#sereno sky
hippieseurope · 9 months
"Bernardo, don't we all wish more or less secretely for people to 'reap what they sow' when it comes to hurt and injustice being done by them?" I hated to admit that I was doing that too. "I guess this is somewhat of a common human reaction, but I don't know if it's really helpful or necessary." She seemed a bit startled by the second part of my answer, so I extended my thoughts on this. "I think we all suffer from stuff we did that we regret, and some of that regret hurts us deeply. They are a pain in our heart and eat on us, in that way we have already been reaping. It all happens sooner or later to perhaps everyone, it's part of life. To wish this on people doesn't seem necessary as it happens regardless, they may just not talk about it. It all comes back in some form or another, the good and the bad." -Sereno Sky, the "Lonely Traveller" novels
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Let's goooo
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penelopeparis · 2 years
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Sky blu Cloud #foto #sky #cielo #blu #luce #cloud #nuvole #fotografie #fotografare #viaggio #viaggiare #temporale #sereno #freedom #libertà #strada #camper #canon #nature #photography #italy #light #clouds #fotografia #travel #photo #photooftheday #sea #sole #italia (presso Etna Nord 2800m) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiqFmceLwE2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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felis-rach · 1 year
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@heropartnerweek day 4 - Festival / Legends / Memories
Hero - Torchic/Sereno // Partner - Treecko/Oceano
"I mean, take a look at us!" the treecko laughed. "We fought AT LEAST ONE god, we saved the world twice, we traveled through time and darkness and sky..." "...and we still get only 10% of the money." Sereno sighed. "Eh, I accepted that already." Oceano said, lying. "Still... look at all we've done, Sereno. I think, even after years and years have passed... they'll still remember us as heroes." "Heroes?" Sereno scoffed. "Think again, leafbrain. We're still so young. We still have so much to evolve, and so much to do. We've explored so much already and there's still a million places to go! Maybe we'll even save the world a third time! Or a fourth!" "I think I'll pass. Saving the world is pretty stressfull." Oceano chuckled. "But where are you getting at, candlehead?" "We won't be remembered as heroes, Oceano." Sereno looked at her partner, pink eyes glimmering. "We'll be remembered as legends."
I stopped playing EoS shortly after evolving. But I loved to see my little guys finally geting to their final forms (even if I strongly think they should be allowed to evolve earlier in the game but that's besides the point). And I hope they kept exploring after I closed my ds and did so much more than I can imagine, and became the legends they deserve to be. <3
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"It’s not just the ecological footprint of people that would need to change in order to save mother earth. It’s this whole attitude of a greedy exploitation of nature, animals and other humans that would need to change. People would need to be taught to live only for their need and not their greed. And that is much more difficult to change than ecological footprints."
— Sereno Sky, author of the hippie novel “Lonely Traveller "
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sciatu · 9 months
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Nessun poeta può scrivere una poesia su Taormina perché Taormina è già poesia nel suo essere cielo e mare nella luce che la veste nella sua infinita primavera nei mille colori che l’accendono nel suo solare abbraccio perché qui nessun cuore può essere straniero o triste o vestirsi di malinconia o non credere nei sogni mentre parla con il mare dai suoi balconi fioriti da quel gradino del paradiso che è la sua piazza luminosa. Nessuno a Taormina può negare la bellezza o ignorare la felicità o non amare la vita. Perché Taormina è la luce del giorno è i versi di una tragedia nel teatro sospeso sul mare è il fascino dei palazzi medievali arrossati dal sole al tramonto Taormina è il sorriso delle sue bellissime donne è le lingue del mondo che qui trovano casa. Taormina è i suoi vicoli il verde ed i fiori che la vestono è il profumo dei suoi ristoranti l’ironia, la gioia delle scalinate il suo essere nobile e casta sensuale e provocante, sorella e amante ricca e generosa silenzio e musica. Taormina è abbracciare il nord è il lungo sereno viale che vive da levante a ponente è il suo volto rivolto a sud è il centro di tre mari lo specchio di sette cieli il tempo che si ferma la vita che scivola felice su i suoi antichi palazzi. Taormina è il crocevia di ogni poesia d’amore è le stelle d’agosto con cui le sue luci si confondono felici è il sospiro di amanti e poeti è la luna che la veste d’argento le nubi che la sfiorano la serenità che la culla il vento che l’accarezza. Taormina è il bello racchiuso nella sua profumata, antica multicolore, immensa, elegante anima mediterranea
TAORMINA - WALKING: No poet can write a poem about Taormina, because Taormina is already poetry, in its being sky and sea, in the light that dresses it, in its infinite spring, in the thousand colors that light it up in its sunny embrace because here no heart can be foreign or sad, or dress in melancholy, or not believe in dreams, while it speaks with the sea, from its flowered balconies, from that step of paradise, which is its luminous square. No one in Taormina can deny beauty, or ignore happiness, or not love life. Because Taormina is the light of day, it is the verses of a tragedy, in the theater suspended over the sea, it is the charm of the medieval buildings, reddened by the setting sun, Taormina is the smile of its beautiful women it is the languages of the world, which find a home here. Taormina is its alleys, the greenery and flowers that dress it, it is the scent of its restaurants, the irony, the joy of the stairways, its being noble and chaste, sensual and provocative, sister and lover, rich and generous silence and music. Taormina is embracing the north, it is the long serene avenue, which runs from east to west, it is its face facing south, it is the center of three seas the mirror of seven heavens, time that stops, life that slides happily, on its ancient buildings. Taormina is the crossroads of every love poem and the stars of August with which its lights happily merge is the sigh of lovers and poets it is the moon that dresses her in silver, the clouds that touch her, the serenity that cradles her, the wind that caresses her. Taormina is the beauty contained in its fragrant, ancient, multicoloured, immense, elegant Mediterranean soul
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esuemmanuel · 9 months
¿En dónde quedó aquel soñador insaciable que buscaba entre las olas del mar las palabras que podían descifrar lo que llevaba en la cabeza, eso que deseaba pintar en el lienzo de sus más serenos descansos al pernoctar bajo las estrellas? ¿En qué lugar está ese niño juguetón que aprendía de sus travesuras a respetar el fluir del tiempo, la hechura de la vida, la pericia de la respiración, el anhelo de la imaginación y la querencia de la inocencia? ¿En dónde están todas esas promesas que se hizo el hombre al crecer, al enamorarse de la nada, al sollozar bajo la luna mientras se clavaba en las palmas de las manos las uñas, queriendo tatuarse en su centro la devoción de la oscuridad? ¿En dónde, por dios, en dónde están esos tres amantes de la creación? ¿En dónde están sus corazones? ¿En qué lugar se les perdieron? Porque no los veo... no los veo... y eso... eso me causa un gran dolor. Grandes gotas de sal se derraman en mis mejillas, atravesando mi faz hasta empapar la piel de mi pecho acongojado... Y es que el cielo me llora, tal como yo les lloro a esos tres... que son Yo.
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Where is that insatiable dreamer who searched among the waves of the sea for the words that could decipher what he carried in his head, that which he wished to paint on the canvas of his most serene rests while sleeping under the stars? Where is that playful child who learned from his pranks to respect the flow of time, the making of life, the skill of breathing, the longing of imagination and the desire for innocence? Where are all those promises that man made to himself as he grew up, as he fell in love with nothingness, as he sobbed under the moon while digging his nails into his palms, wanting to tattoo in his center the devotion of darkness? Where, by God, where are those three lovers of creation? Where are their hearts? Where have they been lost to them? Because I don't see them… I don't see them… and that… that causes me great pain. Great drops of salt spill on my cheeks, piercing my face until they soak the skin of my distressed chest…. And the sky weeps for me, just as I weep for those three… who are Me.
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forestduck · 3 months
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Mar 20, 2022 - Hippie, animal and nature lover, writer, novelist and traveller. Facebook: Sereno Sky Instagram: lonelytr...
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julesofnature · 2 years
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“There is something about those November evenings where the darkness sets in early and the fog creeps in like a cold blanket, resembling death itself, leading us into lighting fires and candles to keep warm and cozy. The sun sets earlier, giving us time to delve into the dark corners of our lives and shed a candle on it, to see if perhaps we might be able to improve some aspects hidden to us during sunny days. So that when spring comes back we might be able to bloom in renewed beauty, just like the flowers which all go to sleep now for a season.”
~Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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[CN] Victor’s Banquet Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 同宴之约, that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under The Cut]
[Anika’s Notes]: I wouldn’t be noting the voice acting for the date cause I’m busy drowning too deep in the Demon King’s charm. BLESS YOU WU LEI. the voice acting for this date— (BEWITCHING ^ max ^ max ^ max) 💫💫💫
🎥 The video link: ♡
✧ [Chapter 1] ✧
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After the White Dew, the feeling of autumn imbues stronger, and everyone fancies warming themselves with a glass of wine, so the business at the Three Dreams Quarter is a little livelier than usual.
The moonlight haloes the cascading streams of light, descending delicately onto the sky veiling Serenos.
Until just before curfew, the voices of the passing customers can still be heard through the windows, full of praise for the fine wine in their arms.
I, however, have no time to pay attention to the beauties of the mundane world at the moment. All my thoughts are stirred by the swaying shadow behind the curtain.
MC: Victor, what’s the flavor of the cake I just ate?
It’s not long before Victor’s somewhat indolent voice drifts from behind the curtain.
Victor: It’s sweet-scented Osmanthus cake, but you’ve added walnuts.
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MC: ! You’re right again.
For whatever reason, Victor can now feel the flavor of what I eat.
The situation is so sudden, but it makes me feel both at a loss for what to do and very excited at the same time.
Victor: Are we continuing?
Victor: In this short while, you’ve eaten only Osmanthus cakes already with walnut filling, cherry filling, and peppermint filling.
Victor: Eating so much in the middle of the night, aren’t you worried about having a bit too much?
Victor’s voice passes through the curtain, but he can’t conceal the laughter laced within it.
MC: So why on earth do we both share the same perception? Do you have any clues?
The right side of the curtain is gently lifted, the light of a candle flickering in the distance. Victor leans over and walks in.
He lifts his arm and points to the Demon King’s Pact with my name written on it.
Victor: It should be that the Demon King’s Pact has generated some kind of fluctuation.
Victor is right. I lower my head and look at the Demon King’s Pact on me.
MC: Is there any way to eliminate that?
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Victor: It’ll supposedly take some time.
Victor pauses, seemingly thinking of something.
Victor: If you wish to settle this first, we can postpone the day after tomorrow’s banquet.
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MC: No way! I’ve already made an agreement with them. I can’t go back on my words when I’m to host a banquet for the first time.
MC: They must be very much looking forward to it now.
This banquet stemmed from a coincidence. I inadvertently asked everyone in the Demon Realm if there was anything they wished to eat.
The enthusiasm turned out to be far greater than imagination. Then at Victor’s suggestion, we decided to hold a banquet.
I originally wanted to prepare some “special surprises” to give Victor at the banquet, but now I’m afraid he will find out about all the surprises in advance.
At this thought, I grumblingly grab the turquoise dumpling on the table and take a hard bite. It’s pepper-flavored.
This, for instance, is “one of the surprises.”
Victor doesn’t frown as I expected him to. Instead, he quietly picks up the tea in front of him.
The fresh flavor of the tea is accompanied by a bitterness that sweeps away the numbness in my mouth.
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Victor: Nice tea.
As I watch him react with such proficiency, a notion suddenly flashes through my mind.
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MC: Did you already find out about this long ago?
Victor: Not long, three days ago.
MC: Three days ago?! S-so, you’ve felt it all when I was doing the experiment processes!
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Victor: I indeed have tasted many bizarre flavors these past few days.
Victor: Especially when reviewing government affairs, it’s particularly refreshing.
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Victor picks up another pastry from the table, wearing a smile on his lips as he puts it in his mouth.
The creamy aroma, blended with the sweetness of mint, diffuses gently in my mouth, slowly dispelling the stirring emotions that rose in my heart just now.
MC: Never mind. If it’s only the sense of taste, it’s not a big deal, right?
Victor: It’s not limited to the sense of taste.
MC: Eh?
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Victor: [the tease LOL]  Once the Demon King’s Pact has fluctuated, any of our senses may interoperate with each other.
Victor: Until the Demon King’s Pact quietens down, you’ll have to mentally prepare yourself in advance.
✧ [Chapter 2] ✧
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Last night’s drizzle has given Ninth Heaven Avenue a little more weary look. Pedestrians are thinly spread, and droplets of water coalesce on the red eaves, inclining to fall along the crab angles.
I’m standing in the flower shop, choosing bouquets for the banquet decoration.
The bright red, scarlet, and intricate flowers are a feast for the eyes, but there’s never the one in particular that I’m looking for.
I imagine the day of the banquet, with red silk fluttering unbidden in the limitless space and tables full of fine wine. But the most striking feature is the splash of red that adorns either side of the throne.
I’ve searched all over the flower shop but am unable to find any such flowers.
MC: Boss, do you have any other flowers here?
Flower Shop Owner: Wait a moment. Let me put together this cart of flowers, and then I’ll introduce them to you.
Before the owner’s words are out of his mouth, I catch a whiff of the fragrance of flowers. But it soon dissipates, as if it were simply an illusion just now.
As I look around, the owner is trimming the fresh flowers he has just unloaded from the carriage.
A splash of red charges into my line of sight.
The bamboo plaque next to it is engraved with the word–– “roseate.”
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MC: These flowers... do they grow in Serenos?
Flower Shop Owner: It’s actually a rare species from the Demon Realm. This name has been given to it upon seeing how its color is reminiscent of magnificent scenery.
Flower Shop Owner: This flower is exceptionally festive for banquet decorations. Young Lady, would you like to buy some?
I stare at the gorgeous color, blinking my eyes. I know that according to the language of the Demon Clan, its name is “flame.”
[Tidbits]: It’s a reference to Victor’s “Cold Mountain Date”, yet another tale of these two making miracles happen~❤️‍🔥
And it now has two names.
–– just like those who live in the Demon Realm. There’s no difference between them and those who live in Serenos, yet they are far apart by distance.
I pick up a fiery red petal that has fallen on the table and look at it in silence. I originally wanted to decorate the banquet with flowers from Serenos, but I came across it instead mysteriously and inexorably.
When you’re looking for someone in the waning lights, it’d appear that your best choice has always been right in front of your eyes.
[Tidbits]: SCREAMING INTO THE HEAVENS!!! MC here refers to the same poem Victor had written on his lantern in their “Lantern Date” (from their canon dating timeline). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE POEM AND HOW WELL IT PORTRAYS THEM ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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MC: Boss, I’ll take them all!
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On the way back to the Three Dreams Quarter, I struggle to gather the bouquets in my arms, having a hard time watching the road through the small cracks.
MC: Whew... if I had known earlier... I should’ve asked the boss to send them back for me.
I mutter in a low voice and raise my head. When I look up, I vaguely notice a figure in front of me.
MC: Sorry, excuse me.
The figure in front of me doesn’t move out of the way and walks straight up to me instead.
Just when I think I’m going to collide with them, the other person stops in their tracks.
The next moment, the clusters of flowers I’m holding in my arms are gathered up by the other person, and the flaming red petals that fall off sprinkle all over his body.
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Victor: People who can be in such a mess when buying flowers... you are to be the first one.
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After leaving Ninth Heaven Avenue, we walk on the lane toward Three Dreams Quarter.
I sniff my nose. The fragrance of the flowers in my arms interweaves with the ones in Victor’s arms, creating a very pleasing scent.
MC: Do you think everyone will like this scent?
Victor: They will.
Victor: After all, I’ve been surrounded by the fragrance of flowers since early in the morning.
Victor says it in an understated manner. I realize that today, we share our sense of smell as well.
MC: But I didn’t seem to perceive any scent from the Demon Realm.
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Victor: You said last night that you are coming to choose flowers today, so I came out early.
Victor: But I just came across a blooming flame flower on the way. It’s not normally seen around here.
I realize the true source of the floral fragrance that I suddenly smelled earlier.
Victor: If you want these, there’s plenty in the Demon Realm. You didn’t need to make a special trip to buy them.
As he turns his head during the conversation, his eyes catch sight of the splash of red in my arms, and he seems a little puzzled.
That look on his face seems to say, “There are so many in the Demon Realm. Why did you wish to buy them?”
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MC: I know it can be seen everywhere in the Demon Realm, but I’ve just heard the boss call it “Roseate.”
MC: So I bought them all in one bite!
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Victor: [really surprised]  Do you like this name more?
I shake my head and see Victor’s eyebrows arching up slightly as he waits for my explanation.
MC: Because… the demons call it “flame,” and the people of Serenos call it “roseate.” But the people who are to buy the flowers would only know one name.
MC: When the demons and humans get along peacefully in the future, what should we do if they get into a quarrel because of it again?
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MC: Although now that I think about it… it does seem a little impulsive.
I turn my head to look at Victor, the flakes of blazing red escorts around the corners of his raised lips.
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Victor: Then you can give it a name.
Victor: I’ll make sure that everyone remembers it.
✧ [Chapter 3] ✧
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The day of the Banquet of The Demons has arrived.
The palace hall of the Demon King is entirely draped in red silk, and the gifts brought by the demons are piled up into a small mountain in front of the palace hall.
At this moment, I’m being led by two demons as I walk to the center of the hall.
Victor dons his Demon King’s attire as always, but the color is not majestic as it has been in the past.
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He looks akin to admiration, anticipation, and yearning.
I meet his gaze and slowly move forward, and a warm sensation surfaces in my body.
There seems to be a thread that ties Victor and me together. It’s the wonderful link brought about by the Demon King’s Pact.
When I walk up to his side, the entire surroundings lapse into silence, and only the surrounding eyes of everyone rest upon us.
I lean into Victor’s ear and ask––
MC: What’s next?
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Victor: Giving the welcome speech.
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MC: Well, do the honors.
Victor pays no heed to my shirk. Instead, he takes my hand and walks to the table.
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The wines I’ve brought from Three Dreams Quarter and the dishes I have composed over these past few days are on display.
Victor’s eyes sweep over them one by one, and finally, he places the filled wine cup in my hand.
Victor: I see you aren’t clear about it yet.
Victor: The protagonist of this banquet is you.
Victor speaks in a heavy tone, as if he’s been preparing these words for a long time.
I subconsciously avert my gaze and mutter in a small voice.
MC: But you are the Demon King…
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Victor: It has nothing to do with the Demon King.
Victor: What you have prepared for them is exactly what they’ve been earnestly looking forward to for so long.
Victor: They are all here because of you.
Victor: MC, including me.
Victor’s words descend gently on my heart, one after another, reminiscent of a xylophone.
I originally thought it to be just a simple and joyful banquet, but I didn’t expect so much would be riding on it.
My hand that has been holding up the wine cup begins to tremble nervously.
Suddenly, Victor’s fingertips softly brush across the back of my hand and hold it up.
I can feel the touch flowing from his fingertips, sweeping past my grip holding the icy wine cup and resting in the warmth of my palm.
And along with the temperature, there is also Victor’s heartbeat.
Victor: Be brave. I’m here.
Thump thump, thump thump.
Clearly, there are two hearts–– but they are beating at the same frequency.
Surging together, rising and falling together; together as calm as the moon.
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MC: In that case, let’s do it together.
MC: It’s the Banquet of The Demons. No matter what, it cannot do without the Demon King.
I take Victor’s hand and slowly lift the large silver cup in my hand.
I stare at the banquet hall filled with “people” of all kinds of shapes and sizes, “people” who aren’t recognized by the mundane world.
At such a juncture, what kind of “banquet speech” are they expecting?
All the words I originally thought of, either polite or grand, dissipate in my chest.
Right now, for this occasion, perhaps there’s a more appropriate way than words.
I lean into Victor’s ear and whisper my thoughts.
Upon hearing my words, Victor casts a somewhat astonished expression.
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Victor: Aren’t you afraid of getting drunk?
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MC: It’s a banquet anyway, so it doesn’t matter. And if we say too many words, the dishes will get cold.
MC: Furthermore, aren’t you here always by my side?
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Victor: Hold on tight then.
Victor sweeps me up into his arms, causing the violently shaken cup to spill a few drops of wine on his chest.
He brings his lips to the wall of the cup. The icy sensation of the touch and the spiciness of the wine transmits to me as well.
Seeing how little wine is left in the cup at once, I make haste to the other side of the cup.
Drinking a glass of wine together–– this banquet requires no more words.
I look into Victor’s eyes and quietly finish the glass of wine. By now, my cheeks are already rosy red.
After drinking up that cup, I avoid Victor’s face wearing a beaming smile, and occupy myself with turning the cup upside down without letting a single drop fall.
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MC: I declare the Banquet of The Demons begins!
Crowd: Hear!!!
Looking at everyone raising their glasses to each other and full of laughter, it seems that at this moment I’m not in the Demon Realm, nor am I in Serenos.
I’m simply in a corner of the earth.
After taking my seat, I quietly place a pastry on the table onto Victor’s plate.
–– it’s reminiscent of a flaming red flower landing on a leveled embryo.
I’ve made it specially for Victor. There is only one piece of it for the entire banquet.
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As he bites it open, the inner filling made of flowers comes into view.
MC: [to herself]  What will it taste like… eh?
Victor eats the pastry, but the taste I was expecting to appear in my mouth doesn’t materialize.
✧ [Chapter 4] ✧
The clamor gradually lapses into silence, and the banquet enters the epilogue.
People in the hall begin to leave in twos and threes, but the sound of laughter can still be heard drifting from afar.
[T/N]: The latest WM release on the global server has localized “Ashan” and “Ahai’s” names, respectively, “Sam” and “Hayes.” I’m using that here for consistency~ :>
Sam and Hayes lean over from the left and right, their faces also beaming with smiles.
MC: Do you guys feel happy today?
Sam: Hehehe, of course, we’re happy. After all, it’s “two celebrations simultaneously and double happiness.”
MC: Double happiness? Apart from the banquet, is there anything else to be happy about?
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Hayes: Everyone has attended today as the coronation ceremony.
Hayes: Henceforth, you are the rightful Demon Queen!
MC: What!
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Victor: You two, go and tidy up over there.
Not a moment later, Victor’s voice pauses, and then it rings in my ears again as he turns to me.
Victor: Let’s go out and get some fresh air. They will take care of it here.
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I follow Victor as we walk through the Demon Realm. I can’t count how many times we’ve done this.
But every time, we were too busy dealing with one event or another, and we’d never been able to take such a leisurely walk as we’re doing today.
Halfway through the walk, I see the slightly intoxicated look on Victor’s face that still hasn’t dissipated and take a bite of the sour plum I’ve been secretly carrying with me.
One tiny bite down, and the unripe sourness makes my brows furrow.
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I sneak a peek at Victor again. He still has the same expression he had just now, full of high spirits and spontaneity.
MC: [to herself]  It seems that what I thought before is true.
Although I knew the shared senses would disappear, I didn’t expect it to come so unannounced.
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Victor: Are you still eating on the sly? Didn’t you have your fill just now?
Victor: And the thing you’re eating is so sour.
MC: How do you know that!
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Victor: I can feel it.
Even though his answer clearly is full of certainty, his voice is tinged with intoxication.
Victor: You’ve shown that expression of drooped eyebrows for sourness many times before.
Unlike Serenos, autumn doesn’t seem to have swept into the Demon Realm. The flame flowers by the Chasm Bridge are in full bloom, and when the dew hits them, the petals become as crystalline as flaming jade.
As Victor and I stand on the bridge, it seems that we can still hear the sound of laughter drifting from the palace in the distance. I can’t help feeling deeply emotional.
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MC: I really wish we could have more banquets like this.
MC: Victor, say, if the people of Demon Realm and Serenos could understand each other’s feelings, wouldn’t they be able to have a mutual understanding?
I know the question is a little too optimistic, but I ask it anyway.
I expected Victor to call me “naïve,” as he usually does. But on the contrary, he gives me a reply after pondering a while.
Victor: Good thinking, but it’s quite difficult.
Victor: Some people will always choose to turn a blind eye, even when they can empathize.
Victor: It’s something that can’t be done overnight.
Victor draws a step and stands in the center of the bridge, which is also the midpoint of the common border between Demon Realm and Serenos.
I follow Victor’s line of sight and see the blooming fiery red flowers in the distance.
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MC: Be that as it may, at the very least, there are people who are striving towards it now.
Victor: Humans and demons are like this flower.
Victor: If each side were to call it in their own way, there would be no harm in that.
Victor: But if both sides harbor hostility in their hearts, this matter can also become a source of conflict.
MC: [she is asking this seriously btw]  What should we do then?
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Victor: [and here comes the irresistible charm for the millionth time LOL]  If we want to solve this problem, there’s only one way to make it happen.
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Victor: It’s that… someone has to come up with a good name.
The corners of Victor’s lips are slightly lifted as he looks at me.
MC: I was thinking of taking half of both sides.
MC: But it’s called “flame” in the Demon Realm, and it feels odd no matter how I try to put it together.
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Victor shakes his head and casually draws a few strokes in the air.
The characters, reminiscent of “jade,” float in the air, shimmering with a rosy red glow.
Victor: Rose, fiery jade.
Victor: You can use these terms.
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Jade-like flaming rose; magnificent and stunning.
These few words seem to be able to form a name on their own.
MC: I already have an exquisite name in my head!
Victor: What is it?
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MC: Hehe, I’m keeping it a secret for the time being.
MC: I promise you, I’ll tell you on the day when humans and demons feast together.
I gaze at the red moon in the distance as it dyes the clouds, reminiscent of a heavy curtain on a theater stage.
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Victor: Are you prepared to pray the price for making such a pact with the Demon King?
MC: This also comes at a price? Great Demon King, you’re really too petty.
I turn sideways, making a small protest.
On the Chasm Bridge, the astringent feeling of autumn unconsciously makes me tighten my sleeves.
Suddenly, Victor’s palms encircle me from behind. His broad, sturdy figure screens me off from the coldness of the autumn day outside.
But the warmth brimming in his eyes is even more intense, akin to flames.
I watch as his thin lips part lightly, saying the following few words.
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Victor: Before that, stay by my side for each day that is to follow.
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theskyxing · 1 year
Solo el Humo y los Tontos.
Dicen que... solo el humo y los tontos buscan lugares altos. Y aquí estoy yo, de pie en la cima de un edificio, fascinando con el alcance tan lejano que tiene mi vista. 
Abrazado por el sereno de la noche y siendo reverenciado por las luces de la ciudad, mi corazón corre con todas sus fuerzas cuando mis ojos contemplan el vacío por el cual podría caer. 
Solo el humo y los tontos buscan lugares altos porqué mientras más alto estés, más lejos tus ojos verán, más temor al vacío tendrás y jamás. más vivo te sentirás.   
~Pensamientos de un Cielo Estrellado~
Sky Xing 
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hippieseurope · 2 years
"I think life is a lot about taking the plunge, especially when the water temperature is colder than the air ", she said. "You know at first it will feel chilly for a bit, but pretty soon you will get used to it." There was certainly something in what she said. "We often try to avoid uncomfortable situations, but sometimes life just throws us into the river, and we must swim or sink. Or we manoeuvred ourselves into uncomfortable circumstances, by unwise or hasty decisions and then need to learn to be happy on the new road life has taken us.
Sereno Sky, the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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serenosky · 1 year
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Merry Christmas to all my readers and those to be, as well as to all folks on Tumblr who express part of their life in this social media exchange. And to all loved ones, among them my lovely dog Laila, who have already departed. May we continue to give our love to all those who are still with us while we are here... Sereno Sky, author of the “Lonely Traveller” novels
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c-c-2 · 1 year
“Ye Airs! Sweet Airs / Aure, O Aure! che’l ciel nudo e sereno.” by Lodovico Paterno (1), Translated by Henry Francis Cary (2), Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
Ye airs! sweet airs, that through the naked sky
Fan your aurelian wings in wanton play;
Or shedding quiet slumber, as ye fly,
’Mid the dim forest murmuring urge your way;
To you these garlands, and this basket high
Piled up with lily-bells and roses gay,
And fragrant violets of purplest dye,
Icon, all fainting in the noontide ray,
Scatters, a votive offering to your power:
And oh! as ye receive the balmy spoil,
Temper the inclement beam; and while his flail
He plies unceasing through the sultry hour,
Hoarse Echo answering ever to his toil,
Dispel the parted chaff with brisker gale.
Illustration: Untitled Italian Landscape, c.1970 by Alfredo Lerains (b. 1940)
(1) Lodovico Paterno was born in Piedimonte d'Alife (today Piedimonte Matese, in the province of Caserta), on February 12, 1533, from an ancient Neapolitan family descendant of a baronial branch called di Castello. His father's name is uncertain.
His date of birth comes from the verses of one of his works entitled “Del trionfo d'Amore” («from the day I was born, or when I was extinguished!, / the duodecimo day, on the mezo day, / with thirty three, in the thousand ages five hundred, / two months before April.” References to the place of his birth are scattered throughout the songbook, as in the case of the incipit of the sonnet, in which the tutelary deities of Piedimonte are evoked: "A foot of a mountain, whose beautiful air breathes / both of Mars, and of Phoebus the merits together.”
The family lived in the S. Giovanni district, the first settlement of the current town, but also owned a residence in S. Giovanni a Carbonara, in Naples. His brother Bernardo is addressed in a sonnet by Giovanni Agostino Caccia in his “Rime spirituali”, which defines him as a "very rare physicist,” testifying to his practice of medicine professionally. Lodovico’s first teacher was the humanist Francesco Filippo Pedemonte, author of a commentary on the “Ars poetica Oraziana”, which appeared in Venice in 1546. He later studied law at the University of Naples and was a disciple of the Aristotelian philosopher Simone Porzio (1497-1554) and Ettore Minutolo, respectively readers of metaphysics and canon law.
In Naples he entered the service of various lords, including Alfonso III de Cardenas, Marquis of Laino and Count of Acerra, who also delighted in composing verses, and who died in 1564, to whom Paterno dedicated the poem in octaves Il palagio d'Amore. The last news of his life is from a notarial deed of 1575. An unconfirmed popular source wants Paterno to have dressed in the habit of St. Dominic and that he died in an Aversa convent of the Dominican Order.
Despite the difficulty of clearly outlining the framework of Paterno's cultural experiences, given the paucity of biographical data, he shows himself to be well integrated into the Neapolitan literary environment. An at least equal relationship with the main protagonists of the Neapolitan poetic scene is to be supposed, as Bernardo Tasso, in the last canto of the “Amadigi”, presents him in the “[…] company of elected spirits / that of Sebeto on the vague shores / singing, with graceful, high concepts / they light up the shore and the waves with love,” alongside Angelo Di Costanzo, Berardino Rota, Luigi Tansillo, Ferrante Caracciolo and Ferrante Carafa, as the one who "with fruitful and lofty ingenuity / is already based on such a sublime sign.”
He made his debut at the age of just twenty-five with the songbook “Nuovo Petrarca”, published in 1560 (Venice, G.A. Valvassori), with an emblematic title, but soon retracted following the ferocious criticisms of the strictly observant Petrarchists, who forced the young poet to reprint the collection in same year, again for Valvassori, with the more innocuous title of “Rime.” The ambitious original title wanted to indicate a “new” way of imitating Petrarch, that is “to develop all the thematic and expressive possibilities, bringing the various elements to a level of accumulation and amplification that exhausts their availability for use in other contexts”
Consisting of 966 compositions, the songbook is divided into four parts, as stated on the title page: “La prima et seconda in vita et in morte di m. Mirtia,” The third of the various subjects, and the fourth of the Triumphs. With the mimetic name of Mirzia, from the myrtle plant sacred to love, Paterno celebrated in his verses his hidden love for Lucrezia Montalto, wife of Count Luigi Gaetani d'Aragona, of the Piedimontese feudal house and, on his death, the wife of Cesare Cavaniglia, Count of Troy and Montella.
(2) Henry Francis Cary, (born Dec. 6, 1772, Gibraltar—died Aug. 14, 1844, London, Eng.), English biographer and translator, best known for his blank verse translation of “The Divine Comedy” of Dante.
Educated at the University of Oxford, Cary took Anglican orders in 1796 and was later assistant librarian in the British Museum. He published biographies of English and French poets and translated the ancient Greek writers Aristophanes and Pindar. Although Cary’s translation of Dante hardly reproduces the original’s great strength, it manages to retain some of its vividness. “The Inferno” appeared in 1805–06; the whole work, under the title “The Vision, or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of Dante,” in 1814. It was long the standard English translation of Dante’s masterpiece.
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felis-rach · 1 year
I also lost my Ribbon when I played through explorer's of sky (it was knocked off by a Duskull and it knocked me out before I could get it back). I had worn throught the whole game and I was really attached to it, so I was really sad when it got knocked off
It's nice to know I'm not the only one this happened to
I love Sereno and Oceano btw! There very charming little guys
Nice to know I’m not alone too haha! I was also pretty upset, but later I thought it was kind of cool, like Sereno was losing her ties to the past and moving on, gathering courage for what she had to do. It can be nice when unexpected things happens in games and you get to imagine your character’s reactions
...And thank you!! I do love my little guys a lot so I appreciate it! <3
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It’s not just the ecological footprint of people that would need to change in order to save mother earth. It’s this whole attitude of a greedy exploitation of nature, animals and other humans that would need to change. People would need to be taught to live only for their need and not their greed. And that is much more difficult to change than ecological footprints.
Sereno Sky, author of the hippie novel “Lonely Traveller
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