#senna osker
redwayfarers · 1 year
Picking your battles, and how it can go wrong
Fandom: Wayfarer IF Ship: Cassander/Senna Characters: Cassander Inteus (OC), Senna Osker (OC) Words: 1447 Rating: Gen (with mentions of injury) Summary: It was supposed to be just a harmless, little trip to Covera.
Author’s note: I’m not entirely sure this is 100% how Cass got his scar. But it’s an idea I expanded, liked what I’d written, and decided to post. Huge thanks to @melusinedreams for suggesting Senna in the first place. A good chunk of my ideas were polished in chats and conversations with her, especially where Cass is concerned. Love you <3
It happened so fast. One moment they’re making their way through crowded Coveran streets, another someone screams something from an alleyway and Cass’ yelling at someone and before Senna can even properly react, he’s pressing a gloved hand to his face and drawing his sword. Senna’s heart wants to leap out of his chest as he reaches for the dagger on his belt, but before he can do anything, he finds that there’s no need to.
Cass has the offender at the tip of his sword, their weapon falls uselessly on the ground and he rises like a tower over them, terrifyingly still. The offender, a dark-haired human, shakes like a leaf. Crowd’s gathering around them with unsettled murmurs. Senna carefully sheathes his dagger and tries to calm his ragged breath.
“If you take that fucking dagger, this will get ugly,” Cass says evenly in Coveran, without breaking eye contact. His melodic accent doesn’t make the words less sharp. “And it doesn’t have to. I’m just trying to move through the city to my target destination. And the rest of you,” he suddenly turns towards the crowd, “fucking move it! This isn’t a show!”
“There’s weapons,” someone says. “And there’s blood–” 
There is, Senna thinks, there’s so much blood, angry, red, sliding down Cass’ cheek, blending into his hair and drenching the collar of his shirt. The sight of it drowns all else and he finds his voice just enough to say, “Cass. We need to go. Your face is–” 
“Hurts like a bitch and a half? Oh, absolutely. I can feel it.” Cass then kicks the dagger away. “But I have something to solve first.” He crouches to the human’s level. People shift and murmur and whisper and Senna thinks he can hear someone running away. “Who are you and why did you shout after me?”
“Cass,” Senna pleads, fixated on his bleeding face, “we need to go, someone’s called the guards I think!” 
“We’re innocent. They obviously attacked, not the other way around!” 
“But you yelled!” Senna’s eyes prickle with tears and his hands shake horribly with the urge to just grab him and run. But that’s more trouble than it’s worth and gods, he just wanted to get something for the forge– 
Then, footsteps on around the corner and the unmistakable colors of the guard uniforms, and Senna just takes a deep breath. He catches Cass by the collar and draws him up. “Now we just explain our situation and be done with it,” he says lowly, looking up. Cass’ height is sometimes very fucking ridiculous. Senna draws a kerchief from his pocket and presses it into Cass’ hands. 
Without any protests, thank the gods, Cass lifts it and brings it to the angry cut on his face, hissing when it touches the torn skin. The guards stare at them, but Senna lifts up a palm of peace, ignoring how sweaty it is.
“We’re coming, we’re coming,” Cass grits out. “And just so you know, the fucker attacked me first.” Senna shoots him a look and he looks away, tenderly pressing the kerchief to his cheek, all the while hissing like a rattled snake. 
And to think they just wanted to get things for the forge. 
It’s all cleared up, Senna thinks to the backdrop of a door loudly closing. He’s usually careful with doors, especially doors he’s paid for, and for the solemn memory of all the doors he broke when he lived with his parents in Covera and was made to fix. This door doesn’t get that consideration, however; the day’s been long and stressful as is and the bang of it gives him a frustrated, temporary relief. 
It’d been an angry, violent drunk, known for similar infractions before. The guards promised the night in the cells would help them learn the lesson, though nobody could really miss Cass’ suspicious glare at the sentence. It felt like a slap to the wrist, and it was for the most part, especially since they both caught onto one of them saying, in hushed tones, that this was more than enough for a Wayfarer. The only thing stopping Cass from biting was the bloody kerchief on his face.
Senna found it insulting too, but more than vengeance, he just wanted to go home. He just wanted to sleep. So with a smile that distinctly tasted of lemon, he thanked them and bid them goodbye. There were no stops before they found themselves in the room they’d rented for the night and with the loud banging of a closing door. 
“For fuck’s sake, this was–” 
“Sit.” Senna’s voice is made of steel. 
“I can–” 
“I said, sit.” Cass seems to deflate at that and walks the three small steps it takes to reach the old, wooden chair. Unlike Senna, he gingerly sits down and groans. From the corner of his eye, Senna watches him feel around the wound, inspecting it. The candlelight makes the small freckles on the extended tip of his ear bright.
Senna would laugh at his nose scrunching at the smell of alcohol if he found it in himself to let go of the annoyance in his body. “That,” he says pointedly instead, “was stupid as fuck, Cassander.” 
“Gods, not the full name. You’re really pissed now.” Cass sharply draws a breath when Senna starts cleaning the cut. It lines the entirety of his left cheekbone, strangely even, as if to accentuate how high it sits on his face. And it will most likely scar, but it’s not as bad as it looks.
“I’m not pissed, I’m just– What you did was dumb. What you should’ve done is just let them be. You heard what the guards said, they have a history of violent drinking, but no, you have to get in a confrontation. You have to get the guards on our asses.” Senna starts digging through the medicinal kit and unceremoniously digs out a surgical thread and needle. “And now I have to stitch you and you’re going to have a scar.” 
“You don’t have to stitch me, I can do it myself, for one,” Cass says and raises a hand. Senna’s fingers pinch tightly around the needle. He laughs nervously and curls a strand of hair around his finger. “But also, please calm down before you go anywhere near my face with that needle. And uh, that tone you’re using. It’s pissed.” 
“Debatable. For the needle, I mean.” Senna sighs. “But also, I guess I am pissed. Not for no reason though. Now let me finish my job here so I can finally say this day’s fucking over.”
Cass blinks and lowers his eyes. “Okay,” he says quietly and then tilts his head to the side to let him work. 
And Senna’s hands are gentle, for all his annoyance, as gentle as he can make them. He doesn’t talk, and Cass seems to prefer the silence too, and the stitching goes fairly fast, Senna doesn’t even notice it. And it’s only when a poultice sits in clashing with the red of Cass’ skin that Senna allows himself to sit on the other chair and plants his head on his arms. A burden falls off his shoulders and rolls down like a worn-down carpet. 
They stay like that for a while. 
“I’m sorry I made you worried,” Cass says suddenly. Senna opens his eyes. He sounds genuinely sorry. 
“I know you are,” he replies gently. 
“I’m reckless, selfish and violent. And angry, too. Like my mother is.” Cass continues, looking at his hands, and laughs mirthlessly. “I suppose I’m her son in every way. But I don’t think she cares about other people. And I, I just wanted to make sure you’re safe. I’m just–” 
Senna lifts his head and reaches out to grasp his wrist. “I’d just like it if you thought for a second before going combative,” he says quietly. “Not every fight’s worth having. Pick your battles. This drunk human we’ll never see again? Not worth it. I didn’t say anything about you being angry or selfish or violent. Hell, you’re a Wayfarer. Violence is part of the job.” 
“You’re right,” Cass blinks and looks away. “Pick your battles.” He lifts his free hand to touch the golden earring in his ear, Senna’s own craftsmanship. “I’m sorry, still. If there’s anything–”
Senna’s grip tightens on his wrist. “The thing we can do is go to bed,” he says softly. “Maybe bathe first, but most certainly get some sleep. It’s a new day tomorrow and gods know we’d both like to be done with this one.”
“I’d like that a lot, actually,” Cass replies. “Tomorrow really is a new day.” 
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redwayfarers · 8 months
Nero polls, Valentine's edition: who would YOU romance?
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redwayfarers · 9 months
nero's fanfic wrap-up 2023
key ocs of 2023: cassander inteus & nika perseis, and a whole host of other, lesser well known kiddos <3 most of the unpublished stuff is some exile drabbles and smut that i haven't posted yet (mostly cassmel) rip
fandoms: 4 total fics: 36 fics published: 31 fics unpublished: 5 words: 45,546
masterlist organized by fandoms
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
dictionary of everyday life - rating: gen - pairing: risha sero (@just-eyris-things) + aeran kellis
it's not good for the grieving to be alone - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aisanne bjornsdottir
just what friends do - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
ties that sever, ties that bind - rating: teen - characters: cassander inteus, theokleia inteus, aiantes inteus
overflowing - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
wayfarer week: view - rating: gen - characters: cassander inteus, thesor sereno
wayfarer week: alone - rating: gen - character: cassander inteus
wayfarer week: injury - rating: gen - characters: cassander inteus, amali sero, aeran kellis
wayfarer week: mentors - rating: gen - characters: thesor sereno, dayna sereno
wayfarer week: swords - rating: gen - pairing: honoria ionneon + rienna cenric (@just-eyris-things)
wayfarer week: flirt - rating: gen - pairing: valerian varyn + melchior larkspur
one of those days - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + melchior larkspur
picking your battles, and how it can go wrong - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + senna osker
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: thesor sereno + rhodarth nairan
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
a particularly nasty weed also known as wayfarer - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + senna osker
howlers and minstrels in the night - rating: gen - characters: nika perseis, ianera maliriq
does she like men with scars? - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + minfilia warde
to (kick your feet) strive but not to yield - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + minfilia warde
crisis he didn't ask for, but got anyway - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
cold nights in ishgard - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
(you) restless son - rating: mature - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
(you) restless son (continued) - rating: teen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
bridgerton au - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
'ajde bar noćas budi mi drug - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + hilda ware
a long, long line - rating: gen - pairing: swan ellis + orion quinn
absence - rating: gen - pairing: swan ellis + seven lawless
blood moon
safe - rating: gen - pairing: angelina jakovljević + farroq khan
night runs - rating: teen - pairing: cassander iodinnis + roe martin
the exile
setting the stage - rating: gen - pairing: alysannyra ainsaf + sabir du vaelas
two snakes, one bed - rating: explicit - pairing: cassander sero + nikke ivante
inside the gift horse's mouth - rating: gen - pairing: cassander sero + nikke ivante + sabir du vaelas
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redwayfarers · 2 years
the character name asks for Cass beloved? :D
My boooy <333 Here's a Cass for you
Tumblr media
01. Full name: Cassander Inteus
02. Best friend: Aeran! For better or for worse!
03. Sexuality: homoromantic bisexual
04. Favorite color: green :>
05. Relationship status: uhhh its complicated lets not go there
06. Ideal mate: accepting & open-minded, all the rest is very negotiable.
07. Turn-ons: Being pushed around, smooth-talkers, good hair.
08. Favorite food: Coveran street food :3
09. Crushes: Historically, Senna Osker (first ever bf), Aisanne (?), now Aeran and in the true sense of the word rn, Melchior.
10. Favorite music: Vestran folk music (and to a lesser extent, Vestran court music)
11. Biggest fear: Losing everyone he's ever loved and being alone.
12. Biggest fantasy: A loving, safe and comfortable environment and company.
13. Bad habits: Runs at the mouth. Cannot keep quiet for the life of him. Always makes some sort of noise.
14. Biggest regret: Scarring his younger sibling, Aftonio.
15. Best kept secrets: The true extent of emotional anguish he's going through and the root causes of it.
16. Last thought:
17. Worst romantic experience: I may have written in the discord once how he accidentally gifted his crush at the time flowers they were allergic to back when he was an apprentice. Yeah.
18. Biggest insecurity: Being too needy and too clingy, too emotional, simply too much for people to handle -> them leaving him
19. Weapon of choice: Sword (Shadowfall)
20. Role Model: Sero <3
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