#send help for kaiba and his sour face
ygodominos · 6 years
Chapter 1: The F*ckening @ Somerfields
Bakura and Melvin make a mess and the whole village gets caught up in the escapade.
Work sucked, and I mean /sucked/ for Bakura. Just what he wanted: repetitive 9 hour shifts with short breaks and bitchy customers. No wait, bitchy dumb customers. One woman tried to shoplift some cans of soda, so naturally when Bakura spotted her he threatened to smash her face into the window. He spent the next hour in the managers office, “apologising” for terrifying the other customers. Apparently people don’t like to see shop workers screaming at customers. Tch.
3.30pm. Break. Thank fuck.  Slumping outside, taking a cigarette from his pocket, he greets Melvin at their usual spot behind the supermarket, hidden from those irritating CCTV cameras that just loved to rat him out to his boss. Melvin was already at the end of his cigarette, narrowed violet eyes glared as the albino man approached, holding the gaze until they were side by side leaning on the brick wall. 
“You’re late.” A growl laced with tobacco shot at the shorter man. 
“Apparently me wearing a coat over my uniform whilst I try and leave through the back door isn’t enough a big enough indicator to customers that I’m not on fucking shift anymore,” The lighter clicks as the tip of Bakura’s cigarettes is swallowed in flames. “fucking idiots”.
Another click fills the silence as Melvin lights his second, “I hear ya, that’s why I stick to boxes. Boxes can’t fuck me off like people.” 
A low chuckle and a slight head tilt of the pale man caught Melvin’s eye as violet met deep red.  “Oh, but we know exactly what boxes are good for, don’t we?”
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for Melvin and Bakura to screw on the delivery boxes on their break. They didn’t have much else better to do, and it wasn’t exactly like either were the romantic type to attract a partner. It passed the time and gave them both a chance to exert their anger out on each other rather than an unlucky customer trying to return an open can of tuna because it had ‘the wrong water’ in it. Eugh. Bakura put his mind elsewhere as he sucked the last of the nicotine from the retched fag-end before he joined Melvin in the warehouse for a “quickie” before they both had to return to the evil called ‘work’.
The next morning as Bakura approached Somerfields he was somewhat surprised at the two large black vans in front of the store. He paused momentarily, staring at a lanky figure with a briefcase and a sour face entered through the glass doors. Shrugging, Bakura carried on trudging, realising he was about 5 minutes late but lacked the ability to care. 
Before he had the chance to change his boss called him upstairs to the meeting room. Upon entering, he immediately recognised the sour-faced-lanky-briefcase-douche from earlier, along with all of the other staff members, even the ones who weren’t on the rota for today. Interesting. He settled in the furthest seat from the front so he could ignore whatever lecture his boss had arranged. Hand under chin and elbow on desk he focused his attention on the window, imagining he were anywhere else but he-
“Oi you. In the back.”
Red slit eyes rolled to catch harsh blue. Ah, briefcase douche has blue eyes. How pretty. 
“Pay attention when someone is speaking.” 
“Do you keep anything interesting in that briefcase of yours, or just your crippling need to be the centre of attention?” He could feel his manager’s eyes boring into the side of his skull, but he didn’t care. He didn’t like this sour faced man, and would be more than happy to make it known to him. 
A cool smile tinged with cynicism fired right back at Bakura. “I’m glad you asked,” Great, he’s sarcastic too, “actually, I do have something in this briefcase that may interest one or two of you in this room. My name is Seto Kaiba, and I’m the head of the Forensics Department a short while away.
It’s been reported over the last few months that there have been some...incidents in the warehouse area.”
Bakura tensed slightly, narrowing his eyes further as he began to figure out why this meeting was called. 
“It wasn’t until last night where some actual, ahem, evidence was left at the scene that I was called in.  So, I’ll put it blankly: whoever has been fucking on the Foxy Boxes Delivery boxes, just know that we’ve got your DNA and it’ll only be a matter of time before we get access to your records and are authorised to take DNA samples from each of you. Of course you could just own up now and I can arrange your arrest right now, but where would be the fun in that? It won’t be long now until you’re fucked, again.”
After ignoring his phone buzzing in his back pocket for the past ten minutes, Melvin gave in and pulled it out. 12 missed calls from Bakura. Hm. Before he could call back, however, his caller ID flashed up again as it now turned into 13 calls. 
“What?!” he snarled, angry at being disturbed on his day off. 
“Melvin, we have a problem. Meet me at the coffee shop, order something strong. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” the dial tone was the only thing Melvin could hear other than his own confused thoughts at Bakura’s cryptic and somehow threatening phone call. 
To be continued
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uglifish · 5 years
[FULL CHAPTER] underwater chrysalis - CH9
also posted on | FF.NET | PATREON
[5,252 words]
Atem woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous again.
He rose slowly to the surface and gazed at the food on the cart.
Bile rose quickly, and before he could stop himself, he vomited in the water.
Gasping for breath, Atem heaved himself out of the pool and lay weakly on the edge, waiting for the water to clear and filter through.
Ah…damn. How many days and nights had he been living in this tiny pool?
His lungs felt tight, as if a hand had reached down into his chest and was continuously squeezing. He was pretty sure all the vigorous sex with the human wasn't helping either.
A sour film stuck to the back of his throat and Atem shut his eyes, his heart rate increasing steadily.
I'm really dying. Atem thought faintly, fading in and out of consciousness.
He heard soft footsteps approaching the door and he didn't move. The human needed to see him like this, lifeless and weak, with vomit in the water.
Mokuba poked at the code in the door, trying every combination he could think of before he finally got the right one. Ha! And Seto thought he could hide this room from him.
Snickering triumphantly to himself, he pulled the door open and dashed inside, skidding in his steps, shocked to see the merman lying lifelessly at the edge of the pool.
Mokuba rushed forward and held his breath fearfully, seeing a disgusting patch of greenish filth floating in the middle of the water, and his fear rose to an all-time high.
Was the merman bleeding?!
Atem heard the child's thoughts and turned his head slowly to gaze up at him. "…Like I said, child. I'm dying."
Hyperventilating, Mokuba dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, nervously dialing Seto's number.
Kaiba felt his phone buzzing in his pocket just as he exited the lab, and he fished it out to glance at the caller ID. Mokuba.
"What is it?" Kaiba answered smoothly, and Mokuba's panicked cries filled his ears.
"He's dying, Seto! Look at him!" Mokuba cried hysterically, jutting up and down on his toes, unsure of what to do with himself. "There's, like, gross blood or something in the water and he's just unconscious on the edge!"
There was a slight pause, and Mokuba shouted into the receiver. "He said it's vomit! He got sicker!"
Kaiba swallowed stiffly and whispered, "He was fine when I left him this morning."
"Well he's not fine now!" Mokuba wailed, kneeling beside Atem and gently helping him sit up. "He's awake. Hurry, Seto!"
Atem reached out to grasp the child's hand in his, gazing deeply into Mokuba's large grey eyes and nodding approvingly at him. "Good. It's not too late."
"Okay," Mokuba said tearfully, holding onto the merman's hand with all his might, feeling it weaken alarmingly in his grasp. "Seto finished cleaning all the garbage around your home! You'll have a clean home when you get back!"
Atem smiled half-heartedly. This child meant well.
There was a loud clattering coming from the hallway, and a group of men in suits burst into the basement, wheeling a gurney.
Mokuba stepped away respectfully to let them lift the merman onto it to wheel him out of the room. He glanced at the stack of jewelry sitting in the far corner of the pool and he hurried over to retrieve it.
If he remembered correctly, the merman had been wearing these upon his arrival.
Kaiba gripped the wheel tightly and sped down the narrow highway towards his private beach.
Atem was right. He had failed. He had barely managed to keep him alive for "one moon cycle".
It had only been a week and a half at most, and Atem was already vomiting.
The thing he couldn't replicate in a basement pool was water pressure. Damn. So the shallow pool had been a ploy. The merman had specifically asked to be housed in a shallow pool so he'd get sick enough to be released.
I've been outsmarted, Kaiba growled, flooring the pedal and watching the scenery whiz by in a blur.
It didn't matter. He'd got what he wanted. The scales. An endless, lifetime's supply of scales. His company would thrive after this, and he no longer needed to worry about bankruptcy.
Seeing his property rise into view, Kaiba sped up the hill and swerved dangerously on the road the closer he got to the ocean's edge.
He could see his men already gathered at the beachfront, with Atem on the gurney. He was late.
Parking the car haphazardly on the side of the road, Kaiba got out and slammed the door without bothering to shut off the engine.
"Seto!" Mokuba cried, waving frantically at his older brother from the water's edge. "He's coming, mermaid. You'll get to see him before you go."
"Let me up." Atem said weakly, and he felt the men unbuckling his restraints obediently.
Struggling to sit up, Atem took several deep breaths, his lungs constricting terribly even though they were so close to the water's edge. The salt in the air helped moisten his throat, but for some reason, breathing was still difficult.
"…He's…suffocating," Mokuba whimpered, wringing his hands anxiously as his older brother joined him at his side, breathless and panting.
"Dismissed…" Kaiba breathed, sending off his men and trying to compose himself at the same time.
Atem watched as the group of men bowed and shuffled off down the beach in an odd single file line, and he turned his attention back to the glittering sea shore.
The sun was setting magnificently across the horizon, tinting the water a stunning orange. Was this a dream? The human was releasing him!
He gazed at the Kaiba brothers, taking in their features one last time, feeling his heart ache. It was either from the sickness or from sadness. Both humans had been kind to him in their own selfish ways.
Kaiba stepped forward silently and lifted Atem off the rolling bed, gently carrying him to the water's edge, and Mokuba ran after them, his shoes squishing wetly in the sand.
Atem draped his arms warmly around the human's shoulders, appreciating the soft touch. Being carried like this was nice. Being with this human had been…nice. Their sexual playtime would live in his memory forever.
"Thank you," Atem said nervously, his voice almost drowned out by the rushing waves around Kaiba's ankles. Kaiba kept pushing forward steadily, taking long, awkward strides to avoid the impending waves until he stood waist deep in the freezing ocean water.
"You're not welcome," Kaiba replied coldly, his body numb with sorrow and disappointment.
This had been too quick, but it had been planned this way by the cunning merman.
"I'll give you a parting gift as thanks," Atem said playfully, leaning up to plant a warm kiss on Kaiba's chin, feeling his lips burn happily at the brief contact. "There. My debts all repaid. Drop me in the water now."
Kaiba tensed his jaw and felt his stomach churn terribly. Not even a real kiss. That was fine. This wasn't a special parting anyway.
Atem smirked, enjoying Kaiba's inner turmoil immensely. He had won. He had gotten this human to love him so much, that at a moment's notice upon the first sign of sickness, he was being released.
He felt the arms underneath his body loosen, and he waved his tail happily, gazing up into the human's clear blue eyes, which were burning strangely bright due to the orange setting sun before them.
"Go on, drop me," Atem said, giving Kaiba's neck a tight squeeze. "Goodbye, human. It was nice being with you."
Kaiba bit his tongue tightly and knelt in the waves, shivering violently from the cold. Atem's weight slipped easily from his arms and the merman kicked off, disappearing underneath a shallow wave, the glint from his red tail barely visible underneath the white foam.
Atem circled the shallow water, trembling with happiness and relief. He felt instantly better the second his skin touched real ocean water.
"Bye, Mr. Merman!" Mokuba cried, waving ecstatically behind Seto, oblivious to his distress. "See you never!"
Atem heard this and he mustered up the last of his strength to pull his body out of the water, doing a magnificent flip.
Kaiba sat down painfully in the water, his heart catching thickly in his throat, staring at the beautiful silhouette of the spiky-haired merman outlined against the setting sun, the tips of his spiky hair sparkling with stray drops of water, every curve of his muscular body poised gracefully in mid-air. Unreal. Absolutely magical.
Landing solidly back in the water with a splash, Atem stuck his arm out of the water and waved energetically, hearing the boy's laughter ringing from shore.
Satisfied, he swam off quickly and headed straight down for deeper waters, ignoring the pain still tugging deep inside his chest.
He was alive, and that was all that mattered. The pain would quickly vanish along with his shore-related illness.
On the beach, Kaiba found himself looking directly into the setting sun, causing his eyes to water uncontrollably.
He was crying.
"Seto…come on. I'm hungry!" Mokuba called, giving the wet sand an impatient kick. "We did a good deed. He's gonna be okay now."
Kaiba stayed sitting in the water, letting one thick wave after another lap up against his body. He didn't feel cold anymore. There was just a gut-wrenching pain in his chest and stomach. Why did it feel like he had just broken up with someone? Was he going insane or did a merman come into his life, charm him, and then dump him?
I'm…fucking stupid! Kaiba thought wildly, the tears still streaming uncontrollably down his face. I'm in love with him!
"Hey…Seto?" Mokuba called, clinking the merman's jewelry together awkwardly. "How do we give these back to him?"
Kaiba didn't answer. He no longer had a voice. In fact, it felt like he no longer had a heart or soul.
The merman had taken it with him when he disappeared beneath the foamy waves.
The reality of what he had just lost was sinking in steadily.
"S-Seto?" Mokuba cried anxiously, his concern rising higher and higher the longer his older brother continued to sit silently in the water, letting the waves almost drown him as they washed in.
Mokuba sighed. He set the jewelry down on the gurney and sat down in the sand, keeping his eye on Seto's back in the water.
He had seen the merman kiss Seto on the cheek for a millisecond. Seto was sad the merman had left. They had probably been close friends. ================================
Atem could feel his strength returning tenfold the deeper he swam, and he paused midway, taking deep shuddering breaths.
Free at last! But without all his finery.
It was fine. Seto Kaiba could have it for all of his troubles.
Continuing on his way, Atem felt his limbs growing heavier with an odd sensation.
Shoving the feeling aside roughly, Atem barreled on forward, congratulating himself on his own cleverness.
The hemisphere of his kingdom was in sight, and he swam right through the protective barrier with ease, hearing excited shouts from the guards surrounding area.
Atem gazed down at the glittering rooftops of his kingdom, relieved to see that everything still looked the same.
The shell-covered rooftops gleamed in the low light, and he circled above the homes, letting the barrier guards surround him quickly with relief painted across their faces.
"Your Majesty!" "Your Highness!" "You look unwell! Praise Ahti! You're alive!"
Atem nodded weakly, at a loss for words, already feeling faint.
"Atem!" Mahad's deep voice rang out from a distance and Atem sank gratefully against the strong grip of the guard who was holding him steadily upright.
Shooting forward in the water, Mahad wrapped a protective arm around the king's shoulders and tugged him out of the guard's grasp. "I'll take him from here, thank you. Return to your posts."
Atem blinked slowly, the world spinning dangerously around him with each light breath. Why…did he still feel…sick?
"The change in pressure was too sudden," Mahad said stiffly, gently guiding Atem towards the palace. "Let's get you to a medic."
Nodding again, Atem let Mahad tug him forward, hearing cries of relief and joy from the merpeople beneath them as they passed over their roofs, their excited whispers reaching his ears.
"He's been saved! Thank Suijin!" "He looks unwell, but he's alive!" "The king is alive! See there! He's being carried by brave Mahad!"
"The human acted fast on his promise," Mahad growled, his blood boiling with a strange fire. "It seems we owe him a great debt."
Dizzy and lightheaded, Atem's mind spun with questions but his throat was so dry, he could barely speak.
They approached the palace gates and Mana came zooming out the front, throwing herself onto Atem and clinging onto him tightly.
"Atem!" she sobbed. Feeling how unnaturally cold and clammy his body was, she jerked back, shining tears pooling at the corners of her eyes.
"Y-You're so cold! Let's warm him up, hurry! Swim faster!" she cried, circling Mahad and tugging incessantly at his arm, dragging them both forward with surprising force. "Medic! Mediiiiic! Someone prepare an empty pod!"
Feeling dangerously weak, Atem shivered and managed a smile, but winced when his throat began chafing and burning with a terrible dryness.
He was gently drifted through the palace gates, down the hallways towards the medic's chambers, and on the way, they passed many concerned faces hovering around them.
Shadi swam ahead quickly, intent on getting to the medic's chambers first so he could confront Mahad on the suspicious timeline of the human's activities.
"Atem!" Mana shrieked, grabbing tightly onto his arm and giving him a rough shake. "He's unconscious...!"
"Come, hurry," Mahad urged, passing under the stone arch and gently pushing Atem's limp body into an empty membrane pod.
Mana pressed a hand to her mouth and gazed anxiously at the king floating lifelessly in the pod, his fingertips an odd greyish color.
The medic hurried towards them with her assistant close by her side, frowning with worry. "A bad case of shore-sickness, but he will be fine."
"Mahad, a word," Shadi growled, grabbing the advisor by his muscled arm and dragging him towards the chamber entryway, making sure to keep his voice low.
"The human said he needed a few days. We had just met with him this afternoon! The sun is just now setting. Does this not seem a bit suspicious to you?!"
Mahad jerked his arm out of Shadi's grasp and glared furiously.
"This human Seto Kaiba is particularly skilled in making deals with other humans," he fumed, wondering why Shadi was sounding so ungrateful. "On land, he has a kingdom of his own. If you had gone up with me, you would understand."
Mana listened to the men arguing from Atem's podside, wringing her hands with worry as the medic and her assistant worked quickly, taking his vitals.
"Is he going to wake up?" she whispered fearfully, and the medic turned to her with a kind smile.
"Yes. He's had something to eat, which is fortunate. But he needs a deep cleanse. We'll shut him in the pod so he can detoxify slowly."
Mana nodded anxiously, listening to Mahad and Shadi shout at each other.
"You promised him a lifetime of dead scales! Do you really intend to rise to shore every week? You'll kill yourself!"
"The human said anyone's scales would do! You could travel to shore in my place, you coward! We could take turns!"
"As if I would indulge in the human's petty demands for such a disgusting thing!"
"Then I will tell Atem!" Mahad said, finally losing the last of his patience. "He can issue a decree. Similar to how we discard of human litter, we will add scaling to the list."
Mana swam over to the men, her heart pounding nervously with curiosity. "What now? You want Atem to issue another shoreline decree?"
"Yes," Mahad answered firmly while Shadi cried out at the same time, "No!"
"I-I don't understand," Mana said shakily, and it grew silent behind her as the medic and her assistant also began to listen in.
"I'm going to advise Atem to add another clause," Mahad said coldly. "Stating that the volunteering merperson discarding litter to shore will also deposit dead scales on Seto Kaiba's private rock."
Shadi palmed his face heavily and turned away, the rage accentuated in the corners of his eyes, which had narrowed into thin slits.
"Now I don't understand!" the medic cried, and her assistant nodded stiffly beside her.
"The human who freed Atem demands payment in the form of dead scales," Shadi growled, facing the medic chamber and seeing several curious heads peeking out from the edges of the other pods.
"The human committed many crimes in order to find Atem and free him," Mahad added, seeing Mana's face grow paler and paler. "I gave him my word that I alone would deliver him dead scales until he has no need for them anymore."
"Then we give him whatever he wants!" someone cried from the far end of the room. "The human sounds noble!"
"Far from it!" Shadi shouted back, unable to contain his fury anymore. "He is a criminal!" Merpeople these days were getting soft. The moment a human showed "kindness" it was a rallying cry to repay them. Seto Kaiba was not a kind human and did not deserve anything in return for his actions.
"I volunteer to give the human my sheddings," another merman piped up from another pod. "I will deliver them personally to you, Warrior Mahad, or I shall add them to my list of shore duties."
"Me too!" a mermaid called, sticking her bracelet-adorned arm out of a nearby pod. "It's a hassle paying for services to discard my sheddings. I'll ask my salon to donate their garbage to the human."
"How convenient!" the mermaid beside her laughed, also sticking her hand forward out of her pod. "I'll ask my salon too. You'll have an endless supply, Warrior Mahad. You have our support. As for bringing it to shore…"
"My husband makes my trips for me. One time, he said he saw a naked human," the first mermaid giggled, and the two women resumed happily gossiping with each other.
Mahad blinked slowly, his heart pounding steadily with a strange happiness.
People were oddly nice in times like these.
"Ridiculous," Shadi growled, storming off and leaving nothing but a swirl of water behind him.
"I…can make trips in Atem's place until he gets better," Mana said tearfully, pressing her hands to her cheeks to prevent herself from crying. "He was making my trip for me when he…when he—"
She hiccupped and pressed her face in her hands, tears flowing out through the cracks of her fingers and landing with gentle clinks onto the medic chamber's floor.
"Now, now, don't cry all over the floor. I just swept," said the medic, swimming over quickly and producing a small seaweed woven pouch, offering it to Mana kindly. "Come, sit here beside him. He'll wake up soon."
"Do not blame yourself for the actions of humans," Mahad said nervously, trying to calm her down. "I'll speak with the rest of the court about this, and you watch over him. Come to me immediately when he wakes."
Mana nodded bleakly and pressed the tiny pouch to the corner of her eye to catch another stray tear, watching Mahad swim away quickly.
It didn't matter how many times anyone told her it wasn't her fault that Atem had gotten kidnapped.
She resolutely felt that it was her fault, because she was afraid to make her trips to shore. ================================
Kaiba moved with painful slowness down the stairs towards the elevator, feeling as if his entire body was made of lead.
He stepped in through the sliding doors and leaned against the wall, hating everything.
This was fine. Maybe if he tried dating someone in the real world, he'd feel less shitty about this merman.
The elevator door slid open and he stepped out, seeing two lab technicians rush to him with excitement and lead him over to their work stations, talking excitedly.
Stuck in a depressed haze, Kaiba only half-listened.
"…Really truly amazing…we were able to make a serum out of it, just as we expected!"
"It was Akagi-san's idea to fuse it with a binding agent, glycerin…."
"Touch it, Mr. Kaiba! Put it on the back of your hand, it feels refreshing, doesn't it?"
Kaiba dipped his fingers into the clear jar of jelly-like substance and dabbed it carelessly onto the back of his hand. As the serum began to dry, it left his feeling skin light and airy, almost as if it was breathing better.
"I wonder if I'll look more youthful if I put it on my face," another lab technician spoke, reaching for the jar and dipping a gloved pinky into it, playing with the consistency. "My wife complains about my forehead wrinkling."
There was a light round of laughter echoing through the lab, and Kaiba stood rooted to the spot with mild shock.
An idea crept into his mind and he cleared his throat, hearing everyone quiet down politely to let him speak. "So…cosmetics. This is the scale in its most refined form?"
"Scale?" a chemist from the far side of the room echoed. "Skin, perhaps, but not scale, and no Mr. Kaiba. The most refined form we've managed is a clear liquid with a fishy smell."
"There wasn't much of it left after making this one jar." Another pregnant chemist piped up, nodding politely at Kaiba. "Do you perhaps have more? To make cosmetics…we would need a large batch. Much larger than the plastic bag you sent us."
"Does it hold color?" Another scientist piped up, reaching for the jar and slipping her glove off and tentatively sweeping a dollop off the top. "I'd love it if we could tint this a light blue. This almost feels like a gel."
Everyone in the lab held their breath and watched her pat it onto her face with familiarity, and there was a pause before her face split into a blissful grin, "Ah…! Wow! This feels so nice! It's like I just got a facial!
The women in the lab gravitated towards her, clamoring over the jar, leaving the male scientists sitting awkwardly in their seats.
"H-Hey!" the male lab technician cried out in protest. "It was my idea! I said it would help with the creases on my forehead!"
"But you didn't put it on your face first, now did you, Midori-san?" another chemist shot back at him playfully, and the women in the lab giggled in amusement. "Hey, put it on my stomach, Akagi-san. Give it here! Pregnant women first."
Kaiba swayed on the spot, his spirits rising higher and higher the louder the excitement grew in his lab.
He pointed at the chemist in the far end of the room and gestured for him to come closer. The man bowed and hurried forward, giving the women in the center of the room an envious look as he passed them.
"Write this down," Kaiba said stiffly.
The man pulled out a notepad from his breast pocket, gripping a pen tightly and gazing expectantly at him.
"I need to know exactly how many pieces make an ounce." Kaiba said quickly, watching the man jot his words down and the room quieted once more, so he addressed the room at large. "Remember that you signed an NDA. You will all receive a raise, and stock options in the cosmetics line if this launches successfully."
Thunderous applause rang out in the room again and the women began chatting happily amongst themselves, dispersing slowly back to their stations.
"The only issue is the scent," the chemist said nervously while the pregnant chemist approached them quickly, handing Kaiba the jar and smiling.
"We can manufacture a scent that won't affect the composition of the serum," she said sweetly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before continuing. "But for that, we would need more batches to test on. This is a rough estimate, but from my earlier notes, five slices of the skin makes one ounce."
"It would have to be extremely expensive cosmetics, sold in tiny jars," another lab technician added from behind them. "But it works, so once people realize that, they will pay anything. You have a premium brand on your hands here, Mr. Kaiba."
Kaiba nodded stiffly and began walking towards the door, feeling the chemists stick by his side closely, still talking.
"We haven't tried freezing or burning it while it's in liquid form."
"How do you want to proceed with testing this on live subjects?"
"But to do that, we'd need several kilograms of this skin."
He stepped into the elevator and stared at his two chemists who were still gazing at him hopefully.
"I'll check in with my supplier," was all he said before letting the doors close in their faces, and the elevator rose steadily upwards.
A headache was slowly building in the back of his head and he shut his eyes, trying to forget the vivid memory of Atem's face hovering inches from his, his eyes narrowed in concentration while they were in the water together…enjoying each other's bodies.
This was easily remedied. He just needed to fuck someone else to forget about the pretty merman. ================================
Atem heard muffled voices and was woken from his pleasant dream. He opened his eyes a slight crack, seeing blurred figures hovering around his pod, and he closed them again.
His body felt wonderfully light while he slipped back into his lewd dream, enjoying the warmth around him.
The human Seto Kaiba had his arms wrapped around his neck, kissing gently down his chest, pausing to throw him a mischievous look before his lips wrapped naughtily around one of his nipples, sucking and licking playfully, sending heated jolts of pleasure running up and down his body.
His hands were wonderfully cool against his heated skin, and his lips were warm against his navel. A silky tongue slid suggestively along the line where his scales met his skin, sending ticklish sensations running down his tail—
"He's awake." The medic's voice could be heard through the pod, jolting Atem unpleasantly from his daydream. "We can open the pod now."
"Really?! Oh…thank Ahti!" Mana's voice sounded relieved, and Atem frowned deeply, wishing he could go back into the daydream.
The sound of membrane ripping filled his pod and Atem found himself gazing up into the worried faces of the dark-haired medic, her male assistant, and Mana.
"Your majesty." The medic bowed her head down respectfully. "There was something concerning about your vitals. Do you want to hear it now, or later?"
"Tell us now," Mana demanded, reaching forward to grab Atem's hand and giving it a tight squeeze. "Can we talk about it now, Atem? I need to know you're perfectly okay!"
Atem nodded stiffly, giving the medic an approving nod too, seeing her throw her male assistant a strange look before addressing Mana.
"Perhaps…if we could have some…privacy," the assistant said deeply, holding his arm out to wrap warmly around Mana's shoulders and leading her away from the edge of the pod. "I can stay with you here."
"Wait!" Mana cried tearfully, clutching her seaweed pouch tightly and gazing Atem. "You'll tell me what it is, right, Atem? Atem?"
Atem smiled weakly at her and felt his heart pound nervously in his chest. Oh no…what was it? Why was the medic asking for privacy? This might be bad….
The medic floated closer to him and pulled the edges of the pod up around their heads, giving him a deeply concerned glance.
"King, my readings are sometimes flawed, but they are rarely so," she said nervously, and Atem waited patiently for her to continue.
"It seems…that you have somehow become…infertile."
Infertile? Atem reeled, his ears ringing with a terrible sound, and he felt weak all over.
The medic bowed her head deeply, wearing a pained expression while speaking quickly in a low tone. "It might be temporary, and it was probably caused by surface illness. But none of our kind has ever spent so much time on shore and come back alive."
Atem blinked rapidly, desperately trying to find his voice before he managed to whisper, "You're saying…this is a side effect of surface illness?"
"Y-Yes, your majesty," she said uncertainly, bowing forward again because she was unsure of how to behave. "Unless you want to believe an old wives' tales about how infertility is caused by a human's touch."
Atem's breath caught painfully in his throat, and he coughed stiffly, his throat still searing and the medic rushed forward to rest her hand on his chest.
"A human's touch?" Atem asked, his heart skipping several terrified beats in his chest and he watched the medic nod and shake her head.
"Don't listen to me. I'm being silly."
"Tell me the tale," Atem demanded, gripping the edge of the pod and feeling a rush of guilt. "Many humans touched me while I was on shore."
The medic paled and kept her head lowered respectfully, talking in a rush. "When I said a 'human's touch', I meant that if you had mated with a human, it might cause infertility. That is why sexual contact with humans has been forbidden…to preserve our race."
She raised her head to sneak a peek at him and was met with a deeply shocked look. Of course, a noble king like Atem wouldn't have known about such a dirty thing.
"I'm very sorry," she added nervously, turning away to give the king his privacy. "I'll leave now."
"Is it permanent?" Atem asked frantically, struggling to sit upright and gazing at her with wide eyes. "If it is caused by surface illness, my body should heal quickly, right?"
"Perhaps, my king. I'll pray for it to be so." She gave him a deep sympathetic look over her shoulder before pushing the membrane walls aside and swimming away quietly.
Breathless with shock, Atem thunked his head back onto the spongy pillow behind his head and gazed up at the high stone ceilings.
A human's touch had rendered him infertile.
Seto Kaiba's…touch!
Weak with a mixture of dread and disappointment at himself, Atem closed his eyes and curled up inside the pod, listening to his heart thumping heavily inside his chest.
The medic's assistant had been right to ask for privacy. How would he ever be able to break this news to those closest to him?
How will I ever conceive an heir? Atem thought wildly, his anxiety rising higher and higher. He had put his own kingdom's future at stake for rough playtime with a pretty human…thinking there would be no consequences to his own actions.
Shutting his eyes tightly, Atem willed for sleep to come. The medic had said it was an old wives' tale.
The infertility would be temporary, because once he healed from the surface illness, he'd be just fine. ================================
Author's note:
atem is released, kaiba is heartbroken, but the good news is that the scales make a nice serum for a Kaiba Cosmetics line! Atem almost passed out swimming his way back home and received some devastating news about his own health.
edited by setokaibaes
stay tuned for new chapter coming WEDNESDAY MAY 8th 2019! AO3 has restricted my posts until Thursday may 2nd. (i gotta thank whoever reported me. THANK YOU!)
xo Ugli
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chimerickat · 7 years
Transcience!reader for Kaiba's birthday :)? Thank you!
Note: Better late than never? *Hides.* This ended up much longer than I intended. I hope you enjoy! (I’ll also be crossposting to AO3.)
When you showed up at school, you found your locker buried under a mountain of presents. There were bags and wrapped boxes stacked on top of each other, ready to tumble over at any moment.
You decided that you had to be dreaming. Why would people leave you presents en masse this way? It wasn’t your birthday, and to your knowledge, there weren’t any holidays coming up.
You picked up one of the presents. On the top, “To: Seto” was written in cursive with a heart drawn at the end. Oh. These weren’t for you at all.
Why were presents piling up at Kaiba’s locker? It felt like a rock had settled into your stomach as you got your phone out and googled “Seto Kaiba”.
The results were in. Today was his birthday. Crap. You were the worst girlfriend. Hopefully, the fangirls wouldn’t find out.
You pushed some of the presents out of the way so you could access your own locker, and maybe you could have been less aggressive about it. Then you pulled your stuff out of the locker and dashed off to your next class before Kaiba turned up.
You worried about what to do. Should you lie and say you forgot the present at home? Should you ignore the fact that today is his birthday? Would it be ok to just wish him a Happy Birthday? What could anyone hope to give Seto Kaiba anyway?!
Your angst turned out to be for nothing. Kaiba never showed up at school.
By the time the day ended, you felt like you had dodged a bullet, but you still felt anxiety over what to give him for his birthday. You didn’t have much left over from your allowance for the month, having already spent it during the month, and even if you did have your full allowance, that still wasn’t very much to work with.
What could you give a businessman who had more money than most of Japan combined?
You froze at your car, an idea crashing into your head. That might… but how could you execute it? Mokuba could help, if only you had a way to contact him.
You could only try to get in touch with either of the brothers. With your plan half-formed and the certainty that it would fail, you got in your car and drove to the Kaiba Mansion. Worst case scenario would be the security guards turning you away.
At the mansion, doubt began to creep in as you pulled up to the security station outside the gates. You rolled down your window, hoping that you weren’t about to be shot, telling yourself that you were being silly and played too many shooters.
With a smile, you introduced yourself. Your name meant nothing to these men who just stared at you, waiting for you to get to the point. Right. “I’m, um, kind of dating Seto Kaiba‒”
The guard snorted. “You and half the female population of the city. Move along.” He gestured for you to pull your car away from the guard booth.
“Wait,” you said before he could close the window. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you’ve heard that before, but either of the Kaibas could confirm that information if you just reach out to them.”
“Miss, do you think I’d have a job still if I radioed Mr. Kaiba every single time someone came by pretending to know him?”
You shook your head, understanding what he meant about your boyfriend. “But what about Mokuba? He does know me. Could you reach out to him?”
“If you’re dating Mr. Kaiba, then call him and have him add you to the list of people allowed into the mansion, but until then, you need to move along.”
You huffed. Telling the man that you didn’t have Kaiba’s number wouldn’t help your case. Why did he have to keep calling you from a blocked number? (Nevermind that you kept forgetting to ask for his number. This was all his fault.)
Trying to get into the mansion was probably a waste of time anyway. “Can you at least confirm that Seto Kaiba is at work?”
The guard stared at you for a moment. “Move along.”
You rolled up your window, glaring at your steering wheel. You doubted you would have better luck at Kaiba Corp, but you had to try. If you tried, then at least you could honestly tell Kaiba that you tried to give him his birthday present on his actual birthday.
Parking at Kaiba Corp, was impossible. You ended up parking your car on the street about a block away. Once you made it to the main lobby, you realized why the parking structure had been so full. There was a horde of women in the lobby, all of them holding presents and insisting they had to deliver them to Seto personally.
Well, crap. You looked around, realizing there would be no way to make it up to Kaiba… not without an escort…
You turned, walked out the door and straight to the parking lot. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Kaiba’s limo and crossed your fingers as you approached it. You almost did a fist pump when you got close enough to see the driver inside. His driver may not know you, but you felt like he might recognize you. Hoping that you were right about that, you knocked on the window. The man turned with a glare, but once he face you, the glare dropped off his face. Confusion took over as he rolled down the window.
“Hi, you recognize me, right?”
He nodded. “Yeah, can I help you, miss?”
Something was going your way. Hope took over. Maybe you could get to Kaiba. “Yeah, I was trying to see Kaiba since he skipped out today, but the lobby is flooded and there’s no way they’re letting me up. Would you be able to get me up to his office?”
“One minute.” He reached over to grab the phone sitting on his dash. He swiped at the screen for a moment before holding it up to his ear. A moment passed before he said, “Mr. Kaiba, I have your friend from school down here. She’s trying to get up to your office and having trouble with the front desk.” A pause. “No, sir, the girl you spend time with.” Another pause. “Yes, sir.” The man put his phone down and looked up. “He’s sending someone down to escort you up.”
You grinned. “Thank you!”
He nodded and an awkward silence took over as you stood there waiting for security to show up.
“Has he been here all day?” you asked, sure the answer was yes but wanting to say something.
“Since six am.”
You nodded, not sure what to say yes. You shifted from foot to foot, wishing you knew this man’s name. Would he be offended if you asked for it?
“Did you want to sit in the car and wait?” he offered.
“No, thanks,” you said without thinking about the offer. Would the silence be more uncomfortable in the car? You looked around at all the parked cars. Doubt began to creep in. What if Kaiba thought your birthday plan was stupid?
Then you saw a security guard. “Thanks again.” You waved to the driver as you started walking over to meet the security guard.
“Mr. Kaiba sent me to escort you up to his office. I just need to see some ID first.”
You nodded. Of course. You pulled out your driver’s license and presented it to the man. He took it and studied it before studying you. You smiled awkwardly. That photo was pretty bad.
“Follow me.” He turned and walked back toward the building.
You trailed behind him. “Um… my license?”
“We need to make a copy. Mr. Kaiba requested that you be given access to the building beyond just today.”
“Oh.” You felt your cheeks heat up. He wanted you to be able to visit him. That should be a given considering you were dating, but it was nice to hear. Maybe he would enjoy your birthday plan.
In the building, the security guard walked you through the employee entrance and led you over to a seperate room. He asked you to sit down for a photo as he handed your ID to someone and asked them to make a copy. You smiled at the camera and continued to sit in the chair after the light flashed. The security guard ignored you in favor of speaking with the person taking your picture. They discussed building access restrictions as the cameraman turned to a computer and began typing.
“I mean, Kaiba just wants her to be able to come up to his office, right? She doesn’t really need access to anything.”
“Correct, but she can’t be turned away just because they think she’s another fangirl.”
“Right, right. So front door access and elevator access to the top floor.” Without waiting for a response, the man’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “Done.”
“Great.” The security guard disappeared without saying anything to you.
You wondered if you should follow him, but he would have said something, right? You looked over at the man at the computer. He was staring at you, and you looked away when your eyes made eye contact. You kept your focus down, but he continued to stare.
“I always thought Mr. Kaiba would end up dating a model.”
You frowned, looking up at the man. “You don’t actually know him, do you?” You sounded sure of that fact, and you let yourself feel proud about that.
The man’s mouth twisted up into a smile, but he looked like he’d just eaten a sour candy. He opened his mouth to respond, but shut it again when the security guard re-entered the room.
The guard ignored him and presented you with your license and a Kaiba Corporation badge. The badge proclaimed you as the “CEO’s Girlfriend”. You were torn between annoyed at getting relegated to just his girlfriend and thrilled to see it in writing.
“I’ll take you up to Mr. Kaiba’s office.” The guard left the room, and you followed behind him. He led you to the elevator in silence. He pressed the up button, and the two of you only had to wait a moment before one of the elevator doors opened. You followed him into the elevator where he swiped his own badge at the reader and then pressed the button for the top floor.
Now that you were going to make it to Kaiba, you began planning what to actually say to him.
The guard held the elevator open for you at the top floor. He walked you over to a desk with a man sitting behind it. “Mr. Kaiba is expecting her.”
The man smiled and looked you over from head-to-toe. “So you’re the girlfriend? Nice to meet you.” He pressed a button and the doors behind his desk buzzed. “It’s unlocked.”
You turned to thank the guard, but he was already back at the elevators. So you turned back to the grinning secretary. “Thanks.”
“Just doing my job.” His phone began ringing, and you were forgotten as he answered it. “Seto Kaiba’s office.”
You pushed open the door, listening to Kaiba’s secretary as he insisted that all presents were going to be donated without any exceptions. “Trust me, the only exception outside of Mokuba is in his office right now.” You smiled as you let the door close behind you.
Kaiba looked up at the sound of the door. “What are you doing here?” he demanded, and if he hadn’t gone through the effort of allowing you to come up to his office, you might have assumed that he didn’t want to see you.
“It’s your birthday!” Then you froze, wondering if Kaiba had put the wrong date out there on purpose. “Right? I mean you didn’t tell me it was coming up…”
“It is the day that I was born, yes.”
You approached his desk. “Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Also, I’m kidnapping you.”
He scoffed. “Did Mokuba put you up to this?”
“No…” He looked up and raised his eyebrow, causing you to protest, “No, really! This was my own idea.”
“No. I don’t celebrate my birthday.”
That deflated your mood, and you sat down in the chair in front of his desk. “Really? But… why not?”
“I’m not a child.”
That was such a nonsense statement that you couldn’t begin to respond to it. Celebrating your birthday wasn’t childish. Everyone had a birthday! Kaiba didn’t look up from his work as you stormed out of his office. If he wouldn’t go out with you, then you would bring the party to him.
When you came back half an hour later, bearing a massive cupcake (or small cake, depending on who you asked) Mokuba was present. You grinned as you crossed the office. “Hey kid!” You put the cupcake down on Kaiba’s desk and reached into your pocket for the lighter you’d bought.
Mokuba tackled you with a hug. “Seto, c’mon, now you really have to celebrate with us!”
You flicked the lighter, trying to figure out exactly how to use it. “Don’t you dare,” Kaiba warned. You smirked at him before holding the flame to the candle and lighting it. Kaiba glared at both you and Mokuba as the two of you began singing. His face froze into the glare during the entire song, but at least he didn’t go back to work.
Once the two of you finished singing, he continued to glare.
“Blow out the candles,” Mokuba encouraged.
“I refuse.”
“Then I guess your office is going to burn down.” Your smile couldn’t get any wider.
“Don’t be ridiculous. The flame will just burn the entire candle and go out.”
You and Mokuba began to whine. Then Mokuba broke out the puppy eyes.
“Fine.” Kaiba blew the candle out. “Now will the two of you let me get some work done?”
“Nope.” Mokuba grabbed one of the plastic forks from you. “Not until you agree to have a birthday dinner with us!”
Kaiba groaned and turned back to his computer, doing his best to ignore the two of you.
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lyralumina · 7 years
Which one sexts like a straight white boy?:Both are not so keen on sexting and actually refrain from doing that. If they were to ever sext it would be a rare occurrence. Last thing Seto wants is one of his Co-Workers accidently/mistakenly glancing at a photo of his wife stark naked. He would immediately get into a sour mood. If I had to pick someone though, Anzu is the one. When she does this she never sends him a photo with her eyes showing, she will always snap a photo that starts from her lips to her waist. She wants his attention to be on her breasts and not her already beautiful eyes. 
Which one cried during a fucking disney movie?:“ Are you crying my love? “ Seto asked as he raised an eyebrow to Anzu. His voice was barely not audible as God Help The Outcasts from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame played loudly from the television. Anzu did not respond to her husbands stupid question. It was quite obvious that she was crying. He was literally looking at her cry. Her tears trickling down like a stream of water. Her tear drops falling to the couch they both sat on. She really tried her best not to cry but her best was not enough. Seto took her silence as a strong sign to comfort her. Seto proceeded to then get up off from the couch and turned off the television. Anzu did not react any differently, she heard him get up and turn off the television. That sad song no longer cut through the air. It was silent. Anzu shook her head but she was stopped from looking down at her knees thanks to Seto. Seto caught her face as gently as he could. He cupped her face and stared into her eyes. He did not care that her tears would wet his hands. That is something so minor, so small and so immature to care about. He did not wipe her tears though, he was not able to. Anzu would cry more if he were to do so. Anzu through her watered eyes gazed at her husband. Oh how her heart ached with such woe. It had been such a long time since something like this has happened. It had been a long time since she thought so woefully about,,, “ Atem. “ Anzu choked out as she closed her eyes to avoid eye contact with her husband. God help that poor child of Ra. Seto looked alarmed at Anzu but he still remained at his current position of him cupping her face. He did not tremble. He just looked so confused as to why would she be thinking about him at a time like this. Anzu raised her right hand to place her hand on his right hand that cupped her cheek. She tilted her head to the right as tears continued to stream down. “ Do you think he is happy? “ 
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave?:Seto only once has done this but it was an accident, an honest mistake. Seto came home very late one night after some very strenuous work at Kaiba Corporation. Dueling that AI was a mistake. He should have stopped after the 3rd time he was beaten but he continued on without even realizing he has a life outside of this. He has a wife at home who might as well be worried about the fact that it is past twelve AM and her husband is not home yet when he should have been. After the fifth time of defeat he called it a day because it was past two in the morning and he honestly does not want to worry his wife any longer. She does not deserve that at all. Not after what Yugi and Yami or no, Atem had done to her. So he came home at 3 in the morning and found out that his wife did not cook him anything to eat. She did on the other hand leave him a slice of coffee cake on a plate with a fork already on the plate. Seto who was tired as hell just stuck the plate with the cake and also the fork into the microwave and when Seto got his plate of hot coffee cake out of the microwave, the plate was not hot but when he grabbed his fork he screamed at the fact that it had burned his fingers. It sure woke him up and his poor wife who was asleep and had to burst out of bed to find out that her husband forgot to take off the fork from the plate. He also dropped his plate onto the floor along with the cake so for “dinner” he had to clean that mess up and only had a bowl of cereal with his wife together. Rasin Bran was all they wanted really. 
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing?Oh my goodness. Both are guilty at doing this. Seto does it much more than his wife though, his poor wife cannot reach up to his eyes without having to get on her tip toes, even then she has to extend out her hands to do so. When she first did this to him he genuinely chuckled at her as she wobbled and could not properly cover his eyes. It was a sight to behold. They only do this when they are in private really, Seto has a reputation to keep in tip top shape. When Seto does this thing to his wife though, he likes to sneak up to her and he gently places his hands over her eyes. It gets her all the time. Anzu will place her hands on top of his hands and laugh because she knows the only one who would do this to her is her husband. He has done this so many times to her that she knows it is truly him. Honestly though, her laugh/giggle is the best response he can get. Her laugh is just so bubbly and so gleeful its quite cute. 
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner?:Seto does this. He does this not so much, its rare because his wife reacts so coldly when he does this, even when it was an honest mistake. She will flinch and one time she screamed at the top of her lungs and it startled her husband. She once smacked him across the face when he placed his cold hands on her shoulders. She smacked him across the face really hard. She felt bad about it afterwards and she apologized to him about doing that, she did not mean to and yes, Seto forgave her of that. It was his fault after all. 
Who had that embarassing Reality TV marathon?:“ I bet you twenty dollars that she will not say yes to the dress. “ Seto snarkingly said to his wife who sat close by to him. Anzu sat to his right and rested her head on his shoulder. She was smiling up until her husband placed his bet as if he were gambling.There was literally nothing to gamble for, she blinked a few times and she then sighed. God today her husband was so into watching the television show with her. Thank heavens he gave himself the day off. It was so rare that he did that. Extremely rare at best. “ Seto she clearly loves that dress, I am one hundred percent positive she will say yes to the dress.” Anzu retorted back to her husband as she then proceeded to yawn. She then even pointed out that the bride to be was crying about how much she loved her ball gown dress. They had been watching the Say Yes To The Dress eight hour marathon since it started. Halfway into the marathon Seto joked about how most of the brides to be had zero taste in fashion. That was such a low joke considering her husbands tastes. Anzu did laugh a tad but masked away that fact that her husband has an odd sense of style. That purple trench coat is the main thing she reminded herself of, she nearly laughed at her own inside joke. The joke being the damn purple trench coat. What a coat is was and he still had it lying around too. “ Remember when you said say yes to the dress Anzu? “ 
Who laughs more during sex?:Anzu does. Not that Seto does a horrible job at initiating sex or has trouble, that is certainly not it. What brings her to that bubbly laugh is when Seto grinds up against her while he gives her hickies. Sometimes she will laugh and sometimes she wont. 
WHO IS THE LITTLE SPOON?:They both love each other so much. They are married after all, Seto was the one who proposed to her first after he was sure the time was right. Like, All the stars had to be aligned just right for this life changing moment. They actually have their times and moments of affection. They do not aggressively compete to assert dominance nor do they abuse their power over the other. Seto loves Anzu a lot, it just took him some time to understand that and to come to terms that he loved this woman. Anzu loves Seto so much, it also took her some time to find it in herself to confidently say to herself that yes, she loves that man. With this in mind, they are both the Big Spoon and also the Little Spoon. 
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terraaurea · 8 years
DSOD Differences between ENG and JP
These are just my observations from watching the DSOD movie in English twice, then once in Japanese (Here’s where I watched the sub, so credit the fan subber! Also remember to support the official release of the JP with subs when it is fully available! -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3pKUWJ9VACyR2RueEN0ZS15R0k/view ). Feel free to add stuff/your own thoughts. I don’t know Japanese, so I’m going off the fan-sub. 
·         Yugi's not like "I wish I could have told him what he meant to me" he's just like "we're in our own worlds now..."
·         Omfg the short bully guy has a REALLY DEEP VOICE I love it
·         and he's like to Aigami "Well, you are CUTE..."
·         He's like "I'm gonna make you famous...the theme this time around...IS PAIN HAHA"
·         I forgot that Kaiba calls Atem ‘Yugi’ in the JP
·         "Leaving Yugi behind like a COWARD and vanishing without a trace made it difficult to track you down..." (In the Cathedral)
·         ORE NO TAURN
·         I forgot that the music from the jp is pretty cool--very orchestral--rather than GUITAR RIFFS
·         Already makes more sense with the duels—they mention sacrificing monsters more often thank god
·         The mirror absorbs neo 3 blue eyes whatshisfuck and sends it back at Kaiba. It doesn't deflect it and then send a new attack like the dub implies
·         Kaiba doesn't mention any coiffed hair but says "I even replicated his provoking personality"
·         Jounouchi, you're fired! Instead of NO CLOWNING AROUND
·         More explanation about the Plana/Planners--ok so 7 items found, Pharoah goes back home, and it opens up that new dimension where they've gotta keep the order or something like that
·         They want to get rid of the old world to make room for a new order? And they gotta eradicate evil?
·         "We've been waiting for you" instead of "You've graced us with yer presence sIR"
·         Still has the "Ok but it took Yugi 8 years..." "Yeah, but Yugi has the brain of a child" KAIBA SAVAGE
·         Kaiba's jp voice is so much more intimidating just a reminder
·         "Even though I didn't register my deck or duel disk anywhere, you still knew where I was. You're quite the control freak, aren't you?" - Diva
·         "I hate dangerous murderers like you, you see...so I think I'll need to erase you from this dimension." -Diva, with gun at back
·         They're actually talking about the connection between consciousnesses. Which relates to that 2 chapter prequel manga (Transcend Game).
·         Diva's like "Kaiba, you know all about the human consciousness, don't you? Everything done in this world is done by the unconscious mind...all of which are linked together...even you, the dictator of this city, are powerless to control the consciousnessesses of all of Domino…let alone the world."
·         I’m not going to bother spelling consciousness right anymore
·         Because Kaiba had to use the consciousnessess of all the children combined playing his VR prototype to catapult himself up into the afterlife the first time in the manga
·         So to keep everything in order you need those links to be balanced, too.
·         It’s in the ENG too but if you watch the children that Diva summons are all connected with these golden darting lines and now that makes more sense THX
·         He's borrowing the power of other people's consciousnesses (all those children) in order to have enough energy to wield his powers by using the cube
·         So in the other dimension that he sends the gunman, the gunman is no longer connected to the consciousnesses of everyone else in the world anymore
·         In the JP then too Diva explains that he is using the power of the Plana, but also the Plana's Mind, which makes the control of his consciousness (and by extension the links to everyone else) 7x stronger than everyone else's
·         Instead of saying "NOT SO FAST/etc." when he's not disappearing into the other dimension, Kaiba goes "DON'T WORRY, MOKUBA” BIG BRO IS HERE FOR U AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT
·         So the reason why the power didn't send Kaiba to the other dimension is because his ego is SO INFLATED and thus his consciousness and intellect are so great that he's on par with Diva's Plana Mind
·         With his duel disk connected to his brain--which if you remember is connected to that Cloud Network--he's got enough connections with other consciousnesses in the cloud to combat Diva's powers??? I think
·         "Kisama no TURN..." sounds so cool like damn
·         JP also explains why he can summon shittons of blue eyes
·         JP explains the spell cards better
·         I think they left out the monster noises/screams in the ENG? Someone should confirm that for me
·         "I was the one who had to bury Yugi, no, Atem inside of me. His ghost continues to wander in my unfulfilled consciousness. Yugi!" – Kaiba
·         The eng music slightly is based off the jp music but with 10x more guitar riffs and zero chill
·         As for why the fuck he could summon Obelisk—in the JPDiva says there's residual energy left in that place due to it being where the Pharaoh left the world, and that Kaiba must have picked up on it. And Diva says that Obelisk is only a servant to the pharaoh. I think Diva missed that whole Battle City thing tho and doesn't realize that other people were wielding the god cards too
·         Still got "IT'S NOT A MONSTER. IT'S A GOD."
·         No "I NEED TISSUEEEEES" thx
·         Still got "Pharaoh can't come back if we get rid of his vessel" gotta kill Yugi
·         The big duel tournie takes place at Kaibaland
·         To put the puzzle back together quickly he needed his machine to be in space to utilize zero gravity—still extra
·         "Enough of the boring Flattery. // My Apologies, Mr. Kaiba" No "I'm programed to remind you of your genius" darn
·         Yugi says he's keeping the Dark Magician in his deck and is like "I wonder what Aigami's gonna use in his deck" instead of "You got me out of a lot of jams!" Suggesting Yugi actually knows how to fucking build a deck wow shocker
·         Shadi was supposed to collect all 7 items so he could send Pharaoh back to deadland and Yugi was a necessary vessel that had to have been chosen to help the Pharaoh get there out of the puzzle and shit
·         Yugi shares a consciousness wavelength with the Plana people because welp he let the pharaoh live in his bod
·         Instead of Joey just losing his memories in the dimension it's more him struggling to find out what's real and what's fake because he also can’t trust his own memories. And the idea is that he's not connected to the consciousness of the rest of the world so he's only seeing what he has ever seen. But if he does forget things then he does lose everything because he's relying solely on his own consciousness
·         Shadi's eng voice is VERY similar to his jp voice nice
·         Diva asks about rulers and how they aren't afraid because they have everything and never have anything taken from them. And so Shadi is like "Yeah but then they take everyone from others"--makes sense given that Diva tries to control everything so that he loses nothing. No talk about how easily manipulated children are like in the ENG. Just talk about power/loss/fear and loss/loss and fear
·         Shadi says an evil thing lives in the ring and has already chosen a master, and that you have to surpass a trial to be able to wear it. Obviously that doesn't end well for him.
·         3 items are for justice, 3 have evil presences inside them, millennium puzzle has both
·         Shadi says that there will be a young boy that will become the vessel for the pharaoh, and then says that he's the same as them (the Plana children--meaning he's probably just got strong connection powers or whatever/spiritual powers)
·         "Oh, did he finally croak? You guys are an eyesore" -Yami!Bakura
·         "I'm going to paint this world in darkness" – Yami!Bakura
·         Diva doesn't know that Bakura doesn't have evil dickmix in his blood anymore
·         "But...I killed someone very special to you, didn't I?" -Bakura. No "I also lost someone very important to me that day..." though obvs his dad is dead AF
·         Joey was able to come out of the dimension because his bonds with his buds surpass dimensions--which is fucking intense given that going to a different dimension is supposed to prevent that in the first place friendship is sTRONG
·         No "My cardio stinks", just "Bakura-kun..."
·         Kaiba's under the impression that the afterlife is still connected to the puzzle--sorry Kaiba
·         He really wants to resurrect pharaoh to face him again welp
·         Also Mokuba isn't like "HEY YUGI, LOOKIN GOOD!" He's like "Hey Yugi! We've already got the game shop covered for you!" So that's nice. No worries about G-PA getting snatched in the meantime
·         Diva says even with Kaiba's tech it's impossible for them to go into another dimension (inside of the cube to get the puzzle piece)--obvs Kaiba's not gonna be havin that later...
·         Your body is a flesh prison for your soul and when you die it's free but until then you're stuck in flesh prison and even when you win murderous wars and fight needlessly you are still in yer flesh prison.
·         So through Kaiba's duel disk he wants to allow people to go beyond the flesh prison to eliminate language/barriers/need for fighting/etc.
·         So it's a lot more than just "PLAY MY CHILDREN'S CARD GAME"
·         he legit says flesh prison
·         Shadi's always been able to go through dimensions as a priest of the Pharaoh?
·         Shit. "Yugi, I'll remind you, that you're just a vessel! -Kaiba
·         "It looks like you won't summon the pharaoh...until I duel you into submission!" Ok kaiba
·         No lemons being sour jokes
·         No "You really hate dragons...don't you?"
·         Kaiba does have a very dramatic line about Deep Eyes coming to live from the blue abyss
·         "No you gotta let him go" but "This is the reality...he's no longer in there..." Yugi's like "I've accepted it and you gotta accept it" but nah
·         But yeah the idea was to open a new dimension and drag the world into it with the 8th millennium item (cube).
·         But, if you bring it into a dark world like Diva was going to, it would only bring the chosen ones into the new dimension, eliminating everyone else
·         Still says "Kaiba, why? // Because of him. Yugi (the pharaoh)"
·         Still has "Call him." But also has "Call him to you."
·         Yugi just says "Draw...I'm sorry...everyone..." because there's no heart of the cards bullshit in the jp. So Yugi is convinced that he's failed instead of hoping in cards
·         No epic music when Atem comes back so it's definitely more unsettling. Kind of underwhelming but makes it weightless. Which I can appreciate because it's basically like "Diva literally has so little power that there doesn't even need to be epic music because Yami just wipes the fucking floor with him"
·         Instead of saying "DID HE ASK ABOUT ME?" Joey says "I saw him too!" And Yugi goes "I knew it!" So Atem did pay him a visit to get him to come out of the weird dimension. That’s cool
·         "So he did really come here then, Yugi." - Kaiba
·         "I had all but given up, Kaiba. But you still believed."
·         "I don't know about that. Farewell, Yugi. You were indeed a proud duelist." - Kaiba
·         So instead of being like "I got my thing with the pharaoh, bitch. And you got yours." it's more like hey we saved the world together, and I recognize you as a good, strong dude. We can be 'friends' now…in Kaiba's own way
·         "Kaiba, I really have to thank you." -Yugi
·         Mokuba’s like "Are you sure you want to do this?"And Kaiba says, "Once this is completed. It will create a new type of duel as we know it."Then Mokuba does say that this new prototype using the dimension emulator (different than the VR used earlier) is too dangerous.
·         Kaiba isn't like "I leave everything to you...Mokuba..." He's like "Watch over everything while I'm away." Implying he plans on coming back.
·         Thus this version of the movie is definitely less "KAIBA HAS NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! BATTLE PHARAOH ANYWAY" It's a lot more that he develops even further in his technological goals. So he still wants to battle the pharaoh but he's using him more as a guinea pig for testing his transdimensional duel system rather than saying "fuck everything I'm gonna go duel dead people ANYWAY BECAUSE I'M AN EGOTISTICAL ASS” tho maybe he still wants some pharaoh dick who knows
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