#serial designation v cosplay
searabbitz · 1 year
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I feel so pretty in this cosplay
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iveraines · 1 month
there was a tiny comic con near me, so i wore V! didn’t wear the full outfit for the sake of comfort and ease (can’t see shit from visor, too hot for mask, multiple bodysuits layered + corset on top is a NIGHTMARE) but it was still a fun look :)
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yes i know the stockings are too short, they keep falling down and fashion tape doesn’t stick well at all LOL
(disclaimer: runny mascara, but don’t worry i am okay!! no crying was involved!! i poked myself in the eye accidentally while doing it and did not feel like redoing my whole face.)
headband thief
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murder drones fan sees door?!?!
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sunflowerhaven · 20 days
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I'm pretty happy with the thrift store finds for my V cosplay, the tail is very much just a prototype but it still looks pretty cool I think :)
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shinkoizumi · 8 months
Maid V Cosplay from Murder Drones!!
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merfirevulpixia · 1 year
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It’s me, that murder drones cosplayer, back with,, oh boy a lot. I’m very normal about these characters btw, just in case u were wondering, I’m normal, ahaha—
V and Tessa were in-the-moment closet cosplays, so they’re not as detailed as I’d like but I had fun regardless! Worker N was a bit more thought out- which is why I have a separate post with more of him, including a little voiceoverred acting :) linked here!
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drawingandsketching · 1 month
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Me excited for Murder Drones Episode 6 and wearing my V cosplay:
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Me after Murder Drones Episode 6, still wearing my V cosplay:
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Sorry I’ve been dead over the weekend. I’m trying to upload daily, I really am! (Not my cat chilling in the background-)
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rhodeybugg · 1 year
so there's a con happening near me in february, and for the first time i'll be able to go with a large group of friends.
and I, being my little hyperfixated self, have decided that I will be cosplaying V.
I have until February 11/12th. This is gonna be interesting.
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findurfuture · 4 months
In the web series Murder Drones, Serial Designation V (voiced by Nola Klop) is a Disassembly Drone. She was captured by Serial Designation N and Uzi; before this V is a member of Serial Designation J. A primarily black and white body drone is V. To recreate this version of the Murder Drone outfit, wear a black crop top and a pair of white shorts over top of the layer of a white bell sleeve blouse under a black bodysuit. In the hem of your sleeves and shorts add caution tape detail. In addition, wear a silver bob wig with a white mask, LED sunglasses, a pair of white gloves, and a pair of white and black striped shoes. Collect all the accessories of the Serial Designation V costume from Murder Drones for Halloween and cosplay.
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sweetzscore · 8 months
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 4 years
sometimes marvel really goes back to the vertigo wheelhouse and it kills me on sight every time.
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searabbitz · 17 days
Just realized I forgot to toss my astl pics on here too
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The sun was in my eyes
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iveraines · 3 months
i’ve been scared to post my cosplay stuff on here and i’m currently not comfortable showing my face on tumblr buuuut… here’s my V cosplay i wore recently :)
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sadly the visor died at the convention while i was wearing it (plus i couldn’t see shit and i am already super nearsighted so that wouldn’t be a good idea)
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this-darkness-light · 7 years
Random Things About Me
Rules: Tag some people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell . Thank you! :3
Tagging: @coplins​ @hookerlegs​ @brieflymaximumprincess​ @spnyoucantkeepmedown​ @i-bleed-salt​ @carvcredlund​ @cat-n-claw​
If you want to do it. <3
5’0. Bite sized Hobbit. Short brown hair in a pixie cut because I’m lazy. Slim-ish, currently looking to lose some weight, yay stress and bad choices. My shoulders are broader than my hips so I look like a dude in silhouette. Brown eyes. Huge dorky glasses because I’m a dork. Problems with cystic acne (I am an adult but my hormones apparently feel like perpetual adolescence idk). Decently good at putting on muscle, so yay there’s one good thing.
I’m your classic introvert, hi! My name is probably next to the word in the dictionary. Large crowds intimidate/drain me and make me moody/snappish, so I prefer to stay home and read and pet cats and do anything that is not interacting with other humans. That said, I do like socializing! I swear! I just need to recharge my batteries for a long-ass time afterward. Online socializing is my jam.
It makes dating interesting, like, I love cuddling and hugging and Other Things™ but at the same time I need alone time like most people need air.
Bit of a perfectionist. Haha, just kidding, I’m a perfectionist through and through. I love daydreaming and am the one rando with a random smile who randomly laughs because I thought of something funny.
I can be a snarky bitch at times, and have been called cold hearted and callous because when I’m done with someone, I’m done, and I let them know, and no manner of tears or begging or threats will dissuade me.
I’m also a goofball in the right company, turn into a motor mouth if I ingest enough sugar, and have been known to hiss at things I dislike.
Writing! I’ve been writing stories since I was in kindergarten. Usually they were about my stuffed animals lol. I’m pretty good at drawing, or was, before I quit for 10 years (yay adulting), but I’m easing back into it and trying to not get disheartened at how much I suck. I also play flute and several different pennywhistles but it’s been years since I played, so I’m sure my embouchure is shot and my music reading skills are rusty.
Other random abilities: I’m good enough at Les Mills Bodypump to be an instructor but yay Real Life got in the way of actually doing it; I make pretty bead thingies; I can sort of sing if I’m singing along to the radio (otherwise cover your ears!); I can read Tarot and use pendulums for divination
Writing, reading, (trying to) draw, sleeping, working out, daydreaming, SUPERNATURAL, true crime stuff (serial killers yay I’m horrible), researching random shit, making pretty bead things, collecting Funko Pop! figures, playing Sims2 (my computer is an ancient dinosaur that can’t handle later versions), watching Jeopardy; collecting angel pictures and figurines (my lifelong love of angels actually got me into SPN because Castiel is an angel so I was sold lol); listening to music (my favorites are movie soundtracks, especially Hans Zimmer; rock; alt; metal; Celtic; and symphonic metal); used to do cat rescue but I had to quit because I wanted to keep them all
I was rank one, file one in my junior high marching band (aka the best spot) the only time we won first place; did a Hunchback of Notre Dame show for my high school band before I had to quit because Health Issues; was the only freshman in the symphonic orchestra; lots of Band Stuff tbh; went to an Alpha Chi conference in San Diego my senior year of university and won for the Shakespeare category; graduated summa cum laude from my university, top of my department (English) and top of the Arts and Humanities college, and got to be on the stage (which meant I couldn’t zone out or read or sneak snacks under my robe, boo); I’ve been to Disneyland like 10 times (ask me how!), including a time we ate at Club 33; eating disorder survivor; domestic violence survivor; sexual assault survivor (and if you are also a survivor of any of those things please feel free to talk to me); bottle-fed a couple of two-day-old kittens (sadly one didn’t make it :(  ); got promoted to regional editor for my company this year; MET MARK FUCKING PELLEGRINO and got a picture with him at an event in Beverly Hills in October; I’ve been to the Hollywood Walk of Fame; fenced (sword-fighting) with a guy cosplaying as Captain Jack Sparrow in front of the Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles; am technically a published writer through my work.
My life:
Work, working out, writing, reading, sleeping, maybe drawing. Lots of Internet. Sometimes TV. CATS.
That’s kind of it. :V 
Random Stuff:
I’M A TWIN but we’re fraternal and she’s like 6 inches taller, no fair. I can make head shots with a handgun at 10 feet on the indoor range. My favorite color is deep cerulean, followed closely by burgundy. I’m a Pisces. Captain America is my favorite Avenger. Loki is my favorite Marvel character. Ravenclaw House forever! Tea whore. Egyptophile. Kemetic Orthodox by faith. My favorite structure in the world is the Eiffel Tower. Unicorns are best mythological creature and I will fight for their honor. Don’t mess me with anything less than 75% dark chocolate. My favorite Pokemon are Arcanine, Dragonair, Mew, the Eeveelutions, Meowth, Altaria, Articuno, Ho-Oh, and yeah too many to name. My favorite TV character of all time is Gavin Q. Baker III from season 7 of The Closer (played by the beautiful Mark Pellegrino) – Lucifer, Sam Winchester, and Patrick Jane are close on his designer Italian leather heels. I love rain. I’m afraid of moths and grasshoppers and other erratic insects whose movements you can’t predict. Mulan is best Disney princess. I have to be watching TV while doing cardio or I won’t do it at all. My fast food kryptonite is McDonald’s French fries. My favorite stupid food is marshmallows. I try to eat healthy but Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch exist, so. Yeah.
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acetokens · 6 years
My (post game) opinions on the ndrv3 cast
Alright, before the game came out I made this post where I basically vomited out my opinions on how I felt about the newly revealed ndrv3 cast onto a post and it was 50% jokes, 50% venting at fangirls. But now I've actually played the game, delved into the fandom and looked at the changes between the Japanese and English versions, I feel I can make a more genuine list of how I feel about all these good kids that deserved better. I realize my opinions are just that, and I’m probably yelling into the void here. But I felt I had to do a followup to the last post because MY GOD WAS I WRONG ABOUT (MOST) THINGS. I've listed every character in ‘favorite to least favorite’ order for convenience sake. Also this post will contain Spoilers. You have been warned.
Placed under a break for your skipping convenience. Ya’ll are welcome.
1. Himiko Yumeno - I absolutely adore everything about Himiko. Her design, her lazy attitude, her voice (NYEH), her development across the game to become a more driven and energetic person...I found her really funny, really cute and oddly relatable. Himiko is probably in my top 5 DR characters of all time. Which is even crazier when I remember she’s one of the few survivors. I've never had a favorite character who survives a killing game before. So unlike past Dangan Ronpa games where my interest sorta dies off by Chapter 6, Himiko kept me fully invested in everything until the end. She’s a special bean and I love her.
2. Gonta Gokuhara - Continuing the DR trend of a Big Guy who’s a Big Friend, Gonta was so good and so pure and so friendly and deserved so much better. He was always trying to do his best and protect everyone until the very end. R.I.P Gonta. You were a true gentleman. Chapter 4 can suck my ass.
3. Tenko Chabashira - I literally D E S P I S E D Tenko when she was first revealed. I hated her stupid, sexist guts. But come Ndrv3′s release and Tenko turned out to be a dorky, kind, protective and strong willed girl who was skilled enough to be admirable but pathetic enough to be pitiable at the same time. I loved her undying adoration of Himiko (even if it was a bit creepy at times) and the two make a really cute ship. I was expecting some kind of tragic backstory in her FTE’s to explain why she hates men (I believe she mentions a drunken father at one point, and I really wish they went more into that), and the lack of a reasonable explanation for such a strong hatred is what prevents her from sharing (or even taking) the top spot in my book. But misandry aside, Tenko is a Great Gal and I wanna hug her. Although she’d probably bodyslam me.
4. Kirumi Tojou - Kirumi was my favorite when all the characters were revealed at first. I made multiple posts about how I’d die for her and how she was beautiful and whatnot and I was confident about two things when the game came out: 1) She’d be my favorite. And 2) She’d die - following in the footsteps of all previous ‘best girls’ before her. And well, I did really like her. Just...not as much as I thought I would. Kirumi is efficient, brave, elegant, caring and has a really cool design. But her talent occupies most of who she is as a person, and she isn't too dissimilar to most maid characters in anime or manga. So it made her quite predictable at times and I feel they could’ve done so much more with her..ah well. Kirumi is still a super awesome maid and a great Mom. Even if she hates being called that.
5. Kaede Akamatsu - Ahh...I remember when I was wishing someone else would be our protagonist when she was first announced...I think I cursed it. Because Kaede was just *incredible*. She was headstrong, perceptive, kind and left such a big impact on me after Chapter 1. You know that ‘Do It For Her’ meme? Yeah, that about summarizes the rest of Ndrv3 for me. Also Kaede is a huge gay and all the Ndrv3 girls are her girlfriends, pass it on.
6. Ryouma Hoshi - Congratulations to Ryouma for being the only non-standard design character not to be terrible. Far from it, in fact. Ryouma is a badass! A lil’ badass with such a depressing backstory and death that when they showed his motive video, I let out a single manly tear. Or several. Or many. I just...I just want this man to be happy...
7. Miu Iruma - Miu has zipped up and down my lists more than any other character. I had her ranked highly pre-game, lowly during the game, and mid/high post-game. Her design and talent are really cool and she makes several neat inventions over the course of the game, but her personality was so damn prickly and vulgar that I found her really offputting while she was alive. It was only after finishing her FTE’s and seeing her Love Hotel scene that I realized holy shit this girl has some serious trust and abandonment issues. It put all of her behavior in perspective and I began to feel really sorry for her all of a sudden. The hurt/comfort potential here is just WAITING to be uncovered but, alas, most Miu fanfics I've come across are just smut or crackfics. Out of all the Ndrv3 girls, Miu deserves the most headpats. Lots and lots of headpats.
8. Kaito Momota - A good, supportive friend and an effective comic relief. His optimism was a bit grating for me now and again (I never like it when DR plays the ‘’Oh we should just believe in him/her because s/he’s our friend :)’’ card because of how biased it always is. Like, DR will sometimes bend over backwards and completely 180 its own rules to make sure certain characters survive. In a game where finding the truth by objective evidence and fact is key, the times where it just says ‘’nah fuck the truth who needs proof just b e l i e v e’’ just feel so...stupid). But criticisms of the series aside, Kaito is a bro and he’s great. Who doesn’t love the luminary of the stars?
9. Kokichi Ouma - I realise putting the most popular character at 9th is going to make hoards of fangirls despise me but!!!! I don’t dislike Kokichi. In fact I like him a lot. His character is probably the most enjoyable to analyze out of everyone, his interactions are hilarious but also disturbing, the Kokichi memes are funny, and I too think the changes they made to his dialogue in the English translation was utter bullshit (almost as greater character assassination as Mukuro in the DR3 anime). But, I really love most of the characters in the game which leaves characters I’m torn on (like Kokichi or Kiyo) hovering at a position which makes it seem like I dislike them when actually I enjoy them immensely. Just...not as consistently as some of the others. Also Chapter 4 was an kick to the nads that I can’t get over. Sorry Kokichi.
10. Korekiyo Shinguuji - I was prepared to LOVE this guy so much. Seriously. I was ready for the moment where it would turn out creepy noodle man would be turn out to be a Wholesome noodle man. But uh, I think I’m with the rest of the fandom when I say that Korekiyo’s reveal as the SHSL incestuous serial killer made me drop him faster than Kirumi dropped in her execution (sorry). So, now I've establish Kork is the *real* Worst Boy...why did I put him at 10th? Why not 15th? Especially considering he killed Tenko? Truthfully, it’s the memes. Just...the Kork memes. And the fact he’s such an awful person and so obviously a murderer that it becomes genuinely hilarious to me. And his design is my favorite out of all of them. I’m so split on him. So, so split...
11. K1-B0 - Keebo made me laugh a bunch of times, and I enjoyed him more than I thought I would initially. Also his upgrades in Chapter 6 were badass as fuck. But I just don’t really feel the same affection for him like I do other characters. I’m afraid cute robot girls will always be my weakspot. Cute robot boys...not so much. (Although I’m all for Agender! Keebo that’s my jam).
12. Shuichi Saihara - This is the point in my list where I finally reach true neutral. I have no feelings on Shuichi either way. He’s deeper and has a more interesting plot arc than Makoto, which makes him a more effective protagonist in my opinion. But Hinata will always be the best protagonist in my book. And I just keep picturing what it would’ve been like if Kaede survived instead...
13. Rantaro Amami - I never understood why he was uber popular before the game came out and I don’t think I understand why he’s so popular now either. I have no negative feelings on the guy; he’s mysterious and has a ‘big brother’ attitude that I like. But the poor dude just died too quickly for me to feel anything for him. 
14. Maki Harukawa - I only dislike three characters in this game. Maki is one of them. I knew *exactly* what kind of character she was going to be and I knew I wouldn’t like her much and I knew she was going to survive. I didn’t guess she was going to be an assassin! But outside of that, There isn’t much going for me for me. The tsundere is never an archetype I like and the fact the deaths in Chapters 2 and 5 are partly her fault and no one calls her out on it is kinda frustrating also. 
15. Angie Yonaga - Angie’s creepiness is her most appealing trait to me. That should explain how low the bar is set here. Its difficult to write what I feel about her without coming across as a salty atheist (because most of her problems revolve around her use of her god to manipulate people) so I’m just going to leave it there.
16. Tsumugi Shirogane - Y’know I distinctly remember labelling Tsumugi as ‘’Hifumi but likable’’ on my previous Ndrv3 opinion post. I was wrong. She was hovering around mid/low level for me while I played the game, and I often forgot she existed (kinda funny considering her self admitted plainness) and her references were quite obscure a lot of the time so I didn’t find her funny either. I didn’t dislike her, I just forgot her. Then Chapter 6 happened and everyone knows the rest. It’d be difficult to truly ‘like’ Tsumugi after her reveal as the mastermind, after all. Although she was certainly entertaining when she started cosplaying as all the previous characters and I did like how her eyes glowed when she went all DanganRonpa crazy. I did actually consider putting her above Angie for those reasons, but if I dropped Kokichi’s placement because he killed Gonta then I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t slamdunk Tsumugi into last place for technically being responsible for everyones’ deaths as well (well, responsible as part of Team DanganRonpa. I understand it wasn’t *entirely* her behind it all). You know there’s a problem when *Hifumi* looks pure in comparison...
If you read through all of this, then congratulations? I don’t know how to end long ass posts like this...just pretend I said something witty. 
I need sleep.
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iveraines · 3 months
i just wanna thank everyone for all the love on my V cosplay. it was a tough build, and is still in progress/reworks. i intend on making her prom dress, maid dress, and camp uniform.
long ass post ahead detailing progress, so hold onto your socks!
📸 by my bestie caro :)
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the closer to completed i got with the parts, the more and more every little thing went wrong. i need to rework/repair a LOT before i enter her in any competitions. i also intend on building her wings. may post progress updates
for the EVA foam arms, i made them too long (and still need to trim them more) and was unable to use my arms at all. i had to ask my girlfriend to hold and manage all my stuff at the convention. :,) they’re also gritty as hell, because i had to make them outside and the wind kept blowing them off the work area while the paint was wet. the paint messed up a lot and had to be re-done several times.
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as for the mask, similar to the arms. the paint gave me hell and i had to trim it down multiple times. i also lost it to a gust of wind at the convention! i was EXTREMELY lucky that my bestie was able to spot it in a road median the next day.
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originally, the tail was going to have LED’s in it similarly to the headband. however, the electronics kept breaking. no matter how much i fiddled with it and attempted to re-solder it, it would not work. at one point, the line suspending the tail snapped. that was an insane repair on the con floor.
i was hoping to have the dress done fast, as i have most of the parts pinned and ready to sew but the machine does not like the stretchy fabric. at all.
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even though i measured a gajillion times, the stockings did not end up as long as i would have liked them. the painting on them is unfinished too, and was all done the two nights before con. i actually ended up passing out while working them because of how much i overworked myself with school and con crunch!
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as a last-second improvise, i whip-stitched some fur on a thrifted top!
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i was originally going to do the fingers on the glove with foam, but the parts all peeled and ripped, so i just painted it instead. one of the fingers on the glove even almost came off.
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