#sengoku basara stage play
azuretl · 4 months
I am honored to announce that I was part of the fantastic localization team that's bringing Ryusei*Fantasia to the west!
With Ryusei*Fantasia announced, I thought I could write a little bit about my experiences with B-PRO and the interesting coincidences that led me to this fantastic franchise. Since I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this blog, and I'm deadly sick still, I might as well do a bit of random writing and talk a bit about the project! Weird rambling under the cut.
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So, I actually knew about B-PRO when it was first announced years ago. My sister and I are huge fans of TMR (TM Revolution, aka Takanori Nishikawa) which stemmed from our love for the Sengoku Basara franchise. (I can go on forever about that one... We did cosplays, photoshoots, nightly gaming sessions [we had all the games in Japanese], I wrote fanfics... um yeah. It was...*a time* :P ) We caught wind that TMR was producing a new virtual idol group...and that's when I learned about B-PRO.
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I didn't know the boys, but I did know that the music was going to be FIRE... And after seeing images of the characters, they didn't really have a lasting impression (except for Korekuni... At the time, I recognized him as "Kishio Daisuke's character" :'D I'm also a seiyuu fanatic, so...).
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(Ahhh...the Daisuke team for KITAKADO...)
Fast forward to a few years later, B-PRO was still in its infancy, and, being the huge seiyuu fan that I am, I listened to a lot of seiyuu music. (I-CHU, Actors franchise, i7, etc. etc...) When just playing a random song list, I ran into some B-PRO music. That's really the extent of what I knew about it... It had a great voice cast and the music is FIRE.
I also found out that Kato Kazuki is voicing in it :O (And then I was certain the music was going to be SOOOO GOOOOD). I'm also a huuuge tenipuri fan (POT head here :'D. Cosplays, fanfics, fanart, dream novels [do people even remember those?] I've done it all.) and naturally, I became a huge Tenimyu fan as well (Prince of Tennis Musicals... I even got a group of friends together to cosplay + reenact some dances from Tenimyu for cosplay contests...and won quite a few of them too ;) ). My favorite Tenimyu cast was the Dream Live 3 group. (I guess they're considered season 2 Seigaku?) with the D-boys and Yanagi Kotaro/Endou Yuya as their Ryouma. (People who don't know Tenimyu, sorry for all the terminology that probably doesn't make sense to you lol... *sweat*) And my favorite school happened to be Hyoutei.
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Now, for those who don't know, Kato Kazuki (voice of Aizome) played the captain of Hyoutei's tennis club in the musicals (Atobe Keigo) and he EMBODIED that smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch <3 aura. If you don't know PoT, Atobe is basically Aizome but younger and filthy rich. And naturally, Tenimyu being a musical, meant Kato Kazuki had to sing live... and I fell in LOVE with his voice. He is such an amazing singer! And actor! (I also started watching Kamen Rider Kabuto because of him... he plays one of the Kamen Riders and he is, again, a smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch... I guess he gets typecasted a lot...)
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All this is to say, I really really really like Kato Kazuki...as an actor, singer, performer... he excudes sexy and he has so. much. presence. Seeing him working in an idol franchise was pretty refreshing and exciting!
(Side note, Goshi's voice actor- Toyonaga Toshiyuki is also in the Prince of Tennis musical... and he shared the stage with Aizome's voice actor, Kato Kazuki, quite a lot. They also interacted a lot in the backstage behind-the-scenes videos. They're really good friends so... queue my utter surprise when I found out how Goshi and Aizome interact in the stories >>;;;; )
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So that was really the extent of my knowledge of B-PRO. Great music, great cast, great character designs. So when I was approached about joining the team, I was very eager to throw my hat into the ring. (PLUS my absolute favorite voice actor, Kakihara Tetsuya is in it... I HAD TO!!!) But boy, oh boy, was I hit with UTTER SURPRISE when I found out how much DRAMA and INTENSITY and STORY the franchise actually has!!!
What I thought might've been "just another idol game" turned out to be so full of drama... It was such a nice, pleasant surprise. I won't go too much into the process and the stories, since you'll all have to play the game to find out! But wow, all the boys were *nothing* like I thought they were at first.
Just for fun, here's what I thought at first vs what I think of them now. (Opinions are my own... and I'm sorry that some of my earlier opinions were...for lack of a better word, *dumb* )
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Goshi Typical bad boy chara -> I would love to have this character as a bigger brother. He's caring and really looks out for his kouhai... How can anyone NOT like him??? He's my second favorite...!
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Aizome It's Kato Kazuki...so the typical Ore-sama kei, smug, flirty -> Ore-sama kei, smug, (playfully) flirty, and someone with so, so much depth. I want to be his friend...just to be there for him. He needs Goshi and Ashu more than he thinks. And you'll never convince me that he and Goshi aren't an old married couple that gets into fights literally every two seconds.
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Ashu Genki boi #1 -> I remember his scenes very strongly, oddly enough. THRIVE needs him. Aizome and Goshi need him. He may act like a happy-go-lucky boyo with too much energy, but he's the water that helps keep the other Aizome and Goshi flowers alive, whether they realize that or not. He's also a really, really good senpai :')
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Kitakado Prince-kei. It's Ono Daisuke so...guessing we're gonna get something like his Starry Sky counterpart. -> Pretty much that... but he's also sooo silly whenever Korekuni is involved. Has a silly side to him, and a very loving and charming side too. He's a good guy XD and no one can convince me that he's NOT a married couple with Korekuni ._.
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Korekuni Kishio Daisuke!!!! The Daisuke combo! Pretty boy. Guess he's snobby? -> I see a lot of myself in him. He's highly professional and demands the same level of professionalism from his peers, though that can come off as strict. He's so much more than his appearance, and he's not afraid to show that.
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Masunaga (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THIS)I thought he looked...kinda boring...? -> He was one of the characters that I did the most research on because I wanted to grasp his character and who he really is...and when I did, boy... the tears were everywhere. I just want him to be happy. His side story is one that I remember MOST vividly. He's a good leader and a good person and I just really really really want him to be happy.
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Onzai KAKKIIIIIII *screams and flails my arms around* I thought I would love him the most because of his voice actor. (I am obsessed with Kakihara Tetsuya) -> *pats his head* You're a good boy. I wish you will love yourself and realize how much everyone loves you ;~; He's more than his pretty looks... and he's very insightful. He really understands his teammates and cares for them deeply.
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Osari The last time I heard Morikubo Shotaro voice a genki boy was GET BACKERS. [I KNOW I'M SHOWING MY AGE BY SAYING THAT...] Genki Boi #2. -> The mood-maker and a ray of sunshine. His crazy nicknames almost drove me nuts 8'D but he's such a lovable character. It's impossible to dislike him. I know one of the TLers on the team REALLY likes him and I can understand why!
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Nome I love this character design SO MUCH!!! He's so good-looking! -> He's still really good-looking...I love his hair color...his build...his everything. Character-design wise, he's still my favorite. Was funny when I found out he's a gym buff :'D makes sense... He would also make a good big brother to the boys ;u; Though I THINK he has a big brother?? If I remember one of the special events I translated right...
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Sekimura I'm usually not a fan of megane-types. He's okay. (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THAT...AND I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT APPRECIATING HIM MORE BEFORE) -> WOW where to start. I want him to be successful. I want him to be happy. He has SO, SO, SO much depth. He deserves SO, SO, SO much. He breaks the usual megane-type trope and he's his own self that stands out SO MUCH. I appreciate him so much for his faithful, loyal support of his friends and I just REALLY want him to be happy. And no one can convince me that he's NOT madly obsessed with Onzai. He'd date him if he got the chance. :P
First off, before diving into characters, can I say that THESE BOYS ARE THE FURTHEST THING FROM SOMETHING AS EDGY AS "KILLER KING" I expected super edgy boys in this band... ._.;;
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Haruhi Genki Boy #3. Ah, I think this will be my favorite genki boy. -> He is not my favorite genki boy :'D He's still great of course!!! But it's funny how that didn't turn out the way I thought it would. He's also a giant ray of sunshine, though a bit selfish, but that's part of his charm. The side story for him though... *Haaah* Haruhi... just...whyyyy... But I really really really liked his backstory. He admits his faults and grows to overcome them and I truly, really respect that.
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Yuduki The gloomier of the twins. Lack self-esteem? -> He does lack self-esteem, but he grows from it too. I actually really like Yuduki...I was surprised because I didn't expect that. Again, he's another boy that had way more depth than I imagined. He takes good care of Haruhi, but he's not limited to being Haruhi's shadow. His individual stories away from Haruhi are where he really shines, I think. Go for it, Yuduki! Ganbare!!!
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Akane Genki boy #4. -> MUST. PROTECC. AKANEEEE. *HISSSSS* The BIGGEST surprise for me is that Akane became my TOP. FAVORITE. BOY. His background story and his interactions in the special event stories made me empathize with him A LOT. He has INTENSE imposter syndrome and he doesn't know when to stand up for himself...so he needs his friends to help him. And in response, he LOVES his friends and will do anything to help them. He's selfless for his friends but tends to forget to care for himself. I can go ON AND ON but please, please PLEASE check out his backstory when the game comes out!!! That hit me really hard... and it resonated with me a lot. It might not with others, but it really did with me. Akane love. *sob sob sob*
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Shingari Ah, it's Egu... Egu? With that kinda character design? I guess he's the silent type then? -> There's more depth than I imagined. I remember his backstory quite well, too, because it showed a more vulnerable side to him, and I came to understand Shingari really well after it. *pats his head* He's a good boy. I hope him success. Don't worry, you'll have your friends and your senpai with you! It's okay to be a bit vulnerable sometimes!
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So...that was my evaluation of the characters before and after working on the series. It's okay if you don't agree with my views on the boys, I'm not saying they're the only view and the right view...it's just *my* view, after working on the select parts of the game that I did. It was *amazing* how much my opinions changed. No one was really entirely what I thought they were like...that just shows how much depth the characters really have. They're not bound to just their trope, but there's so much more about them... and I came to appreciate them and the franchise EVEN MORE than ever.
I am so genuinely blessed to have gotten the chance to work on this series and I am so genuinely grateful to PQube and the team that was put together for this title. I can't wait for all of you to play the game and experience this yourself, whether you're new to B-PRO or a veteran fan.
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libreramune · 4 months
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Chapter 65-70: Master of the Throne I-VI
My thoughts as I was reading, in order of chapter.
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What the fuck is Kim Yunshin's problem. "Oh? You don't want to be my incarnation? What if I kill your girl bestie because of it?" Get a job
Also oh my god I have to read so much in order to catch up with where I am with the webtoon 😭
"The fourth wall had destroyed the theatre master the moment he tried to look inside my head" oh. Oh I don't think "destroyed" is the right word here
I love what they did with the Copper Acupuncture Men in the webtoon, very scary
Gilyoung das goobie down with murder...
"Lee Gilyoung looked down at the corpses with an expressionless face." Sweetie :(
"Can you do it?" "... There's no problem. It's just like breaking an egg." Sangah :(
"In Japan, there would be a competition between three heroes including Oda Nobunaga." I wanna play sengoku basara samurai heroes so baaaddddd. also this doesn't bode well for whatever's happening in the US at this stage. Civil War 😬?
"It is you who spread out the text version of your plagiarized novel" :(
HHEHEHEHE [Number of Kings: 11] [Number of Kings: 10] [Number of Kings: 9] EHEHEHEHHE
"it seemed like Lee Jihye and Jung Huiwon did a good job" oh yeah that's why she's pissed
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queen-of-hoshido · 4 years
This is art😔👌🏻
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nekkyousagi · 6 years
New Sengoku BASARA Stage Play! “AZURE CRIMSON ERA!”
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Super COOL news Basara fans!! The Official Basara Twitter page, announced that a new Sengoku Basara Stage play is in the works and scheduled to premiere December 2018!!!!
More info on the main Butai Basara Stage Play website!
“Butai Sengoku Basara: Soku Ranse! (”Azure Crimson Era”) Two rival performances are planned, possibly featuring original stories and two distinct rival warrior casts! Not quite sure about the plot of the stage plays, but the cast is certainly exciting!!!!
On team RED: “Mirai e no hokori" (Pride for the Future): starring warriors Sanada Yukimura (reprising role by the unforgettably gorgeous and perfect Matsumura Ryuunosuke!!!), Tokugawa Ieyasu, Chosokabe Motochika, Yamanaka Shikanosuke, Kuroda Kanbe, Mori Motonari, Akechi Mitsuhide/Tenkai and a special FIRST APPEARANCE by MIYAMOTO MUSASHI!!!!!!!!!!      
For team BLUE: THE PRIDE: are Date Masamune, Ishida Mitsunari, Maeda Keiji, Yamanaka Shikanosuke (idk he’s on both sides??!), Goto Matabei, Mogami Yoshiyaki, Takenaka Hanbei, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi! 
A teaser trailer has been released (though I haven’t found a translation yet).
More info is sure to be released in the new future! It’s sure to be a hot-blooded rivalry performance!!!!
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mon-qi · 5 years
we played Basara Sumeragi this weekend and the absolute highlight was Kanetsugu (played by Cara) 1HKO-ing BOTH Shingen and Kenshin at once at Kawanakajima
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m10d6ne · 6 years
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Hi, humans and oni, all fans of Hakumyu!
Since Souma-hen is a thing again I’ve recovered my original cast announcement post and updated it. The info about the actors is a mix between what I’ve found about them and info from the official cast page, but I haven’t included every past myu/stage play in the official info, so I’d recommend checking it if you’re interested in seeing more of any of these people.
Without further ado, I present you the official cast for the 2021 version of Musical Hakuoki Souma-hen:
Mizuki Umetsu (梅津瑞樹) is Kazue Souma
28 years old, his Twitter is @MizukiUmetsu, and he’s been in Musical Touken Ranbu and the Sanrio Boys stage play .
Risa Matsuzaki (松崎莉沙) is Chizuru Yukimura
She’s a member of Roys, a Japanese female duo chorus group. Playing Chizuru in this myu will be her first time as an actress. Her Twitter is @risadegozaimasu and she’s 24 years old.
Hidetoshi Kubota (久保田秀敏) is Toshizo Hijikata
Has worked in films and dramas before, also has myu/stage play experience (Sengoku Basara stage play , Moriarty the Patriot myu, etc.). He’s 33 years old and his Twitter is @kubotahidetoshi.
Shuji Kikuchi (菊池修司) is Souji Okita
First difference with the 2020 cast! Shuji Kikuchi replaces Shogo Yamazaki, who first appeared in Hakumyu in Shitan Hijikata-hen. He’s 25 and his Twiiter is @kutisyu. He’s been in some stage plays before, like the Pirates of the Frontier UtaPri stage play .
Shoichiro Oomi (大海将一郎) is Hajime Saito
His Twitter is @shoichiro_oomi. The protagonist/”your” character in the Fate/GO Babylonia Myu, also has some experience as a seiyuu (in fact google doesn’t list him as an actor but as a voice actor) and is/was in a group called "Hi! Superb" 
Yuta Higuchi (樋口裕太) is back as Heisuke Todou!
His first Hakumyu was Shitan Hijikata-hen! He is 25 and he won a Junon Superboy contest (Most Photogenic) and according to Anime on Stage he’s been in other myus/stage plays, like Ensemble Stars and Yona of the Dawn. According to the cast page he’s been in  Ao no Exorcist and Hitman Reborn stage plays too. His Twitter is @higuchi24yuta.
Ryousuke Koike (小池亮介) is Nagakura Shinpachi
Second change in the cast, he’s replacing Yuta Kishimoto, who was Nagakura in both Shitan Hijikata-hen and Shitan Kazama-hen. He’s 25 and his Twitter is @ryosuke19951117. He was Akito/Agito in the Air Gear myu, and according to the cast page he wants everyone to think that Nagakura Shinpachi is cool (literally, 「永倉新八カッコいいな」kakkoii and everything)
Shouta Kawakami (川上将大) is Sanosuke Harada
He’s been in Tenimyu, Rice on stage, Hitman Reborn and Touken Ranbu stages/myus, among others. He’s 27 and his Twitter is @rjpmission. An anecdote: a few weeks ago someone I follow on Twitter went to see Rice on stage and he was one of the actors performing, which made me wonder if Souma-hen would happen since people from the cast were working on other things and I supposed that meant the situation in Japan was good enough to resume events like stage plays, included those that had been cancelled.
Teruma (輝馬) is back as Keisuke Sannan!
Sannan since Hakumyu Reimeiroku, he’s been in Kuromyu (William T Spears), Bungou Stray Dogs stage play, the Nanatsu no Taizai stage play and Tenimyu. His Twitter is @teruma_060 and he’s 31.
This makes me really happy! I still prefer Ryosuke Mikata, but he’s showed that he deserves the role, so I hope he stays in Hakumyu for many years to come! And I’m still mad that Teruma wasn’t in the Tango on the Campania Kuromyu...
Taizo Shiina (椎名鯛造) is back as Susumu Yamazaki!
First appeared in Shitan Hijikata-hen, and he’s been in some Sengoku Basara and Danganronpa stage plays, among others. He’s 34 and his Twitter is @TaizoShiina.
Taira Imata (井俣太良) is back as Isami Kondou!!!
Best dad since Okita-hen (second Hakumyu) and by this point, everyone’s senpai, what else can be said about this man??? If you’ve watched any Hakumyu other than Saito-hen, you already know him. Great man and actor, he’s 45 and his Twitter is @TAIRANT1975.
These are the characters/actors & actress that I covered in my first Souma-hen cast post. I actually wrote another one with the rest of the cast, but thanks to a broken mouse the whole post got deleted when it was almost finished. Time to redeem myself!
Syuya Sunagawa (砂川脩弥) is Saburo Miki!
Replacing Allen Kohatsu in the role of Miki, he’s 26 and his Twitter is @suna_syu_. It’s his first time in a musical, but he’s in the Kamen Rider Zero One drama. According to the Kamen Rider Wikia, he won the Avex Boys Award in 2016.
Masashi Sonomura (園村将司) is Risaburo Nomura!
He’s 22 and he’s @masashisonomura on Twitter. He’s been in Tenimyu and has done some stuff on TV (the cast page lists some things but I’m not familiar with them ;_;)
Masafumi Yokoyama (横山真史) is Kyuju Amagiri!
He’s 34 and he’s @masafumi21yoko on Twitter. He’s been in Touken Ranbu, Ikemen Sengoku and Toki no Kizuna stages.And as my friend and Amagiri’s biggest fan Lawrichai pointed out, he played Amagiri’s grandpa/relative in the Toki no Kizuna stage.
Takuma Sueno (末野卓磨) is back as Kyo Shiranui!
He’s 36 and he’s @sueno0724 on Twitter. His first Hakumyu was Shitan Kazama hen. Has been in the Sengoku Basara stage play and the Rantaro Shinobu myu (this one wasn’t that long ago so I remember seen funny pics of this on Twitter).
Hiroyuki Kawamoto (川本裕之) is back as Kodo Yukimura!
Egg dad since the times of Harada hen, he doesn’t have a Twitter account and apparently there isn’t that much info about him on Google D:
And... drum roll a big round of applause for our returning demon, the original, the one and only, SHOGO SUZUKI (鈴木勝吾) AS CHIKAGE KAZAMA!!!
I already spoiled this in my Souma-hen is back post but I’m sooooooooooooooo happy to see him back. He’s @Shogo_Suzuki_ on Twitter (where he’s posted photos of his Hakumyu-watching sessions more than once),he’s 31 and he played Kazama from the very beginning in Saito-hen until Live 2. During his absence from Hakumyu he didn’t stop acting, some of you may remember my post about his appearance in the Moriarty the Patriot myu.
Not that I dislike Yoshihide Sasaki (Hijikata in Reimei, and Kazama in Harada-hen and the 2020 Souma-hen cast), but I will always see him as my dear Viscount Druitt from Kuromyu. And let’s be honest, Shogo has his “own brand” of Kazama. He took the character and made it his own, having a unique way of portraying him and enjoying every last bit of it.
And that was the complete main cast! This time we had all the info from the start so I don’t think a follow-up post will be necessary.
As an ending note, I would like to dedicate this post to Serizawa’s actor, Akira Kubodera, who passed away last month. I’m sure he would love to see that everyone has been hoping for Souma-hen to return and that the Hakuoki Shinsengumi, or at least its spirit, can’t be defeated.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Fan Favorite Voice Actor Chris Ayres Passes Away At 56
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Thumbnail via Chris Ayres' Facebook
  Voice actor Chris Ayres, a long-time fan favorite and best known for playing the role of Frieza in many Funimation releases of Dragon Ball Z over the years, passed away on October 18th. Fellow voice actor Krystal LaPorte shared the news on Tuesday October 19th via tweet, with her message transcribed below:
— Krystal LaPorte (@WowSuchKrystal) October 19, 2021
  On October 18th at 8:40pm, my world went dark. Christopher Owen Ayres passed away peacefully, held close by his mother, brother, and girlfriend, and his arm wrapped around his Atticus pillow. He was able to pet the real thing hours beforehand. His hands were held. His face was kissed. We played Jim Croce, The Charlie Chaplin musical, and one hand stayed on my waist as I held the other while Unchained Melody played, the song we knew would be the first dance at our wedding. His mother and brother told stories of his childhood as he left.
  I have never been alive in a world where Chris wasn't. I am scared of it. So much of humanity's kindness, compassion, gentleness, bravery, generosity and integrity were concentrated in one man. Everything feels so much colder.
  Chris loved you all. How much he loved other people filled the vast majority of our conversations. To those of you who truly loved him back, thank you. To those of you who stayed in touch, checked on him, reminded him that he was so, so much more than his job, you were the fuel of his fight. You fed the dreams of a future that kept him going longer than any normal person could go.
  Chris, I miss your face. I miss your voice. I miss your hugs and I cannot even begin to comprehend that I will never walk in a doorway again and hear "Hey, beautiful girl." I miss being your girl. I miss you. I was always one half of Krystal and Chris. I don't want to be Krystal, but I will do my damndest to try and see what you saw in me, and try to be what the world saw in you.
  I hope that wherever you are, the first thing you did was take a long, deep breath with your perfect lungs and danced again. I hope you saw a lot of people and animals that I know you missed so deeply. I hope it has all of the horror movies, lots of blackened shrimp and candy, and a giant Doctor Who store.
  I know a lot of people reading this will ask "is there anything I can do?" Please be more like Chris. Please, if you learned anything from him, put it in this world. It needs him. Please fill it with love and laughter, always.
  "When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun."
  Chris Ayres was best known to a generation of anime fans for playing Frieza first in Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Super, as well as in the anime films Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' and Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
  In-between the anime releases, he also voiced Frieza in the video game franchise from 2010 to 2018, across multiple releases. Prior to his career-defining casting in Dragon Ball Z, he was known for playing roles across many Funimation and ADV licenses such as Saint Seiya, Mezzo DSA, Gantz, Speed Grapher, Fairy Tail, Black Butler and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, along with his most recent anime roles in Gintama: The Movie and Sengoku Basara: The Last Party. Ayres also frequently acted as ADR Director and scriptwriter for many other series, as well. 
  Ayres dealt with health issues throughout his career, before undergoing a lung transplant as a result of being diagnosed with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 2017. He is survived by his partner Krystal La Porte, his brother and fellow voice actor Greg Ayres, and his mother.
By: Humberto Saabedra
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dmcofficial · 3 years
hey what order are you meant to play dmc in? I saw some shit about that?
honestly it's up to personal preference? ill answer this assuming you know little to nothing just in case?
dmc has, obviously, a release order: 1, (2, a game people tend to dismiss for... several reasons, though is considered canon), 3, 4, (dmc: devil may cry is between 4 and 5 here but 100% not canon at all, not the same universe) and 5!
BUT dmc is one of those series with a nonchronological narrative— the timeline is out of order when you play it sorted by release, though it does lend itself to the suspense when you don't have an idea of what, or who, the surprise may be when playing it release order. there’s pros and cons to both ways!
the (canon as of a capcom producer in 2019) timeline order is devil may cry 3, followed by 1, 2, 4, and 5.
and, if that's your thing and you're hungerin' for more, there's extra stuff! under the cut bc you’d be surprised at the number of side content, canon and non
hope this helped/answered your question!
THE ART BOOKS!!!! the art books are so cool, there’s a lot of insight into the development process for the characters and locations and level building, along with bits and scraps of lore and worldbuilding that there just isnt space for in the actual game. VERY fun, a lot of it connected to the gallery in dmc5 and the like, though a lot arent translated or available outside of japan.
the anime, which dmc5 made canon to the games, which takes place between 1 and 2 and explain the cameos of two characters in dmc5
a there’s a manga, devil may cry 5: visions of v, that follows one of the protag’s journey into dmc5 and the kick off of the plot that’s very beautifully drawn and very much worth reading! 
japanese light novel called devil may cry 5: before the nightmare that's been summary-translated, taking place/connecting the year(s) gap of time between 4 and 5, giving a more thorough explanation as to how one of the protags met a character introduced in dmc5, different pre-game POVs, wrapping up a few loose ends from dmc4
more light novels: one for dmc1 that’s considered semi-canon, one for dmc2 i know absolutely nothing about, and two for dmc4 called devil may cry 4: deadly fortune, which expands more on the game but is also considered semi-canon as it’s got contradictory material lmao
there’re also stage plays! two of them, one of them a crossover with sengoku basara and one of them an og story set after dmc1, devil may cry: the live hacker! dont know much about the crossover, but the second one ran recently, ending just before the release of dmc5!
another manga, this time for devil may cry 3! set pregame, though it was never completed. ive never read it all the way through, but everything ive seen is great
there’s two audio drama CDs! dont know much about them other than they take place around the time the anime does aka somewhere after dmc1 and presumably around dmc2.
there’s also about an actual bakers dozen (and change) of mobile games and devil may cry themed pachinko machines for all those pachinko fans out there. (its me, im the pachinko fan.)
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Some Tweets Remember Keiji Fujiwara
Keiji Fujiwara died of cancer at the age of 55. The news was devastating for the seiyuu community. Many seiyuu are remembering and looking back on their times with Fujiwara and the impact he made on them. A lot of anime I’ve watched wouldn’t have been the same without Fujiwara. From Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood to Dr. Stone, he shaped a lot of characters that I look back and smile thinking about. 
The following were all translated by @granblue_en on Twitter.
Takuya Eguchi
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Kaori Nazuka
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Tetsuya Fukuhara (creative director, Granblue Fantasy)
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Emiri Katou
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Yuuki Ono
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Madoka Yonezawa
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Tomoyo Kurosawa
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Koichi Haruta (former producer)
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Minoru Shiraishi
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Yuuichi Nakamura
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[original tweet | translation source]
The following were translated by lig0schndr on Reddit
Ayana Taketatsu
Tomokazu Seki
Megumi Ogata
Mariya Ise
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Showtaro Morikubo
Marina Inoue
Romi Park
Natsuki Hanae
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Kazuhiko Inoue
Yuki Kaji
Hiroki Yasumoto
Jouji Nakata
Katsuyuki Konishi
Shouta Aoi
Kensho Ono
Noriko Hidaka
Rie Tanaka
Kikuko Inoue
Ami Koshimizu
Megumi Han
Arisa Komiya
Ryotaro Okiayu
Kenjiro Tsuda
Nozomi Yamamoto
Kanako Kondo
Haruka Kudo
Hitomi Harada
Miyu Tomita
Wataru Hatano
Atsushi Abe
Suzuko Mimori
Atsuko Tanaka
Aya Suzaki
Sayaka Ohara
Asami Imai
Daisuke Hirakawa
Hikaru Akao
Yui Ishikawa
Toa Yukinari*
Kotono Mitsuishi*
Nobuhiko Okamoto (blog)
Nana Mizuki (blog)
Toshiyuki Morikawa (blog)
Satoshi Hino (blog)
Tatsuhisa Suzuki (blog)
Chie Nakamura (blog)*
* not translated
Taketatsu Ayana (Taketatsu and Fujiwara both voiced characters in Dagashi Kashi and co hosted a series of bonus videos released with the Blu-rays of the series)
Fujiwara Keiji-san.
When we had a photograph session together for a TV show, even though you said, "I'm shy, so I can't really talk much," after the session started and I was nervous you kindly threw me a lifeline and chatted with me a lot, and even at live events and such you've saved me so much.
I wanted to spend more time with you.
I wanted to thank you directly.
Seki Tomokazu (Seki and Fujiwara both voiced characters for the same series several times including PSYCHO-PASS, Sengoku BASARA, and Hajime no Ippo)
The way you looked when you came to the studio with your script sticking out of your back pocket was so cool, and I often copied you. When we went to karaoke together, I would put on a song that had a video of your acting as a prank and put you in a bind so many times. I wanted to play around with you again. This feels too soon... Fujiwara-san. Truly, thank you for everything.
Ogata Megumi
I've had the honor of working with you on various, many sets but... my strongest impression, is actually not from an anime, but from the drama CD "Radical Hospital".
Dr. Sakaki... Please say it's a joke like you always do...?
Fujiwara Keiji-san. Truly, thank you for everything. Please rest peacefully.
Ise Mariya (Ise and Fujiwara both voiced main characters in HUNTER X HUNTER, and Ise references Fujiwara's role as Leorio in this tweet)
What I remember is His white shirt and the sunglasses he wore His gallant figure standing before the microphone His bashful smile when having friendly conversations His stylish behavior when everyone goes drinking Both his voice and his acting were so cool Everything about him was wonderful
Keiji-san really felt like Leorio to me I have so many pleasant and fun memories Thank you so much
Shimazaki Nobunaga
Fujiwara Keiji-san, I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Morikubo Showtaro
The tears won't stop.
Inoue Marina
His voice, his acting, his smile, I loved them all.
Park Romi (Park and Fujiwara both voiced important characters in Fullmetal Alchemist)
He just recovered...
Be it with Hagane, or Muji, or FA he was everyone's older brother...
He truly was Lieutenant Colonel Hughes.
Early Far too early...
Kei-chan You fought hard against what ailed you... Please rest well...
Your casual comments Even now I treasure.
Tonight I honor you...
I pray you rest in peace...
Notes: I'm not positive, but I believe in regards to the second line
"Hagane" likely refers to the first airing of Fullmetal Alchemist in 2003 that used the title 「鋼の錬金術師」 (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi).
"Muji" seems like it refers to Zoids, the first Zoids anime series that is often referred to colloquially as "Muji Zoids", "No Label Zoids", to differentiate it from other Zoid series. In this series, Fujiwara voiced Irvine, a main supporting character and older brother figure to the main characters.
"FA" likely refers to the second airing of Fullmetal Alchemist in 2009 that used the titled 「鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST」 and thus is sometimes referred to as "FA".
Hanae Natsuki
This is too sad...
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
My heart aches... The words won't come out...
Inoue Kazuhiko
Eh, Fujiwara Keiji... No way. It's too early. I remembered well the times we worked together in the studio. It's too early. I'm so saddened.
Kaji Yuuki (Kaji and Fujiwara both voiced characters for the same series several times including Magi and Shingeki no Kyojin)
Keiji-san. I wanted to talk with you more. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I had a father like you, if I could become a man like you, that kind of stuff, always, I thought to myself... I should have told you so. I wanted to talk with you more. I'm full of regret. I want to see you.
Yasumoto Hiroki
Words don't suffice. He was cool. Truly. We had talked about him visiting my place and drinking some unopened wine.
Nakata Jouji First tweet, and reply
He was shy and gave off the impression that he didn't like superficial relationships, but when I tried talking to him he replied with a bashful smile, that's what I recall. When I heard he returned to work and was doing independent work, I thought on my own that he was doing well, but... You must have had it hard, huh. However, you weren't the kind of person to say that out loud... You stayed true to yourself until the very end. I pray for you.
I wanted to meet with you and talk with you again.
Konishi Katsuyuki
No way. When I was a fledgling, because his place was in the neighborhood he invited me for a meal, and I was really happy about that. I wanted to meet with you again.
Shouta Aoi
I can no longer meet you again. By all means, I wanted to meet you again.
Just how much encouragement I received from the acting of that wonderful voice I grew accustomed to hearing from a young age.
From now on and always that wonderful voice of yours will remain in our hearts and ears.
Thank you for all the wonderful times you gave us.
Ono Kensho
Fujiwara Keiji-san. He really is cool, and he is someone I look up to. We have the same birthday, and on my own I felt like we had an affinity... I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Hidaka Noriko
I thought I could meet you again someday at the studio, truly unfortunate.
Thank you for everything. Please rest in peace...
Tanaka Rie
Fujiwara Keiji-san...
The last time we met was during the recording for the Granblue Fantasy game...
I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Inoue Kikuko
Kei-chan, I'm so sad.
You fought against illness for a long time... You truly gave it your all. Please rest well in heaven.
I won't forget your shy, bashful, and kind smile.
Koshimizu Ami (Koshimizu and Fujiwara both voiced important characters in Eureka 7, and Koshimizu references her role as Anemone and Fujiwara's role as Holland in this tweet, as well as Tsujitani Kouji who voiced Dewey Novak in Eureka 7 and passed away in 2018)
Dewey and Holland, please stay a little longer.
I want you to stay. I wanted you to stay.
If you're not there, we can't fly freely...
Because you were there, we were able to live freely.
Thank you but I still don't want to say goodbye.
Sorry that Anemone is like this. If I could say one selfish thing please come back...
Han Megumi (Han and Fujiwara both voiced main characters in HUNTER X HUNTER, and Han references Fujiwara's role as Leorio in this tweet)
Just last night, during HUNTER's rebroadcast, we just saw off Leorio as he departed for his trip, Fujiwara-san.
Family and comrade, always thinking of his friends and a warm man, a perfect fit, my beloved senpai.
Always with the message title "Miss lovely forehead"
Forever, and ever...
Arisa Komiya
Fujiwara Keiji-san. I had the honor of working with you for 1 year on Go-Busters, you were always so cool on set, it was my first dubbing experience and I learned so much from you. I wanted to work with you again. I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Ryotaro Okiayu
I participated in "Hoshi Koe" at the Saitama venue last year, and you attended, Fujiwara-san.
I read your letters.
The last time I met you was back stage there.
It had been several years before then.
That's how it goes.
Thanks so much for everything.
Note: Hoshi Koe is the name of a series of events held in Japan by AIR AGENCY, a talent management and production company founded by Fujiwara Keiji in 2006.
Kenjiro Tsuda
His white shirt His light colored sunglasses His cynical smile His casual way of walking into the studio His unshaven face His still shadow at Planetarium His husky voice His retreating figure as he left His appearance in a coat when he slowly spoke in his last moments
was cool
Thank you so much
Note: Planetarium is likely also referencing Hoshi Koe, which was held at planetariums in various cities in Japan.
Yamamoto Nozomi
We acted together for the first time in UN-GO, and a while later when I greeted you at another set, you remembered me, saying, "I've met you before, right?" After that, when on the set for Utawarerumono you noticed my Ironman iPhone case and chatted with me, I was truly happy about each and every thing. I pray that you rest in peace.
Kondo Kanako
I can't believe it. I really liked your cool roughness. Fujiwara-san. I pray that you rest in peace.
Kudou Haruka
Is it because of the air pressure that my head hurts, or because I cried too much that my head hurts, I can't sort out my feelings. However, more than these sad feelings, I want to say so many times, "thank you."
We were together for my seiyuu debut work "Honey and Clover", and from there with "Noein" and "DEATH NOTE", our work together continued. I didn't know my right hand from my left, and you gave me so much advice.
On set you always spoiled me, listening to my trivial chatter with a smile.
I entered college, and even when I cut off all ties to the industry up to that point and distanced myself from work, every half a year you would send me a message asking "Are you doing all right?"
I entered my fourth year of college, and when I said to you, "I want to return to work!" you got a little angry, but you earnestly heard me out. Even though I caused trouble to a lot of people, you saying "Welcome Back!" with a smile has always supported me.
4 years after returning to work, when I was worried that I wasn't doing as well as I had hoped, you said "It'll be all right!" and gave me a push on the back, and I was able to move forward.
I really have been spoiled by you for so so long.
You taught me so many things, I couldn't hope to write them all out. About acting, about movies, about novels, about life.
Even now I still have the novel I received from you right on my bookshelf. From now on, every time I watch a Kubrick or Victor Erice movie, I feel I will remember you.
The fact that there will no longer be replies to my messages, and the fact that I can no longer see you, really really make me sad, but you will always be in my heart. It's all right. I'm an adult now, too. I want to become an adult like you, someone who is loved by many, and someone who can guide others.
Thank you so much.
Harada Hitomi (Harada and Fujiwara both voiced characters for Senran Kagura, and Harada references Fujiwara's role as Kiriya in this tweet)
Keiji-san. Kiriya-sensei.
I've been helped, so much by you. Thank you so much.
Tomita Miyu
Fujiwara Keiji-san, I had the honor of acting together with you for the first time in Kotobuki Hikoutai. Warm, and yet mischievous, I truly loved acting with that voice of yours.
I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Hatano Wataru
Fujiwara Keiji-san. Across various works, I've been in your debt. When you called me for "Hoshi Koe", I was really happy. The warm advice from a senpai I look up to, and the smile after a recording session. I couldn't possibly forget. I pray that you rest in peace.
Abe Atsushi
I've been in your debt since when I debuted. I see... We can't act together anymore...
Mimori Suzuko
I'm thankful that I had the honor of working on the same set as you. Thank you so much.
Tanaka Atsuko
It's a sad sunset...
Suzaki Aya
I'm truly saddened.
Ohara Sayaka
It's a lie
Imai Asami
Hirakawa Daisuke
Keiji-san... Keiji-san... I'm so sad... I want to see you... Keiji-san...
Hirakawa Daisuke
Akao Hikaru (Akao and Fujiwara both voiced characters for Back Street Girls, and Akao references this in this tweet)
I'm still in disbelief even after a new day has dawned and I can't quite get the right words. I feel like a hole opened up in my heart. Since I was young through anime you showed me this fun world and as a member of Gokudols, I looked forward to the day I could meet you again.
I pray that you rest well.
Ishikawa Yui (Ishikawa and Fujiwara both voiced characters for Shingeki no Kyojin, and Ishikawa references Fujiwara's role as Hannes in this tweet)
[Yui] That voice that I heard so many times when I was a child. Shingeki's Hannes-san was also, rough, cool, and warm... I loved him. Fujiwara Keiji-san, I pray that you rest in peace.
I wanted to act together with you more.
Thank you so much...
I pray that you rest in peace.
Okamoto Nobuhiko
Title: I'm sorry
I was planning to talk about trust and play today, but I hope you'll allow me to do that tomorrow.
I had the honor of doing my first radio show with him. When I was unable to speak well, he laughed at me. When we were recording for the Ao no Exorcist movie and from the start all I was capable of was shouting, he laughed at me. When I kept wearing the same clothes on the set of To Aru, he laughed at me. When I look back on things, it might have been sarcastic laughing, but I only remember the figure of him laughing. And, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.
His appearance as an actor, the way he thought about and interpreted the script, what he brought forth, I received so much encouragement and experience from him.
Keiji-san, Truly, truly, thank you so much. I really I love you.
Thank you for everything.
I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
The radio show Okamoto references I believe is "Sorairo Radio", a radio show promoting the anime "Sola" that aired from 2007/3/30 to 2007/7/27 for 19 episodes. During the month of July Okamoto and Fujiwara co-hosted the show.
Okamoto and Fujimura voiced Okamura Rin, the protagonist, and Fujimoto Shiro, Rin's adoptive father, respectively in Ao no Exorcist.
Okamoto and Fujimura voiced Accelerator, a main supporting character, and Kihara Amata, something of a mentor figure to Accelerator, respectively in To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Mizuki Nana
Title: The carnation that arrived at my house 2 weeks ago ☆
At my last place, even plants said to be robust I ended up letting die (>_<) However, ever since I started living at my new place my plants have been really lively! My care for flowers especially has gotten better! Proper ventilation and sunlight really are important after all (laugh)
I found out about Fujiwara Keiji passing away. I had the honor of working together with him for various works, during my first public performance at Tokyo Dome he provided wonderful narration, and at the planetarium in my home prefecture I had the honor of performing together with him... Truly I was blessed with so many irreplaceable experiences. I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
The performance at Tokyo Dome is referencing NANA MIZUKI LIVE CASTLE 2011, a series of live concerts performed at Tokyo Dome by Mizuki Nana on 2011/12/3 and 2011/12/4. Fujiwara provided narration for a short film called PLANETARIUM "Princess Nana of the Heavens" (PLANETARIUM「天界の奈々姫」) which was shown during the concert on both days.
The performance at the planetarium is referencing when Fujiwara and Mizuki co-starred in a Hoshi Koe performance held on 2016/4/24 at the Matsuyama City General Community Center Cosmo Theater. Matsuyama is the capital of the Ehime Prefecture, and Mizuki Nana was born in Niihama, Ehime. Mizuki had also made two blog posts about enjoying rehearsing for the event with Fujiwara and celebrating the successful completion of the event.
Morikawa Toshiyuki
Title: Fujiwara Keiji-san...
Fujiwara Keiji-san... I pray you rest in peace.
It's too sudden. My mind is a mess. Even though I'm someone who works at my own pace... ... Right now, I'm overcome with feelings of loss.
From the time when I was a newcomer, we've been walking together through the ages for over 30 years. As an actor, and as a president, you were truly a friend... Since you were young you were shy and cool, overflowing with chivalry, an existence that even men were charmed by that is "Fujiwara Keiji"
..., It's so painful... the words won't come out. I'm sorry.
I feel that you really must have had it tough fighting against your illness. Now, please rest well.
And, the letters you sent me I will always cherish.
Morikawa Toshiyuki
Hino Satoshi
Title: Keiji-san...
Keiji-san... It's a lie, right...? It's a joke, right...?
This... is too sad...
Keiji-san as a person, as a man, as an actor, you were someone who I respected from the bottom of my heart.
Everything about you was cool, you were someone I admired.
I wanted to learn more and more about various things from you.
Even now I clearly remember the time when on the set of the anime "Shakugan no Shana," as the role of the father, Kantarou, you kindly covered up for and accepted my terrible acting.
Keiji-san, "Dad, thank you so much for everything up to now"
While reflecting on each and every thing I learned from you, I will devote myself towards the sake of the future of the seiyuu industry.
I pray you rest in peace.
Note: Hino and Fujimura voiced Sakai Yuuji, the protagonist, and Sakai Kantarou, Yuuji's father, respectively in Shakugan no Shana.
Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Title: Letter
I hate the idea of something getting overshadowed without anyone knowing about it, so I will write about it here.
Since we first met when I was 19, I've been in your debt for a long time. Since before we started having work together, you'd hear out my concerns and give me advice, and go along with my selfish requests to take me along for drinks. Even though you'd always say, "Waddaya want now, Tattsun," you'd always keep your promises. Whenever we met at the studio you'd always be giving off a pleasant, lazy mood. When you were the sound director you'd say things like "Tattsun, you're the only person I can ask for this," things that I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not. It's only now that I can say this, but I took you seriously every time, and every time I was seriously happy you asked me. The fact that you said those things to me.
Sometimes I'd tell you about how people say that our voices or our acting are similar, and even though you'd reply by saying stuff like, "What? That's gross," behind your sunglasses I could see that the look in your eyes always softened happily. I like chatting in the smoking area, so anytime I'd spot you I'd head straight there. When you'd say, "Yo!" to me, it was a little embarrassing, but I was always happy you did.
I won't talk about acting. That's something I'll keep locked away in my heart.
I know you had it tough. However, I stopped talking about it. Since you hate that.
All I can remember, is you always saying, "Yo! Tattsun," every time you saw me. Gimme a break, let me remember something else, too.
Thank you for always listening to my selfish requests. Thank you for always listening to both my trivial ramblings and my serious talks.
I always thought you were an annoyingly cool old man. You were always the best. You were always the strongest.
Everything about you is cool. So I envy you.
When I go over there, I'm gonna have a ton of stories for you. Before I do, please make sure to find some good sake and tobacco over there. It might take a while, but I'm definitely going to have, a ton I want to talk to you about.
It's about time I wrapped things up. This is a letter that will never be read by its recipient, after all, so there's no point in going on for too long.
Let's meet again with a smile. Anytime, anywhere.
With love.
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princess-sengoku · 4 years
Sengoku Basara vs Devil Kings comparison
I may or may not have referenced the differences of the first basara game and then it's localized version Devil Kings. I got Sengoku Basara hd collection a few days ago and I'm happy and playing all three games. Capcom made a lot of changes to make it for localized audiences.
Most of the characters look the same
Still hack and slash fun
Most weapons and items have same properties as listed
Stages and it's special conditions haven't changed
Sengoku Basara had bright colors and manga style character select screen, Devil Kings had darker hues like Devil may cry and used character models shown in game
Basara had 16 characters playable, Devil Kings had 12 and unlocking was different for each character
Items look different to try to take out japanese references from Basara
Basara is gained on any hit, Devil Kings fury (the replacement for basara) had to be gained by priming enemies and then hitting them
Devil kings had priming to weaken enemies, Basara did not
Enemies seem to hit harder and a lot more in Devil Kings than in Basara but that's more of my opinion
Again my opinion, you kill enemies slower in Devil Kings than in Basara
Rewards for Devil Kings were different in Basara. Weapons in Basara on japanese normal difficulty (which is easy difficulty in Devil Kings by the way) were possible 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th weapon and upgrade them, Devil Kings had 1st and 2nd weapon and upgrade
Some music was cut in Devil Kings and some music was cut in Basara hard to know which ones though
Devil Kings menu had a demo video to show you how to play and controls, Basara did not
The designs of the country were different, Basara was Japan and Devil Kings was a made up country/world
Devil Kings skills for characters either one became their priming move or cut a few moves for each character. Still can apply two skills per character but held down a button then either square or triangle to activate so my calculations technically you can use three skills in battle. One prime, two other. Basara also two skills per character per battle but no other skill and they can be switched by a press of a button.
This is what I witnessed in changes wise in between both of them. If there's anything I missed let me know.
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queen-of-hoshido · 5 years
So.... Sengoku Basara vs. Devil May Cry
I'm only 26 mins in the play but the only thing that's bothers me is that Mitsunari isn't here. I could pay anything to have my 2 Capcom-white haired-katana wielders husbandos in the same stage play/game
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nekkyousagi · 6 years
Clips from Butai Sengoku Basara Stage Play: Honnoji Temple ~ 2016
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gear-project · 5 years
What do you think of the recent BBTAG Stuff? 1. Naoto K., Teddie and Seth being added. 2. Arcana Heart being the 5th fate (along with Heart Aino). 3. No new RWBY characters :-(. 4. The light blue 6th fate. Which franchise do you think it is? P.S. What are you thoughts on Amy Sorel being the 3rd DLC fighter in Soul Calibur 6?
1. Naoto K. will be a nice addition because he can then pair up with Naoto S. for TWICE the NAOTO, Kurogane and Shirogane aw yeah! 
Teddie seems like a good match to Platinum if you like Random Item characters.  I’m especially looking forward to playing as Kurogane because of how simplified his playstyle will become in BBTag (he was unwieldy in Central Fiction, my poor wrists, lol).
Seth will definitely be fun alongside characters like Hibiki Kohaku if he ever gets added to the roster.  Seth also fits well with Izayoi and Blake.
2. Arcana Heart seems like an interesting addition (though I kinda predicted they’d use them since ARCSys helped produce the game).  I kinda hope Fiona Mayfield makes the roster as a result of this as she was a fun character for me to use when I did play AH3 a while back.
3. No new RWBY characters… “YET”! RWBY just finished Season 6, so we might possibly get Time-skip characters for all you know!  Let me also add that since ARCSys is working with Roosterteeth, they could throw in other surprise characters if we’re lucky!  I am personally hoping for team JNPR to make an appearance, though patience is a virtue.
4. My thoughts are that the 6th Fate could be either:Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star, the ARCSys fighting game)Sengoku Basara Cross (Capcom Crossover fighting game also produced by ARCSys)
Million Arthur Arcana Blood (same guys who made Arcana Heart Series).
Someone also suggested Dengeki Bunko, but that involves Sega, so we’ll have to wait and see.
Also, on the subject of the 6th fate… while you SEE six, I see Nine fates… just saying!  That’s the possibility of the AZURE!
I’m also hoping Arakune and Susanoo make the cut as well (haters go hate somewhere else!)
5. While I’m not a huge fan of Amy, personally, I look forward to the content she brings to character creation!  I happen to make a lot of original female characters (which I haven’t actually shown many people), so you could very well see more OCs of mine in the future as more DLC content is added!
We also seem to be getting Soul Calibur 1-5 music as a bonus, so it’s a nice touch.  I also hope to see more stages in the future as well.
And… here’s hoping that not only Amy, but also her counterpart Viola makes an appearance (as an alternate fighting style). As Viola’s theme was playing (showing her crystal ball) during Amy’s trailer!
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kazesuke · 6 years
Nighshade Stage Play
Not sure if the information is out there but I took a look through the cast list and found some plays they’ve already been in (that might be recognisable - just because there’s nothing listed doesn’t mean they’ve not been in anything) + Japanese wikipedia links + agency profiles where possible! 
I can’t wait for this - ironically the only actor I know is the guy playing Hanzo, who’s my faaaave
Gekkamaru Furuya Yamato (Citron A3! Stage) Wikipedia Profile
Ueno Enju Hanafusa Rie In a band called elfin Wikipedia Profile
Momochi Choujirou Yamaguchi Daichi (Date Masamune, Sengoku Basara 2014) (kirie, OZMAFIA! Stage) Wikipedia Profile
Kuroyuki Itokawa Youjirou (Titanium, SHOW BY ROCK) (Seijūrō Akashi, Kuroko’s Basketball Stage) Wikipedia
Mikumo Kyara Tsuji Miyuu In the same band as Hanafusa Rie Wikipedia Profile
Ishikawa Goemon Ogasawara Ken (Sanada Genichirou, Tenimyu 2nd Season) (Oda Nobunaga, Ikemen Sengoku THE STAGE) (Mitsukake, Fushigi Yuugi Musical 2018) Wikipedia
Yamakura Ennosuke Sakaguchi Waku Wikipedia Profile
Kasumi Hayano Kaoru (Heroine, Ikemen Sengoku THE STAGE) Wikipedia Profile
Tokugawa Ieyasu Takeishi Gorô Wikipedia Profile
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Midorikawa Riku (???, Ikemen Sengoku THE STAGE Sanada Yukimura) Wikipedia
Ishida Mitsunari Amano Naotaka (Ishida Mitsunari, Ikemen Sengoku THE STAGE ~ Oda Army VS Pirate Motonari Mori) Wikipedia Profile
Yodo-dono Mochizuki Keina Profile
Maeda Gen’i Wada Atsuki Profile
Hattori Hanzo Hashimoto Zenitsu (Zoro, Tokyo One Piece Tower) (Hisagi Shuuhei, Bleach Musical Mou Hitotsu no Chijou) (Mitsuhida Akechi, Ikemen Sengoku THE STAGE - Oda Nobunaga) Wikipedia
Ueno Kandou Kasahara Ryuji Wikipedia Profile
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Or at least, most of it.
Hi, humans and oni, all fans of Hakumyu. This morning I woke up with a Twitter notification telling me that the official Hakumyu Twitter had posted something, and the tweets bore the long-awaited information: THE CAST!!!
It's my first time experiencing a cast reveal since I started watching Hakumyu, so I was really looking forward to it!!!!
Mizuki Umetsu (梅津瑞樹) is Kazue Souma
26 years old, his Twitter is @MizukiUmetsu, and he's been in Musical Touken Ranbu.
Risa Matsuzaki (松崎莉沙) is the new Chizuru Yukimura
She’s a member of Roys, a Japanese female duo chorus group. Her Twitter is @risadegozaimasu and she’s 23 years old.
Hidetoshi Kubota (久保田秀敏) is Toshizo Hijikata
He’s had roles in films and Tenimyu before. He's 32 years old and his Twitter is @kubotahidetoshi.
Shogo Yamazaki (山﨑晶吾) is back as Souji Okita!!
27 years old, his Instagram is @yamazakishogo, and he first appeared in Hakumyu in Shitan Hijikata-hen!
Shoichiro Oomi (大海将一郎) is Hajime Saito
I can't find much info about him in English, and in Anime News Network they only mention three previous roles. His Twitter is @shoichiro_oomi. According to said Twitter, he's been in the Hitman Reborn stage.
Both Yutas, Yuta Higuchi (樋口裕太) and Yuta Kishimoto (岸本勇太) are back as Heisuke Todou and Shinpachi Nagakura!
Their first Hakumyu was Shitan Hijikata-hen.
Yuta Higuchi is 24 and he won a Junon Superboy contest (Most Photogenic) and according to Anime on Stage he's been in other myus/stage plays, like Ensemble Stars and Yona of the Dawn. His Twitter is @higuchi24yuta.
About Yuta Kishimoto, he's been in the Hypnosis Mic stage and his Twitter is @YUTA_KISHIMOTO.
Shouta Kawakami (川上将大) is Sanosuke Harada
He's been in Tenimyu, Rice on stage, and Touken Ranbu, among others. His Twitter is @rjpmission.
Teruma (輝馬) is back as Keisuke Sannan!
Sannan since Hakumyu Reimeiroku, he's been in Kuromyu (William T Spears) and Tenimyu. His Twitter is @teruma_0606.
I'm really happy to see this! I still prefer Ryosuke Mikata, but he's showed that he deserves the role, so I hope he stays in Hakumyu for the years to come!
Taizo Shiina (椎名鯛造) is back as Susumu Yamazaki!
First appeared in Shitan Hijikata-hen, and he's been in Sengoku Basara and Danganronpa stage plays, among others. His Twitter is @TaizoShiina.
And last but certainly not least, Taira Imata (井俣太良) is back again as Isami Kondou!!!
Best dad since Okita-hen (second Hakumyu) and by this point, everyone's senpai, what else can be said about this man??? If you've watched any Hakumyu other than Saito-hen, you already know him. Great man and actor, he's 44 and his Twitter is @TAIRANT1975.
This is everything for now, here you have a link for the tweet in case you want to check sth yourself and I'll be making another big post when the rest of the cast gets announced or when we get pictures of the cast in their costumes.
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