senatushq · 1 year
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“Sometimes, when we feel the greatest need to be alone, it's the moment we should most welcome the company of others.”
- a previous address to the senate by Elena Montoya ( The Voice )
In the senate forum a summit was held for the varied marshals, senators, and representatives from the supernatural community that made up Rome. Flyers appeared on walls, letters manifested in mailboxes, invisible to the non-magical eye, the city was made well aware of the event intended to rally the varied species in hopes of defending the city. Around the senators and the triumvirate a crowd took form, spirits, demons, witches, druids, members of The Eye and other entities with a vested interest in securing the city. At the entrance of the forum, representatives from the Amaranthus coven made any who attended sign an ancient and magically binding contract, written in antiquity by the three covens and kept safe in the Amaranthus’ reliquary, spelled by The Tower, those who attended the senate would be made to act in unity to take down the Asphodel while keeping Rome’s best interests in mind. 
The Hand chaired the meeting and opened the table to the rest of the senate after presenting the issues at hand: the death of magister Romulus, the threat of the Asphodel, the fortification of the Fairy King’s Forest, drow influences within the city, druid presence on the senate, and the prospect of releasing prisoners to fortify their ranks. The Hand informed the senate that the magisterium’s aid had been requested, as well he outlined the importance of distinguishing a military hierarchy and planning an assault on the Asphodel before the necromancers turned against Rome again. The senate would continue to run the political aspects of the city, the day to day, etc, but a separate military regime that pulled on the city’s experts to train, form a plan of attack, and to ultimately take out the Asphodel would be the best course of action. Additionally, he informed the forum that they had found the necromanteion’s location and would be able to sneak through their defences when the time arose. 
The Speaker outlined that Romulus was definitely not dead and was absolutely alive and well. He was shaking and nobody had the heart to argue with him, so the forum just made a white boy smile and nodded. The Speaker went on to highlight that understanding the grievances of the lycans and the fey would be important if they wanted to move forward. While other senators protested allying with known criminals and rebels, Nettelia, The Praetor, and The Future advocated for making another attempt at peace with the The Shadow and The Harbinger of the fairy court and lupo pack respectively. The Speaker, The Future, and The Praetor were tasked with coming to a peace agreement with the fairy court and the lycan pack. Given the positions within the druid community and the weight of the archdruids’ power, The Speaker also pointed out that should the druids return to the senate then they should put senators forward that would sit in place of the archdruids. Given the history of violence and criminal actions of at least half the archdruids, The Immortal, The Cardinal, and The Hand had to agree with The Speaker. 
Backed by Aren, Octavian, and Dionaeia, Nettelia relayed much of what she knew about the necronomicon and the powers and limitations of the Asphodel to the senate forum. If the book is destroyed then there’s a chance of reform for those who’re connected to it, though in some cases the only resolution would be to either imprison them, bind their magic, or both. She outlined the importance of medical preparations in the coming military division and advocated for a separation between the military body and the senate itself so politics would not interfere in the coming battle. Now and then Octavian interjected but frequently rambled off and started talking to himself, only further proving to the rest of the senate that proxies needed to be appointed for the druids’ senators. She also pointed out that Trivia is a valuable ally who is not present, which makes her vulnerable, since the Asphodel can channel her and bolster their strength. Nettelia is for the covens of Rome to make contact with her, if Trivia could not be persuaded then they would need to channel her anyways - the Amaranthus being the best option since they’re immune to outside influence. Dionaeia, Aren, and Octavian supported this, recognizing that they would need as much manpower as possible. 
Given that Octavian is the only one with an interest in politics, and even then he resents the senate, the archdruids agreed to appoint senators from among their ranks. Nettelia appointed The Shark, Aren appointed The Lion, Dionaeia appointed The Princess, and Octavian appointed The Lupine. 
The Future opened the labyrinth’s facility to the supernatural community and invited all those who attended the summit to witness it firsthand. Through their unsurpassed medical innovations and advanced technology they could enhance the powers of those willing to participate in their trials, additionally they could assist the vampires in making sure that when the time came they wouldn’t be vulnerable to necromantic magic. The Enforcer opened the Outpost’s state of the art training grounds and anti-supernatural weaponry to assist in the training and development of military strategy. Additionally, The Eye’s facilities are the only locations in Rome that have been securely maintained against the Drows’ methods of observation. 
The Tower advocated for banishing Pythia back to the Inferno and alongside The Sacrifice, The Oracle, and The Ivy, wished to see the witches and other members of the Asphodel saved if possible. Outlined that those who’d fallen under the necronomicon’s influence were just as much its prisoners as those within the senate’s holdings. Under the senate’s edicts any loss of supernatural life is a waste. The Amaranthus and the Ivy Coven have extensive experience in policing witches and varied forms of magic, while the Narcissus and the Dahlia both have a history with blood magic. While The Sacrifice did not outright say it, The Hand is also aware that the Narcissus’ sovereign’s unique experience with necromancy would also provide them with an advantage. Ultimately the senate agreed to save those that they could, whenever possible, and the four sovereigns would be tasked with forming a witches’ mark that would sever a necromancer’s connection to the necronomicon along with a removable portion that would restrict their magic for the duration of their reform. 
The vote to form the Allied Senate Forces, separate from the Senate itself, was passed. The forces would consist of two regiments, the battle regiment, and the support regiment. The Immortal was elected as the militant leader of both. Under the support regiment, there were four divisions: the surprise attack division, logistical support and medical aid division, intelligence division, and the sensory division. The battle regiment would be led by The Lion and was divided into five divisions: mid-range combat, short-range combat, short-mid range combat, long range combat, and the special battle unit.  
Captain of the surprise attack division would be The Sacrifice, his lieutenant would be The Tower. Captain of the logistical support and medical division would be Nettelia, her lieutenant would be The Healer. Captain of the intelligence division would be The Enforcer, his lieutenant would be The Praetor. Captain of the sensory division would be The Oracle, her lieutenant would be The Dhampir. Captain of the mid-range battle division would be The Lion, and his proxy would be Aren. Captain of the short-range battle division would be The Bloody. Captain of the short-to-mid range battle division would be Dionaeia. Captain of the long range battle division would be The Tower, and captain of the special battle division would be Octavian. 
Training and strategizing would take place at The Eye’s Outpost, and the Captains of each division would be responsible for the development of each of their units. The support divisions also have a lieutenant to assist with strategizing and training. Captains would meet periodically to continuously discuss individual strengths and weaknesses to ultimately form the four-man teams that would best balance out the abilities of each as they continue to create their plan of attack. 
The vote to release prisoners from the senate holdings, as well as all those still within The Eye’s facility was passed and the Allied Senate Forces were formed
ooc info
The summit took place Friday June 23rd
Druids are back on the senate, the senators are: Eren, Safiye, Esme, and Fen'Harel.
Allied Senate Forces have been made, training will be done at The Outpost.
The sovereigns will be working to try and bind necromancers so they can't tap into the necronomicon/be influenced by it.
Senators listed above that advocated for peace with the fey and lupo have been tasked with trying to achieve it.
Appointed Captains are responsible for training and developing their respective divisions, they'll meet regularly to develop ze big plan.
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