#sent on 20230629
booasaur · 1 year
Hah, anon, one of the WN Discords I'm in last night blasted @everyone with the news and I have to tell you, I was shocked!
It definitely seems too good to be true! At first, I totally didn't read the whole thing and was like, it better not be a comic (forgetting that WN started off as a comic and so surely they would not hype up a return to it) or audio serial or whatever until someone pointed out he used the clapboard emoji at the end, so presumably it must be live action?
Through the rest of the day I've been seeing the articles and tweets from the actual crew and there's been so much back and forth, that he's been quite vague, that no deal can be made because of all the strike stuff, etc, but it feels like I already underestimated them when it came to the leadup to s2 when they were so strongly hinting at Avatrice and I was like, ah, well, it'll be a lot of subtext and then it was the whole text! So I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that there is something very strongly in the cards right now for some kind of live action return, a (possibly shortened season or a movie) to cap things off.
I will say, this is such enormous work from the fandom, to raise the kind of noise they did, especially as a f/f fandom and ESPECIALLY in this time of cancellations and overall turmoil in the media world. They should feel so vindicated and gratified.
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booasaur · 1 year
In regards of Warrior!:) The first three episodes are out from S3 on HBO Max!
Yep, as soon as I woke up, I checked different places for spoilers so I didn't spend all day anxious. I'm ready to watch now, starting ep 1, after just finishing what was an AMAZINGGGGGG penultimate ep of Deadloch. Busy TV day for me!
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booasaur · 1 year
I saw that FROM was renewed and thought of you. I hope you’re still enjoying it and that the finale didn’t kill anyone you like lol
Oh, wow! Just yesterday I saw an article about how it hadn't been renewed yet and was surprised because I thought it'd been unexpectedly popular. And then I got worried because it really needs more answers. Thanks for thinking of me!
Also, yes, the character I'd been worried about did indeed survive, surprisingly! She and her fiancee didn't get much screentime in the finale but any survival in circumstances like this fortifies me for the next potential death.
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booasaur · 1 year
DO NOT read until you finish Warrior episode 3
But the vineyard got attacked 😭 They had some really cute and romantic moments! Lai and her two moms were adorable! But there were major red flags everywhere! As soon as Ah Toy told Ah Sahm she could imagine a future with Nellie, my anxiety skyrocketed. The vineyard was their safe space to be together, until Douglas Dickhead barged in. He’s still salty that he got rejected by Nellie, a bonafide lesbian. Nellie telling him their land isn’t for sale was so good! God, that fight was so fucking brutal! We got to see Shotgun Nellie in action! Ah Toy’s shoulder still not healed and they almost got her. That motherfucker with the whip! The girls saving Nellie and just massacring that one guy. Lai being badass too. But in the end, everything they’ve built is destroyed. I hope and pray they can get through this somehow.
And another anon:
Don't know if you've watched the first three episodes of Warrior yet? I know some of the write-ups for the season said Ah Toy gets revenge? Anyway, I'm fully behind whatever revenge she gets after what happened in ep. 3.
I finally finished the third ep! Oh my goodness... Their poor idyllic vineyard!
Okay, on the one hand, Nellie DID live and because this DOES seem the huge precipitating event for the rest of Ah Toy's season, if she survived this, it makes me more confident that she'll survive the rest of what's to come.
On the other hand, oof, while I'd rather take something like this a million times over the death of Nellie or Lai, because of the very reason that we now get 7 eps of actual plot and screentime and development to fix this, but ohhh, in a way, it did kill so much anyway. Their hope and peace and happiness, the chance of an innocent life for Lai, and I mean, it seems to have killed a bunch of women! And also, just, knowing they'll never fully be free, even if somehow they were able to rebuild all this, they'd just have to be on guard all the time.
And I doubt they will rebuild it, any time soon, anyway. It's heartbreaking that Ah Toy's giving in to moving out to Sonoma to be with Nellie was always a bit cautious and carrying a sense of being too good to be true and well, it was.
That fight was definitely brutal, though, and my girl immediately picking up the sword she was hesitant to back in Chinatown. I can't wait till she gets even! Just hope everyone else can survive that.
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