uglifish · 1 month
🔒 i made a change
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🔒I also checked off the box that hides me from search engines.
i am sorry if you are someone who reads without an account on-the-go, but generative AI is killing art and writing. If you really need me to explain why, please dm me and we will debate, or I will happily elaborate. 🔑 Thank you for your support so far. I know my updates have been spotty but rest assured, I will still write, and I will still update. Thank you for your comments on my most recent fic too!
🔑  All my stories are still available, no worries. I have not deleted anything.
My works are now only shown to registered users.
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some people argue that this will prevent your works from being seen, so they'll risk the Ai bot scraping them to keep their works public.
🔒 well my response to that is: i dont care about exposure. I don't make art for fame, for money, or power. i make art for happiness, from curiosity, and for fun. If it's none of those three things, I will stop. Generative AI for art and writing is a soulless suckhole that kills all three of those creative conditions. It doesnt invite curiosity, it is not fun, and it doesn't evoke joy. Its joyless. Fight back. Protect your art. It's okay to go private.
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uglifish2 · 6 years
need an expresso for my depresso.
My brain at 4 AM
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uglifish · 1 year
Story Visualizer for: UNDERWATER CHRYSALIS
the basement pool Kaiba keeps Atem in:
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*this post will continuously be edited (thank you for your interest in this story!)
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uglifish · 4 years
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the passive aggressive tone of this always gets me. there’s a PERIOD and THEN A SMILEY FACE  “you’VE ALREaDy LeFT KuDoS HerE  . : )” dkkkkkkkkjsdkljskdj
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uglifish · 4 years
“Seto, please,” Mokuba said stiffly, inching forward on the couch to gaze imploringly at his older brother. “You can tell us the truth. We won’t judge you. Am I going to have to make you roll up your sleeves?”
Kaiba ground his teeth furiously, hearing Ayame’s worried thoughts floating through his head.
 D-Drugs? I mean I’ve never seen proof of it, and I sure hope he isn’t doing it in front of Noah….
Growling, Kaiba opened his mouth to say, “It’s mermaid scales,” but his throat constricted so much, he couldn’t breathe.
Hiccupping strangely, Kaiba bent over in his seat, patting his chest angrily, wondering why he was suffocating.
read me on AO3
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uglifish · 4 years
“You still have questions? Ask them now,” Kaiba demanded impatiently, and he folded his arms, trying not to tap his foot.
Kemo took several deep breaths and spoke in a rush, “Is it true? What they say about you, Mr. Kaiba?”
“Yeah, I don’t go out in public, so no. I don’t know what they say,” Kaiba said, unable to keep the sarcasm from leaking into his voice.
Kemo blinked and said, “You’re immortal,” without missing a beat, and Kaiba bit the inside of his cheek, wondering where this ridiculous rumor had spawned. On the internet no doubt.
+++++++++++++ WEWWWWW!!!!+++++++++++
i know this story is almostttt overrr! thank you so much for your patience following my updates over the past...(checks phone) YEAR?? goshhHhhh talk about crazy!
I’ve also been working on a few personal art projects and managed to come out with a small coloring book! please DM me if you’d wanna buy it to support my art
(it would really help go towards the yugioh one i might do next? hahaha -wiggles eyebrows-)
Here’s a peek at the style!
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big fun spaces to add your own designs if you like to doodle, or just relax and color large areas :D
(its 12 images/11pages, going for 8 bucks :O)
that’s it for noww! stay tuned for next week’s story update!
Thanks so much as alwaaayss :big smiles: hehe
kofi | patreon (early access reading) | tip jar  <3)
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uglifish · 4 years
“Atem!” Mana cried, growing more shocked as she raked her eyes up and down the king’s bare body. “W-Where is all your finery?! Were you robbed?!”
Mahad stiffened and said nothing. He had a feeling he knew why Atem wasn’t wearing his usual jewelry…but he couldn’t bring himself to believe it.
“I’ll tell you why!” Atem fumed, and Mahad braced himself to hear the bad news.
“I went…to shore,” Atem lowered his voice into an urgent whisper, and Mana pressed a hand to her mouth, suppressing a horrified gasp.
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uglifish · 4 years
Today was the day.
Atem was going to show him where a Chrysalis was.
Finally. After how many fucking years of searching? Too many to count.
Kaiba laid very still in the bed, still ranting to himself inside his head while he watched the sunrise filter in through the frosted glass. Atem was still asleep beside him, with tiny bubbles emerging from his lips every now and then. It was too cute.
He rolled over and gave Atem a quick kiss on his cheek before sitting up slowly, feeling slightly hungry.
He’d wait, because he preferred to eat on land. He was still getting used to the fish food, and he couldn’t get over the strange colors that usually arrived on his plate. He could understand why Adina threw tantrums about her food. It did look fucking weird.
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uglifish · 4 years
1 -2 week hiatus /new story
hey everyone!
Thanks so much for following me through this turbulent year and all the way to the end of UNDERWATER CHRYSALIS!
There was an overwhelming response for an epilogue, so I've decided to write one, but since it wasn't planned in with the rest of the story, it's going to take me a while to write that and to also change gears to write the vampire story aaand something new alongside that!! -eyebrow wiggles-
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Everyone on my mailing list (patreon/ those kind someones who has donated to me in these apocalyptic times) will be receiving a Christmas envelope, so please look forward to it (given COVID in the usa, mail might be extra extra slow, so i hope you won't mind if it ends up being a new year's gift as well ><\ )
As for the people asking about YGO secret santa, i gotta say, i don’t know who is hosting this year, but if enough people wanted to join the one that usually happens on my server, it would be DIGITAL GOODS ONLY exchange, with no need to go out and mail anything.
Send me a PM, let me know!
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uglifish · 5 years
Rolling over onto his back, Atem draped the magazine over his face, inhaling deeply and wishing he could recreate Kaiba’s scent in his mind.
The seaweed sack Joey brought down was filled with everything he could ever want; it was almost as if Kaiba had read his mind and sent him a gift for every single thing he had missed about him.
There was a dark suit, paired with a matching tie, another shiny belt, and a crystal watch. He had gazed at it endlessly, watching the minute hands tick by, wondering how Kaiba had managed to make it work underwater until he grew frustrated and gave up.
In the stack of books, he’d also found a personal journal filled with love poems Kaiba had written for him, but his Japanese was rusty, so he couldn’t read it. Determined, Atem had been slowly translating them into Merspeak with the help of Mai and Anzu, day by day, moon by moon. It really helped pass the time.
The amount of jewelry Kaiba sent was also incredible. There were various necklaces, earrings, rings, strange pairs of plain metal cuffs, and golden armbands that rivaled the beauty of the ones he’d received from his parents.
He had hidden the stash inside his Treasury, finding it helped to wake up with excitement at every moon to pick out something new and beautiful to wear that would go along well with his usual attire without raising eyebrows.
Pressing a hand tightly to his chest, Atem let out another heartbroken sigh.
This was fine. He could survive like this.
He missed Kaiba so much, his entire body ached, and he had to wonder what Kaiba was doing now….
read me on AO3
read me on FF.NET
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uglifish · 5 years
Kaiba pierces the veil of death to meet his beloved King, but little does he know, it comes with unseen consequences and rewards. Can he deal with the inevitable changes to his universe when he drags the Millennium Puzzle back from the Afterlife?
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a long ONE SHOT (dsod continuation) written as a COMMISSION!
please enjoy! and if you’d like to commission me, im OK with writing ANY SHIP,
and the rate is 10 bucks for every one thousand words :D
read all the commissions i’ve done here (put under “ugli’s one shot collection”) *i will not post your commission unless you give me explicit permission
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uglifish · 4 years
Another Q&A summary!
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the love in my inbox, anon or otherwise! If you’re wondering why i haven’t replied to your ask, its because i’ve seen many of the same question(s), so I’ve decided to round them all up here instead of answering them individually and spamming your feed :O HERE are all the other asks from earlier in the year/month just in case you wanna read more! +++++ OK START! +++++ Q: regarding your current stories, why are you updating UNDERWATER CHRYSALIS weekly instead of bi-weekly? Is the vampire story abandoned? A: no, please don’t worry! I’ll never abandon a fic unless i explicitly say so (and the word “abandoned” will be in the summary, or even the title!) The vampire story is still very much alive, but there has just been more interest in the mermaid story because of where we are in the plot. Lots of readers have been sending me private messages or anon asks (or heck, just comments under the story) asking for it to be updated weekly, and i hear you, so i do!
Q: i can’t stand that in your mermaid fic, those two are never gonna meet. are they ever gonna meet? A: yes of course they are! im gunning for a happy ending where they do end up together, so dont worry, no matter how bleak or desperate things seem to get, those two WILL be together! as for when, the answer is “soon, please keep reading to find out!! ;D” Q: how is your rabbit? is your bunny ok? A: HE’S DOING GREAT! He had a surgery (again) recently, and is recovering from it! here’s a pic of him being cool:
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nat geo should consider hiring me as their new wildlife photographer because i sure can take cool, crisp, beautiful action shots of nature just like above. award worthy. medal pleeease
Q: what are your plans for new stories? please please i wanna know!
A: thank you for the interest! As usual, at the end of every story, I will put out a poll with summaries and you will get to vote on what you wanna read next, so just keep an eye out for that! I’ll post it here too, dont worry! Q: when are you gonna update? ?? i hit refresh all day waiting?!? Q: what time do you plan on updating?!? A: every Wednesday, PST, between 9PM and 11PM Q: are you dating anyone heh
A: ok i get a few of these every couple weeks or so, which makes me think its only been 1 person spam-asking me this? the answer is no? come out of anon pls and just PM me, but im not looking to date anyone rn cuz i’ve ✌️ got🥺 issues ✨ (and a husband)  (he looks like this⬇️)
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oops, i took a pic of him while he was off guard, aww isnt he cuute, boys are so soft when no ones lookingg uwuwuw OK those are all the questions i usually get in my inbox, im not gonna pub any of the other ones that ask about my kinks ||hand kink. i have a hand kink|| OH shit it didnt do the spoilers like it usually does on discord!!!! jkdshfjkhds anyway, yea im on discord #ugli7509 BYE ILU thanks for reading and asking stuff makes me feel like someone out there cares :> xo Ugli (ask box link in case i missed anything)
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uglifish · 4 years
Mana floated happily in front of the throne, smiling at everyone after giving Atem’s hand a warm squeeze.
“Well? What is it?” Isis asked, adjusting her scarf in her hair. “Hurry and tell us. We have places to be.”
“Prince Seth has accepted my offer!” Mana squealed happily, doing a pretty twirl in the water. “Isn’t that great, Atem?!”
“The offer of…moving their Elders into our dwellings?” Mahad asked, seeing Solomon, Rishid, and Shadi shift uncomfortably in silence.
“Yes,” Mana said firmly, giving Mahad a steely look. “We will give them comfortable homes and priority access to our Medic at all times. Atem?”
Atem sighed and waved his hand airily across his nose. “We have room, so I don’t see why not. But Seth is not going to serve in my court. I don’t want him as an advisor.”
“Well, that’s the problem,” Solomon said gently. “If we are absorbing another colony, they need a voice. He is their—”
“I don’t want to see him!” Atem snapped, his rage flaring suddenly. “He reminds me too much of Kaiba. I approve of the merge. Next topic.” read me on AO3 read me on FF.NET
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uglifish · 5 years
hey guys, (serious talk)
So this is the time of year when I start to get really excited for events like: SAKURA CON (Seattle, WA) and cherry blossom viewing
But since a ((((((•••--coronavirus--•••)))))) outbreak is happening IN Seattle, IN my current city and county, (Kirkland /King county WA)
I will not be able to attend Sakura con for the safety of myself and those around me.
Main concern #1: I don't want to be an unsuspecting carrier and infect others even though I am not showing symptoms, because it is very likely I have been exposed, and I am not sick YET but I've accepted that I
maYbE pRobabLy miiight pOssiBly eveNtuAlly maaaaybe ...get...sick...because several of my friends have been reporting symptoms which I fuckinnnn hope is just....nothing at all...but we'll see.
If I do get sick and test positive for it, I'm 82% sure it'll just be like a bad cold...but only because I am healthy and not 60+ years old.
Main concern #2: Emerald City Comic Con has chosen not to cancel their event and it has received a lot of mixed outcries from the public, ranging from "nooo don't cancel it! I live for this" to "let it be breeding ground for the virus / let nature take its course" & "yay no cancellation!!I'm attending!" or "I'm a vendor and I'm concerned if I fly in, I won't be able to fly back if things escalate with the illness"
I personally think they should cancel it for general health and safety in this uncertain time, but if a new outbreak were to spread from there, it would logically follow that SAKURA CON would not be safe.
If you are flying in from another state to attend Sakura con, please be aware that WA might take some crazy drastic measures in a "worst-case scenario" and close off domestic flights in and out of SeaTac airport (a giant hub where international flights also land) so you might be able to FLY IN for the con but about FLYING OUT ...you might be trapped here.
IDK man, this is just local whisperings in the community and I'm just relaying the message, so washingtonians are warning away all fearless travelers for their own good.🙏
😣I don't think the world is ending. I also don't think this illness is "like the flu", and I don't think this is -fearmongering from the left-
I see that this is an illness. It spreads fast and silently which means we need to take this seriously.
Not as serious as buying out toilet paper(????) But definitely more serious than "oh ppl are just gonna be sick no matter what JUSTLIVE UR LIFE so let's host a giant event and pack people together inside closely with little ventilation! 🙃" Because if you've ever BEEN to a Sakura con artist alley, you know they shove the artists into a stuffy basement in an undignified manner. Artists deserve better!!!
All I'm saying is,
I am seeing with my very own eyes
a spread of an illness
in a city I call my home, and that itself is quite terrifying.
One of these days in the very near future, I am expecting a paper notice to be stuck to my door when I wake up saying, "residents can't leave their homes between 9am - 11pm" or something like that, because I am also living near a school!
The nearby stores are limiting people from entering in crowds to stock up (so letting in only 50 ppl at a time, stuff like that...)
Anyway!!!!! I am super disappointed that I won't be able to attend Sakura con (or FANime in San Jose, CA), but there's always next year...r-right?!
OOOO but I will still be passing out an art print to those I was gonna meet up with at the YGO COSPLAY GATHERING so if you were /are gonna be there ...let me know! Or shoot me a PM! I'll mail you the art print instead 🥺
Big big (air hugs)
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uglifish · 5 years
@thenamelesspharaoh​ showed me this and it made my day!
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?!?!?!?! im not?? on FB but like, wow thank you!!!! vsvmsvmdsmvsdv (HUGS)
story is called UNDERWATER CHRYSALIS !
summary is:
While on the hunt for a precious mineral deep under the sea, Seto Kaiba unintentionally fishes out a magnificent creature with alluring violet eyes and wild hair. On the verge of bankruptcy, the soon to be ex-billionaire is faced with a difficult multiple choice question. Should he: a) release the mythical creature? b) announce his discovery to the world? c) slowly study the creature to learn its secrets? d) or...you know, just have a lot of s#x with it because why not. All the cool kids are fucking mythical creatures these days.
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uglifish · 5 years
Mokuba frowned and crossed his arms. “Okay, now we find Seto.”
“No, now we find food, you have to change, and then we find Seto,” Yami said steadily, seeing a familiar, fiery glint in Mokuba’s eye. “Aren’t you hungry?”
“You’re stalling!” Mokuba raised his voice to shout, feeling as if his heart was being torn in two. “You’re just tricking me so you can get me back home to Isono! I can see right through you, you liar!”
“I never said any of those things!” Yami cried, holding a finger to his lips, anxiously begging for silence. “We will find him! You have my word. Now please, let’s go into the room, okay?”
“No!” Mokuba stamped his foot, drawing a couple of stares from couples passing by, and Yami felt himself sweat. He wasn’t equipped to deal with the temper tantrums of a budding teenager combined with vampire hunger.
“Mokuba…” Yami let his breath out in a slow hiss and knelt so he was eye-to-eye with the child. “…Sleep.”
Mokuba’s eyelids drooped heavily before he swayed dangerously to the spot and fell forward into Yami’s arms.
Biting back a sigh, Yami scooped Mokuba into his arms and headed for the elevators. That was a dirty trick, but he couldn’t have Mokuba throwing a tantrum in public.
BORED IN QUARANTINE? (sub to patreon for early chapters!)
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