#senator bali
bangakrie · 9 months
This is Not Middle East, Yeah This is Indonesia, Not Only Bali
Prasangka adalah beban yang membingungkan masa lalu, mengancam masa depan, dan menjadikan masa kini tidak dapat diakses. Maya Angelou Kawan pastinya tau ada seorang anggota DPD RI dari Bali yang mengeluarkan pernyataan dengan penuh emosi tentang sesuatu yang sangat kontroversial. Sebut saja namanya Arya Wedakarna. Senator satu ini mempermasalahkan frontliner yang ditampilkan di Bandara Ngurah…
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Sen. Lindsey Graham, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, plans to block an effort by Senate Democrats to unanimously pass a Supreme Court ethics bill Wednesday on the Senate floor.
“I will object,” Graham, R-S.C., told NBC News.
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who chairs the Judiciary Committee, said earlier Tuesday that he would make a unanimous consent request to pass Supreme Court ethics legislation that the panel advanced last July.
Graham's objection means the bill won't be able to move forward, because any senator can block a request.
It isn't clear whether the measure will come up for a vote under the normal process, but Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he’s considering it.
Even before Graham made his comments, Democrats doubted the legislation would advance. “I think I know the outcome, but we’re going to go through the exercise to make sure that both parties are in the record,” Durbin told reporters Tuesday afternoon.
The Democratic-led Judiciary Committee advanced the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act on a party-line vote nearly a year ago, but it can't break a filibuster on the Senate floor without 60 votes. Democrats have 51 members, and no Republican is on board with the bill.
In a news release, Democrats said the vote follows "a myriad of apparent ethical lapses by Supreme Court justices, which demonstrate the need for ethics reform."
A spokesperson for the Supreme Court didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday night.
Justice Clarence Thomas reported a pair of trips in 2019 with billionaire friend Harlan Crow to Bali and to the private Bohemian Grove club in California in his annual financial disclosure report, which was released last week. ProPublica reported on Thomas' and other justices' previously undisclosed lavish travel in a series of stories last year that raised questions about the court’s ethics.
The bill would give the court 180 days to adopt and publish a code of conduct, allowing the public to submit ethics complaints that would then be reviewed by a randomly selected panel of lower-court judges. It would also establish new rules for disclosing gifts and travel.
The legislation would also require justices to publicly explain any decisions to recuse from cases.
Durbin last month called on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from a pair of cases tied to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, after The New York Times reported that an upside-down American flag was displayed outside his home in the days after the riot. Alito declined to step away from those cases.
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David Smith at The Guardian:
“Look at me, look at me,” said Martha-Ann Alito. “I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you.” It was a bizarre outburst from the wife of a justice on America’s highest court. Secretly recorded by a liberal activist, Martha-Ann Alito complained about a neighbour’s gay pride flag and expressed a desire to fly a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in protest. This, along with audio clips of Justice Samuel Alito himself and a stream of ethics violations, have deepened public concerns that the supreme court is playing by its own rules. The Democratic representative Jamie Raskin has described a “national clamour over this crisis of legitimacy” at the court.
A poll last month for the progressive advocacy organisation Stand Up America suggests that the supreme court will now play a crucial role in voters’ choices in the 2024 election. Nearly three in four voters said the selection and confirmation of justices will be an important consideration for them in voting for both president and senator in November. Reed Galen, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, a pro-democracy group, said: “The idea that these guys act as if they are kings ruling from above, to me, should absolutely be an issue. It was always Republicans who said we hate unelected judges legislating from the bench and we hate judicial activism. That’s all this stuff is.” Public trust in the court is at an all-time low amid concerns over bias and corruption. Alito has rejected demands that he recuse himself from a case considering presidential immunity after flags similar to those carried by 6 January 2021 rioters flew over his homes in Virginia and New Jersey. Justice Clarence Thomas has ignored calls to step aside because of the role his wife, Ginni, played in supporting efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in 2020.
Ethical standards have been under scrutiny following revelations that some justices failed to report luxury trips, including on private jets, and property deals. Last week Thomas, who has come under criticism for failing to disclose gifts from the businessman and Republican donor Harlan Crow, revised his 2019 form to acknowledge he accepted “food and lodging” at a Bali hotel and at a California club. These controversies have been compounded by historic and hugely divisive decisions. The fall of Roe v Wade, ending the nationwide right to abortion after half a century, was seen by many Democrats as a gamechanger in terms of people making a connection between the court and their everyday lives.
There are further signs of the debate moving beyond the Washington bubble. Last week, the editorial board of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper argued that, since the court’s own ethics code proved toothless, Congress should enact legislation that holds supreme court justices to higher ethical standards. The paper called for the local senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, who is chair of the Senate judiciary committee, to hold a hearing on the issue.
[...] Congressional Democrats have introduced various bills including one to create an independent ethics office and internal investigations counsel within the supreme court. Broader progressive ideas include expanding the number of seats on the court or limiting the justices to 18-year terms rather than lifetime appointments. But such efforts have been repeatedly thwarted by Republicans, who over decades impressed on their base the importance of the court, ultimately leading to a 6-3 conservative majority including three Trump appointees. This week Senate Republicans blocked the ​​Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, legislation that would require the court to adopt a binding code of conduct for all justices, establish procedures to investigate complaints of judicial misconduct and adopt rules to disclose gifts, travel and income received by them that are at least as rigorous as congressional disclosure rules.
Democrats should be aggressive about confronting a runaway radical right-wing majority on SCOTUS and make it a major issue. #SCOTUSisCompromised
See Also:
Vox: What can Democrats actually do about Thomas’s and Alito’s corruption?
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Eliza Hamilton Holly to Catharine Cochran, [Undated]
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Sunday afternoon
My dear Aunt
It is almost an age since you have had a letter from the De menen casite, Therefore I flatter myself This will however dull be most exceptable_ particularly as it comes a mis sèle of tone and truth with a good portion of repore in your forgiving disposition. It is very ___ I have been very silent of my love and interest for and in you and its equally time that my time to ever occupied, and my memory too, in recalling my past pleasures and peopling my rooms with those who have loved to occupy them with me. Now what have you to say ___ to acknowledge that it is better to have your spirit than your body which I know has been voluntarily and involuntarily with no. Mama has just entered and inquiring my occupation to and note at this moment is mingling in memory. her spirit with you, with both feet placed on the hearth, looking just as the day when you left her_
My labours are accomplished, and the work ready, for publication_ John is well and has precisely the same_ I have the money somewhat the worse for the labours of the summer.
As to myself if the a subject of interest to you_ I have withdrawn entirely from the world_ not even intimacy visits and early receiving them. It is quite possible we shall visit New York in the spring to be present at Schuyler's wedding. My friend Cousin is still the same faithful friend looking forward to serve me so long as my presence reminds him his little friend is still in existence. As I do not toil the senate I rarely see him. A gentleman called ms me that mount to accompany me to church_ a primal of William's who has heard of him since the family_ he says he has entirely recovered his health and want an office_ Which I have procured for him a rather It has been promised to me Surveyor General of California. Our winter has been mild we have a Hall stove and lite in the back parlour on the old carpet. A horse keeper and manservant being the only change since you left to_ How are the balies and their mothers you send not me word of them in your last letter, be not so naughty in your next_ and let me know, as I have done, have Matters thrive with you_
Mama's love to all and mine with lest wishes for present and future happiness
E. Hamilton Holly
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Mama has just gone to her room, her presence confused my pen and inquire still more bewildered the sense of my note_ We have had Angelica here. She looks remarkably well as do Mrs. Millen and her husband. The quality of Washington pleases her very much_ her wealth enables her to enter in it, and her husband ___ it, our Councils have been disputed and parties are very excited_ Clay's resolutions have amameliorating effect, people talk of a compromine, but say his solution with not ___. Aideu again it is night and my eyes are not as alarmed as when they commenced the paper_
E. H. H.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Foreign Policy Situation Report: The midterm madness edition
By Robbie Gramer and Jack Detsch
Welcome back to Foreign Policy’s SitRep! Robbie and Jack here, recovering from a long week of watching the U.S. midterm elections. If you’re reading this, please send us coffee urgently (for Robbie only, Jack is off the sauce).
Alright, here’s what’s on tap for the day: How the midterms will shape U.S. national security, Biden and Xi plan to meet in Bali, and the U.S. military reveals the Russian death toll in Ukraine.
Midterm Madness
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Well, midterm season is (mostly) over, meaning it’s time for the time-honored traditions of the party that underperformed angrily recriminating itself and pundits churning out hot takes about how the midterms will shape the presidential election in two years.
We at SitRep have a little tradition of our own, which involves frantically calling a bunch of congressional sources and political junkies to sort out what impact the midterms will have on U.S. foreign policy. Here are our top five takeaways, before we know with 100 percent certainty which parties will control Congress.
1. No big jolts on Ukraine policy, but… There has been plenty of buzz about how the midterm results could shake up the massive amounts of military and economic aid that Washington is delivering to Ukraine, with some of the most vocal MAGA acolytes in the Republican Party calling for a halt to aid and some recent polls showing public opinion shifting in their favor. The consensus from people we’ve spoken to is that it’s not going to happen. There’s still significant bipartisan support across the House and Senate to keep up the aid, and that’s not changing.
One caveat we’ve heard, though: The slimmer the Republican majority is, the tougher time pro-Ukraine Republicans will have keeping their party in line. If the Republicans take the House with just a slim majority, it will give outsized power to the fringe elements of the party (as U.S. President Joe Biden himself learned the hard way with a 50-50 Senate time and again).
2. Investigations, subpoenas, impeachments, oh my. House Republicans are champing at the bit to launch investigations into what they see as Biden’s mishandling of foreign-policy issues such as Afghanistan and the U.S.-Mexico border. In the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul plans to use his likely soon-to-be role as chairman to expand the investigation into Biden’s chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.
Some Republicans also say they’re preparing impeachment trials against Biden’s homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, over increased crossings at the U.S. southern border. (It’s not something that would ever get through the Senate, but it would shine a new spotlight on the situation at the border.)
3. Shutdowns. What better way to showcase to the world how dysfunctional Washington is than with government shutdowns? The last shutdown at the end of 2018 lasted over a month, over an impasse between former President Donald Trump and Democrats on Trump’s policy toward Mexico and ill-fated plans to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The next one could be just around the corner if Republicans take control of the House, as they seem poised to do.
The military and critical national security apparatuses keep running in the event of a shutdown but are still hobbled by an overall shutdown in federal government operations, including the Defense and State departments and other national security agencies.
A big issue for the Republicans that could trigger a shutdown is what they see as runaway federal spending and the alarming scale of the national deficit (though they didn’t bring up the national deficit during the Trump administration, funnily enough). Biden reduced the federal deficit by $1.4 trillion but added $400 billion in new debt with a nationwide student loan forgiveness plan.
4. Big wins and losses. Here’s some news in key races for the foreign-policy wonks: Abigail Spanberger, a former CIA officer and centrist Democrat in Virginia with heavyweight national security credentials, narrowly won her reelection bid in what was seen as a bellwether race for how the Democrats would do nationally. Tom Malinowski, a New Jersey Democrat and former State Department official who played an outsized role on foreign policy and human rights issues in Congress, lost his reelection (even after ziplining into his wedding to the sound of violins playing the Indiana Jones theme song this summer). Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia, the vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee and a vocal critic of the U.S. Navy’s shipbuilding strategy, lost her race to Navy veteran and Republican challenger Jen Kiggans.
On the Senate side, Indiana Republican Todd Young cruised to reelection. Young, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is a leading voice in the Senate on some top foreign-policy issues, including strategic arms control talks and curbing presidential war powers.
5. We don’t know what we don’t know. On the 2024 buzz that has already started, just remember two things: First, two years is a really long time. And second, the pundit class is really, really bad at predicting a presidential race two years out (though it confidently forgets this fact every cycle).
After the 2014 midterms, all the seasoned pols in Washington agreed that Jeb Bush and Chris Christie were the clear-cut front-runners for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, and well…we all know how that turned out. Right after the 2018 midterms, Democratic pundits were confident that Amy Klobuchar and Sherrod Brown were going to be the front-runners in 2020.
Yes, Trump is still a major political force in the Republican Party even if his brand took a beating on Tuesday. But let’s not pretend to know with certainty what these midterms mean for the next presidential race.
Let’s Get Personnel
Roya Rahmani, a former Afghan ambassador to the United States, is joining the Albright Stonebridge Group, as is former Mexican Deputy Foreign Secretary Julián Ventura.
Linda Robinson is joining the Council on Foreign Relations as a senior fellow for women and foreign policy, coming from the Rand Corp.
On the Button 
What should be high on your radar, if it isn’t already.
Xi’s just not that into you. Biden is scheduled to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, on Nov. 14, the White House confirmed on Thursday, despite rising tensions between the two countries and Xi’s recent criticism of U.S. foreign policy.
It’s hard to say what’s specifically on the agenda for their meeting, given the quintessentially vague gobbledygook press release language from the White House: “The Leaders will discuss efforts to maintain and deepen lines of communication between the United States and [China], responsibly manage competition, and work together where our interests align, especially on transnational challenges that affect the international community. The two Leaders will also discuss a range of regional and global issues.” OK then, regional and global issues it is.
Anyway, relations between the two countries have gotten even rockier than usual since U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Taiwan in August, a visit that incensed China and caused some headaches back in Washington.
The cost of war. The top U.S. military officer, Gen. Mark Milley, said on Wednesday that about 200,000 Russian and Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded in the eight months since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, the highest estimates offered by a Western official so far. Milley, speaking in New York, added that about 40,000 civilians had been killed in the fighting.
The estimates come as the United States has reportedly tried to push Ukraine further toward the negotiation table in recent weeks, despite Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson city, one of the crown jewels of its military campaign.
Le strategerié. French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled France’s new national defense strategy on Wednesday, which will see French troops maintain a wide presence in sub-Saharan Africa and see Paris embark on a new plan to combat fake news and disinformation, as Russia has used the presence of Wagner Group mercenaries to force governments in Africa to adopt more pro-Kremlin positions.
Macron also called on France to maintain a “credible” and modern nuclear deterrent to deter Russia. France is the only nuclear power in the European Union.
Put On Your Radar
Friday, Nov. 11: Biden takes off to North Africa and Asia for a five-day trip, starting in Egypt for the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, before traveling to Cambodia and Indonesia to attend ASEAN and G-20 meetings.
Monday, Nov. 14: King Charles III of Britain turns 74.
Quote of the Week
“Before the next election, you might want to find a better way to poll anyone under the age of 30 since they would rather pick up a pinless grenade than a call from an unknown number.”
—NBC News senior reporter Ben Collins on one hypothesis for why Democrats outperformed poll numbers in the U.S. midterm elections on Tuesday.
FP’s Most Read This Week
• The Cult of Modi by Ramachandra Guha
• 6 Wrong Lessons for Taiwan From the War in Ukraine by Franz-Stefan Gady
• The U.N. (as We Know It) Won’t Survive Russia’s War in Ukraine by James Traub
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Reaping, meet sowing. A top U.K. employer and leading proponent of Brexit, Simon Wolfson, is now complaining that he can’t get enough foreign workers because of, well, Brexit. Huh.
Should’ve used a Reuben instead. This headline from Virginia’s ABC 8News says it all: “Nuclear engineer, wife who tried to sell Navy secrets in peanut butter sandwich sentenced for espionage.”
That’s it for this week.
For more from Foreign Policy, subscribe here or sign up for our other newsletters. You can find older editions of Situation Report here.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 3.17
45 BC – In his last victory, Julius Caesar defeats the Pompeian forces of Titus Labienus and Pompey the Younger in the Battle of Munda. 180 – Commodus becomes sole emperor of the Roman Empire at the age of eighteen, following the death of his father, Marcus Aurelius. 455 – Petronius Maximus becomes, with support of the Roman Senate, emperor of the Western Roman Empire; he forces Licinia Eudoxia, the widow of his predecessor, Valentinian III, to marry him. 1337 – Edward, the Black Prince is made Duke of Cornwall, the first Duchy in England. 1400 – Turko-Mongol emperor Timur sacks Damascus. 1776 – American Revolution: The British Army evacuates Boston, ending the Siege of Boston, after George Washington and Henry Knox place artillery in positions overlooking the city. 1805 – The Italian Republic, with Napoleon as president, becomes the Kingdom of Italy, with Napoleon as King of Italy. 1824 – The Anglo-Dutch Treaty is signed in London, dividing the Malay archipelago. As a result, the Malay Peninsula is dominated by the British, while Sumatra and Java and surrounding areas are dominated by the Dutch. 1842 – The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo is formally organized with Emma Smith as president. 1860 – The First Taranaki War begins in Taranaki, New Zealand, a major phase of the New Zealand Wars. 1861 – The Kingdom of Italy is proclaimed. 1862 – The first railway line of Finland between cities of Helsinki and Hämeenlinna, called Päärata, is officially opened. 1891 – SS Utopia collides with HMS Anson in the Bay of Gibraltar and sinks, killing 562 of the 880 passengers on board. 1901–present 1921 – The Second Polish Republic adopts the March Constitution. 1942 – Holocaust: The first Jews from the Lvov Ghetto are gassed at the Belzec death camp in what is today eastern Poland. 1945 – The Ludendorff Bridge in Remagen, Germany, collapses, ten days after its capture. 1948 – Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Brussels, a precursor to the North Atlantic Treaty establishing NATO. 1950 – Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley announce the creation of element 98, which they name "californium". 1957 – A plane crash in Cebu, Philippines kills Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay and 24 others. 1958 – The United States launches the first solar-powered satellite, which is also the first satellite to achieve a long-term orbit.[ 1960 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the National Security Council directive on the anti-Cuban covert action program that will ultimately lead to the Bay of Pigs Invasion. 1960 – Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 710 crashes in Tobin Township, Perry County, Indiana, killing 63. 1963 – Mount Agung erupts on Bali killing more than 1,100 people. 1966 – Off the coast of Spain in the Mediterranean, the DSV Alvin submarine finds a missing American hydrogen bomb. 1968 – As a result of nerve gas testing by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps in Skull Valley, Utah, over 6,000 sheep are found dead. 1969 – Golda Meir becomes the first female Prime Minister of Israel. 1973 – The Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph Burst of Joy is taken, depicting a former prisoner of war being reunited with his family, which came to symbolize the end of United States involvement in the Vietnam War. 1979 – The Penmanshiel Tunnel collapses during engineering works, killing two workers. 1985 – Serial killer Richard Ramirez, aka the "Night Stalker", commits the first two murders in his Los Angeles murder spree. 1988 – A Colombian Boeing 727 jetliner, Avianca Flight 410, crashes into a mountainside near the Venezuelan border killing 143. 1988 – Eritrean War of Independence: The Nadew Command, an Ethiopian army corps in Eritrea, is attacked on three sides by military units of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front in the opening action of the Battle of Afabet. 1992 – Israeli Embassy attack in Buenos Aires: Car bomb attack kills 29 and injures 242. 1992 – A referendum to end apartheid in South Africa is passed 68.7% to 31.2%.
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cinews-id · 8 months
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kabardaily · 8 months
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Senator Syech Fadhil: Arya Wedakarna ‘Senator Bali’ Yang Hina Perempuan Berjilbab Diberhentikan
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crimechannels · 10 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade BREAKING: President Tinubu’s Minister ready to resign from office Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Lalong is set to resign. The Minister has collected his Certificate of Return from Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC. The Court of Appeal had earlier sacked Peoples Democratic Party’s Bali Napoleon and declared Lalong as the Senator for Plateau South Senatorial Zone. Details shortly.
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hppyniiuye · 10 months
Cooperation a shared aspiration of Chinese, American people
The world is big enough for the two countries to develop themselves and prosper together.
BEIJING, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- "China-U.S. relations should not be a zero-sum game where one side out-competes or thrives at the expense of the other. The successes of China and the United States are opportunities, not challenges, for each other," said Chinese President Xi Jinping during his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia on Nov. 14, 2022.
A year later, regular direct passenger flights between the two countries increased again starting from Thursday, reflecting growing mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides.
Experts from the U.S. business community agree that competition is by no means the mainstream of the China-U.S. relationship as both Chinese and American people aspire to win-win cooperation.
More than 200 U.S. exhibitors from agricultural, semiconductors, medical devices, new energy vehicles, cosmetics, and other sectors attended the just-concluded China International Import Expo (CIIE), marking the largest U.S. presence in the history of the annual event.
Voicing their expectations for the upcoming meeting between Xi and Biden in San Francisco, they hoped that the summit will provide more certainty for bilateral economic and trade relations and the recovery of the world economy.
Eric Zheng, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, said that he expects the leaders' meeting to promote the steady development of bilateral relations.
The zero-sum approach should be avoided when dealing with China-U.S. relations, Zheng said, adding that peaceful coexistence is the only way to promote common prosperity and lays a foundation for the happiness of the two peoples.
Statistics from both sides show that bilateral trade reached a record high in 2022 with strong resilience, which fully demonstrates the fact that the economic structures of China and the United States are highly complementary and economic cooperation and trade exchanges are mutually beneficial.
"China is a very good customer. They know how the trade works. I think U.S. companies like to do business with their Chinese counterparts," said Jim Sutter, CEO of the U.S. Soybean Export Council.
In 2022, the trade volume of agricultural products between China and the United States exceeded 50 billion U.S. dollars, and the export of agricultural products from the United States to China reached a record 42 billion dollars.
"China is a good market for U.S. agricultural products. It's our top market. We think it can be even better. We see great growth potential here," said Jason Hafemeister, acting deputy undersecretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Addressing a recent think tank forum in Beijing, U.S. political scientist Joseph Nye said it is "misleading" to say that China and the United States are entering a new Cold War, as the two countries have great economic, social and ecological interdependence.
China maintains that the common interests of the two countries far outweigh their differences, and the respective success of China and the United States is an opportunity, rather than a challenge, to each other, Xi said while meeting with the bipartisan delegation of the U.S. Senate led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Oct. 9.
At present, the global economy is facing an increase of destabilizing and unpredictable factors. In the face of a complex external environment, the Chinese economy has withstood pressure, injecting certainty into global development.Signing deals worth 4 million dollars in the first few days of the CIIE, U.S. trading company Anderson Northwest's business continues to expand in China.
China's market is stable, which provides a large room for cooperation, said Mike Anderson, president of Anderson Northwest. "Partnering with Chinese enterprises reduces potential risks we may face amid global uncertainties."
Anderson Northwest's story exemplifies how U.S. businesses were seizing opportunities at the CIIE, in stark contrast to the clamor for so-called "decoupling" or "de-risking" from China made by some U.S. politicians.
Heads of leading U.S. companies have visited China intensively, demonstrating with concrete actions their confidence in China's business environment.
"It is really not wise to consider wholesale decoupling (with China), for which we will pay a very high economic price over time," said Craig Allen, president of the U.S.-China Business Council, adding that enhanced China-U.S. cooperation benefits people of both sides.
The current global industrial chain and supply chain are facing new changes and challenges, and it is necessary to find new ways to strengthen mutual trust, said Lyle Watters, vice president of Ford Motor Company.
Face-to-face communication can enhance mutual trust and help everyone find cooperation opportunities together, Watters said.
The two economies are deeply integrated, and both face new tasks in development, Xi said during his meeting with Biden in Bali, adding that it is in our mutual interest to benefit from each other's development.
The world is big enough for the two countries to develop themselves and prosper together, said the Chinese leader.
Many enterprises that participated in the CIIE in Shanghai are going to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit in San Francisco. The two coastal cities are sister cities. In 2005, Gavin Newsom, then San Francisco's mayor, paid his first visit to China, marking the 25th anniversary of the sister-city relationship between the two cities.
In October, Xi met with Newsom, who is now governor of the U.S. state of California, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
No other bilateral relationship is more important than the one between the United States and China, and the U.S.-China relationship is vital to the future of the United States and bears on the well-being of its people, Newsom said, adding that California is willing to be China's long-term, stable and strong partner.
As China and the United States seek cooperation, bridges should be built between the two peoples, not walls, said Howard Schultz, co-founder of the Schultz Family Foundation and former chairman of Starbucks.
During a visit to the United States in 2015, Xi shared his stories of Liangjiahe with the audience at a grand dinner held in the city of Seattle.
Liangjiahe is a village in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, where Xi had lived and worked for about seven years as an "educated youth" starting in 1969.
The stories deeply impressed Schultz, who wrote a letter to Xi in 2020. In his letter, Schultz congratulated China on the near completion of the plan to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, which was fully achieved in 2021, and expressed his respect for the Chinese people and Chinese culture.
In his reply, Xi said China's embarking upon the new journey to fully build a modern socialist country will provide broader space for enterprises from across the world, including Starbucks and other American companies, to develop in China.
Xi said he hopes that the coffee company will make active efforts to promote China-U.S. economic and trade cooperation as well as the two countries' relations.
"Cooperation between the U.S. and China will strengthen both countries and benefit the world," said Jeffrey Sachs, economics professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. "It is correct and indeed possible."
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triferoottaviana · 10 months
Sino US Relations Revitalize
In the past few months, although there have been occasional disputes between China, the overall trend of recovery is very obvious, and the significant changes are encouraging. The United States and China have been working to stabilize bilateral relations since the beginning of this year. Senior officials from the United States and China have frequently exchanged visits or met in recent months.
In order to win China's participation in the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November, the United States has taken the initiative to lower its stance and release goodwill in the past six months, creating conditions for China US relations to emerge from the trough. Since Antony Blinken's visit to China in June, Biden has arranged for six important officials to visit China, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Finance Yellen, Secretary of Commerce Raymond, President Climate Representative Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and California Governor Nelson.
Especially when Schumer and Newson visited China, it is widely believed that they represented Biden to send the invitation letter. Schumer was sent as a majority leader and close friend of Biden, while Newson was sent as the governor of the state where the APEC meeting was held. Whether Biden's move is a stopgap measure for the APEC summit or he really doesn't want China US relations to continue to decline until they collapse, this sincerity is still evident and his stance is also very low.
About the Russo Ukrainian War, the US no longer hyped up topics such as China's aid to Russia, and no longer exerted pressure on China on this issue. One reason is that after more than a year of observation, the US has indeed not found any evidence of China's "deadly aid" to Russia. Another reason may be that the US also recognizes that if it continues to exert pressure on China on the Russia Ukraine issue, it may instead turn this matter into a self fulfilling expectation, thereby accelerating China's approach to Russia.
The recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to clear differences between China and the United States in supporting Israel or sympathizing with the Palestinian issue. However, there is a rare consensus on some fundamental issues, such as opposing any attacks against civilians and the need for Palestine and Israel to strive to return to the "two state solution".
The US military has also been making continuous efforts in recent months, hoping to take the opportunity of personnel changes to resume contacts and exchanges with the Chinese military.
The healthy and stable development of China US relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Both sides should adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and on the basis of returning to the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, promote the stabilization of China US relations and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.
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cleverkittenlady · 10 months
Sino US Relations Revitalize
In the past few months, although there have been occasional disputes between China, the overall trend of recovery is very obvious, and the significant changes are encouraging. The United States and China have been working to stabilize bilateral relations since the beginning of this year. Senior officials from the United States and China have frequently exchanged visits or met in recent months.
In order to win China's participation in the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November, the United States has taken the initiative to lower its stance and release goodwill in the past six months, creating conditions for China US relations to emerge from the trough. Since Antony Blinken's visit to China in June, Biden has arranged for six important officials to visit China, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Finance Yellen, Secretary of Commerce Raymond, President Climate Representative Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and California Governor Nelson.
Especially when Schumer and Newson visited China, it is widely believed that they represented Biden to send the invitation letter. Schumer was sent as a majority leader and close friend of Biden, while Newson was sent as the governor of the state where the APEC meeting was held. Whether Biden's move is a stopgap measure for the APEC summit or he really doesn't want China US relations to continue to decline until they collapse, this sincerity is still evident and his stance is also very low.
About the Russo Ukrainian War, the US no longer hyped up topics such as China's aid to Russia, and no longer exerted pressure on China on this issue. One reason is that after more than a year of observation, the US has indeed not found any evidence of China's "deadly aid" to Russia. Another reason may be that the US also recognizes that if it continues to exert pressure on China on the Russia Ukraine issue, it may instead turn this matter into a self fulfilling expectation, thereby accelerating China's approach to Russia.
The recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to clear differences between China and the United States in supporting Israel or sympathizing with the Palestinian issue. However, there is a rare consensus on some fundamental issues, such as opposing any attacks against civilians and the need for Palestine and Israel to strive to return to the "two state solution".
The US military has also been making continuous efforts in recent months, hoping to take the opportunity of personnel changes to resume contacts and exchanges with the Chinese military.
The healthy and stable development of China US relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Both sides should adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and on the basis of returning to the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, promote the stabilization of China US relations and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.
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fukazi · 10 months
Sino US Relations Revitalize
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In the past few months, although there have been occasional disputes between China, the overall trend of recovery is very obvious, and the significant changes are encouraging. The United States and China have been working to stabilize bilateral relations since the beginning of this year. Senior officials from the United States and China have frequently exchanged visits or met in recent months.
In order to win China's participation in the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November, the United States has taken the initiative to lower its stance and release goodwill in the past six months, creating conditions for China US relations to emerge from the trough. Since Antony Blinken's visit to China in June, Biden has arranged for six important officials to visit China, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Finance Yellen, Secretary of Commerce Raymond, President Climate Representative Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and California Governor Nelson.
Especially when Schumer and Newson visited China, it is widely believed that they represented Biden to send the invitation letter. Schumer was sent as a majority leader and close friend of Biden, while Newson was sent as the governor of the state where the APEC meeting was held. Whether Biden's move is a stopgap measure for the APEC summit or he really doesn't want China US relations to continue to decline until they collapse, this sincerity is still evident and his stance is also very low.
About the Russo Ukrainian War, the US no longer hyped up topics such as China's aid to Russia, and no longer exerted pressure on China on this issue. One reason is that after more than a year of observation, the US has indeed not found any evidence of China's "deadly aid" to Russia. Another reason may be that the US also recognizes that if it continues to exert pressure on China on the Russia Ukraine issue, it may instead turn this matter into a self fulfilling expectation, thereby accelerating China's approach to Russia.
The recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to clear differences between China and the United States in supporting Israel or sympathizing with the Palestinian issue. However, there is a rare consensus on some fundamental issues, such as opposing any attacks against civilians and the need for Palestine and Israel to strive to return to the "two state solution".
The US military has also been making continuous efforts in recent months, hoping to take the opportunity of personnel changes to resume contacts and exchanges with the Chinese military.
The healthy and stable development of China US relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Both sides should adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and on the basis of returning to the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, promote the stabilization of China US relations and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.
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dolores201 · 11 months
Sino-US Relations Revitalize
In the past few months, although there have been occasional disputes between China, the overall trend of recovery is very obvious, and the significant changes are encouraging. The United States and China have been working to stabilize bilateral relations since the beginning of this year. Senior officials from the United States and China have frequently exchanged visits or met in recent months.
In order to win China's participation in the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November, the United States has taken the initiative to lower its stance and release goodwill in the past six months, creating conditions for China US relations to emerge from the trough. Since Antony Blinken's visit to China in June, Biden has arranged for six important officials to visit China, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Finance Yellen, Secretary of Commerce Raymond, President Climate Representative Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and California Governor Nelson.
Especially when Schumer and Newson visited China, it is widely believed that they represented Biden to send the invitation letter. Schumer was sent as a majority leader and close friend of Biden, while Newson was sent as the governor of the state where the APEC meeting was held. Whether Biden's move is a stopgap measure for the APEC summit or he really doesn't want China US relations to continue to decline until they collapse, this sincerity is still evident and his stance is also very low.
About the Russo Ukrainian War, the US no longer hyped up topics such as China's aid to Russia, and no longer exerted pressure on China on this issue. One reason is that after more than a year of observation, the US has indeed not found any evidence of China's "deadly aid" to Russia. Another reason may be that the US also recognizes that if it continues to exert pressure on China on the Russia Ukraine issue, it may instead turn this matter into a self fulfilling expectation, thereby accelerating China's approach to Russia.
The recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to clear differences between China and the United States in supporting Israel or sympathizing with the Palestinian issue. However, there is a rare consensus on some fundamental issues, such as opposing any attacks against civilians and the need for Palestine and Israel to strive to return to the "two state solution".
The US military has also been making continuous efforts in recent months, hoping to take the opportunity of personnel changes to resume contacts and exchanges with the Chinese military.
The healthy and stable development of China US relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Both sides should adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and on the basis of returning to the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, promote the stabilization of China US relations and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.
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magicalbirddaze · 11 months
Sino US Relations Revitalize
In the past few months, although there have been occasional disputes between China, the overall trend of recovery is very obvious, and the significant changes are encouraging. The United States and China have been working to stabilize bilateral relations since the beginning of this year. Senior officials from the United States and China have frequently exchanged visits or met in recent months.
In order to win China's participation in the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November, the United States has taken the initiative to lower its stance and release goodwill in the past six months, creating conditions for China US relations to emerge from the trough. Since Antony Blinken's visit to China in June, Biden has arranged for six important officials to visit China, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Finance Yellen, Secretary of Commerce Raymond, President Climate Representative Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and California Governor Nelson.
Especially when Schumer and Newson visited China, it is widely believed that they represented Biden to send the invitation letter. Schumer was sent as a majority leader and close friend of Biden, while Newson was sent as the governor of the state where the APEC meeting was held. Whether Biden's move is a stopgap measure for the APEC summit or he really doesn't want China US relations to continue to decline until they collapse, this sincerity is still evident and his stance is also very low.
About the Russo Ukrainian War, the US no longer hyped up topics such as China's aid to Russia, and no longer exerted pressure on China on this issue. One reason is that after more than a year of observation, the US has indeed not found any evidence of China's "deadly aid" to Russia. Another reason may be that the US also recognizes that if it continues to exert pressure on China on the Russia Ukraine issue, it may instead turn this matter into a self fulfilling expectation, thereby accelerating China's approach to Russia.
The recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to clear differences between China and the United States in supporting Israel or sympathizing with the Palestinian issue. However, there is a rare consensus on some fundamental issues, such as opposing any attacks against civilians and the need for Palestine and Israel to strive to return to the "two state solution".
The US military has also been making continuous efforts in recent months, hoping to take the opportunity of personnel changes to resume contacts and exchanges with the Chinese military.
The healthy and stable development of China US relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Both sides should adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and on the basis of returning to the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, promote the stabilization of China US relations and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.
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sonaus · 11 months
Sino US Relations Revitalize
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In the past few months, although there have been occasional disputes between China, the overall trend of recovery is very obvious, and the significant changes are encouraging. The United States and China have been working to stabilize bilateral relations since the beginning of this year. Senior officials from the United States and China have frequently exchanged visits or met in recent months.
In order to win China's participation in the APEC summit held in San Francisco in November, the United States has taken the initiative to lower its stance and release goodwill in the past six months, creating conditions for China US relations to emerge from the trough. Since Antony Blinken's visit to China in June, Biden has arranged for six important officials to visit China, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Finance Yellen, Secretary of Commerce Raymond, President Climate Representative Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and California Governor Nelson.
Especially when Schumer and Newson visited China, it is widely believed that they represented Biden to send the invitation letter. Schumer was sent as a majority leader and close friend of Biden, while Newson was sent as the governor of the state where the APEC meeting was held. Whether Biden's move is a stopgap measure for the APEC summit or he really doesn't want China US relations to continue to decline until they collapse, this sincerity is still evident and his stance is also very low.
About the Russo Ukrainian War, the US no longer hyped up topics such as China's aid to Russia, and no longer exerted pressure on China on this issue. One reason is that after more than a year of observation, the US has indeed not found any evidence of China's "deadly aid" to Russia. Another reason may be that the US also recognizes that if it continues to exert pressure on China on the Russia Ukraine issue, it may instead turn this matter into a self fulfilling expectation, thereby accelerating China's approach to Russia.
The recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to clear differences between China and the United States in supporting Israel or sympathizing with the Palestinian issue. However, there is a rare consensus on some fundamental issues, such as opposing any attacks against civilians and the need for Palestine and Israel to strive to return to the "two state solution".
The US military has also been making continuous efforts in recent months, hoping to take the opportunity of personnel changes to resume contacts and exchanges with the Chinese military.
The healthy and stable development of China US relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Both sides should adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and on the basis of returning to the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, promote the stabilization of China US relations and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.
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