#sergeant emma miller
companion-showdown · 5 months
Let Companion Showdown 2k24 commence!
it is time to choose a new favourite companion, and whittle 166 contestants down to just one. There will be 16 polls posted every day except Friday, until there are too few contestants to achieve that (and slightly more in the group stage)
the submission form for contestant propaganda is still open, you can find it here
so without further ado, how far will your favourite make it?
Group Stage!
Day 2
Group 1
Sarah-Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan
Group 2
Romana I
Romana II
Tegan Jovanka
Group 3
Peri Brown
Mel Bush
Group 4
Sabalom Glitz
Ace McShane
Chang Lee
Grace Holloway
Group 5
Bill Potts
Grant Gordon aka the Ghost
Group 6
Yasmin Khan
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Group 7
Inston-Vee Vindor
Rose Noble
Ruby Sunday
Group 8
Hex Schofield
Alex Campbell
Molly O'Sullivan
Group 9
Iris Wildthyme
Evelyn Smythe
Charley Pollard
Group 10
Helen Sinclair
Liv Chenka
Lucie Miller
Cousin Eliza
Group 11
Trix MacMillan
Marie (Alien Bodies)
Rosie Taylor
Group 12
Jack McSpringheel
Peter Summerfield
Ruth Leonidas
Dorothy (The Wonderful Doctor of Oz)
Sibling Different aka Mae
Group 13
Hector (All Flesh is Grass)
Anna (Good Companions)
Group 14
Guinevere Winchester
Penelope Gate
Group 15
Cindy Wu
Gabby Gonzales
Group 16
Jayne Kadett
Majenta Pryce
Abslom Daak, Dalek Killer
Group 17
Child Master (The Then and the Now)
John Jones
Hattie Munroe
Weeping Angel (Origins)
The Squire
Group 18
Andy Davidson
Antimony (Death Comes to Time)
Brian the Ood
Dormouse (The Red and the Blue)
Group 19
Romana (Battle for the Universe)
day 1 under the cut
Day 1
Group 1
Susan Foreman
Barbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Group 2
Vicki Pallister
Steven Taylor
Dodo Chaplet
Sara Kingdom
Group 3
Ben Jackson
Polly Wright
Jamie McCrimmon
Zoe Heriot
Victoria Waterfield
Group 4
The Brigadier
Sergeant Benton
Liz Shaw
Jo Grant
Mike Yates
Group 5
Donna Noble
Jack Harkness
Adam Mitchell
Martha Jones
Group 6
Mickey Smith
Wilfred Mott
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Group 7
Canton Everett Delaware III
Clara Oswald
Kate Stewart
Group 8
Oliver Harper
Cass Fermazzi
Dalek test subject 2
Group 9
Sheena (The Starship of Theseus)
Tania Bell
Anya Kingdom
Mark Seven
Group 10
The Mortimer Family (Ida, Alan, Helen, George)
Business woman (Time on a Vine)
Group 11
Cat Broome
Chris Cwej
Roz Forrester
Group 12
Wolsey the Cat
Anji Kapoor
Claudia Marwood
Group 13
Bernice Summerfield
Fitz Kreiner
Sam Jones
Irving Braxiatel
Group 14
Gillian & John Who
Izzy Sinclair
Josie Day
Group 15
Dave Lester
Angus ‘Gus’ Goodman
Maxwell Edison
Group 16
Ly Chee the Wise
Group 17
Fey Truscott-Sade
Group 18
Alison Cheney
Emma (Curse of Fatal Death)
Susan Who
Tom Campbell
Group 19
Alan Turing
Claudia Winkleman
Jules Verne
Mary Shelley
Peter Cushing
John Lennon
links to previous tournaments
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enkisstories · 1 year
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Let’s investigate! - Partnering the celebs with the detectives
Officer Rika Mack was the first to pick a partner. She chose Emma Phillips, not because they had known each other before already, but because she seriously admired Emma’s songs.
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Gavin: “...told the swim team coach “I was sent to inspect the water corpse, but you seem to have ten of those here”.”
Amber: *roaring laughter*
Gone were Amber Stein’s pretentions of seriousness, she bonded with Captain Gavin Reed over their liking of inappropriate jokes. They even got a sentiment for that.
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Orange Bailey-Moon was surprisingly shy this evening. Of the three officers talking into him, he eventually agreed to partner with Detective Chris Miller, a spellcaster.
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Officer Godefroy Wilson hugged Hugo Villareal. He could have tried to more or less subtly body-search the mobster’s son, but it got interpreted as choosing Hugo for his partner.
Connor laconically commented that only a previous conviction, not previously having committed crimes, prevented service in the law enforcement. Otherwise a fraction of the DPD’s leadership would disqualify.
Speaking of Captain Connor Anderson, I apparently missed the c-key when taking a screenshot of him leaving the cafeteria with Judith Ward. In the same picture Markus Mandred walked next to Officer Eloise Deckart. The four of them looked like kindergarteners walking out for recess, too bad I lost that screenshot.
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Sergeant Tina Chen wanted to have nothing to do with the event. She had agreed to take one single celeb under her wing, not party with all of Detroit, thank you very much! Fortunately Cailean Greig was a Loner, too. They spent serious quality time existing on opposite ends of the same room, ignoring each other, and were thus declared compatible.
Fun fact: At this point Tina doesn’t recognize Cailean, whom she has never seen in human form, and Greg’s memory of having bitten her is hazy.
And that left Chloe Kamski to pair with System Administrator Susan Miller.
Each pair will receive their own post next, to give you a first impression of their dynamics.
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mirbeck-country · 1 year
Mirbeck Daily: News
20.3.2023 - Polizeiskandal in Mirbeck: Mehrere Beamte mit Holzmafia steckten unter einer Decke
Von Olivia Hemingway-Johnson
MIRBECK - Die Polizei von Mirbeck steht unter Schock: Mehrere ihrer eigenen Kollegen sollen jahrelang mit einer kriminellen Bande zusammengearbeitet haben, die illegal Bäume fällt und das Land zerstört.
Wie Police Chief William Archibald Miller gestern auf einer Pressekonferenz bekanntgab, wurden Lieutenant Noah Smith und Sergeant Emma Jones festgenommen und des Verrats, der Bestechlichkeit und der Beihilfe zum schweren Umweltverbrechen beschuldigt.
Die beiden sollen regelmäßig Informationen über geplante Razzien und Kontrollen an die sogenannte Holzmafia weitergegeben haben. Außerdem sollen sie Zeugen eingeschüchtert und Beweise vernichtet haben.
"Wir sind zutiefst enttäuscht und wütend über das Verhalten dieser beiden Beamten", sagte Miller. "Sie haben nicht nur das Gesetz gebrochen, sondern auch das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit und ihrer Kollegen missbraucht."
Die Ermittlungen gegen Smith und Jones begannen vor drei Monaten, als Detective Anna Müller einen anonymen Hinweis erhielt. Sie verfolgte die Spur und stieß auf ein Hotelzimmer, in dem die beiden Verdächtigen sich regelmäßig mit den Anführern der Holzmafia trafen.
Müller schaltete das FBI ein und organisierte eine verdeckte Operation. Dabei gelang es ihr, zahlreiche Beweise zu sichern: Aufzeichnungen von Zahlungen an die Holzmafia; Fotos von Smith und Jones in weißen Roben bei einem geheimen Treffen; eine Liste von Namen und Adressen von Informanten; ein Brief mit Drohungen an einen Aktivisten; eine Karte mit markierten Gebieten für die Abholzung.
"Es war ein harter Schlag für mich, als ich erkannte, dass es sich um meine eigenen Kollegen handelte", sagte Müller. "Ich habe mit ihnen zusammengearbeitet und sie als Freunde angesehen. Aber ich musste meine Pflicht tun."
Die Holzmafia ist seit Jahren für ihre brutalen Methoden bekannt. Sie fällt ohne Genehmigung Bäume in Naturschutzgebieten oder auf privatem Grundbesitz. Dabei zerstört sie nicht nur den Lebensraum vieler Tiere und Pflanzen, sondern auch die Schönheit der Landschaft.
Die Bande soll auch für mehrere Anschläge auf Umweltschützer verantwortlich sein. Erst vor zwei Wochen wurde ein Aktivist namens Ronan Kelly schwer verletzt, als sein Auto explodierte. Kelly hatte sich öffentlich gegen die Abholzung ausgesprochen. Auch wird dem Verdacht nachgegangen, dass es illegale Sprengungen gab, um neue Bauholzgebiete zu erschließen. Darüber laufen aber noch die Untersuchungen.
Smith und Jones sind nicht die einzigen Polizisten, die unter Verdacht stehen. Laut Miller gibt es Hinweise auf weitere Maulwürfe im Mirbeck Country Police Department (MCDP). Die Ermittlungen laufen noch.
Miller versprach eine lückenlose Aufklärung des Skandals. Er bat die Bevölkerung um Mithilfe bei der Suche nach den Hintermännern der Holzmafia.
"Wir werden alles tun, um diese Verbrecher zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen", sagte er. "Wir werden auch unsere eigenen Reihen säubern und sicherstellen, dass so etwas nie wieder passiert."```
0 notes
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Slugged With Bottle By Woman, Says Man,” Toronto Star. May 16, 1932. Page 2. ---- Quarrelled and Drank All Day, He Admits - Knife and Iron Used ---- Thomas O’Grady, 408 Queen W., appeared in women’s court to-day with his head swathed in bandages, with a large blood clot showing through to testify against Marie Mishall, who was charged with wounding. She was remanded for sentence in custody until May 23rd.
Examined by C.L. Snyder, assistant crown attorney, O’Grady stated the woman had been drunk all day Saturday. On Sunday morning, at 2.30, an altercation arose.
‘She called me names and I called her names. I was just ready to go to bed with she hit me over the head with a beer bottle.’
‘Did she strike any other part of the body?’
‘She grabbed the bread knife off the table and cut my arm.’
‘How many stitches were put in it?’ ‘Two.’
‘And many in your head?’ ‘Six.’
Cross-examined by Austin Ross, for the defence, O’Grady admitted he had been drinking also - wine and beer.
‘Is this woman an Indian? ‘I don’t know what she is.’
‘You were pretty well intoxicated yourself?’ ‘No, I wasn’t.’
‘Did you get the wine on your permit?’ ‘My permit was taken from me.’
‘Be fair to this woman. You lived with her for seven months,’ admonished Mr. Ross. ‘Do you want to take her back?’ ‘If she wants to come back, all right.’
‘Do you want press this charge?’ ‘No, I do not.’
‘Did you lay the charge?’ ‘No, I did not.’
The police officer who had been called in said that neither of the two was intoxicated.
‘Were the ;police there early Saturday morning?’ asked Mr. Ross. ‘Yes, she threw an electric iron at me, said O’Grady.
‘Then you were battling all day with a few drinks in between?’ ‘Yes.’
‘I will put her in the box and find out how many drinks she had,’ said Mr. Ross.
‘That doesn’t give her a license to cut people up,’ interjected Magistrate Patterson.
‘They don’t issue licenses for that,’ smile Mr. Ross.
‘Well, it looks as if somebody took it and he was there,’ admitted Austin Ross, defence counsel, when Magistrate Patterson convicted Arthur Murray of stealing $123 and reserved judgement on his wife, Annie Murray. Both were remanded a week.
Mrs. Kirk, 462A Sherbourne St., said her purse was missing after a party at which the Murrays were the only guests. Detective Sergeant McAllister said Murray first denied any knowledge of the theft but later admitted it, after the purse had been found outside.
‘There is nothing to show the woman had anything to do with it,’ said Mr. Ross.
Emma Dorlett arrived in Toronto during the week-end and immediately got into trouble by running up a taxi bill of $4. She was remanded a week for investigation.
Hazel Hamilton, charged with absconding, was remanded until May 18 on $200 bail.
‘She did not want to disgrace her people,’ explained H. S. Chaplain, explaining the plurality of names of Marie Revis, alias Sadie Murray, charged with vagrancy. ‘Her father will take her home and look after her.’
‘The experienced officers, when they caught her, said they never heard such language,’ interposed Magistrate Patterson. Marie was remanded in care of the Salvation Army until May 30.
Evelyn Logan, alias Clarke, charged with vagrancy, was remanded in custody for sentence on May 23.
‘I was wondering how it is that strangers can come into the city and get work when hundreds of girls here are on the waiting list,’ commented Magistrate Patterson, remanding George Zaruk, charged with vagrancy, for sentence.
Evidence showed that Mrs. Lena Miller came here recently from Winnipeg and got a job in a large store.
Zaruk followed, stating he had received letters from her asking him to come. Mrs. Miller said Zaruk had struck her, and showed scars on her neck as proof. She said he had conducted a dive in Winnipeg.
‘It would be a local improvement if they both left the city,’ observed Mr. Horkins. ‘They are both tarred with the same feather.’
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nightwingshero · 4 years
I was tagged by the one and only @returnofthepd3 these tag games are no longer helping me keep track of the days, if fact its officially making it worse. I think I’m in some sort of Twilight Zone at this point.
The things that I’m currently working on is either for a commission or the fanzine. So, I just pulled something that I wrote when inspiration struck. I don’t know if it will turn into anything, but this is for my CoD fic. Sorry it’s not my usual FC5 content, I’ve just been wanting to give my badass Marine baby some love :)
He takes a step, shifting, his body exuding the confidence that had drawn me towards him in the first place. My head swims with the infinite possibilities of what he will say. ‘Traitor. Liar. You don’t belong. You’re no good. Why the bloody hell am I here saving your arse while you left me in the bloody hospital alone?’ My mind created his accent with perfection, to the point my knees had almost grown weak, because I yearned for it.
I take a hesitant step back, an action that is out of my nature. I was never one to back down. Ever. I was a Marine, someone that stood tall and proud, and laughed in the face of Death. I was fearless, merciless, and protected people with a fierceness few could ever rival. Except for him. I was so much more for him. I swallow as he approached.
Tagging: @fadedjacket @chazz-anova @joeyhxdson @smithandrogers @simonxriley @chyrstis @shellibisshe @ja-crispea @seedlingsinner and whoever else would like to do it!
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Season 1 Gilmore Girls References (Breakdown)
Yay! All the season 1 references have been posted. Before I start posting season 2, I wanted to post this little breakdown for your enjoyment :) It starts with some statistics and then below the cut is a list of all the specific references.
Overall amount of references in season 1: 605
Top 10 Most Common References: NSYNC (5), Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (5), Taylor Hanson (6), Leo Tolstoy (7), Lucky Spencer (7), Marcel Proust (7), PJ Harvey (7), The Bangles (8), The Donna Reed Show (8), William Shakespeare (10)
Which episodes had the most references: #1 is That Damn Donna Reed with 55 references. #2 is Christopher Returns with 44 references 
What characters made the most references (Only including characters/actors who were in the opening credits): Lorelai had the most with 237 references, Rory had second most with 118, and Lane had third most with 48.
First reference of the season: Jack Kerouac referenced by Lorelai 
Final reference of the season: Adolf Eichmann referenced by Michel 
  Movies/TV Shows/Episodes/Characters, Commercials, Cartoons/Cartoon Characters, Plays, Documentaries:
9 1/2 Weeks, Alex Stone, Alfalfa, An Affair To Remember, A Streetcar Named Desire, Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman, Avon Commercials, Bambi, Beethoven, Boogie Nights, Cabaret, Casablanca, Charlie's Angels, Charlie Brown cartoons, Christine, Cinderella, Citizen Kane, Daisy Duke, Damien Thorn, Dawson Leery, Donna Stone, Double Indemnity, Double Mint Commercials, Ethel Mertz, Everest, Felix Unger, Fiddler On The Roof, Footloose, Freaky Friday, Fred Mertz, Gaslight, General Hospital, G.I. Jane, Gone With The Wind, Grease, Hamlet, Heathers, Hee Haw, House On Haunted Hill, Ice Castles, I Love Lucy, Iron Chef, Ishtar, Jeff Stone, Joanie Loves Chachi, John Shaft, Lady And The Tramp, Life With Judy Garland: Me And My Shadows, Love Story, Lucky Spencer, Lucy Raises Chickens, Lucy Ricardo, Lucy Van Pelt, Macbeth,  Magnolia, Mary Stone, Mask, Midnight Express, Misery, Norman Bates, Officer Krupke, Oompa Loompas, Old Yeller, Oscar Madison, Out Of Africa, Patton, Pepe Le Pew, Peyton Place, Pink Ladies, Pinky Tuscadero, Ponyboy, Psycho, Queen Of Outer Space, Rapunzel, Richard III, Ricky Ricardo, Rocky Dennis, Romeo And Juliet, Rosemary's Baby, Sandy Olsson, Saved By The Bell, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Schroeder, Sesame Street, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Sex And The City, Sixteen Candles, Sleeping Beauty, Star Trek, Stanley Kowalski, Stella Kowalski, Stretch Cunningham, The Champ, The Comedy Of Errors, The Crucible, The Donna Reed Show, The Duke's Of Hazzard, The Fly, The Great Santini, The Little Match Girl, The Matrix, The Miracle Worker, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Outsiders, The Shining, The Sixth Sense, The View, The Waltons, The Way We Were, The Scarecrow, This Old House, V.I.P., Valley Of The Dolls, Vulcans, Wild Kingdom, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, Wheel Of Fortune, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, Working Girl, Yogi Bear, You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Bands, Songs, CDs:
98 Degrees, Air Supply, Apple Venus Volume 2, Backstreet Boys, Bee Gees, Black Sabbath, Blue Man Group, Blur, Bon Jovi, Boston, Bush, Duran Duran, Everlong, Foo Fighters, Fugazi, Grandaddy, Hanson, I'm Too Sexy, Joy Division, Jumpin' Jack Flash, Kraftwerk, Like A Virgin, Livin La Vida Loca, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Man I Feel Like A Woman, Metallica, Money Money, My Ding-A-Ling, NSYNC, On The Good Ship Lollipop, Pink Moon, Queen, Rancid, Sergeant Pepper, Shake Your Bon Bon, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Sister Sledge, Smoke On The Water, Steely Dan, Suppertime, Tambourine Man, The B-52s, The Bangles, The Beatles, The Best Of Blondie, The Cranberries, The Cure, The Offspring, The Sugarplastic, The Wallflowers, The Velvet Underground, Walk Like An Egyptian, XTC, Ya Got Trouble, Young Marble Giants
Books/Book Characters, Comic Books/Comic Book Characters, Comic Strips: 
A Mencken Chrestomathy, A Tale Of Two Cities, Anna Karenina, Belle Watling, Boo Radley, Carrie, David Copperfield, Dick Tracy, Dopey (One of the seven dwarfs) Goofus And Gallant, Great Expectations, Grinch, Hannibal Lecter, Hansel And Gretel, Harry Potter (book as well as character referenced), Huckleberry Finn, Little Dorrit, Madame Bovary, Moby Dick, Mommie Dearest, Moose Mason, Nancy Drew, Out Of Africa, Pinocchio, Swann's Way, The Amityville Horror, The Art Of Fiction, The Bell Jar, The Grapes Of Wrath, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The Lost Weekend, The Metamorphosis, The Portable Dorothy Parker, The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, The Witch Tree Symbol, There's A Certain Slant Of Light, Tuesdays With Morrie, War And Peace, Wonder Woman
Public Figures:
Adolf Eichmann, Alfred Hitchcock, Angelina Jolie, Anna Nicole Smith, Annie Oakley, Antonio Banderas, Arthur Miller, Artie Shaw, Barbara Hutton, Barbara Stanwyck, Barbra Streisand, Beck, Ben Jonson, Benito Mussolini, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Crudup, Bob Barker, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Catherine The Great, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Charles I, Charles Dickens, Charles Manson, Charlie Parker, Charlotte Bronte, Charlton Heston, Charo, Cher, Cheryl Ladd, Chris Penn, Christiane Amanpour, Christopher Marlowe, Chuck Berry, Claudine Longet, Cleopatra, Cokie Roberts, Courtney Love, Dalai Lama, Damon Albarn, Dante Alighieri, David Mamet, Donna Reed, Edith Wharton, Edna O'Brien, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Webber, Elle Macpherson, Elsa Klensch, Elvis, Emeril Lagasse, Emily Dickinson, Emily Post, Eminem, Emma Goldman, Errol Flynn, Fabio, Farrah Fawcett, Fawn Hall, Flo Jo, Francis Bacon, Frank Sinatra, Franz Kafka, Fred MacMurray, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Gene Hackman, Gene Wilder, George Clooney, George Sand, George W. Bush, Harry Houdini, Harvey Fierstein, Henny Youngman, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, Henry VIII, Herman Melville, Homer, Honore De Balzac, Howard Cosell, Hugh Grant, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Jaclyn Smith, James Dean, Jane Austen, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Tandy, Jim Carey, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hoffa, Joan Of Arc, Joan Rivers, Jocelyn Wildenstein, Joel Grey, John Cage, John Gardner, John Muir, John Paul II, John Webster, Johnny Cash, Johnny Depp, Joseph Merrick AKA Elephant Man, Judy Blume, Judy Garland, Julian Lennon, Justin Timberlake, Karen Blixen AKA Isak Dinesen, Kate Jackson, Kathy Bates, Kevin Bacon, Kreskin, Lee Harvey Oswald, Leo Tolstoy, Leopold and Loeb, Lewis Carroll, Linda McCartney, Liz Phair, Liza Minnelli, Lou Reed, M Night Shyamalan, Macy Gray, Madonna, Marcel Marceau, Marcel Proust, Margot Kidder, Marie Antoinette, Marie Curie, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Mark Wahlberg, Marlin Perkins, Martha Stewart, Martha Washington, Martin Luther, Mary Kay Letourneau, Maurice Chevalier, Melissa Rivers, Meryl Streep, Michael Crichton, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Miguel De Cervantes, Miss Manners, Mozart, Nancy Kerrigan, Nancy Walker, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Nico, Oliver North, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Levant, Pat Benatar, Paul McCartney, Peter III Of Russia, Peter Frampton, Philip Glass, PJ Harvey, Prince, Queen Elizabeth I, Regis, Richard Simmons, Rick James, Ricky Martin, Robert Duvall, Robert Redford, Robert Smith, Robin Leach, Rosie O'Donnell, Ru Paul, Ruth Gordon, Samuel Barber, Sarah Duchess Of York, Sean Lennon, Sean Penn, Shania Twain, Shelley Hack, Sigmund Freud, Squeaky Fromme, Stephen King, Steven Tyler, Susan Faludi, Susanna Hoffs, Tanya Roberts, Taylor Hanson, Theodore Kaczynski AKA The Unabomber, The Kennedy Family, Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Gummo Marx AKA The Marx Brothers, Venus and Serena Williams (The reference was "The Williams Sisters"),Thelonious Monk, Tiger Woods, Tito Puente, Tom Waits, Tony Randall, Tonya Harding, Vaclav Havel, Vanna White, Vivien Leigh, Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, William Shatner, Yoko Ono, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Camelot, Chernobyl Disaster, Cone Of Silence, Hindenburg Disaster, Iran-Contra Affair, Paul Bunyan, The Menendez Murders, Tribbles, Vulcan Death Grip, Whoville, Winchester Mystery House
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wazafam · 3 years
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Netflix's Vikings: Valhalla cast includes actors and actresses who should be familiar to many TV viewers. The historical drama series takes place 100 years after the events of the popular History Channel show Vikings and chronicles the lives of several real-life Scandinavian warriors. Vikings: Valhalla doesn't have an official release date but will premiere sometime in 2021.
Vikings: Valhalla focuses on the end of the Viking era as Christianity takes over Scandinavia. When a religious Viking named Torsen survives a massacre led by King Æthelred the Unready, he forms a romance with a deeply anti-Christian woman named Freydís Eiríksdóttir. Vikings: Valhalla sets up a war between religious progressives and Scandinavians who cling to the past.
Related: Every New Show Releasing On Netflix In 2021
The Vikings: Valhalla main cast includes an ensemble lineup. Some performers already have loyal followings due to prominent roles in mainstream television, while others are mostly known for work in their native homelands. Just as Vikings helped launch the careers of so many actors and actresses, the Netflix follow-up will similarly do the same.
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Sam Corlett stars as Leif Eriksson, a famous Icelander who arrived in North America several hundred years before Christopher Columbus. In Vikings: Valhalla, he's framed as an outsider character who values family and old pagan beliefs. Netflix has teased that Leif will introduce audiences to a Viking world "in the throes of violent change." Corlett portrays Caliban in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. He also appeared as Young Luke in the 2020 film The Dry.
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Frida Gustavsson co-headlines as Freydis Eriksdotter, Leif's pagan sister who values the ways of the Old Gods. After experiencing various tragedies, Frida forms a romance with a religious man and leads an uprising against Christians. Actress Katia Winter portrayed Freydis Eriksdotter in DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Gustavsson also starred as Vuxna Thea in the TV series Dröm and may be familiar to Netflix viewers as Ma from The Witcher season 1. She recently appeared as Clara in the 2020 series Partisan.
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Leo Suter appears as Harald Sigurdsson, a nobleman who is one of the last Viking berserkers. Due to his charming ways, he's able to bridge the gap between Vikings and Christians, or at least that's his intent. Suter portrayed Young Stringer in Sanditon and Captain Bill Lauder in The Liberator. He also appeared as Drummond in Victoria and Daniel Beecham in Beecham House.
Related: Vikings Season 6 Ending Explained: Ragnar's Sons & Kattegat's New Ruler
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Bradley Freegard co-stars as King Canute, the King of Denmark. He's a legendary Viking leader who was crowned in 1017. Freegard appeared as Mei Huws in the series Gwaith/Cartref and starred as Evan Howells in Keeping Faith.
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Jóhannes Jóhannesson portrays Olaf Haroldson, Harald’s half-brother. He's a Christian who believes in the Old Testament and is quite large in stature. In real life, Olaf became the King of Norway. Jóhannesson is best known for portraying Lem Lemoncloak in Game of Thrones and Cumber the Ice King in Cursed. He also appeared as Bors in The Letter for the King.
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Laura Berlin co-stars as Emma Of Normandy, an ambitious woman from the Norman court with Viking heritage. She's a savvy businesswoman with interest in politics, and also one of the wealthiest females in Europe. Berlin portrayed Julia Weigert in Einstein and Charlotte Lindemann in Breaking Even. She also appeared as Charlotte Montrose in the movies Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue.
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David Oakes appears as Earl Godwin, the chief counsellor to the King of England. Based on the man's real life story, he seems to be the Littlefinger of Vikings: Valhalla. Oakes portrayed Juan Borgia in The Borgias and Prince Ernest in Victoria. He's also known for his role as George Duke of Clarence in The White Queen.
Related: Vikings: What The Names of the Main Characters Really Mean
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Caroline Henderson portrays Jarl Haakon, a warrior leader who rules Kattegat. The Pagan woman mentors Freydis and keeps an open mind when discussing religion. Henderson appeared as Snow White in the 2006 film Skymaster and Gloria Cole in the 2007 feature Always Yours.
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Pollyanna McIntosh as Queen Ælfgifu: The Queen of Denmark who forms a relationship with Canute and hopes to affect the power dynamics across Northern Europe. Pollyana McIntosh portrayed Vera Chase in The Last Tycoon and Jadis in The Walking Dead.
Asbjørn Krogh Nissen as Jarl Kåre: A man who feels threatened by the old pagan ways. Asbjørn Krogh Nissen portrayed Ivan in Copenhagen and Odin in Valhalla - The Legend of Thor.
Julian Seager as Jarl Gorm: Julian Seager portrayed Florentin the Miller in Cursed.
Pääru Oja as Arne Gormsson: Pääru Oja portrayed Rupi in The Last Ones and Peeter Parik in O2.
James Ballanger as Hallbjorn: James Ballanger portrayed Guard Denny in the 2019 series The Capture.
Joakim Nätterqvist as Birkir: Joakim Nätterqvist starred as Arn Magnusson in Arn: The Knight Templar and appeared as Petter Torwalds in Maria Wern.
Related: Vikings: How Every Main Character's Death Compares To Real Life
Bosco Hogan as  Aethelred the Unready: Bosco Hogan portrayed Bishop Fisher in The Tudors and Cardinal Piccolomini in The Borgias.
Jaakko Ohtonen as Johan: Jaakko Ohtonen appeared as Aaro Leppihalme in All the Sins and MakeX in HasBeen.
Mark Huberman as Earl of Sussex: Mark Huberman portrayed Lester Hashey in Band of Brothers and Greg in Finding Joy.
Gavin O'Connor as Earl of East Anglia: Gavin O'Connor played Macken in Taken Down and Murphy in The Alienist: Angel of Darkness.
Gavin Drea as Eadric Streona: Gavin Drea portrayed Sergeant Cooper in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and Michael Collins in Resistance.
Gavan O'Connor-Duffy as Niall: Gavan O'Connor-Duffy portrayed King Frodo in Vikings and Saka in The Legion.
Yvonne Mai as Merin: Yvonne Mai appeared as Tara in Reflections and Megan in House of Shadows.
Bill Murphy as Ogda: Bill Murphy portrayed Ford in Jack Taylor and Bremner in Titanic: Blood and Steel.
Brian Robinson as YNGVI: Brian Robinson appeared as Irish in 2 Broke Girls and Pavle in Hit the Floor.
Next: All 27 2021 Netflix Movies Explained
Vikings Valhalla Cast Guide: Where You Know The Actors From from https://ift.tt/36lg74h
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cedargrovehq · 4 years
Hey guys can you list some most wanted characters? I'm thinking about joining but stuck on a muse to choose!
 finn, anakin skywalker, emperor palpatine, bail organa, bb-8, captain phasma, maz kanata, breha organa, & obi wan kenobi (star wars) cora, henry, lucy, hook, rumple, baelfire, gideon, zelena, snow white, peter pan, charming, hades, & august (once upon a time)  jasper, emmett, carlisle, jessica, aro, beau, edward, jacob, royal, archie, victoria, james, paul, caius, carine, leah, earnest, eleanor, & sam (life and death & twilight) james potter, sirius black, tom riddle, helga hufflepuff, queenie goldstein, marlene mckinnon, rodolphus lestrange, albus dumbledore, jacob kowalski, dorcas meadowes, peter pettigrew, bertha jorkins, lucinda talkalot, emma vanity, kendra dumbledore, petunia dursley, milicent bulstrode, hannah abbott, susan bones, seamus finnigan, dean thomas, daphne greengrass, lavender brown, rose granger-weasley, molly weasley ii, albus severus potter, bellatrix black, & vernon dursley (harry potter) mr. crocker, poof, chester mcbadbat, cosmo, the crimson chin, foop, a.j, mark chang, adam west, elmer, fracis, chip skylark, & jorgen von strangle (the fairyodd parents) tina cohen-chang, quinn fabray, shelby corcoran, noah puckerman, hunter clarington, kurt hummel, mercedes jones, ryder lynn, sugar mota, santana lopez, brittany pierce, artie abrams, sam evans, sue sylvester, emma pillsbury, unique adams, dani, & jane hayward !! (glee) doctor strange, ultron, jane foster, vision, odin, nova, sif, mantis, okoye, drax, cull obsidian, ebony maw, proxima midnight, frigga, cassy, erik selvig, harley keener, m'baku, laura barton, t’challa, wolverine, bucky barnes, ramonda, thanos, thor, iron man, clint barton, nick fury, star-lord, nebula, valkyrie, pepper potts, janes foster, maria hill, daisy johnson, wasp, mikasa ackerman, natasha romanoff, emma frost, scott summers, & jack rollins !! (marvel) lydia branwell, heidi mckenzie, kaelie, camille belcourt, cleophas graymark, dorothea rollins, maureen, morgan young, olivia wilson, gretel monro, rebecca lewsi, imogen herondale, iris rouse, elodie verlac, sebastian verlac, jonathan morgenstern, lucian graymark, will herondale, maryse lightwood, jordan kyle, emma carstairs, amatis herondale, alaric rodriguez, azazek, lorenzo rey, malachi dieudonne, brother enoch, brother jeremiah, cain, charlie cooper, raziel, rober lightwood, rufus, russell, leen, elias, elliot nourse, hodge starkweather, jeremy, joshue, taito, & victor aldertree !! (shadowhunters) zevon, lonnie, belle, adam, maleficent, doug, anxelin, ruby, ally, jordan, artie, celia, claudine, clay, desiree, ginny gothel, squeaky, squirmy, sleepy jr., & li shang jr. (descendants)  caroline, bonnie, stefan, isobel, damon, matt, enzo, jeremy, , tyler, lexi, vicki, jenna, anna, sybil, kol, elijah, freya, finn, marcel, esther, mikael, aurora, sophie, monique roman, vincent, dahlia, josephine, genevieve, agnes, jane-anne, mrs. claire, dorian, ryan clarke, malivore, dana, kaleb, jo laughlin, the necromancer, & rafael. (tvd/the originals/legacies) bow, flutterina, princess glimmer, princess frosta, light hope, princess mermista, princess perfuma, sea hawk, hordak, catra, princess scorpia, and shadow weaver ( she-ra ).  tommy & dill pickles, chucky finster, susie carmichael, and phil deville ( rugrats ).  daphne, sky, brandon, helia, timmy, riven, and stormy ( winx club ).   mojo jojo, professor utonium, brick, and butch ( powerpuff girls ).  aang katara sokka toph zuko, azula, firelord ozai, zhae, mai, suki, korra, asami, mako, and bolin ( avatar ). . steven unvierse, sadie miller, garnet, pearl, amethyst, greg universe, blue diamond, yellow diamond, yellow pearl, blue pearl, white diamond, white pearl, “rose quartz”, rhodonite, padparadscha, the rutile twins, fluorite, bismuth ( steven universe ). ralph, vanellope von schweetz, fix-it felix, yes, sergeant calhoun, shank’s crew ( fix it ralph  ).fred jonas,shaggy rogers, scooby doo (scooby doo)
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kwebtv · 6 years
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Corner Gas  -  CTV  -  1/22/2004  -  4/13/2009
Sitcom (107 episodes)
Running Time:  30 minutes
Brent Butt  as Brent Herbert Leroy
Gabrielle Miller as Lacey Burrows
Fred Ewanuick as Richard Henry “Hank” Yarbo
Eric Peterson as Oscar Leroy
Janet Wright as Emma Leroy
Lorne Cardinal as Sergeant Davis Quinton
Tara Spencer-Nairn as Constable Karen Pelly
Nancy Robertson as Wanda Dollard
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rootdavid801 · 4 years
Top HBO Miniseries to Watch Out For
HBO TV Network is home to numerous original TV series that people have thoroughly enjoyed. Some of them have also won awards and garnered positive responses from the fans and critics. The platform offers an opportunity to choose between different genres from crime dramas to period dramas to psychological thriller and so on.
Here is a list of HBO miniseries that you definitely should not miss.
Band of Brothers
Released on – 9th September 2001
Number of Episodes – 10
IMDb Rating – 9.4 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 94%
This American war drama series is based on a book by Stephen E Ambrose of the same name. This is the second partnership between Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks as producers after the Second World War series, Saving Private Ryan. The series documents the accounts of ‘Easy Company’, the second part of Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, assigned to the United States army.
The series stars Damian Lewis, as Major Richard Dick Winters, Ron Livingston as Lewis Nixon, Scott Grimes as a technical sergeant, Donald Malarkey and Donnie Wahlberg as Second Lieutenant Carwood Lipton. 
Catherine The Great
Released on – 3rd October 2019
Number of Episodes – 4
IMDb Rating – 6.1  / 10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 68%
Catherine The Great is about the life of Russia’s Empress, Catherine II from the time she started reigning 1764 till her death in 1796. Helen Mirren stars as Catherine the Great along with Jason Clarke as Grigory Potemkin, a military commander and Catherine’s lover.  It also stars Rory Kinnear, Gina McKee and Kevin R McNally.
Years and Years
Released on – 14th May, 2019
Number of Episodes – 6
IMDb Rating – 8.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 89%
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It is a British drama series about a Manchester-based Lyons family and their conflicts. The series stars Russel Tovey as Daniel Lyons, Rory Kinnear as Stephen Lyons, T’Nia Miller as Celeste Bisme Lyons who plays the role of Stephen’s wife. The plot changes when Vivienne Rook, played by Emma Thompson, becomes the Prime Minister of the UK.
Released on – 6th May, 2019
Number of Episodes – 5
IMDb Rating – 9.4 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 96%
Chernobyl is a historical drama series, written and created by Craig Mazin, which revolves around the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster that took place in April 1986 and the cleanup efforts that followed. It stars Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgard, Paul Ritter and Jessie Buckley.
The miniseries received high critical acclaim and won three Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Limited Series, Outstanding Directing and Outstanding Writing.
The Plot Against America
Released on – 16th March 2020
Number of Episodes – 6
IMDb Rating – 7.3 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 86%
It is an American historical drama written and created by David Simons and Ed Burns. The miniseries is based on a book by Philip Roth of the same name which highlights the American history told through the eyes of a Jewish working class family based in Newark, New Jersey. The series stars Winona Ryder, Anthony Boyle, Zoe Kazan, Modern Spector, Michael Kostroff and David Krumholtz.
John Adams
Released on – 16th March 2008
Number of Episodes – 7
IMDb Rating – 8.5 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 81%
The show chronicles most of the life of the US President John Adams in the first 50 years which stars Paul Giamatti as the lead protagonist. It was directed by Tom Hooper and it also stars Laura Linney, Stephen Dillane, David Morse and Tom Wilkinson.
The show has received thirteen Primetime Emmy Awards and four Golden Globe Awards making it the most number of awards won by any miniseries.
HBO has produced a number of outstanding shows and attracted a vast fandom. Most of the originals have gained positive responses from the fans and critics and have been the recipient of prestigious television awards.
David Root is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Mcafee security products at Mcafee.com/activate .
Read more - https://mcafee5.uk.net/top-hbo-miniseries-to-watch-out-for/
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July 17, 2019: Obituaries
Patricia  Mash, 58
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Mrs. Patricia Kilby Mash, age 58 of Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, July 11, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
Private family service will be held at a later date.
Mrs. Mash was born September 23, 1960 in Cabarrus County to Vonley and Rosie Lee Barnette Kilby. Patricia loved her family, especially her children and grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her mother, a daughter; Lisa Marie Lyndsay and a brother; Roger Kilby.
She is survived by her husband; Billy Mash of the home, a son; Bryson Lyndsay of Kannapolis, her father; Vonley Kilby of Millers Creek, two grandchildren; Courtney and Julian and one great grandchild; Corbin, a sister; Lori Kilby of Wilkesboro and two brothers; Bobby Kilby and wife Sharon of China Grove and Vonley Ray Kilby of Millers Creek.
 Jimmy Cardwell, 76
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Mr. Jimmy Ray Cardwell, age 76 of Boomer passed away Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were July 12,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor Jason Whitley officiating.  Burial was in Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
Mr. Cardwell was born May 13, 1943 in Wilkes County to Conrad and Sadie Pauline Smithey Cardwell. He served in the United States Army during the Vietnam Conflict. He was a carpenter, a "piddler extraordinaire" and a professional grandpa.  He was an avid outdoorsman, around the clock super hero and the best man we ever knew.  
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife; Betty Jean Broyhill Cardwell of 44 years of the home, daughter; Amanda Boyd and husband Brandon of Mulberry, son; Steven Cardwell and wife Amy of Wilkesboro, five grandchildren; Cole Shumate, Jimmy Cardwell, Garrett Shumate, Emma Sutphin and Madison Cardwell, brother; Robert Cardwell and wife Gladys of Millers Creek, four sisters and fur baby; Peyton.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wounded Warriors Project, 4200 Morganton  Road, Suite 200, Fayetteville, NC 28314.
  Iris Triplett, 86
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Iris Faye Greene Triplett, age 86, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. She was the youngest of six children, born September 4, 1932 in Wilkes County to Grady and Loretta Benge Greene. Mrs. Triplett was a member of Lewis Fork Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Jasper Seagle Triplett; two children, Deborah Sue Lewis and Gary Lynn Triplette; four sisters, Ella Mae Crane, Delores Walker, Veora Eller, Lake Marley; and brother, Roland Greene.
Surviving are her children, Tony Triplette and special friend Jo Johnson of North Wilkesboro, Kevin Triplette and spouse Susie of McGrady, Joyce Kent and fiancé Virgil Anderson, Judy Triplette and fiancé Gary Miller all of North Wilkesboro; eight grandchildren; eleven great grandchildren; and one great great grandchild.
Funeral service was July 10, at Lewis Fork Baptist Church with Rev. Dwayne Andrews and Rev. Sherrill Wellborn officiating. Burial  followed in the church cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Alzheimer's Association, 4600  Park Road #250, Charlotte, NC 28209. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  Pallbearers will be Daniel Triplett, Scott Combs, Marty Church, Justus Church, Johnny Triplett and Geramy Triplette.
  Larry  Reid, 75
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Larry Lee Reid, age 75, of Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, July 8, 2019 at Rose Glen Village. He was born June 17, 1944 in Surry County to Thomas Parks and Annie Harris Reid. Larry was a graduate from Appalachian State University with a Master's Degree in History, and was a teacher at Wilkes Central High School. He was also a member of Oakwoods Golf Club where he loved to play golf, he enjoyed bird hunting and fishing.
Surviving are his sons, Matthew James Reid and spouse Donna of Denver, NC, Wesley Paul Reid and spouse Erin of Alexandria, Virginia; grandchildren, Isabella Reid, Adelaide Reid, Landon Jamison Reid, McKenzie Jo Reid; sister, Gail Henkle and spouse Richard; and nieces, Ashley and Allison.
A private family service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Dennis  Curry, 66
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Dennis Joseph Curry, age 66, of Thurmond, passed away Monday, July 8, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center. He was born July 22, 1952 in Surry County to Girtha and Wessie Lyons Curry. Dennis was a self-employed carpenter for almost 45 years. Mr. Curry was preceded in death by his parents; and great granddaughter, Makenna Cash.
Surviving are his wife, Margaret Billings Curry; daughter, Maryjane Williams and spouse Joey of Rock Creek; son, Daniel Curry of Thurmond; grandchildren, Tiffany Cash of Millers Creek, Joey Williams, Jr., Ashleen Williams both of Rock Creek; great grandchildren, Serenity Williams, Brayden Cash, Emilia Cash all of Millers Creek; brothers, Alvin Curry and spouse Judy of Elkin, Donald Curry and spouse Ann of Thurmond; sisters, Henrietta Curry, Brenda Curry both of Thurmond, Kattie Ray Turley spouse Rennie of Traphill; nephews, Andrew Curry of Thurmond, Zack Turley; niece, Renee Melara; great nephews, Jessen Melara and Damien Brown.
Memorial service was July 14,  at Miller Funeral Chapel. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Etta Blackburn, 83
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Mrs. Etta Sue Vannoy Blackburn, age 83 of North Wilkesboro passed away Monday, July 8, 2019 at her home.
Funeral services were July 11,   at Bethany Baptist Church with Rev. Daniel Shores and Rev. Michael Golden officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Blackburn was born February 4, 1936 in Wilkes County to William Ernest and Victoria Hester Haynes Vannoy.  She was a member of Bethany Baptist Church. She was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother.
     In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Eli Jerry Claude Blackburn, two sons; David and Michael Allen McGlamery and two brothers; Harold Dean and James Thomas Vannoy.
 She is survived by three sons; Tommy McGlamery and wife Belva of Wilkesboro, Gary McGlamery and wife Wendy and Kevin Blackburn and wife Gail all of North Wilkesboro, nine grandchildren; Matthew McGlamery, Phillip McGlamery, Jerry Taylor, Kristie Winkler, Jason Winkler, Aaron Blackburn, Bethanie Blackburn,  Kristen McGlamery, and Katie McGlamery, seven great grandchildren; Arian Winkler, Christian Winkler, Tyler Wheeling, Lydia McGlamery, Maverick McGlamery, Amelia McGlamery and Elijah Blackburn and one brother; Willie Vannoy of North Wilkesboro.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Rosemary Mathis, 5888 River  Road/Liberty Grove Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
 Carl Smithey, 76
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Mr. Carl William Smithey, age 76 of North Wilkesboro passed away Monday, July 8, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services were July 11,   at Liberty Grove Baptist Church with Rev. David Sparks officiating.   Burial with Masonic Rites by North Wilkesboro Lodge #407 was in the church cemetery.  
Mr. Smithey was born October 18, 1942 in Wilkes County to Freddie Brisco and Mary Lucille Anderson Smithey.  He was a member of Liberty Grove Baptist Church where he held many positions and was very dedicated to his church, he was also involved in church mission trips including an Alaskian trip.  
He worked for Abitibi in Roaring River in maintenance department and was an electrical engineer.  He was a Master Mason of North Wilkesboro Lodge #407. He was a representative for Compo Shoe Company of Waltham, MA, a licensed electrical contractor, sole layer for Blue Ridge Shoe Company and worked at Wilkes Electric Armature.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife; Mollie Whitley Smithey of the home, two brothers; Robert Smithey and wife Davida of North Wilkesboro, Roger Smithey and wife
Peggy of Millers Creek, and two sisters-in-law; Anah Lee Whitley Wingler and Shirley Mae Whitley Huie both of Hays.  He had many nieces and nephews that he loved very much.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Liberty Grove Fellowship Hall Building Fund, 5899  River Road-Liberty Grove Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Bill Rhoades, 81
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Bill Warner Rhoades, age 81, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, July 7, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. He was born July 2, 1938 in Wilkes County to Estel and Maie Barlow Rhoades. Mr. Rhoades was a US Army Veteran and a member of Hilltop Baptist Church. He enjoyed lawn mower, go-kart and drag racing. Bill was preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, Bradley, Jim and Don Rhoades.
He is survived by his wife, Willa Hayes Rhoades; daughter, Elizabeth Rhoades Griffin and spouse William of North Wilkesboro; son, Gwyn Rhoades and spouse Donna of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Cody Griffin and spouse Jessica of Hays, Casey Reavis and spouse Daniel of Millers Creek; great grandchildren, Bailee Griffin, Christian Osborne, Carson Griffin, Sawyer Griffin, Emma Reavis; sister, Marie Mann of North Wilkesboro; and brother, Joe Rhoades and spouse Jean of North Wilkesboro.
Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 was July 11,   at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. Ronnie Gregory and Rev. Rodney Blake officiating.
Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105-9956 or to Shriners Hospital for Children, Attn: Office of Development, 2900 N. Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, Florida 33607.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Bobby Call, age 72
Bobby Arnold Call, age 72, of Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, July 7, 2019 at his home. He was born December 28, 1946 in Wilkes County to Gertrude Call. Bobby was a retired US Vietnam Army Veteran. He was an Air Defense Artillery Senior Sergeant; 7 years and 7 months 11B50 Infantryman and 7 years 7 months 95B50 Military Police. Bobby received the National Defense Service Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Air Assault Badge, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (Korea), Air Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Vietnam Service and Campaign Medals, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Army Commendation Medal (1st Oak Leaf Cluster), Good Conduct Medal and NCO Professional Development. He was preceded in death by his mother, Gertrude Call Church; and brother, Tom Call.
Surviving are his son, Bobby Lee Call and fiancé Amanda Renae Church of Hickory; daughter, Rebecca Call and boyfriend, Donnie Foster of Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Bryson Lee Call, James Ethan Call, Monica McKinney, Ashley Faw, Austin McKinney; sisters, Tammy Wilson, Rosie Bouchelle; brother, Thorton "Doc" Call.
Funeral service was July 11, at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor David Wellborn and Jimmy McGlamery officiating.
Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142  followed in Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery.  Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Lisa Baldwin, 53
Lisa Carol Baldwin, age 53, of Thurmond, passed away Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at her home. She was born May 30, 1966 in Surry County to Ted Cox and Carolyn Wagner Roten. Lisa liked to do art and loved spending time with her kids and grandkids.
She was preceded in death by her parents; son, Justin Allen Royal; granddaughter, Hollie Royal.
Surviving are her spouse, Jeff Baldwin of North Wilkesboro; sons, T.J. Royal and spouse Megan of Thurmond, Gary Baldwin of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Lane Royal, Annabelle Royal, Hunter Stotler, Hallie Jo Stotler all of Thurmond, Karli Baldwin of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Ted Cox and spouse Kimberly of Asheville, Barry Cox and spouse Teresa of Pleasant Hill; sister, Betty Jo Sebastian of Jonesville; several nieces and nephews.
The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Friday, July 19, 2019. Flowers will be accepted. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105-9956. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
Jack Of All Trades: Stars Who Are Each Actors And Athletes
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/jack-of-all-trades-stars-who-are-each-actors-and-athletes/
Jack Of All Trades: Stars Who Are Each Actors And Athletes
When you concentrate on it, actors athletes are very related. Each are positioned within the highlight the place the entire world is ready to see. Then comes alongside these particular kind of people that double up on expertise. Individuals like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Chuck Connors took on each sports activities and performing. Some are extra gifted in a single space than the opposite however we’re not right here to guage.
NBA star LeBron James is aware of his means round a basketball court docket. He even will get animated and theatrical along with his teammates on the bench when his staff is successful. However does he know navigate the massive display screen? James performs himself within the 2015 movie Trainwreck (starring Invoice Hader and Amy Schumer) and though he has by no means taken on such a giant position, he was up for the problem.
“They stated, ‘You’re going to play your self,’ and I instructed them that I can try this simply,” James stated. “I can simply present up and say, ‘I’m LeBron. I play basketball and I can dunk.’ They stated, ‘No. You’re really going to be Invoice’s finest buddy within the film, and also you’re going to be a love physician who helps him patch issues up along with his girlfriend.’” He should have accomplished nicely as a result of Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 86 p.c!
Picture: Harmony Productions Inc. / Getty
There are 1,000,000 and one myths surrounding Chuck Norris. For instance, “Norris has a diary. It’s referred to as the Guinness E book of World Data.” You get the purpose. As of late, Norris is a conservative political activist. However earlier than all of that, he was a championship karate athlete. Whereas his performing profession was simply getting began, Bruce Lee solid Norris as a villain in Return of the Dragon that helped him launch his profession in 1972. He has since excelled at each performing and martial arts. Norris was inducted into the Martial Arts Historical past Museum’s Corridor of Fame in 1999, and has been awarded a star on the Hollywood Stroll of Fame.
Up subsequent is one massive man who wanted to be within the sport he performed.
Defensive finish Terry Crews was drafted by the Los Angeles Rams in 1991. He performed for numerous groups just like the Chargers, Eagles, and Redskins earlier than retiring in 1997. It wasn’t till he left soccer that Crews pursued performing.
Since retiring from soccer, Crews has confirmed that his performing expertise is as much as par. He performed a reoccurring position on the TV sitcoms All people Hates Chris and Are We There But? He’s most just lately acknowledged for his position as NYPD Sergeant Terry Jeffords within the TV sitcom Brooklyn 9-9, the place it turned clear that Crews not solely thrives taking part in roles in comedy however motion, too.
Actor Chuck Connors is understood for his well-known portrayal of Lucas McCain within the TV sequence The Rifleman however his expertise carried over into sports activities, too. Connors turned professional in each basketball and baseball. He was a member of the very first Boston Celtics staff in 1946. Connors additionally had the excellence of being the primary skilled basketball participant credited with shattering a backboard.
His excellent pure athletic talents landed him a spot on the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Chicago Cubs, the place he performed first base. However he realized he wasn’t going to make residing in sports activities, and turned to performing. The remainder is historical past.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson performed soccer on a full scholarship for the College of Miami. He graduated in 1995 and began coaching to turn into an expert wrestler. After being acknowledged as one of many biggest skilled wrestlers of all time, (he gained a record-breaking seven championship titles) The Rock got down to see what else was cookin’. He established himself as an actor whereas he wrestled within the WWF/WWE. He first began out with small components in TV reveals and rapidly took his performing profession to the subsequent degree with main roles in motion flicks, together with The Rundown, and The Scorpion King.
(Left) Picture: Tommaso Boddi/WireImage
You might know Jason Lee finest from the sequence My Title is Earl. However earlier than he was entertaining us on display screen, he was skating ledges and launching over staircases with the perfect of them. That’s proper, Lee was a profitable skilled skateboarder. Are you aware how troublesome it was to turn into a professional again then? With out YouTube or Instagram for skaters to showcase their abilities and safe sponsorships, they needed to exit and earn it the arduous means.
Within the early ’90s, Lee determined that he wished to check out performing. When he put himself on the market, he caught the eye of actor and filmmaker Kevin Smith. Smith ended up casting Lee in a lead position within the comedy Mallrats.
Michael Jordan remains to be often known as the perfect basketball participant within the historical past of the NBA. We might go on for days speaking about his accolades and stats however we’ll simply say he went to the finals six occasions and gained all six. As compared, Kobe Bryant went seven occasions and solely gained 5. A G.O.A.T. (biggest of all time) is unblemished when it issues most.
Probably the most memorable movies starring an expert athlete must be Jordon in Area Jam. And he didn’t achieve this unhealthy performing with characters that weren’t actually there! Perhaps we should always all strive a few of his “secret stuff” he talks about within the Looney Tunes movies.
Nonetheless to return, Emma Stone performed what?
This should have been fairly some whereas in the past, when Jason Statham seems to have a head full of lovely hair. When he was a teen, The Transporter actor was fairly athletic. He was impressed when he noticed a man doing a excessive dive whereas he was on vacation, and was instantly drawn to the game.
You might not count on man who performs such powerful characters on display screen to be a diver. However Statham was aside of the British Nationwide Diving Squad for twelve years! He says that though his performing profession has taken off, not competing within the Olympics remains to be a sore spot for him.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is an NBA legend and for good cause. He’s considered one of solely seven gamers in NBA historical past to achieve the 30,000 level mark. He’s additionally the all-time chief in factors (till somebody reaches 38,388 profession factors or extra). However are you conscious Abdul-Jabbar additionally acted in movies?
By the point the Lakers have been on prime of the NBA, the middle had already began his performing profession. Like Chuck Norris, he fought Bruce Lee in Sport of Dying and was additionally within the comedy Airplane as himself. What would you do for those who noticed a legendary NBA participant sitting within the cockpit of your airplane?
Emma Watson from the wildly profitable Harry Potter franchise just isn’t solely a terrific actress however because it seems, she can also be fairly athletic. Her spellbinding sassiness she shows on display screen have to be from expertise. Any athlete who competes on the collegiate or skilled degree has some kind of hearth in them. Whereas attending Brown College, Watson was a member of the membership discipline hockey staff. We’re prepared to wager no less than one individual referred to as her ‘Hermione’ a few times.
Proceed on and also you’re positive to be in for a shock.
John Cena is among the hottest wrestlers to ever step foot within the ring. Ever since The Rock left wrestling, it was Cena’s thrown for the taking. In school, he additionally performed Division III soccer at Springfield Faculty. President of WWE, Vince McMahon began a film manufacturing firm in 2005 so you may guess what occurred subsequent.
McMahon selected Cena for a lead position in one of many firm’s first movies, The Marine. Cena has been in a number of roles right here and there (just like the Hefty business!) however his principal focus remains to be wrestling.
Romeo Miller is greater than only a baby prodigy. The music artist as soon as often known as Lil’ Romeo makes music, acts, fashions, and for a brief stint, performed collegiate basketball for the USC Trojans. The son of hip-hop artist Grasp P., Romeo is most well-known for his music. When Romeo was barely a teen he already had a single at No. 1 on the R&B Billboard chart. However not many individuals are conscious that basketball most likely means essentially the most to him out of his many abilities. His father additionally performed for the USC Trojans from 2008-2010.
Broadway Joe Namath was an expert soccer star who first performed for the College of Alabama earlier than catapulting to stardom because the Jets quarterback. In 1965 he was named AFL Rookie of the 12 months. In 1967, he was the primary skilled quarterback to cross for four,000 yards in a season when he threw four,007 yards in.
Namath finally began accepting small roles on TV taking part in himself. He had a straightforward going persona that led to him internet hosting a number of speak reveals. That is the place his nickname got here from. He was an icon.
Bruce Lee started showing in movies from a really younger age, as his father was a Cantonese opera star with many connections. However martial arts rapidly consumed him, and Lee dropped out of school and put performing on maintain to open a martial arts studio in Oakland, California. Quickly he developed his personal model of combating referred to as Jeet Kun Do. One producer noticed Lee’s expertise and requested him to audition.
Lee auditioned and landed the position of Kato within the TV sequence The Inexperienced Hornet. He then went on to play a task in 5 feature-length movies. Sadly, Lee ended up passing away on the younger age of 32, however he has put his mark on martial arts after which movies surrounding it endlessly.
Shaquille O’Neal is likely to be essentially the most dominant participant in NBA historical past. He was just about unguardable. His solely flaw was his free throw taking pictures, which led to the time period “Hack-a-Shaq”. That is what gamers and followers referred to as it when the opposing staff deliberately fouls a poor free throw shooter as a result of they know they’ll miss. Outdoors of dunking on folks, O’Neal was additionally a rapper and an actor. Shaq acted in a number of movies like Kazaam and Blue Chips. As of late, he’s an NBA analyst for the Emmy award-winning TNT present Contained in the NBA.
O.J. Simpson, what can we are saying about him that you just don’t already know? He was exonerated of the costs within the homicide case of his ex-wife Nicole and her buddy Ron Goldman. He was probably the most spectacular school athletes at USC. He additionally set an NFL dashing file whereas taking part in with the Payments. However you already knew that. Within the ’70s and ’80s, The Juice was a profitable actor. He’s most recognized for his work in Roots and The Bare Gun.
The Juice was additionally an in depth buddy of the household of our subsequent athlete-actor.
Earlier than Caitlin Jenner made the transition that froze popular culture, she was labeled the perfect athlete on the earth. That’s the title you get if you win the gold medal within the Olympic decathlon. Jenner did simply that in 1980. At one time, she was additionally a university soccer participant. After the Olympics, she turned to leisure. Maintaining with the Kardashians isn’t the one time she appeared on the silver display screen. She additionally performed a bike cop on the ’80s hit CHiPs.
Nonetheless developing, see what a former beautiful wrestler is as much as.
Picture: Catherine Steenkeste/NBAE/Getty Photographs
Rick Fox is a former NBA champion for the Los Angeles Lakers. He had a silky clean three-point shot that helped the Lakers massive time in clutch conditions. And will we point out that he’s kind of a heartthrob? He had tons of girls throughout him even earlier than the NBA, whereas taking part in for the College of North Carolina.
Fox began his performing profession nearly on the similar time he started his NBA profession. Since that point, he has been in tons of of visitor starring roles on each tv and movie. You might keep in mind his cameo on the finish of the Disney movie, Holes.
Yet one more WWE wrestler has made the record. This time it’s a stunning girl. Stacy Keibler was wildly well-liked within the wrestling world. It could have been as a result of everybody lusted after her however she was wrestler as nicely. As soon as she left that world she entered a brand new realm: performing.
Keibler has appeared in a handful of flicks and TV reveals. They embody Samurai Woman, What About Brian and Bubble Boy from 2001. Her most well-known transfer didn’t come from the ring, it was when she dated George Clooney.
Like father, like son so the saying goes. Maybe the largest affect on his son’s life must be himself, Percy Miller. Often called Grasp P by the lots, Miller was and is greater than only a file maker. No Restrict Data was once one of many greatest labels in rap. Miller was kind of a renaissance man.
Rapping apart, Miller additionally starred in a number of movies again within the ’90s. Films like I Acquired the Hook-Up and Silly. The films weren’t blockbuster hits however Miller had abilities elsewhere too. Comparable to basketball. He was a member of the Toronto Raptors and the New Orleans Hornets.
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ozzienews · 7 years
Alfred Hitchcock and his Birds
Behind the camera, his pendulous lips exhaling bad breath and extraordinarily obscene jokes in a lugubrious Cockney accent, stood the corpulent figure of Alfred Hitchcock, acknowledged as cinema’s master of murder, mayhem and suspense.
In front of the camera, poised, elegant, remote, and seemingly unattainable, reclined the exquisitely beautiful Tippi Hedren, his latest star, and the last in a long line of ice-cool blonde screen goddesses with whom Hitchcock had become fixated during his 40-year career.
Hedren, a former model, was then 34 — more than 30 years his junior. She had a six-year-old daughter — now the movie star Melanie Griffith — and was about to marry a second husband, her agent Noel Marshall.
But Hitchcock, in spite of knowing this, had become dangerously obsessed with Hedren, behaving as the ultimate Svengali. He had started to bombard her with crude sexual overtures, and had ruthlessly sought to control every aspect of her life, off the screen as well as on it.
The flare-up that occurred that day had been a long time coming. After their second film together — the psychological thriller Marnie, in which she starred opposite Sean Connery — Hedren was nominated for the Photoplay Award as the most promising new actress of the year.
She asked Hitchcock’s permission to travel to New York to appear on The Tonight Show, where the award was to be presented. But Hitchcock could not bear the prospect of her departure, even for two days. He abruptly refused permission for her to go, telephoning the network on her behalf to reject the award and cancel her appearance.
For two years, Hedren had preserved an iron self-control in her dealings with the great director, refusing ever to rise to his sexual advances.
But that day, unable to contain herself any longer, all the pent-up emotion poured forth as she exploded, screaming at Hitchcock and allegedly calling him ‘a fat pig’ in front of the assembled crew on the set. Hitchcock froze. ‘She did what no one is permitted to do,’ he complained bitterly. ‘She referred to my weight.’
Furious, Hedren demanded to be released from her exclusive contract with Hitchcock.
From that moment, he brutally excised her from his life, threatening to ruin her career and declining even to address her personally, except through intermediaries. He never again uttered her name, referring to her only as ‘that girl’.
This astonishing saga is the subject of a 90-minute BBC2 television drama, The Girl, starring Sienna Miller as Hedren and Toby Jones as Hitchcock, with Imelda Staunton as Hitchcock’s wife, Alma, and Penelope Wilton as his loyal assistant, Peggy Robertson. This is a few years old now (about 4), but still worth a viewing.
Miss Hedren, now 82, is the artistic adviser on the film. Her ‘one reservation’, she says, ‘is that I worry they will not portray me as strong a character as I was — and still am. I had to be extremely strong to fight off Mr Hitchcock.
‘He was so insistent and obsessive, but I was an extremely strong young woman, and there was no way he was going to get the better of me.’
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, the son of a Catholic greengrocer, was born in the East End suburb of Leytonstone in 1899.  His father, William, was a strict disciplinarian who took to sending his son to the local police station with a note explaining that he had been ‘naughty’.
On arrival, a custody sergeant known to the family would lock the boy in a cell for five or ten minutes before releasing him. The clanging of the door, Hitchcock always insisted, used to cause him ‘dread’, and gave him a lifelong fear of arrest, jails and policemen. It also evidently appealed to his sense of drama.
His mother, Emma, was sharp-tongued and exacting. She compelled her son to stand at the foot of her bed and recite his daily activities — something he later referred to as his ‘evening confession’.
For years afterwards, he bitterly resented his mother’s tyranny, and close friends suspected that whenever he had one of his heroines murdered or violated on screen, he was mentally attacking his mother.
His marriage in 1926 to the film editor and screenwriter Alma Reville was to prove sexless. With the exception of one isolated occasion when they somehow succeeded in conceiving their daughter, Patricia — an experience in which he would admit to finding the ‘mechanics unpleasant’ — Hitchcock would remain celibate for the rest of his days.
By way of explaining this to friends,  he would insist that he was  ‘sexually impotent’.
His love life and more extreme sexual fantasies thereafter were played out on screen through his celluloid heroines, rather than in reality. And as the years passed, the line between that reality and his darker fantasies, arising out of his own desperate frustrations, often became invisible.
From adolescence onwards, Hitchcock’s principal obsession was with blonde women. Significantly, his wife, who had reddish hair, did not belong to that category.
His first screen blonde was the West End musical comedy star known only by her first name, June.
Her natural hair colour was light brown. But when he cast her as the threatened heroine in his silent version of a thriller called The Lodger in 1927, about a Jack-the-Ripper-type serial killer who enjoyed slicing up golden girls on foggy nights near London Bridge, Hitchcock insisted that his leading lady had to be blonde.
To her outrage, June found herself compelled to wear a blonde wig, the curls on which Hitchcock meticulously arranged personally. ‘By the end of the first week,’ she complained, ‘I looked like Harpo Marx.’
His second British blonde was the bisexual Joan Barry, mother of Henrietta Tiarks, Duchess of Bedford. As the young wife in Rich And Strange, Barry was filmed by Hitchcock in a water tank swimming with her husband, played by Henry Kendall.
Barry stands astride, daring him to swim between her legs. When he does so, she suddenly locks his head between her thighs until bubbles rise from his mouth. As he surfaces, he splutters: ‘You almost killed me that time.’
Barry responds: ‘Wouldn’t that have been a beautiful death?’
To Hitchcock’s infinite regret, the scene — perfectly capturing his lust for, and fear of, the alluring blonde — was killed by the censors.
The biggest star Hitchcock directed in the new talkie era was the reigning sex symbol of the day, Jessie Matthews. But Matthews, though teeming with sex appeal, was brunette and had no sexual message for Hitchcock.
She was also too powerful a box-office asset for Hitchcock to be able to  impose his will on her, and she abruptly rejected his suggestion that she should adopt ‘a mincing operetta style’ in Waltzes From Vienna.
When he tried to insist, the head of the studio, Sir Michael Balcon, ordered him to desist, fearing that Matthews would walk off the picture and away from the studio. Hitchcock never forgave her snub to his authority, and was still hostile to her 40 years later.
Much more to his taste was the crystal-cool blonde Madeleine Carroll, star of The 39 Steps. But like his other blondes, Carroll fell victim to Hitch’s sexual fantasies. His fascination with bondage was satisfied on the first day of shooting by handcuffing Carroll to her co-star Robert Donat, whom she had never met before.
He then pretended to have lost the keys, leaving them shackled together in embarrassing discomfort and proximity for most of the day — a predicament they then also had to act out in the film.
A streak of ruthless sadism began to characterise Hitchcock’s dealings with his leading ladies. His first Hollywood blonde, Joan Fontaine, playing the shy second Mrs de Winter in the 1940 film Rebecca, was deliberately isolated by him.
‘He would constantly tell me that no one thought I was any good except himself,’ she said. He then undermined her by saying that her co-star, Laurence Olivier, disliked her and that she was liable to be replaced.
The much earthier Swedish blonde, Ingrid Bergman, tried to arouse Hitchcock’s dormant sexuality, but left him utterly humiliated when he proved physically incapable of responding to her overtures. He was hopelessly infatuated with her, a situation that caused tensions in his marriage to Alma.
Bergman, a warm-hearted, highly-sexed woman who was genuinely fond of him, believed him to be starved of affection and tried to remedy this, but his repressed libido could not be aroused, even by her.
Hitchcock’s perfect prototype of the screen blonde was undoubtedly Grace Kelly, the future Princess Grace of Monaco.
He was not deceived by her sedate, ladylike and refined facade. He would dine out with glee on her convoluted love life during the filming of Dial M For Murder, in which her frenzied struggle against strangulation had distinct sexual overtones.
‘That Gryce!’ he would declare in his sibilant Cockney. ‘She fucked everyone! Why, she even fucked little Freddie (Frederick Knott), the writer!’
American Kim Novak was another blonde whom Hitchcock bent to his will.
‘Before filming started on Vertigo,’ records one of his biographers, ‘he invited her to his house and chatted about everything except the movie — art, food, travel, wine — all the things he thought she wouldn’t know much about. He succeeded in making her feel like a helpless child, ignorant and untutored, and that’s just what he wanted — to break down her resistance. By the end of the afternoon, he had her right where he wanted her, docile and obedient.’
Janet Leigh also became a blonde sex object for the director. In the notorious shower scene in Psycho, the blade of the knife was employed to convey the impression of violent rape and sexual invasion.
As one of his screenwriters, Arthur Laurents, remarked: ‘He lived in the land of kink. Perverse sex, kinky sex, that fascinated him . . . essentially he was a voyeur.’ And then, one day in 1961, while watching a TV commercial for a diet drink, Hitchcock glimpsed his greatest blonde obsession of all, Tippi Hedren.
Putting her under exclusive contract at $500 a week — Poverty Row pay by Hollywood standards — he chose her clothes, her make-up, her jewellery, her coiffure, advised on what she should eat, whom she should see, and how she should live.
‘She’s already reaching the lows and highs of terror,’ he announced in 1962, and it was almost an understatement.
As the distraught heroine of The Birds, she was assured by Hitchcock that only mechanical birds would be used, instead of which Hedren endured five days of prop men, protected by thick leather gloves, flinging dozens of live gulls, ravens and crows at her, with their beaks clamped shut with elastic bands.
When one of the birds gouged her cheek, narrowly missing her eye, Hedren collapsed on the set, crying hysterically. A physician ordered a week’s rest, during which she was assailed by ‘nightmares filled with flapping wings’.
Small wonder, as she increasingly realised the full extent of Hitchcock’s domination of her, that in panic she finally rebelled and broke free from him.
He kept her on salary, holding her to her contract for two years, during which he refused all other requests for her services, including one from the acclaimed French director, Francois Truffaut, an offer of which Hitchcock never even informed her.
In 1967, after finally breaking free by accepting Charlie Chaplin’s invitation to appear in his film, A Countess From Hong Kong, Hedren grudgingly agreed to have tea with the Hitchcocks at Claridge’s.
The idea was a peacemaking bid by Alma, but it proved to be a strained and tense occasion on  which Hitchcock could barely  conceal his bitterness towards her. There are those who believe  he never recovered from the blow to his pride that Hedren’s defection inflicted. He made only four further films after Marnie — Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy and Family Plot — none of them vintage Hitchcock.
By 1980, when he was belatedly knighted, he had utterly withdrawn into himself, was declining  food, refusing to get out of bed,  and staring coldly at the very few visitors he received. He died on April 29, 1980, three months short of his 81st birthday.
If Tippi Hedren, through his egomania, lost her chance of major stardom, at least in the end she won back her freedom and reasserted her independence from a tortured and tormented genius.
There’s something eerie about sitting almost alone in a large cinema. It’s as though something has happened somewhere else and you are the only one who doesn’t know.
by Helena Bryanlith
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nightwingshero · 4 years
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I did a thing because Wren has been getting all the attention, and I miss my badass Marine baby so much. Made a moodboard for my CoD OC, Emma Miller. Probably the first of many because she’s a favorite of mine 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Vivet anima tua, quo’s non morieris morte tua
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nightwingshero · 4 years
OC Interview
I was tagged by the amazing @simonxriley thank you, hun!!! I’m going to do Emma, since I did Wren last time! She’s my favorite sarcastic asshole. 
Emma, but my friends call me “Em”. 
Are you single?
Nope. I’m married to John MacTavish. 
Are you happy?
Uhm, yeah? What kind of question is that? Are you happy?
Are you angry?
Not really, but this is starting to feel more like a therapy session than an interview.
Are your parents still married?
Yes, they’re happily married. 
Nine Facts:
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Grey
Birth date: April 6th, 1988
Mood: A bit bored and kinda amused. I just don’t understand some of these questions. 
Gender: Female
Summer or winter: Winter. I grew up in Georgia, it’s hot all the damn time. 
Morning or afternoon: That’s your question? Okay, morning. Runs are better in the morning and I drink coffee with my husband. 
Eight Things About Your Love Life:
Are you in love?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hell no. Look, you can be attracted to someone, but how do you love someone you don’t even know? You ever see that Frozen movie?
Who ended your last relationship?
I did. I thought I was doing the right thing, even though it honestly wasn’t. We worked past it. 
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yep, a few times, actually. 
Are you afraid of commitment?
....dude, I’m...I’m married. I have a hard time trusting, but I don’t have a commitment issue. I can just be a hard person to get to know....I think that’s obvious now. 
Have you hugged someone in the last week?
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Pssh, I don’t know. I guess if I did, it would’ve been a big secret, because I definitely didn’t know about it. 
Have you ever broken your own heart?
I have, yes.
Six Choices:
Love or Lust: Love. 
Lemonade or Iced Tea: Tea, all the way. My mom makes the best sweet tea in Georgia, I swear. 
Cats or Dogs: Dogs. I love my German shepherd, Athena. 
A few Best friends or Regular Friends: Few best friends. I don’t like people a whole lot, I don’t really trust them, and I just don’t have time for that. I’m perfectly content in the circle I have. 
Wild night out or romantic night in: I don’t going out for drinks with the guys. Watching Price out drink everyone is a lot of fun. But I like my nights in, too. 
Day or night: How is this different than the question you asked earlier? Are you doing a survey? I guess it depends on the situation. But I guess night? I don’t know. 
Have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Oh god, yes. 
Ever fallen down/up the stairs?
I’ve tripped going up the stairs a couple of times. 
Ever wanted someone/something so badly it hurt?
Only once.
Ever wanted to disappear?
I mean, there was a time in my life, sure. 
Four Preferences:
Smile or eyes: Smile
Shorter or taller: Definitely taller
Intelligence or Attraction: My husband has both. So...both. 
Hookup or Relationship: Relationship. 
Do you and your family get along? Yes, my family is very close.
Would you say you have a messed-up life? I had a pretty good childhood. I mean, if I’m going to be honest, the military isn’t exactly a fun way of life. So, yeah, I’ve had some messed-up moments in my adult life that’s mostly career related. 
Have you ever run away from home? Nope, never felt a reason to. See, these are good questions. 
Have you ever got kicked out? Nope! I got along with my parents. Except that time my mom tried to get me to join a beauty pageant. Hard pass.  
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
I’m not exactly subtle, as you now know. If I hated one of my friends, there would be no secret about it. But no, I don’t. I love my friends. 
Do you consider all of your friends, good friends?
I do, because I’m super picky about who I have in my circle.
Who is your best friend?
Gary Sanderson, Ashton, and Simon Riley. And John, of course. 
Who knows everything about you?
John, my husband. That little Scottish asshole knows me better than I know myself some days. I love him to death for it. 
Tagging: @xbaebsae @johnsrevelation @thatpinkthot @finefeatheredgamer @saltntheair @bioshocking @seedlingsinner and whoever hasn’t done this yet! 
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nightwingshero · 4 years
I was tagged by the amazing @simonxriley thank you, love! I appreciate you! And I’m just going to apologize right now, because I kinda cheated 😬 I couldn’t pick just 4 for Wren. It’s literally impossible 😂 so I’m sorry.
Tagging: @joeyspersonalthot @shellibisshe @minilev @returnofthepd3 @seedlingsinner @fadedjacket @trialandseed @bioshocking @jacobseedthot @shallow-gravy @starsandskies and whoever would like to
Rules: Post 4 songs that describe your OC! I did three of my FC5 OCs and one CoD OC.
Wren Blake
Praying - Kesha
River - Bishop Briggs
Take Me To Church - Hozier
Heaven In Hiding - Halsey
Mansion - NF
Bullet - Hollywood Undead
Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold
Rowan Palmer
Wolves - Selena Gomez
Bad Wolf (Hollow Moon) - AWOLNATION
Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless
Black Sheep - Gin Wigmore
Jane Williams
River - Oh, Clever
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Kill Your Heroes - AWOLNATION
Ashes of Eden - Breaking Benjamin
Emma Miller
Simple Man - Lynard Skynard
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
For What It’s Worth - Buffalo Springfield
Carry On - Avenged Sevenfold
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