It's funny, people love aus where one person is a high school or college nerd and the other is a punk, jock, bad boy ect. And you always see Jack as the nerd in these aus cuz of him having a smaller build and being the bottom in most portrayals.
Thing is, they were the opposite irl. Mark was an achne ridden band geek who wanted to be an engineer. Whereas Jack was loud, a goof off, wore gages, was big into heavy metal and played the drums, going so far as to be in a heavy metal band during his first time in college.
I want some nerd au stories of that, and them bonding over their shared love of video games.
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halforc-husband · 6 years
Yo if any of ya'll ship septiplier you wanna shoot me a DM? Need some more freinds in this fandom.
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This probably happens all the time!
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Bouncy energetic boyf Jack always hits Mark in the face on accident when he's excited
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narutofoxlover · 6 years
Next chapter of the Siren Jack au is up! Just a warning, this chapter contains some sexual themes but they are clearly marked so that they can be skipped over if you wish.
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Considering that post of someone accidentally saying Septiplier instead of September, I vote to unofficially make September Septiplier Month. Especially since the person who used to host Septiplier Week isn't in the septiplier fandom any more and as far as I know will not be hosting the event any more because of it.
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I propose an au. Since Jack has said twice about wanting to be a merman and Mark showed up in an NSP music video as a centuar, Land and Sea au where Jack is a merman and Mark is a centaur. Mark is going for a morning gallop on the beach and finds Jack tangled up in an old fishing net in a tide pool. Mark pulls him to dry land so he can get him out of the net easier and it is revealed Jack can get legs on land. They end up meeting each other at that beach over and over again and fall in love. Jack eventually decides to give up his tail forever so that he can live on land and be with Mark.
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
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My only two Septi fanarts I totally forgot to post! ENJOY CONTENT LADS! Tags: @septiplyer @septiplier-appreciation @seark-mcfisch-hell @zoneofperpetualscreaming @markijack @dancing-heart-pony @derpydanandphil @septipliermyheart
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Underappreciated Septiplier egos ship: MarvinxHost. I just find the idea of them together interesting, one magic boy and one blind boy that can manipulate reality through talking and writing. Imagine Marvin using his magic to help Host get around so that he doesn't need to narrate to see all the time. Host delving back into his writing to write a story as a gift for Marvin, maybe even manipulating reality again just a little cuz he wants to help Marvin's dreams come true. Marvin trying to find a spell or magical creature or something that can restore Host's sight and finally ease the pain of his near constantly bleeding eyesockets. They just have so much potential.
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
Opening blog post
Wooo finally a place where I can screm all my septiplr things and post other related content!! (I got exams in the next few days soo blog will be under construction until i finish yeehaw) @septiplyer @dancing-heart-pony @derpydanandphil
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narutofoxlover · 6 years
Chapter 5 of my Siren Jack au is up :)
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Love how people will complain about Septiplier on art and stories of them that have nothing to do with the ship. And heck, sometimes on art that actually only has one of them and they just assume the other person in the pic is Mark or Jack (( a drawing of Jack and Bryan Dechart doing a scene from their video together was accused of being Septiplier a while back in a hateful manner )) . 😒 Note the sarcasm. It's frustrating as all hell that haters can't even let people do stuff of them in a friendly way. Septiplier haters are such a big problem in the two communities, people can't even enjoy their friendship without getting crapped on and accused of being a shipper. Let the hate die already. Mark and Jack have moved on and forgiven, so should the haters.
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