#seonhwi mentions
mctna modern au headcannon
Since the show is set in historical times, it’s safe to say that the ideals/norms of that society would somewhat apply to the characters. Hence our boys’ long flowing hair. This will be a long post focusing on that so fair warning.
If this were a research paper, I’d get yelled at for using wikipedia as my source but I think the info is well enough known for me to get away with it. 
Historically, East Asian cultures viewed long hair as a sign of youth and aesthetic beauty. Long hair is associated with private life and sexuality.
In ancient China and Korea, hair was regarded as a precious legacy from parents. Most people would never cut their hair after they became adults, and cutting off one's hair was a penalty for minor crimes.
Even today, South Korea is still a comparatively traditional and conservative society. Not to the same degree with hair however.
At about an hour before midnight on December 30, 1895, King Gojong became one of the first victims of reforms that were to take place on Jan. 1. The most troubling of these reforms was the edict that all Korean men were to have their top-knots removed.
In the late 19th century, the Korean empire under Japanese colonial rule had to go through many reforms- one of which was that men had to cut the very (long) hair that had for centuries held great traditional and social value. 
You’re probably wondering where all this is going. Here’s the bridge in reasoning: 
Hair length regulations have a long history in Korea. In the 1970s, President Park Chung Hee’s military regime viewed long hair as decadent, associated with the “hippie” lifestyle. There were strict rules regarding school attire and hair length, and the male students’ hairstyle was close to an army cut.
By the time my au is set in 2023, let’s assume that the mctna gang are the same relative age as WDH and YSJ in real life. Working with that timeline, Nam Jeon (and assuming that he would’ve been around 32 or so when Seon-ho was born) would definitely have been a skl boy around the 1970s following the same ideals. 
Basically, despite traditions going a complete 180, Nam Jeon is still someone who is greatly influenced by the idea of tradition and societal perception- especially when it comes to things that he expressly believes in. 
That’s why I think that in a modern au, he would’ve definitely forced Seon-ho to keep his hair short throughout his childhood and teenage years.  It’s only once Seon-ho goes off into the world on his own, trying to stay the hell away from Nam Jeon and anything related to him, he starts fighting back with the little things too. Once he completes his mandatory military service, the easiest and most blatant thing he can do at first is to start growing out his hair. So he does.
Despite having to do a lot of work on his own to support himself financially now [goddamnit Hwi just because I’m staying with you doesn’t mean I’m not gonna try to help pay for the extra groceries and added bills], he makes time to care for his hair and, after a while, he realises that it feels good to see something that he’s nurtured yield results. It becomes sort of like a project to him in the way that gardening might be for others and he genuinely enjoys it now.
At the point when our au starts in 2023, his hair is about three quarters as long as it was in canon and Hwi (who joined in on the long hair train cuz he’s just laid back and chill like that) now has a relatively long ponytail of his own.
Anyways, all that to say I think our boys would have long hair ;)
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rhysiana · 2 years
I used an orbiting metaphor in the Seonhwi MC:TNA lyric prompt I wrote a little while ago, and now I can't stop thinking about a space-y sci-fi AU for them.
One where Seon-ho has an emotion-dampening augment. Maybe it's "for work," maybe he got it black market, it doesn't matter; the main thing is that it was made very clear he should use it sparingly. Ideally only a few hours at a time, a few days at most.
Definitely not for months on end.
The less said about the job that goes wrong and leaves him stranded in the middle of space in a single-person ship with dwindling capacity the better. He doesn't remember a lot of the immediate aftermath anyway.
By the time Hwi finds him (and how did Hwi find him? no one should have known where he was, but he won't say), the life support systems are at their limit, but the worst part for Seon-ho, the only part he's really aware of, is that his augment has run out of adjustment chem.
The weight of everything he'd been refusing to feel for so long crashing down on him at once was too much and he's nearly catatonic when Hwi pulls him out.
Seon-ho wakes up in the tiny med bay of Hwi & Yeon's little salvage ship disoriented and with tears on his face. Yeon is wiping them away gently and it looks like she's been there for a while. He's angrily mortified, but they won't stop.
"You're awake!" she says, sounding happier about it than anyone he can remember being around in years. "Don't move. Stay here. Let me get Hwi." She shoots him a look on her way out like she expects to see him leaping up anyway, but he's too exhausted to even consider it.
"Seon-ho," Hwi says as he enters, looking both warm and worried in a way Seon-ho has been specifically avoiding for so long now. His eyes leak some more. His fingers twitch to activate his implant, but of course it doesn't do anything now.
Hwi's sharp eyes don't miss the motion, small as it was. His expression shifts, graver, serious. "We had to flush your system. There was too much chem build-up. It was..." he pauses, restarts, "...bad."
Another pause, so delicate Seon-ho could laugh. "The readouts from your implant indicate you've built up a resistance." Implied: That shouldn't be possible. Implied: What have you been doing to yourself? Implied: Let us help you.
It's too much. Seon-ho has to turn his face away.
Hwi steps closer to the bed. Takes his hand and squeezes it supportively. Seon-ho feels the data chip pressed between their palms. "You had this on you," Hwi says quietly. "Was there anything else you needed from your ship?"
Seon-ho shakes his head.
Hwi smiles, relieved. "Good, because we already left. It didn't seem like a good idea to stick too close to it." They both know too much about Nam Jeon's fondness for trackers, after all.
Seon-ho feels his eyes slipping shut again. He falls asleep with Hwi still holding his hand.
The ship isn't large, so they move Seon-ho into Hwi's room, where a long unused second bunk has been flipped down out of the wall. Seon-ho is sure he would be having a lot more inconvenient emotions about it if he weren't stuck having ALL the emotions at once.
The comedown process is... not great. Huddling exhausted in bed for days doesn't seem to help, so he turns to exercise in the hopes it will speed things along. He's running on the aging treadmill in the corner of the rec area, trying to let his mind go blank, when Hwi enters.
Hwi hits the cool down button without asking. Seon-ho glares as he slows to a walk. "Let the motor rest for a while," Hwi says. "Bit hard to get parts out here."
Seon-ho huffs an aggrieved sigh like a teenager and then gets even more annoyed with himself for such excessive emotional volatility.
Hwi just smiles, which is also annoying. "I did raise Yeon," he says mildly, and an offended "Hey!" echoes down the corridor from the cockpit.
Hwi leans back against the table, crossing his arms, trying to look relaxed and failing. "More seriously, though, have you thought about what you want to do?"
Seon-ho has not. The past decade catching up with him all at once hasn't left him a lot of room to consider the future.
Hwi taps his fingers distractingly against his bicep before asking in a rush, "Do you want to, um, exist anymore?"
Seon-ho blinks at him. Clears his throat. "What?"
Yeon pops through the hatch. "Your ship wasn't exactly in great shape when we pulled you out, and we stayed long enough to wipe it. No one knows what happened to you. You can stay with us!"
"Yeon," Hwi says, pained. "We don't even know if he's interested in doing that. Let him make up his own mind."
She starts to retort, but Seon-ho is barely paying attention. He could stay with them. He could just never go back. His father, the emperor, no one would ever know.
The possibility blooms gloriously across his mind, but then it begins to wither. "They won't actually let me disappear. You know that." As much as his father hates him, he'd never give up such a useful tool without a fight.
Hwi gives a crooked smile. "Bang-won likes the fact I have such strong pirate contacts, but he rarely thinks about what that actually means." He drops his hands to the table, leaning forward earnestly. "We can be gone tomorrow. Like we never existed at all."
"And we can take you with us!" Yeon adds.
"I... I had plans," Seon-ho starts, but he's realizing, without the false clarity of the dampeners, none of those plans seem as important as they once did.
Hwi is watching him closely, trying not to sway him one way or the other. Trying to support him, the way he always has. It sharpens something in Seon-ho, and he tries to isolate his true goals, to slice off all the outside expectations.
"I still want to destroy Nam Jeon. I want to see all his plans turn to dust."
Hwi nods. "We can do that. Do you need him to know it was you?"
Seon-ho considers. It has been his driving motivation for so long, but does he really need it? At the expense of staying here, with the only people who actually love him? Does he want to go back to erasing himself slowly just to stand over Nam Jeon at the end?
He realizes he doesn't.
Yeon must see it on his face, because she grins and turns to Hwi. Hwi studies Seon-ho for a long moment, and then smiles like the sun rising. He nods to Yeon without looking away from Seon-ho. She squeals and runs to the computer on the wall.
"It's done!" she announces triumphantly.
"What is?"
"She told Chi-do to start deleting records. Like I said, we can be gone by tomorrow."
Seon-ho frowns.
"You too," Hwi says. "We've been planning this for a long time."
"For me too?"
Seon-ho has to blink rapidly against tears again. Yeon huffs and yanks them both into a hug. He's sure Hwi can feel how soaked his shoulder is getting, but he doesn't mention it.
He sounds a little shaky himself when he finally pulls back. "I better get started on dinner, huh?"
Yeon nods happily before she skips back to the cockpit to check on things, so Seon-ho moves toward the counter to offer his help.
"No," Hwi says, waving him back to the table. "Sit right there, where I can see you. That's all I want."
For now, Seon-ho thinks to himself. The universe is opening up before him, before them, and he thinks there are more things they can finally let themselves want.
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nubreed73 · 1 year
WiP Wednesday
Making it in just under the wire for #mctna  #wipwednesday - from the post canon fixit - a little backstory for #seonhwi (and a brief mention of Hwi/Bang-won)
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morkofday · 1 year
VISHIIIIIEEEEE I’ve been trying to think of a good seonhwi prompt for you but I CANT but I think I came up with an ok one? Basically I just want something seonhwi but if u need a quote to go with it then I’m particularly 👀 about the Richard Siken quote “you’re going to die in your best friends arms.” Or basically any Richard siken quote. Anyway I love you!!!!! So excited to see all of the prompts you fill!
hello brigid my love ♥♥♥
wow this request is so Unhinged, i actually keep yelling at it. like cmon SEONWHI with THE SIKEN???? you must want me to go mad. well, i'll try my best to drag you down with me then.
here's what you get
sorry i didn't use the line you mentioned but you gave me the freedom to choose! so i read through crush once more and this one just. this one stuck with me. it's about the kingdom okay!!! it worked so well. and the whole set feels quite hazy and it's intentional bc this poem feels like some concept am unable to fully grasp but it's there, it's inside of these two, it's GOLDEN. (i also recommend reading through the whole poem used in this aka snow and dirty rain bc oh boy. there are so many parts that hit. so many. i am shaking in my boots. i am gnawing on my arm. i am swallowing glass. i am walking into the oncoming traffic with my eyes closed and arms open.)
but yeah, i just hope you like this. i love you and i miss you dearly and i hope you're having a good time all around ♥ thank you for enabling me! i appreciate it a ton.
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yioh · 3 years
everyone warned me abt seonhwi but no one ever mentioned hui jae/hwi they r so freaking cute oh my god
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crayonflop · 4 years
Wkjfkwkf I’m sorry my ask reminded you about your job! That sounds like such a horrible experience and I’m glad you quit! Also my country may have emotionally damaged me but listen it’s literally my fav show right now and I may end up watching it again just to see the soft look these boys got when the other was mentioned like the #tenderness was off the charts and I actually liked the ending! I won’t spoil it for others but I think it fit perfectly so thanks for introducing me to the show :,)
omg no it didn’t it’s not ur fault my mind goes back to that constantly still i literally dreamt about it last night my ex boss kept texting me today too lol i was already thinking about it 
as much as the ending (which i’ve spoiled like 20x on here already so whatever lol) made me sob like i’ve never sobbed before i loved it too if they hadn’t been together or one of them killed the other it would have been even worse omg but it was okay bc they were together holding hands wow :(((((( seonhwi couple of the decade those bitches were in LOVE love 
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You don't understand how feral I am for a Seonhwi Om Shanti Om AU. Hear me out.
If you haven't watched the movie, watch this song here where it explains stuff before you read my fic plan:
Hwi is Om (guy who comes down on the chair) . Seon-ho is Shanti Priya/Sandy (main girl in the mask/girl in the performance). Bang-won is Mukesh (grey suit ponytail guy from the beginning/treacherous man in the performance). Just tell me I'm wrong.
This is a reincarnation story so of you want to understand it in detail, I do recommend you watch the movie first. Now on to the story:
It's the 1977. Colourful clothes and sideburns and slicked back hair and glamour.
Seon-ho is a famous movie star. Hwi is just a regular man of a poorer caste who acts as an extra in films. Can you guess who his idol is? Yeah, it's Nam Seon-ho. Whose poster does he have in his room? Nam Seon-ho. He lives with his sister Yeon and friend Chi-do.
There's a premiere for Seon-ho's new movie that night and Hwi dresses up in his brand new suit to go see him enter the ciniplex. As Seon-ho exits the limo, everyone's eyes are on him, glamorous as always in his navy blue suit and long signature scarf. Hwi is clapping on the other side of the red velvet rope but somehow, the scarf hooks onto his watch. Seon-ho keeps on smiling, walking forward and waving while all Hwi can do is watch mesmerized as he's pulled along.
At the end of the red carpet, Seon-ho finally turns around and sees Hwi behind him. That's the first time they meet. Seon-ho, albeit confused, smiles at Hwi before noticing their point of connection. He unhooks the scarf, their fingers lightly brushing, before turning around and entering the building. Hwi is still standing there awestruck by the time a security guard (aka my bby Sung-rok) moves him away. Later that night, a drunk Hwi makes a speech to his friend Chi-do maybe idolising Seon-ho a bit more than what was entirely just straight admiration. (Bro should I make this an omegaverse au??? For some reason I think that'd make this have more depth. Okay, yeah it's an omegaverse au now. Hwi is a beta and he thinks Seon-ho is too)
Hwi and Seon-ho somehow meet again after that when Hwi is working as an extra in one of Seon-ho's films. There's a fire on set and Hwi jumps into the flames to save him. Afterwards, the two become friends.
Cue bonding and dancing and things going too well for the while. Did I mention the company they're both working under is owned by rich movie producer Bang-won?
Hwi decides to confess his feelings. He goes back to the set that evening but ends up in some back room. There's a vent in there and he can see into the room below. It's Seon-ho's dressing room. Hwi was going to turn away when he saw Bang-won was in there too. He watches transfixed as his world turns upside down.
Seon-ho and Bang-won have been married this whole time. Bang-won, a controlling alpha asshole, is trying to get Seon-ho to star in a new movie but he doesn't want to. Seon-ho tells him that he's pregnant and that he wants to finally just reveal their marriage to the public. Bang-won lashes out saying that no one will ever want to hire a married omega in the film industry ever again and that he has just dug both their graves.
Tears are streaming down Hwi's face as he runs out of the building.
He decides to go back to set a few nights later after dodging Seon-ho's calls to come clean and return a snow globe he'd given him, ending things before he can get hurt further. "It's for the best," he tells himself.
As Seon-ho is waiting outside set, Bang-won comes up to him and calls him inside. They see the grand new ballroom set that they'd created for this next movie. The chandelier sparkles above. Bang-won says that they'll finally reveal their marriage and host a marriage renewal ceremony with press in that set. Seon-ho is overjoyed until Bang-won destroys that illusion that brings reality down on him harshly. He yanks Seon-ho to the stairs and throws him against it, saying that he can't allow Seon-ho to reveal this secret nor can he allow their child to be born. Bang-won throws his still lit cigarette to the ground and the place catches on fire. He walks out and locks the door, leaving Seon-ho in the still burning building to bang on the door, begging to be free. Bang-won tells some goons of his not to let anyone interfere until the building is nothing but ashes.
At this point, Hwi reaches the building sees the flames. He runs to the door and comes face to face with Seon-ho through a small glass panel. They're both crying and trying to get to each other but nothing is working.
Hwi is suddenly pulled backwards by one of Bang-won's thugs. They beat him up and the snow globe goes flying into the water fountain nearby. Seon-ho cries because there's nothing he can do. He watches his (he startlingly realises) beloved get hurt and there's nothing he can do.
The fire gets to such a point where the building explodes. Hwi is thrown down the road, barely clinging to his life. He makes a promise to whichever power up above that if he's reborn, he will use all his assets to take revenge on Bang-won for doing all this.
A car comes up and they stop when they see his still form. The couple inside (Mun-bok and Hwa-wol) are shocked and rush him to the hospital where they were headed regardless since Hwa-wol is in labor.
In one room, they charge the defibrillators. They increase the strength each time, hoping it works. In another, Hwa-wol is groaning as she keeps pushing. The moment Hwi flatlines is the moment her son is born. They name him in honor of the man who met such a horrible end.
30 years later- 2007
Hwi the big movie star wakes up on his birthday with fans screaming for him outside. In this lifetime, he's the son of a hotshot doctor and has had most things handed to him. He's a bit arrogant- huge contrast to the sweet lovable Hwi from his past life.
For his newest movie, they go to an old abandoned set today. It's the burnt down building where superstar Nam Seon-ho's last movie was going to take place. Hwi feels a chill in his spine. He never liked fire. And the place has an odd familiarity to it. He goes over to the fountain and picks up p a broken snow globe.
Suddenly, an old woman is outside screaming "that's my brother! Hwi, please remember me!" Guards have to take her away. Hwi is saddened each time and he can never tell why that woman's presence affects him so.
Fast forward to that night where his dad is hiding a big party for him. Everything is going well until he sees this one man walking towards him and memories start flooding back in of his past life. He remembers everything. He shakes Bang-won's hand and feels sick.
Hwi makes a conscious decision to better himself once he remembers his dying promise. He seeks out the old woman and remembers that it's Yeon. She and Chi-do are overjoyed and help in his revenge plot.
Hwi plans to get closer to Bang-won and gets him to agree to make that one movie with him that changed his fortune forever: Seon-ho's last one that was never shot. At first Bang-won is reluctant but he agrees.
Hwi and team plan to make Bang-won think Seon-ho's spirit has returned to haunt him so they can record his confession and get him to pay for his crimes. They look for actors but none them fit. Until...
One of them is the spitting image of Seon-ho. It's as if that is Seon-ho himself reincarnated. He doesn't remember anything though. He's completely clumsy and acts nothing like the original Seon-ho. But that's okay, they have their star.
It's the big night. They've fixed over the set until it looked brand new and have invited all the press possible. Chi-do and Yeon are in a room with security cameras watching everything go down. Seon-ho puts on his masquerade outfit and one of the old Seon-ho's signature scarfs. Bang-won arrives and Hwi pumps his fist in the air.
The performance goes on and theyre scaring Bang-won but then he turns to leave. Hwi stops him in the nick of time. The song crescendos. Seon-ho's arm got cut on a candelabra and with the blood, Bang won realizes he's being tricked. He runs after Seon-ho who just manages to hide in the security camera room again, but then the door won't get open. He panics because he can't miss his cue or everything will have been for nothing
In the crowd downstairs, a smaller chandelier falls and people run outside screaming. A fire starts and then it's Bang-won and Hwi alone in the burning building.
Hwi reveals that he knows everything and Bang-won laughs saying no one will ever find out. On the grand steps, they see Seon-ho coming towards them. Hwi motions for him to go back but then then realises that it's actually Seon-ho's spirit. Bang-won is scared for real now. Seon-ho's words haunt him as the memories flash before his eyes. Seon-ho tells Hwi how Bang-won returned after the fire had burnt out to bury his burnt, still breathing body under the floor beneath the chandelier.
The fire roars around them and Seon-ho makes the chandelier fall, crushing Bang-won. Tears stream down Hwi's face as he looks at Seon-ho one last time. Seon-ho thanks him and tells him that he loves him too. They both smile and then Seon-ho is disappearing into the light. The fires all extinguish themselves instantly and then the reincarnated Seon-ho Chi-do are running towards him. Hwi hugs Seon-ho as he apologizes for not coming sooner but Hwi only shushes and hugs him tighter.
Hwi later tells the press about Bang-won's crimes and they reveal it to the public, achieving what they set out to do. He and Seon-ho get together and then Seon-ho regains his memories. They confess their love and live happily ever after. The end.
Oh wait. End credits song and dance sequence ofc. But since this is a fic, I'll probs make a soft epilogue.
Now here's another vid to visualize. Same characters as in the first vid
If you made it this far, should I make it an actual fic?
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nubreed73 · 1 year
WiP Wednesday
More from the SeonHwi post-canon fixit for WiP Wednesday with a brief mention of Hwi/Bang-won.
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