#send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking meme;;
w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 2 years
For one of the mythology muses
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Ares woke up groggily, laying naked in a bed that wasn’t his beside a man he’d never seen before. The war god, famously unmarried, felt a new addition to his body, having been completely nude apart from a gold band around his ring finger on his left hand. He shifted slightly, his eyes adjusting as the first lights of morning flooded into the room, his eyes fixed on the left hand of the man beside him, wearing a matching ring on the very same finger. He rubbed his eyes, thinking perhaps it was an illusion that would just go away the more he woke up, but it persisted. The implications were clear, though he knew not how to react to this, if his mother knew he married a man whose name he couldn’t even remember now, he was sure she would be disgraced that he had made a mockery of the domain of hers she found most sacred. All he could do was hope that when the man beside him awoke, he had a better recollection of events than the god had.
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lcveblossomed · 8 months
@brokenegoed asked: Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking // katie and phil lmao
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No more drinking after this. That is what Katie thinks the moment she opens her eyes. Her head is throbbing and everything aches she is getting too old for this shit. Still she had gone out for drinks with Phil talking about the past one drink turned to two then three... then the need for advil. She stumbles into the bathroom not bothering to flip on the lights as she fumbles to open the mirror. When it doesn't open after about the third try she flips on the lights only to realize this isn't her mirror or her vanity oh shit.
She looks around until she looks back in the bedroom and Phil is asleep great this is great. They hadn't slept together that was good okay she had just been hungover and slept over, right? She wants to figure out what had happened put the pieces together. "Phil- Phil." She calls out and when he doesn't stir so she walks over hitting his foot that's hanging off the side of the bed. "Phil wake up!"
It isn't until she steps back that she looks at him that she sees the ring on his finger. She moves right up and grabs his hand pulling him a bit as she does. A band on his ring finger that hadn't been there before oh okay that was... she pauses and looks at her own finger. "Fucking- Phil if you don't wake up I'm gonna drag you out of htis bed and make you wish you'd- PHIL!"
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11thsshadow · 1 year
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Dark wasn't sure where he was, the room around him didn't seem familiar. He was pretty sure he hadn't seen this room at all. The last thing he remembered was himself and his husband on the TARDIS and a single bottle in his hand.
Fuck. He sighed as he finally looked down at his hand, noticing a new piece of jewlery that hadn't been there before. A ring, he'd similarly never seen before. Even if he had, with how showy it was there was no way he would have worn it.
It was, however, a very River ring. Dark then looked over at River, watching and waiting for River stirr. When he finally did he rose an eyebrow.
"River, what the hell kind of drinks did you give me last night?" He didn't sound remotely angry, sounded amused even, if only a little miffed. "I'm amusing you brought us here? Nice ring selection, love."
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Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking. 
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Kharon didn’t drink often, not for any particular reason, it was just something he did not find himself doing most of the time. Not to mention the only drink that could get him actually drunk came from Dionysus.  So it had seemed so innocent at the time, sharing a drink with her was something he could not pass up. Their kind together was always kind, and she had helped him a lot in these last few days? Weeks? He’s not too sure of the passing of time. 
Less so, when his head was pounding as his human form does it’s best to stable the hang over he was now experiencing. Bright eyes only blinking half open as he tries to wake himself from deep slumber his mind had escaped into at some point. Sitting up with a grunt as his stiff limbs crack and aches with each little movement. 
The only thing he could hear was the buzzing in his ears, which is only overtaken by soft sounds breathing next to him. Rubbing his head, his fingers card through his own black curls to push them away from his face as he looks to the side. Seeing Persephone next to him, he almost wants to laugh. It would seem he wasn’t the only one to have drank a bit too much. 
Reaching over he tugs the soft blanket up over her a little more. Wanting her to be warm and comfortable, not wanting to disturb her just yet. His thoughts are soon shifted to the glint of metal that catches his eye, on his finger, a band? When did he get this ring? He likes to think he would remember such a thing, then again. He didn’t remember much of last night.
”What kind of ring...?” He mumbles aloud, “... no, certainly not.”
@bcbliophile​ // closed.
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watchfxrthefangs · 2 years
💍 for Victor and Edmond? (Good luck trying to get rid of Victor now. He's also 100 times more flirty when drunk)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
🗡Edmond knew his limits in drinking, and he was always sure to never indulge. He only made it to a certain point before immediately stopping, not wanting his judgment to be clouded by the drink.
But this night, Viktor was teasing him, more so than normal. With whispers here and caresses there, the knight found himself flustered and trapped at this party. It was an unconscious thing as he began drinking to keep himself from saying stammering words that would only show how flustered he was. By the time he realized he had down three glasses, he couldn't remember anything else.
The next morning, he had woken up in someone's arms. His head throb, and he wasn't ready to open his eyes as he lay there, his head on the person's chest. He automatically assumed it was Eiden when he remembered... Eiden wasn't home. Blue eyes slowly opened then, and he realized in shock that he wasn't in his room. Alarmed now, Edmond shot up before groaning as he held his head. Where was he?? Why was his hair down?? Why was he naked??? So many questions flashed through his throbbing head when a glimmer in his finger caught his eye. He immediately moved his hand, and his eyes widened.
Was that... ? Oh... Oh no...
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staggeringlytony · 2 years
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Tony sat up, his head extremely heavy and feeling absolutely smashed. He looked around and noticed the sleeping woman next to her. He rubbed his eyes when he felt something metal on his hand. He gasped when he saw a beautiful ring on his wedding finger.
"What?!" was all he could utter. He patted gently at the sleeping woman.
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advnterccs-archive · 2 years
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Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking || selectively accepting
@ladiesofhell sent; 💍 ((Vero for Rick XD))
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Waking up with a pounding headache usually meant something bad for Rick. Either he ended up passed out on the garage floor alone or he was on the floor of some galactic night club somewhere in an entirely different solar system. In both cases, he drank himself to a blacked out state, forgetting everything else and whatever happened through the night.
This time, however, his eyes opened up to white sheets and Verosika cuddled close to his chest. It was a surprise, but a pleasant one if anything. To wake up cuddling with someone he loved and admired; now that, in itself, was worth being sore all over.
Just as he was about to close his eyes, the glint of the sun hitting something bright caught his eye. He looked down at the hand placed over his bare chest. Brow furrowed and eyes widened. He could feel his heart race.
A ring. Oh shit, oh no. That couldn't be what he thought it was.
Without thinking, he gently slipped away from the embrace. Standing up from the bed, he took her hand and slowly pulled the ring off. Though, quick enough to do so before she woke up.
To confirm those suspicions, a similar ring was worn around his finger. "Damnit." He whispered through gritted teeth.
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Swiftly and smoothly, not taking his eyes off the two rings he held between his fingers, he pulled on his pants. He made his way over to where his lab coat was thrown, shuffling out the portal gun.
There was no way he could let Verosika know about this. He couldn't. This wasn't the right time or the right way to do things. No matter what his drunken mind had told him.
And through the portal, he dropped them in. The sound of metal clashing with a blender noise, shredding them into bits. To prevent any lingering sound, the portal closed.
Well, at least that would be taken care of. For now.
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💍 + an inspo pic 😘
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Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking:
“The sun is too bright…Walter, find a way to turn down the sun,” Cristina whined before placing his hand over her face rather than get up to close the curtains. “I’m not drinking for the rest of this year. Or the rest of my life,” she muttered, using all her effort to drag herself closer to him in bed. “Please tell me that you feel just as crappy as me.”
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Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
The days of the past week had been a string of wins, and the mood on base in general had been a jovial one. Normally she would be happy to join in with everyone else as the work week came to a close, but she'd decided it might be nice to get away for a bit, just the two of them, and had broached the idea of getting a hotel in another town over for the weekend. A bit of an impromptu adventure would be lovely, she'd thought. An idea she might've brought up anyway, but the celebratory mood made for a good excuse to try to drag the Medic out of their usual territory.
She’d been pleasantly surprised at how receptive he’d been to the idea. Even more surprised at how much he’d seemed to cut loose when they went out for dinner and drinks that night after they’d checked into their room.
The pain she felt in her head and the dryness she felt in her throat as she began to drift back into the waking world the next morning, however, was not so surprising. She turned over with a grumbling sound, the world blurry as she cracked her eyes open. “….Al? You awake?”
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joyfulmagic · 2 years
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
@frombehindpaleeyes || [meme tag]
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Illya awoke next to Anne, feeling something slightly tight around his ring finger. Thanks to the super soldier serum, he didn't have a hangover, but his confusion was genuine. Looking down at his hand, he saw a simple golden band that hadn't been there the previous day.
'What?' he thought, furrowing his brow before noticing a glistening light reflecting on the wall. Seeking out the source of it, he saw a beautiful diamond ring on Anne's hand as she slept.
His heart leapt out of his chest, shocked by his realization. The two of them had been drinking the night before to forget their pains, and it appeared they did more than that.
The strange part, in Illya's perspective, was that he didn't find himself upset over his conclusion. Anne was a wonderful woman, but she deserved a man better than him. He'd address it when she woke up, not wanting to disturb her.
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rcjoice · 8 months
💍 listen I just-
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
his head is pounding as he wakes up next to her, light burning into his retinas in a way uncomfortable way. his stomach hurts, and he definitely is going to throw up before too long. god, he hates being hungover. they must have gotten hammered last night for him to feel this shitty. "hey, you alive?" he reaches hand over to shake her when his eyes catch the glint of silver on his left hand, feels the weight of it, familiar yet almost forgotten, and his stomach falls. "wake up, now." there was no way they did that, right? just a joke, it's definitely his first wedding band and it's not like he wouldn't joke about marriage for a joke, he would do anything for a joke. but marrying rain for a bit? "come on, wife. don't you wanna spend our first morning as a married couple getting a divorce?"
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resplendentdare · 1 year
💍 //anyone
Waking up with a pounding headache wasn't anything new to Saskia, she'd done it so many times in the past, she'd lost count. Waking up to see a ring on her finger shining in the sunlight, however, wasn't part of the usual routine.
Bolting upright in bed so fast, she fell out of bed with a loud BANG and yelled. "Harrington, what the fuck?! Does this make me a Harrington now too?!"
How the hell was she supposed to explain this to their friends? Or god forbid their parents. Both of them were royally fucked.
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Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
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protectxthem · 1 year
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@wayfaringstrangxr asked: 💍 - Crowley to any GO muse you see fit
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking | Accepting
Michael stirs awake, head pounding and feeling weird. They slowly sit up, holding their head. A low groan escapes the Archangel as they try to stop the room from spinning. Michael looks down at the bed they are lying in. It's comfortable, no doubt about that but it's also unfamiliar because they've never slept in a bed nor have they really needed to sleep.
They swing their legs over the side and wiggle their bare feet. Where did their shoes disappear to? They shake their head and slowly stand up. They don't remember much of what happened last night, except drinking for the first time since they were created.
The Archangel turned slowly when they heard a noise that sounded like a groan and someone moving on the bed. Their face pales a bit as they continue to turn. They turn fully and cover their face with their hands, letting out a groan as they see Crowley lying on the bed. They lower their hands when they feel something cold against their face. Michael turns their hands over and blinks confused when they see a wedding ring on their hand.
It was one thing to drink with a demon, it was a completely other thing to be married to one.
"Crowley!" They speak loudly so the demon can hear them.
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11thsshadow · 1 year
💍 !!
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
The first thing that Dark felt when he woke was being cuddled up close to Koschei. His nose was buried in the other time lords neck, taking in his scent as he hummed softly. He was also very aware of the extra weight on his ring finger.
Last night was a celebration. A celebration of finding each other, to exact day, even and though he didn't typically indulge in the use of alcohol that didn't mean that it wasn't on hand. Some of the details were blurry, but they'd drank enough to find themselves here.
In a place he didn't even remotely recognize, so he'd assumed they'd found somewhere quick and easy, with limited interactions. Dark didn't regret it, in fact he would have done it sober without question.
When he felt his now husband shift he couldn't help but smile. Especially since he noticed a few new bruises and scars, remembered making them.
Good morning, love. He could have spoken words but he found himself craving the mental contact. You know, if you wanted to marry me, all you had to do was ask. Though, I can't recall how we acquired the rings.
Dark ran a hand across one of the tender scars on Koschei's neck before placing a soft kiss on it.
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
💍 - Crowley LOL
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking [x]
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It had been a long, long time since the angel had gone to sleep straight after drinking so heavily with Crowley. Usually they would sober themselves up first before calling it a night. But, for some reason he would not remember anything of their night before.
Aziraphale groaned and placed a hand upon his hand as he shifted in the bed that was not his own. Slowly waking. They frowned as they became more and more awake despite it hurting. There was something cold and metallic upon their hand.
With a small, muffled groan, Aziraphale forced his eyes open to look at his hand. When he saw the metal band on his finger, the angel immediately sobered up and quickly sat upright.
"What on..." Aziraphales eyes were wide and he glanced around quickly and realised that he was not alone in the bed. Seeing Crowley beside him, he reached out and began to try and shake him awake.
"Crowley.... Crowley...." He called, panicking slightly as he stared at the ring.
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watchfxrthefangs · 2 years
💍 for Eiden and Blade?
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
🌈Eiden usually wasn't too bad about overindulging in drinking now that he was in this world. Back in his old world? Oh yeah, all the time when he wasn't working. But here, with how much responsibility he had and how many gorgeous men he had to help regulate their essence, he didn't really have time persay to get blacked out drink.
Til one night.
Aster had offered him a delicious wine that the vampire promised was going to he the next big hit in all the land. After one sip, Eiden was quite surprised with how sweet it actually was. One sip turned into a glass, and before he knew it, he had finished the bottle. Only after he had done this, however, did he begin to feel the effects and only then did the little vampire explain how much alcohol was in that wine. He only vaguely remembered Blade coming into the room before he blacked out.
The brunette woke with a small jolt before releasing a groan at the throb in his head. He laid there, eyes closed as he tried to recall something, but all he remembered was wine and Blade. Slowly, his eyes opened, and he realized two things at once. He was in Blade's room, and he was naked under the blanket. He blinked a few times, happily at least the headache he had was just an annoying throb. Maybe alcohol was different in this world, too. He moved a hand to brush his hair back and immediately froze as something on his finger glimmered. Now, this wasn't the first time he had woken up after drinking to a ring on his finger. But the last time, it was just some person trying to convince him they had gotten married while he was drunk when it turned out to be a lie.
As he looked beside him and saw Blade, something told him this wasn't a lie this time.
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