#serial I
davros42 · 10 months
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Rewatching Classic Doctor Who, some episodes I haven't seen in years, some of the animated reconstructions I haven't seen at all.
Planet of Giants AKA Minuscule Story AKA The Minuscules AKA Serial I
Season 2 kicks off with a bit of a strange one. It feels very much like a prototype Third Doctor story. The first story to take place in the 'modern day' (and in the UK for that matter) since the first one. Apart from the hook/subplot of the TARDIS crew being shrunk, it has no particular SciFi trappings which, from the vantage point of the 21st century, makes it feel like a historical story. The strong influence from Rachel Carson's Silent Spring doesn't hurt either. Doctor Who getting in on the 'insecticide killing pollinators' thing fifty years early.
The TARDIS doors open midflight (something to do with 'space pressure' but that's not important right now) but Ian and Barbara brute force them closed again. The Fault Locator makes it's last (televised) appearance. And the TARDIS lands safely. Or appears to. All the sensors indicate safety but the scanner screen explodes as if trying to show something too big for the screen. That's not how television works, but ok. It turns out that the doors opening allowed the space pressure to shrink the occupants of the TARDIS (and the outer shell of the TARDIS, but don't think about that too hard) after spotting some dead things, the crew is menaced by a cat, Ian gets captured via matchbox (which is a nice change of pace from how he normally gets captured), and a scientist gets murdered. You see, he's come to reject the application for a phenomenally powerful insecticide having realized the ecological dangers.. so the financial backer of the insecticide straight up shoots him dead in the front yard. It is a powerfully American moment. Oh and Barbara accidentally doses herself with the insecticide and doesn't tell anyone because reasons. Eventually the crew get into the house and try to get involved, messing with the phone, and ultimately blowing up a spray can to attract attention. It works, the switchboard operator (kids, ask your great-grandparents what a switchboard was) is conveniently married to a cop and sends him 'round just in time to catch the baddies. The crew returns to the TARDIS, and returns to full size, saving Barbara. Somewhere along the way the viewer monitor in the TARDIS was repaired so our last shot is a scrambled signal, where could the TARDIS be headed next?
And before anyone gets the wrong idea from my snarky synopsis, I really like this one. Short and sweet. A little silly at times if you think too hard about it but a good story that doesn't get too bogged down in unnecessary explanations and detail. It fits the tone and temp of a lot of the modern era in that way. It has two parallel stories that converge in a satisfying way. Originally meant to be four episodes and cut down to three, it still moves well, not a lot seems to be left out. The oversized props are great fun and there's some decent effects. The production is wise enough not to linger on them, letting most of the special effects exist in the audience's imagination.
Up next - an epic, this one changes everything: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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kakusboyfriend · 1 year
Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
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teaboot · 4 months
A while ago I was talking to my therapist and I told her I was worried that I was creepy and invasive with relationships. She asked me what I meant.
I told her, "Well, when I'm interested in someone, I try and find out what they like, and if it's something I don't like, then I do a bunch of research and write notes and stuff and explore the topic until I find something I *do* like. And I'm worried that that's weird or stalker-y. But like... I've found a bunch of stuff I still enjoy after the interest in them has faded. So is that okay, or is it creepy?"
And she stared at me for a minute before saying, "That sounds very sweet of you, actually"
And so yeah
Self-perception and shit
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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van1lla-cake · 27 days
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drew some drones that do the murder
the full lineup:
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caramel-popkorn · 8 months
white boy SHOCKS toronto locals by summoning DEMON in PERFECT BABYLONIAN
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existentialcrisis-9-5 · 2 months
In light of recent information
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They earned their autistic licence!
A win for autism! We got another one (or two?)(edit: or three?), lads
Update: I’m making a full-sized version of the badges so people can make their own (alas I cannot sell). I have a list I’m chipping through so it’ll be at least another week until they’re up!
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em-bandaid-boy · 26 days
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I huave brainworms.....
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milfsisyphus · 9 months
EARNEST POSTING. while everyone is still working on new year’s resolutions i want to make sure everyone knows about the FREE serial reader app.
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if you are trying to read more classics/public domain works but for whatever reason struggle with incorporating reading into your daily life, or you’re just intimidated by huge books, serial reader is a great tool to make reading more approachable. it works much like dracula daily in that it sends you one excerpt at a time (usually about 10-15 minutes of estimated reading time). awesome for commutes, lunch breaks, quick bedtime story, etc.
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it’s very customizable. you can change fonts, themes, and you can even take notes and highlight. you can also sync with other reading apps like goodreads (no storygraph yet……. we can hope!). the base app is completely free, but there is a one-time optional upgrade fee of $2.99 USD if you want some extra features. this is all developed by one guy, so the money goes to supporting the creator - although i’m sure apple takes their cut 😑.
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there are a ton of works to choose from, currently something like 800+.
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you can now also add your own .epubs to break up your own books into daily serials! very cool, serial reader!
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this was the best app i added last year so i just want to pass it on. happy reading! :)
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nabim · 5 months
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artist: @yuki77mi
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Aftg being set in university is objectively hilarious can you IMAGINE being in a group project with Andrew fucking Minyard
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solroskajan · 5 months
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tastefulbean · 5 months
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My nuzi designs! N towers over everyone
(No shade to Liam I just think it would be funny if Uzi dressed more like a scene kid LOL)
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space-bowl · 6 months
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Ep 7 Aftermath (given the planet didn't explode yet)
Part 2
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umblrspectrum · 21 days
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so like is it specifically planets the solver craves or can it get by with just eating dirt off the ground
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lexo-is-pesto · 6 months
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Like mother like daughter
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