his belt — like muscle memory from the countless nights he’s spent in this position. He unbuckles it and unbuttons the top of his pants before slowly palming himself over the fabric of his boxers.
“Easy there,” your voice cuts through his haze, a small playful laugh in it. He freezes. “We’ve got all night, don't get too excited.”
His heart stutters in his chest as he practically jerks his hand back, fingers twitching as if they don’t quite know what to do now. For a split second, he forgets that you can’t actually see or hear him and that the only connection between the two of you is through this one-way stream.
Swallowing against the sudden lump in his throat, Gyutaro redirects his focus onto the chat, scanning the rapid scroll of comments until he catches a glimpse of the message you’ve just responded to. He realizes you weren’t talking to him directly, but the effect is the same—his face flushes with embarrassment, a hot wave of shame washing over him.
He glances down at his crotch and clenches his teeth, forcing himself to regain some semblance of control as he pushes his boxers down and reaches for the lube.
“You guys are being so generous today! Thank you so much. Is it the lingerie? You guys like the ribbons?” Gyutaro blinks as you stand to give your audience a closer look at the small pink ribbons that adorn the cups of your bra. The silk robe casually slips, exposing your shoulders. “I got it from one of you! It's a matching set.” You open your robe for a quick peek at your body and give a little show, showing off the matching ribbons on the panties.
He watches, enthralled, as you sit back on the bed and answer comments from the live chat, his hand around his dick working on getting it nice and slippery.
“Oh, you’re a bold one, aren’t you?” you say, voice dripping with amusement as you continue to read through the comments. “What would your wife say if she read that, hm? I don’t think she'd be too thrilled, would she?” you pause, letting the teasing question linger as the chat erupts with more and more reactions. Your smile turns wicked as you lean closer to the camera, lowering your voice into a playful whisper. “But hey… I'm totally open to having one of you join me. Maybe I could book a hotel room and make that happen.” you wink.
Gyutaro's eyes flicker to the side of the screen where the chat erupts in donations and all sorts of obscene comments. His leg juts up and down, his patience wearing thin.
He feels like some prepubescent teen who's never watched porn, it's humiliating. His face is burning even though you've barely even started, his heart already racing with anticipation. He desperately wants to be noticed, but every time he tries to think of something to say, his mind blanks. He's only commented on your streams a handful of times, and honestly, he's usually fine with just lurking, blending in the loud crowd as a silent watcher. But he feels like tonight is the night he'll finally send his first donation.
johndoee686 where do I sign up?
4lphamale69 tipped 35 tokens!
darkknightx how does she only have 8k viewers ?? she a new streamer?
bigdaddy975 hell yeah u should do that
4lphamale69 tip if u want her to show her 🐱
sweeetheart467 tipped 50 tokens!
sweeetheart467 @darkknightx yeah
pvssy3ater tipped 20 tokens!
“Anyways. It's time to vote! You guys get to pick which one will fit me just right tonight…” You smirk, and Gyutaro swallows as you reach your hand to adjust the camera. In front of you are aligned four sex toys, from smallest to biggest, four different coloris.
Another rush of heat goes to his cheek.
“We have… the smallest, which is 10 tokens. This one feels good but, eh. It's not the best.” he swallows as you hold up the smallest toy and press a button, making it vibrate in your hand. He doesn't know much about those, but he's pretty sure this one does mostly clit stimulation. He starts slowly fisting his semi-hard cock as you introduce the next toy. “20 tokens for this one. 40 for the next, and 60 for the biggest I own. It's up to you guys!” you clap.
Gyutaro’s fingers rise to hover over the keyboard. If he wants to be noticed, he can't escape donating and commenting. He has to say something— anything.
He rakes his brain while the chat goes crazy with donations and more viewers tune in.
Jesus. How can people donate so much in one day? He keeps seeing the same usernames pop up.
4lphamale69 3rd one makes her cum the hardest
4lphamale69 tipped 40 tokens!
bigdaddy975 tipped 60 tokens!
johndoee686 tipped 40 tokens!
bigdaddy975 need 2 know how much of it she can fit 🍆
“C’mon, guys! 20 more seconds. We’re almost at our tip goal for today’s stream, only 500 more tokens and I’ll make sure to give you what you’ve all been waiting for.” you smirk, playfully licking the tip of one of the dick-shaped toys and dropping the silk robe.
Gyutaro’s free hand hovers even closer to the keys now, his mind racing with half-formed thoughts of compliments and praises. Eventually, he settles for something simple and straight to the point. His hand is too unsteady to type anything else, so he presses send, adds a small tip to his message and lets his arm fall to his lap. He leans back in his seat, focusing on working his erection, slowly building the pleasure.
gtrshab006 you're so hot
gtrshab006 tipped 5 tokens!
His eyes narrow as he reads through the comments and sees his own get immediately drowned out by dozens others and even more donations. He lets out a sigh, not knowing if he should be relieved or upset about it.
“Hmm, I’m seeing a lot of 40s. That's actually my favorite out of them all! Thank you guys so much for the donations, you're spoiling me.” you giggle, grabbing the unanimously chosen wand and setting the others aside.
Gyutaro’s hand starts moving just the slightest bit faster, squeezing and teasing, his heartbeat speeding up with each passing second. He watches as you lean back to settle into the soft cushions behind you, that sly smile playing on your lips as you spread your legs as far as they can go.
You start by touching yourself through your panties like you usually do, toying with your clit nice and slow — your eyes glued to the screen waiting for the donations to rise some more before you can start diving into the main performance.
“Should I switch it on…?” you tease as you drag the switched-off toy up and down your clothed slit, biting down on your bottom lip and raising a brow tauntingly.
sweeetheart467 yeahhh
dangerous_bunny: DO IT
dangerous_bunny tipped 100 tokens
dangerous_bunny DO IT
fatcockk3 i'd make u cum harder than that toy ever could
4lphamale69: we've almost reached the goal 🔥🔥
gh0strider300: put it in
bigdaddy975: i've never been so hard in my life. the things i’d do to her 👅
He hates this damn chat. Fucking despises it. His stomach twists whenever he catches a glimpse of it. The way that those old, perverted men speak about you and your body makes his blood boil. He’s no better than them though, and he knows it. He’s torn between his disgust for their behavior and the shame of recognizing the same urges within himself.
The number of donations ticks upward until it hits 1000, the familiar chime of tokens flooding in filling the air once more. Your voice turns sultry, dripping with satisfaction as you speak. “You guys did it! Thank you so much! You’re all amazing!” you purr. “I think everyone’s earned their reward...” your fingers hook into the hem of your panties, gently tucking them to the side and revealing your intimacy for thousands to see. A sigh forces itself up your throat and past your lips as you flick the vibrator on to the first setting, starting slow.
The faint buzzing sound reaches Gyutaro’s ears as it spills from his laptop’s speakers. He lets out a strangled moan, his fist tightening around his now fully hard cock. He swipes his thumb across the tip, wiping a bead of pre cum and smearing it with the lube.
pvssy3ater: fuck i'll never get enough of your pussy 👅👅👅
d0nnydonny: if you came on my tongue i’d die a happy man
ty578: sexy 💋
loloontop: take off the bra!!
As the chat continues to flood with donations, comments and requests, you set the vibration higher.
“Holy shit. This is too fucking good.” you moan out, laughing. Your free hand travels down your body, fingers reaching to spread your labia. “Can you see that? Fuck, i'm so wet.”
4lphamale69: make yourself cum baby
Gyutaro’s brain starts going into overdrive. He knows you see other’s comments and, fuck— why can't you see his? Should he make another donation? A bigger one, maybe? Would you notice him if he donated more than everyone else on this chat?
Fuck, he can't afford to carelessly waste money on something like this. He can barely pay for his own food.
He whimpers, then swallows hard.
He shouldn't. He really shouldn't. He feels like a fucking pervert, but his blissed out brain isn't helping and he can't help himself. It's absurd and completely unreasonable and he knows it, but his fingers act before his brain can even process it.
He adds a $250 tip to his message and presses send.
He whimpers loudly, biting hard on his lip when your eyes briefly meet the camera and you push the toy in, following your audience’s instructions. Gyutaro’s eyes are glued to the screen, his fist pumping relentlessly around his cock as his mind goes wild with all kinds of scenarios and positions he’d want to try with you.
The way your pussy would feel wrapped around his cock while he keeps you in a firm mating press, what pretty noises you’d make while he ruts his hips into you from behind, the sound of skin on skin slapping echoing off the bathroom tiles as he’d fuck you dumb in the shower.
He really is no better than anyone on this chat.
His eyelids shut tight and his jaw slacks, sharp teeth biting into chapped lips as he pumps his cock furiously. Your moans become louder and so do his, a string of obscenities accompanying them. His fist starts feeling more and more like your mouth and before he knows it his entire body tenses, long, thick ropes of cum shooting all over his hand and stomach as he works himself through his orgasm, his fist pumping out every last drop.
The donations are flaring up, the intermittent chime of incoming money almost continuous now — though it’s mostly drowned out by the pounding of blood in his ears and the sound of his own moans.
It takes a while for Gyutaro’s pulse to slow down, the frenetic rhythm of his heart gradually subsiding. His eyes squeeze shut as the rush of post orgasm clarity suddenly hits him, his head hanging low. He’s completely worn out, and he can tell by the way you're panting and catching your breath that you've also come down from your orgasm.
“Fuck… did someone just—”
He slams his laptop shut, letting out a loud, drawn out groan. He'd be pulling at his hair if his hands weren't covered in cum.
“What the fuck did you do?” he pushes his chair back a little too roughly and drags himself into the bathroom to wash his hands and clean himself up, mumbling to himself the whole time and avoiding his reflection in the mirror.
He then heads straight for his bed and plops onto the mattress, pulling the sheets over his head and burying his face in his pillow with frustrated sigh. Maybe in the morning, once he's able to think straight again, he'll get a fucking grip on life and cancel that payment. He doesn't even know if it's reversible — but the thought of not even attempting to fix this mess makes his stomach churn.
He can't even begin to imagine what Ume would think if she found out that he spend half of their savings on fucking porn.
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To: gtrshab006
Subject: Thank You So Much!
Hey gtrshab006,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your amazing tip last night! It really means a lot to me and your support is super appreciated.
If you ever want to chat or have any special requests for next week’s stream, just let me know. ;)
Also, I realized while typing this mail that I don't have a name to address you by. If you're comfortable sharing, I'd love to know what you'd like me to call you.
Thanks again and take care!
xx, your Vixen
Received: 7:14 AM From: [[email protected]]
141 notes · View notes
demonic0angel · 5 months
What if Jazz replaced Dan in another timeline?
CW: attempted murder via strangulation
Also on AO3 here :)
"Could you leave me alone?!" Danny shouted. "Stay out of my business!"
Jazz looked affronted. "How can I stay out of your business if I'm also part of your business?!"
Sputtering, he cried out, “Just— Just leave me alone!”
“No! You’re not taking the proper safety precautions! You’re going to get hurt one of these days and I’ll laugh in your face! You’re always so reckless! It’s not my fault that I have to watch over you!”
His eye twitched as he crossed his arms. “I’m not a baby anymore! You can’t control me like you used to when I was a kid! I’m a teenager and I’m way more powerful than you! I don’t need you to watch over me!”
“Danny! Don’t be so stubborn!” She insisted. “I’m just asking you to be safe!”
“I said. I. Don’t. Need it!!”
Danny had enough and stormed away from her. Jazz cried out, "Get back over here!" but he ignored her and continued walking.
He ran into his room and threw himself on his bed. He stretched out his hand, went partial ghost, and then locked his door. However, Jazz didn't follow him inside.
Danny groaned, burying himself in his pillow. He loved his sister, but sometimes, her love for him was just too overbearing! He couldn't stand the feeling of being watched over and babied like she had always done since he was a child, but he quickly realized that he had probably overreacted. Danny grimaced, realizing that he would have to apologize to his sister soon, but he was mentally exhauated.
Just as he pushed the idea of apologizing to her to later in the back of his mind, his phone rang. He picked it up with an exhausted, “Hello?”
“Dang, Danny, what’s going on with you?” Tucker asked, sounding concerned and also amused. He was holding his camera in one hand while the other held the phone to his face.
Danny groaned. “Jazz is being a total control freak again! I can’t even go out without her having to force more equipment onto me! I’m sick and tired of her always being in my business!”
“Dude, that sucks, but she’s looking out for you! Cut her some slack.”
“I know, but it’s so annoying. I wish she could understand that I’m not a baby anymore.”
Tucker hummed. “Mhm.”
Danny huffed and although Tucker’s expression didn’t show it, he realized that he was bringing down the mood somewhat.
“How’s Boston?” He asked.
“It’s cool,” Tucker said with a smile. “Do you want a pen or a keychain for your souvenir?”
“Oh screw you!” Danny laughed, pretending to be annoyed by the lackluster presents.
The phone beeped again, and Sam jumped into the call. “What’s up?” She said, a pair of sunglasses on her nose while a wide brimmed sun hat covered her face in shadows.
Danny sighed, reminded even more of the fact that his two and only best friends were on vacation. Even Valerie couldn’t spend time with him, too busy working for an internship under her dad.
Danny’s own parents were in Virginia, trekking on the Appalachian mountains to find more ghosts.
So basically, Danny was alone. With his sister.
“Oh! Sam! How’s Greece?”
“It’s great. I’ll bring you guys here in a few weeks,” she promised, turning her camera around so they could also take a view of the busy streets.
Tucker put his hands together and pretended to pray to her. “Oh, great Sugar Mommy Sam, please deliver us to Greece soon.”
“Never mind. Tucker, you’re staying home. I’m taking Danny and the two of us are going to eat souvlaki and seafood, look at Ancient Greek monuments, and learn about the lives of the fallen gods without you.”
Tucker gave a cry of pretend panic and Danny laughed too, already comforted by the sound of his two best friends and putting away the thought of Jazz.
They chatted for a few more minutes before Sam and Tucker had to leave, although not before promising to bring him souvenirs.
Danny laughed and smiled but when they left, it slipped off of his face. He sighed, pressing his head down onto his pillow again, dropping his phone carelessly.
Was a single summer without anyone bothering him too much to ask?
After a while, as Danny lazed about, he finally got up to get lunch.
When he went down to the kitchen, Jazz was sitting at the table, a book open in front of her alongside two plates of food. The one that wasn't directly in front of her was underneath a Fenton™ heating lamp.
Now the guilt mixed together with the irritation.
He knew that he was supposed to apologize, but he couldn't help the hostility that rose up in him. No matter how much he felt guilty, he refused to back down. Danny stomped to his seat, pulling back the chair and taking the plate. Then he began eating without saying a word.
Jazz peeked at him from behind her book a few times.
Danny scowled before looking up. "What?"
She hesitated, and then finally said, "Danny, you know that I love you, right?"
Oh Ancients, here she went again.
Danny loved his sister, but he couldn't stand how she tried to act better than him simply because she had more "experience" than him living in the world. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't truly relate to him and his experiences.
"... just get out with it," he snapped, putting down his fork and slumping back in his seat.
Jazz's eyebrows furrowed, disapproving but she didn't say anything about his disrespectful appearance.
"I know that you think I'm controlling, but I'm doing this for your own good. You're only a kid, and you're being forced to fight against ghosts. Of course I worry! We can never know for sure if you can beat up everyone you see... so I just want you to be safe. That's why I—"
"Jazz." His voice was hard. Jazz startled at the sound of it, looking shocked. "I'm not a baby. I'm my own person, and I don't need your help! You putting your nose in my business doesn’t help me!"
Jazz flinched and then glared back at him. "Well, I wouldn't have to, if you would listen and be careful!"
"I'm plenty careful! I'm literally the most careful person you'll ever know!" Which wasn't true, but Danny was incensed enough to say anything.
"Don't you lie to my face! Danny, you are so—!"
That was when there was the sound of something popping and the both of them turned to the door in confused silence. The sudden appearance of a pair of slow, clacking heels against the floor made the both of them tense.
No one should've been home but them.
So who was this?
With his hands underneath the table, Danny transformed halfway, ready with a ghost ray if it was an enemy. His ghost senses told him that it probably wasn’t a ghost, but he still had to be careful. Jazz picked up her plate, ready to toss it at a moment's notice.
The person who entered their home stopped at the door to the kitchen.
The first thing Danny noticed was that she was tall. Freakishly tall. His dad was the tallest person he knew, and this person wouldn't even be completely dwarfed by him if she was standing next to him.
The second thing he noticed was that she looked just like Jazz, only older. Her facial features were all the same, the same sweet smile, the same heart shaped face, the same long hair. The only thing that was noticeably different were her eyes, which shone with a light that he had never seen before and watched with a focus that almost unsettled him. She was dressed in a trench coat and a dark dress shirt. Her heeled boots clicked on the floor, drawing attention even further to her monstrous height.
This woman, this older doppelgänger of Jazz, paused at the doorway, studying them before she gasped and then rushed forward to pull Danny into her hug.
"Danny! Oh, it's you!" The Jazz lookalike cried, and her hold was tight and warm, pressing him against her chest like she was trying to absorb him through her skin. Danny stumbled and then just stayed in her embrace, dumbfounded. Her hug felt familiar, just like the hand that cradled the back of his head and the other that rubbed at his back.
"Jazz?" Danny blurted, eyes wide.
The Jazz clone pulled him back, smiling through teary eyes and nodded. "That’s right. It's me, Jazz."
Jazz was probably as confused as Danny, but she didn't hesitate to stand up and take a closer look. The older version of Jazz continued to hug Danny while Jazz flitted around them nervously. The two of them sank to the floor and it took a moment for Danny to understand what was happening before he pulled away, bewildered.
Something flashed through the Jazz clone's face too quickly for him to decipher.
"I'm sorry, but what? What's going on? If you're Jazz then... why are you in the past?" And why had Clockwork not said a single thing?
The Jazz before them pressed a hand against Danny's cheek. Her skin was gloved, and the coolness of the leather against his skin made him shiver. The look in Jazz's doppelgänger's watery eyes was intense and focused, her lips pulled into a small smile. "I am Jazz Fenton. I came here in hopes of finding a world where I could live."
Both Danny and Jazz became excited immediately.
"Wow! You're so beautiful! You're really me?" Jazz asked excitedly. "What do you do in the future? What's our job? Do we have a partner? How is everyone in the future?"
"Jazz! Let her breathe!" Danny felt a small sense of vindication for correcting his sister. However, he also looked at the older version of Jazz eagerly, wanting to know if he remained a hero and if their city was alright, if he got married to Valerie, and if Sam and Tucker were still his friends.
The older version of Jazz paused before she pursed her lips. "I'm afraid... it's not great in my timeline. That's why I came here. To escape." A flash of a strange smile crossed her face but it disappeared before Danny could try and decipher it.
He blinked, his stomach dropping as he tried to understand what she was hinting at. "Are you saying... that some of us are dead?"
The older Jazz smiled sadly. "You're all dead. I lost you, Danny. I lost you, Mom, Dad— I didn't even have Sam or Tucker. Everyone is dead. Humanity has been almost completely wiped out. I'm the sole survivor of our family in that world."
Both Danny and Jazz were dumbfounded.
A pit immediately formed inside of Danny's stomach as his blood turned cold.
The sole survivor? Humanity was almost wiped out? What on earth had happened in that world??
"Wait... you mean everyone? Like everyone everyone?? What happened?" He asked desperately. "Wasn't I a hero? How did I let this happen??"
How could this have happened? How could he have been so careless as to let everyone but Jazz die? A small part of him was a little happy that Jazz of all people survived, knowing that she was resilient and strong, but the larger part of him just felt sad. His core ached with the thought of her being alone in a possibly devastated world.
"Everyone died after you died," older Jazz said in quiet resignation. "People started dying in droves... there's only me left in the entirety of America."
Jazz clasped her hands over her mouth in horror, while Danny clenched his fists. "How did we die?"
"You... our family was at the Nasty Burger, when an accident occured and then the entire place exploded. You were on your way there when... you also got caught in the accident. Even your powers weren't enough to keep you alive when you were in the middle of such a large explosion." She looked down, her expression twisted in sorrow. "I was at home when it happened. And then... I was alone."
Danny's stomach twisted itself into knots. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and he didn't know what to say.
Jazz whispered, hushed, "... it sounds like Dan."
Danny had to agree. However, older Jazz looked at the two with confusion.
"Dan? Who's that?"
Danny blinked. "You don't know...? Oh, it's because your timeline is different. Er, Dan is an alternate version of me. He's kind of like you, but more evil."
Jazz sighed and explained, "Danny from that timeline watched us die at the Nasty Burger too and then he started killing everyone. He's a little similar to you that way. But then he went to our world to try and kill us all again, so we trapped him in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz stared at them, her mouth open in shock before she burst out into laughter. The sound of her bell-like laughter was sweet, but the context was jarring and Danny and Jazz couldn't help but share a look of 'what the heck?'
Older Jazz eventually quieted down and she said softly, "How interesting. You're saying that he also had his family killed and then he killed everyone in his world?"
Something was definitely wrong but Danny didn't know what. Jazz was the one who replied, and she nodded slowly, "Yeah."
"You defeated this Dan?" Older Jazz looked at Danny with bright eyes.
Danny slowly nodded. "He's in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz smiled, her eyes narrowing into crescents. "How quaint. I know it's a bit presumptuous, but could I stay here for a little?"
Jazz startled and said, "Oh! Your world is destroyed, right? Yeah, y-you can stay if you want!" Then she flushed red at her stuttering.
Danny raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he turned to the Jazz from another timeline. "We should find you another name. Something like... Minnie?"
"From Jasmine? If you say so, Danny," Minnie said amicably. "Call me Minnie then, to avoid confusion."
"Are you hungry?" Jazz asked. Minnie shook her head and stared at her with half lidded eyes.
Jazz noticed the look and asked, "What?"
"Nothing. You're just so innocent."
For some odd reason, it didn't sound that nice coming from her mouth.
However, Danny wasn’t that concerned about it, more preoccupied with the presence of his big sister from a post-apocalypse world. They pulled her to the kitchen table anyways and thus, Minnie joined the duo for the summer.
Minnie spent a few days with them. As the only actual adult in the house, she quickly took control over the house's chores and Danny was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to do his daily chores with her around. Jazz had griped about it, but Minnie laughed it off.
She seemed to enjoy the domesticity of their daily life, content to be doing anything, even something as mundane as folding clothes as long as Danny was within her sight.
Losing him must've hurt her a lot. He understood. He had, after all, also gone completely crazy after losing his family in another timeline.
She had many similarities to Jazz. However, she was also different from Jazz in that she was far more capable. When she was worried about him on his patrols, she would just follow him out instead of nagging him. With her long legs and advanced technology, she was able to keep up with him and even catch a few ghosts herself. Even when he flew over the city, she could find him wherever he was and defeat ghosts along the way.
Minnie soon proved herself to be a more advanced and grown up version of herself very quickly. She was mature and patient, with a quiet confidence to herself that didn't come as naturally to Jazz. The age and grief that she had experienced had surely attributed to her mature personality, but it couldn't be denied that Jazz would grow up into an awesome person.
It kind of made Danny proud in a way.
Look at how cool his sister was!
Like now, Minnie was tinkering with her watch, a sleek and black piece of technology that she used to get here. Danny and Jazz had learned that Minnie taught herself bioengineering and weapons manufacturing in order to cope with her stress and depression. Apparently, she was currently learning how to program robots in her world.
If Tucker was here, he would probably fall onto his knees to beg her to take him in as an apprentice.
"Is that what you used to fight in the future?" Danny asked, pointing at the watch. The two of them sat in the kitchen, both in their own little world.
Minnie hummed, taking a screwdriver to take apart a piece. "No. I had something else helping me."
He blinked at the wording. "Oh. Can I see it?"
"I'm afraid not," her tone was very kind and she stopped working to pat his hair, "It couldn't come with me."
He didn't pay much attention to her after that, just soaking in the attention before she went back to work.
He laid his head on his arms, closing his eyes to the sound of Minnie fiddling with her machinery as he thought about the past few days.
Minnie had been a welcome addition to their household, not only because she took over the role of the adult in the house, but also because she was a calming presence between Jazz and Danny. She had quickly become a mediator between him and Jazz. Their fights had lessened in quantity because of Minnie's presence, but the quality had definitely gotten worse in animosity. And while he and Jazz weren't getting along, Jazz and Minnie were the exact opposite.
He didn't really know what he had expected, but he had thought that Jazz and Minnie's relationship would be as hostile as his with Dan's. Instead, the two of them were friendly and Jazz even had a bit of hero worship towards Minnie. Which was a bit narcissic, but he could understand it.
"Where's Jazz?" Minnie asked suddenly.
Danny opened his eyes. "She's in her room."
"Did you two fight again?" She asked, putting down her tools to raise an amused eyebrow at him.
Danny frowned.
"It's not my fault!" Ever since Minnie had arrived, Jazz had grown even more overzealous with her overprotectiveness. Danny was completely over it. He was a growing boy! He didn't need to be coddled any longer!
He didn’t like fighting with his sister either, but was he so wrong in believing that he could be on his own? Jazz had her own problems fo worry about. It was just like his childhood, when she would disregard herself and the opportunities given to her to take care of him. It infuriated him, saddened him, and made him ashamed all at once.
He just wanted to prove himself. He wanted to be seen as an adult, not a little kid like she believed.
He unleashed his grievances to Minnie, who was quiet and thoughtful the entire tale.
As he was finishing up his complaints, he huffed. "I just want to be taken seriously."
"She just loves you. I would know, I also love you very much," Minnie said.
Danny blushed pink at that but he continued to insist, "I know! But I'm a superhero! I need to be able to take care of myself without my big sister hovering over me like a helicopter mom!"
Minnie laughed softly. "Maybe you just need to prove to her that you can take care of yourself. We did grow up taking care of you after all."
He just groaned.
Minnie looked at Danny with a small smile for some time. “Danny,” she began softly, “how would you feel if I stayed here indefinitely?”
Danny blinked, a little bewildered by the topic change, but he then returned the smile. “That’d be nice. You could help us out around the house! I think we could convince mom and dad to let you stay. And you and Tucker would probably get along, since you two work with technology!”
Minnie stared at him with that ever present smile on her face. The way her bright eyes peered into him was intense with its color and piercing scrutiny.
In some ways, she was even more haunting than him, who was an actual ghost.
Minnie then chuckled a little. “That would be nice. But I can’t exactly stay in a place that already has a Jazz Fenton.”
Danny blinked. “Really? Why?”
Minnie replied, “We’re both alive, that’s why.”
Then she paused, tilting her head.
“Do I need to be worried?” Danny asked.
Minnie shook her head slowly. Her expression was considering, like something had just popped into her head to make her think. She was thoughtful, before she finally smiled even wider.
“I’ve forgotten how smart you were,” Minnie finally murmured, reaching some unspoken conclusion.
Danny tilted his head, asking a silent question.
Minnie smiled, a flash of her pearly teeth enough to get his hair rising. “But that’s alright. We’ll soon have all of the time in the world for me to relearn your habits.”
And from then on, she wouldn’t answer any of his questions. No matter how much he pressed, she did not say a word. Danny was hesitant, but in the end, he let it go.
He had begun to realize that Minnie had a darkness to her that was sometimes really unsettling. She didn’t seem like she noticed it or purposely kept it down, but it was quite creepy to see it when it rose in her eyes. Sometimes, he wondered if she knew that she couldn’t hide it and if she knew that it made Danny’s skin crawl when he saw it.
However, he wasn’t too concerned about her inner darkness or whatever she was talking about.
No matter what, he knew that any version of Jazz wouldn’t intentionally harm him.
He’d probably find out soon anyway.
The day ended quietly and night began quietly. It was still early dawn when Danny crawled back to his bed after a long night of patrol around Amity Park. Although he was exhausted, he was filled with a sense of pride and happiness from protecting his city once more. His muscles ached and his eyes stung from being awake for so long, but he knew that because it was summer, he could sleep the whole day away.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, there was a bang and a knocking sound, like something had fallen to the ground.
Startling away from his light doze, Danny sat up from his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he trudged out of his room to investigate what it was.
He poked his head out of his room and called out to her. “Jazz? Are you alright?”
The sound seemed to have come from her room.
There was only some muffled noises.
Had she fallen down from her bed?
Not entirely that concerned about what Jazz was up to, Danny called out again, “If you need help, just call Minnie! I have to get some shuteye!”
He began to close the door, but then paused.
His core was tingling slightly, a bad feeling rising up in his throat.
Danny sighed, cursing his own Obsession before he went to Jazz’s room and then knocked on her door. “Are you okay?” He asked.
There was another faint noise but Jazz didn’t seem to be replying.
Danny sighed again, now a little more annoyed, before he opened the door.
There, on the floor, was Jazz. Straddling on top of her was Minnie, her hands wrapped around her throat and mouth, pressing down at her throat with an unsettling smile on her face, like she wasn’t trying to kill Jazz at that moment. Their red hair was scattered around and the room looked like there was a bit of a struggle.
Jazz was still struggling, muffled noises coming out of her as she wriggled underneath Minnie, but Minnie’s weight and frame kept her settled as she began to choke the life out of her.
The two of them paused as they stared at Danny. Although Jazz was wide eyed and still trying to twist out of her grip, Minnie didn’t look alarmed and only smiled sweetly.
However, in this moment, she looked just like the Devil.
Danny stared, dumbfounded for only a split second, before he immediately reacted and transformed, blasting at Minnie with his ghost rays.
“Get off of my sister!!” He shouted, his heart nearly choking up his throat as he noticed Jazz’s weak kicking.
Minnie laughed quietly and her watch flashed, lighting up instantly with a shield that rebounded Danny’s ghost ray. Jazz whimpered and knocked her head against the ground with her flinch.
Danny didn’t relent, shooting out more and more beams as he desperately flew over in an attempt to throw Minnie off.
The shield bounced him back, making him land painfully onto the wall. His vision shook and his bones felt like they were rattling inside of him. His breath was punched out of him in an instant and he gasped, blinking away the stars in his eyes from the pain.
“What the—?!”
“Oh, Danny,” Minnie crooned. “I’m from the future. You think I don't have the technology to defeat halfas like you?”
Danny gasped, struggling to find air, and hit her with an energy ring in desperation. The shield blocked it once more.
“Minnie!” He tried to reason urgently, “You don’t have to do this! You don’t need to do this!”
How could he have trusted her so much?
How had he not know that Minnie's darkness wasn't just from grief? That her darkness actually came from the killings she had probably done and that she wasn't as simple as she looked?
Had Danny's underestimation of Minnie caused Jazz to be hurt?
Minnie smiled, and the expression on her face was mocking and sweet. It made Danny’s blood curdle in his veins and he clenched his fists, knowing that he had to find a way to bypass Minnie’s shields and save Jazz.
He had to find a way to buy some time!
“But I do. I can’t stay if there’s two living versions of Jazz Fenton in one world. We’ll pull apart the fabric of his universe. If I want to stay, I’ll have to get rid of her.”
Her hands slipped down from Jazz’s mouth to press against her throat.
Jazz began coughing, tears filling the corner of her eyes as she clawed at Minnie’s hands. Her face was almost looking blue as she tossed her head around in an effort to get away. Her fingers could not even pull at Minnie’s watch. Her legs kicked weakly and she tried to buck off Minnie, but it was useless.
Danny had never wanted to curse the fact that Jazz grew up to be such a strong woman more.
Danny couldn’t watch this anymore.
“Please! Please, we can find another way!” He pleaded, almost getting on his hands and knees as he begged Minnie to spare Jazz’s life.
He would do anything as long as his big sister got to live.
“There is no other way,” Minnie’s voice was impossibly and jarringly gentle. “I want to stay with you. So I’ll just have to kill her. But it’s okay. You’ll still have me after she’s gone.”
The thought of it made Danny sick.
Jazz struggled weakly as Minnie’s grip seemingly grew in strength.
Danny was full on panicking now.
“No! No, please, you can’t! You can’t do this!”
“It’s alright, Danny. I’ll still be here, even if she’s gone. I’ll still be your big sister,” Minnie said soothingly, but it only frayed his nerves even more.
He would lose it if he lost Jazz. If Jazz died, he really would go crazy!
Minnie paused, just as Danny threw himself at the shield again, only to be thrown off. In that moment as Minnie was distracted by Danny’s self-sacrifice, Jazz was able to get the barest amounts of air into her lungs to speak further.
“I-I have an idea.”
Suddenly feeling like Jazz was going to make the stupid decision of letting her psychopathic doppelgänger kill her, Danny cried out, “No!!”
Jazz ignored him. Minnie similarly took her eyes off of him to inspect her younger counterpart.
“Y-You’re lonely, right? What if… what if we give you Dan? The one from the other dimension? He’s also Danny and you could go back to your world with him…”
Minnie looked at her with a considering gaze, her hands still wrapped tightly around her neck.
“You’re saying that I take Dan off of your hands?”
She tilted her head. She didn’t seem adverse to the idea.
Danny could not believe that Jazz was genuinely negotiating with the crazy version of herself that was actively trying to kill her.
Jazz nodded weakly, tears being squeezed out of her eyes as her lips turned white. Her feet scrabbled on the floor slightly as she struggled to speak.
Danny couldn’t breathe either.
“Yeah,” Jazz said hoarsely, and Minnie watched her struggle for a little longer as she thought about it.
Danny wanted to drag her off and he nearly did so, but Jazz seemed to have a plan and he didn't want to ruin it. However, he thought to himself that if he saw any sign of Minnie finishing the kill, he would tear her apart.
Minnie was still, her hands continuing to press into Jazz’s windpipe. Then she let go and got off of Jazz with a beaming smile. She dusted herself off as Jazz finally caught her breath, coughing hoarsely, and Danny couldn’t do anything but stare at the two of them in horror. Standing on top of Jazz, Minnie then reached down with a hand to help her up.
“I’m sorry about that,” she said, her voice calm and sinisterly sweet, “I shouldn’t have overreacted.”
Jazz shivered hard and turned to Danny with wide, wet eyes. Danny felt his heart drop in his chest and he had the overwhelming urge to push away the despicable clone that was on top of his sister.
“D-Danny, go and get Dan.”
Immediately, Danny wanted to refuse.
He looked at Minnie, who didn’t look offended as she watched the two of them with interest. Her hand was still stretched downwards in the air, waiting for Jazz to take it, like a demonic entity that was waiting for her to sell off her soul. She just stood there, tall and long-limbed, like some sort of skeletal grim reaper.
The worst part of it all was that he couldn’t fight back against her. Dan was full ghost, and he was able to be fought off. However, Minnie was human, and she had built the technology necessary to combat him.
How could he have forgotten that she was an adult with all of the time in the world to create the tech needed to take him down?
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Danny was still weak and it was the worst feeling in the world for that realization to sink in.
Even worse, Minnie was his sister.
Danny could fight himself all day and feel no remorse— which would give him another therapy session if he ever told Jazz this— but his sister? His big sister, who had cared for and protected him since the day he was born? His big sister, who had taken care of him more than their parents? His big sister, who despite all of her shortcomings and his flaws, loved and cherished him?
He couldn’t.
He was scared.
Even though Minnie was probably evil incarnate, she was still his sister. His big sister who he also loved with all of his heart.
Danny looked at Jazz again and despite how she was shaking and teary eyed, she gave him a hard look and ordered, “Go!” before she turned her head around and took Minnie’s hand.
Danny took off.
He raced down to the basement, immediately blasting the cabinets open with his powers. If he could have focused, he probably would’ve opened it a little less destructively. However, his sister was still in the same room as her evil doppelgänger and he couldn’t think. His chest heaved with his hurried and quick breaths, his vision felt blurry, he was a mess.
He needed to hurry.
He needed to get back to Jazz before anything else could happen to her!
Danny grabbed the Fenton thermos that contained Dan and then flew back up to Jazz’s room, immediately slamming the door open. Jazz sat on her bed, shivering, with Minnie standing beside her, tall and impossibly towering.
Danny threw the thermos towards Minnie, who caught it with a gleam of delight in her eyes as her lips stretched further. She cradled the thermos to herself closer, and smiled.
“Thank you very much,” she said softly, nails tapping against the metal like she was testing its durability. She looked down at the thermos and the way she held it was like how a mother would hold a baby, careful and affectionate.
It only sent chills down Danny’s spine.
He could not forget the image of her choking the life out of his sister.
Danny grabbed a blanket and threw it over Jazz, pulling her closer to him. Jazz squeaked but didn’t say a word. Danny glared at Minnie, shielding Jazz with his body as he snapped, “There. You have the thermos, so leave.”
Minnie smiled. “Alright,” she said. “I will take this with me. Would you like a replacement for it?”
“Just leave!”
Why did she insist on acting so kind despite having no problem in killing others?!
Danny was freaked out even further by the contrast in her actions and her words, and he clutched Jazz to himself, glaring at Minnie with all of his might. No matter what, she had to leave. He wouldn’t stand for this psycho to be anywhere near them again!
Minnie paused and then smiled. She walked closer and Danny immediately blocked Jazz from her view, fear rising once more as he tensed like a hostile cat. All of his hair rose and he couldn't help the growl that climbed up his throat.
Minnie reached forward and Danny immediately blocked it. She dodged past the weak move and reached... behind his ear.
She pulled away something small and black, making Danny freeze.
What was that?
Why was it attached to him?
Minnie chuckled, looking amused by his reaction. She pocketed the small device and then with a zap, she pressed a button on the watch on her wrist. A blue-green portal opened up, flickering with sparks and little lights. Something dark and shadowy writhed within, unable to enter but the sight of it made Danny's skin rise with goosebumps. Jazz gasped when she saw it, but Danny didn’t let go, not until he knew for sure that Minnie was gone.
Minnie held the thermos in one arm as she said, “I’m leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality. Oh, and another thing… be careful, Danny. I’m sure you don’t want what happened to me to happen to Jazz, after all.”
The smile on her face was eerie, a calm and simple smile that made her eyes narrow and her expression even more insidious, like she was cursing them. Horrifyingly enough, Danny could recognize the love in her eyes. She loved him, and this love paired with her grief made her this way. Despite everything, she loved him and it made Danny’s blood go cold and his chest feel warm in unison.
Suddenly, he couldn’t help but wonder, “What did you do in your dimension after I died?”
Minnie chuckled, a foot already stepping over the edge of the portal, disappearing into its depths.
She smiled at them both, her expression radiant.
“I killed everyone, of course.” Her tone was so cheery that Danny didn’t have time to truly process her words before Minnie then went through the portal and disappeared completely.
Both Jazz and Danny remained silent.
Danny was suddenly struck with another epiphany.
Minnie and Dan were exactly alike, weren't they? Two siblings who lost each other and then decided to go on a killing spree to vent their anguish.
Danny was overcome with the sudden, overwhelming fear that he and Jazz were destined for unhappiness.
Then slowly, Jazz reached out and touched his hand, which clutched at her shoulders, unknowingly shaking.
“Danny, you alright?” Her voice was a croak, beaten raw from being squeezed out by Minnie’s hands.
Danny immediately dropped onto his knees onto the bed, pulling open the blanket to look at Jazz’s throat.
Around her neck was a ring of dark bruises, already turning a deep purple and red, spotted with the imprints of Minnie’s fingers.
A bloody taste filled Danny’s mouth as he bit his tongue to suppress his rage, and he felt the urge to open up a portal so he could beat up Minnie, screw her identity being his older sister from another timeline!
“I should be asking you that!” He cried, hands tremblingly tracing the marks. “Are you okay??”
Jazz didn’t reply, just reaching out to pull him close. Danny slumped against her hold and returned the hug, holding her tight. He hated it. He hated how powerless he was, how he could do nothing against Minnie. Even now, he was powerless as she held him. He couldn’t even do the right job of comforting her. If anyone else saw this, they would’ve thought that he had been the one who was attacked instead.
“Are you okay?” He asked again, voice weak. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m okay,” she whispered. She put her head on his and they sat in silence for a little while.
Danny felt sick. His shame and self-blame all mixed inside of him and he couldn’t help thinking that he was useless.
He hadn’t even been the one to save her. She had done that all on her own.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, after some time.
For being mad.
For being weak.
For dying and leaving her alone in another world.
Jazz hummed. “It’s okay, little brother. I forgive you.”
Danny clutched at the fabric of her shirt and said, “I-I’ll try to keep myself safe. I’ll take care of myself. Then we’ll both live long lives and by the time we’re 90, you’re going to wish one of us dropped dead so I could stop annoying you!”
It was a promise.
Jazz said, “I wouldn’t think that.”
Danny buried his head into her shoulder, careful to avoid her fragile neck and he felt something hot rush to his face, threatening to leave his eyes.
He clutched at Jazz like she was a lifeline as he said in a small voice, "I-I... we'll always be together, okay? You'll always be my sister and I'll always love you, even if you annoy me. You'll love me even if I'm annoying too, right?"
"Even if you're a pain in the butt, I won't ever leave you," Jazz promised, laughing a little.
Already feeling the mood brighten, Danny perked up and said mischievously, “We’ll see about that. I’ll chase away all of the boys and girls that come near you.”
“Even the girls? I’m not sure if I should be proud of you for being inclusive or annoyed that you’ll be keeping me single,” Jazz joked, and the two of them laughed.
Jazz rubbed her cheek against his hair when their laughter finally died down.
"I'm sorry for being too controlling. I'll... I'll try to keep it cool, okay? But promise me that you'll be safe. And that you'll try to come back to me no matter what, even if you lose the fight."
Danny nodded in silent acceptance of her apology, clutching at her shirt again. Oddly enough, he was reminded of when they were children, when Jazz used to be the only other person in his life.
He had Sam and Tucker now, but sometimes he wished that he was still a child, tucked into his big sister's embrace while she chattered on and on about nonsensical things that only toddlers could care about, when everything was normal and kind and made sense.
Danny loved Jazz. He loved all of his friends and family. His Obsession was one that formed around protection, but most of all, it formed around his family. He would still be happy and whole if his family was with him, even if the city they lived in was different. Dan and Minnie were just different facets of their reality. They had lost their family and in their grief, they took it out on the innocent lives around them. Like them, Danny's Obsession lied with the ones he loved, not the place where they lived.
But he was different from them.
His family wouldn't be the first ones to die and leave him.
In many worlds, Jazz and Danny lost their family and lost each other.
But in this world, they were still together. Blood continued to tie them together, and they were still a team of brother and sister, protecting and caring for each other.
In this world, their family wouldn’t be so tragic.
And that was a promise.
Would you guys like a short continuation for Dan and Minnie? :3
I need to write more sibling fics for these two, I’m kind of obsessed. I love codependent relationships and I think I nailed it in this fic, but sometimes I wonder if it's too sickly sweet 😅 this fic is full of the headcanons that I have for dp, can you tell?
I hope that any of you won't dislike Danny for being a kid. Both he and Jazz have their character flaws and I hope it shows within this fic :)
In Minnie’s world, Jazz was the sole survivor of the Nasty Burger incident, and she lost her mind right after she was taken in by Vlad. After that, she began to create biological weapons and unleashed them on the world. She killed all of the scientists that could oppose her and then she just watched the world die. She’s 100% insane but you won’t notice it bc she’s trying to convince herself that she’s normal. As such, she acts calm, pretends to be pleasant, and her only noticeable abnormality is that she doesn’t react to things like a normal person. She has endless amounts of patience for a lot of things bc she spent most of her years watching people die slowly. Inspired by this tumblr ask I got
Minnie actually had a plan to kill Jazz, but a weapon was too messy so she planned to drag Jazz to a portal and then kill her in a different place. However, Danny was approaching and Minnie changed her mind to just choking Jazz in the little time she had left. That’s why her plan seems a little amateurish. (Otherwise, Jazz would actually die and that isn’t the point of this story 💀)
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
First of all, I love your blog so much, on god. I never fail to read every single one of your posts. You're a blessing to the COD simps community. Secondly, I'd like to request a female reader this time. Usually, I ask for GN, so that everyone can feel included. Please, TF 141, Konig (and Vaqueros too if it's ok) with a gf / wife who is a pro gamer. Like she can play any video game at the highest difficulty with ease, solo dungeons and even the occasional raid in MMOs and just destroys everyone in every fight. She even has a Twitch and YouTube account and she's one of the most popular streamers out there. She prefers FPS (but RPGs too) because she genuinely likes them, but also as a way to pay tribute to her military man. Women have an unfair reputation of being bad gamers and I hate it because it's completely false. My roommate is a beast of a gamer. Thank you so much and sorry for the long ass ask.
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𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥
Task Force 141 (+König & Los Vaqueros) + fem! Reader
NORA, HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT I LOVE YOU? You got no idea how much this made me smile and blush. I totally look like an idiot right now. THIS IS SO CUTE😖😖😖
I‘m a gamer too and let’s say… we only get hate. ESPECIALLY ON COD. Last night I had my voice chat on for the first time and oh boy… the things I heard…
"go back to the kitchen"
"What hacks do you use"
"No way a female is good at this game"
blablabla. I was like 😃 damn sensitive asf boys.
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In the world of all the professional gamers all time, your name was always mentioned. Thousands of videos exist about you and your skills. Streamers were honored if they got to 1 vs 1 you, because that would mean that they get to flex by saying they were able to play with you. Even through they’d loose. Your name was known worldwide and so many people were looking up to you.
König admired you. He had always admired your talents and watched your streams with a mixture of awe and pride in the living room while you were live in your gaming room.
One day, your chat buzzed with excitement and cheers. You wondered why they were freaking out because you were having a chat with your fans. The chat was completely going crazy as they all asked the same thing:
Y/N got a boyfriend?
Please tell me it’s just her brother😔
As you turn around you can see König in the corner of your room. He probably forgot you were still streaming and he looks as confused as you do. "Hey love" you finally said, causing the chat to literally explode. König comes a little closer and kisses your forehead. "Just wanted to ask if you wanna eat something" König says and tries to hide himself as good as he can. His heart definitely started beating faster than a few moments before. "hmmm… yes!" you reply and take a look at the chatscreen and see the the people waiting for you to confirm.
"Yes, he's my man" you said, your voice tinged with affection and pride, sharing your secret with your viewers.
König, caught off guard but unable to hide his emotions, blushed slightly, his heart swelling with love and admiration for you. He stepped back into view, leaning in to give you a gentle kiss on the cheek, which you welcomed with a radiant smile.
The chat erupted into a frenzy of supportive messages as your viewers reveled in the heartwarming moment.
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Simon Riley
It was a usual day and you were 40 minutes into your stream but you noticed that the chat was talking about someone behind you. Curiosity piqued, you glanced over your shoulder and couldn't suppress a grin as you saw Simon, standing there and watching you from afar. He probably doesn’t know that they can all see him, not his face though.
You turned around and gave him one of your sweet smiles which he returned. "You know that they can see you right?" you tell him and by his facial expression you can see that he didn’t know it.
Without missing a beat, you turned to the camera and addressed your chat with a smile, "Well everyone" you said "meet my man!"
The chat erupted with excitement and hearts, and you could almost feel the virtual cheers cheering through the screen. There were a lot of comments about you two now. There were also comments about his frame and by reading those, you could feel your cheeks heating up.
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John MacTavish
Today you streamed on Twitch and planned on playing destiny 2. You planned on playing it again since it made so much fun last time.
However, like always John wanted to stay hidden from the camera but still wanted to watch you play while reading some reaction from the chat. Your viewers never knew about him. I mean, how could they when he tried to hide as best as he can.
But fate had different plans that day. His arms occurred with your camera, revealing the glimpse of a man sitting next to you. The chat erupted with curiosity and in that moment, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hide it anymore. John read the comments too and waved at the camera but still not showing himself fully. You let out a small laugh and hugged his arm slightly. "That’s my boyfriend" you clarified and the chat was exploding with excitement.
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John Price
One day, as your Twitch chat buzzed with excitement, a curious viewer noticed a familiar figure standing behind you in the frame. "Hey, who's that?" the chat exploded and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hide it anymore since John was able to do anything but stay quiet while you’re streaming.
A smile graced your lips, knowing it was time to introduce the world to the man who held your heart. "Oh, that's my man" you said nonchalantly, knowing the chat would go wild.
In an instant, John's face took a red shade and you could feel his heart melt. He thought that you might be embarrassed to show him but clearly you’re not. He came a little closer to you and the chat got a little clearer view of him and everyone was complimenting him.
With a smile, John leaned in, planting a tender kiss on your cheek. The chat erupted with cheers and hearts, seeing their favorite streamer be so in love was making them happy.
"you guys are so cute together!" was what almost everyone was typing into the chat and you couldn’t help but feel so happy right now.
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Kyle Garrick
As one of the most popular streamers on Twitch, you had an enormous following of fans who eagerly tuned in to witness your gaming skills. The thrill of conquering challenging dungeons, soloing difficult quests, and leading epic raids in MMOs kept your viewers on the edge of their seats.
Your love for gaming ran deep, not just for the joy it brought you but because it somehow reminded you of your boyfriend. Kyle was always supporting you and he loved you in your darkest times. He was your motivation to keep going even when you didn’t want to sometimes.
As you streamed while playing Until dawn and the chat was exploding with excitement as someone noticed a figure moving behind your camera setup and mentioned it, which caused the others to see the man behind you too. You stopped the game and looked behind you. It was Kyle standing there with a plate of food and an iced coffee in his hands. You couldn’t help but melt on spot at the sight of him.
"So everyone !" you said, your voice filled with affection. "Looks like my special someone decided to make a cameo appearance. Say hello to man!"
In that moment, the chat exploded with greetings and cheers, expressing their love and support for the unexpected guest. Meanwhile, Kyle's cheeks flushed with a hint of shyness, never quite used to being in the spotlight.
"Uh, hey there, everyone," he stammered placing the plate on your desk along with your drink and a smile playing on his lips. "These are for you, love. Thought you might get hungry after a while."
As the chat continued to shower both of you with love, you couldn't help but steal a glance at Kyle. His presence, even virtually, filled you with warmth and reassurance. Without hesitation, he leaned in, placing a tender kiss on your cheek.
The chat exploded with even more excitement as they witnessed the affectionate gesture.
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Among your many followers on Twitch and YouTube, there was one person who held a special place in your heart - Alejandro. Your boyfriend who supports you and who was always by your side when you needed him.
You were streaming your latest gameplay, the chat was buzzing with excitement and admiration for your skills. But a man behind the camera caught everyones attention. The chat was now questioning who it is and needed clarification.
A playful grin spread across your face as you glanced over at Alejandro, who had come to support you during your stream.
With a touch of mischief in your voice, you replied, "Oh, that handsome man? He's my soon to be husband."
A faint blush spread across his cheeks, but he leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, right in front of the camera. The chat went wild with excitement, and you couldn't help but laugh at the adorable reaction.
"See, I told you," you teased playfully. "They love you almost as much as I do."
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As a popular Twitch and YouTube streamer, your skill and charisma drew in countless fans and followers. The chat would explode with excitement whenever you embarked on a new gaming adventure. It was during one of these electrifying streams that fate intervened.
The chat was lively as always, filled with adoring fans and cheering supporters. You were in the zone, showcasing your skills in a competitive FPS match. Little did you know, a surprise was in store for you. Unbeknownst to you, Rudy had entered the room and was watching you from behind the camera.
One of your fans in the chat noticed him, a smile stretching across their face as they typed, "Hey, who's that handsome guy behind the camera?"
You chuckled, casually replying, "Oh, that's my man Rudy."
The chat erupted with excitement, filled with a chorus of "Awws" and many many compliments. Rudy, initially a little taken aback, couldn't help but blush at the overwhelming show of support and affection for both of you.
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rose-skunk · 3 years
Rest in peace to the San Francisco MM show that was canceled a day before the event, your Portland and Seattle friends know your pain 😔
0 notes
anonquack · 3 years
| His Merch |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 4256
Warnings: None, just some curse words. Fluff :]
Summary: Being such good friends with Quackity leads to the inevitable; catching feelings. In fear of ruining your friendship with him, you kept quiet about your feelings. Although usually good at that, after a merch drop and a slip-up on stream, you prepare yourself for the worst. Queue the incoming call from Quackity himself.
Today had been a productive day, in your opinion. You'd woken up earlier than usual, ate breakfast, cleaned around your apartment, and managed to get started on editing a video you'd recently filmed.
That's why you considered yourself very deserving of sitting down and enjoying your friend's stream as you ate some snacks.
Quackity had a fun stream planned, and had hyped up a 'big announcement' on Twitter, and the whole timeline was already speculating what it could be as they awaited for Quackity to start stream.
Being his friend had some perks though, contrary to popular belief. He'd discussed with you what the big announcement was as you sat on call with him a few nights prior to the big day. It was merch, and according to your past experience with Planet Duck products, it was sure to be soft and super comfy. You were very much looking forward to getting your hands on some of his new merch.
He'd brought up sending some to you, one of the previously mentioned perks of being his friend, but you politely declined. Much to his surprise. He'd asked why and you'd simply stated that "It was fine," and perhaps it came off as a bit rude. A 'no thanks' to his merch that you hadn't even seen.
But you had plans of your own, you wanted to acquire said merch on your own, and support him financially in the process. He didn't have to know that though, so with a small 'Oh' from him as his response, you swiftly changed topic of conversation.
Now here you sat, watching the stream as Quackity explained what he'd be doing with his friend John Smith. Riding go-karts around what looked like a storage unit. You couldn't help but worry as you watched them zoom around, occasionally getting close to crashing, and eventually doing just that.
The stream itself was rather fun to watch, but you kept your debit card beside you. This was in case he decided to drop the merch announcement out of nowhere. And that was exactly what he did. Another perk of being his friend was you grew a 6th sense for these type of things. Always had a feeling for what was about to happen when it came to Quackity.
You watched as the chat freaked out, watched as the notification from Planet Duck went out, notifying everybody that the merch had been released. You quickly typed into your computer, and the internet seemed to be taking its time to redirect you to Quackity's merch site.
After some time, it finally loaded and you began to look at all the options. The merch was wonderful, Quackity had been hyping it up to you (you'd asked for no reveals, wanting to wait like everyone else) and he had been absolutely right.
Most of the designs were new, except for the iconic Planet Duck logo, and were all very cute. You had Quackity's stream playing in the background as you maneuvered your way around the site, finally deciding on which merch you'd be buying.
As you went to purchase, a red sign alerted you that there was no shipping to your location. To which you quickly raised an eyebrow, panic starting to rush through you. Maybe you should've accepted his offer.
After refreshing multiple times and watching the Twitter timeline freak out as well over the inability to ship to several locations, it finally seemed to work, and the payment finally went through. A big "Thank you for your purchase" appearing onto the screen.
You let out a sigh of relief, clicking back onto the tab where the stream was, a small smile on your face. You'd actually managed to get it on your own. It was nerve-racking, when it seemed like you wouldn't be able to get the shipping to work, when it seemed like it'd sell out before you had the chance to buy some.
Now you finally understood what it felt like, the stress of getting your hands on merch before it sold out. It'd been an exhilerating experience.
You relaxed into your seat as Quackity's laugh filled the room. He was recreating bits from Fast and Furious, and zooming all over the place. You watched with a fond smile as he drove around, throwing random Spanish profanities at John Smith here and there.
The funky heart glasses he had on did nothing to ease the warmth that was spreading through your chest at the sight of him. You were suffering due to your confusing feelings towards your close friend, but nobody knew, or at least that is what you told yourself.
You tried to focus on something else, something that wasn't solely him. The go-karts were going pretty fast, and you remembered the scene they were recreating from the movie. Whichever random thought came to mind, you'd focus on it instead, too scared to let your thoughts wander elsewhere.
When it came to and end, you were conflicted. You were glad your heart would be able to catch a break, but you also missed him almost immediately. Sickening, really.
You took some time to reflect on what you'd done so far. Cleaned, ate your meals, worked on some editing, got some Quackity merch, and enjoyed a fun stream. It was rather productive, to say the least.
But there was still some time left in the day, and you figured you'd put the energy coursing through your body to use.
Taking a seat at your desk, you turned your monitor on before opening the twitch app. An alt stream would be perfect right now. After going live and sending out a tweet letting your followers know you were live, you patiently waited for the viewers to start coming in.
Considering this was an alt stream, you figured you'd play some random game and just chat for a bit before heading to bed. As the viewers came in, you gave your greetings before opening a tab for roblox, getting on a random server to play an obby game as you talked to chat.
There was a content smile on your face as you asked chat how their day had been, how they were feeling, your little character jumping around and passing through the beginner levels on the obby game.
"I'm actually in a really good mood, chat. My day has been going so well." You began, glancing at chat here and there, smile growing at the memory of the adventures acquiring Quackity merch.
After the chat was flooded with questions asking about what had happened, you indulged. "I was watching Quackity's stream earlier today, and it was so much fun!" The smile grew before softening as you focused on the obby. "I was also able to get some of his new merch."
The chat erupted into bits of 'friends supporting friends' to 'y/n in quackity merch???' and people yelling that they had been or weren't able to get merch.
Seeing the chat made you laugh, nodding your head a bit. "No because I was so nervous I wouldn't be able to get some-" you admitted, attention now focused solely on telling the viewers about your own experience.
"I was trying to purchase, and there was a line, and then it said it wouldn't ship to my location?? I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get some. But it finally worked. I'm excited for it to get here." You finished your small rant, a content smile on your lips.
Chat consisted of people agreeing with the technical difficulties occurring at the time of the merch drop, others saying they were too broke to buy anything. It felt nice, to see something from their perspective and also have shared an experience like this.
"Big Q actually offered to send me some, but I told him no because I wanted to get it myself.. Wanted to get it fair and square." You said as you refocused on the obby in front of you, fond smile on your face as you thought about how nice he was. He was willing to send all of his friends some of his merch, free of cost.
"Also wanted to give him my support by actually purchasing it, you know?" You added, resting your chin on the palm of your hand as it leaned against your desk. You took this time to read chat, which was exploding with what you thought was a combination of Quackity's username with yours, and 'bffs ur honor!!'.
You smiled at that, hands finally moving your character around. "Really, he has been such an amazing friend, extremely welcoming, always fun to be around. And just.. life is never dull when he's around. He's always been there for me when I needed it and well‐" A pause. "I'm glad I was able to support him in some way." You hummed softly as you finished up yet another small rant about Quackity.
At the realization that you'd been talking about him for far too long, and that he was not meant to be the focus of your alt stream, you cleared your throat and began focusing on the obby game once again.
You shifted the topic of conversation to the video you'd also been editing today, and that quickly took everyone's attention away from how affectionately and fondly you'd been speaking of your dear friend. Everyone was now excited about the new video.
Seeing how easily the chat's focus changed made you ease up a bit, and you were able to enjoy the rest of your stream playing random roblox games and discussing some stuff with chat. It lasted for a bit longer before you finally decided to end stream.
Some goodbyes and after stream officially ended, you found yourself on Twitter. Everything seemed pretty peaceful on the timeline, up until the trending page came up.
Your name was trending, along with 'QUACKITY IN CHAT' and the infamous combination of usernames. A monstrosity, really.
You heard yourself audibly gulp as you clicked on the trending topic 'quackity in chat'. Much to your dismay it was true. There was screenshots that showed Quackity was watching your stream. That meant that he'd heard you talking about him in that sickening tone. That tone that was unnecessarily sweet and fond.
You didn't know who was freaking out more, the so-called shippers, the timeline, or yourself. You gently bit at the inside of your cheek, scrolling and reading all the tweets of people trying to guess how Quackity must've felt while hearing all that. Others raising an eyebrow at how long you'd gone on about Quackity and how 'perfect' he was.
You'd fucked up, that was for sure, and it wasn't even intentional or fan service of any kind. It was an alt stream, it wasn't planned in any way, shape, or form. He'd been brought up, and you'd accidentally spilled all fond thoughts you held of him.
Your cursor hovered over a specific tweet that read, 'want someone to talk about me the way y/n talks about big q'. It was sweet, and perhaps made you smile just a little bit.
As you read it over in your head, a notification popped up on your screen, the discord notification ringing in your ears as you read who the message was from. Quackity.
You messed around with your mouse for a bit before finally closing the Twitter tab, and instead opting to open the unread message.
hey (:
You stared at it for a bit, blinking in disbelief at how normal the message came across. Perhaps he'd tuned in during the last half of the stream. Perhaps he hadn't been able to watch while you rambled about him, and perhaps he hadn't been on Twitter either. One could hope.
y/n hi (:
It showed that he was typing almost immediately after, and you tried your best to calm your nerves.
Quackity call?
You felt yourself tense at the message. Maybe he wanted to let you down kindly. 'Hey! Saw your stream, and I just wanted to ask if you could chill the fuck out. That was kind of creepy. Maybe never speak of me ever again. Do not perceive me any longer, thanks!'
Something along those lines for sure. That's what probably awaited you if you said yes to this. But what exactly were you supposed to do instead?
y/n ofc
It only took a few seconds for the call to come through. Stalling wouldn't help, so you answered by the third ring.
He greeted you, and everything seemed normal. The calls were normal between you two, but you were just on edge due to twitter trending and the stream that took place less than an hour ago.
"How are you feeling, Quackity?" You asked with a small smile, today was a big day for him, and you were sure he'd enjoy talking about how fast the merch sold.
"I'm doing great. Really happy that the fans liked the designs and just.. we sold a lot. I'm happy." He restated the last bit, the smile was obvious in his voice. You didn't have to be seeing it to know. Another perk of being so close to him. You had a clear visual image of what he probably looked like right now. Cute smile plastered onto his equally cute face.
"I'm really happy for you, Big Q. You deserve all the success that is coming your way and more." You hummed softly. Everything you were saying, you meant wholeheartedly. There was silence for a bit before he finally spoke again.
"I watched your stream."
Fuck. There it was. You should've expected it but it still hit like a ton of bricks. You felt your mouth turn dry, could barely manage to get out the word, "Yeah?"
"Mhm." Straight to the point. There was a bit of silence, you were unsure of what to say. Why had he brought it up? It was bound to happen, but what was the reason behind bringing it up? To tease you, let you know he wasn't interested, or because roblox obbies are just so much fun?
"You didn't have to buy it, you know?" He finally said, breaking the silence.
"I wanted to." You reassured, "the merch is really pretty. Worth every penny."
"I could've sent you whichever you wanted." He stated bluntly. As if it was weird of you to have gone and bought it on your own.
"Thank you, but I wanted to buy it myself. Let me? Please?" Let me show my support this way, is what you meant to say. It came out softer than intended, and you could feel your heart beating against your ribs. You really needed to watch your tone around him.
"Of course." He responded, just as softly. He'd drive you crazy one of these days. They'd have to lock you up, and you'd never see the light of day again.
"Did you have fun riding the go-karts?" You asked, a small smile on your lips as you wandered back onto the Twitter tab, a clip of his stream now on display on the timeline.
He let out a small laugh, "I did. Did you enjoy watching it?" You nodded before responding, "Of course. Was concerning watching you crash into walls though."
He hummed softly in response, possibly contemplating what to say with how long he took before he spoke again.
"Did you really mean all the things you said on stream?"
Somehow, even with your own attempts to change topic, the focus was back on your stream and the things that had been said. You wouldn't be able to dig yourself out of the hole you'd dug.
It was entirely your fault, for even allowing yourself to consider him as anything but a great friend. It was your fault for taking the late night calls, the sweet tones, and messages the wrong way. Your interpretations were all wrong and now you'd have to sit here and apologize for practically outing yourself on stream. For letting the whole world know that you had romantic feelings for a good friend of yours. You'd probably made him so uncomfortable.
You felt yourself cringe slightly at his words, already gone quiet for far too long. You had to speak up, even if it lead to a good friendship ending a few minutes from now.
"Of course I did. You're great, Alex." The use of his name was meant to assure him you meant it wholeheartedly. It made the moment feel more intimate, too. Much to your own dismay, yet again. You couldn't help it.
The possibility that your friendship with him could come to an end real soon made you act on your feelings. It left you unhinged. If it was all going to end here, maybe you'd allow yourself to act on impulse. End it with a bang.
"Thank you, really. I know I probably wasn't meant to hear all that, but it was really nice. Made me feel nice as well. And just, seeing that you didn't accept the merch from me because you wanted to support me directly.. thank you."
His voice was soft, felt like warm honey to your taste buds. You could almost hear your heart melting inside your chest, could feel it dripping down and touching your diaphragm, oozing into every single crevice in your body. You'd never understand how he had such effects on you. How he was able to make you so fond of him.
"I meant every single word. You deserve that and so much more." You reassured yet again, a small smile on your lips. You heard him let out a small chuckle, which made you laugh as well.
Moments later, he had turned his camera on, wanting to show you all the merch. You'd asked for him to put it on, since you were a 'visual learner' and had to see it on him in order to fully understand what it looked like. He had playfully rolled his eyes, but hadn't really argued against it.
So there you were, watching as he changed from hoodie to hoodie, moving out of frame to change into the shirts. You could feel your heart thumping harshly against your rib cage at the sight of him. Some looked bigger on him, some looked just right. They all looked wonderful, and super comfy. Perhaps that was simply because they were on him, and he looked so comfy.
He looked like he could give the best hugs.
"You really think so?" His voice came out a bit sheepish, and the light pink that dusted his cheeks was becoming more and more evident. Huh?
"What?" You said, a dumb look on your face as you tried connecting the dots.
"That I could give the best hugs." He stated slowly, as if he was testing how it sounded before adding, "Do you really think that?"
Had you really said that out loud? Fuck. It took acting on impulse to a whole other level. This wasn't something you two usually did, but I guess it was okay since everything might be ending soon. Ballsy moves.
"Yeah. You make the merch look so cozy." Your throat felt dry, eyes glued to his face, wanting to catch every single second of his reaction. Wanting to see each movement of his facial muscles, to find out what it could possibly entail. "Makes me wonder what your hugs feel like." You admitted.
Your eyes scanned the entirety of his face, perking up slightly at the sight of his face flushing, leaving him with the softest tint of pink to spread across his cheeks, almost matching his pretty lips. What the hell did that even mean?
"Maybe you won't have to wonder for too long. With guidelines being lifted and all." The line. Blurred at that very moment, for sure. His eyes were glued to you as well, which only made you hesitate every single movement you could think of doing at that moment.
"And in the meantime? What am I supposed to do?" Risky. Crossing lines, jumping over hurdles. This all had to be against friend rules or something. You could feel your sanity decreasing each second this call went on. But he wasn't stopping any of this either.
"I could send you a hoodie." The sentence brought you out of your Quackity-induced haze, making you quickly shake your head. What? Before you could protest or ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, he explained.
"My hoodie. Y'know. Mine. One I wear. You can give it back when we meet up, perhaps."
Your mouth went dry again, shocked at the domestic feeling it gave. He was suggesting he send one of his hoodies. It would smell like him. It was the closest thing to giving him an actual hug. It would be paradise.
"You'd really do that?" You asked, still in disbelief, but he quickly nodded his head. "Oh." You said softly, before a smile appeared on your face. "I would like that, then."
"I'll send it then." He hummed, smile spreading on his lips as well. Everything going on was making you feel dizzy. It felt so surreal.
You'd mentally prepared yourself for the worst, but instead were met with a flirtatious Quackity. He'd said sweet things to you before, but you never allowed yourself to take it seriously, not wanting to get your hopes up. And it never went to this extent.
It seemed he realized what just went down, a loud laugh escaping his lips. "Holy shit. You're gonna have one of my hoodies soon."
"I am." You chimed in, smile on your lips as well.
"And you'll wear it around." He added.
"I will."
"You'll look good, as always."
You could feel the heat rush to your face. What was going on? Was this real, or just a very cruel dream? Alex Quackity was fucking flirting with you.
"Are you flirting with me?" Bewildered tone, raised eyebrows. Your brain couldn't even begin to progress what was being said.
"What the fuck does it look like I've been doing?"
"Have you really?" Warmth spread across your chest at how blunt he was being. The line was gone. It'd been erased, never to be seen again. There was no shame in him. Admitting he was flirting with his whole chest.
"I have. Why are you so surprised though? I've subtly flirted with you before.. and I mean, were you not confessing your undying love to me on stream?" He raised a brow, feigned confusion on his face. He was teasing. You let out a groan, covering your face with your hands as he let out a laugh.
Surreal. He confessed to having flirted with you in the past. So you weren't delusional, nice to know. "Are you done?" You asked, face still covered by your hand in shame.
"I saw a tweet that was saying they felt like third wheels since I was in chat, and you were just going on about everything you liked about me." You kept your face covered. He was not stopping. Now he was the unhinged one.
He was visibly scrolling through the timeline at this point. "Oh, and one saying they want what we have. What do we have?"
You finally uncovered your face. "I don't know. Whatever the fuck this is, I guess?"
"Well, what is this?"
"Mm... whatever you want it to be." You finally answered, and there was a surprised look plastered on his face at that.
"Whatever I want?"
"Yeah." You paused. Would he regret this after he got out of this haze? What if it had just been flirting for fun? But he wouldn't play with your feelings like this, would he?
Alex Quackity was perfect though, and perhaps he had a sixth sense about when stuff was wrong with you, because he caught on to your hesitation.
"Hey." He called out softly. The teasing, flirtatious tone was gone, now replaced by the softer tone reserved for late night calls, or when everybody else in the vc had left and it was just you two.
You look at where his face was on your monitor, relaxing a bit simply by his tone and the soft gaze he held on you.
"I know everything sort of progressed pretty fast tonight.. but your stream really helped me realize a few things. I do like you, y/n. Not fucking around or anything." He said it in a firm tone, one that told you he wasn't messing around, but still felt oh so intimate.
Everything he was saying was exactly what you wanted and needed to hear. Reassurance that your feelings weren't unrequited. You couldn't believe your rambling on stream had lead you guys here.
"I like you, too. If that wasn't obvious already." You mumbled out, eyes averting before glancing to see his reaction. He had the biggest, cutest, grin on his face. Charming, and extremely contagious. You couldn't help but smile back.
Holy shit.
"Is this real?" You asked out loud, smile never leaving your face.
"It is. All thanks to your ranting on stream. How cool is that?"
You couldn't help but still feel rather embarrassed that he'd heard all of it, but it had brought you two here. All embarrassment was worth it. Especially if it meant it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for you two.
"Very cool." You mumbled, before a smile appeared on your lips. Today really couldn't have gone any better.
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Surprise.. Surprise.. Final Part.
Warning: Mentions of body insecurity, lots of fluff. No smut, sorry. Perhaps in the future?
Final Part.
// Y/N's POV //
‘’ Care to join me in the shower? It’ll save water and I would love to see you in your natural thirst trap habitat. ‘’ Vinnie blushes. I haven’t seen him blush before and it’s cute and hot at the same time.
‘’ You... you want me to? I mean... it’s no big deal. We live in a house full of people who work. We earn enough money so don’t you worry about the water bill; I can stay here and shower when you’re d...’’
I pull him closer to me as I stare into his eyes. I ghost my lips over his.
‘’ Vin, I want you to join me in the shower. I’ve been waiting for this long enough. Please join me, I promise I won’t bite. ‘’ I wink at him as I give him a quick peck on the lips. He moans against my lips.
Before I can say anything else, I feel Vinnie pull me into his bathroom and locking it.
// Vinnie’s POV //
I pull Y/N into my bathroom and lock the door.
We start making out like crazy and I can’t complain. Some people may think we’re rushing, but you have to understand, we’ve known each other for more than a year now and Y/N knows me in a way people I’ve known my entire life don’t even know me. So, if anyone has something to say about it, they kiss my ass.
I undress, leaving my boxers on while Y/N get rid of her trousers. I can see doubt on her face as she carefully takes off her shirt. I take her hands in mine as I stare into her eyes.
// Y/N’s POV //
While we’re getting ready to hop into the shower, nerves take over my body.
I’ve always struggled with a lot of insecurities. My body being one of them. But I didn’t have to face this insecurity before, because I’ve never been in an intimate situation. My entire body is screaming YES when I look at Vinnie, but my heart is clearly saying NO. I notice Vinnie looking at me as I start to panic.
I feel him take my hands into his own as his hazel eyes stare into mine.
‘’ Hey, we don’t have to do this, okay? Remember I told you, we can shower separately, and afterwards we can watch a movie and get some snacks or something. ‘’ I hate myself. Vinnie is literally everything I could’ve wished for. He always makes sure I’m okay with everything and if not, he will do anything until I am. He always does. And here I am, making a fool out of myself. I’m the one who came up with the idea of showering together, now I’m the only one who’s still fully clothed.
Vinnie puts his hands on my cheeks as he softly kisses my nose. I blush.
‘’ I’m sorry, I’ve just never done this before, and I’m just scared that if I undress that you won’t like what you’ll see. ‘’ My eyes get watery. Of course, as if it wasn’t embarrassing enough already.
Vinnie takes a step closer as he rests his forehead against mine. Wiping away the tears that scroll over my cheeks.
‘’ I love every single part of you, in and outside. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, because to me, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid my eyes on. And I don’t want to put you in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, okay? One step at a time, baby. ‘’ He softly smiles at me.
‘’ Show me that beautiful smile of yours, please. ‘’ I stare at my hands before I return a smile.
// Vinnie’s POV //
She returns a smile. I give her quick, but loving kisses on her lips, cheeks and forehead.
‘’ I love you. Never forget it. ‘’
‘’ Love you back, never forget it. ‘’
I turn away from her as I open a cabinet and pull out two towels for Y/N. One to dry her hair and one to dry of her body. When I turn around, Y/N is completely naked. I can’t help but stare.
My entire body starts to heat up and my heart is pounds into my throat. I shake my head as I return my gaze to Y/N’s face.
‘’ Do you still want to join me in the shower? It’s okay if you don’t want to. ‘’ She shyly smiles at me as I nod.
// Y/N’s POV //
Vinnie and I step into the shower. I give Vinnie space so he can get under the shower head, but he pulls me under it as well.
‘’ Like you said, we need to save water. ‘’ He winks at me. He takes his shampoo bottle out of the shower basket and squirts some of it into his hands. He rubs his hands together and looks at me, his eyes asking permission as I nod.
He turns me around, my back facing him as hands gently massage my scalp as the shampoo starts foaming in my hair. It smells like mint, the scent of comfort. Vinnie.
He washes the shampoo out of my hair. Once it’s all washed out, he takes a bit of shampoo for himself as well while rubbing it into his own hair.
After a while, we’re both out of the shower, drying our bodies and put on some comfortable clothes. Me putting on Vinnie’s T-shirt he lend me earlier on. I walk towards his bed as I see Hera laying on it. I gently pet her belly as she starts to purr.
‘’ She likes you. Like owner, like cat. ‘’ I giggle as Hera licks my hand.
Vinnie puts on his led lights and turns on his computer.
‘’ I promised the fans I would stream for a bit tonight. It won’t take long and by the looks of it, you won’t have time to give me attention as well. ‘’ Hera places herself on my lap.
‘’ Yea, please don’t let me take your time with your fans away. I have this little lady to keep me company. ‘’
// Vinnie’s POV //
Once my computer is turned on, I begin to stream on Twitch. I post a picture on my snapchat and Instagram stories telling everyone I’m live. I look at Y/N one more time before turning towards my game.
‘’ Hey everyone, I hope you guys are having an amazing night so far. We’re going to play a bit of VALORANT tonight. ‘’ The comment section filling up with fans asking me all types of questions and the usual thirst comments.
I’m 30 minutes in as I hear Y/N giggle from behind me, I turn around and see Hera laying on her back completely covering Y/N’s belly. I stare in aw before telling the chat that I have to go to the bathroom. I stand up and walk straight up to Y/N. I bend down to give her a little kiss.
‘’ I miss you ‘’
‘’ I’m not going anywhere, Vin. I’ll still be here, once you end the stream. ‘’ I love this woman.
‘’ I know, just making sure you miss me as well. ‘’
‘’ ‘Course I do. ‘’
I blow her a kiss as I walk back to my computer. I look at the comment section and see everyone freaking out.
‘’ Who’s in laying in his bed? ‘’
‘’ Is Y/N with you right now? ‘’
I smile as I see everyone talking about Y/N and I. All positive comments, luckily.
‘’ Yes guys, Y/N’s here with me. She flew in this morning as a surprise. Isn’t she the cutest? Thank you, guys, for all the support and nice comments. I appreciate it. Alright, enough of the simping let’s fuck some people uppp. You feel me? ‘’ I continue to play the game for at least an hour more before getting into bed with the love of my life. Finally, in my arms.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Let me know what you thought of it. Requests are open. :)
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Under the Floorboards pt. III
(Technoblade x Reader): Pt. I, Pt. II, Pt. III, Pt. IIII
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     From that day on Tommy stayed with you and Technoblade in your collective house, Technoblade tried to establish some ground rules but Tommy being Tommy refused to listen to any of them. He was dead set on building a cobblestone tower as well as taking all of Technoblade’s golden apples instead of eating the golden carrots that were graciously given to him. Other than that, things seemed to be going okay for your little found family. Well, that was until Technoblade and Tommy got wind that a man named Dream was sniffing around the area. 
 Dream was an enigma to you, after hearing Tommy’s stories about the man you could only come up with two conclusions about him. One was that you had no idea what his motivations were in the first place and secondly you wanted to beat his ass for what he did to Tommy. As... unique as he could be at times no child deserved to be exiled and manipulated, it was disgusting. He was a sixteen-year-old boy who got caught up in too many wars and too much violence, you needed to protect him. So long as he was with you and Technoblade that’s what you planned on doing. That was what you silently vowed to yourself, even if Technoblade didn’t share the same sentiment. 
 Now, it seemed you were coming increasingly closer to voicing those feelings to the man himself. Tommy was shaking a little besides you he tried to look strong as Technoblade frantically told him to hide and splashed him with invisibility potions. He looked over at you next and grabbed your shoulders, he actually looked scared, which meant he wasn’t messing around. 
          “You need to hide too. God- there’s nowhere that he won’t check.” Technoblade mumbled, his brow creased, and he closed his eyes. “He CAN’T know about you! No one other than Tommy can, they’ll hurt you and-” Hesitantly you put your hands on his cheeks,  
         “Take a deep breath…” You said tenderly as he opened his eyes to lock with your own. “We’ll be okay, splash me with invis and I’ll stay by Edward, hopefully it’ll mask my particle effects.” He gave a worried nod; you pecked his lips tenderly to reassure him as he splashed you with the potion. Just in time too because a knock on the door sounded, for once Tommy was absolutely silent. You watched as a man who rivaled your boyfriend in size came through the door, your eyes widened at the white mask covering his face there was an almost haunting smile painted on it. You pressed your tongue against your teeth and watched him give a wave to your boyfriend. Even without seeing his face you could tell he was smirking coyly at him. Never one to be intimidated Technoblade gave him a casual greeting and their conversation about Tommy’s location began. You had to cover your mouth with your hands at one point to stop yourself from laughing as Techno began talking to ‘chat’ instead of talking to Dream. You watched as the masked man grew more and more angry at Technoblade’s antics, he began speaking about a favor and Techno reminded him that he believes in full reciprocity. At the end of the interaction, it took all of your strength not to punch Dream directly in his stupid masked face. Why the fuck did it sound like he wanted to murder a child? If Dream ever laid a finger on him again, he was personally going to feel your wrath. The potion wore off almost as soon as Dream disappeared over the hills, Techno immediately turned to Tommy anger written all over his face.
         “Where you eating my gapples that ENTIRE time?!” Tommy sputtered out an excuse about absorption and you watched Techno open the window and beckon Dream to come back. You gave Technoblade a look and he scoffed at you, 
          “I won’t let him hurt you again Tommy. I promise.” You swore looking down at him, and his face turned a little pink. Tommy cleared his throat and shook his head,
          “Thanks, Ms. Blade but I’m tough enough to fight him head on! Have no fear!” He pointed to himself with his thumb a proud smile adoring his face. You gave a little laugh and nodded in agreement, 
          “You definitely are. Thank you for reassuring me.” You hummed and his smile only seemed to widen, 
          “I’m more qualified to protect your girlfriend than you are it seems Technoblade.” 
 Technoblade looked unamused, his eyebrow twitching in distaste. “Tommy I literally hate you so much. You’re a nerd.” 
         “Play nice both of you.” You scolded them, “We have to work together and at least pretend to get along or it’s going to be a very long partnership.” They both nodded reluctantly, and Techno sighed tiredly, he ruffled your hair. The rest of the night was spent gathering some more food in hopes it would stop Tommy’s gapple eating tirade, it obviously wouldn’t but it didn’t hurt to try. After that all three of you turned in for the night, as both you and Technoblade were getting ready for bed he decided to speak up about the plan for the next day.
          “Tommy and I need to make a trek into L’manburg to find Phil and try to get my stuff back. I don’t want to leave you here alone considering what just happened today, but you also can’t come to L’manburg.” 
        “Bubs you know I’ll be fine here alone did we not just have this conversation?” You pinched his pointed ears, and he made a sound of protest. “I’ve got fighting skills, after all have you not been training me in the art of war?” You teased with a smirk, “I got this Blade.”
          “Okay, okay, okay.” He leaned forward and kissed you and you kissed him back without hesitation. You felt him squeeze your hand fondly before pulling away from you. “When we get back home, we’ll have a date night okay?” Technoblade whispered softly pressing his forehead to yours. 
          “Gonna be a bit hard with the raccoon boy snooping around.” You teased eyes sparkling in delight, 
         “I’ll send him on a quest for something or other. So, it’ll be just us, I swear.” The soft look on Technoblade’s face made your heart squeeze in your chest. He brushed your hair behind your ear, “I’ll make you dinner, and we can watch a movie.” 
          “Well don’t take too long then.” You sent a teasing wink his way and he smiled fondly back at you. You kissed him again pulling him down into the bed, you both bounced with a laugh. His pink hair hung down and framed his face gorgeously, his glasses slipped down his nose. You pushed them back up with your index finger and he went cross-eyed, “I’ll be looking forward to it.” 
 The next morning rolled around and after breakfast both boys reluctantly packed a bag with important things they needed for the day. Stepping outside with the two of them, Technoblade gave you a farewell kiss and you watched them disappear over the hills. They were most likely going to go cause problems for other people on purpose. Finally alone, you decided to check up on the nearby villages to see if they had any interesting trades that you and Techno could exploit. You slung a bag over your shoulder and placed a good portion of emeralds inside of it, you placed a few potions inside of the bag as well. As a precaution you also grabbed an axe and a sword, you had to be ready for anything after all. Shutting the door behind you, you started your trek through the snow-covered woods you heard the snow crunch under your boots and began to hum softly to yourself. You paused a moment and raised an eyebrow as you caught sight of a blue sheep wandering by, tilting your head to the side you approached it. 
        “Well, hey little guy.” You murmured reaching out and running your hand through the sheep’s soft wool. 
         “Oh, um excuse me!” A voice spoke from behind you, you jumped with a yelp as soon as you spun around you were met with a fully transparent man. He had a yellow sweater with a big gash in his torso, and a beanie resting atop his head. You tilted your head up and locked eyes with him, they were almost completely white.
 He was a ghost.
          “That’s Friend! She doesn’t really like others petting her but it’s okay because you didn’t know.” The ghost smiled; it was contagious as you felt yourself smiling back at him.
         “My bad, my names (Y/n). What’s yours?” 
         “Oh! I’m Ghostbur! It’s nice to meet you miss, I’ve never seen you around here before. Are you new to the SMP?” He tilted his head floating around you, almost as if to get a better look at you. You focused more on his name, Ghostbur, which means this was Wilbur Soot, ex-president of L’manburg, and ‘brother’ of Tommy and Technoblade. 
 You cleared your throat and rubbed the back of your neck. “No, I’ve lived in this area for a while, but I’m a wandering adventurer. I trade with the villages around here for interesting collectables stuff like that. I don’t do much of that now though.” You watched the ghost’s eyes widen a little,
          “That’s so cool!” He praised, “I bet you have a ton of cool stories.” 
          “Yeah, there’s been a few close calls, but I’ve made it back alive and well- oh shit no offense.” You winced a little and he laughed shaking his head, 
          “No worries it’s okay! I’m fine with being dead you know, no one really liked who I was alive, so this is better for everybody.” He puffed out his chest a little and a big smile spread across his face, that only caused you to frown. You reached out to try and touch him and your hand went right through the man, you both seemed to shiver at that, and he looked at you in shock. 
      “I’m sorry to hear that...that must be really hard.” Wilbur’s jaw dropped at your response, he floated around a bit awkwardly. If he wasn’t floating, he would’ve been shuffling on his feet in a nervous manner. 
       “N-No it’s…Wilbur was a horrible, horrible man.” He took a deep breath and began to throw some sort of blue substance on the ground in a rapid manner, you watched as he began to mutter and breath heavily. 
        “Woah, woah, woah I’m sorry don’t freak out!” 
         “I’m not, I'm okay see, see I’m fine and happy. Very happy with everything that’s going on so no worries okay! Here.” He tossed the blue substance at you and you collected it with a weary smile, “Have some blue it’ll make you feel better.” You thanked him quietly and you both stood there a bit uncomfortably that was until thunder rumbled overhead. “Oh no…I melt in the rain.” 
         “Here why don’t you come with me.” You smiled softly, “I know a place where you can wait out the storm.” 
          “Aw thank you.” Ghostbur clapped, “Friend can come too right?” 
          “Of course.” 
          “Good. Then lead the way.” He chirped as Ghostbur followed you back the way you came, now before you get too mad at yourself you should know that Technoblade had informed you that during his ‘execution’ Ghostbur had visited him at his home. If he didn’t share that information with you, you’d be never revealing Technoblade’s base. As the house appeared over the mountains the ghost looked over at you with a bright smile, “Oh! That’s my friend Technoblade’s house, do you live with him?”
         “I do.” You smiled fondly and watched his smile grow excitedly, “He’s helped me out quite a lot.”
         “That’s wonderful! Technoblade usually never helps people unless he likes them or if they can do something for him in return. You must be very special, are you two together?” He only had to glance at you for a moment before laughing excitedly, “You are! That’s wonderful!” Ghostbur chirped, clapping his hands as he phased through Technoblade’s door, officially safe out of the rain, turned snow. You had let Friend inside as well and Ghostbur continued talking “Tell me how you met, please, please, please.” Seeing how excited the ghost was you melted, he won your heart just like Tommy. However, you had to keep in mind his alive self-did blow up an entire nation and that couldn’t be just brushed away like he seemingly was trying to do, you can’t erase the past. You can only accept what happens, learn from it, apologize and grow. However, you didn’t see the harm in sharing how the both of you met so you began to retell the tale to Ghostbur, the entire time he had an almost bittersweet look on his face. 
         “I was married once...her name was Sally. She...left though. But I still had my son, Fundy and we did the best we could together.” Ghostbur said fondly his eyes softening,
         “I’m sorry...that must’ve been really hard for the both of you.” 
         “It’s alright! She was a salmon, so she was going to swim away eventually.” 
         “Like- like an actual salmon?”
The silence that stretched into the room was deafening, you cleared your throat deciding not to dwell on the fact that the ghost in front of you very likely fucked a fish. You hoped to god she was some sort of shapeshifter, in fact that’s what you were going to believe. You managed to break the silence by asking about Fundy, and the way he gushed about him was nothing less than fatherly. It was sweet and you listened intently to him, Fundy seemed like a good kid, a bit quirky but you were dating a blood god so who were you to judge? Eventually the snow outside stopped and the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds. Ghostbur glanced out the window and decided it was time for him to head out with Friend. It was about midday and you were almost sad to see him go. 
 Alone again.
You still had hours to kill before Technoblade and Tommy reappeared, so you figured it was about time to start doing some chores. 
         “Ghostbur what’re you doing here?” Fundy murmured softly, looking over at the ghost with an exhausted expression. His ears were pressed back against his head, talking to the man who was once considered his dad always made him exhausted. Wilbur, or Ghostbur now, really was pitiful.
         “Can’t I visit you every once in a while!” Ghostbur hummed a smile plastered on his face as Fundy frowned. 
         “Preferably not. Plus...I’m a little busy right now I’m meeting up with Quackity and the Butcher Squad to talk about Techno again.” 
         “OH! Technoblade! I just spent the loveliest morning with his girlfriend, she was absolutely wonderful! She asked all about you and just adored Friend-”
         “Rewind, Technoblade’s what?” Fundy’s jaw dropped to the floor and he felt a hand on his shoulder, the young fox man stiffened. He looked to the side and saw Quackity besides him, Ranboo was next to him but Tubbo stood a little ways away. 
        “Yeah Ghostbur. Do continue.” Quackity grinned, his missing tooth sticking out from his last encounter with Toothpick. Ghostbur wilted a little bit and his eyebrows creased on his forehead, he fucked up didn’t he? 
        “I-um nothing actually I misspoke.”
        “Did he misspeak Fundy, cause to me it sounds like we have new leverage against Technoblade.” Quackity laughed a crazed look in his eyes, “Once again Ghostbur I have to thank you for the great information.” 
        “You’re welcome…” He murmured weakly, as Quackity stepped besides the ghost. 
        “Get your weapons boys, it’s time to pay the Technoblade household another visit.”
Hey guys! Pt. III is officially up! Technoblade’s livestreams huh? :) 
Also friendship with Tommy ended Ranboo’s my new favorite child.
As always I love your feedback thanks for reading! 
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after-witch · 4 years
Thanks For Your Donation! [Yandere Shigaraki x Twitch Streamer Reader]
Title: Thanks For Your Donation! [Yandere Shigaraki x Twitch Streamer Reader]
Synopsis:  request, “Please I love that troupe where Shigaraki gets obsessed with a twitch stream and deluded himself into believing they’re together until he finally takes her home 🥰”
notes: yandere, kidnapping mention, creeper
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Shigaraki glances down at the notification on his phone and his chest suddenly feels tight, anxiety blooming across his skin which makes him want to scratch, scratch, scratch. Your Twitch is live again--fuck, he can’t miss it.  He rapidly presses the save button on his Switch, impatient to devote his entire attention to his phone screen--to you.
But fuck, do you make it hard on him lately. You stream so much more now that you’ve gotten followers, gotten popular; donations have become a regular feature rather than something surprising, but those other guys, the ones who flash big donations and write insipid comments, aren’t really fans of yours. Not like he is. He’s been watching and donating and praising you since you were a nobody, a nothing streamer with barely 10 viewers per stream.
That was back when you used to just play games with your cheap little pink earbuds and your messy room behind you. When you used to feel more real, used to express yourself more openly. 
You stumbled over words and reacted naturally, which meant you were boring--or you would be boring, to someone that didn’t know you like he did. Sometimes the small circle of viewers would dwindle down to just Shigaraki and you’d talk to him, only him, replying to his chat messages with earnest honesty. Smiles. Jokes. It was so goddamn cute. He always donated one last time before signing off for the night and you would curl your fingers in a heart and cheerfully bid him good night.
But now that you’re getting big, you’re more polished, more presentable, more popular. And less… like you, he thinks.  You cleared out some little room just for your gaming streams and you have a nice headset now, a background that he can tell you carefully set up to create just the right vibe. You don’t have time for one-on-one convos with your viewers, because your streams never dwindle down, never fizzle out until you’re left awkwardly signing off. 
They’re full-fledged productions, now, whether you’re gaming or doing a Q&A or--these have become one of his favorites--doing a cute yet clearly rehearsed “sleepy morning” stream in your pajamas, picture-perfect coffee in your hand, where you muse about life and love and strawberry pancakes.
It’s cute, he admits, but it’s also too rehearsed. He misses the real you, the real personality that you used to let shine through when hardly anybody was watching. You would only show the real you for him, but now that he’s just one amongst a crowd, you keep yourself protected. He understands. You have an image to maintain, after all. 
It’s even changed your gaming habits. Now when you game, you react so dramatically, bordering on ridiculous. You would never scream at a horror game before--sure, you might cringe, or admit that your heart is pounding like a hammer, but you weren’t cartoonish. But it’s what those losers watching want--they want you to open your mouth so big when something scary happens in a game so they can screencap it and imagine you’re opening your mouth to do something… else. They want you to scream girlishly at jump scares or dramatically fawn over cute guy characters. And of course, they want you to react when they donate--they want to hear those sweet little words: “Thank you sooo much, you’re my number one fan!”
It’s your new little catch phrase, something you’ve integrated into every stream now. It’s even in your intro--“Hello, all my number one fans!”  It’s an in-joke now between your followers. All part of your brand.
Shigaraki knows you don’t mean to hurt him by calling other guys your number one fan. But it does. But it’s okay. He doesn’t hold it against you. He knows that you don’t really mean it, when you’re saying it to them; he’s smart, he can tell the difference in how you react to his donations versus the donations from the absolute shitheads who watch your streams. 
You mean it when you call him your number one fan. It’s the only way he can get you to say his name, now that you’re too busy to really respond properly to the chat. And it’s fine, really, nothing to get too upset over. Because when you finally meet in person, he’ll explain that he’s the only number one fan that you’ll ever need.
He jumps into the stream, annoyed at having missed the beginning, but what he sees on the screen instantly melts away any emotion other than pure adoration and obsession. You’re very… pink today. A pink oversized sweater and pink cat headphones and even glossy pink lipstick that makes your mouth look like candy. 
None of the freaks watching the stream know this, but Shigaraki is the reason why you feel comfortable wearing pink. He remembers one of your early streams, where you wondered out loud if it was cliche to be a girl gamer who likes pink; he’d told you that it was fine, and you’d thanked him. Who knows, without his sage advice, you might be wearing clothing you didn’t like. Wouldn’t that be a shame? He makes a mental note to remind you to thank him, somewhere down the line. Maybe when you were out on a date and wearing a short pink skirt and urging him to take a sip of your vanilla-cherry milkshake, letting him put his lips right on your straw.
A date… the thought makes him feel tight all over. Would you date him? I mean, you were practically dating already, truth be told. It just needed to be formalized. He’d spent so much money on you, and in the early days he knew exactly what his donations bought because you’d happily chatter on about getting a new game or perfume or stack of light novels because of his generosity. Of course, you didn’t talk as much as you used to--well, practically never, except when he donated--but that couldn’t be helped. You were stretched thin, being pulled in directions by these so-called-fans who watched your streams but didn’t give a fuck about the real you underneath. The real you that Shigaraki knows all too well.
Would you date him? No, more than that--did you love him? The way he loves you? The thought of the real you, the one who didn’t bite her lip oh-so-obviously in a bid to look adorable, the one who didn’t mind eating messy lunches while she gamed, the one who always always made sure to wish Shigaraki good night, makes him want to find out.
He rarely participates in the chat nowadays. There’s no point, when you rarely respond to anything other than answers to questions you ask, and even then you cherry pick from the countless replies that pop up in seconds. Donating is the best way to catch your eye, to hear those sweet words from your lips that you only mean when he donates.
But something makes him want to try, today. Maybe it’s all his nostalgia for your early days, the early connection you made that is still going strong. Maybe it’s the allure of the glossy pink lipstick smeared across your lips, making him think about how you might taste of cherries or strawberries or pure sugar.
Whatever it is, it’s pulling his fingers towards the chat, and before he knows it, he’s rapidly typed and hit enter. The second he does he begins to scratch furiously at his neck and he can feel the blood even as his message is quickly dominated by other messages in the chat, inane bullshit.
Tomura001: sry for the sudden question but I need to ask you something personal do you love me?
As a quick thought, he makes a donation, just to ease the nervousness that was flooding through him with every passing millisecond.
He hardly blinks as he stares intently at you, sitting in your chair with your pink lips and pink headphone and soft skin and--you glance over, where he knows you keep a larger screen to see the chat.
And suddenly, you’re speaking.
“Awww,” you say, your voice sweet and flattered, even. “Tomura! Of course I love you! You’re my number one fan!”
He can hear his heartbeat in his ears. You do love him. I mean, he knew this already; it’s the little things, like how you still have the light novels you bought with his money on your bookshelf and you thank him for his donations like you mean it and you feel confident enough to wear pink, all thanks to him. But he’s never heard it from your mouth before. From your lips. Soft and pink and inviting.
You love him.
You love him.
You love him.
He sets the phone down, a rare occurrence when he’s glued to your streams. But the emotions rushing through him are so strong that he’s worried it will slip out of his fingers and fall, crack on the floor.
He loves you. You love him. You belong to him. So why are you wasting your fucking time streaming to a bunch of worthless losers who don’t care about you? He can buy you the things you want, the things you like. He can clear out some space in his room so you can game together. And he knows girls like things clean, so he’ll even throw out the used soda cans and food wrappers before he brings you home.  You’ll appreciate that, just like you appreciated his donations and late-night practically empty stream chats. You’ll be happy with him. And he can see you and hear you and touch you in a way that he’s been dreaming about (and you’ve been dreaming about, he knows) for ages.
All he has to do is find your address--easy enough--and you’ll be living it up with him before you know it. 
He chews on his lip and picks up his phone. You’ve moved on--you had to, didn’t you, to keep those viewers donating--but he can tell by the way your lips are pursued that you’re thinking about him.
Your number one fan.
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k3rm1e · 3 years
hey bestie!!
could I request a georgenotfound x male(or gender neutral) baker reader who comes onto one of George’s streams to help him bake and wearing one of George’s hoodies and chat just,, freaks out cause they didn’t know he was dating someone
hey bestie!!
could I request a georgenotfound x male(or gender neutral) baker reader who comes onto one of George’s streams to help him bake and wearing one of George’s hoodies and chat just,, freaks out cause they didn’t know he was dating someone
hi anon! this has taken a long while, so i’m sorry about that. but this is here now so yeah, i hope you enjoy <3
  george was doing another one of his streams except this time, he wasn’t gaming. you could hear him screaming from the kitchen, attempting to bake a cake. why he didn’t ask for your help, you didn’t know. just the other day you had quite literally completed a three tier cake for an old family friend’s daughter’s quinceañera. the intricate gold leaf detailing and the expertly crafted edible roses had taken hours.
  so, you had no clue why george refused to accept your help. he wouldn’t even let you get ingredients. he probably got salted butter instead of unsalted. now he’ll have a salty cake. suits him right.
  you tried to ignore his yells, let him suffer in his own stupidity. but, just imagining the monstrosity of a cake he was making made you grimace in disgust. all he’s doing is disrespecting the art of baking. if anything, it's a stain on your honor. the baking blog that reviewed all the local shops would write, “boyfriend, who’s partner is a baker, cannot bake cakes. instead of helping him, said partner left him to suffer, and in doing so  disrespecting our craft. never purchase another cake from their shop, as they are a vile being and a harm to the baking community.”. you rolled off the couch and face first on the couch, kicking your feet back and forth.
  “fine. fine. i’ll help him. but not because i want to, only to save my honor. that idiot denied my help.” getting up, you marched over to the kitchen, stopping right before the door. you took a breath, and whipped open the door. “George-”
  the kitchen was a mess. there was flour on the counter top and liquid butter in the microwave. george stood in the middle of the kitchen in a whit apron and a chef’s hat, looking very shocked.
  “what did you do to my kitchen!? do you even know what you’re doing?” you marched into the room, pushing him away to survey the damage on the counter. in you hasty anger, you had somewhat forgotten that he was live.
  “uh, nothing love. it’s just a bit of a mess.” he looked guilty, standing behind you with his hands in the air, holding a whisk with powder and egg on it.
  “seriously george, i knew you were bad at cooking, but not this bad. i’ve made cakes in front of you so many times, how are you still seriously so bad at this?” you stared at with your hand on your hips. he was ruining your lovely kitchen. if you were too late in stopping him, he could’ve used your electric mixer. good thing you stopped him.
  “i like your cake! why would i learn how to cook if i can just have you bake for me?” from his headphones you could lightly hear, “ohohoho, what do you mean by you like their cake george~?” and a whisper shouted, “shut up dream!” from george. you would ignore that line of conversation for the time being.
  “george, go grab me paper towels.” he sighed and threw his head back before doing what you told him to.
  as you began to clean up, george started talking to chat. “chat, twitch chat, this is my partner. they bake and are a bit mad that i didn’t accept their help at first.” he put his arms around your neck and put his head on top of yous. “don’t they look good in my hoodie?” he moved your head next to your cheek and you could hear him chuckle when your face got warm. chat was practically having a seizure, spamming about how you’re their new OTP.
  you sighed at george, “go get me the eggs babe.”
  you made the chocolate cake batter, messing around with george the whole time. he got flour everywhere, even spilt the milk. but, after some time you had finally made a cake you could be semi-proud of. did it look good? no. but working in conditions where you have to deal with being live on camera and dealing with a man who can’t bake for his life makes it much better. after ending stream, you guys laid down on the couch. 
  “thank you for not getting mad at meeeeee” george smiled at you as he ate his piece of cake.
  “yeah, you’re lucky i love you.” you kept staring at the tv, intently watching the show.
  “awwwww, you’re so cute.” george moved his head to be on your shoulder.
  you shoved his head off you, pushing him off the couch. “oh, shut the hell up you idiot.”
early post today! this was shorter, but hopefully you guys liked it :)
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riacte · 4 years
HBomb watching Grian’s world tour.
It’s like 1h 30mins long with the commentary. Here’s some highlights lol. Keep in mind most of this is paraphrased :P
*seeing Grian has 61 eps* Hermitcraft is nuts. They are so invested and talented.”
“Did they makes little railing things to send messages to each other? That’s the cutest thing ever. It’s like when you’re living on treehouses with your next door neighbour.” OK HBOMB WAIT TILL YOU SEE THE SEASON WHEN REN AND FALSE LITERALLY LIVE IN THE SAME AREA.
Grian, about the mansion: It’s lacking soul
About Grian’s chest monsters: “I’m starting to realize me and Grian have a lot in common.”
“You can give villagers dragon heads?”
He was stunned into silence by Scar’s Big Dig. For like fifteen seconds. Just gaping.
About the Big Dig: that’s more work by Scar than we put into Dream SMP
About Mumbo’s base: “This is so beautiful”
H said people really under appreciate Minecraft grass and leaves. YEAH HE’S ON TEAM HEP LMAO.
He smiled so much at Grian and Mumbo’s shenanigans lol.
He screamed “ISKALL!” the moment the Omega Tree came into view. And he proudly told chat “I KNOW THAT GUY!”
H legit made the POG face when he saw Stress’ base. “I thought they all lived super far from each other.” “I know Stress too!! She’s on Vault Hunters!”
“I wanna see more of the dragonflies”
“Renpog renpog renpog? That’s my MCC9 Teammate”
About Ren: “he’s nuts”
About Ren’s Darth Vader base: “this would take me a full year to build”
AND THEN REN SAID “<3 <3 <3” in chat
“We love Ren in this chat. Ren’s out of his mind.”
Now he said Ren put in more effort than everyone on DSMP except Sam.
Grian: I struggle with terraforming
H: I struggle with everything compared to the Hermitcrafters.”
“It’s so crazy!” H said while massaging his head.
“Mumbo Baggins.”
“I forgot about Keralis! I haven’t watched him in so long.”
H also stared at Keralis’ build for ten seconds just making the Pog face.
“I can’t tell how big that is. 30 blocks or 300.”
“I feel like there’s always 40 people on the server.” Good try, H. Lol.
Grian fell down Keralis’ hotel’s elevator chute but flew himself to safety. “Grian’s at 3 hearts. Thank God’s he’s so good with an elytra.”
H about graffiti: “Oh I love this”
H saw the Keralis Bee in front of X’s base and instantly made the same face.
Grian admitted he doesn’t watch his friends.
H: as a content creator, it’s very awkward to watch your friends. 100%.
He said Etho was the first MCYT he fanboyed over aaaa
About Etho’s base: ohh it’s so cool
“I love that the beacon is going through the end crystal!”
About Wel’s base:
Grian: I don’t think he’s on very much
H: that’s more than I built in my lifetime
H confusedly squinting and peering at Zedaph’s base lmaoo
About Tango’s base: “that looks straight out of a Doctor Suess novel. I LOVE IT. I LOVE THESE TWO (Tango and Impulse’s) BUILDINGS.”
About Impulse’s base: the quartz and water combined look really cool
Grian, about Impulse’s base: is this mega?
H: y e s
Grian: no
H: that thing is freaking huge. I’ll say that’s mega. That’s huge. It’s mega.
Grian: it’s not mega
H: it goes down the water IT’S MEGA
H stared at Tango’s base for fifteen secs. “I love it. I love it. Chat, have I ever told you I love it.”
“Did he make an iron farm with ravagers?!”
Grian: I don’t know what I’m doing with farms
H: I don’t know what I’m doing 24/7
“She’s nuts, chat”
“When I raid False, I ask my chat to ask her to show her base because it’s so freaking cool”
Grian: is False’s base mega
Grian: this is juuuuust mega
H, screaming: JUST? I’m gonna throw hands with Grian
Then he proceeded to talk about False’s water at the bottom of her base and how she had to place water sources and blocks (chat told him she used ice, but hey it’s the thought that counts)
“That’s insane, chat!! It’s so cool!”
“I’m ready to throw hands with Grian.”
He wanted to win the mega argument with Grian lol. “Hbomb VS Grian.”
“I actually don’t know what Grian looks like irl. He might beat me up.”
H stared at Cleo’s armour stands. “OHH THAT’S SICK!”
“I’m still mad at you on the megabase thing. Other than that, we’re good.”
He watched False make the Nether hub on Twitch.
Grian: X made this Nether build-
H: X gonna give it to ya
“Ren and False are just built differently.”
H’s face legit froze when he saw Cub’s base. And he bellowed “WHY?!”
H: size matters
“Link’s ready to throw hands with Grian” (Link is H’s dog)
“He managed to make our Targay look absolutely irrelevant.”
“Do you think they’ll let me on to play with them? Just for like, twenty minutes? 🥺👉👈”
“Walls made out of ancient debris. Jesus Christ. WHY?!”
Pomo, donation: impulse once raised his base by one block bcz he thought it looked better
H: oh no
“Imagine there was an ancient debris wall on the Dream SMP, chat. It would be there for an hour. Maybe two. Maybe.”
“Doc was another Minecracker”
He was so relieved when he saw Joe’s stuff lol. Since people can be “normal”.
About Mt. Goatmore: OHH THAT’S DOPE!
He went to a Bdubs meet up when he was in college. And had a photo and autograph of Bdubs and Gen.
“Yo that cliff is dope”
About Bdubs’ castle: I won’t be surprised if he used diamond blocks.
“I love how Bdubs use the nether wood trapdoors.”
He loved the anvil droppers thing and said he’s gonna steal the idea. He also mentioned Beef and Mindcrack.
H is such a HC stan now lol. AND HE WANTS TO PLAY THE HC MINIGAMES. PLEASE LET THE MAN ON. Also he’s gonna vibe so well with Grian. Not only do they have similar views in MCC but also in a lot of other things (don’t watch their friends, chest monsters, etc).
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unwanted visitor*
pairing: max cady x fem!reader
summary: a good deed turns out to be the worst choice you could possibly make... maybe.
warnings: explicit language, slight dub con, fingering, choking, face slapping, predatory vibes, huuggeee age gap (but reader is of legal age), daddy kink
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When the last bell of the day rang, you were more than happy to pack your books into your bag and hurriedly get out from behind your desk. All of your frustrations washed away the minute the final bell rang throughout the school. You walked with a pep in your step down the hall and to the left where your locker was. Quickly putting in your combination, you unlocked the metal barrier and shoved your history textbook inside and huffed as you fixed your lopsided headband that kept your hairs away from your face.
“Y/N!” You heard your friends squeal your name as they ran to you, all laughing and talking at the same time.
“If you’re gonna ask me to go to the mall again, the answer is gonna be no,” you giggled and held your binder to your chest as you shut your locker and made sure to rearrange the numbers. “My parents are coming home tomorrow and I have to clean up and stuff.”
“And stuff? What’re you gonna do? Rub one out the last night you’re alone?” Alana, the loud and dirty one of the group, questioned you and made an obscene gesture with her fist and mouth.
You shoved her and covered your blushing face with your binder as your friends giggled around you. You rolled your eyes at her filthy antics and walked in between them. “I’ll let you guys know though, okay? I have studying to do and food shopping.”
“Oh, let me know when you go food shopping. I need to get more snacks,” Beverly, the insanely smart and talkative one of the group, told you as she fixed her glasses on her nose. “I ate too much of everything again and my parents are gonna freak when they see how empty the cabinets are. Especially my dads secret stash. No wonder he keeps a lock and key.”
You and Alana shared a look and laughed. Alana wrapped an arm around Beverly’s shoulders as you three made your way out of the school. There was still a bustle of students here and there - some waiting for the bus, some waiting for their parents, others just loitering. Alana and Beverly were chatting amongst themselves, and judging from the way Bev was sucking her teeth annoyingly, Alana was probably saying something dirty or poking fun. You were in your own head as your eyes scanned your surroundings.
They suddenly landed on a beautiful red mustang parked across the street. The man in the driver’s seat was significantly older than you. You weren’t sure if he was a parent or a teacher, but his eyes never left yours the minute you spotted him. A nudge to your arm brought you back down to earth and you quickly turned your head to focus on your two friends.
“We’re gonna head to the arcade. Danny’s supposed to meet us there. You sure you don’t wanna come?” Bev asked you, furrowing her eyebrows and biting down on her bottom lip with her brace covered teeth.
“I’m sure,” you smiles and fixed the straps of your bag and held your binder tighter to your chest as you took a few steps back. “I’ll see you guys Monday!”
They both bid you a goodbye and went around the school to where the football field was to cut a shortcut. You trotted down the steps and began to make your way home which was just a 10 minute walk, 6 minutes tops if you ran. But do you really wanna run in a skirt? You shook your head to yourself and giggled softly. The air was so fresh and clean. It rained last night and today was a beautiful morning. The smell of grass and flowers overwhelmed your senses as the birds chirped around you.
“Excuse me, young lady,” you heard a gentle southern voice call at you from beside.
You gasped and looked to the side and saw the man you had seen before. He rests one elbow on the the drivers side window as the other rests on the steering wheel. He was wearing a sailor’s hat and had a Hawaiian shirt on, only the top three buttons undone, showcasing a hairy and well built chest with tattoos. He had some on his arms as well and it gave you butterflies. He lowered his sunglasses just a smidge and gave you a charming smile. Up close, he looked so handsome and rugged.
“I sincerely apologize for startling you,” he told you. “Do you, by any chance, know where Collins Avenue is? I’m afraid I don’t have a map and I have a doctor’s appointment.” He seemed so friendly. It made you feel at ease. You stepped closer to the car and looked down the street, missing the way his eyes roamed you up and down.
“You’re gonna go down that street here. And then when you’re about to pass that yellow house, you’re gonna make a right. And then there’s gonna be a blue house at the corner, then you’re gonna wanna make a left and then keep going straight!” You told the directions and gave him a bashful smile, hugging your binder closer to your chest again. “Do you get it, mister?”
“I’m afraid I don’t, darlin,” he huffed and licked his lips, sucking his teeth and tapping his thump against the steering wheel.
“Well, I can draw it out for you if you’d like? I know this neighborhood like the back of my hand,” you giggled quietly, making the man smirk as he bit his lip.
“Would you like to take a seat inside so you’re more comfortable?” He offered and unlocked the doors of his car.
“I’m not allowed to get into cars with strangers, mister,” you told him softly, nervously biting your lip.
“Well look at how smart you are!” He praised you, causing your cheeks to blush pink. He didn’t miss that and grinned wolfishly. “My name is Max Cady. And you are?”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you told him, taking a small step towards the car when he outstretched his hand to shake yours. His hand was so much bigger than yours, fingers long and veins protruding on his hand and arm. You swallowed down a whimper at the touch.
“See, now we ain’t strangers anymore,” he winked at you, laughing quietly as you looked down. “I promise you, I’m a respectful man and you seem like a lovely lil lady.” He fingers tapped against his thigh as his knee started to bob, a sign of impatience. But he needed to get you to trust him. He needed to simply wait it out until it was the right time. When your hand touched the handle, something inside of him jumped for joy. “There we go!”
You opened your binder and turned to a clean sheet of paper, pulling out a pencil from its pocket and beginning to draw an outline of where Max needed to go. You can feel his eyes on you as you neatly scribbled down street signs and little squares as houses. His scent suddenly filled your senses. The cologne he was wearing smelled so intoxicating. You wanted to bury your nose in his neck to keep that scent around you. You bit your lip and squeezed your thighs together under your binder, hoping he didn’t realize your squirming. Oh, but he did. His eyes trailed down to look at the exposed skin hidden under your pink checkered skirt, your white thigh highs fitting so snug around you. It looked so soft and supple. He needed to squeeze your flesh and sink his teeth into them to leave his mark. He suddenly wonders if you bruise easily.
“So, you go to this school here?” Max asks you, wanting to make small talk to keep you longer. “I hear it’s the last month before summer.”
“Yes, I do! It’s my last year too, and then I go to college,” you beamed with excitement and he almost found it adorable. “I can’t wait. It’s gonna be so exciting.”
“No kiddin’. What’re you studying?” He licked his lips and looked at your neck and collarbones, suddenly wondering what you’d taste like if he trailed his tounge across. How long would he have to choke you to make you pass out?
“English! I wanna be a writer,” you gave him a shy smile, watching as his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled back at you. Man, was he handsome. “I never asked where you’re from, Max. I recognized your accent.”
“Oh, just a lil town up in Georgia,” he shrugged. “Nothin’ too special, I guess.”
“Georgia? I heard they have great peaches up there. I always wanted to go to a peach farm,” you pouted.
“Can I let you in on a secret?” His voice dropped down to a low baritone hum as he moved closer to you, the heat of just him engulfing you like flames. His breath tickled your ear. “They ain’t that good.”
You burst into a fit of giggles and covered your mouth with your palm. Max chuckles to himself and elbows you lightly. Your skin was soft. His hands twitched as he moved back to his spot. And what perfume were you wearing? It smelled like strawberries and rose water.
“Um, here you go, sir - Max!” You handed him the paper and closed your binder after putting your pencil away. “If you just follow those directions, you’d be out on the main street and then the doctor’s office should be around there. I promise, you won’t get lost.”
“Well, since you’ve been such a lovely samaritan, I do believe you deserve a reward,” he tells you and reaches over to open the glove compartment, the back of his hand briefly touching your knees as he rifles around and pulls out a heart shaped lollipop. “Somethin’ sweet for a sweet peach.”
You blushed and took the lollipop with a soft thank you, sir. You unwrapped it and popped it into your mouth, immediately letting out a soft moan, not even realizing it as you suckle and lick. Max never once took his eyes off you. His face changed into one of seriousness. He need to have you. And if he couldn’t right now, he’d find a way. When you went to look at him, he immediately gave you that charming smile of his.
“How about I take you home? You’ve been so good to me and I would just feel so bad letting you walk alone out here,” he told you and laid a large hand on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing up and down as he looked into your eyes. Almost hypnotized, you nodded. “Where do you live, peach?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
When Max stopped in front of your house, he took notice of the absence of cars in the driveway. You turned in your seat and gave him a blushing smile. He rests his arm on the seats behind him and spreads his thighs comfortably. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes look down before quickly looking into his again.
“Thank you for the ride, Max. I do hope you get to the doctors office safely,” you told him gently, leaning over the console to give his stubbly cheek a kiss, once more smelling that cologne.
“Pleasure’s all mine, peach,” he grins and tips his hat to you like a gentleman, savoring the little giggles that escape your red tinted lips that was from the lollipop.
He watches as you exit the car, waving back at you as you walk up the long walkway that leads to the steps. When you reach the top, you unlock the door, turning back once more to wave at Max. He gives you a wink as you shut the door. His smile drops from his face at an instant as he puts his car into drive and parks a few houses down. All he has to do is wait now.
When you get inside the house, you drop your bag down with a sigh and envelope the silence that fills up every room. You hated silence with such a passion. It was so quiet, yet so loud at the same damn time. You needed excitement and wonder and boisterous adventures. You trudged up the carpet steps and enter your lonely room. Tugging off your shoes, you neatly put them back in the empty space under your bed, pushing them back just a tad so your bedsheets cover them. You remove your headband and run your fingers through your hair. You sat down on the edge of your bed with a sigh. Coming home to an empty house was the worst feeling you ever felt.
“I need a dog,” you mumbled to yourself and walked over to the radio that sat on your windowsill, sliding in your favorite tape of Queen and smiling happily again when Somebody To Love came on. You hummed along to the lyrics and began to pick up any dirty laundry lying around. You had to make sure the bathroom was in tact as well before your parents came home. You made a mental list in your head of things you needed to do as you left your room and entered the small laundry room just beside yours. You loaded the washer, poured in a small cup of detergent, and turned the novel so that it would start rotating the clothes around.
You walked down the steps and entered the guest bathroom that was adjacent to the back door. You put your handle on the knob and turned it to make sure it was still locked before you left for school and after you came home. Just as you walked down the hallway to check the front door, the familiar Hawaiian shirt caught you off guard in your kitchen. You gasped and pressed your back against the walk beside the steps. Max Cady was standing in your kitchen eating an apple from your bowl of fruits.
“You should learn how to lock your doors, honey,” he tells you, taking another bite out of the apple as he motions with his hand around. “I mean, anybody can just walk in.”
“Wha-What’re you doing here, sir?” You whispered helplessly, feeling as thought you’re about to collapse just from how fast your heart is beating. “My parents will be home a-any minute, you need to go.”
“The calendar says otherwise,” he tells you condescendingly and steps in front of said calendar. He points to a circled date that was tomorrow and reads aloud, “Mom and dad come back.” He turns back to you, seeing the evident fear in your ears and the tremble in your body. “Now, why on earth would you go and lie about somethin’ like that? Your parents taught you about strangers, but I guess they ain’t teachin’ you about lying.”
A small tear rolls down your cheek as you try to muster up a response, but all that comes out is a feeble, “Please.”
Max sets the apple down on the countertop and begins to stalk towards you just as you make a mad dash for the front door. You swing it open just when his strong arm wraps around your waist, lifting you from the ground and throwing you back down behind him, causing you to scream and fall on your hands and knees. He slams the door and chases you up the stairs as you helplessly crawl. You sobbed and fought at his rough hands as they grab your arms to slam you against the wall, making one of the picture frams fall onto the ground. You cried and clawed at his skin, trying to smack his face to catch him off guard.
“Get over here,” he growls and enters your room, throwing you onto the bed and slamming the door shut with his foot. “I do believe you need to learn some manners.”
You cried and hiccuped as you hugged your knees to your chest, desperately holding onto them as grabbed onto your pillows as well. You watched with tear filled eyes as Max turns off your radio. He gets on his knees on your bed. You helplessly shake your head and cried out when he grabbed your ankles and dragged you down onto your back, causing your sheets to come undone and your stuffed animals to become disheveled.
“Please don’t kill me,” you whimpered and closed your eyes tight, feeling his nose against your damp cheek as he chuckles in your ear.
“Kill you? Oh honey, I’m gonna teach you a lesson,” he tells you, his southern drawl becoming thicker. He sits up straight, looking down your body and at how your thighs are trembling, your skirt pooled around your hips to show your tight gray panties. “Look at what we got here.”
You hiccuped and fearfully opened your eyes to see him staring down between your thighs with such hunger. You go to close them, but he smacks your thigh with such force that it makes you cry out. You rub at that sensitive and pained flesh, suddenly wishing that you never interacted with the man. He grabs your blouse and rips it apart, your buttons flying everywhere. You hear some clatter onto the ground as you lay helpless under him.
“I don’t want to hurt your pretty lil self, so how about you just cooperate, hm?” Max sternly tells you, pointing a finger down at you as if scolding a child. When you let out a small, “okay,” he nods in approval. “Now, have you ever been touched by a man?” You shake your head no. “You ever been touched by a woman?” You shook your head no. “You ever touch yourself?” You shook your head no once again. He laughs to himself and rubs a hand down his jaw. “You shittin’ me?”
“No sir,” you weakly whisper. “I’ve been saving myself.” You jump from his boisterous laugh. “What?”
“Well, I never thought of you to be such a holy girl.” His fingers gripped your thighs and he groaned as he saw the flesh turn white before pink. “Sweet, little innocent thing, hm?”
“Yes sir,” you whispered, your thighs trembling as his fingers moved further down until they stopped at the rim of your panties. “W-What’re you gonna do to me?”
“Well, I wanna choke the life out of you and destroy every inch of this body of yours, but I’m a gentleman,” he grins and tips his hat before putting it to the side. “I like you, Y/N, and I think we’re gonna get along just nicely.”
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pocket knife, sliding the blade under the fabric of your panties and lifting up in quick succession as he rips the fabric out from under you. He whistles and licks his lips as he first sees your bare cunt.
“Freshly shaved, just how I like ‘em,” he grins and rubs his fingers against the lips of your private parts. You jumped from the foreign feeling and gasped, thighs trembling to fall shut as he applies pressure to the swelling button hidden beneath your lips. “Thatta girl. Just let daddy do what’s best for you, hm?” He forces your thighs further apart and notices a small string of arousal sliding out of your tight hole. “What do we have here?”
You’re nervously panting as you play with the locket around your neck. Max slides his fingers to scoop up slme of your slick and shows it off to you with a filthy smile, spreading his fingers lewdly to show you the strings of arousal that look like saliva.
“I-I don’t know what that is,” you softly tell him. “And I don’t want to know. So can you please leave me alone, sir.” More tears filled your eyes as he laughed at your pathetic attempt.
“Darlin’, we’re just getting started,” he tells you and suddenly roughly shoves in his middle and ring fingers inside your tight cunt, laughing maniacally at the way you scream out from the painful intrusion. “That’s what I like to hear!”
You try to shut your thighs, but his large body and his arm between your legs stop you from doing so. He reaches over and wraps his other hand around your throat, squeezing and forcing you further down ontk the bed. You cough and grab onto his forearm, digging your nails into his tattooed and hairy skin. You kick your feet out as he begins to move his fingers in and out of you in quick succession. You squeeze your eyes shut as you try to distract yourself. But every single one of your thoughts are violated by Max. He squeezes your throat much harder than the last, relishing your weak gasps for air and the wet sloshing of his fingers inside your virgin pussy.
“You think I didn’t notice those little fuck me eyes looking at me inside the car?” He crooned. He removed his hand from your throat, watching with a hungry expression when you weakly gasp for air, your eyes dazy and unfocused. He slaps your cheek condescendingly, loving the small whimpers that leave your lips as he does so. “You wanted me from the start, little peach.” He leans over with a hand planted in the side of your head. You look up at him, thighs trembling even more as he speeds up his fingers, the tips prodding at this sensitive part inside of you that forces more slick to pour out.
“Mmhmmm,” you whimpered softly and threw your head back as your toes curled in your thigh highs. This feeling was so foreign, yet it felt so good. Max knew what he was doing, and yet you didn’t want him to stop. “Please... daddy.”
“That’s my girl,” he grins, crooking his fingers and moving his wrist upward as he ferociously begins to finger fuck you. You gasped and reached down to grab his forearm, but he shakes his head and laughs at your weak attempt.
“Oh G-God!” You squealed, eyebrows furrowing and cheeks burning up as the churning in your stomach envelopes into something bigger and stronger. “I-I feel... I feel... uuhhnnggh.”
“Let it happen,” he growls, slapping you in the face just as you squirt all over his hand and forearm, your juices spilling out onto your bedsheets and his pants. “Look at that!” He laughs as you try to catch your breath.
“Wha-What just happened, Max?” You whispered, feeling so dirty from letting an older man - a stranger - touch you so inappropriately, and you liking it.
“Oh honey, that ain’t nothin’,” he draws out and begins to unbuckle his belt. “We’re just getting started.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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@robert-de-niro-only-fans @droogiesanddiscourse @robert-deniro-love
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
By My Side (Part 2)
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Summary: Jensen and the reader grow more tense with each other at the cabin but a revelation leads to a change in more than just location...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Word Count: 4,300ish
Warnings: language, mention of underage drinking/accidental death, angst
A/N: Enjoy!
Twenty Hours Later
“Welcome home,” said Jensen, climbing out of his SUV the same time as you. You raised an eyebrow as you looked at the cabin in front of you. “You gonna carry your shit or what? Bodyguard, not your butler.”
“When you said cabin, I thought-”
“I told you. We’re off the grid. Most off the grid people don’t have quartz countertops and crown molding in their homes,” he said. “This is as good as I could get last second.”
“As long as it’s clean,” you said. He laughed and you stared back at him. “What?”
“Okay princess. There ain’t no cleaning service out here. You want something cleaned in there, you do it yourself,” he said. He slung a duffel bag over his shoulder and tossed one at you, nearly knocking you to the ground. “I’ll even let you pick which room you want.”
“Might take the kidnapping at this point,” you said, sighing as you followed him across the dirt yard. “We drove back in here for like an hour.”
“Hour and a half actually. Nobody’s finding us,” he said. He grabbed a key from under the rock by the door and undid the lock, swinging the door open wide. “Home sweet home.”
You followed him inside and cocked your head.
“Okay, this place is a lot nicer than I was expecting.”
“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said, tossing a bag back towards a hall. You set your bag down on the kitchen table, narrowing your eyes at a picture on the wall. There was a little boy with a fishing pole and a pair of familiar green eyes staring back. 
“Is this your cabin?” you asked, nodding to the photo.
“It’s in the family. Dad let me have it when I got out of the service,” he said. “I needed some alone time to decompress a bit. It’s safe. Trust me.”
“You were a cute kid. Too bad you’re sort of an asshole now,” you said.
“You were an asshole first,” he said with a shrug.
“I’m not a fan of some stranger coming into my life and telling me how to live it,” you said.
“I’m not telling you how to live your life, Y/N. That’s not my job. Keeping you safe is,” he said. “There’s two bedrooms. We have to share a bathroom.”
“Alright,” you said, Jensen pushing open a few solid wood doors. One was furnished a bit plainly and had a queen size bed, the other a set of bunkbeds and a full bed shoved against the wall. 
“Take it,” he said, nodding towards the larger room.
“You’re bigger than me,” you said.
“Yeah, well that’s true but you’re also paying me. Take the bigger bed. The couch is a pullout anyways. Go on,” he said. You sighed and set your bag down on the bench, Jensen tossing his bag in the other room. “I need to go into town and finish getting supplies. Before I do that, we need to go over a few ground rules.”
“Of course we do,” you said, plopping back on the bed and watching a cloud of dust appear in the air.
“There’s a first aid kit in the cabinet over the fridge. There’s an emergency satellite phone there also that is to only be used in a real emergency. Washer and dryer we use once a week. There’s a solar panel on the back of the cabin that’ll help save us gas. We’re going to try and limit needing to use the generator more than we need to. There’s not much in the way of hot water. There’s a lake nearby and a few trails you can walk around but they’re probably overgrown at this point. Unless you’re in danger, never leave the premises. If you need something that’s not here or on the list, tell me now. I want to limit trips to town to once a month if possible.”
“Cleaning supplies,” you said as you sat up. “This place is dusty.”
“Alright. I’ll be back in about four hours,” he said, turning to leave. “There’s a shotgun in the gun safe. Key is in the nightstand drawer. Try to keep out of trouble.”
He didn’t look back as he left, the door opening and shutting, the sound of an engine turning on and slowly back away.
“Well. Might as well try to make this place more livable in the meantime.”
Four Hours Later
“Hey. I’m back,” said Jensen. You lifted your head up from the couch, Jensen flipping on the light switch. “You don’t have to sit in the dark.”
“You said to save the generator.”
“During the day. It’s after eight,” he said. He made a few trips in and out before he finally locked the door after himself. His nose twitched and he glanced over at you. “It doesn’t smell as musty in here.”
“A wet towel works when you don’t have a swiffer,” you said.
“I grabbed fast food,” he said, setting a bag down on the table. “Eat up. Last take out for a while.”
“I was thinking while you were gone,” you said, Jensen putting things away while you took out a burger and a box of fries.
“I bet that was difficult,” he mumbled.
“You know I’m not gonna stay here if you’re gonna be an ass.”
“I frankly don’t give two fucks. I’m here for money. You want to go do this job back home, that’s fine with me,” he said.
“Well fuck you,” you said. You got up and went outside, not getting too far from the cabin before it was pitch black. You stopped by the end of the truck, staring at the darkness you knew was the dirt trail that would eventually get you to the main road.
“Don’t be an idiot,” said Jensen as he stepped outside.
“Why do you care? I already paid you,” you said. “You know what? Why don’t you just go and leave me here by myself. That way you don’t have to hang out with the dumbass actress.”
“I never said you were a dumbass.”
“You literally said that thinking was difficult for me not two minutes ago. Maybe I don’t know every little thing about whatever the fuck badass shit you learned in murder school but I am not the helpless bimbo you think I am.”
“Do not trivialize taking a life. You have no idea what it does to you.”
“I know a thing or two. Don’t assume you know a thing about me.”
“I had a full background worked up on you. You never-”
“The summer I was a camp counselor? You remember reading about that in your little background check? Another counselor drowned at camp that year. I know a thing or two.”
“Drowning is not the same as-”
“You have no clue what I’m capable of.”
“What? You saying you did it?” he asked, crossing his arms at you. 
“It was an accident. It could have happened to any single one of us,” you said. “Don’t use that whiny little bitch excuse for being a hardass. People die and sometimes it’s your fault. It doesn’t give you a free for all to be an ass.”
“An accident isn’t the same thing,” he said. He walked over and narrowed his eyes. “Inside. Now.”
“No. I should have followed my first instinct and fired you,” you said. You spun back around, barely getting a step in as strong arms wrapped around you and lifted you off the ground. “Hey! Put me down!”
“You’re a freaking idiot,” he said as he carried your squirming self back inside. He set you down at the table, shoving your shoulder when you tried to get up. “Eat and go to bed.”
“I’m not-”
“Do you have any idea why I’m a hardass? Why that might be? If I give a shit about you, I can’t do my job because then I’m going to worry. I’m going to worry about how you’re feeling and I don’t have time for that. You had a scare, fine. I calmed you down. Out here, you have to suck it up and deal on your own. I will keep you safe but we’re not friends. We’re a boss and employee and that’s it. Eat your damn dinner and go to sleep.”
He grabbed the bag with the remainder of the food and went into the other bedroom, slamming the door behind him. 
“Dick,” you said quietly. Ten minutes later you were changed into your pajamas and crawled under the blankets, staring out the dark window. “I just wanna go home.”
You didn’t speak when you made your way into the kitchen the next morning. Jensen was sat at the table with some rugged looking laptop and a cup of coffee. It probably worked off a satellite if you had to guess. You poured a cup from the pot for yourself before heading outside with it. You walked over to the dock on the small pond nearby, staring out at the calm water as you sipped on the warm liquid.
“You didn’t kill anyone you know,” you heard behind you. You didn’t turn but did hear one of the boards creak. “Being unable to save a guy who shouldn’t have been out there in the first place doesn’t make you a murderer.”
“I was on lifeguard duty that day,” you said.
“Yeah. That day. You weren’t at work when it happened. No body made that guy go underage drinking and swimming in the middle of the night. In a thunderstorm.”
“We were all drinking. No one was paying attention to the storm. It was the first and last time I’ve ever been drunk.”
“It wasn’t your fault. It was no one’s,” he said.
“I know. You think I should get over it,” you said, wrapping your arms around yourself in the cool air.
“I was going to say, it wasn’t your fault but I get feeling responsible for things that aren’t your responsibility.”
“I guess,” you said. “You find out who this person is yet?”
“No. I’m going to be spending most of my time working at that. Don’t go too far from the cabin, alright?” he said. He began to walk away and you turned your head, looking him up and down.
“I thought you didn’t want me going outside,” you said.
“Not alone at night, no. You can’t see your surroundings. During the day, stay within eye sight of the cabin and I think it’s acceptable for you to be on your own a bit.”
“Jensen,” you said. He turned and looked at you, waiting for you. “If I pay you more will you at least try to be a little nicer like you were just now?”
“Listen to what I say and I’ll be the nicest guy in the world,” he said, heading back to the cabin. “You want breakfast, make your own.”
“Good chat, Jensen,” you said, shaking your head at him. 
When you’d finished with your coffee you popped inside to put on some clothes better suited for outside. He gave you a quick glance before you slipped on some sneakers and had a hand on the door.
“Ah ah,” he said. The chair scratched against the floor and next thing you knew, he was right there, reaching into his back pocket. He held up a small little thing and pushed a button, flipping a blade out. “Switch blade. From now on, this doesn’t leave your side ever. I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night and you’re taking a piss. It goes with you.”
“Keep it with me. Understood,” you said. He put it in your palm and nodded.
“Open it.” You flipped it open and stared at him. “Where would you use it?”
“Maybe I’ll stab the guy in the dick. How’s that sound?” you asked. He smiled a little and looked away.
“Not a bad choice. Vulnerable points if you have time to think. Aim low. Up here, rib cage will try to do its job. It may hurt but not incapacitate. Down low, you got better odds. All else fails, just try to stab something.”
“I got it,” you said, slipping it into your pocket. He took hold of your arm as you started to leave and you groaned. “What now?”
“The keys to the truck are under the rock by the corner of the house. The flat one. If you have to get out of here for some reason and I can’t take you, you take yourself and don’t think twice,” he said.
“I understand,” you said. 
“Well...enjoy your day,” he said. He dropped your arm and went back to his computer. You headed outside and started to explore before he could come up with even more rules for you to follow.
Four Hours Later
You were stood on the edge of the shore, trying to teach yourself to skip rocks on the water when you heard a rustling behind you. Your head shot back over your shoulder, Jensen wearing a strange smirk on his face.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“You’re not very good at that,” he said, picking up a flatter rock. “You need to flick your wrist more.”
“You know how to do everything, don’t you.”
“I spent more than a few summers here. Not a whole lot to do,” he said. “Got it all the way out to the catskills over there once.”
“You’re not worried about my lack of rock skipping skills,” you said. He shook his head and shot a rock out, getting a few skips off before he stood by your side. “I can take it. What’d you find out?”
“How often do you read in detail the contracts your manager gives you?” he asked.
“For my shows, word for word. Appearances, I skim sometimes. Why?”
“You sign anything with Boom stunt services lately?” he asked.
“I signed some insurance thing I think, so I could do a few stunts on the show,” you said. Jensen nodded and crossed his arms. “What?”
“Your manager lied to you. He thought you were getting stuck in a rut with your show, your wildly successful show, so he hired a stunt man, one you signed off on and agreed to fake kidnap you. Even the drugging part of it. To help your image. Make you appear strong but vulnerable. You actually got a lot of offers recently for good movies after what’s happened.”
“My manager…” you trailed off, balling your hands up. You stormed back towards the cabin, Jensen on your heels. “I’m gonna fucking kill him! What the fuck is wrong with him!”
“Technically, you did sign a document saying you understood the arrangement,” said Jensen. “But obviously not. Based on what I’ve found and saw happening before, there’s no credible threat against you. My suggestion would be a lawyer at this point.”
“Can you take me home now please, Jensen,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut.
“I’ll load up the truck. We’ll be back tonight.”
Later That Night
“Y/N,” said Jensen as you wandered straight over to your liquor cabinet when you got home. “He’s quitting and paying a substantial amount for you to not press charges as well as covering all of your moving costs and my pay. You don’t have anyone after you. I know it doesn’t feel like it but consider it a win.”
“I moved out of a house I loved that I can’t go back to, I’m far away from my friends, the one person in this industry I’m supposed to trust hurt me and this has been nothing but a complete waste of your time. I’m sorry, Jensen,” you said as you poured yourself a double.
“You didn’t waste my time,” he said as you sat on the counter, knocking back the liquor. He walked into the kitchen and took the bottle by your side, pouring himself a glass. He sipped his slowly, your head ducking down. “I would like to stay on as your bodyguard if you’ll allow it.”
“For what?” you asked. 
“Protection for you, same as before. This time though, I’ll make sure to keep you safe from the people you trust,” he said. You raised your head, Jensen licking his lips. “Managers, agents, anyone. The only person I will trust is you. You let me be the asshole bodyguard, scrutinize the people you work with. This never has to happen again.”
“Why would you do that? You don’t like me,” you said. He finished off his glass and set it aside, stepping right in front of you and staring you in the eye.
“I don’t recall saying that.”
“We aren’t friends. We’re a boss and employee. Your words,” you said.
“I still don’t hear the words I don’t like you in there,” he said.
“I can’t trust you to take care of me, protect me, if I think you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“You have a funny way of showing it.”
“I told you. It’s very difficult to do my job if I care about you,” he said. “But the situation has changed. The threat is smaller. Safer. I can be friendlier...if you don’t question when I ask you to do something. My job is to protect you. You have to trust that all I am ever trying to do is keep you out of harm’s way. If we can agree to that, we can find a good rhythm, one where you don’t even notice I’m there and one where I know you’re okay. The threat before might not have been real but it exposed a problem. As long as you are living alone, you need someone here, just in case.”
“We will negotiate a new contract, one I can end anytime I so choose, and will detail when and when not you are on the clock.”
“Negotiating with you will be fun,” he said with a smirk. “We have a deal?”
“Do you really think I need a full time bodyguard?”
“We can negotiate that,” he said.
“I’m serious.”
“I think powerful, pretty, single women should use the advantages available to them to protect themselves.”
“We’ll talk about it,” you said. He smiled and headed for his bedroom, your gaze following him as he walked out of view. “Jensen.”
“Yeah?” he said, popping back into view.
“We’ll figure out your new contract in the morning,” you said.
“Yes mam,” he said. “If you need anything else, you know where to find me.”
“Goodnight,” you said. He left and you lightly swung your feet, staring down at the hardwood floor. You hopped down and put the bottle back in the cabinet, taking a deep breath. 
Nothing was wrong. Nothing at all. 
But something still felt strange. You couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe Jensen sensed it and that’s why he wanted to stay. But he wasn’t shy about coming out and telling you how it was. 
You sighed and went to the freezer, taking out a pint of mint ice cream and heading upstairs to bed, hoping a night of sleep at home would put it out of your mind.
“No way,” you said as you sat back in your chair in your home office the following morning. Jensen was smirking from the other side of the desk and was leaned back in his own, your lawyer sat at the small sofa with his laptop and typing up what the two of you were going back and forth on. “When I am filming and appearances we agree on.”
“We already agreed on those. Now we’re negotiating the parts we don’t agree on.”
“I do not need a bodyguard on the weekends. I already compromised on the you being on at night thing,” you said.
“Well, I’m going to be living in that bedroom so-”
“Actually, you’re not,” you said. He raised an eyebrow and you sat up straighter. “I decided last night that seeing as how I don’t particularly like this house and Jared and Gen just moved, I’ll be moving closer to my friends. I saw a home last night with a small guest house in the back that would be perfect for you.”
“I might as well be living in a different home at that point. It-”
“It is connected to the main home. I thought you might appreciate your own space and to be frank-”
“You don’t look like a frank,” he said. You smiled a bit, Jensen’s grin growing.
“If we’re going to have a long term relationship, which considering the possible trajectory of my career this might very well be, I’m going to have to insist on you having a separate space for yourself. You will of course have full access to the main house at all times but if I have friends over or a date, I would like my privacy. I’m sure you would like your own,” you said.
“If we’re going to have a long term relationship, any of your friends or a potential boyfriend are going to have to learn to live with me being around. No exceptions. I will give you privacy but I will be staying in the main house. As for you moving closer to friends, I welcome it. They’re my friends too after all.”
“Let me pose a hypothetical question to you. Say I meet a guy, we date, he moves in with me. Are you going to continue to live in the main house?” you asked.
“That will depend on the circumstances of your life at that point but if he’s living with you, I would move into a guest house or suite,” he said. “I may possibly move to my own place entirely. As I said, it’s going to be highly dependent on your life at that time.”
“I can agree to that. But your bedroom in the main house will have some space from mine,” you said.
“Understood. I will keep my own personal excursions out of the home,” he said.
“Good,” you said. “Now back to the weekend thing.”
“I’ll compromise with you. I am off duty on the weekend but I reserve the right to protect you if I feel you’re in danger,” he said. “I will keep to a small area of the house on my off days for your privacy.”
“I appreciate that but I won’t enforce it if you choose to watch some TV in the family room. You being off duty on the weekends does mean that if I go out, you are following though,” you said.
“Compromise. If you go out and I want to go, I can but I don’t have to,” he said. “I can use my discretion.”
“What if I want to go out with my friends?”
“Go out with your friends. I may or may not come. I’ll stay away, let you enjoy your fun without me interrupting unless I see a threat. Deal?”
“Alright,” you said. “But I reserve the right to fire you on the spot for anything and I mean anything. Two weeks pay if I do.”
“Okay,” he said. You were surprised at how quickly he accepted that but he seemed indifferent. “It sounds like we have most everything settled.”
“Rob, can you send us both a copy of the contract for review then and-”
“Oh, I have something else,” said Jensen. “A little...requirement of mine.”
“We already discussed pay and benefits.”
“Those are fine. I’ve found in the past we don’t get along when you don’t listen to me. As part of our working relationship, you will take a self-defense course chosen by myself and you will learn the different things that if you do, will make your life safer and minimize the need for me. They are for both our benefits. One’s a short book and the other a two hour class. Is that acceptable?”
“Yes. Rob, write up our contract for us please,” you said. He said he’d have it by the end of the day and you slumped back in your seat, Jensen staring at you. “What?”
“Want to go pick out a house?” he asked.
“You want to move. It’s Sunday. Open houses.”
“Rob’s already put in an offer on the place I mentioned,” you said.
“Oh. You don’t even want to see it?” he asked.
“The pictures seemed nice. I’ll renovate what I don’t like. I’m not moving again after this,” you said.
“Oh. Cool. I will pack up most of my things in the meantime,” he said as he stood up.
“It’s Sunday. You’re not at work right now. Do whatever you want, Jensen,” you said.
“New contract isn’t effective yet,” he said. “Besides, knowing you we’ll be in the new place in a week. Might as well be prepared.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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seijorhi · 4 years
I love your writing and want to submit a request if they’re still open! A yandere Akaashi and Bokuto who’ve fallen for the same darling? Bokuto’s so eager to bring herhome, but Akaashi convinces him that they have to make preparations first. Then one day, Akaashi comes home to Bokuto with their unconcious darling in his arms. He just couldn’t wait any longer. Now they’re both freaking out because they haven’t prepared properly yet, but also so so happy to have their darling to themselves 😋
I love these two (and this request!!) so of course, bby!
Akaashi Keiji x female reader, Bokuto Kotaro x female reader
TW drugging, kidnapping
Jump the Gun
The sight that greets Akaashi when he walks through the front door is not the one he’s expecting.
Bokuto’s sprawled across the couch - that in itself isn’t all that surprising - but the figure that’s curled up beside him, head resting in his lap is.
Because you definitely shouldn’t be there - unconscious or otherwise. In fact, he specifically remembers having a conversation with Bo about how you being here wasn’t a good idea, at least until they had everything sorted out. 
Judging from the sheepish expression on Bokuto’s face as Akaashi quietly closes the door and takes off his shoes, a conversation that he hasn’t forgotten, but rather elected to ignore. He sighs. You look peaceful, as if you’re only asleep, dreaming of nice things, but Akaashi knows better than that. He doesn’t say a word as he crosses the apartment and drops into a crouch in front of the two of you. Long, pale fingers reach for you, knocking Bokuto’s hand away to brush back your hair, gunmetal blue eyes flickering intently over your face, your neck, searching for-
“I didn’t hurt her,” he huffs petulantly.
… No, he wouldn’t. Akaashi knows that. Bokuto is many things, impulsive being the first to come to mind, but he wouldn’t hurt you, at least… not like that. Still, a single brow raises as he shifts his gaze from your face to Bo’s. He can’t quite bring himself to stop touching you though - so he doesn’t, letting his fingers slowly trail from your temple down along the curve of your jaw, marvelling a little at how well his hand seems to fit there. 
“I thought we talked about this,” he says simply. His voice is even, calm - despite being tinged with the faintest hint of exasperation, but he’s thankful it doesn’t betray the way his heart is racing. From the feeling of having you so close, touching you like he’s wanted to for months, or the uneasy trepidation that’s gnawing at his guts - he honestly couldn’t say. “Why would you- we don’t even have a room set up, Bokuto.” 
Something a little like guilt tugs at his chest when Bokuto pouts again. “She was gonna leave, ‘Kaashi. Move out next week with that asshole friend of hers!”
The corner of Akaashi’s lips twitch downwards. He doesn’t need any reminders about which friend he’s referring to. They’ve only met him once, but each second spent watching him simultaneously talk down to you while pawing at you like an overeager puppy left an increasingly bitter taste in his mouth. That guy wants to be ‘friends’ with you about as much as he wants to take one of Bokuto’s spikes to the face. Of course, the fact that you’re so blissfully unaware of it doesn’t exactly help matters.
“… We’d lose her,” Bo continues, and there’s more than a nugget of truth in that. 
Akaashi lets out a low hum, his thumb brushing absentmindedly against the soft skin of your cheek. If you left… it wouldn’t change things - not for them - but… it would make them difficult. They’re so used to the casual, easy chats in the hallways, dropping by to borrow milk or ask if you were hungry because the pizza place ‘fucked up’ and delivered an extra (Akaashi knows you like Hawaiian, and tries not to judge you too harshly for it).
He might be inexorably in love with you, but he’s not delusional. 
You’re neighbours. 
The few minutes a day he and Bo get to steal your attention - it’s only because you live in the apartment next door. Well, that, and you’re far too polite and trusting for your own good. But as much as he’d like to believe there’s something deeper to it than that, that you feel even a sliver of the attraction they hold for you in return, he knows that you don’t. 
(Not yet.)
And it’s one thing to try and insert themselves into your life as your friendly next door neighbours, but without that connection between you, they’re little more than acquaintances at best. You might smile and wave if you passed them in the street, but if they tried to show up at your new place or offered to take you out for coffee, even you might start to get a bit suspicious.
Of course, it didn’t excuse Bokuto from jumping the gun - they could have at least talked about it first, but-
A wide grin slowly creeps across Bo’s face, excitement dancing in the golden hues of his eyes as his arm slips from the back of the couch to curl possessively over your waist. “I had to bring her home.”
The tension in his shoulders shifts at that, a weight lifting subconsciously. Bokuto’s boundless enthusiasm has always been infectious, and Akaashi can’t find it within himself to fight the small smile that curls at his lips. 
You just look so beautiful, lying in his lap. Content almost, though he appreciates that’s probably more to do with whatever drugs you’ve been dosed with than anything else. 
But this is what he wants. What they’ve both wanted for a long time. 
You were always going to come home to them, it might not be perfect and they might have to figure some things out quicker than he’d like but-
You’re home with them, where you belong. He can’t be mad at that.
He leans close, eyes fluttering shut as he brushes his lips against your softly parted ones - just for a second, just for a taste - and when he pulls away it’s with a low, appreciative groan. 
“We’ll make it work,” he says, meeting Bokuto’s eager gaze once more.
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povcherry · 3 years
The Love Test | DNF
Dream and George take a test to see if they are in love with their best friend
The intense red text was prominent on his screen. Frustratingly, the one time Dream agrees to playing bedwars with George and Hypixel is down.
Dream lent back in his chair, hands behind his head staring up at the ceiling. His room was dark, the only light shone from his monitors. Patches wrapped around his legs. A deep sigh left George, as he lay his head on his desk in exasperation, an empty subway wrapper by his face, the time on his monitor read 2:17 am, yet he wasn't tired. After being on calls almost consecutively with Dream for essentially a year, he had managed to sync his sleep schedule up with him, already in Florida time prepared for when he goes to live with Dream and Sapnap.
George was disheartened. He was looking forward to playing with Dream. They were both normally either too tired or busy editing or working to go on minecraft for fun, and not just for a YouTube video. But now that they couldn't play bedwars, they were bored and unsure of what to do. They only called each other so that they could play minecraft, but that wasn't an option anymore.
"What do you want to do now then?" Dream asks, his voice far away from the mic, so much so that George nearly missed what he said. He hesitated, staring at Dreams discord profile picture light up.
"We could..." He stalled, drawing out his words. He wasn't the best at making decisions, he was much to indecisive. "Do you want to stream GeoGuessr?" He suggested, silently hoping Dream would say no. He didn't really want to do anything, only talk to Dream for hours on end.
"Not really. My brain is too slow for that level of concentration." That earned a giggle from George, putting a small smile on Dreams face. He loved that sound. "How about we go in my merch vc? Me and ni- Sapnap had fun last time just listening to music?"
George was hesitant. The last time he went in Dreams merch voice call was during the sleep over with Sapnap and Dream. That ended up in a disaster of butterflies and George having to turn his phone off for a couple of hours just to distract himself from the 'dreamnotfound' mayhem they had caused yet again on twitter. He felt giddy just thinking about it, Dream whispering into the mic, loudly cursing when George beat him at 8ball. It made him dizzy thinking about it... thinking about him.
George didn't hate it though- the attention from Dream and the fans. Despite all the jokes and innuendos that they both do to mess with their fans, George knew there was some truth to it all. A deeper meaning to being called an idiot. The endearing term that Dream loved to use oh so much. George felt fluttery, wanting to be called an idiot at this moment.
"George?" He had been silent for a while, reminiscing.
"What would we do on there?"
"Just talk. Or listen to music. Whatever you want to do, George".
Without thinking, George clicked onto the icon for Dreams server. "Do you need to add me to the call?" He asked, unsure about how the podcasts worked.
"Yeah, I need to quickly tell my mods to open it first."
Within minutes, they where in the call, hundreds of people pouring in immediately, spamming the chat with things like 'GEORGE?!' and blue and green hearts. George stifled a giggle, nerves taking over him. Despite doing streams for a living with tens of thousands of people watching him, there was something more intimate with calling Dream in a private server.
"Hello" Dream broke the silence, welcoming all the fans. He chuckled, looking at the chat, "Yes, George is here today. Hypixel was down and we had nothing to do"
"Hi" George was unsure what to say, scratching his neck in awkwardness. It wasn't this weird when he was streaming. At least then they had a plan and chat was relatively easy to read. He was doubtful that this call would end well, what with his ignorance to some innuendos and jokes involving DreamNotfound.
"We thought we would just pop on here. We're kind of bored." Dream stated, unable to see what people where spamming in the #podcast chat. "I can't see what you guys are saying, i'll probably just read my twitch chat."
Half an hour passed and George was getting hungry and bored, nothing eventful had really happened so far except for Dream explaining his setup and chat freaking out over his galaxy mouse pad.
"I want food but all that's in my fridge is butter... oh and the BTS sauces and... uhm expired milk" George complained, looking through his fridge while still on the call.
Dream chucked, "Why do you have expired milk in your fridge?"
"Not the point, I just want food"
"Well get some food then" Dream counteracted. George sighed and rolled his eyes, sitting back down in his chair. His stomach rumbled loudly, calling out to his hunger.
"I'm going to order McDonald's." And with that George muted his mic, found the McDonald's number and ordered his food, in the background, he could hear Dream.
"Should i do a quiz?... yeah? Link some in the podcast chat." There was a long silence. George, long ordered his food, stayed muted, listening to Dream talk to his chat. He found it so endearing the way Dream spoke to them, as though they where a family. His voice soft and gentle as he scrolled through the chat looking for a quiz.
"Ooh, this looks interesting... oh, 'Am I In Love With My Best Friend?'. Sounds... interesting" George stopped. Everything seemed to slow down. Eyes wide as he looked at the screen infront of him, Dreams discord icon lighting up as he chuckled nervously. He wasn't actually going to do it was he? The room was getting hot for George, he wasn't sure whether he wanted to delve into the idea of being in love with his best friend, let alone his best friend being in love with him.
He quickly unmuted, ready to call Dream out on what he was doing, but Dream beat him to it.
"George, i'm going to do the 'Am I In Love With My Best Friend?' quiz" He laughed, opening up the link and reading out the first question. "do you catch yourself looking at your best friend?"
George stalled. They had face timed multiple times in the past, Dream only letting George see his eyes upwards, but George always found it hard for him to look away. He got lost staring at his best friends eyes. George quickly messaged Dream asking for the link for the quiz, if Dream was going to do it, so would George.
"Dream, check dm's" He rushed.
"Huh, what, why?" Dream asked, busy trying to still his own heart beat. He had always known at the back of his mind that he had romantic feelings for George, whether that is because he was just touched starved and was desperate, or because he genuinely wanted more than just a friendship with George, suppressing his feelings as to not ruin anything between them.
"Just read it." George urged, getting apprehensive, unsure whether he should just delete the comment and over analyse everything Dream says.
But before he knew it, the link to the quiz had been sent to George, a small smiley face underneath it from Dream. George was about to reply with a '?' to the smile, but Dream spoke up again.
"I just put 'once in a while', i mean, it's not like im never looking at you but i don't do it like.. all the time." George clicked all the time. He couldn't get enough of Dreams warm amiable eyes. His eyes were a kind of green that speaks to the soul of nature, of fresh wands of grass and new buds, and his eyes were that bright colour, bold and beautiful.
"Right," he snickered, " next question, 'are they the first person you call when something happens?' uhm... yeah, i guess. But not always, i mean i would call my mom first." He laughed, ignoring the fact that George was silent. George always called Dream if something was wrong. He wasn't in contact with his parents, Sapnap wasn't the most mature when it came to serious things, yes he was a great friend and he would be there for George if he needed, but Dream came first. George put Dream before everyone, at time even before himself.
"George?" Dream disrupted his thoughts.
"You're being so quiet, everyone is asking if you're asleep" George looked at chat, Sure enough, between all the green and blue hearts, there where people spamming Georges name and sleep.
"Oh uhm no, it is 3 am though. Kind of tired." He said, anxiously looking at the next question, mouse already hovering over 'it's nice if i can'. George didn't wake up thinking about Dream, not always anyway. Just if they had fallen asleep on call together, or if they were recording a video that day.
"You should sleep." His voice had softened. He too was looking at the same question. Thinking about George staying up just for him made him feel giddy, but he also didn't want George to be sleep deprived.
George held back a smile. "I'm good, we're in sync bb" he snickered, knowing that would get a rise out of the chat. He could practically hear Dream roll his eyes in exasperation.
"Oh come on" He laughed, his voice low and raspy as he started to read out the next question. He couldn't get through it without laughing, however. "'Do you get jealous if he or she has a boyfriend or girlfriend?' Oh come on! I mean..." He started, George's scoff cut him off. "What?" Dream laughed.
"Nothing" George giggled
"To be fair.. no, but... i mean, wouldn't anyone?"
"Not really." George counteracted.
"Well, no. But! But! But! It would be one of those things where it's like, awe, now he's gonna be spending time, like, doing that, instead of like, with us. Like with like, me and sap. So, I'll put maybe a little. Right? Maybe a little.?" Dream stuttered, trying to defend his reasoning while George just giggled at his flusteredness.
George had already clicked 'ugh its the worst' already. He remembered when Dream had told him Sapnap was moving in with him. Now, George knew his best friends. He knew there was nothing going on between Dream and Sapnap, but something about them living together tickled George the wrong way. He was pissed off, to say the least. George wasn't normally jealous, but when it came to Dream, he became a different person. He almost didn't want to share Dream with anyone else... George wanted Dream all to himself.
"Dream, no one is arguing with you..." George whispered endearingly, a small smile painted across his lips.
The next few questions were uneventful. Dream still defended his answers despite no body calling him out on them. The chat was a blur of left ear jokes and and blue and greens. George answered 'yes' on the majority of the questions.
" Do you have dreams about them? Im- Okay! That's unfair, like, oh my god. Okay, I'll put sometimes." Dream rushed, desperately wanting to move onto the next question. He didn't want to tell chat, and especially George, about the dreams he has. No body knew about the desperation Dream has when he dreams about George. The want and longing to touch George in many ways than one. The heartache Dream feels when he wakes up because he knows the happiness his feels in his dreams could never be recreated.
"What?" George once again giggled. He was starting to have fun now. Seeing Dream embarrassed made George feel slightly better about his answers, but at this rate he was afraid the quiz would tell him he's so hopelessly in love with his best friend that there was no hope for him. "What do you dream about me?"
"You- you've had- you're- you're an idiot, you've had dreams! You've had one hundred pe- you've told me about dreams you've had!" He stammered, struggling to get his words out correctly without revealing too much. He was starting to get hot, the air conditioning in his room seemed to do nothing, the 'GNF' jumper he was wearing was suffocating him. He was suddenly finding it hard to breath under the weird pressure of these questions he had no obligation answering.
"What type of dreams, hmm?" George teased. He had his head resting in his hands leaning on the desk, taking in everything Dream was saying. George, of course had clicked 'all the time' about dreaming about Dream. Dream was on his mind 24/7.
"Oh don't even start with me, i know you've had dreams about me. You told me you've like.. texted me in your dreams or something. You.. you definitely have, anyway..." The two argued for the next few questions, and it was all smooth sailing for both Dream and George, until it came to the big one. The one that caused George to almost throw up the McDonald's that he had eaten a half hour ago.
Dream went silent. George could almost hear Dreams heart beating through the mic. He knew why, too. He saw the question. George had been dreading this. He chose to stay silent, not wanting to draw attention to himself.
"Do you ever think about what it would be like to kiss your best friend?" Dream was silent for almost thirty seconds. He felt sick. The amount of times he had wondered what Georges lips felt like. Whether or not they were made for him. Perfectly molded to fit Dreams own. He dreamt about them constantly. The soft touch of lips. He was beyond salvageable. "Uhm, n-no. Of course not."
"Why did you take so long to answer?" George was apprehensive. He wondered whether Dream thought about kissing him as much as he did. George so desperately wanted to, he wanted to feel them on his own lips, wanted to know what Dream tasted like, how he smelt. He was forlorn.
"I'm just going to put, well... i'm going to put.. well there's no good answers. I'm just going to put 'yes but it would be like kissing my mom'". He lied, his mouse had been hovering over 'at least a few times a day', unsure whether to click it or not, but he knew the truth. He wanted to kiss George more than he ever wanted to do anything ever.
The rest of the quiz, George kept silent. If he opened his mouth, he would confess his love on the spot. He had finished all the questions, revealing a 32%. He was totally in love with his best friend. Desperately, pathetically and hopelessly in love. He needed help.
"Okay, last question" Georges ears pricked up at this, he was happy it was almost over. He needed to talk to Dream in private, even if it killed him. "Do you see them in your future?... of course. A lot of my future is your future. I don't want a future without you in it..." Dream whispered, muting his physical mic so that no one could hear his breath leave his body. That was the most intimate he had probably ever been with George in front of fans. He hoped he hadn't just messed anything up.
George still stayed silent. Dreams answer made him almost cry with happiness. He couldn't imagine a future without Dream.
Dream un-muted his mic to finish up the quiz, "It says, you are in love with a few things about your best friend, so it's likely that you could fall entirely in love with them if you... if things keep up the way they are right now." George was unsure of what to say. Chat was once again asking if he was asleep. Both boys took no notice. Almost silently, so silently George almost missed it. But he held his breath, staring at the monitor with fear. All colour had drained from his face. He was about to pass out.
"If.. if you're worried they don't feel the same way... you're going to have to find out how to shut your feelings off, you don't want to ruin what you have."... no one talked for a couple seconds... both of them waiting for the other to say something, until George plucked up the courage.
"I don't want to ruin anything, Dream."
George loved Dream, and Dream was sure he loved George.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Alix's rom-com night
The June event of the @mlwritersguild was to create bonus content for one of our fics - I decided to seize the opportunity to finally sit down and write one of the bonus scenes of You can count on me (I will be there for you), and to do draw a bit of fanart to go with it (4 panels, including a Marichat piece)! Let me tell you that the Burrow is a pain to draw, but I'm actually quite proud of the result :)
About YCCOM: It's an aged-up, one-sided reveal with "fake" wedding fic, based on Sallteas' art. The fic is 9 chapters and 20k words long. It was written before season 4, so it's no longer canon compliant in terms of who knows who's identities at the beginning.
Synopsis: Ladybug's identity is compromised, and somebody is after her. After a lot of pondering, she and Chat Noir come to the conclusion that her best bet is for her to marry Adrien Agreste. It breaks her heart that she is not marrying Chat Noir, but she knows that she's buying them time to figure out who is behind the anonymous letters she's been receiving, and hopefully to find Hawkmoth. Whatever the situation might be, her wedding day should provide a moment of respite. And maybe it would have, had Chat Noir refrained from coming to visit her just before the ceremony...
About Alix's rom-com night: it's a one shot that's chronologically set before the main fic, but I recommend reading it after reading the latter since it contains spoilers for it. It follows Alix (obviously), and includes Ladybug revealing her identity to Chat Noir and the set up of their "fake wedding" plan.
Hope you enjoy!
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Alix opened her door and dropped her keys in the bowl as she kicked off her shoes with a satisfied sigh. Home, sweet home.
Her studio apartment wasn’t very big, but then again, she didn’t need a huge surface when she had a whole extension waiting for her just a transformation phrase away. She’d mentally thanked Marinette more than once for choosing her to wield the Rabbit Miraculous, rather than somebody else, just for the savings she made in rent.
She whistled happily as she made her way to her kitchen area, grabbing a bag of popcorn out of a cupboard and shoving it in her microwave.
She deserved the treat. She’d been running around all week, trying to slide letters to her targets without being spotted, spending hours on end to find the perfect stationary, and then staying up at night to get the wording exactly right, a delicate mix of subtlety and threat to elicit some sort of response from them. It had taken a lot of trial and error, especially for Ladybug. Her friend had always been surprisingly oblivious on many fronts, and it seemed that her honeymoon phase with Chat Noir reinforced her optimistic ability to brush ominous details aside. It had taken three letters for her to start freaking out and to promise Tikki she would talk to her partner about them, whereas Hawkmoth had started the analysis phase upon the first one he’d received.
Alix had only been mildly surprised by the identity of their nemesis when she’d decided it was high time she knew who they were facing; it was all too fitting that the man who leached off Paris’ most intense negative emotions should be the most embittered person she knew, and the one who, in retrospect, had been the cause of many an Akuma (she still shuddered at the what-could-have-been of Chat Noir’s akumatisation).
The microwave dinged, bringing her thoughts back to her timeline. She took the bowl out and called for her Kwami.
“Fluff, clockwise! Burrow!”
A white portal appeared in the middle of her living space and she walked through it, emerging in the ovoid room covered in screens. She made her way to the furthest point, hung her umbrella up on the coathanger she kept in there, and grabbed a folding chair. It was a director’s seat which supposedly had belonged to a rising name in the cinema world before their career had been shot down for obscure reasons, but she didn’t really care about its story; she’d bought it for a very low price at a yard sale, and that was all that mattered to her.
“Right, where are you…” She muttered, scrutinising her surroundings, until she found the screen she was looking for.
She unfolded the chair, zoomed in on the empty (for now) rooftop, propped down in her seat and threw a fistful of popcorn into her mouth, waiting for the show to start.
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Unsurprisingly, Ladybug was the first to arrive on the scene. She paced around, mumbling to herself as she wrung her hands together. Alix felt a pang of guilt as she watched her rehearse how she would break the news to her partner, but reassured herself that the ordeal would soon be over.
Finally, Chat Noir landed beside Ladybug, and she flung herself at him, holding him so tight he had to untangle himself from her arms to breathe.
“Well, well, well, my Lady, I know I couldn’t make it to patrol last night, but I didn’t think you’d miss me this much,” he chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Alix rolled her eyes at just how lovestruck he looked as he did so. How could her friends be so sappy, and yet still be at square one in terms of knowing who the other was?
Some might have said that it was romantic, that they loved each other regardless of who they were; but those people did not have to deal with the constant end of the world threat.
“What was so important that you couldn’t just text me?”
Ladybug took a deep breath. Her fingers slid along his arms as she relaxed her embrace, taking his hands in hers at the end of the line. “Somebody knows my identity,” she said quietly, looking down. “And I don’t know who they are.”
“What?!” Chat’s voice detonated in the previously peaceful quiet of the evening, making a couple of pigeons take off in a loud flutter of wings.
“I’m so sorry, I must have been careless when I got home one night, they must have seen me, I bet it was last week when I was tired and I-”
“My Lady, no offence, but I don’t care about the when and why, just... are you okay?” He tilted her chin up, gently turning her head to each side, checking for any signs of injury.
She placed her hand on his, making him stop, and gave him a soft, sad smile. “Yes, Chaton. Just a little rattled; you know you were the first person I wanted to reveal my identity to. Not including Bunnyx, although technically I never told her who I am.”
“And technically, I’m still the only person who knows who you are,” Bunnyx smugly commented between two handfuls of popcorn. “Now come on, I want to see how you react when you reveal your identities to each other.”
“How do you know somebody knows, though? And do you have any idea what their intentions are?”
Ladybug’s expression darkened. “I received some letters. They’re not signed, but they’ve got enough butterflies on them to make me think that even if they’re not from the biggest pest in Paris, then they’re probably from somebody who’s up to no good.”
Chat Noir swore under his breath, then regained his countenance. “So, what do we do now? Do you think we can hunt down the bugger?”
“We definitely will, but…” Ladybug bit her lip, and Alix leaned forward in her seat. This had to be it. “Chaton, I think the time has come for me to tell you who I am.”
“YES! Finally!” Alix cheered, almost spilling her popcorn bowl.
“Are you sure, my Lady?” Alix didn’t have to be on site to tell that Chat Noir’s heart was beating faster than usual; the corners of his mouth twitched as he repressed a smile, as though his excitement could make her change her mind.
“Yes.” She nodded. “I really want you to know.” In case something happens to me, Alix was pretty sure her friend had left unsaid.
“Okay, okay.” Chat Noir took a deep breath, buzzing with anticipation, so much so that he apparently missed the whole subtext of her previous words. “Do you want to do this now? And how do you want to do it? Do you want me to close my eyes? Are you going to write it on a piece of paper for me to read? Are you going to detransform? Should-”
“I was thinking the latter, and yes, now,” Ladybug said timidly. “Up to you if you want to look or not.”
“For some reason, I feel like I shouldn’t.” He took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles without breaking their eye contact, then took another deep breath and closed his eyes, a blissful smile on his lips. “Ready when you are, my Lady.”
“Ok, here goes.” She let out a shaky breath and called off her transformation. The soft pink glow engulfed her and receded, her suit melting away to reveal her true appearance.
“Wow, Marinette, you actually broke out your favourite dress for this? Glad to see all of this isn’t affecting your ability to think straight.” Alix smirked. If her friend had gone home after a long, stressful work day, and found it in her to change and doll herself up to make a good impression on Chat Noir, things couldn’t be that bad. She had to agree that her dress, simple, white, with little red hearts embroidered on it, was perfect for the occasion, though.
“You can open your eyes now, Chaton.” Marinette gave his hands a squeeze.
Chat Noir obliged, blinking slowly as he took in her appearance, her identity, her. Marinette squirmed under his gaze, his expression not giving away any of his thoughts.
“H-Hi,” she stammered when she couldn’t take it anymore. “I, erm, I guess I should introduce myself? We’ve run into each other before, when we were younger, and even if you actually had lunch with my family that one time, I guess it’s been a while… My name is-”
“Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Chat’s smile finally broke free, spread from ear to ear, almost literally illuminating his face. Alix wondered if anything could ever wipe it off. Love and admiration twinkled in his eyes as he picked her up and started spinning her. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling giddily, before Chat Noir closed the gap between their lips.
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Bunnyx modestly looked away, allowing them to have their moment. Her eyes landed on a rerun of Plagg putting an end to the dinosaurs’ reign.
“I should have known that it was you, Princess.” Chat panted slightly as he carefully set Marinette back on the roof. “Everything makes so much more sense now, I-”
“Before you finish that thought, I can’t know your identity.” She placed her index finger on his lips. “Yet, of course.”
“What?” Chat froze, and so did Bunnyx, her hand pausing midway between the popcorn bowl and her mouth. “But why?”
“I don’t know what might happen to me, but I don’t want to put you in any danger.” Marinette cupped his cheek. “And I don’t want to lose my memories of you. Of us.”
“Oh for Kwami’s sake.” Alix rolled her eyes. “Boo!” She threw a fistful of popcorn at the screen as her friend continued to list all the reasons Chat couldn’t reveal his identity.
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“My Lady, Marinette, if you’re worried about your safety, maybe we should do something about it. I could move in with you, or in a flat nearby, maybe, stay transformed or wear a mask at all times so you don’t know who I am, we can figure it out… Of course I know you can protect yourself, but I could stand guard while you sleep, or...” Chat raked his hand through his hair as he thought.
“You know I love you, Chaton, and that’s why I can’t let you do that! You can’t live like that, I can’t ask that of you. Not to mention how difficult it would be for me, do you really think I could resist having you so close, and not trying to get a glimpse of who you are?” She joked, trying to diffuse the sudden tension.
“Then we need to get you a bodyguard,” he insisted.
“I thought about it, but… Well, I can’t really afford it, and how could I justify suddenly needing personal security? I’m just a designer, and nothing I’ve ever done has been avant-garde enough that I should be worried about my safety.” She shook her head.
“Damn, I knew I should have targeted Chat Noir,” Alix swore under her breath. “He would’ve had to reveal his identity, and she definitely wouldn’t have been a pushover on her kitty’s protection matter. Come on Adrien, do something.”
She could tell that he was up to something just by looking at him. He’d been silent for a little too long for it to be natural. Cogs turned in his head, making him squint. He let go of her completely and paced around the roof, almost pulling his hair out as he did so. Alix sensed that whatever was on his mind was going to be big. She leaned forwards in anticipation.
Finally, Chat Noir came to a halt in front of Marinette, the fever in his eyes and his dishevelled hair making him look slightly unhinged.
“Buguinette, I think I’ve got a solution,” he whispered.
“You do?” Marinette’s voice was full of hope, although she looked slightly concerned about him.
“You’re probably not going to like it,” he warned her, lifting a finger.
“Beggars can’t be choosers.” She shrugged, taking a step forward.
“Right.” He gave her one last look, an opportunity to stop him before the words tumbled out. She nodded encouragingly. “Okay, here’s the thing. I have it on very good authority that Adrien Agreste is being pressured into getting married by his father.”
“I see Gabriel’s just as delightful as always,” Marinette shook her head.
“Unlike good cheese, he definitely doesn’t get better with time.” Chat smiled bitterly, eyes losing focus a little.
“What’s it got to do with us, though?” Marinette prompted, placing a hand on his arm.
“Oh, Agreste, you absolute genius, I think I know where this is going.” Alix took another handful of popcorn.
“Oh, yes, right.” He cleared his throat. “See, Adrien’s not dating anyone at the moment…” Right, Alix snorted. “And he’s not really planning on starting a relationship with his father breathing down his neck, but, well, he happens to owe me a favour, and I’m sure that he’d be more than happy to put his security detail to good use…”
“So you’re suggesting that I marry Adrien.” Marinette deadpanned.
“Well, er, I actually thought you could just date, but thinking about it… It would be less strange for you to request a bodyguard if your relationship was more serious…” He trailed off.
Alix was impressed by how well he concealed his emotions. His poker face was truly exceptional.
“And you think Adrien would be ready to marry me because of a favour he owes you?” Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, pursing her lips and squinting at him as she tried to pick at his lie.
Alix winced for Chat. Maybe he should have waited a bit before blurting out the (as it turned out) probably only sane option in that situation so he could work out all of the details for himself. Marinette was very good at trying to shake plans to see how solid their foundations were.
“Please. Adrien had a crush on you when you were younger, if anything I could probably smuggle it as another favour, given how perfect the fake scenario would be. Although I guess that since you also liked him… It might just cancel out.” He tapped his lip pensively.
“Adrien had a crush on me?” Marinette frowned. “Oh, you must mean Ladybug. I think Nino mentioned it once.”
“Well, yes, but he also had one on you, Marinette.” Chat stepped forward, mischief twinkling in his eyes as he poked her on the nose.
“Really, now,” she muttered to herself.
“The main reason he didn’t act on it was that he thought you loved somebody else.” Chat smiled ironically.
“Wow, what a pair of idiots.” Marinette chuckled.
“You don’t know the half of it.” He kissed her forehead.
“But you know what?” Marinette didn’t pick up on her partner’s comment. “I’m actually glad we didn’t get together. It probably would have delayed us getting together.” She pressed a peck to his lips. “If we’d gotten together at all in that timeline.” She smirked.
Alix snorted. Out of all the timelines she’d watched unfold in an attempt to keep things in check, there wasn’t a single one where Marinette and Adrien, Ladybug and Chat Noir, didn’t end up together, and not just because of her interventions to help them, and the rest of the planet, stay alive.
Marinette’s face fell at Chat Noir’s lack of response. Alix knew her friend didn’t particularly believe in soulmates, but she understood that she would have liked a sappy Chat Noir special comment on how he’d told her he’d grow onto her anyway, and that she would have soon discovered that the Agreste boy had nothing on him. She assumed that he was too busy restraining himself from saying the wrong thing.
“Actually… What about us, then?” Marinette cleared her throat and looked up at him, eyes glistening slightly in the half light.
“My Lady… If you really think that you being a divorcée will spur me away…” Chat Noir looked down at their entwined hands, locks of blond hair falling in front of his eyes, concealing his giddy smile from her. You sneaky cat, Alix thought.
Marinette followed his gaze, letting out a long sigh as she watched their hands sway lightly. Alix knew her brain was probably trying to find all the flaws in the plan. She crossed her fingers, hoping that it would be enough for her friend to accept. It was perfect, whether they got their act together and figured everything out before the event, or not.
“Fine,” Marinette finally said with resolve, making Alix mentally thank whoever was out there. “I’ll do it on two conditions.”
“Anything, my love.” Chat let out a sigh of relief.
“Firstly, we’re honest with Adrien from the get go. No lying about anything.” Chat nodded along. “Secondly, we get cracking on finding Hawkmoth, and after we do and the divorce is settled, if we even get that far with Adrien because obviously if everything is settled before the wedding we won’t be going through the whole plan…” Chat smiled fondly as she took a deep breath. “After all that, we are getting married.” She gestured between the both of them.
“My Lady, are you proposing to me right meow?” Chat Noir all but purred.
“I guess so.” Marinette shrugged, a smile and a blush spreading on her cheeks.
“Wow, then, I’m definitely putting Adrien in charge of the proposal planning,” he replied with a smirk.
“Chaton!” She stomped her foot, her mildly amused smile cancelling out her frown.
“What?” He teased her.
“Will you? Marry me?” She held his gaze.
“Do you even have to ask?” He chuckled. “You know, my Lady, I’m pretty sure that, in my head, we’ve been married since that speech you gave on the Eiffel Tower during our very first fight. Well, I’ve been married to you; you do whatever you please.”
“You’re such a dork,” Marinette laughed, brushing her nose against his and throwing her arms around his neck.
“And yet you still love me.” He pulled her closer.
“Unfortunately, I do,” she sighed dramatically before pressing a kiss to his lips.
Alix dismissed the screen. She’d seen what she wanted, and it seemed like a good place to stop; a happy, sappy ending. Also, she’d finished all of her popcorn.
Everything was on track, her friends would start their Hawkmoth hunt, and soon everybody in Paris would be able to live without fear of their own negative emotions.
(Of course, that was the theory; she’d soon find out that she’d underestimated Adrien’s will to organise the perfect wedding for Marinette, and that, my friends, was no small oversight.)
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