serenewrote · 26 days
Hey darling! I'm the anon who submitted this (https://serenewrote.tumblr.com/post/745794658206105600/i-just-read-your-daemon-x-dornish-daughter-and-im) and I loved what you wrote, but I can get the version with princess Martell fem!reader… And… I had another idea, I hope you don't mind… So reader gets pregnant and despite it being a difficult pregnancy and birth she gives birth to her daughter ( lady Martell), and they are living happily until when the girl is 5 years old, reader gets pregnant again, but this time she can't go to term, she is losing a lot of blood and the baby won't come out (and Daemon won't allows them to open her), then reader and the baby die, not before she says goodbye to her precious girl and Dae and makes him promise to take care of their daughter and try to be happy, they make one last vow of love and she dies . In this part, if it's not too much to ask, could you focus on Dae's relationship with his daughter? like how they deal with grief and how he takes care of her (in my head this happens before he marries Laena, but it's up to you) About two or three years pass and although he still loves and mourns the reader, he marries Laena who is a sweetheart to little Lady Martell and doesn't try to replace reader, and is an excellent maternal figure. In this part, the flow continues normally, Laena has the twins, years pass and they are well and happy, but when Laena gets pregnant again and dies, Lady Martell finds herself in the same situation again (she really feels the death of Laena and the baby while remembering Reader and her other unborn brother) She tries to comfort the girls and Daemon tries to comfort the three. They go to Westeros, the funeral and all that confusion takes place, but in the meantime Daemon receives a letter from Dorne saying that it is time for Lady Martell to return home (Dorne) and be prepared to take over the throne that belonged to her mother. Lady Martell is scared at first and goes to Daemon, they have a frank conversation and he says he will support whatever decision she makes (whether to accept it or not) but he encourages her to take on what is rightfully hers. She goes to Dorne and learns her duties quickly and efficiently. A year later, her coronation takes place Dae (who is beyond proud of his eldest daughter) and the rest of the family is there to celebrate. She is a good ruler and Dorne prospers under her leadership, but when the dance breaks out Rhae asks her to support the blacks, but Lady, or rather Princess Martell, says she will not take sides on any side (Dorne will not fight in a war which is not theirs) Rhaenyra, despite being disappointed, respects her decision, something the greens didn't do… please? (Sorry if I got carried away, but the original idea is so interesting that I couldn't help myself…but feel free to ignore this idea and do what you think is best, but if you happen to follow this idea, it will be Can you detail Lady Martell's relationships with Reader, Daemon, Laena, the twins and the rest of the family and her years ruling Dorne, please?)
Ok. Yes, I can absolutely whip this up for you! I had a feeling that is what you were leaning towards but I just had the first idea in mind when you had sent that request. So, I'm sorry that it wasn't exactly to your liking, apologies. Also, I'm gonna have to give y/n from that other one shot a name now. Little disclaimer: moons = 12 months aka 1 year. And here you go:
"It was all part of the story, even the scary nights" - Daemon x Fem! Martell! Reader
Prequel to "And nothing hurt anymore, I feel kind of free"
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Warning(s): death during childbirth, infantile death
110 AC
The battle at the Stepsons ended swiftly. They crowned Daemon, King of the Narrow Sea. To celebrate his conquest, Daemon set out to indulge in the finest of wines and there was only one place where it could be found, Dorne.
As Caraxas landed on the sands of Dorne, Daemon is greeted by the future Lady Y/n Martell, and her sister, Nymera.
"I heard the battle for the Stepsons was a victory. Congratulations, my prince."
The Rogue Prince smirks at Y/n, "Thank you, Princess. I also thank you for sending your fleet. Dorne isn't too font of Targaryens."
Caraxes cries out and you look to see your sister walking up to him.
"Nymera! Leave the dragon alone! Sorry, my sister's curiosity will get her killed one day."
Daemon chuckles, "We were all a bit curious at her age."
Y/n looks Daemon up and down, "My father speaks of you."
"It seems my reputation proceeds me."
"It's mostly just of what not to do and be as heir, my Prince. Although, I'm sure you are of good character."
Daemon scoffs. The audacity.
"I hope that your father won't turn me away so that you can see how good my character is."
"Why do you think my sister and I are greeting you instead of him?"
Y/n led Daemon into the great hall where a celebration was taking place. She brought him over to her father, Qoren Martell.
"Father, Prince Daemon has come for a visit. I hope you can welcome him peacefully."
Qoren looks Daemon up and down, "A dragon in our midst can only bring trouble. I have half a mind to send him away."
Y/n rolls her eyes at her father's behavior. Daemon bows his head, "I promise, Lord Martell, to keep a peaceful visit and not disturb you."
"I hope for your sake that you keep that promise, dragon."
"Alright, father. That's enough. Come, Daemon. Let's join the festivities."
Y/n leads Daemon onto floor for a dance, "You do know how to dance, right?"
Daemon scoffs at that implication, "I wouldn't be a proper prince if I didn't."
"But you aren't a proper prince. A proper prince doesn't leave for another city instead of returning to his wife."
Daemon places his hands at you waist, "I assure you, Princess. My lady wife is more than joyous for my absence."
The dance starts out slow then speeds up. At the music's climax, Daemon lifts you up. You look deep into each other eyes.
"How unfortunate for you. To be trapped in a loveless marriage.
Daemon's eyes drops to your mouth. His tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"Yes, how unfortunate."
112 AC
In Lady Y/n Martell's chambers, she has begun her labors. Her handmaidens crowd around her.
“My lady, is there anything you need?”
The exhausted and straining Princess grits her teeth, “I would love if the Maester wasn’t wasting his time doing gods know what and help me bring my child into the world.”
Two of the handmaidens run out to see what’s keeping the maester and Daemon walks in.
“Where’s the maester, my love?”
“If I knew, he would be here. It seems he has decided to spend his time elsewher-ahhh!”
Lady Y/n tenses up. She grabs Daemon with a fierce grip.
“My dragon, my maester is nowhere to be found and little sand dragon has took it upon itself to push out.”
“Now? Like right now?”
Y/n took a deep breath, “Daemon?”
“My love?”
“You are going to help me, right now!"
"Y/n, I'm not a maester. I've never even seen a woman birth a baby. I don't know what I'm doing."
"Lucky for you, I have. Now, go and sit between my legs. It's nothing you haven't seen before-ahh!! Go now!"
Y/n's skin shines with sweat. She grips onto the chair. Daemon lifts his head from the sheet.
"Now, do I catch it when you push or....?"
Y/n looks at her lover. Surely he is not this stupid.
"Catch? catch?! If my child has even a second of air time before their first dragon ride, I'll cut your cock off and that is a promise. Now I'm going to start pushing so, focus!"
After copious amounts of pushing, Y/n and Daemon's daughter, named Aelyssa after Daemon's mother, decided to grace Westeros with her presence.
"Such powerful cries for a small little one."
"She's a dragon. Her cries are like roars."
"You, Aelyssa Targaryen, are going to be great."
117 AC- Aelyssa is 5
Aelyssa is conflicted. Her mother is pregnant and she is to have a sibling. She is only 5 moons old, she doesn't know how to be a big sister. She isn't allowed in the birthing room but if her mother's cries are anything to go by it seems like it isn't the place to be right now.
In the birthing room, Lady Martell isn't doing so well. The maesters are concerned with something.
"My lady, it seems as if the baby is breached somehow."
"I just need to push a little more, please!"
Maester Osferth looks at the woman with a solemn look. Daemon notices.
"What is it? Can she not continue pushing?"
"Well, my prince. It would be ill-advised to do so. Perhaps we could try and cut-"
"No, absolutely not! You will cut her like some animal!"
Y/n looks up at Daemon, "My prince."
"My love."
"I fear the babe and I will not make it."
"Don't say that."
Y/n grips Daemon's hand, hard.
"And Aelyssa will need you more than ever. The rest of the realm will not kind to her. You need to hold her and love her as you do now.
"I swear it."
Lady Y/n's grip on her lover loosens and she takes her last breath.
118 AC - Aelyssa is 6
It has been one moon since Lady Martell's death and the baby. Once Lady Martell had died, they cut out the baby for burial. It was a boy.
Aelyssa has not gotten over it. She mourns in her room and has her food delivered to her door.
Her father has dragged her out of her chambers to break their fast. She hasn't taken one bite.
"Zaldrītsos, can you please eat something?"
"I am not hungry."
Daemon sighs, "Aelyssaa. You are greiving; so am I but, I do not want you starving yourself. Your mother would not want you to starve yourself."
"I'm just not hungry, father. It has nothing to do with Muña."
Daemon walks over to her and grabs her hand, "Come with me."
They walk out of the dining hall and down to the crypts. Aelyssa marvels at the her ancestral burial place. They stop in front of Y/n's coffin. Daemon gestures her to kneel.
"Hello, my love. It has been one moon since you were taken by the Stranger. We are grieving but, it is hard without you here. Our little snapdragon is having trouble adjusting, naturally. Maybe this can give her peace of mind."
Aelyssa places her hands on her mother's coffin, "Hello, Muña. I admit that I am not doing well with your passing. I am not eating but, I cannot find the strength to eat. Not when you're not sitting with us. I know that you wouldn't like it and I would try to cope better. There are also talks of my ascension as Dorne's new lady. Aunt Nymeria rules in my stead until I am ready."
Tears roll down Aelyssa's face. She makes no move to wipe them.
"I have ignored father which I know I should not do as he is the only parent I have, but it is hard. I hope that you are looking down at us from the heavens and shall be proud of the woman I become."
Aelyssa launches into Daemon's arms unable to hold her sobs.
"Oh, my sand-dragon. It's ok. The hole of grief is never filled, but you learn to live with their memory. I am always here. Do not be scared to come to me with anything that dwells in your head. The ones who love us and the ones we love, never truly leave us."
Daemon and Aelyssa spent that night in the crypt, sleeping beside Y/n.
125 AC - Aelyssa is 12
It has been 3 moons since Former Lady Martell's death. Aelyssa is still having some trouble adjusting.
She and Daemon are sparring in the training yard of Pentos. Instead of putting her all into it as usual, Aelyssa's been lagging and her father can tell.
Aelyssa looks up at her father, confused. "What? Why?"
Daemon takes her sword from her hand and kneels down, leveling with her.
"What troubles you my little sunshine?"
"Nothing. Can we finish, Father?"
Daemon narrows his eyes, "No. We can talk about what's distracting you."
She sighs. Father always knows.
"You have married Lady Laena and she is with child, you will forget about me."
"Why would I ever push you aside? You are my firstborn. Nothing will change that."
"But your children will be legitimate in the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms- well six, Dorne doesn't count. The lords, ladies, and the king, I am naught but a bastard to them. And your children might rule Driftmark, a powerful ally to the King. What am I but a future Lady to a kingdom that will never ally with the rest."
Daemon caressed Aelyssa's face. His eyes soft. He remembers Y/n's last words: The rest of the realm will not be kind to her. You need to hold her and love her.
"You are my daughter. Not a political tool. Legitimate or not, I don't care. My brother can moan and groan about you all he wants. I fell in love with your mother and still hold so much love for her. Every time I look at you, I see her. And that fills me with so much happiness because our love created something so beautiful and precious."
"I am not yet sold on Lady Laena. It will take time."
"I do not intend to rush you. Just understand that I still love you and always will. Nothing will ever change that."
"Love you too."
Aelyssa hugs Daemon. Not too keen on his reassurance but she trusts his word.
137 AC- Aelyssa is 14 (Rhaenyra and Daemon have married and now this is following the last few episodes of S1)
Aelyssa is dressed in gold yellow with hints of red and black. She is pacing in front of closed throne room doors. Daemon is watching her, amused.
"Have you reached the sand yet?"
Aelyssa glares at her father.
"Not the time. I'm nervous and Mother is not here to advise me. I fear I will dishonor her and my ancestors."
Daemon grabs Aelyssa's shoulders to stop her pacing.
"You will be great. You have not dishonored me, therefore you have not and will not dishonor him. Your mother would want you to rule Dorne however you see fit. Now, are you ready?"
Daemon holds his arm out. Aelyssa latches onto him. The doors open. They walk. The room is quiet and all eyes are on their soon-to-be Lady. They reached the front and Ser Cyrbon led Elaesa up the steps and she sat on her throne.
"I present to you all, Aelyssa Martell, daughter of Y/n Martell, and your Lady! Hail Lady Aelyssa!"
"Hail Lady Aelyssa!"
It's done. You are now Lady of Dorne. You should address the people.
"To my people of Dorne. I welcome you to the dawn of our kingdom. I intend to rule as my mother did and more. But know this, Dorne will forever remain: Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken!"
The people cheered, the guards looked on in pride. Daemon smiles, and the sun- the sun shines a bit brighter on you.
141 AC - Aelyssa is 18
No body was found. The search was in vain. We burn his clothes in place of his body.
Aelyssa is conflicted. She knows not how to comfort her cousins and her sisters. She walks up to Rhaenyra, careful.
"He will be avenged, I swear it."
They walk into the council room. Making battle plans. Rhaenyra and Aelyssa make eye contact throughout the meeting.
"Cousin, I ask you this because I need it. I could use your help."
"Dorne will not fight in a war which is not theirs."
"I am desperate."
"Lucerys did not die in vain. Justice will come but not from us, I'm afraid."
Aelyssa pulls Rhaenyra into a hug.
"I pray to the gods that you are successful. I can't wait to see you on the throne, Cousin. The Iron Throne.
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And if Aelyssa sent Blood & Cheese instead of Daemon, no one will know.
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serenewrote · 20 days
"I was over love, thought I had enough, then I found you" - Tyrone Johnson (Cloak) x Reader
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Synopsis: You are a descendant of New Orleans' voodoo queen, Marie Laveau. She also happens to be the grand-daughter of the owner of the church that Tandy lives in. One day she goes to visit her but finds a stranger in her place.
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): light swearing
You walk into the church, immediately covering your eyes. "Tandy, I don't know if you are decent right now, but I brought some food!"
After a few seconds of silence, you put your hand down. That is not Tandy. There's a boy. Tall, dark, and handsome... and shirtless.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Who the hell am I?! Who the hell are you and why are you in my church?!"
The boy quickly puts his shirt on, "Your church? You don't look like a pastor."
You roll your eyes. The audacity of this boy. "I'm not a pastor. I'm too hot for that, and I'm not that religious. I do own this church though. Where's Tandy, kid?"
"First, don't call me kid. You look younger than me. Second, Tandy's staying with her mom now. And, my name's Tyrone. Tyrone Johnson."
Not gonna lie, you weren't paying attention he was saying. Your mind still stuck on his shirtless frame. You usually make it habit to not gawk at attractive people, but you can't help it. The guy's cute af!
"Well Tyrone Johnson, I won't tell anyone you're here seeing as how I literally just met you. Please do clean up a little, I have a thing about cleanliness. Also, my name's Y/n Laveau, nice to meet you."
"Laveau? Like Marie Laveau?"
"Yep, she's my great-great-great-great something. I don't know."
"That's actually pretty cool." Tyrone seemed genuinely interested which surprised you because the name usually brought stares, free food, and sometimes discounts.
"I guess. So, I'll just stay here in case Tandy comes over." Totally not because you want more time with tall, dark, and handsome. Not at all.
"Sure. I mean, this is your church; I can't tell you what to do in it."
You made yourself comfortable as you could on the cold stone ground. Reminding yourself of the times, you would come just to admire the stained glass. You look over at Tyrone.
"Come here. Lay with me."
Tyrone walks over and lays next to you. Putting a good amount of space between you.
"Let's wait together."
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serenewrote · 26 days
I finally posted that request! I am so sorry that it took so long. Life got in the way and I was never really satisfied with it, so it was in the drafts for edits. To whomever requested it, I hope you like it. To all of my other readers, don't be afraid to request. I am now on summer break and will be able to write and deliver requests and post faster. Thank you all for reading my blogs and that you to my followers for following me. There is more coming so stay tuned!!!
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serenewrote · 2 months
PSA-Please Read
Hi….hi. Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth. I had a bit of writer’s block and I was away for spring break. I also ran into some issues working on a request but I’m back now.
Anywho, my next post should be finished and posted by today, hopefully. I’m also working on stuff for other fandoms so, be on the lookout. Don’t be afraid to send a request. I like peeking into the minds of my readers.
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serenewrote · 3 months
Post Deletion
I deleted "It was all part of the story, even the scary nights" because it wasn't what anon was looking for. And they were so nice about it that I decided re-write it. As I was writing, I realized that I could have done so much if I had just stuck to their initial request and I liked writing it the way they intended much better than what I had previously done.
Again, there is no shade to anon whatsoever. I hope that they enjoy the new re-vamped prequel and some of my other writings.
Bye! Bye!
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serenewrote · 3 months
I saw that there is doctor who on your masterlist, do you write for 11th?
I've never written any doctor who stuff but I added it to my master list bc I am part of the fandom and want to write some stuff for it. so I can try, if you'd like me too. also 11th doctor is my fav!
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serenewrote · 3 months
My dear, is there anything you don't write?
Honestly, I'm open to anything except smut bc for me, writing it is more awkward than reading it. I also don't write any dead dove stuff like r*pe or any type of SA. Everything else I'm fine with, really.
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