hincadoychulladedo · 6 months
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Comentario Pablo Albán  Rodas, 14 de diciembre de 2023
La depuración de la cúpula policial concretada en días pasados por el Presidente Daniel Noboa al remover a 4 generales allanó el camino para “Metástasis”. Un mega operativo sorpresa: 75 allanamientos, simultáneos en 7 provincias del país. 30 detenidos. 800 efectivos del orden en acción coordinada entre la Fiscalía, la Policía Nacional y el Ministerio del Interior. En el ámbito legislativo la Comisión de Justicia, encabezada por el oficialismo, presentó un proyecto de reformas al COIP que actualiza la herramienta a la nueva dimensión y modalidad del crimen organizado. A nivel internacional con la participación del primer mandatario en Consejo de Seguridad, se posicionó el problema número uno del Ecuador, como prioridad mundial, al aprobar una declaración propuesta por la Cancillería: hoy es documento oficial de la ONU y se concretó el apoyo de la oficina del organismo internacional contra la Droga y el Delito.
La Fiscal Diana Salazar en un mensaje difundido en la madrugada por redes sociales denominó “Metástasis” al caso penal abierto, en alusión a la infiltración cancerosa corrupta del narcotráfico en la institucionalidad pública y privada del país. A más de la Judicatura se allanaron oficinas y residencias de fiscales, jueces, policías y abogados.
Las pistas se armaron a partir de la investigación de la muerte de Fernando Norero, alias “el patrón”, sucedida en octubre de 2022 durante una revuelta carcelaria.
El evento se da en un momento en el que confluyen varios procesos fundamentales para el  futuro de la Justicia: la pretensión de llevar a un juicio político a la fiscal de parte del correísmo, la amañada elección de nuevos miembros de la Corte Nacional de Justicia bajo responsabilidad del Consejo de la Judicatura, el recurso de revisión de la sentencia contra el ex presidente Rafael Correa en marcha en la Corte Nacional, el desenlace sorpresivo de la elección del Contralor que, venciendo los intentos partidistas de tomarse esta instancia fundamental de control, recayó en un perfil cercano a la Fiscal General; las insistentes proclamaciones del Embajador de  Estados Unidos sobre la urgencia de combatir la delincuencia organizada narcoterrorista que, según manifiesta, tiene nexos con organizaciones políticas, conforman parte del convulsivo escenario. Siempre como telón de fondo: la avezada delincuencia.
Aquí hay que sumar la acción del presidente de la República que fue informado sobre el tema directamente por la Fiscal hasta horas antes del operativo, en el que con el visto bueno del mandatario participaron 900 miembros de la fuerza pública, según informó Salazar. Wilman Terán, presidente del Consejo de la Judicatura fue apresado.
Un antecedente fundamental que allanó el camino para “Metástasis” es el cambio ordenado por Daniel Noboa en la cúpula policial, que fue visto como depuración de la institución, pues se pasó a servicio pasivo a 4 altos oficiales, presuntamente vinculados al escándalo conocido como “Narcogenerales”. Justamente, Pablo R., uno de los separados del mando, que fungió durante el gobierno de Guillermo Lasso como director de la Senain y Antinarcóticos, fue apresado en el operativo.
Desde el primer día la preocupación por la seguridad y las acciones efectivas han estado en la agenda del gobierno. Así, el primer decreto del Presidente de la República fue la orden al Consejo de Sustancias Psicotrópicas y Estupefacientes (CONSEP) para dar de baja la que se conoce como “tabla de drogas”.  Una herramienta que, si bien reconoce la diferencia entre el consumidor y el traficante, se la ubica  como una norma que alentó el narcotráfico y la penetración de sustancias sujetas a fiscalización en colegios y barrios, donde los menores de  edad resultan vulnerables ante la adicción. En los estratos populares, esto también facilita la apertura de la puerta hacia el engrosamiento de las bandas de narcotraficantes en los territorios.
Como consecuencia de la disposición de Noboa se coordinaron criterios con la Corte Nacional de Justicia, la Policía y el Ministerio de Salud Pública para aplicar las normativas correspondientes hacia los consumidores, distinguiéndolos de los traficantes. Este es un viraje en el espíritu de la norma y en la actitud social hacia el consumo y el riesgo de la distribución criminal de alcaloides.
Hay dos elementos adicionales que complementan la visión global de la acción del Ejecutivo. La primera es la participación presidiendo el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidad de parte de Daniel Noboa. Esta no fue un mero acto formal protocolar de la diplomacia. En la sesión respectiva el organismo rector acogió una declaración como documento oficial del organismo mundial, en la que se reconocen al Crimen Transnacional como una creciente amenaza para la seguridad de los países y de todo el planeta. Así proyectó el problema principal del Ecuador en una dimensión internacional, que demanda el esfuerzo y la cooperación mundial, pues se trata de un fenómeno con redes en todos los continentes y que afecta al conjunto de naciones del globo. Esto es más significativo por el efectivo alineamiento del servicio exterior ecuatoriano son las verdaderas prioridades del país y porque se ubica la delincuencia internacional (que incluye narcotráfico, trata de personas y lavado de activos) a la par de problemas de la geopolítica mundial como el conflicto árabe israelí o la guerra en Ucrania.
La iniciativa personal de Daniel Noboa a nombre de Ecuador fue felicitada y acompañada por el Secretario General de Naciones  Unidas, así como por la oficina especial del organismo para la lucha contra la droga y el crimen, de quienes se consiguió el compromiso de cooperación con Ecuador. También se involucró a la representación permanente de la Unión Europea en la ONU en la discusión y aprobación de la  declaración. Algo importante pues Europa es uno de los mercados principales de la droga que sale desde Ecuador y que ingresa al país  por sus fronteras, en base a una estructura ligada a los carteles internacionales de  la droga, especialmente mexicanos y colombianos.
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El segundo elemento de cambio estructural y en armonía con los desafíos que plantea esta forma de criminalidad que azota al Ecuador, es la propuesta de reformas al COIP presentada en la Asamblea por la Comisión de Seguridad que dirige el partido de gobierno, hace pocos días. Esta pronta respuesta legislativa además se alimentó de más de 30 proyectos de  reforma al Código Integral Penal que descansaban en dicha instancia legislativa. En el proyecto se tipifican delitos como las vacunas, extorsión, sicariato, lavado, omisión culposa y otros que están en el orden día de la vida social. La propuesta es parte de la Agenda Legislativa y se tramita por la vía normal en la Asamblea Nacional.
Un actor que se involucró por su propia cuenta en el operativo Metástasis es Rafael Correa. Desde Bélgica alertó a los involucrados en la supuesta red de narcotráfico sobre la realización de los allanamientos. Esto le ubica en una posición más que controvertida, pues para algunos analistas esto le involucra en el proceso investigado, pues podría haber alentado la fuga  o la extinción de pruebas de miembros de la red. ¿Obstrucción de la Justicia? Es algo que seguramente se aclarará en los próximos días. Esto podría motivar una acción de protesta de Cancillería ante el Gobierno de Bélgica y pone aún más en la mira de la justicia nacional e internacional, al hasta ahora prófugo, supuestamente en calidad de refugiado y ciudadano de ese país, que agita las aguas de la violencia y el desorden institucional en Ecuador. El nerviosismo de Correa se da porque el ex capo Norero, cuya muerte fue la punta del ovillo de Metástasis, pertenecía a una banda ilegal que fue amnistiada por Correa y que luego plegó dentro de la estructura partidista. Algo que fue denunciado en su momento por Fernando Villavicencio, en el evento conocido como “los tetones”, donde se vincula a Ronny  Aleaga, Asableísta del correísmo (también parte de la banda amnistiada por el ex presidente), junto a Xavier Roldán entonces prófugo de la justicia imputado de supuestos cargos de narcotráfico.
En la misma medida resta puntos al bloque correísta en su pretensión de juicio y censura de la Fiscal Salazar, pues la mayoría de actores políticos y de ciudadanos aplaude y apoya la acción de la Fiscalía y el Ministerio del Interior, junto a la Policía.
En la formulación de cargos que realizará en las próximas horas, se conocerán más detalles de las investigaciones y los roles de los detenidos.
Como colofón y dicho sea de paso, el operativo y la evidencia y procesamiento judicial a la infiltración en la estructura estatal y política del narcotráfico, dejó en babia a los teóricos del ficticio acuerdo por la impunidad.  
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slavkocz · 10 months
A Broken House from Jimmy Goldblum on Vimeo.
The Syrian architect Mohamad Hafez received a one-way ticket to the United States. Missing his homeland, he decided to create a stand-in, sculpting life-like miniatures of the Damascus cityscape he had left behind.
Winner of the International Documentary Association (IDA) Award for Best Documentary Short, "A Broken House" is among the most celebrated documentaries of 2022.
Awards & Recognition: 2022 Oscar Shortlist Winner: IDA Awards for “Best Short” Nominee: Emmy Award for "Best Documentary Short" Nominee: Cinema Eye Honors for "Outstanding Nonfiction Short" Shortlist: DOC NYC
Festivals: WORLD PREMIERE: Hot Docs International Documentary Festival WINNER: Palm Springs International ShortsFest | Audience Award for Best Documentary Short WINNER: Palm Springs International ShortsFest | Mozaik “Bridging the Borders” Award WINNER: Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival | Jury Award for Best Editing WINNER: RiverRun Film Festival | Jury Award for Best Documentary Short WINNER: Salem Film Festival | Jury Award for Best Documentary Short
Cast and Crew: Featuring - Mohamad Hafez Director & Producer - Jimmy Goldblum Producer - Matt Weaver Producer - Congressman Richard Gephardt Producer - Harrison Nalevansky Executive Producers - Senain Kheshgi Executive Producers - Matthew Gephardt Executive Producers - Nick Stern Cinematographer - Oliver Millar Editor - Brad Turner Original Music - From the Mouth of the Sun
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abcnewspr · 1 year
Unscripted Series To Focus on Muslim Americans Seeking Love To Stream Exclusively on Hulu 
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ABC News Studios* 
ABC News announced today that production is set to begin on a groundbreaking new series from “Indian Matchmaking” creator Smriti Mundhra’s Meralta Films produced for ABC News Studios, focusing on Muslim Americans navigating cultural traditions and highlighting the rich diversity across the country and in the community while seeking modern love. The unscripted series has been in development since fall 2022 and is slated to premiere exclusively on Hulu in 2024. 
Leading the award-winning creative team for the series are Mundhra who serves as executive producer along with Senain Kheshgi, with executive editorial producer Poh Si Teng overseeing the project for ABC News Studios.   
Mundhra is a DGA Award-winning, Oscar®- and two-time Emmy®-nominated filmmaker. She is the creator and executive producer of the Emmy-nominated Netflix series “Indian Matchmaking,” now in its third season, and executive producer of “Jewish Matchmaking.” She also directed and executive produced “The Romantics,” a four-part series on the history of Bollywood (Netflix) and co-directed the Academy Award®-nominated short documentary “St. Louis Superman” for Al Jazeera English (MTV Documentary Films/Paramount+) and the DGA Award-winning short documentary “Shelter” (HBO Max). 
“There is nothing more universal than the pursuit of love. I am thrilled to collaborate with ABC News Studios on this project that will give audiences a chance to experience this journey from a perspective too rarely seen in the mainstream,” said Mundhra.  
Kheshgi is a director and producer of multiple feature and short films, including the Peabody-winning “Project Kashmir” (PBS/Independent Lens) and the three-time Emmy-nominated documentary “The Diplomat” (ESPN). She is the executive producer of the documentary “A Broken House,” which was shortlisted for a 2022 Academy Award. She also created, wrote and directed the comedic docu-web series “Divas of Karachi” (PBS) as well as a series of short films about Syrian and Afghan refugees. 
“As a Muslim American, I’m excited to be part of a show that celebrates love and romance within our community,” Kheshgi said. “In a world where negative stereotypes often paint Muslims as monolithic, this is an important opportunity to showcase the unique stories, personalities and perspectives of our diverse community. I’m thrilled to be part of a project that has the potential to bring people together and positively impact the way Muslim Americans are perceived and understood.” 
Teng is a producer, journalist and executive editorial producer for ABC News Studios. She produced the Academy Award-nominated documentary “St. Louis Superman,” directed by Mundhra and Sami Khan, as well as the award-winning Oscar-qualified doc “Blood On Our Side” and BAFTA-qualified doc “Dead Woman’s Pass.”  
“ABC News Studios is committed to broadening our roster with shows that speak to the varied experience of our rich diversity. We are extremely excited to work with such accomplished producers to move this vision forward,” said Teng. 
The as-yet-untitled series is produced by Meralta Films for ABC News Studios. Smriti Mundhra, Senain Kheshgi, Nina Aujla and Maya Gnyp are executive producers for Meralta Films. Poh Si Teng is the executive editorial producer for ABC News Studios. Claire Weinraub is executive producer, and David Sloan is senior executive producer. ABC News Studios is led by Mike Kelley. Reena Mehta is SVP, Streaming and Digital Content. 
About ABC News Studios 
ABC News Studios, inspired by ABC News’ trusted reporting, is a premium, narrative non-fiction original production house and commissioning partner of series and specials. ABC News Studios champions untold and authentic stories driving the cultural zeitgeist spanning true-crime, investigations, pop culture and news-adjacent stories. ABC News Studios’ original titles include critically acclaimed documentaries “Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields,” “The Lady Bird Diaries,” “Aftershock” and “The Murders Before the Marathon” as well as compelling docu-series, including “Killing County,” “Wild Crime,” “Death in the Dorms” and “Mormon No More.” 
About Meralta Films 
Meralta Films is a Los Angeles and Mumbai based production company founded by the Oscar and Emmy nominated director/producer, Smriti Mundhra. The company is focused on creating premium fiction and non-fiction content from the perspective of the global majority. Recent projects include the Oscar nominated and Critics’ Choice Award winning documentary St. Louis Superman (Paramount+), Emmy nominated series Indian Matchmaking (Netflix), DGA Award and AFI Docs Audience Award winning, NAACP Image Award and Emmy Award nominated documentary Shelter (HBO Max) and the IDA Award nominated Eyes On The Prize: Hallowed Ground (HBO Max). The company has unscripted and scripted projects in development with Apple TV+, HBO Max, Netflix, MTV, Chernin Entertainment, and others. 
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size. 
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ph4z0n · 4 years
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ubicatv · 7 years
#Ecuador Policía confirma orden de detención contra Pablo Romero exsecretario #SENAIN
#Ecuador Policía confirma orden de detención contra Pablo Romero exsecretario #SENAIN
La orden de detención fue emitida por el juez de la Corte Nacional, Luis Enríquez. En un documento con fecha 27 de enero del 2017, el magistrado pidió al Director de la Policía Judicial que se detenga “con fines investigativos a Pablo Romero”. Él fue titular de la Secretaría Nacional de Inteligencia (Senain) en el 2012.
Aunque en el oficio no se indica por qué caso se lo requiere, el Juez…
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feelingbluepolitics · 6 years
"Manafort’s first visit to the embassy took place a year after Assange sought asylum inside, two sources said.
"A separate internal document written by Ecuador’s Senain intelligence agency and seen by the Guardian lists “Paul Manaford [sic]” as one of several well-known guests. It also mentions “Russians”.
"According to the sources, Manafort returned to the embassy in 2015. He paid another visit in spring 2016, turning up alone, around the time [t]rump named him as his convention manager. The visit is tentatively dated to March.
..."Manafort’s 2016 visit to Assange lasted about 40 minutes, one source said.
..."Visitors normally register with embassy security guards and show their passports. Sources in Ecuador, however, say Manafort was not logged.
"Embassy staff were aware only later of the potential significance of Manafort’s visit and his political role with [t]rump.
..."The revelation could shed new light on the sequence of events in the run-up to summer 2016, when WikiLeaks published tens of thousands of emails hacked by the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency.
..."One person familiar with WikiLeaks said Assange was motivated to damage the Democrats campaign because he believed a future [t]rump administration would be less likely to seek his extradition on possible charges of espionage.
..."According to the dossier written by the former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, Manafort was at the centre of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between the [t]rump campaign and Russia’s leadership. The two sides had a mutual interest in defeating Clinton, Steele wrote, whom Putin “hated and feared”.
..."As a candidate [t]rump warmly welcomed the dump of DNC emails by Assange."
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dendroica · 6 years
Manafort’s first visit to the embassy took place a year after Assange sought asylum inside, two sources said. A separate internal document written by Ecuador’s Senain intelligence agency and seen by the Guardian lists “Paul Manaford [sic]” as one of several well-known guests. It also mentions “Russians”. According to the sources, Manafort returned to the embassy in 2015. He paid another visit in spring 2016, turning up alone, around the time Trump named him as his convention manager. The visit is tentatively dated to March. Manafort’s 2016 visit to Assange lasted about 40 minutes, one source said, adding that the American was casually dressed when he exited the embassy, wearing sandy-coloured chinos, a cardigan and a light-coloured shirt. Visitors normally register with embassy security guards and show their passports. Sources in Ecuador, however, say Manafort was not logged. Embassy staff were aware only later of the potential significance of Manafort’s visit and his political role with Trump, it is understood. The revelation could shed new light on the sequence of events in the run-up to summer 2016, when WikiLeaks published tens of thousands of emails hacked by the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency. Hillary Clinton has said the hack contributed to her defeat. The previously unreported Manafort-Assange connection is likely to be of interest to Mueller, who has been investigating possible contacts between WikiLeaks and associates of Trump including the political lobbyist Roger Stone and Donald Trump Jr. One key question is when the Trump campaign was aware of the Kremlin’s hacking operation – and what, if anything, it did to encourage it. Trump has repeatedly denied collusion. Earlier this year Mueller indicted 12 GRU intelligence officers for carrying out the hack, which began in March 2016. In June of that year WikiLeaks emailed the GRU via an intermediary seeking the DNC material. After failed attempts, Vladimir Putin’s spies sent the documents in mid-July to WikiLeaks as an encrypted attachment.
Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy | US news | The Guardian
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mau4d · 5 years
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dragoni · 6 years
Connecting the dots. Trump #MuellerIsComingForYou
Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort held secret talks with Julian Assange inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and visited around the time he joined Trump’s campaign, the Guardian has been told.
“Sources have said Manafort went to see Assange in 2013, 2015 and in spring 2016 – during the period when he was made a key figure in Trump’s push for the White House.”
A well-placed source has told the Guardian that Manafort went to see Assange around March 2016. Months later WikiLeaks released a stash of Democratic emails stolen by Russian intelligence officers.
A separate internal document written by Ecuador’s Senain intelligence agency and seen by the Guardian lists “Paul Manaford [sic]” as one of several well-known guests. It also mentions “Russians”.
According to the sources, Manafort returned to the embassy in 2015. He paid another visit in spring 2016, turning up alone, around the time Trump named him as his convention manager. The visit is tentatively dated to March.
“Visitors normally register with embassy security guards and show their passports. Sources in Ecuador, however, say Manafort was not logged.”
Manafort’s 2016 visit to Assange lasted about 40 minutes, one source said, adding that the American was casually dressed when he exited the embassy, wearing sandy-coloured chinos, a cardigan and a light-coloured shirt.
And then there’s Manafort, Don Jr. and Jared attending the Trump Tower meeting with Russians on June 6, 2016  #HillaryEmails  #RussiaCollusion  #RussiaGate
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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thefeministherald · 6 years
Senain Kheshgi (The Diplomat) and advertising industry veteran Jonathon Ker are launching a Los Angeles-based  production company to create opportunities for women directors in both the commercial production industry (where only 10% of directors are female) and for independent production. The new company, Majority, will provide a platform for both established and ascending women directors in commercial, music video, and branded spaces “while developing their voices as independent filmmakers working on their own projects.” The venture had its inception at M&C Saatchi LA, where Executive Creative Director Maria Smith has collaborated with Ker on productions for clients that include BMW, UGG, Pacific Life and the San Diego Zoo.
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digimakacademy · 4 years
BJP reverts to ‘shatpratishat’ mantra ahead of local bodies elections
BJP reverts to ‘shatpratishat’ mantra ahead of local bodies elections
Written by Shubhangi Khapre | Mumbai | Updated: January 8, 2015 8:48:42 pm
The state BJP president Raosaheb Danve on Thursday reasserted the unaccomplished agenda of “shatpratishat” (100 per cent BJP) in the coming days. Not withstanding alliance with Shiv Senain government, BJP president is determined to…
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👊👊👊 (en Senain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2eYzG3BILnQOGZn6fQ-HEGs-m02JHD94tMyHA0/?igshid=cmksdl5bhzui
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kami pastikan dengan anda bermain di Bandar Judi Togel Online Terbaik ini pastinya seluruh kemenangan anda akan dibayar seketika oleh Klik4d. Jadi bagi anda yang merasa penasaran dan berharap mencoba bermain di laman Klik4d.
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ubicatv · 7 years
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#Ecuador Correa niega que videos de #CapayaLeaks los haya obtenido de la #SENAIN Ecuatorianos que residen en Estados Unidos habrían sido quienes facilitaron al Gobierno Nacional los videos grabados por el exministro de Hidrocarburos Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli en Miami, en los que se refiere a los casos de corrupción Petroecuador y Odebrecht, anunció el presidente de la República…
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garudabluffs · 5 years
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Before Ousting Assange, Moreno Government Spied on the Journalist for Over a Year
“What are they afraid of... what are they afraid of ? One man... one man with a pen...”  #Assange
April 19th, 2019 “Last Wednesday, WikiLeaks held a press conference with Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, and former consul to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Fidel Narvaez, in which they announced that Moreno’s government had been spying on Assange, a political asylee and journalist, for over a year.“ + “ WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hraffnson remarked that Assange’s life in the embassy was like the “Truman Show,” a reference to the 1998 movie starring Jim Carrey as an insurance salesman whose entire life is live-streamed 24 hours a day worldwide without his knowledge or consent. Narvaez, who spent six years at the embassy with Assange, described it as the most surveilled place on the planet. According to both men, the high-tech cameras that had captured and stored Assange’s life were installed in the embassy after Moreno came to power — and therein lies the heart of the matter.”
Based on WikiLeaks’ April 10 press conference, at some point he also had high-resolution cameras with audio installed in the embassy to spy on Assange. Then, on March 27, 2018, when Julian Assange was still in control of his Twitter account, he tweeted out what has since been described as “the forgotten message:”Senain bought spy packages from Hacking Team for 3 years.” [The greatest scandal to rock the Senain happened in 2015, when WikiLeaks released a tranche of emails from Hacking Team, an Italian tech company that specializes in spyware. The emails revealed that the agency had purchased a three-year license from Hacking Team for 30 packages from its Remote Control System; spyware that could “infect and monitor computers with Windows and MacOs programs as well as Android, iPhone, Blackberry, and Symbian phones.” The purchase also included vectors that could “infect equipment physically and remotely;” training in Italy for four agents; and intel analysis training for 12 people in Quito.] + “ The failure to transfer Senain’s operations center, assets, and documents — some of which appear to be missing — raises multiple questions, such as whether or not Moreno’s government is in the process of destroying records. Also, is the Senain still operating unofficially despite being “shut down” and, if so, is it operating independently or through the Strategic Intelligence Center that Moreno now directly controls. And, finally, did the Moreno government renew its license with Hacking Team?
Freedom of the press, freedom from persecution The persecution of Julian Assange isn’t just about the freedom of the press to report and publish stories of public interest. His case also highlights the right for journalists, publishers, photographers, editors, and all media workers to work without fear of being retaliated against, harassed, hacked, wiretapped, surveilled, or even murdered. After all, the Saudi government used the Israeli company NSO’s spyware, Pegasus, to surveil Jamal Khashoggi before dismembering him in a Saudi consulate. 
READ MORE https://www.mintpressnews.com/before-ousting-assange-moreno-government-spied-on-the-journalist-for-over-a-year/257621/
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