#semisolid oc's
jjaydazo · 2 years
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they live in my head rent free.
insert he likes her riding him joke here
They belong to @semisolidmind
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semisolidmind · 4 months
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figured id post one of my projects from my online comics class
wasn’t given a particular prompt, so i just went with something i had been thinking about; mascot horror and phantom of the opera
so, phantom-coded cat mascot in a weird liminal space theater stalking the christine-coded protag, I guess? he’s not actually trying to hurt her, but it’s hard to protect someone who runs every time they see you
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emelinstriker · 4 months
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Lil fanart/gift doodle for @semisolidmind with both DJ and Bad End/TAB!Wukong :D
Hoping it helps with gettin even just a bit more motivation to doodle characters from before again- Even if it doesn't, it was still fun doodling them fhgnfhgnhfghnfg
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calx-626 · 2 years
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I had just learned Alpha Lock on IbisPaint and wanted to test it, so here’s some Emi x Uzu ❤️
The characters belong to @semisolidmind in their Fuwa Fuwa Pandemic world
Since it takes in Japan, I thought about them wearing a kimono and having fun in at those festivals you often see in anime. Although I imagine this wouldn’t take place in the current timeline of FFP but after things have calmed down and Japanese society gets back to normal with mascots living among them?? Maybe Emi would be a lot more comfortable with Uzu as well, idk
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And here are some bonus Emi x Uzu that I was too lazy to digitalize
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whirligig-girl · 5 days
Your posts have awakened something and now I am sad I cannot be a Mellanoid slime and have a featureless androgynous semisolid body.
What do I do now
[Also, sorry for annoying you]
no not annoying i always like getting asks.
As for what do you do now? Well, in my experience--Draw a cute slime borderline-self-insert OC in self-indulgent situations a whole bunch and live vicariously through her--that is to say, you'll do it through them. And you've already got a head start on that with Lacus T. Raen!
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pictures unrelated. probably.
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theriu · 2 years
How about A, E, and H?
(This is for my Mystery OC Ask Game! I’m only going to do A and H on this one because another Asker ALSO requested E, and I thought I’d spread them out so the posts don’t get too long. Also A and H are coincidentally GREAT together! :D)
A. Glowing Wolfman
Barrenger (BEAR-in-jer) Teshma, 20-year-old tulinai from the alternate dimension world Thera. His people look like humans, but their skin and hair are a variety of colors. They also have selah, a sort of biological/soul energy visible through skin markings and glowing eyes, that everyone is born with and that gives each tulinai 2-4 special abilities of a wide variety (altho some are more common among certain people groups). For instance, Barrenger’s mom is Haweyh, and she has brown skin, white hair, and golden-yellow glowing eyes and irregular markings, and she is skilled at healing and shields. His dad, who is Rukilef, has dark green skin, darker green hair, and neon green stripes and eyes, and he has shifting and force transference. Barrenger is dark green with neon green stripes/eyes and his mom’s white hair, and his main power is force transference, which is kinda like controlling kinetic energy. (Negating hits, amplifying punches and jumps, etc.) Also his parents’ people are mortal enemies and his dad disappeared and he’s surrounded by people who worry he’s going to turn into a murderous beastform Rukilef and he’s had a kinda rough childhood despite his mom being amazing.
Through a series of unfortunate events in book one of my in-progress book series, Barrenger is now on Earth, and stuck in a beastform that makes him look like a werewolf with two short saber fangs on his muzzle, and a tail, and his selah isn’t working so he can’t change back, AND he is now on the run with a bunch of weird humans who have NO selah yet SOMEHOW have powers, and NOTHING makes sense but he only has his inborn protective instincts to go on right now and by jove that’s better than nothing.
Back home, he once entered a hoverbike competition (they are a more fantasy world but they have whats called chargestone technology) with a hoverbike he modified himself. He came in second, and despite his fears, the judges didn’t take issue with his overtly Rukilef appearance (which some people do despite his mother being High Prophetess and one of the most respected Haweyh in the city), so it was a great day overall. He still has the trophy in his room at home.
H. Imaginary(?)-Friend Maker
Jenny, age 6. Youngest of the human children put through illegal experiments to give humans superhuman abilities. Her power is a little hard to classify, but basically, she can create semisolid constructs that look like animals of her own design. Her “pets” act uncannily lifelike, and they tend to react to her emotions, like comforting or protective or cheerful. They can be touched but have a “soft” insubstantial feel and can’t exist too far from her. If she puts her mind to it, she can direct them to attack, and while they can’t (yet) cause serious damage, they can cause a sort of phantom pain, as though the bite or scratch has tricked the body into thinking it’s hurt. Her favorite is a blue-and-white floppy-eared dog-bunny named Dunny.
Jenny immediately latches onto Barrenger when he, in all his freshly glowy-eyed/striped wolfman-looking glory, falls out of the sky and helps the escaping Subjects get away from the laboratory. She definitely thinks at first that he’s one of her pets/friends that sometimes just pop out of her subconscious. No one is really sure if she still thinks that or not, but she talks to him as openly as she does with the other Subjects. He’s a big softie for her (esp. after carrying her through an extremely long escape hike) and lets her hug his tail.
Jenny has surprisingly extensive knowledge of animals for a 6-year-old, esp. one who has spent at least part of her life living as an isolated lab experiment. I think I’m going to say it’s from a mix of Dr. Thomas (the scientist who helps them escape after he gets attached to Jenny) letting her watch nature videos to cheer her up, and later as part of her “training” to see if she would adopt more varied animal traits into her creations.
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melovez · 3 years
You don't know me but I hope your night gets better. It will be okay, if not now, then later.
Any fun oc facts you'd like to share?
love this animals. the shimp
uhhhhhh let me list some miscellaneous ones i guess
waffles has her big monster form but she calls it her “protection self” because it has a built in safe room, sorta like a cozy space she can tuck people away in that has sorta soft low colorful lights and pink plush walls
sheldon is made of warm semisolid goo so he gives good hugs. don’t hug him too long though cuz u might get your arms sucked in accidentally. it’s not harmful but y’know just nip that in the bud
after the resolution of modern monster famine steps down as governor and follows his true passion. being the guy at auctions who talks really fast
my giant saylor is like the second most evil and fucked up giant i have which is kinda funny because among giants he is a pathetic little manlet. my most evil giant, ozzie, is also pathetic but he kills people for fun. so uh. the good news is saylor meets reagan and reagan is rude and thinks it’s fun to scare people but he’s not a monster so he keeps saylor in check. i’m looking forward to the reagan/saylor/riley throuple
wemberly is just a pseudonym. wemberly’s actual first name is Smile but she got bullied for it in school so she goes by Wemberly because it’s the name of the street she grew up on in florida
reagan is big and scary to humans on earth but when he goes back to colossa to get food he covers up as much as possible and rummages through other giants’ garbage. he’s actually a huge loser. geoff could like. jokingly jump at him and reagan would squeal in fear
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fvaleraye · 6 years
Sorry for not being specific on my first ask! I didn't know any major OCs of yours (forgive mee) but I'd love to know more bout Ymir!
It’s all good! If you wanna get to know about any of my OCs, just look through the Vaal OCs tag, pretty much all of them are in there somewhere ^^But!! As for Ymir-
Now, I said Ymir is a tattoo artist for eldritch creatures and humans, but the thing is... he uh can’t really do actual tattoos on creatures. It’s more akin to a marker, but much more permanent. This is bc tattoo artists normally use needles to do tattoos, but uh... a creatures ‘mask’ can take an anti-tank cannon shot and be none the worse for wear, and their body is amorphous and semisolid, so you can’t do that either. He needs special equipment. He has regular regular tattoo stuff for humans tho, and is surprisingly good at it for someone with no fingers.He loves giving his regulars nicknames, such as the main human protagonist, whom he calls “Stardust”. He’s not a particularly old eldritch creature, but... that’s not saying much, considering he’s still older than the earth itself. He’s also a chill dude, you’ll never make him mad... you literally can’t, his emotional spectrum doesn’t include anger. In fact, he doesn’t have much of an emotional spectrum at all, like most creatures.He’s also fascinated with human history, as eldritch creatures never really kept track of their history. He adores tales of gods and pantheons, with a particular soft spot for Norse mythology, which is how he ended up choosing his name, Ymir. His favorite Norse story is when giants stole Thor’s hammer, and Loki convinced him to wear a dress and pretend to marry a giant to get it back. He’s also fluent in Scandinavian.
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6ubble-gum · 7 years
tagged by @bleuchees​ im shook 
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1. What is your favorite scent and what memory do you associate with it?
Vanilla! I used to have a bottle of pure vanilla fragrance I would rub all over everything I owned it was simultaneously disgusting and wonderful
2. How did you get into your favorite fandom?
I wanted to know more about the cute blue-haired boy and his middle school oc boyfriend
3. What is a fandom that you left behind that you’re glad you did?
God, Naruto. The ship wars, man. When you get a fandom that big and that passionate, shit always hits the fan eventually. I just cannot handle the Naruto fandom anymore it’s not good for my health
4.  If you had to point out in one sentence what made you (you specifically) ship your favorite OTP, what would you say?
The gay handshake.
5. What’s your favorite kind of drink (tea, coffee, soft drinks)? 
I love tea. I’m pretty sure my blood is at least 50% tea by now. I can’t have coffee too often and soda wears away at my already frail teeth so I make tea like it’s my religion to compensate
6. Do you have drinks for different moods (a comfort drink, one to make you sleepy, etc)? 
Not really. My moods aren’t something that can sway my tastes at all so I just drink my usual drinks and call it good. Which sucks cause sometimes I drink iced coffee at night without thinking about it first.
7.  What is the most comforting living thing in your life right now? (Can be a cat, a goldfish, a plant, a person)
My cat Bubbles and also Nix tbfh
8. Close your eyes. Imagine darkness lit only by the flames of candles. What kind of situation does that pull up for you? Describe it (hot, cold, emotions associated with it, a memory, etc) 
It’s cold and dreary. My mind conjured up some water drops along with it so it’s kind of scary too. Makes me think something’s waiting for me in the shadows...it’s actually doing a great job of inspiring me to write another chapter of Dead Eyes
9. What is the softest thing you’ve ever touched? 
I seem to recall touching an extremely soft semisolid mist at one point, but I can’t remember for sure so let’s say that really velvety pair of pajama pants I saw at Fred Meyer
10. What is your favorite piece of advice or quote? 
“You can’t afford something unless you can buy it twice.” It’s really helped me wisen up about spending what little money I have
11. Describe five great things about yourself (NOT allowed to say “I don’t have any” or “can’t think of any” etc)
1. I have lots of freckles on my cheeks and nose and I also have big eyes and together they give me an “adorable anime girl” look and I secretly love it
2. I’m aromantic so I will never prioritize a lover over friends which is unfortunately a big problem that I have
3. I guess I’m pretty good at drawing (I just wish I could stop comparing myself to others that’d do wonders for my self confidence)
4. I’m a maladaptive daydreamer so I can exercise my physical body and my creative mind at the same time and I think that’s pretty Neat
5. Uuuuhhh...I’m a really really fast worker so I can do just about anything I want with Maximum Efficiency 
My questions: 1. If you could go backward in time, what would you do first? 2. Conversely, if you could go forward in time, what would you want to see? 3. What’s your favorite word and why? 4. Hot chocolate with milk or with water? Toppings? Marshmallows? 5. If you could change one thing about your favorite fandom, what would it be? 6. You now have the ability to permanently alter one character from any fandom. Who do you pick, and what do you change? 7. What is your philosophy on life? (Is it pointless, is it meaningful, is it what you make it, etc...) 8. Would you consider getting a tattoo? If you would, what would it be and where would you put it? 9. What’s your favorite headcanon? (Could be your own or someone else’s) 10. Do humans have souls? Do animals? 11. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
tagging @herdustisverypretty, @mooksmookin, @no-longer-homestuck-trash, @raise-hell-and-turn-it-up, @lionbloom, @starcaged, @smol-dalish, @sorrelslash, @shidouh, @herotterness, and @ooeyspace listen,,,it took me so long to find that many people to tag but i did it im gonna go have an ice cream as a reward (feel free to ignore)
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semisolidmind · 3 months
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last bit of school work. this time i had to make a three page comic with narration written in the first person. i was pressed for time and decided not to make it a fully rendered piece
something something stray dogs and stray people finding solace and comfort in each other while also harming one another something something
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semisolidmind · 5 months
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posting school assignments hoo boy
(this one was for a character design/background setting type assignment. we had to draw a setting in two different points in time, so i did two points in the history of a human/monster society; a longstanding war, and the peace treaty that happens like 300 years after. the two monarchs from these times and the different relationships they have)
was sorta going for a ancient mural/hieroglyphic type style, not sure if it came across
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semisolidmind · 3 months
Okay,okay how about this- you did one of a genderbend sorts of the Bloody Mary right? What about a kind of genderbend of Carrie? Maybe a ghoul whom spirit won’t rest until it gets its prom queen? (And if you don’t want to, then please ignore this and enjoy the rest of your day my dear:v)
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here’s your prom king and (reluctant) queen
was thinking bout the idea, and i kinda imagined that our king here is from the fifties. a victim of a high school prank gone wrong; he was voted king of his senior prom, and suffered a horrible death when the blood bucket that was dumped on him fell and hit him in the head (like tommy from the og carrie movie). he became a poltergeist and now haunts the school gym where he died, causing trouble at every school dance since.
the gal he’s got his sights set on (in present day eighties) is an outcast like he was, and he uses his ghost powers to help her out; primarily by scaring off her bullies. our gal here has to thwart his attempts to kill off the popular kids on her behalf (though she isn’t entirely successful). the whole thing reaches a boiling point with the arrival of senior prom, where the undead kings’ power is at its peak.
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semisolidmind · 3 months
I'm foaming at the mouth that comic so cute I need more phantom cat mascot lore pLEASE
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idk man, i didn't actually think about it that far
just know that despite his looks, he's actually very bbg, and his body count isn't as high as one would expect
and he wants to wife up the christine-coded protag so so so badly
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semisolidmind · 10 months
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did a lil concept series for my illustration classes.
compy is a ….computer? or something inhabiting the computer? that our main character picks up from a thrift shop at a cheap price. MC treats compy well, and in return compy wants to make his owner’s life a bit easier.
the way that compy chooses to aid his owner quickly escalates (aka i was limited to four pages for my project and had to escalate that situation real fast), and the MC is at a loss at how to get him to stop.
each comic page is technically a chapter. the first illustration is "chapter 1" and the last illustration is "chapter 20," where compy achieves godhood to reform the world for his owner.
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semisolidmind · 7 days
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outdoor/indoor school assignment
the wizard and their wife, enjoying an evening together
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semisolidmind · 13 days
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im older now.
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