#series: maricraft
mcytblrconfessions · 30 days
maricraft on smosh games was my gateway minecraft content but nobody ever talks about it. where are the headcanons. where is the fandom. c!lasercorn is a blaze hybrid in my heart does anyone see the vision. i love you maricraft and ne6/OgSog minecraft i love you i love you i love you
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sunshine-in-a-bottle · 4 months
Now that you're all here I can explain to you in great detail my mcyt timeline Bible, where I make all the smps share the same universe, build an incomprehensible timeline, and most importantly, explain how Lasercorn is the original incarnation of the blood god
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sugarsmosh · 6 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 13💙
What are your top 3 fave smosh series in general? (like beopardy, eioyi, let’s do this, etc.)
this is too hard
what’re those (both defy and mythical era)
hacking off
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notthatalex · 7 months
What are the origins of Augustus and the Chosen respectively, when did they first meet each other and what is their dynamic?
Ok so
The Chosen:
His first appearance was in a smosh Vegas episode. 'Playing Blackjack in Viva Smosh Vegas' (Sept. 2020)
How Shayne came up with the character is kinda interesting. Because he was supposed to play Aunt carolyn in that episode, but they didn't have her wig on hand. So he had to come up with something on the fly. He had a vague idea that he wanted to play a character like this already tho. He didn't have a name however, and like he came up with the name "Spencer Agnew" on the fly while being asked the question in the video. That's why a bunch of people think he was supposed to he a parody of Spencer when that was actually never the case. I think that is also the reason they don't bring up that name a lot anymore and just use "The Chosen".
Augustus is a actually a lot older as a character than The Chosen. But he is in a lot less videos.
His first video was 'DAMIEN KNOWS DA WAE' (Jan. 2018). A vr chat video.
After that he appeared in a bunch of maricraft videos. A minecraft let's play series on smosh games back in the day. There bunch of stuff got established about the Character and a bunch people think he got created there because they don't know about the vr chat video . He didn't get a look till 2020 though. Until then he was just a voice and name.
Augustus full name is Augustus St. Cloud and he definitely got heavily inspired by the Venture Bros Character with the exact same name. Damien never talked about it but it is a very strong educated "guess". They got the same first and last same, as well as the same voice and a couple of character traits.
Two only videos they interact in.
'POV: You entered a Gamestop'
'The Chosen vs Augustus: Bakugan'
They got posted only one day apart as well. In Nov. 2021. The ship name nintendogs came to be because in the Gamestop Video they play nintendogs together
I love their dynamic so much because they are both insufferable nerds. Also the competitive nature of their relationship. My favorite awful guys.
My hopes to ever get then in a video together again are not that high. Honestly I thought Augustus wasn't even going to show up again till the TNTL appearance a couple of days ago.
But a boy can dream.
If you want to know more and want to check out all their appearances in smosh content I wrote wiki articles for them.
The Augustus one I wrote entirely myself. So if anyone wants to add to it, fact check something or especially if I missed an appearance, I would appreciate an edit. Or tell me and I do it.
The Chosen one was already there, but it was a big mess. And I am still working on it. I edited a big chunk of it already but there is still stuff missing.
Both of them have videos that were exclusive to other platforms btw! (Facebook, Instagram). So if anyone wants more content for them, there is a chance you missed those. I listed them on their wiki pages.
I am thinking about making a wiki page for Nintendogs but I am not sure if the wiki administrators would like that lol. I fear that it would just be deleted. There is stuff about shipping on it, but it is very old and the only ship that has a page is Iananothy. Maybe I am going to ask them if I can. Idk yet haha.
Thanks for the ask hehe. I will take every chance to infodump about this I can get
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smoshgoshbefosh · 30 days
April 18th??
What Smosh Videos were Posted on Your Birthday?
Norwegian Food SUCKS- Smosh Pit
No videos posted April 18
Guys of War (VS)- Smosh Games
Injustice Gods Among Us Review- Smosh Games
The Adventure Time Adventure- Smosh Main
Clop Makes us All Little Ponies (Game Bang)- Smosh Games
Smash Bros Pocket Rocket (Smosh Smash)- Smosh Games
Watching Old Videos 7- Smosh Pit
Attacking Joven's Shire (Maricraft)- Smosh Games
Breaking Mads (Part Timers)- Smosh Main
Our Worst Kisses Ever (The Show w/No Name)- Smosh Pit
Guardians of The Galaxy: The Telltale Series (Honest Game Trailers)- Smosh Games (All Honest Games Trailers were recently deleted)
Tana Monageau Arrested (w/Jon Cozart and Lisa Schwartz)- Smosh Main
Damien and Shayne Make a Baby (The Damien & Shayne Show)- Smosh Games
I Tried to Follow a Jeffree Starr Make Up Tutorial- Smosh Pit
No videos April 18
Would You Call Your Crush for $1,000,000? (Board AF)- Smosh Games
Shayne got Nipple Rings- Smosh Main
The Easiest Way to Cheat on A Test- Smosh Main
Indian Food Taste Test (Eat It or Yeet It)- Smosh Pit
What's Inside Damien's Haunted House? (Smosh Minecraft)- Smosh Games
When Someone Makes You an Offer You MUST Refuse (Shorts)- Smosh Games
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haastile · 11 months
how abt 1 through 10 for the smosh asks 👀
Hoo boy you're in for a long one here
Ian or Anthony? - I've always been an Ian fan tbh, though I do love Anthony. Mostly just thought Ian was the more attractive of the two 👀
When did you start watching Smosh? - Oh gosh, probably 10 or 11 years ago? I remember the original food battles and Mari hosting Smosh Pit Weekly. I was a big fan of the Ian Is Bored videos
What's your favorite channel between main/pit/games? - Currently I think it's pretty split between Games and Pit. The content feels a bit more fun at least at the moment, but I'm excited to see where Ian and Anthony take the main channel. Classic tho, I was always a fan of Smosh Games
Who is your favorite castmember? - Gotta say Angela, although I am a bit biased bc I'm a long time Starkid fan as well lol
Do you have a favorite Smosh video? What is it? - A lot of the stuff Damien was in when he first joined falls in this category, esp anything with Shayne. Damien & Shayne content will always be S-tier shit to me, they're such a good pair
Fave classic Smosh character? - Does the pink frosted sprinkled donut count as a character? Uhhhh if not then Stevie
What is your favorite series on Smosh (main channel)? - The Big What If and the Gosh Darn F*cking News are definitely top two. Every Blank Every is a close third as well
What is your favorite series on Smosh Pit? - Try Not to Laugh is 100% the top favorite, but there's so many other good ones that have happened throughout the years. Put It In My Mouth and Show w/ No Name are two really good ones as well
What is your favorite series on Smosh Games? - dear lord, it would be quicker to list ones I wasn't a fan of. Summer and winter games ranks above everything honestly. I miss it so much. I'd love to see the new cast participate. Directly after that come GTS, Maricraft, Damien and Shayne Show, Smosh and Order, and What're Those are all tied for second. I'm also incredibly excited for Sword AF, it's gonna be so fuckin sick (but it doesn't feel fair to rank it just yet)
Fave Smosh song? - The Assassin's Creed 3 song has been living rent free in my head since 2013 dude. A lot of the classics are kinda stuck in my head tho tbh. Dixon Cider, Assassin's Creed 4 Rock Anthem, Smash Rap. Girls Are Gross was also pretty neat
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shayneysides · 11 months
if you're up for it, every odd question on the smosh question thing 👀
1: Ian or Anthony?
You know it's gotta be single mom wet cat etc Ian. Honestly though that's mostly because I never really watched old smosh so I barely saw anything with anthony in it, I really do love them both now
3: What's your favorite channel between main/pit/games?
Easily pit, it has all my favorite series. Recently I have been enjoying games and main more, but I've always loved the unscripted content more than anything
5: Do you have a favorite Smosh video? What is it?
ohhh my god this is hard but I absolutely do. TNTL #9 feat. Damien, I rewatch it at least once a week. it's what originally got me into smosh, I clicked on it because the thumbnail had girls kissing and then my life was changed forever. the bits are genuinely so hilarious and I think really do it's one of the best tntls they've done. shayne's pizza place divorce and damien's detective stand out to me, when i was in middle school i would recite those bits from memory to my friends and it always went over like a lead balloon. 10/10 video i've loved it for years
7: What is your favorite series on Smosh (main channel)?
The funeral roasts! My favorite series are always the ones where they kind of just let the cast loose to do fun characters and bits and I like the semi-scriptedness of it where everyone gets to write their own script. They're always a good time and somehow they never feel too mean to be fun
9: What is your favorite series on Smosh Games?
I feel like current Smosh Games has way fewer running series, so if we're talking current SG it's the trivial pursuit TNTLs but if we're talking old SG uhhh probably maricraft?? specifically the superhero series they did
11: What's something you want to see come back?
SMOSH AND ORDER!!! AND SUMMER GAMES!!!! the cast is finally big enough again that these could totally come back and it would be such a fun time, and it would also feel less like just some reboot of their old content bc the new cast would make it so that it's not just the exact same thing again. please i need them back
13: Do you ship anything/love any friendship pairs?
I am very much not one for RPF but I do care so much about shayne and damien as friends!! Their bits always just work off each other so well and their history is so obvious when they're joking around with each other, it's just so much fun to watch them onscreen. I do also love shayne and noah's friendship bc it's genuinely just crazy to me that shayne fully watched noah grow up, i just think they're very sweet
15: What castmember do you think you are most like?
So my name is shayne . If i'm being actually honest though probablyyyy damien or olivia? It's honestly hard to say though bc to be a youtuber it's kind of required to have a big personality and be very charismatic and i'm like?? not crazyyy quiet irl but also definitely not either of those things
17: What do you want to see now that Anthony's back?
Honestly??? I kinda want to see not much change? the only big change i want to see is in the main channel sketches, but i've been enjoying pit and games so much recently i honest to god hope they don't change that much.
19: Is there a video/series you really loved when you were younger?
Uhhh not?? really?????? I started watching when I was like 12 or 13, but my favorite series then were like. TNTL and Board AF or whatever, stuff I still really enjoy now, so??? I guess Squad Vlogs since those aren't really a thing anymore
21: Did you ever watch Smosh the movie?
23: Tell me an unpopular Smosh opinion.
Uhhh. uhhh uhhh i honest to god can't think of any? or at least any that i would be willing to put on here? bc i have unpopular opinions along the lines of like . i don't personally find this cast member that funny. but those are fully just like my personal tastes and feel too mean spirited to just say on my blog? and I really can't think of any else sorry
25: It's food battle time. You picking a pink frosted sprinkled donut, or some stick-shaped food?
uh uh uh stick shaped food obviously <- has never watched food battle
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You were part of the Smoshblr family right? Do you still watch Smosh?
oof that feels like a smack in the face lmao yes i was!! i also ran incorrectsmosh
i do still watch, not as religiously as i have in the past but i will watch new vids of theirs. i still am a sucker for the old smosh games series like maricraft and grand theft smosh (i rewatch those too much)… do i watch every single new vid smosh releases? no but sometimes i’ll throw some on for background noise while i clean or do other stuff
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
Maricraft Update!
So hey I found this while hunting for some guac comments and I'm so happy!
Tumblr media
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ohmysmosh · 5 years
My Maricraft predictions
Damien and Mari will have an intense rivalry for the title of king of the wasteland, and will be the only ones to really care about the prophecy
Courtney will continue to be hella cute and find animals to befriend, and generally just have a good, laid back time.
And Shayne will wander the wasteland just f*cking around, only carrying a block of gravel and some raw pork
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Now that the dream smp has finally been effectively explained to me, I have one thing to say: smosh games’ maricraft series walked so the dream smp could run
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smosh-outta-context · 4 years
Haha so I’m out of school for the next month, so what are some smosh series you want me to make video edits of!? (Like I do the tntl challenges and Maricraft- which I am still working on.) I was thinking of doing Seriously Stupid Sleepovers, Eat it or Yeet it, or even Board Af? Let me know what you guys wanna see!
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satanicshamrock · 5 years
Favorite Smosh Videos
A post for @lum1natrix​ of my favorite/classic Smosh videos; they’ll be split between two channels (plus events that both channels are in) and categorized with links. Some are in playlists, so the links may not even be needed, but just in case! <3
Smosh Games Channel
Maricraft Series - Older Videos:
Take me to Church
Naked Prisoner
Attacking the Monkey King
Lasercorn Finally Snaps
Terrifying Tornado Escape
Wes Betrays Smosh Games
Smosh Games Civil War
The Ultimate Alliance
Maricraft Series - Newer Videos:
Guess Who’s Back?
Never Trust Lasercorn
We Go Back to Outlaster Island
The Trial of Lasercorn
The Conviction of Lasercorn
Semi-Scripted Maricraft Series:
Block of Love 
Twilight Saga (Playlist goes bottom to top)
Smosh and Order:
Summer Games on Trial
Lasercorn takes Smosh Games to Court
Joven gets Thrown out of Court
The People vs. Shayne Topp
Court is now in Session
Game Bangs:
Mystery Jelly Bean Nightmare
Dead by Daylight Wedgies
Revenge of Secret Hitler
Try Guys Learn Dirty Words
Fan Fiction Induction (Damien’s Induction into Smosh Games!)
Boze is a Serial Killer - Friday the 13th
Gross Candy Cane Taste Test
Biggest Game Bang Ever!!
Board AF:
Intense Construction Battles
Adult Telestrations
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Betrayal Continues
Uncensored 5 Second Rule
Don’t Breathe!
Lip Reading Challenge
Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Boardgame
Totally 90′s Superfight
Radical Superfight Continues
We are Terrible Friends
Smosh Family Outburst
Smosh Pit Channel
Put it in my Mouth:
Epic Cheese Challenge
Thanksgiving in a Can w/ Rhett and Link
Why do these Sodas Exist!?
Sushi w/ Atomic Mari
Raw Vegetable Challenge w/ Courtney
Weirdest Food Combos Ever w/ Lasercorn
Worst. Smoothies. Ever. w/ Smosh Games
Terrible Prison Foods w/ Shayne
Disgusting Food Combos w/ Lasercorn
Noah’s Top 5 Worst Foods Ever
Seriously Super Stupid Sleepover:
Accent Challenge w/ Smosh Games
Never Have I Ever w/ Joven and Sohinki
Stranger Strings w/ Noah and Shayne
Guess that Song w/ Thomas Sanders
☘️ Egg Roulette Challenge w/ Damien Haas and Shayne Topp (First vid Damien was ever in, just as a guest! :D)
Don’t Pop the Balloon!
Squad Vlogs:
We Play Twister
Guilty Pleasures Revealed?
Pokemon GO Beach Hunt
Tiny Hands Challenge
Crazy Smosh Christmas Photos
We Play Scattergories!
Makeover Challenge
What’s in my Pants Challenge
Pumpkin Carving Challenge
We got Lost at Disneyland
We are Master Debaters
Drawing Pokemon from Memory
The Worst Product Jingles
Medieval Dance Battle
The Show with No Name:
How Shayne Died
When Mari almost Died
Olivia’s Best Episode
Opening 6 Year old Chik-Fil-A Sauce
Try Not to Laugh:
#5 w/ Gus Johnson
#6 w/ The Valleyfolk
#9 w/ Damien
#12 w/ Jujimufu
#13 w/ Joe Bereta
#17 w/ The Valleyfolk
#22 w/ Rhett and Link
#24 w/ The Try Guys
#26 Apocalypse Gauntlet pt.1
#27 Apocalypse Gauntlet pt.2
Smosh Family Events
Smosh Summer/Winter Games:
Summer Games 2015 Playlist
Winter Games 2016 Playlist
Summer Games: Camp 2016 Playlist
Winter Games: Again 2017 Playlist
Summer Games: Wild West 2017 Playlist
Summer Games: We Blew It 2018 Playlist
Summer Games: Apocalypse 2019 Playlist
Annual Halloween Just Dance:
Halloween Just Dance 2014
Halloween Just Dance 2016
Halloween Just Dance 2017 pt.1
Halloween Just Dance 2017 pt.2
Halloween Just Dance 2018 pt.1
Halloween Just Dance 2018 pt.2
Hope this Helps, Traci! There’s a Tumblr community of Smoshblrs if you look in the right places too - have fun! 
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thosedamnsmoshkids · 5 years
some smoshy questions
favorite sketch
favorite tntl bit
favorite smosh character
last smosh vid you watched
games, pit, or main?
favorite s&o
favorite swnn
favorite all time moment
favorite ship
favorite game bang
favorite maricraft ep/series
favorite punishment
what video do you watch for comfort?
what video do you watch to laugh?
what’s your all-time favorite video?
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smosh-stuff · 5 years
3, 8 and 11! -whatisasmosh
Favorite smosh character?
UGH that’s so difficult,,, it’s between Peter Akimoto and Pierre La Pierre tho
Favorite all time moment?
AHH uh,,,, the fuckin,,, the end of the final Game Bang, with the Twister. It had me Crying. It might not be my All Time All Time fave but it’s what first came to mind,
Favorite maricraft ep/series
THE SUPERHERO SERIES. That was so much fuckin fun,,,
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smoshgoshbefosh · 30 days
Hi, saw the post about Smosh videos! My birthday is April 18 :)
What Smosh Videos were Posted on Your Birthday?
Norwegian Food SUCKS- Smosh Pit
No videos posted April 18
Guys of War (VS)- Smosh Games
Injustice Gods Among Us Review- Smosh Games
The Adventure Time Adventure- Smosh Main
Clop Makes us All Little Ponies (Game Bang)- Smosh Games
Smash Bros Pocket Rocket (Smosh Smash)- Smosh Games
Watching Old Videos 7- Smosh Pit
Attacking Joven's Shire (Maricraft)- Smosh Games
Breaking Mads (Part Timers)- Smosh Main
Our Worst Kisses Ever (The Show w/No Name)- Smosh Pit
Guardians of The Galaxy: The Telltale Series (Honest Game Trailers)- Smosh Games (All Honest Games Trailers were recently deleted)
Tana Monageau Arrested (w/Jon Cozart and Lisa Schwartz)- Smosh Main
Damien and Shayne Make a Baby (The Damien & Shayne Show)- Smosh Games
I Tried to Follow a Jeffree Starr Make Up Tutorial- Smosh Pit
No videos April 18
Would You Call Your Crush for $1,000,000? (Board AF)- Smosh Games
Shayne got Nipple Rings- Smosh Main
The Easiest Way to Cheat on A Test- Smosh Main
Indian Food Taste Test (Eat It or Yeet It)- Smosh Pit
What's Inside Damien's Haunted House? (Smosh Minecraft)- Smosh Games
When Someone Makes You an Offer You MUST Refuse (Shorts)- Smosh Games
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