#sereia: my stories
sereia1313 · 8 months
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For @crescent-dreams's SessKag Festival!
Read it on Ao3, Dokuga, and FFnet.
Summary: After being attacked, Kagome is transported onto a secluded island--and right into the arms of Sesshoumaru. But he has his own reason for needing solitude, and it will take every part of him not to divulge the secret he is desperate to keep hidden.
Sneak Peek
"What happened?"
She groaned, attempting to lift an arm but unable to do so. "Snakes ambushed me on the way home from Sango's village. I wasn't paying attention, and they bit me."
Sesshoumaru placed her injured arm across her stomach. "You require care. I rid you of the poison, but it will be a while before you are able to function normally. Why was your pack not with you?" He bit out the final question, unable to keep his voice steady.
"They're all busy with the wedding," she said, and his face went blank. Of course. How could he have forgotten?
Gingerly, he got to his feet, careful not to jostle her as much as possible as he walked to the only hut on the island. The miko looked around as best she could, eyes searching. "You will have to remain here until you are well. I am the only inhabitant, so you will not be disturbed."
She offered him a tired smile, leaning against his chest. "I guess that's why I was sent here. What place is safer than a remote island?"
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fukae-flwr · 2 years
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Sereia Xenili
So I'm in the process of making a comic with this lovely dame. A romance story in 1920s with magical creatures. I'm excited.
Sereia Xenili works as a singer at the Fantasia Resort. Faes aren't exactly the most welcomed species so she spends her days disguised as a human.
Sereia is close to the Fantasia Resort's owner, and was fortunate to have a job after everything she has been through and done. She ain't afraid to dirty her hands, but hates what her kind needs to stay alive.
She works hard to just blend in while most of her friends tell her to just flaunt what she is, like they do.
Switching between forms is easy but to have a full tale she must be completely submerged underwater.
I hope you guys like her. Other characters should come along eventually.
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cardansriddle · 14 days
Gilded Serendipity - (tom riddle x oc)
Part 3/10: "False God"
Story summary: A summer meant to be spent in the tranquil seaside mansion of Rosier's was not supposed to sway hearts like rustling leaves. Sereia Nova was most definitely not supposed to feel drawn to Tom Riddle. Yet August had a way of weaving chaos and desire together, only to dissolve into the shadows, leaving behind a bittersweet aftermath- an ephemeral illusion of love.
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(gif not mine)
chapter warnings: sensual themes.
A/N: took me a whileee but here is the third part!!
The subconscious was always a bitter thing. It liked playing wicked games with its owner, taking the things the person did not want to think about out of that pocket of forbidden thoughts and bringing it to the very front of the mind. 
Sereia was cursing her brain as she was hurriedly descending the stairs. Her mind was cruel, replaying the night before like a broken film reel, unrelenting in its vividity. She could still feel the ghost of his touch trailing illicit whispers along her skin. The shape of his lips haunted her own. 
She was going insane, and there was nothing she could do to put an end to it. With that one kiss, Tom had sunk his fangs deep into her vein, poisoning her blood with the feel of him so she would not dare forget it. Sereia had spent a good hour in the bath, scrubbing her skin raw until it was red and irritated, yet his touch remained imprinted. No amount of effort could wash away his claim.
"Merlin's beard, Ria, did you sleep at all? You look like...death." 
She huffed and shot him a sharp glare. "Not in the mood, Tony.""
"Woah, alright. Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." He grumbled, putting his hands up as if to surrender. The witch was half-tempted to hit him, but stopped when Walburga entered the room with a sly smirk curling on her lips.
"Who woke up in your bed?" She questioned. Her eyes flicked to Sereia, and they suddenly shone with mirth. "Our Sereia here? It was about time." 
Sereia's cheeks flushed at her comment, and she helplessly looked at Antoine to say something. But before he could utter a word, Avery strutted into the room.
"What was about time?" He asked lazily, barely attempting to cover his mouth as he yawned. "Well?"
"Sereia and Antoine here. Apparently they were up to no good last night." The brunette winked cheekily, and shot her an approving smile. "I must say, dear Ria, I did not know you had it in you. Always thought you were a prude."
Sereia was sure her whole face was the same shade as the maroon wine Avery was holding in his hand. The boy stared between them for a moment, before frowning. "Salazar's spit, Antoine. I wanted to woo her this summer." He paused, as if reconsidering, and then strode towards the girl. She barely registered more people filing into the room as he leaned closer to her. "But, I assure you, should you fall into my arms, I will make you see the stars. I am much better company in bed than Antoine."
"Avery, enough." Tony warned from next to her. 
Walburga laughed. "Well, Avery, Abraxas, you owe me ten galleons. They fucked before winter." 
I buried my face in my palms. "Tony!"
"Everyone, shut it. Sereia and I most definetely did not fuck. So please, shut your mouths."
"You misheard, Walburga. She did not sleep in my bed. We are strictly platonic."
The girl seemed to recover from her embarassed state and added. "Exactly. It's more of a he's my brother type of situation and what you all are suggesting is— it's just gross."
She lifted her chin, attempting to rid herself of the embarassment and mortification that the conversation had caused. Straightening her spine, she regarded eeryone around her. They all looked either amused or confused. When her eyes met Riddle's, she had to surpress her shudder at the intensity behind his heated gaze. She could not quite read his expression, but the displeasure was as evident as ever. Flashes of the previous night suddenly invaded her mind, and she had to avert her gaze quickly lest she blushed once more. 
Clapping his hands, and snapping the girl from her brief memory lane, Antoine drew the attention to himself. "Great, let us end this conversation now!" He questioned from beside her, and she felt the ghost of his fingers brushing against her elbow in reassurance. Her gaze subconsciously saught Riddle's, and when she saw the dark look he was shooting to where Antoine's hand was touching, the girl stepped aside. Her friend shot her a confused look, but she just shrugged. 
"Can we eat now that that's settled?" She rose an expectant brow, gesturing towards the table that had already been set and filled with food. Avery was the first to break the pregnant silence, huffing and puffing about how he was starving. Seria shared a look with Antoine before following Avery's lead and taking a seat. As she placed some fruits onto her plate, the chair beside her was pulled back and she could feel before she could see that it was Riddle. It was bizarre— the way she could simply feel the air still whenever she was in his presence. It was like the very atmosphere was telling— no— warning her that he was near, that she should brace herself to face him.
His clothed arm brushed hers as he shifted, and the girl had to resist the urge to shiver. 
"Salazar's spit, Riddle, are you not parched in those clothes?" Antoine suddenly questioned, and suddenly all eyes were on the wizard. 
"Some people have the decency not to walk around naked, Rosier. Perhaps you should take notes." Walburga muttered snidely. 
"It was the middle of the night! Am I supposed to walk in a whole three-piece suit at the crack of dawn?"
"A shirt and sleeping pants would suffice." 
"Can you cut it out? This is making me lose my appetite." Abraxas grumbled abruptly, his voice slicing through the escalating bickering. A smirk of triumph flashed across his face as the table fell into a silence. He grabbed his cutlery and digged into his breakfast aggressively. 
Sereia, feeling a lack of appetite, mechanically nibbled on assorted fruits. She tuned out Lestrange and Rosier as they began squabbling again about another matter she did not care to know. She was about to reach for her goblet when a warm breath tickled her cheek, drawing her attention.
"Had I known you'd run to Rosier to finish what I started, perhaps I would not have let you slip away so easily, little siren." Tom whispered lowly, Tom murmured, his lips grazing the curve of her ear with each syllable. The girl try as she might, could not help the shudder that ran through her body.
He noticed. Of course, he did. He never missed a thing. Yet, before he could revel in his discernment, she retorted, her voice a low hiss meant to avoid alarming the others nearby. "How dare you?" she countered, struggling to keep her voice subdued. She truly could not believe the nerve of him to imply such a thing. "I did not run to anyone. Antoine and I certainly did not spend the night together, so I'd appreciate if you refrained from implying that I'm a whore."
"I never said that." 
"You implied it."
"I did not."
"Whatever. But if we are talking about whores, why not talk about you?" She turned her head to meet his gaze squarely. "You are the resident whore of Hogwarts, perhaps second place to Avery, or maybe you just hide it better." She watched as surprise flickered across his features for a fleeting moment before he swiftly masked it, as if it had never been there at all. "I will not be a plaything, Riddle. While you may find amusement in Walburga, you will not find me so compliant," she declared, her tone firm, before redirecting her attention to the others at the table. Meanwhile, Tom studied her profile, a barely perceptible smirk tugging at his lips. She was a fiery little thing, and oh how he relished a challenge. 
Not used not having the last word, he leaned to whisper in her ear once again. "You may resist all you want, but I will have you succumb to me." he murmured, his gaze searching her face for a reaction. She responded with a smirk, but she did not deign to meet his eyes. 
"Maybe I will consider it... if you beg."
He laughed loudly at that, genuinely amused at her bravery. Everyone at the table suddenly diverted their attention towards them, disbelief flashing across their features at seeing Riddle laugh. 
"Is he—"
"Salazar's spit..."
"What's so funny?"
Tom hummed softly, a languid smile lingering on his lips as he casually draped an arm over the back of Sereia's chair. She clenched her teeth in frustration at his nearness, struggling to push aside the unwelcome flood of thoughts crowding her mind. "Miss Nova here has a good sense of humour, that is all." 
Sereia lowered her gaze, avoiding the curious stares of those around her, and brought her goblet to her lips in a feeble attempt to distract herself. 
The girl sprung from her seat with far more enthusiasm than was necessary. "Time to go for a swim!" she declared with a forced smile, her discomfort palpable, before hastily departing from the table, nearly breaking into a run as she fled the house.
Walburga's gaze shifted to Tom, flickering between the self-satisfied, lazy grin etched on his face and the intensity of his gaze fixed on the doorway through which Sereia had hastily departed through mere moments ago.
"Look at little Sereia starting to charm boys." Abraxas snorted, looking at Antoine with a mirthful smile. "You will have to work overtime to ward off the boys now, mate." 
"Shut it. I do not do anything of the sort. She is free to court whomever she likes whenever she likes." He paused, rethinking his words. "Except you all."
"Really? How about the time in third year you hexed Arnold because he kissed her on the cheek?" Avery rose a brow.
"Or the time in fourth year you petrified that git who was going on a date with her?" Malfoy added.
"Remember when—"
"Alright! Alright! So fucking be it! None of you are allowed to pursue anything romantic, sexual— especially sexual— relations with her. Off-limits!" 
"Mate, that's unfair! She's not even your sister, you can't put a ban like that!" Avery whined, rolling his eyes in a very exaggerated manner. 
"She is like my little sister in every manner except by blood."
Dahlia Greengrass pouted, looking affronted at the way the wizards were behaving. "Leave it be, everyone. Would you rather ruin your friendship with Antoine by pursuing Sereia? The entirety is Hogwarts isn't enough for you all to corrupt?" She questioned. "Leave the poor girl alone."
Riddle observed the scene unfolding with a curious glint in his eyes. 
"Thank you, Dahlia." Antoine said gratefully. "Now that everything is loud and clear, let's go join Ria before she starts wondering what took us so long." 
Everyone muttered their agreement as they stood.
"Tom, would you like to head to the library first?" Walburga asked as everyone started filing out of the room. 
Tom glanced at the witch momentarily before looking away distractedly. "I shall like to rest for a bit before rejoining the company." He did not wait for a reply before striding away in the opposite direction.
Walburga watched his retreating back, the familiar bitter taste feeling her mouth as it always did whenever he disregarded her in such a belittling manner. She begrudgingly followed after the group, glancing back one last time in hopes that Tom also would, but he had already disappeared up the stairs, and the girl heaved a sigh in disappointment. 
Her sharp gaze fixated on the distant figure, observing as the girl who managed to coax a rare laugh from Tom Riddle swam gracefully in the water. Sereia Nova had never posed a threat in her mind. Antoine's best friend had always been a sweet little thing, too pure to be around the likes of them. Though Walburga harbored fondness for the girl, her desires lay elsewhere — with Tom Riddle. 
She pondered the allure that Sereia held for Tom. Was it her innocence, her sweetness? Or was she simply another conquest in his relentless pursuit to tarnish purity? Perhaps, she mused, innocence was a challenge for him, something to be conquered and corrupted at his whim.
At least that is what Walburga told herself as she smiled bittersweetly at the younger witch.
"Ria." Antoine began, his tone firm, signaling to Sereia that a lecture was imminent. 
"I know what you're going to say, but it's nothing alright? I am not involved with Riddle...like that." Sereia interjected, her words rushed and defensive, preempting Antoine's anticipated disapproval.
Antoine's furrowed brow softened slightly, but skepticism still lingered in his gaze. With a resigned sigh, he conceded, "I will choose to take your word for it. But I will tell you this, Ria— my friends are all off-limits. They are the worst pick of the bunch for any girl." He paused, as if another thought had just invaded his already disturbed mind. "Actually, just do not go for any Slytherins. You can go for uh...Hufflepuff perhaps? They do not have a bad bone in their body. Be kind and all that shite, yeah? Yeah. No Gryffindorks either I suppose, they're all gits—"
"Would you like to arrange who I will be marrying too? Stop acting like my father. Fine, I will not date your friends out of my respect for you, but other than that you have no right to dictate who I can and can't date."
"But—"  Antoine began to protest, but Sereia cut him off with a firm stare.
"Dahlia!" Sereia's sharp call drew the attention of the girl, who began to swim over with a curious expression. Sereia shot a warning look at Antoine, silently telling him to behave.
"Yes, darling?" 
"Nothing. It's just an effective way of shutting him up." Sereia smirked, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"What is?"
"Any mention of you." 
As Dahlia's cheeks flushed with a soft hue of pink, Antoine's face transformed into a vivid crimson, the color spreading like wildfire across his features. Sereia couldn't suppress a satisfied grin as she watched the effect of her diversion tactic unfold. "Well, I'll leave you be. It's time for my nap!" 
"You just woke up!"
"Nope, that was a while ago." "Nope, that was a while ago," she singsonged, her voice carrying over the gentle lapping of the waves as she began trudging out of the water, droplets cascading from her form like shimmering diamonds. Her eyes met Avery's across the distance, his grin mirroring her own playful one as he responded with a mock salute, the sun casting playful glimmers in his eyes.
As she approached the shore, she glanced over her shoulder at the call of her name, catching Abraxas's gaze, his eyes alight with something she could not decipher as he swam towards her, his sleek form slicing effortlessly through the water. His expression morphed into a sickly sweet smile as he drew nearer.
"My dear, dear Sereia," he greeted her with exaggerated warmth, his voice dripping with faux sincerity.
"What is it?" Sereia replied, her tone laced with playful anticipation, already bracing herself for his inevitable request.
"Would you be so kind and bring us a wine?"
Sereia raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you ask one of the house elves?"
"You see, I'm craving a particular one and seeing as the creatures can't read...it complicates things. Can you get me the Chateau d'Yquem?"
Sereia couldn't help but laugh at his audacity, her playful demeanor unwavering. "Does Antoine know you're drinking his most expensive reserves dry?" she retorted, her tone teasing
Abraxas replied with a casual shrug, his smile unapologetic. "He encourages it"
Sereia rolled her eyes. "Alright. But know that you are very annoying." She conceded, her words accompanied by a playful splash in his direction.
"Thank you, Sereia," Abraxas replied, his sweet smile bordering on saccharine as he watched her depart, a twinkle of mischief gleaming in his eyes. Sereia narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously before turning on her heel and heading out of the water. She quickly slipped on her sheer beach cover over her wet swimsuit, debating whether to change into dry clothes or return to the water after fulfilling Abraxas' request. 
She hummed a random melody as she walked away from the private beach and slipped into the garden that lead to the winery, running her hands through her wet hair and slicking it back. 
She trekked the familiar path through the greenery, each step accompanied by the gentle rustle of leaves in the warm breeze. The summer sun cast golden rays that danced across her skin, warming her with its tender caress. As she neared the fountain, its marble basin shimmered in the sunlight and the girl resisted the urge to dip her fingers into the cool water. 
"Out for a stroll, little siren?" A familiar voice, smooth as silk and laced with a taunting edge, shattered the serenity of her surroundings. 
Her movements stilled, her senses alert to the presence behind her. She hesitated to turn, wary of facing the figure who she had been trying to cast out of her mind. She knew as soon as she met his eyes the thoughts of yesterday's kiss would come back to haunt her once again—or the bold teasing she had unabashedly engaged in during breakfast.
With a steadying breath, she shut her eyes, grappling with the urge to flee or confront him. Before she could decide, a warm breath ghosted over her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. Tom had drawn closer, his proximity suffusing her with a mixture of apprehension and something she dared not name.
"Or have you come to see me beg?" He murmured into her ear. 
Suppressing the rising panic in her chest, she attempted to step away, only to find his hand firmly encircling her waist, anchoring her in place. Her breath caught in her throat as his touch ignited a flurry of conflicting emotions within her. Her gaze dropped to the hand sliding further until his entire arm covered her stomach. 
"Unhand me, Riddle. I am just going to the winery." Sereia tried to protest against his advances, her voice twinged with defiance that wavered due to his proximity.
"Are you now?" He asked, and even though she could not see him, she could feel the amused smirk that was no doubt on his face. 
"Yea—Yes. I am expected to return." She insisted.
Tom hummed, a low, tantalizing sound that sent a tremor through her core. "What a shame," he murmured, his breath warm against her skin. Just as she thought he was going to let her go, he abruptly spun her around to face him. Caught off guard, she stumbled, her heart pounding erratically as she braced her hands against his chest lest she crashed into him. "You will not be going back anytime soon."
"Can't have you running to Rosier to finish what I started. That would make me unseemly would it not?"
"Riddle, what are you say—"
"It would create the impression that I leave a lady unsatisfied. Which is insulting." His lips brushed hers with every syllable, and Sereia was finding it harder by the second to resist the temptation of him. She desperately willed herself to push him away and leave before the situation would escalate any further. But she was immobilised. He had her right where he wanted, and her traitorous body was craving him. Any further protest was cut short as his lips captured hers in a searing kiss and she found it bothersome how she did not hesitate to kiss him back. 
His lips moved with a fervent urgency, coaxing a response from her that she couldn't deny. Each brush of his mouth against hers sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her, erasing whatever had remnants of rational thought. 
Her hands moved on their own accord, sliding over his chest, collarbones, and moving up to tangle themselves in his dark hair. He groaned as she tugged at his locks and the world around her fell away at the guttural sound. His kiss was a tempest, fierce and consuming, igniting a fire within her that blazed with undeniable fervor. She yielded to him, her senses overwhelmed by the heady rush of his touch, every nerve in her body electrified.
His hand moved to the hem of sheer cover dress, fingers brushing against her inner thighs before bunching up the fabric and tugging it upwards. Tom stepped towards her, forcing her to blindly walk backwards until she felt marble digging into her back. He broke away from the kiss to momentarily lift her to sit on the edge of the fountain. 
Sereia suppressed a whine at the loss of contact, but a loud moan escaped her throat when his lips fell to the hollow of her throat and sucked, no doubt leaving a bruise with his ministrations. She should have told him to stop— or at the very least not mark her up for all to see, but she found she did not care. She wanted—no— needed more of him. 
Her fingers dropped to the buttons of his shirt, fumbling, trying to pull them open. She had only gotten half of them undone when he grabbed her wrists. "No." He panted. "This time I will make you beg. We can save that for next time."
Sereia was confused, but was quick to retort. "What makes you think there is going to be a next time?" She asked through laboured breaths, dazed eyes roving over his dilated pupils and his swollen lips. For the first time ever, he looked like a mess, and Sereia could not get enough of the sight. 
Tom only smirked in response, his fingers going under her cover to pull at the strings of her bikini bottoms. She trembled beneath his touch, her pulse racing with a heady mix of anticipation and desire. 
"Because I am going to make you beg for a next time."
Sereia's jaw dropped when he sunk to his knees, his eyes ablaze with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. 
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cloudcountry · 11 months
first oc moment kinda nervous blushing and twirling my hair (except im actually shaking in my boots help me. ive never made an oc before.)
anyways yes i totally went off the deep end and now sereia aecor exists, a japanese spider crab merperson.
i'll be fleshing them out more (obviously hehe) but for now you get a basic facts sheet that i spent quite some time (probably too much time) contemplating!!
Name: Sereia Aecor
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Merperson
Dorm: Octavinelle
Class: Class C
Birthday: June 5th
Age: 17
Height: 188 centimeters
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Coral Sea
Best Subject: Alchemy
Club: Mountain Lovers
Hobbies: Growing plants, skincare, shopping for clothes & accessories.
Pet Peeves: Being called “crabby” when they’re grumpy.
Talents: Playing the flute.
Favorite Food: Vegetable Stir Fry.
Least Favorite Food: Onions
Unique Magic: Sifting Sands. Magic used to immediately soothe someone. Can make the target's movements lethargic and uncoordinated.
More Physical Appearance
Dark colored eyes, red hair. Hair is short, choppy, and a wavy. They have freckles across their cheeks and nose. They have a singular shell earring on their right ear. Heart shaped face and slender neck. When in their merform, their chest is pink and shifts into a bright red down the arms, where it shifts into a white as it reached their hands. Their mer half is a spider crab body with six long, lanky legs.
Other Funky Stuff
They're super into skincare since their merform molts. They take very good care of their human form's hygiene C:
Because they're a decorator crab, they adapted to wearing clothes rather quickly and love dressing in flashy, bright colors (because they were forced to wear dull stuff for protection.) This usually throws people off because they're very quiet and unassuming.
They’re a fan of accessorizing their outfits and have a lot of shell pins on their Octavinelle scarf. Whenever Azul asks them to take the pins off they give him a blank stare until he gives up.
Childhood friend of the Octatrio, unknowingly scared away Azul's bullies a few times because their legs were seen as "freakish" and "awkward." Was also a target for rumors and stuff though because they do not have a tail.
Hit a huge growth spurt and shot up to basically the Leech brother's height when they were fourteen, Azul is still not over it.
Sereia started playing the flute after hearing the story of The Little Mermaid and how her prince played an instrument like that.
They're an incredibly slow runner and prefer to walk. Because of this, they run out of breath fast on land and do not have a lot of stamina. Floyd does not find them interesting to chase (oops.)
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mogai-sunflowers · 11 months
HI HI back with the pronoun and name requests! Also the song was VERY good :D
Land my request is pronouns related to whimsical vibes like being a little forest creature who lives in a tree >:3
And like mythical creatures like fairies, merfolk, nymphs and such if you need any more specifics I will gladly give some!!
sorry for the late reply!! i hope these are alr!!
fae, fey, freya, reyna, cleo, chloe, gwenivere, gwendolyn, nymph, noel, mage, magia, mystia, mystery, mystique, illusion, enchanter, chant, hypnosia, fleur, flora, sol, solea, iris, iridessa, rosetta, vidia, silvermist, fawn (don't judge me /lh), sereia, astra, sylva, sylvia, forest, ocea, ocean, seatress, willow, celestia, harmony, harmonia, artemis, athena, persephony, faye, cassandra, calypso, medusa, aurora, evelyn, pixie, sky, skye, titania, hera, lark, amara, althea, asteria, hecate, lilith, luna, nyx, nixie, verity, aether, ether, eden, eve, atlas, apollo, delphi, jupiter, neptunia, zelda, sapphire, twilight, lily, ivy, lila, shimmer, starla, starlight, aurelia, thalia, farah, melody, electra, delphine, violet, crystal, lilliana, meadow, fleur, irene, ariel, celeste, nova, ari, rhea, lyra, lyric, lavender, rainbow, mist, mysteria, star, daisy, blossom, imagine, imagina, imogen, maeve, story, forever, storyglow, starglow, faeglow, faeren
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yumanichan · 2 years
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It’s finally time to share the piece I did for my collab with @sereia1313 for the @inu-spiration Solstice Reverse Big Bang event!
Go check out Sereias AMAZING story now! Like, right now! I’m still blown away with her fic🤯❤️
Uncensored version can be found in the story and on my DeviantArt HERE
“Of Flowers and Fae”
Thank you Sereia for this amazing collab! I had a blast 💥 ❤️
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cottoncandy-cult · 11 months
Crush Crush Crush pt 3
Remember kiddos both Sereia, Floyd and other mentioned characters are over 18 in this storyline, mostly because depending on how well this series does I may do a few oneshot smuts for this coupling. I may even include a smut in this storyline. But just a little note I wanted to include, as I'm sort of leaning towards doing my first smut soon. Nothing too extreme I don't think? Like I don't know, it's gonna depend on if I do a smut for this story or if I'm gonna do a oneshot smut featuring on of my other OC's. I know ya'll are probably tired of it, I promise I'll do some reader insert stuff soon but I'd like to adjust my writing style a bit.
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Soon enough lunchtime was close to rolling around, the workers at the lounge were allowed to go ahead and eat their lunch before the rush came through. The octa trio were in the breakroom, discussing redesigning it to make it a bit more comfortable for the workers that have to pull multiple shifts. "I'm surprised you aren't eating that lunch you left in the fridge, after all the point of having this discussion during our lunch break was so that we could do both." This had been Azul; he knew usually Floyd would make his own food after the rush, but he was trying to entice the male to check the fridge. His statement had earned him an understandably confused look at his friend's sudden shift in focus, especially when he knew for a fact, he didn't have a lunch in the fridge. "Yes, you should go ahead and eat, after all it's going to be a long shift. We only have a few servers in today after all." Jade was leaning forward on the table, keeping his usual smile but Floyd couldn't help but feel like something was up. He decided to just check the fridge, thinking maybe they were trying to surprise him with something. Which he was surprised as the hefty bento box, he took notice of the note with his name on it, and he knew the handwriting wasn't his brother's or Azul's. But none the less he took it back to his seat, the other 2 glancing over at where Sereia sat across from them at another table eating her own lunch. Though Floyd was too busy removing the lid, curious as to what someone would make for him. To his, and the sneaky duo's surprise, it was a well decorated box, the food was done in very neat and cute designs.
There was an array of colors from the veggies and seafood included, to Floyd's enjoyment there was plenty of crab, shrimp and octopus. "Looks pretty good, wonder who went to all that work though." Floyd tilted his head, wracking his brain to try and figure out who would make such a detailed bento for him of all people. As playful and laid back as he can be he isn't an idiot, he knows he doesn't exactly have a surplus of close friends and none of them he knew of had such delicate handwriting. Meanwhile both Jade and Azul were giving Sereia a wide-eyed look, the girl blushing deeply and keeping her focus on her own food. Though that didn't mean she wasn't glancing up to gage Floyd's expression as he dug in, he was distracted by his thoughts, so he hadn't even realized the various pleased sounds he had made when it came to the taste of the food. "I'll have to pay attention next time lunch rolls around." He had mumbled this to himself, not noticing the look the duo shared as they took note of his words. Neither was sure if they wanted to help her sneak around or if they wanted to try and set the two up. This had quickly become like their soap opera, both boys would be lying if they said they weren't curious was Floyd would be like as far as in a relationship setting. They could both take guesses, but until it happened, they'd be nothing more than theories.
Soon enough the weekend rolled around, it was time to restock and deep clean the lounge as per the usual schedule. All of the workers had come in, lingering and sitting at various tables near the bar before Azul showed up. He had a clipboard in hand, ready to delegate the various duties to his workers. Jade and Floyd were sat at the bar behind Azul, looking out at the little crowd, Jade's eyes continually meeting with Sereia and occasionally giving her wink and making her quirk an eyebrow and become quite suspicious. Occasionally her eyes would drift from Azul to a bored Floyd, almost panicking when he caught her eyes once and offered her a toothy grin. She did her best to keep her face from turning into a strawberry, the adored his sharp teeth so much. She just thought they made him look so much cuter, he was always so adorable with his wide grin. "And finally, Sereia you're going to go with Floyd to the coral sea to help him pick out and order the next shipments of our usual sea foods and ingredients." Her violet eyes widened and locked on Azul; these shipment retrievals usually took the weekend. With, usually the twins, leaving Friday night and coming back late Sunday. Meaning they'd likely being staying at a hotel until they got the business taken care of, but that wasn't the problem. The problem is it would be just Sereia and Floyd, and he'd be getting to see her merform for the first time since they were children. Floyd had looked to Azul confused, unsure why the male would suddenly change up his usual plan, but he didn't feel like arguing. Jade gave Sereia a wave, that was all it took for her to figure out it was a set up. She didn't know if she wanted to curse them or thank them, after all this would probably be the most one on one time she's ever had with Floyd. Probably the only time they've ever been completely alone together.
Though she didn't have time to dwell on it before noticing that Floyd was approaching her, lax grin on his face as he raised his hand some to catch her attention. She stood from her seat, meeting him halfway as she tilted her head back to gaze up at him. "You know I never realized just how short you are Nori..." He chuckled some as her cheeks flushed, he had nicknamed her after a type of seaweed that was popular with certain dishes. "Don't worry. I might be small, but I can still help out with the stock." She cheered internally at being able to keep her voice steady, though that stopped mid cheer when his hand patted her on her head, "I'm sure you will lil Nori, anyways because you haven't done this before just meet me back here at 9 and I'll take you to the personal mirror Azul keeps in the back for grocery trips." Sereia didn't trust herself to speak, simply nodding her head quickly. She noticed something flicker behind his eyes as he took note of her flustered state though he didn't acknowledge it. He was more observant than some people realized, after all Azul wouldn't have him around if he was all muscle with no conscious thought.
With that he walked away, tossing back an "I'll see you then." Over his shoulder, hands slipping into his pockets as he headed towards his brother and Azul. Meanwhile Sereia was heading back to her dorm, she needed to get ready and pack a few tops and stuff she may need. She was quick to grab her mini duffle bag, picking out 3 of her favorite bikini tops. Since she doesn't need the bottoms as she has a tail in her merform she only packed the tops. Azul had sent her a text, informing her that he had already set up their room and informed her that when they come back Jade will meet them at the beach with fresh dry clothes for them. Sereia didn't pay much attention to the wording of the text, rushing to get a quick bath and shave in. She didn't really know why she felt the need to shave, it wasn't like it would matter with her merform but her excited/panicky mind didn't really think about it. She was quick to brush out her hair and throw on one of her bikini tops, this one being jade green and a gold ribbon trim and ties. She tossed on an oversized white t-shirt that reached passed her knees, planning to leave it with her sweatpants. She paused to check her reflection, still having a little bit before she had to go to the lounge. Her phone letting out a little melody, she checked it and noticed it was an image of the beach from Jade. There was an explanation of the process for after they exited the mirror, that once they go through the mirror there will be an enchanted changing tent with the school's logo on it. He explained that she would enter from the back, change and exit the front. There would be some stone steps so that she can shift comfortably as well as there was a drape on either side of the rails to hide her lower body as she entered the water for privacy. He explained to leave her clothes folded in one of the cubbies and he'd pick them up from there, since apparently, he had to stay behind with Azul to discuss the renovation for the break room.
The short girl took a breath, grabbing her bag as she thanked Jade and made her way out of her dorm room to head towards the lounge. She took her time, trying to calm the excitement in her body while also trying to temper her anxiety. She wanted to be cool about this, she'd be spending the weekend with him she couldn't afford to embarrass herself. It wasn't long before she was entering the lounge, several people were dispersed and doing various cleaning-based jobs. She spotted Azul and Jade nearby, approaching them to see if Floyd had showed up yet. "You're still kind of early, so why not get something to drink and have a seat. Floyd should be here in a minute." Azul gave her one of his usual grins, though something was a little off about it. The octopus did well at making himself and Jade busy nearby, occasionally asking her opinions on certain things until Floyd came in. He had a bag of his own slung over his bare shoulder, the male wearing some sweatpants that hung loosely on his hips and Sereia felt like she could die. She was quick to divert her eyes, glaring at the males around her with a pout as they chuckled at her reaction. This was going to be a difficult weekend for sure.
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thesims4-adventure · 1 year
Not So Berry Legacy Challenge
Generation  Two: Rose
EP. 30
As much as I tried to get everything clean, I still smelled like rotten eggs.
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Por mais que eu tentasse deixar tudo limpo ainda sentia cheiro de ovo podre.
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Wolf stuff with your sensitive nostrils? I wasn't entirely sold on this wolf story, it sounded crazy.
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Coisas de lobo com suas narinas sensíveis? Eu não estava totalmente convencida dessa história de lobo, parecia loucura.
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Not that having a mermaid mother isn't crazy? I thought a run would help me clear my head.
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Não que ter uma mãe sereia não seja loucura? Achei que uma corrida me ajudaria a espairecer.
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But it was pretty boring.
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"Eu odeio exercícios! (De não gostar de exercícios físicos) Charlotte não suporta isso! Quando esse tormento vai acabar?! Sims que estão fazendo algo de que não gostam são susceptíveis à redução de diversão."
Mas era muito chato.
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Today is the last day to place lottery bets, I wonder what it would be like to win all this money, everyone should win.
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Hoje o último dia para fazer apostas na loteria, fico pensando como seria ganhar todo esse dinheiro, todos deveriam ganhar.
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My mother came later, my grandparents died not long ago and she needed to talk a little.
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Minha mãe veio mais tarde, meus avós morreram faz pouco tempo e ela precisava conversar um pouco.
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I also missed them, when I was a baby they took care of me so my mother could study. But I'm sure they are now picnicking in the endless green fields where the colorful winged llamas graze.
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Eu também sentia falta deles, quando eu era bebê eles cuidavam de mim para minha mãe poder estudar. Mas tenho certeza que agora eles estão fazendo piqueniques nos campos verdejantes sem fim onde pastam as coloridas lhamas aladas.
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But it is inevitable to miss them.
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Mas é inevitável sentir a falta deles.
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Cody ran into my mother's arms as soon as he saw her. I confess I was jealous.
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Cody correu para os braços da minha mãe assim que a viu . Confesso que eu ficava com ciúmes.
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But since she was here and I had an appointment...she could have him, couldn't she?
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Mas já que ela estava aqui e eu tinha um compromisso...ela podia ficar com ele, não?
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I arrived late, my friends were already making the mural.
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Eu cheguei atrasada, meus amigos já estavam fazendo o mural.
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But there wasn't going to be time to finish now! I explained that the real reason I called everyone there is because I wanted to make a protest.
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Mas não ia dar tempo de terminar agora! Expliquei que o real motivo de ter chamado todo mundo ali é porque eu queria fazer um protesto.
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I wanted a lottery prize for every yes that lives in this town.
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Eu queria um prêmio da loteria para cada sim, morador desta cidade.
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I don't know if it's because they didn't live in this city or, maybe, because I didn't know how to express myself well...but they left me alone.
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Não sei se é porque eles não moravam nesta cidade ou, talvez, porque eu não soube me expressar bem...mas me deixaram sozinha.
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The way was to look for a bar.
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O jeito foi procurar um bar.
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I wanted to drown my sorrows in hiding.
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Eu queria afogar minhas magoas escondida.
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But I was startled when I saw Chanty there too.
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Mas levei um susto quando vi Chanty ali tambem.
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I was completely frustrated and embarrassed and preferred to be alone.
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Eu estava completamente frustrada e envergonhada e preferia ficar sozinha.
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But he insisted on explaining himself.
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Mas ele insistiu em se explicar.
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I was embarrassed when he told me that no one would help me defend a cause without talking to people first to find out what they think.
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Fiquei envergonhada quando ele me falou que ninguém me ajudaria a defender um causa sem antes covnersar com as pessoas para saber o que elas pensam.
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I needed to dedicate myself more, much more.
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Eu precisava me dedicar mais, muito mais.
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
At least in my house I have everyone's attention.
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Pelo menos na minha casa tenho atenção de todos.
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
But I had that conversation in my head.
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Mas fiquei com aquela conversa na minha cabeça.
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sunnys-day · 2 years
Siren's Song
I literally have no idea what this is. I was listening to Sea Shanties and instead of finishing one of the MANY WIPs I have, this popped into my head. I did google if middle earth has mermaids and found a blurb about an older story that mentioned 'foam maidens' and ran with it. I don't post a ton of my stories and this has not been betad but I'm oddly proud of it. It shows that I'm slowly coming out of my funk and that gives me hope. So enjoy this... whatever it is about a mermaid trying to figure out what is wrong with the land dwellers.
Word Count: 6697
Characters: Sereia (sir-rye-ah), Bard, Bard's kids, The dwarves
Setting: Erebor/Dale after BOFTA, AU where everyone lived.
Song at the end: Drunken Sailor (specifically the one by the Irish Rovers)
TW: Mention of the battle and bloodshed, mention of mermaids luring men to their death, mention of smaug's rotting corpse
The singing had begun two years after the Battle of the Five Armies and destruction of Smaug. At first Thorin thought the dragon sickness had taken him over and he’d gone mad but after Fili and Bard started mentioning it, he knew it wasn’t just his imagination. The voice was female and hauntingly beautiful, the words both unfamiliar and yet giving off the feeling of an old friend. A few braver souls had tried finding the source of the voice but it led to the lake and many feared the place to be occupied by evil spirits. Many argued that Smaug’s evil had leaked into the bay and poisoned the nymphs that once called the waters home, so the voice was left alone… for a season. * Durin’s Day, 3 years to the day that the secret passage was found, the voice woke the king of Erebor from a deep sleep and Thorin decided he had enough of superstitions and made his way to the edge of the lake, listening to the song and allowing the melody to wash over him. The words told a tale of a young woman falling in love with a sailor and it caused his soul to begin to desire to leave the mountain and travel the sea, in search of the lass that pierced his heart with her siren song.
Thorin hadn’t realized he was waist deep in the water until Fili’s voice cut through the mist in his mind, the vocalization still sounding from the depths, calling him to the arms of the body the voice surely belonged to.
“Uncle, for your life you must come out of the lake.”
For his life he would go further but before he could take another step, Fili had grasped his arms and was pulling him back onto shore. The two of them stood in silence for a moment once Fili knew Thorin was out of the siren’s grasp, the song still sounding but the magic lessened on dry land.
“Do you know what it is?”
“Legolas called it a water spirit but Gandalf claims it to be a mermaid. A creature that lives in the waters of middle earth and lures people to their death by its song.”
“Then it is evil?”
“I cannot say for sure. Ori found some old books on them and there are many stories on them, suggesting that there are different types. Some can come on dry land and are merely curious about us, some solely seem to exist to bring death, some are omens warning about great calamities, some come after such a time and sing to bring peace and heal the wounds caused by”
“Aye. War.”
“And which, nephew, do you believe this one to be?”
“I would hope it be the last one but until we know for sure… maybe we should keep out of the lake.”
“Very well.” he agreed, following his nephew back to the mountain, one last look cast over his shoulder at the water and the music still coming from it.
The same song was heard over the next few nights but Thorin kept to his room, listening to the voice from his window and allowing the melody to lure him to sleep. The moment he knew this wasn’t from a ghostly specter but a being with a mind that could learn and adapt was the night Bard’s children were found sitting by the water and listening to a song clearly meant for them.
“Come little children I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment. Come little children the time's come to play here in my garden of shadows…”
When questioned, Tilda explained that their new friend had told them to sit on the shore but NOT to enter the water. She told her father that the friend didn’t say why they had to stay out of the lake but that they were incredibly insistent so they thought it best to obey. While the creature hadn’t drowned his children, it still made the king’s uneasy, knowing that the singing was luring people to it and Gandalf’s warning to Fili was brought forward as evidence to why they should find a way to rid the kingdoms of it. * Below the water lay the rotting corpse of Smaug, a reminder that nothing is truly indestructible and that all things must come to an end when their season is finished. Though the land dwellers feared the waters, a school of fish played hide and seek between his ribs while the owner of the voice picked up some of the jewels that had been stuck to him when his body came to rest on the bottom of the lake-bed. She had heard tales of the mortals markets and what was needed to attain their wares, the gold seemed to hold great meaning for them and as this would be her first time on land she was hoping to get the best experience the gold could give her.
She was what the sailors called a ‘water nymph’ or ‘foam maiden’ and while she had similarities to her cousins, her singing being one of them, she sang to heal not to hurt. The war had seen many good people lost and the bloodstained water had called to her people, begging them to send someone to help heal it’s wounds. The tale it told made her heart ache for the water and the land beyond and she’d volunteered, determined to right so many wrongs.
The men she’d seen were, she was sure, what the mortals would call handsome but there was so much hurt hiding in their hearts. Wrongs done to them that they had tried to bury in hopes of moving their kingdoms forward, faster. She’d tried to help the one but those on land were always superstitious of things in the water and he’d been pulled away before she could work her magic. The children were dear things but she feared they would get out too far and hurt themselves so she ordered them to stay ashore, her intentions pure but misinterpreted by the men. Now she had a chance to visit the kingdoms and it was her deepest hope that it would give her a better insight into how to help the lands and the people that lived within it. * The day the two worlds would collide was a sunny, winter day in December. The markets were bustling with shoppers trying to get gifts for Yule and the lake had a thin sheet of ice over it, small ice caps floating over the water like spirits of ships past and singing lullabies that only those willing to listen would be treated to. If any of the inhabitants of either Dale or Erebor had taken a second to glance towards the charred remains of lake-town or stolen a look at the once battlefield, they would have seen the woman that came out of the crystal blue water. Her skin was pale with an almost blue tint to it that was not easily seen by mortal eyes, her hair was nearly to her thighs and was an inky black that had been twisted into a mess of braids that sat on her head like a crown, her eyes were a deep blue that appeared to sparkle like the sapphires and diamonds kept in Erebor’s treasury, and in her entirety did she embody what the mortals would describe as perfect.
The magic that flowed through her veins allowed her to easily change from that of a mermaid with a tail and gills to… well… not quite human but close enough in appearance to an elf that the mortals tended not to notice the subtle differences. She had never used her legs on land but all of her kind were taught at a young age how to use them, the sea floor acting as their walkway, and while the land didn’t have the flow her home had she was managing all the same. Conjuring up appropriate dress for the season and the clothing of those in this part of the world was the final step before spending her first day outside the water.
All heads turned when she walked by, looking at all the odd things the people were selling and wondering at their use. She felt very like a child among all this newness but reminded herself that they would be just as out of sorts if they set foot within her cities. She could hear the murmurs from the dwarves, who thought themselves very quiet when to her it was as though they were shouting, all wondering who she was and if she was from Thranduil’s court. Even a few of the humans stopped and stared at the woman, so much so that she felt it necessary to move away from them all. She’d heard stories of what could go wrong among the humans, stories that explained why some of their people turned murderous, and she did not wish to join the ranks of the sirens.
A child’s laughter caught her ear and she was delighted to see the young girl from before. Her brother and sister was with her and the person she could only assume was her father. He had a kindness in his eyes but she knew his hurt and sadness went deep… this one and the dwarf king had such wounds on their hearts that it made her want to reach out and hold them until all was right in their world. So enmeshed was she in their hurt that it took her a minute to realize she’d been staring and that the little girl had noticed and while she probably should have pointed it out to her father, she simply skipped over and put her hand in this strangers as though it belonged there.
“I know you.” She smiled up at her. “You’re my water friend.”
“Tilda!” her father ran over, gently pulling her away in case the woman took offense. “Tilda, you cannot run up to people you do not know.” His reprimand was gentle and when he finally looked at the woman his apology seemed stuck in his throat at the sight of her. “I…” his children had never seen their father tongue tied and yet here he was. “I… I’m sorry miss” he finally managed to get out.
“Sorry? For what?” she never understood the overuse of apology the land dwellers used. They were forever saying they’re sorry but hardly ever meaning it. “Is she venomous?” It was a genuine question, some water folk were venomous, so in her mind it made sense that perhaps some humans were as well. His laughter at the perceived joke confused her a little but figured she could worry about it if she got bit, not that she thought this little one was a biter.
“I don’t think so.” He finally answered, his gentle manner appealing to her greatly. “My name’s Bard. These are my children, Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda. What’s your name?”
“Beautiful” Sigrid snickered at how smitten her father seemed to already be with this woman and while there was something familiar about her, only Tilda immediately knew who she was. “Are you new to town?”
“Yes. I only arrived today”
“Visiting family?”
“No. Just visiting.”
“Well, would you care to join us? We can show you all our kingdom has to offer.”
“Oh I wouldn’t want to intrude. You are spending the day with your family and I am sure your wife would not appreciate…” her voice trailed off when an odd expression crossed Bard’s face at the mention his wife.
“Were my wife still alive, I am sure she would have been happy to have you join us.”
That’s why that look was so familiar. It was the same one her brother got whenever someone spoke of his lost love. “I am so sorry. I didn’t…”
Not even on land 2 hours and she was already making a fool of herself. She was sure it would have been less embarrassing if she tripped and knocked over a table than the way she was currently stumbling over her words. A part of her thought that maybe she just wasn’t cut out for land and seriously considered going back home when he offered her his arm.
“Please Sereia, it would be an honor to have you join us.” Between Tilda’s hopeful expression and Bard’s sincere tone she knew it would be unkind to refuse. Once their arms were linked it was though a current of electricity was flowing through them and a glance up told her that he was feeling it too. * The day had started off like any ordinary day, his hopes of sleeping in dashed into a thousand pieces by his sister throwing open his curtains and letting the sun in. Comments about him sleeping the day away made no less than four times and it finally ending when he agreed to go with her and her sons to the market. It wasn’t his favorite way to pass the day but his opinion changed when his eyes landed on the most breathtakingly beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life. She was walking with Bard and his children and he cursed the luck of the dragon slayer. He wanted to meet her, hear her name and discover if it was as beautiful as the woman it belonged to, his feet obeying his thoughts before he knew what he was doing.
“Thorin, where are you going?”
“Bard is here, I’m just going to say hello. I’ll be right back Dis.”
“Oh, alright. Invite him and the children to dinner, his daughters are just darling.”
“I will.”
The small family was at a booth that was selling candy apples and both the men were entranced by the sight of her ruby lips biting into the treat. The feeling of eyes on her made her look about, her lip curving a bit when she discovered the reason behind the feeling and causing the dwarf king to blush scarlet and make his presence known before he made a bigger fool of himself.
“Bard, good to see you my friend.”
“Thorin, good to see you as well.”
The greetings were kind but she sensed a falseness about them. These two had a past and from what she could feel, it wasn’t all that great. The niceties seemed forced and though the kingdoms were thriving, she couldn’t help but wonder how much greater they could be if their kings truly liked one another.
“How are you this fine day?”
“Very well. As you can see, I am graced with a beautiful companion.”
“Aye and what is your friend’s name?”
“Sereia” she smiled kindly.
“Serena, beautiful.”
She was trying not to laugh, her name wasn’t one used on land but Bard had gotten it the first try and she couldn’t help but wonder if the dwarf king was a little hard of hearing. “No” she corrected gently. “Sereia. Sir-rye-ah.”
“There you’ve got it.”
“As magical and as beautiful as the one it belongs to.”
If she thought Thorin was just being kind she would be more comfortable but in this moment his intentions were rolling off of him like the waves in the sea. All mermaids were beautiful and because of that they had a tendency to attract attention but Sereia knew where that could lead, especially when it was two men vying for the attention of the same person. He’d taken her hand and pressed a kiss to the top, keeping her hand in his until Tilda came bounding over and pulling on her arm.
“Sereia! You have to see this!”
“Excuse me” she bowed slightly to both men, thankful for the small girl’s interruption.
Sereia managed to remain with the children for most of the day, leaving Bard and Thorin to their conversations. The men were talking about her, both wondering where she came from and deciding to ask Thranduil if she was from his court, while the woman in question was currently helping Bain pick out a small present for his father.
“You sure he’ll like this one?”
“I’m not sure of anything Bain.” She smiled softly “I only met your father today but I am sure that anything from you or your sisters will be the very best gift and that he will treasure it for as long as he lives.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because, all parents are the same.”
“Do you have children?” Sigrid inquired, asking a few more pointed questions, more for her father’s benefit than her own.
“No. I’ve never loved anyone enough to want children.”
“You mean you’ve never been married.” Bain corrected.
“No. I would have a child with someone I wasn’t married to if I loved them enough.” Sigrid and Bain looked to one another and she couldn’t understand the disapproval she was feeling in them.
“Don’t worry Sereia” Tilda assured her, hugging her around the middle. “I’m sure the rules are different for people that live in the water than for us.”
“I’m sure you are right.”
“Wait…” Sigrid had heard Tilda call her ‘her water friend’ but assumed it was just her sister playing pretend. Sereia agreeing with her on this made her think that maybe Tilda knew more than she thought. “Sereia, are you… were you… you’re the voice?”
“Aye. I’m the voice.” She whispered, not knowing how the adults would react if they heard. “But lets keep that to ourselves shall we?”
“Of course but we’ve been wondering.” Sigrid looked to Bain but her brother seemed stunned at this newest puzzle piece “Why did you tell us to stay ashore while luring Thorin into the water?”
“I was not sure you could swim.” It was a statement with very little follow up “Thorin can.” The face Sigrid made confused her to no end and she was going to find out why she made it. “That’s how it goes, isn’t it? Children and smaller beings may not be able to swim but adults and large beings can?”
“No Sereia, not always. The three of us can swim very well but we know that some of the dwarves stay in the shallows because they’re not strong swimmers.”
“Are you saying I…” her face paled even more, showing the blue tint of her skin more clearly, and her voice was so quiet that Sigrid strained to hear her. “I almost drowned Thorin?!”
“I think Thorin can swim but rumors were swirling that he was bewitched.”
“Nonsense. I do not bewitch people.”
“Are you sure?”
She wanted to say she was but truthfully she had no idea what affect her music had on mortals. She knew they were drawn to it, especially if they had hurts that needed tended to, but to claim she placed them under a spell… if she had, it was unintentional. “Perhaps my coming today was a mistake.”
“No! Please don’t go!”
“Tilda” Sereia knelt down so she could look into the little girl’s eyes, the blue reminding her of waters she called home. “I didnae say I was leaving, I was merely wondering aloud.” Her words soothed the young girl but her next ones caused Tilda’s lip to jut out into a pout “I will stay until the sunsets and then I will be on my way.”
“Stay longer?”
“I cannot”
“Tilda, she said she can’t.” Bain stepped in before she could make a scene. “Instead of worrying about her leaving, why don’t we enjoy the time we do have with her.”
“That’s a good girl.” when the smile was back on Tilda's face, Sereia stood up and gave her a quick hug before turning to a table with small mirrors and other things that the mermaid found fascinating. Her attention never seemed to be in one place for too long, so many booths to see and all a first for her. Though she was trying, at least until something caught her eye. “What is this called?” she whispered to Bain who held back a snicker.
“A fork.”
“What is its use?”
“For eating.”
“Oh… you don’t just use your hands?” he shook his head ‘no’ and she simply shrugged and picked up one of the mirrors. “How much for this?” she asked the shop keep, who’d been all out staring at her for the past several minutes.
“2 coins miss.”
“Um… Bain, can you?” she handed him the coin purse off her belt and he took out the correct amount for her and handed it to the owner. “Thank you.”
“Would you like me ta wrap that for ye miss?”
“Do I want that?” she whispered to Sigrid who nodded and took the mirror from her and handed it to the woman. Sereia watched as she placed it in beautiful, well beautiful to her, paper and placed it inside a pouch. “Thank you.”
“Have a nice day miss. Ye ‘ave beautiful children.”
“They are beautiful, aren’t they.” She smiled warmly at them before correcting the lady’s misconception “They are not mine though.”
“She’s a family friend.” Sigrid added after the woman made an odd face. “Sereia, I think father is looking for us.”
“Right. Thank you again” She gave a nod to the woman and left with the kids, smiling brightly at Bard when she caught his eye. He was still speaking to Thorin but there were a few extra and the way the younger dwarves eyes about bugged out of their heads at the sight of her was quite comical.
“Have my children worn you out yet Sereia?”
“Not at all. They’ve been most helpful.” She smiled down at Tilda who had been pretty well glued to her hip since she saw her. Someone cleared their throat, successfully catching her attention and not entirely sure what to do with it now that they had it. “Hello. I’m Sereia, nice to meet you.”
“And Kili.”
“At your service.” Them saying it in unison completely caught her off guard and she looked up at Bard so bewildered he didn’t quite hide his laughter well enough.
“Do people not greet one another like that where you’re from Sereia?” he asked, still thoroughly amused by her reaction.
“No. Not at all but I am curious as to what services you two speak.” She was so genuine that neither of the brothers had it in them to be cross, they were sure she wasn’t making fun and they were curious about where she was from if the greetings were so different. “Is it something like the people selling wares or do your talents lie elsewhere?”
Both the princes minds ran wild with her question but didn’t dare speak on it. They were sure Thorin would be outraged if they spoke crudely to this lovely visitor and they really did want to make a good impression.
“Elsewhere milady” Fili answered easily
“Fili and Kili are my nephews.” Thorin thought he was explaining something but she wasn’t sure what that had to do with talents. Her people had royalty as well and most of them were rather useless. Still, she didn’t come on to the land to be rude so she decided that nodding was probably the right choice.
“Oh… so your talents are being… royal?” No, that didn’t sound correct. They were speaking the same language but Sereia felt as though nothing made sense. Back home she was considered highly intelligent, one of the most skilled in her craft, but here everyone was looking at her as though she was a child and it was beginning to make her uncomfortable.
“Kili is an incredibly talented archer” Fili answered, refusing to laugh at the woman. “He is also very kind and funny.”
“And Fili is a great warrior” Kili added, always happy to brag about his brother. “He is caring, loyal, and you will be hard pressed to find a better man than my brother.”
That was more what she’d been hoping to hear. Being good with weapons and in battle was all well and good but she was more interested in the heart of a person. These brothers clearly loved one another and she had hope for the future of this kingdom when they would one day rule. Sure, Fili was the eldest but she had no doubt that Kili would be right there with suggestions to help their people.
“Then I am very glad to know you.” she curtsied to the pair and her smile was so warm that Kili thought it could melt the ice off the coldest of hearts. “The world needs more kind and loyal people in it.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Bard placed his arm around her waist and though outwardly she didn’t seem to mind, inwardly she had no idea what was going on. This felt very much like being claimed but Bard did not come off as the type of man to take what was not his. Truthfully, she didn’t belong to anyone but she had just met these men and she could hear her mother’s voice in her head warning her about the mortals. ‘They may come off as charming my darling but you will never know what their true intentions are until it is too late. Even with your gift, you may still be in danger. You never know who is imbued with magic and able to hide behind it.’
“Well, it is getting quite late and I must be off. It was nice meeting all of you.”
“Oh no, stay!” Kili wasn’t one to beg but it felt unfair to not get at least a little bit of time with her. “Have dinner with us. Bard and the children are all coming and there is always room for one more.”
Most mermaids only came out of the water one time a year but the actual law was you could come and go as you pleased as long as you returned on the second day. However if you got stuck and were unable to return by then, you could not return to the water until they next year, which was fine if the person wished to remain on land but so far she’d found the experience not entirely to her liking. Still, she did like these people and the thought of tasting their food definitely appealed to her…
“Very well but then I really must be off.”
“Come then.”
Thorin offered his arm and while Bard loosened his grip on her, she could still feel that he was reluctant to do so. However being rude to the man that was about to feed her didn’t sit well with her so she stepped forward and linked her arm in his, which was a little awkward as she was quite a bit taller than him. ‘One foot in front of the other.’ She told herself as they made their way into the great halls of Erebor. * Sereia, try as she might, couldn’t go anywhere without causing a commotion. Even walking to the dining hall had created a stir among the people, many dwarves wondering loudly if she was the King’s new consort, a thought that made her blush to the tips of her ears. It wasn’t that she thought him repulsive or anything, Thorin was quite charming, but some of the comments were… colorful. Inquiries on topics involving the bedroom that she thought they ought to be ashamed for speaking about. It was a relief when they were finally sat at the table. Thorin was to her right at the head, Bard was directly across from her, Tilda was on her right, and the other two children were by their father. Fili and Kili were sat by their mother across the way and soon the table was filled with 12 other dwarves that were all VERY intrigued by the newcomer.
“Friends, Family… tonight we have the honor of hosting Sereia. She is a visitor in our lands and this is the first time she’s been to this part of Middle Earth. Please make her feel welcome.”
His announcement did nothing for her nerves and Tilda felt the second she started to shake. Sereia was trying to maintain her composure but this was overwhelming for her. Most of her people were gentlefolk, the vibrations from loud noises hurt their ears and while it was a different sensation on land, it still made her anxious… until she felt a small hand slip into hers and squeeze.
“I’ve got you” Tilda promised and in that second Sereia didn’t feel quite so afraid.
Bard watched the interaction and the way Sereia’s gaze softened whenever she looked at his daughter made his heart sit heavy in his chest. This was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a very long time and he hoped he would have a chance to get to know her better. As it stood tonight, the others were quick to claim her attention and spent most of the dinner asking her many questions. Some she had to pretend she didn’t hear as she couldn’t answer honestly.
“So lass, where ye be from?”
“I’m sorry sir, what is your name?”
“Right, well Bofur I am from a coastal town.”
“Really?” a much older dwarf smiled, always enjoying the sea and wishing he could spend more time there. “Ya be mighty far from home then.”
“Balin… yes I uh… I must admit this is my first time away from home. It feels strange being so far inland as this.”
“Water calls ta ye lass?”
“Yes Bofur, it does.”
“Have you ever met a pirate?!” Kili hadn't meant to just blurt it out but he'd never met someone from the seaside and he had about a thousand questions for her, most having to do with pirates.
“Kili!” his mother’s fake outrage was comical, mainly because it was the same tone Sereia’s mother used on her. “Forgive my son. He doesn’t realize what an inappropriate question that is.”
“I asked if she’s met one mum, not if she was one.”
For as hard as she tried, that did make her laugh and she made a small apology for it. “Forgive me, I’m not making fun.”
“That never even occurred to me love.” Dis said warmly.
“To answer both questions.”
“Yes, both. You may not have asked it but I can see that you still want to know whether or not I’m a pirate.”
“She knows you better than you know yourself brother” Fili teased, not mentioning how Kili’s cheeks flushed. “Go ahead Sereia, if he won’t admit it, I will.”
“I hate to disappoint Fili but no, I am not a pirate BUT I have met a few.” That had all ears perked up and listening to her intently. “Some are as ill-mannered as you’d expect but the truly infamous ones are surprisingly genteel. Their crew is usually a different story but from my experience, the captains are generally not so bad. I’m not saying you should make it your mission to befriend one or anything, in fact that would be a very bad idea, but those times they go into port most of the stories you hear are blown out of proportion.”
“What is your favorite experience you’ve had with a pirate?”
“Oh, um…” she couldn’t exactly say, seeing as how it would give away what she was, but she figured she could make something up well enough. “I suppose the time I was taught a song by one.” In truth she'd overheard it so many times that she'd naturally picked it up but it was still what she'd consider an 'experience' with a pirate.
“Can we hear it lass?”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s more appropriate for places with nightly brawls than a dinner with kings.” She blushed, taken a bit by surprise when Bofur let out a barking laugh.
“I bet I know what one!” Bofur grinned, getting up from his seat and grabbing his flute, surprising her when he started playing the exact tune.
“How do you…”
“Taverns lass, songs travel as fast as stories. Come now, a bit o’ fun is always welcome among dwarves.”
“Alright but you have to sing with me.”
“Deal. Bombur! Nori! Follow along lads.”
Sereia had assumed she’d sing from her seat but was soon hauled on top of the table with the others, manners seemingly forgotten, and while this didn’t feel at all correct Thorin wasn’t telling them to get down so she just went with it. In fact as soon as Bofur began playing, servants started removing the food and plates and placing them on a separate table almost as though this happened more often than not. The happy tune began and by the way several more dwarves, Thorin included, sang along with them she relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy this rather strange dining experience. [all] “What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning! Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning!” [Sereia] “Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Early in the morning!” [all] “Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning!” [her] “Put him in a long boat till his sober. Put him in a long boat till his sober. Put him in a long boat till his sober. Early in the morning!” [all] “Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning!” The interlude was a merry tune and Sereia pulled up her skirt just enough to show her boots, the jig her father taught her not coming quite as easily as it did under the water but still well enough to earn a cheer from those enjoying the show. [her] “Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom. Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom. Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom. Early in the morning! [all] “Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning!” [her] “Put him in the bed with the captains daughter. Put him in the bed with the captains daughter. Put him in the bed with the captains daughter. Early in the morning!” [all] “That's what we do with a drunken sailor. That's what we do with a drunken sailor. That's what we do with a drunken sailor. Early in the morning! Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning! Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning!”
The final part of the song was more of the merry tune, the dwarves extending it so they could dance with the lass. Sereia had been a little taken off guard when she was grabbed around the waist by Kili, lifted off the table, and spun onto the floor to truly dance with the young prince. Soon they were joined by the others, all of whom took their turn spinning her around the floor. Bain was dancing with Sigrid and Tilda was being spun around by Dis who was the height as the young girl. The dwarves were all shorter than her but that didn’t stop them from literally throwing her in the air and catching her with ease, showing off their strength along with their love for having a good time.
“Da, the song’s almost over. If you’re going to dance with her, now’s your chance.” Sigrid whispered, her eyes dancing along with the music as her father did just that.
Fili had just tossed the mermaid into the air with a spin and Bard caught her before she touched the ground, her eyes looked like they had stars in them and her cheeks were flushed from the dancing.
“May I have this dance?”
“I thought you’d never ask” she smiled, placing her hand in his, her smile growing when he pulled her closer to him and the two of them danced around the great hall.
The dwarves had restarted the song from the beginning, giving the two of them plenty of time to enjoy their evening and it was only towards the end that Tilda’s patience ran out and she cut in, to the great amusement to everyone in attendance. Sereia thought she could dance forever with Bard but telling Tilda no just didn’t sit well so she lifted the young girl into her arms and danced with her until the song stopped at last.
“Well done lass!”
“Ye be a good sport Sereia”
“One more dance?” The last one was Kili and while she thought them all very kind, it was now quite late and she thought it time for her to take her leave. However this dinner had her thinking that perhaps visiting the land wouldn’t be all that bad.
“I thank you all for your hospitality. Tonight has been more fun than I’ve had in a very long time and I do hope we get to do it again soon.”
“Why does it sound like you’re leaving?”
“Because Fili, I am. I’ve got to get some sleep or I will be about as useful as a leaky boat.”
Disappointed groans went around but the company all bid her farewell, Bard taking this moment to head off as well. The small group was lead back outside by Thorin who invited her to join them for their Yule celebrations the next week, an invitation she happily accepted.
“And Bard, you and your children are of course invited too.”
“Thank you Thorin, I do believe we’ll be able to attend.”
“See you then my friend.”
“See you then.” * The family walked with Sereia up to the fork in the road that led one way to Dale and the other to the lake. There was no inn or any other amenities the way she needed to go but she hoped Bard wouldn’t pry too much when she didn’t go the way he expected.
“I should let you get your family home.”
“We can walk you to the inn.”
“That’s quite alright Bard. I was thinking of staying out a bit longer, take in the night air.”
“Sereia, a lady should not walk alone at night. It may not be safe.”
“Da, Thorin’s guards patrol this way every hour.”
“Sigrid’s right. Pretty sure we live in the safest part of all middle earth.”
“Yeah and besides, Sereia knows pirates!” she knew that would be Tilda’s favorite part and figured her imagination must be running absolutely wild right now.
“If you’re sure?”
“I will be fine. Thank you for today Bard and for the dance.”
There were a thousand things he wanted to say to her, a thousand declarations he wanted to make, but for now he simply took her hand and pressed a kiss to the top of it. His lips lingering for just a moment and making her skin feel as though it was burning.
“Good night milady.”
“Good night.” She smiled up at the handsome king before turning to his children and hugging each of them “Good night my darlings.”
“When will we see you again?”
“Anytime you wish” she whispered in Tilda’s ear before answering out loud “You’ll see me at the Yule celebration in four days’ time.”
“Will you come with us?”
“Of course. I’ll meet you right here.”
“Good night Sereia!”
“Good night lovely.”
Sereia watched until the family was out of sight before returning to the lake and that night the inhabitants of the valley and the mountain were treated to beautiful vocalizations, no words sang this evening but if you listened closely you could make out the tune as ‘Drunken Sailor’.
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
안녕하세요 마리! (Hello Mari)
How are you doing Mari??
I didn't send a lot of asks cause I want you to enjoy your trip and at nighttime for you to take enough rest as much as you need to be fit for the next day again.
And I saw a post about Abmol chapter 14, my face went from this 😊 to this 😳 real quick and I didn't expect that to come yet- but anyway I want to ask if you can give a tiny little bit (one line) spoiler for any story of yours?
Thank you so much Mari for begin so strong and nice and sweet and understanding and amazing and wonderful and beautiful and cute and I should stop-
- Yours truly only 🦙 anon (that look like a homeless person that didn't sleep for 3 weeks and don't worry about me I'm doing good now)
안녕 내 RJ 친구!
while I did try to enjoy myself, the trip ended up being just like...eh? like I had fun, but I am so used to taking care of my sister and putting her needs and wants first that I didn't get to do anything that I wanted to do. which is mostly my fault but also because my sister complained the entire time and I had to push her in the wheelchair two days while she didn't even say thank you.
OOOO so I have a fic im working on,,,that is definitely one of the future works that ive talked about before.
“This is your punishment, and theirs.” Sereia motioned to his brothers who were slowly coming to after being hit on their heads from behind. 
Jin could not help the rage from shaking his body. 
“You would punish me for finding my soul? For loving that which is rightfully mine?” Jin spat at the smiling woman, anger and confusion almost dripping from his lips. He could not understand what had happened to the woman, what had happened to make her so blind to fate. 
this is definitely more than one line but I am too excited🥰
im definitely excited and possibly getting in over my head but I couldn't help but start writing this fic (even though I already have like two in my drafts waiting for the right time to be posted).
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sereia1313 · 7 months
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Lost & Found
For the final day of @crescent-dreams's SessKag Festival! I haven't written a crack fic in a while, but I was able to tie this idea into a sequel to Hide and Seek and Warmth, so y'all can thank @mrfeenysmustache for the chaos that is about to ensue.
Read it on Ao3, Dokuga, and FFnet.
Summary: Sesshoumaru hasn’t been to the den in over a month, so Kagome heads west. But magic spells and uninvited guests prove effective interruptions when all Kagome wants to do is chase his nightmares away--and maybe something more.
Sneak Peek
Kagome sighed as she looked down at the bonds around her wrists. All she'd wanted to do was check up on Sesshoumaru, as he hadn't been to the den in over a month. She knew he'd had some travelling to do—he'd told her as much before he'd left—but she couldn't stop worrying, especially with how often the nightmares happened, so she'd ventured west, hoping they'd crossed paths.
Kohaku had just returned to the village to visit Sango and his new nephew, so he'd offered up Ah-Un to cut down on the time she'd spend walking. Kagome had planned on making the trip on foot, especially since Jinenji's farm was on the way, but he wasn't expecting her, so she'd accepted the help, more focused on seeing Sesshoumaru than anything else.
She blushed slightly at the thought of suddenly showing up on his doorstep, but it wouldn't be completely out of line considering how often they slept together, right?
However, those thoughts had quickly been dashed after Ah-Un had set her down along the edge of the citadel, and she'd immediately been seized by three soldiers. They'd demanded her name and station, claiming every visitor required special clearance to enter the village.
She'd told them all they'd wanted to know but had still been bound like a common criminal, Ah-Un muzzled and dragged in the opposite direction after both heads had snapped the soldiers' spears in half. She'd tried to calm them down, but the beast had been inconsolable, huffing fire as a slew of guards wrapped ropes around their body and tail.
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jamescarioca · 3 days
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tua singela beleza
sereia do mar de copacabana por onde andas? teu domínio nas noites à beira-mar onde te encontras? passeio meus olhos pela orla e o sereno da maresia me faz lembrar teu sorriso teus olhos azuis frios a me acalmar tua luz embriagada como canções do mar
desse martírio teu canto me seduz minha vida corre risco nos perigos do teu luar foi tudo à primeira vista antes da praia, nossos corpos a nos embalar naquela pista de dança louca girando sem parar cerveja, marijuana, ecstasy, whisky, era o fino paladar nas ondas de teu mar me senti otimista até perceber que eu ainda não sabia nadar
te fiz uma pergunta ou outra e tua boca te entregou aquele sorriso de canto me convidava sem hesitar hoje sei que entre tantos babacas você me escolheu me enganei ao pensar ter te fisgado, o peixe era eu hoje ainda me pergunto porque você não quis ficar pelos teus mistérios tento te decifrar ainda não sei que tipo de vírus me acometeu a paixão entre nós foi virulenta, mas ninguém se arrependeu já imagino teus cabelos negros pensando em voltar
sou um preso algemado em tua mais singela beleza enrole-me em teus desígnios mais íntimos e secretos toque-me fogo, pequena criança tua crina negra e teus olhos azuis não negam composição de indescritível realeza nessas horas não consigo guardar segredos discretos te desenho, te pinto, te bordo e te mordo com firmeza sou louco desvairado esperando pelos teus concertos nesse amor desmedido não há espaço para sutileza essa história vadia sempre termina em curto circuito dois fios desencapados que causam estranheza até que de tanto relembrar nossa estória me alveje um infarto como um raio fortuito
rio de janeiro, 12 de janeiro de 2O2O.
your simple beauty
copacabana sea mermaid where are you? your domain in the nights by the sea where are you? i walk my eyes along the shore and the calm of the sea reminds me of your smile your cold blue eyes calming me your drunken light like songs of the sea
from this martyrdom your sing seduces me my life is at risk in the dangers of your moonlight it was all at first sight before the beach, our bodies rocking us on that crazy dance floor spinning non-stop beer, weed, ecstasy, whiskey, was the fine palate on the waves of your sea i felt optimistic until i realized that i still didnt know to swim
asked you one question or another and your mouth gave you away that corner smile was inviting me without hesitation today i know that among so many idiots you chose me i was wrong when i thought i hooked you, i was the fish today i still wonder why you didnt want to stay by your mysteries i try to decipher you i still dont know what type of virus committed me the passion between us was virulent, but no one regretted i can already imagine your black hair thinking about coming back
i am a prisoner handcuffed in your simplest beauty wrap me up in your most intimate and secret designs touch me fire, little child your black mane and your blue eyes dont deny composition of indescribable royalty at these hours i cant keep discreet secrets i draw you, paint you, embroider you and bite you firmly im a wild mad, waiting for your concerts in this unmeasurable love there is no room for subtlety this bitch story always ends in a short circuit two bare wires that cause strangeness until that from remembering so much our story hit me a heart attack like a random lightning
rio de janeiro, 12th january 2O2O.
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bite-the-dust · 3 months
Thrills and Chills: A Tokyo Tale.
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Adam and Sereia found themselves seated at the crowded ramen restaurant, two lone souls in a sea of bustling strangers. The aroma of rich broth filled the air as they both patiently waited, having endured a two-hour line. Fate, it seemed, had brought them to the only available seat – facing each other.
Awkward glances turned into exchanged smiles, and with a shared understanding of solo travel, they decided to break the silence. "Solo adventures can be lonely," Adam confessed with a chuckle. Sereia nodded in agreement, "It's rare to find someone who appreciates the beauty of exploring alone."
As they delved into conversation, their stories unfolded like the layers of ramen noodles before them, intertwined and flavorful. "Ever been to Tokyo before?" Adam asked, his eyes curious. Sereia shook her head, "First time. I'm here to escape reality for a while."
United by the desire to escape their own realities, Adam and Sereia discovered a kinship in the chaos of Tokyo. Spontaneously, they decided to extend their connection beyond the ramen bowl and explore the city together.
Their impromptu journey took them to Disneyland. Adam, an adventurous soul with a penchant for speed, and Sereia, a thrill seeker enchanted by the twists and turns of amusement park rides, decided to turn their chance encounter into a day of adrenaline fueled fun at Disneyland. "How about starting with Space Mountain?" Adam suggested, his eyes gleaming. Sereia grinned, "Sounds like my kind of adventure!"
As they entered the magical gates of the park, their first stop was Space Mountain. With heart pounding anticipation, they braved the cosmic journey through twists and turns in near darkness, emerging with exhilarated smiles. "That was amazing!" Adam exclaimed, catching his breath. Sereia, still catching her laughter, agreed, "I've never experienced anything like it!"
The day continued with a visit to the enchanting world of Pirates of the Caribbean, where they marveled at the animatronic wonders and swashbuckling adventures. Their shared love for the sea and adventure made the experience even more memorable. For a change of pace, they explored the whimsical attractions of Fantasyland, riding the iconic teacups and taking a whimsical journey through "it's a small world."
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After the enchanting Disneyland Tokyo adventure, Adam and Sereia, still buzzing with excitement, decided to explore the charm of Tokyo beyond the amusement park. They stumbled upon a quaint vintage bookstore tucked away on a quiet street. Adam's eyes lit up when he discovered a collection of vintage comic books, triggering a wave of nostalgia. Sereia, on the other hand, immersed herself in a section of classic adventure novels, tracing her fingers over the worn spines. "I used to read these as a kid," Adam shared, a smile playing on his lips. Eager to continue their exploration, the duo ventured into a nearby secondhand store where they found a vinyl collection. Both of them left the stores with tangible treasures.
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To cool down after their exhilarating day, Adam and Sereia decided to end their Tokyo exploration with a visit to a famous cafe known for its cozy ambiance and delightful pastries. They shared stories over cups of rich, aromatic coffee and indulged in decadent desserts, savoring the sweetness of their newfound friendship.
The next day brought a surprising twist as they embarked on an adventure quite different from the sunny rides of Disneyland Tokyo. Braving the winter chill, Adam and Sereia found themselves at a picturesque ski resort, surrounded by snow covered slopes and towering pine trees. Despite neither of them having any experience in skiing, their shared love for new challenges prompted them to don ski gear and take on the snowy slopes. Laughter and tumbles ensued as they navigated the beginner trails, making memories filled with joy and playful mood.
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As they navigated the city without an itinerary, Adam and Sereia discovered that the beauty of travel lies not only in the destinations but in the connections made along the way. "Who knew a chance encounter over ramen could lead to all of this?" Sereia mused, her eyes reflecting the shared adventures. The adventures of Adam and Sereia proving that chance encounters and shared passions could turn a casual meeting into a remarkable journey of friendship and discovery.
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme My Fairy Tail Love Story Online fácil
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My Fairy Tail Love Story - Filmes Online Fácil
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Chantel é um pirralho mimado amaldiçoado para ser uma sereia depois que ela perturbava corais sob o mar. Com a ajuda de sua melhor amiga Noah, eles vão em uma jornada para encontrar seu príncipe encantado com quem ela acredita que vai quebrar a maldição que ela está.
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mermaidfantasy05 · 1 year
Cursed Masterlist
Started: 12/22/22
Updated: 12/25/22
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Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Blood and Injury Blood and Violence, Homelessness, Curses, Witch Curses, Fairy Tale Curses, Death, Arranged Marriage, Blood Drinking,Forced Marriage, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
A young girl locked high in a tower and cursed with seventy feet of magical hair, escapes from her tower and decides to make a treacherous journey to the cursed lands to find a witch that specializes in removing magic curses. On her journey, she meets a brother and sister both cursed with powerful magic, a girl cursed to not have a voice, a princess cursed with an illness that will eventually put her to sleep forever, a princess cursed with powerful ice magic, a noblewoman cursed with an overwhelming ability to see other people's auras and feel their emotions as well as a suffocating marriage that she does not want, a princess cursed with a peculiar ailment that causes her to crave blood, and two girls cursed to transform into beasts every full moon. The kids decide to journey into the cursed lands together and along the way discover that maybe being cursed isn't so bad after all.
Notes: Hello everyone and welcome to my first fantasy story!!!! As the tags mentioned, the characters in this story are all directly inspired by fairy tales. Both the original versions and the Disney versions. Primrose is this story's Rapunzel. Primrose has red hair just like the Rapunzel from the original fairy tale but she has the personality and powers of Disney's Rapunzel. Sereia has the original Little Mermaid's backstory (traded her voice for legs to marry the prince) but with a twist which will be shown later on in this story. Sereia also has Ariel's iconic red hair and her love for the human world and random little trinkets as well as Ariel's princess status and singing voice. Unlike Ariel and the original Little Mermaid, Sereia can control water. Rose follows both the original Beauty and Disney's Beauty pretty closely, sharing her love of books and reading with Belle and she shares the original Beauty's grace and shares both characters kindness, honor and love for their fathers. Two differences is, Rose can see and feel people's emotional auras, kinda like Rosabella Beauty from Ever After High and unlike the Original Beauty who's father was a merchant and Belle who's father was an inventor, Rose's father is a nobleman. The one character in the story that deviates from their original character counterpart is the Beast which'll be shown later on in this story. Aurore shares her name (the only difference being her name ends in an E whereas Aurora's ends in an A) with Aurora and Aurora's looks. She also shares her princess status and curse with both Aurora and the original Sleeping Beauty and the conditions of her curse are the same with a slight difference being whereas both Aurora and Sleeping Beauty sleep for a hundred years, Aurore will never wake up again if her curse takes effect. Aurore's curse also gives her the ability to travel into dreams when she's asleep. Averie and Adalie are a take on if the witch in Hansel and Gretel was nice and instead decided to raise Hansel and Gretel and Hansel and Gretel had magic. It'll be revealed how they got their magic powers in the story. Iclyn Blanche of course has the classic Snow White look and personality. Only difference is, Iclyn is a vampire. It'll be revealed how it happened in this story. Neve shares the powers of both the original Snow Queen and Elsa. She has Elsa's personality with a little bit of Gerta mixed in and like Elsa, she has a little sister as well. Cerise is a take on if Red Riding Hood was the wolf of her story. Which has basically already been done before, but hey I like it so that's what we're going with. She shares her name with Cerise Hood from Ever After High and she has Ruby/Red from Once Upon A Time's personality and cloak. And last but certainly not least, Xanthe is a take on if the bears from Goldielocks and the Three Bears were actually witches and decided to teach Goldilocks a lesson by cursing her.
Phew, that's everything. I hope you all enjoy and sorry for this super long Author's Note.
Chapter One: High In A Tower
Chapter Two: Escape
Chapter Three: The Dead Woods
Chapter Four: The Tavern
Chapter Five: Madam Penlam
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drosselmeyerwrites · 3 years
Get to know your author ask!
11) What aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
18) Were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? What were they?
22) Are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
24) Have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Hi Sereia! Thanks for the asks! 11) I hope verbosity, lol. In the past I think a lot of what I tried to communicate in writing got lost in too many words. EPU was actually started originally as a challenge to myself to try and communicate only what was necessary to get the point across.
18) There's a lot of works that stand out to me, but if I narrowed things down, I would probably say Hemingway in general for his ability to say just what's needed and then Michael Faudet. I don't know that their tones necessarily come across in my own writing, but there are principles between the two of them that I try to keep in mind. Faudet's Dirty Pretty Things is a guilty pleasure, but the stuff I have that reflects his work is largely unpublished.
22) Teenage Kagome in a relationship with Sesshoumaru is a nope for me. I always age her up in my writing, canon timelines be damned. Even going with Takahashi's estimated age equivalent for him, that's still a young high schooler in a relationship with someone who could be a college sophomore, and I don't like the maturity dynamics there. Someone else may be able to pull this off in a way that would make me reevaluate things on a case by case basis. But for me, that's not a place I'll go.
24) I tend to write about stuff I mostly have some experience or knowledge in, but I do have one fic that's in the early stages of its WIP status where I've had to do some cultural research. But that's also an area I love and have experience in, so it's been enjoyable at the same time, and I've been able to explore a culture I've always been interested in more. Ironically, it's probably the story I want to write the most but am pretty terrified of tackling it, lol.
Thank you again! <3
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