#literally there is no reason for me to do this except for the joy of it
sunshine-in-a-bottle · 5 months
Now that you're all here I can explain to you in great detail my mcyt timeline Bible, where I make all the smps share the same universe, build an incomprehensible timeline, and most importantly, explain how Lasercorn is the original incarnation of the blood god
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pepprs · 10 months
discovered miah_pie on t*ktok (<- i don’t have one btw i just stumbled upon her bc someone i follow on ig talked abt her) and her videos make me want to cry so bad. 24 year old dependent moment
#purrs#i went to a clothing store today to try to get new work shoes and pants bc the one pair i have of each literally have holes in them and are#falling the fuck apart on my body and it was a HORRIBLE experience largely bc i think everybody in town was out shopping for back to school#so it was super crowded and there were lots of screaming kids and it was extremely stressful + my dad got into a mini car accident while i w#was in the store (he was / is completely fine thankfully but the car is not which is so awesome 😍😍😍😍😍) and i was just so stressed and#overstimulated but also like… nothing fits me bc im so short lol. but anyway it was so horrible i was on the verge of starting to cry in the#store and then i came home empty handed and my mom got super pissed at me for… needing to go to the store / being the reason we were out lol#and then finding miah pie and her videos are all about making trips to the store SO much fun and buying little treats and saying yessir and#OHHHHHH MYYYYY and just finding the joy in smth that can be so stressful and unpleasant… it makes me want to cry happy and sad tears at the#same time like i want that soooo bad and i can’t do it fully yet but i want it. need it. fuck my stupid baka life#anyways im gonna start saying the stuff she says just to make myself feel better even when im not at a store. yessir! OHHHHHH MYYYYYY.#acquired. don’t mind if i diddly dooooo!#also btw i am not a dependent except for the ways i am a dependent. hope that helps 🫶🏻#the problem is really that i don’t have a car or a license and also that my mom throws a fit every time i need / want to get driving#practice bc it’s never a good time so. lol 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 me doing drivers ed this summer was a fucking joke i forget literally everything i#learned and have only been behind the wheel 3 times and none of them have actually counted bc im just developing basic motor skills#(literally). fmlllll im never getting out of here who am i kidding 🤪#delete later
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I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cameronspecial · 6 months
hey lovely!! i’ve been thinking about rafe spoiling angel and taking her to those cute little stores with all of the cute plushies and stuff. idk, but i absolutely love your work, and i literally giggle and kick my feet when i see that you’ve written more 😛
ilysm pookieeee 😋😋
Let Me Spoil You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
A/N: Thank you so much. It makes me giddy that you enjoy my work!
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Y/N had just found out that she got into her top-choice Master’s Program and Rafe couldn’t be more proud of her. She’s been working so hard, so he wants to reward her for her accomplishments. “Rafe, why are we at the mall? You know I mostly shop at outlet stores,” she complains. Rafe brings her to his side, “I know, but why don’t you let me spoil you, Angel?” She exhales and bobs her head. “Fine, but not more than a hundred dollars,” she limits. She really does love it when he pampers her, but she needs to set some boundaries or else he’ll buy the whole mall. He shakes his head, “One thousand.”
“Five hundred.”
“Fine, except I get to buy dinner.”
Rafe is satisfied with the offer and holds his hand out for her. He doesn’t want her to feel guilty about him always spending money on her. The first stop on their tour is the bookstore. He purposefully picked this mall because of the big indie bookstore inside. This is probably where she’ll spend most of her money. She has been browsing the science section of the store for about ten minutes now and has already picked out a few books. Rafe wants her to choose whatever she wants; however, he has a small request. He resets his chin on her shoulder, “Could you throw in some spicy romance books? I like proving to you that I am the ultimate book boyfriend.” Y/N giggles, remembering what happened when he caught her reading Icebreaker. She takes his hand and heads over to the romance section. She browses the books for a few minutes and picks one out. She examines the back, proceeding to add the whole series into the basket. “What’s the book about?” he asks because he is intrigued by the fact that she wants to buy all four books. She smiles at her, “The first one is a grump x sunshine book. She is a photographer and he is rich and her brother’s best friend. I’ve seen it on Bookstagram.” 
He follows her further down, “That sounds interesting. I can’t wait to see where it has us having sex next.” Shy about his words, Y/N turns her head away and continues to look at the books. They spend about forty minutes in the bookstore before moving on to  Miniso. Y/N stares at the wall of stuffed animals in front of her. She knows she wants one, but can’t decide which to choose. “Okay, so there are four possible ones that I want. The penguin, the cat, the bear, or the banana. Which one do you think, Rafe?” she consults. Rafe doesn’t use words to reply; instead, he goes to each one she points out and puts it inside the bag. He adds an elephant in just because he thinks she’ll find it cute. “Rafe, that’s too many. Where am I going to put them?” she reasons, trying to reach into the bag to return some of the plushies. 
He holds his hand out to stop her, “It’s still within your budget. We can put them in the frat storage if there isn’t space in my room and when we find a house in the summer, we just have to make sure there is enough room for them.” “Okay, I guess we can do that. Come on. I want to buy you some things too,” she tells him. They pay for the toys and she drags him to J. Crew. “You don’t have to use the money on me. It’s supposed to be for you.” She turns to him with a grin, “I know. This is for me too. You are going to do a fashion show for me.” Rafe isn’t one to like going shopping, but he will find joy in it if Y/N enjoys it. 
Y/N sits on the little stool Rafe got a sales associate to bring over, waiting for him to come out of the changing room. The door opens and he comes out wearing the teal and white-stripped button-up shirt with the tanned chinos that she picked for him. He does his best to catwalk towards her and spins around for her to take in the full look. “What do we think?” he questions. She gives him a thumbs up, “Rafe, you look so good. We are definitely getting those.” He nods his head before going back to the changing room to try on the next outfit. He comes out in black shorts and a light blue polo, which compliments his eyes. He mocks taking a golf swing, “This is the perfect outfit for golfing. We are going to have to get you a matching one.”
“I don’t golf, Rafe. You know that.” 
“I do, but don’t you think it would be fun to have a matching outfit? I can teach you how to play.” 
“Fine, it would be cool. We can go next week. Now, go finish trying on the rest of the clothes.”
He gives her a mock solute. After trying on the other outfits, they get her a matching outfit to Rafe’s and then go pay. They head to his car, having spent five hundred dollars in almost three hours. It’s a new record for them honestly. Rafe opens the passenger side door for her and she slides into the seat with a thank you. He puts the shopping bags in the trunk, making his way to the diver’s side. “Did you have a good day?” he postulates. His eyes land on her beaming mouth and she holds his chin in between her fingers. Her head moves up and down, “I had the best day. Thank you for spoiling me, Rafe.” She gives him a sweet kiss. “I will always shower my angel with gifts. Now, where are you treating me to dinner?” “Let’s get sushi!” she announces, pointing her finger in forward. He chuckles at how adorable she is and starts the car, driving in the direction of her favourite sushi restaurant.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @queen-shadow22 @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
Oh Baby! | Jaime Reyes x Chubby!Reader
Fem!Reader ○ Fluff Headcanons
@sensei-venus this deserved its own post 💖✨️ Hope you enjoy it. Also, I could definitely do more of dad!Jaime if anyone wants that.
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💙 When Jaime and Reader talk about having kids, there's no rush. No matter what his family may say or tease him with, he wants to be ready for a baby. Given his position as a superhero, he needs to have a plan. Needless to say, he was not ready and none of this was planned.
💙 Naturally, Khaji Da knows about Reader becoming pregnant before even she knows. At first, it keeps the idea to itself, gathering more scans over a few weeks before sharing its findings with Jaime.
💙 As soon as it tells him, he doesn't believe it. He's not ready, so he doesn't want to believe it, but as soon as Khaji starts listing things off, including Reader's changing vitals among other evidence. At this point, it's literally like 4 or 5 weeks into the pregnancy, so Reader has no idea - not even an inkling or feeling - of being pregnant.
💙 Jaime has no idea what to do with this information. Does he tell Reader? Does he wait for her to find out? He's truly at a loss and is not taking any "advice" from Khaji because it's the whole reason this is an issue. However, he ends up slipping up and telling Reader before he can even make up his mind.
💙 If you thought Khaji was protective of its host, it is even more protective of Jaime and Reader's unborn child simply because it knows that Jaime would be devastated if anything happened to them or to Reader. So Khaji is constantly wanting to be near Reader so that it can monitor her and the baby's vitals and well-being. Who needs doctors who went to medical school for several years when you have an alien weapon willing to do all that work for free?
💙 In all seriousness, though, Khaji Da would kill if anything happened to Reader and the baby (I mean, Jaime would too, damn his morals because that's the love of his life, the mother of his child, his whole world, I could go on). No one is touching a single hair on her body. Hell, no one is going to look at her the wrong way. Basically, it's on sight if anything bad happened to them.
💙 Jaime is so awestruck when his baby girl is born. She's so chubby and has the roundest cheeks he's ever seen. He's so in love with her and is hard-pressed to let anyone hold her other than himself and Reader.
💙 His family adores her. When they get to meet her, they are talking to her and telling her how she's so precious to them and how much they love her already. She gets held by everyone at least once, except Milagro who is hesitant to hold her because she's so brand new; she's an 11/10 tía though. She's definitely the kind of aunt that is like "You can tell me anything and I won't tell your parents."
💙 When alone, Jaime cries pure tears of joy because of his baby girl. He loves her so much but fears that somehow he's going to bring danger into her life and Reader's life. He gives his daughter lots of kisses and promises to protect her no matter what.
💙 His family stays with him and Reader for the first week or two at home, offering a helping hand when they can. His mom literally can't get enough of the little one, and she takes on a lot of the work so Reader can rest and recover from the birth.
💙 Jaime loves sitting in a comfy chair with his baby girl on his chest, fast asleep. He will not move because just looks so cute drooling on him.
💙 By the way, this baby has some thick, pretty curls that you know she got from her daddy. She's so pretty and Jaime's camera roll is soon full of nothing but pictures of her and Reader, though it was at one point just Reader. He always has to have some pictures of them both handy because he just loves them so much and they're beautiful.
💙 This is his first baby, but I promise that it won't be his last. He wants at least one more kid, but he sees himself having a big family.
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
Am I interested in Dick Grayson's innovativeness and how that makes him a terrifying opponent?
Nah, not really, no, it's no- EXCEPT THAT I AM!
I love your analysis and honestly, I always surf through the dick Grayson tag once a day to see if u have posted. Pls drop the innovatiness wala analysis. I would absolutely eat it up
But I am here to deliver *bows*
Let's start this off with a bang
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Dick is completely naked except for a towel and with one (well defined) leg he hooks the handle of the beer bucket and sends it smashing into Midnighter to stop him from using the knife on another person.
Pure. Fucking. Platinum.
That move was so delicious, there's an ease-fluidity-grace-to that split second movement. Also notice how accurate his aim is despite swinging it with the arc of his toes. The bucket slammed right into the medulla oblongata, or more specifically the pyramidal tracts which are crucial for controlling voluntary muscular movements. Nerves from the brain cross over at that area as they go down and then synapse onto other nerves that are responsible for controlling muscles when they leave the spinal cord. The precision at which he aimed the bucket is glorious. And with what? His feet.
The only reason Midnighter wasn't injured is because he is a meta which is the point. Otherwise Dick wouldn't have aimed there unless he was fighting an enemy.
Oh that brings me to my next point.
Dick has extraordinary control of his actions
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He's so right though. Nightwing doesn't need to kill because fighting is too easy for him. I swear he has some kind of messed up idea (aside from his need to be absolutely good) that killing someone with a gun would take the joy out of fighting. He loves to live life on the hardest mode only.
The rapid fire throw of the gun, calculating the distance, time, velocity of return, and angle? I mean I studied physics and calculating even half of that on paper is a headache. The fact that he did it in one second? It's extraordinary. Things that are pure, dumb luck to literally everyone else is carefully calculated at a speed faster than light, making it look like luck. Damn.
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Forget Slade. Midnighter is my new favorite nemesister.
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Please take a moment of silence to relish in this sight.
Dick's innovativeness is a formidable skill when fighting allies.
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Dick and Ras are evenly matched in sword fighting.
Wait, wait. I don't need any doubts about Dick's strength in sword fighting so I'm going to include a couple panels here:
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Dick fights Azrael to a standstill which is absolutely incredible because Azrael solos. He's gone through many upgrades and skills and is one of the best fighters ever. He's even defeated Bruce.
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He also defeated Jason and Tim together in Batman and Robin Eternal.
This is just another point towards the fact that Dick actually won in his fight against Bruce before going into Spyral. They weren't holding back.
Oh yeah. Ra's vs Dick panel, Dick and Ra's aren't going anywhere because Dick is a swordsman equivalent to one of the best in the world. So how do you win a draw? By one upping the opponent. He swings his foot up in midair and completely defeats him. "But that isn't a defeat...Ra's just stopped fighting!" It was complete defeat because Ra's is intelligent and knows when he can't win. Also they have been fighting for a while until they reached the breaking point in the battle. This move is a show of how Dick has that just one inch more that will lead him to be a victor.
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Ra's honors Dick so much he tried to give the sword he used to fight with Batman because he thinks Dick is worthy of it. Can anyone receive a higher honor than this from that man?
He'll also use the broken glass of a car window to take down his opponent. If that's not innovation, then what is?
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But one last thing since a car door cannot be considered innovative these days.
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sticks. He literally took two twigs off the ground to use as weapons against his highly skilled, one of the best assassins, great-grandfather who is fighting with daggers in his hands and all over his body.
But you know the best part?
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He draws his opponent to a tie. A tie? Not a win? No it was win after, considering he used his relative's falling body as a launching pad in the middle of the air when they were falling off the bridge to grab onto the bridge with the help of his friend. So it was his win but it's insane how incredible Dick's skills are.
It's really innovative because who thinks of using twigs and winning? Let me also clarify another point. Dick could've used the knives he'd gotten from his talon suit and thoroughly won because when he was brain washed he almost killed Red Condor from how skilled he was but he conscientiously chose to use twigs. In a sword fight. This man.
His improvisation is an asset that many have come to know him for and classify him as dangerous because he can fight with anything, anywhere, and win.
Something I want to end with. Dick only fights people who are stronger than him. I know he's fought mob characters and stuff but his enemies? They are all metas, assassins, skilled fighters, Russian Black Ops, and more. Essentially, people who are the top of the class in their categories and him defeating them equally and fairly is the reason why he has the respect of his enemies. He's just that good.
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Songs I Need to Hear in Future PJO Seasons (ft. me being very intense for no reason)
Angel with a Shotgun by the Cab - SEASON 👏 FIVE 👏 TRAILER 👏 it's literally about stepping up as a hero and fighting a war for what you love without caring what the gods would think, BANGER OF A SONG also so percy in tlo coded
Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift (Sad acoustic version) - Hear me out. It's a panoramic shot of New York during the war, and what the song describes as a city of new beginnings and dreams is now a city of the end of a lot of lives and crushed souls. And it won't ruin the sad vibe because it's a sad acoustic version
Labyrinth by Taylor Swift - Do I need to explain? S4, a slow-mo shot of annabeth staring numbly at the volcano exploding with tears down her face and her mouth opening to a scream as the lyrics "I'll be getting over you my whole life" echo, it's not a want, it's a need.
The Freaks by Jordan Clarke - The most camp half blood song to ever camp half blood, I need this song in an introductory shot of camp or at a campfire sing along scene
I Wanna Be Yours by The Arctic Monkeys - Okay, this is more of a vibe related song suggestion than a lyrics based song, but a scene with percy and annabeth pining over each other with this song in the background? would be chefs kiss. (also rick loves vintage songs in his books and this is a very vintage sounding song sooo)
Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo - Self explanatory, I just need the song, no matter what scene or character
literally any imagine dragons song
Riptide by Vance Joy (Cover) - the same song, the same cover except SON OF NEPTUNE TRAILER COME ON NOW
Not going to happen, but at least an instrumental of Good Kid when annabeth talks to piper in the lost hero season about how everybody had been searching for percy for weeks
The Prophecy by Taylor Swift - You know what a TLO adaptation means, right? It means a proper rewrite of the book to make it better, right? Which means we can write percy being actually depressed because of the prophecy, not just him ignoring it like how he did in the book, right? So imagine: when the whole "If I have to die, I have to die" dialogue comes around during the revealing of the prophecy, this song starts playing as percy storms out the room in anger and disbelief. He just goes to his rooms and buries his face in the pillow and starts sobbing with this song in the background. Also the 'just want someone who wants my company' lyric also expresses his feelings towards the rachel and annabeth drama.
Add on in the reblogs and comments of your ideas hehe😁
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iveriee · 9 months
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★;CATEGORY: A yandere x Reader
★;PAIRING: Yan!Tom Riddle x Gn!Reader.
★;SUMMARY: In which, he gets utterly envious of your s/o.
★;PS: This contains severe mentions of abusive and obsessive behaviours, Henceforth if you are uncomfortable with any of such topics, Please do not read this. I do not encourage toxic behaviour and this is only a work of fiction. I'm aware that I should be writing Part 3 of the Yule Ball fic, However, I've decided not to continue it. I deeply apologize, i just did not have any ideas on how to continue it. However, if you have any sort of suggestions, please let me know. I'll write anything as long as it's relevant and appropriate. I understand the anxiety of requesting a scenario at times, I quite literally am terrified of doing so myself.
★;EXTRA QUESTION: What's your favorite Taylor Swift song and why?
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To say your life was mundane would be an understatement—Boredom filled your senses, even if it was Hogwarts you were attending. But perhaps, the truthful reason was that you did not share any classes with s/o/n. Your state was truly pitiable, Words engraved on pages were mere symbols to you—Questions, Paragraphs,Instructions, Incantations, etc all demolished right out of your mind like a prompt broom. The ending of classes were one of the only things that brought you joy. On a fretful Tuesday, you hurried out of the dungeon, sprinting profusely, eventually concluding by frisking right on s/o/n, legs enclosed on their waist.
"[Name]?" They questioned, astonished by your actions.
"I really missed you..." You murmured in response. "I wish we had classes together. I don't particularly enjoy studying anymore.."
Their expression configured into a frown. "[Name], you know you have to study. I don't want you to fail." Their hands found the route to your hair, fondling it dotingly(which, of course, made you grin) only to place you back on the ground.. "Please. I only want what's best for you." They added delicately.
However, you were not even aware of the most crucial thing. In the midst of your affections with s/o/n, You had been utterly and completely examined by none other than Tom Riddle. His envy and infatuation had been rooted extensively, like a coping plant—growing and growing until it surpasses the garden, destroying it in the process. He had harboured a bitter hatred towards s/o/n, so much so it turned into desires of murder. Why couldn't you comprehend how much he was better than them? He was the ideal student...with precisely placed dark curls, a charismatic (albeit untrue) smile, excellent grades, beloved by everyone..And so in many's eyes, even flawless...could it perhaps be that you were aware of his true nature? No. It simply was not decipherable. You could not have been aware. However, he should focus on you at this moment...he told himself..(or perhaps reassured?)... He could have perhaps done anything for you, anything to please you,whether it was unjust or not, yet this was what he received in turn? Perhaps he should have tortured you until you submitted. But then again, he could not watch you sobbing.
So, henceforth, it all led to you weeping nevertheless. The exception being that it was over s/o/n's corpse, not wounded, not varnished but frigid. Cold. Their eyes were vacant, no longer were they gazing at you gently. And they never would.Never again would you sprint to them after class and embrace them.... s/o/n was dead. And tears crowded your eyes, plummeting down your cheeks. How could somebody be so vicious? How could somebody use the killing curse on them without a second thought? Why was the world so brutal? Perhaps..you should have studied. After all, they did not wish for you to fail in your O.W.LS...
And so Riddle concealed his smirk and approached you, his ego calloused when you did not turn your gaze at him. His hand idled on your shoulders, in an almost comforting manner. "I sincerely apologise for your loss, [Last name]." He murmured, almost seductively if it weren't for your grief. Mine he wondered to himself. They are rightfully mine.
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Remember Me? (Part 8)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: I promise feyfey is going to leave rhysie. i promise. she just needs a lil bit of time to think things through.
also, im thinking of making the next chapter feyre's pov, and that is why this part was short 😅
Anyways, dont kill me please, and enjoy!
Y/n watched as Feyre trembled, her hands wrapped around the small paper cup, the melting ice cream now all but a milkshake.
She seemed to be deep in thought, and her trembling increased. Y/n hoped it was a tremble of rage and not despair.
It was just Feyre and Y/n at the table, Eris having taken the two little boys with him to another table so they could have, as they called it, boys time.
Just the thought threatened to make Y/n smile.
But she suppressed it, as it really was not a good time to laugh. Because her friend next to her was quite literally having a mental breakdown.
But still, she decided to peek at where the three males were sitting near the back of the shop while waiting for Feyre to collect her thoughts, and it became harder to suppress that smile.
There, she found the two little boys gesturing wildly with their hands, their faces covered with the ice cream, and Eris laughed, a quiet joy in his face. He reached out to wipe a little bit of ice cream from Nyx's face, nodding to something the younger boy said.
Then, as if feeling her gaze on him, he looked up.
The world ceased to exist around Y/n as she met his eyes. The sounds or people around her didn't matter, for some reason.
Eris was as still as the wall behind him, and he barely seemed to breathe.
But then Y/n felt a touch on her hand, and she jolted, looking away from Eris as the outside world came back into focus.
Her cheeks burned as she met the watery eyes of Feyre.
"Are you listening?" Feyre sniffed.
Y/n's eyes widened. "Oh. I am so sorry. I zoned out. Can you repeat what you said?"
She sniffed again. "I- I don't know if I can leave him..."
Y/n stiffened. "Why not?"
Feyre's eyes floated towards the back, where Nyx was sat with Fin and Eris. "He... he needs his father."
"He needs no one other than you Feyre. You are his mother."
She nodded slightly, her eyes not once straying from her son. "I know... but he knows who his father is, unlike Fin. He will question me about why we are leaving his papa. I don't think I'll be able to leave Rhys. He is the one that pays me, and despite having my own money... I'm not sure I can use my money outside of night court. Where will I go?"
Y/n's heart clenched at the sheer pain etched across the high lady of night court. "Feyre... you can come with us." Y/n offered. "Fin and I will obviously live all alone. You can live with us."
Feyre shook her head ruefully. "I can't leave him Y/n, especially not on such a short notice."
Y/n heaved a frustrated breath. "Feyre. Think about Nyx. If Rhysand was ready to throw you and Nyx away for an unclear future with a son he barely knew, them I'm really concerned for Nyx. You never know when Rhys decided he's done with you and kicks you out. His mental state is not the best at the moment."
A tear slipped out of Feyre's eyes, and she dropped her head into her hands. "I don't know what to do." She said, her voice muffled.
Y/n felt like she had somehow caused Feyre this pain, and she felt the need to take away that pain. And so she relented, stopped pestering Feyre to leave Rhys.
"Look Feyre, you are Nyx's mother. You know what's best for him. If you need time, then take some time. Think about this if you want. But leave him Feyre. He does not deserve you or Nyx. Also, if you're worried about funds..."
Y/n could not offer to take up the high lady's expenses, because it was hard enough earning and spending for her own son. She didn't have the resources to help another person. But she also could not leave her friend and, essentially, her son's brother, here.
"If you are worried about the funds, then I am sure we can figure something out. We can take up jobs, or maybe we can sell your paintings."
Feyre met Y/n's eyes, tears shining in them.
"I need time." She stated simply. She sniffed once, pulling out a piece of cloth from her bag and wiping her face on it as she stood. Y/n watched Feyre helplessly, knowing she didn't have much time because the sun was beginning to set and Eris had to get out of night court soon.
Y/n stood as well, her hand snapping out to catch Feyre's.
"I can't force you to come with us but... I beg you Feyre. Think about this. And when you are ready, write to me. I will ask Eris to make arrangements for your safe travel to autumn court."
Feyre just nodded, blinking away a fresh wave of tears as she brought Y/n into a quick hug, then walked away, calling out to Nyx. The little boy turned to his mom with a small pout on his face, but then whatever he saw on her face had him bidding Fin and Eris goodbye.
He waddled over to his mother, waving to Y/n as he reached up to clutch Feyre's hand in his tinier one.
Y/n watched the two of them go, despair brewing in her stomach.
"It's time."
She glanced at Eris, who smiled sadly at her.
Y/n nodded, turnng back to catch a glimpse of her fried and her son.
But they were gone.
Part 9
Taglist: @holb32 @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten @txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman @leeknows-wife @aria-chikage @amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover @kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay @acourtofbatboydreams @stained-glass-eyes0708 @glaciuswduo @wallacewillow0773638 @cassie6392
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
I would love to request an Child ghost!reader and the gang, basically child reader got murdered when they were using the VR and their soul got stuck into the game.
Their soul being so GORY AND DISTORTED, like an arm is missing, one eye is like hanging out and their head has an hole. Reader can get invisible like a ghost and move things with only their mind, and they are very quiet and just observes, rarely get mad or anything, but when they snap (for example: Because of jax's pranks) they start throwing things around dim the lights and scream, and lets put like, Reader's screams are like LOUD as hell, basically like an ghost tantrum.
So basically Child reader is just an sad messed up lil goof who needs comfort and therapy.
Sorry if its long, i love love love your blog btw!
TADC cast x ghost!child!reader (platonic + light found family) !
going to take a different approach to writing this one, since i feel bad about being selective of cast/multi characters today, so! rather than having divided segments like usual, its going to be a group thing! hope thats alright! going to be the last request of this batch them imma make something to eat rq for dinner then get back to writing YAHOO!
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when you joined the digital circus, you were already very obviously different from the rest of the gang. even if your gore was toned down thanks to your body being digitized; the programming seemed to struggle with altering your body into something unique... strange... it also seems your body is fighting back against the programming of the world, seemingly trying to restore itself. The effect makes you almost look like you're glitching, or even abstracting
Caine doesnt immediately pick up on your presence, i feel like its in his programming to be aware when a new member joins the circus, but for some reason he didnt notice you until he saw you, or someone brings you up to him
It was Ragatha, who was trying to get answers from him. Who's kid was this? Is it really fair to let a kid be stuck here? Obviously she knew Caine couldnt do anything about it now that you were here, nor did he have any hand in you putting on the headset.
Except... you correct them and say you didn't put on any headset, you were trapped in it.
Of course you're trapped, just like the rest of us, Jax says
None of them immediately believe you try to tell them you're a ghost. Except of course, Kinger, who reasons that that's why you look the way you do; and Gangle, who in my opinion probably finds interest in the supernatural.. or maybe that's just me projecting onto her. Who knows. But the point still stands, almost everyone doesn't believe you.
Not long after, Jax accidentally ropes you into prank that was originally intended for Zooble, I dont think Jax would go as far as to bully a child.... well... actually no, he seems like the type to bully kids on roblox.
The prank wasnt planned for you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You open a door, and are immediately greeted with a fake snake lunging out at you. You scream, more so out of surprise and fear than anger. It does turn into anger when Jax laughs at you, still finding some kind of joy from the prank getting at least someone. Your scream rises, causing nearly everyone to cover their ears, the rest were not there in the room but would come rushing to see what the hell was going on
I think it would be that instance as well as a few other; namely ones where you became invisible and started removing one of Zooble's limbs after they (unintentionally) said something a little too mean to you. The idea of you being a ghost was further cemented when both Gangle and Ragatha watched you literally phase through a wall. But hey at least someone (Jax) starts laying off of you when it becomes clear you weren't lying
There's mixed feelings, a lot negative. I mean, you're just a kid and you're. Well, a ghost. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that something happened to you. Whether or not you remember the details of your death when you became a ghost, or after joining the digital world, is all up to you
Caine, as mentioned before in posts where the reader is a child, tries to be a father figure. He's not the best, since he's programmed to be a ring master, but he definitely tries his best. I like to think he tries to read you bedtime stories when the digital world simulates 'night'
Pomni, who I totally didn't forget, tries to overcome her fear of you and your ghostly powers, ultimately becoming sympathetic you and your situation. Not only was your life cut short, but you were trapped here too, you didn't even get to roam the world in the afterlife. Interactions with her are awkward but there's an effort to try to bring you some form of comfort
Jax, after he stops pulling jokes on you cant deny that he doesnt find you creepy. I think, though, he would ask you if you want to help him scare some of the other members. Whether you be offended by the concept or not is also up to you, since I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be sensitive regarding their current predicament or not
Ragatha goes into full big sister mode, even before it's confirmed that you're a ghost. Sure, she's a little put off by your ganky and gorey looks, but her heart aches for you. Similar to Caine she tries to do general child care activities with you, perhaps if you let her, she would do your hair and make you dresses
Kinger will take a while to warm up to you, but I think after some time would start to open up to you, usually it's best to interact with him when he's already in a calmer state. He already gives me dad vibes that I cant pin down... but he would tell you stories of his past (in house) adventures and some funny stuff that has happened over his time in the digital world
Zooble is going to need a moment to get over the invisible dismemberment thing... as well as Zooble being Zooble and needing some time to warm up to people in general... Not much to be said, yet...
Gangle would offer to lend you some art supplies... kids like arts and crafts stuff, right? Thats her logic, at least, and if it means you have an outlet for your emotions then that would be great!
Overall you now have a funky found family, so hey, at least things aren't totally... terrible.. Unfortunately with them stuck in the digital world they can't do much to get you justice, if you let them know you were murdered. But rest assured if your killer somehow gets trapped in there with them and you recognize them, they have your back
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ratherembarrassing · 12 days
alright pals, it's time for some rhaenicent fic recs, as asked for by literally 10s of you. here are nearly 500k words of things that have made me kick my heels with joy.
(for the full list of things i've liked enough to think someday i might like to find it again, see here.)
you don't know what love is (if you don't put up a fight) by tansymeadows. 144k, E. technically not finished, but the first 14 chapters feel like a complete story. rhaenyra returns just in time for viserys' death, alicent doesn't back aegon and instead rhaenyra is crowned queen. visenya lives, daemon takes his leave, and rhaenyra courts the dowager queen through the process of succession. the slowest slow burn to ever burn. there is so much plot, a whole-ass war, and they're so ridiculously in love. this fic is why it took me so long to finish compiling this list, because i sat and reread every single delicious word, because it circles back and forth all over their history in a way that just askjdhas. i've read this twice now and even just flipping through it to write this up is trying to suck me back in.
i dwell in possibility by ladybundle / @ladybundle. 29k (2 part series). viserys doesn't die and rhaenyra returns to king's landing. visenya lives, aegon dies, and alicent in this is the most tortured lesbian while they mend their relationship. i really dig the whole vibe of the writing in this, which feels very in character, if that makes sense for the vibe of a fic rather than just a character. the second fic is the origin of the 'alicent hightower's belated sexual awakening' tag i started using, which is a category of fics that i enjoy very, very much.
you'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream by rosiep8801/ @rosehathaways-sidepiece. 12k, M. another one where viserys doesn't die and rhaenyra returns to king's landing, this time one in which they wholeheartedly and rabidly throw themselves into sorting their shit out, as they share a bed over and over each night as they battle through their issues. this one has my favourite iteration of the traditional alicent hightower learns of the female orgasm scene.
cleopatra by dontaskmedude. 52k, E. this one appears on every rec list i've ever seen, and rightfully so. kicks off with the weirwood scene in 104, and runs from there, a lovely alternate reality where alicent/rhaenyra/laenor/joffrey live the next 20-odd years in relative peace. this one smashes me in the feelings.
where fire and ice meet by wariangle. 41k, 4 part series, E. pre-series through to rhaenyra's ascension, everything's the same except she refuses to marry or have children. it's okay though, because she has a plan. i am deeply obsessed with "and they were two queens through machinations" fic. alicent in this is my actual fave, she's so spiky; the final fic in the series, although actually deeply sad, has a premise that makes me howl with laughter because obviously alicent hightower, lesbian with a wife for 20 years, would also be a massive homophobe.
not on the last day by revans_mask. 48k, E. alicent goes with otto to meet with rhaenyra and offer terms, and while she's there she slips rhaenyra a message. there are a couple of beats in this that are so romantic i clutched at my chest.
keep the promise in your mouth by iwantthemtostay / @iwantthemtostay. 87k, E. technically not finished, but only missing an epilogue. the closest thing to AU on this list; rhaenyra is barren, alicent has four daughters, and when viserys dies while rhaenyra is away from westeros, daemon takes the crown. when she returns, he forces alicent and rhaenyra to marry each other for reasons. as the summary says, they make the best of it. this fic makes me insane, it's so dreamy.
ride the dragon (do it quickly) by molter / @molter-writes. 36k, unrated. in the free real estate between 106 and 107, viserys sends rhaenyra and alicent to do some politicking in the north. alicent cannot stand the cold, so what is rhaenyra to do but share her bed to keep her warm. alicent is so angry about it.
thine is the queendom by liadrell / @lesbianalicent. 11k, M. the only non-ship fic on this list. an alicent character piece set in the free real estate between 105 and 106, and deal with the absolutely batshit fact that alicent was pregnant with daeron at the same time rhaenyra was pregnant with jace in a way that made me sad as fuck tbqh.
daughters of the dragon by DMCMercy. 14k, M. the kiddos patch things up with alicent's first pregnancy, kicking off what is not at all secretly one of my favourite categories of early canon divergence: alicent's other husband rhaenyra.
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bookshelfdreams · 8 months
Hey I like a lot of the takes you have regarding the pirate show so I wanted to ask for your opinion on smth that's been bothering me for a while:
I have a deep seated dislike for Hamilton. Twinkifying the fucking founding fathers, romanticizing slave abusers and overall villainizing the wrong people while others (Hamilton at the front naturally) gets sung at. Speaking of singing - I really hate it. Shipping (i want to repeat) the founding fathers, the blatant white washing bla bla bla. Anyway those are all known problems and better people have said it smarter before and that isn't really my point
It's the fact that a friend of mine recently brought up that Ofmd pretty much is the same and I shouldn't scream so loud in my glass house. Inaccurate historically speaking, the blatant ignoring of the slave owning that the real Stede and Edward did and so on and so forth. Minus the singing perhaps if we ignore Frenchies and Izzys
So. Does it make me a hypocrite to like ofmd so much but despise the mere mention of Hamilton? It's a thing I'm really stressed about lately and that kind of ruined my joy about finally getting season 2. I would love to hear your opinion. or that of your followers for that matter.
Thank you 😊
oh thank YOU because I do feel that this is an interesting thing to examine and we do not talk about it enough.
I have never seen Hamilton, or listened to the songs (except some snippets). I have never been involved in the fandom. I really, really can't speak to what the musical itself did wrong and right. But I will say this: There was a reason it got as popular and received the critical acclaim that it did. I can't speak to how it addresses the systemic injustice baked into the USA from the very beginning, and I do have a suspicion that it glosses over a lot of uncomfortable truths. But I also feel it is important that we divorce the source material from the fandom it spawns because ultimately, Miranda isn't responsible for Hatsune Miku Binder Jefferson, or the whole hivliving debacle.
Just as David Jenkins isn't responsible for the handwaving of slavery in fanworks, or the great Izzy Hands Debate, or whitewashing in fanart, or shitty, racist headcanons of the characters of colour, or whatever deranged scandal is yet to come to light. This is true for all fandoms; criticizing fandom dynamics is a very different conversation from criticizing the canon.
Let's focus on the canon here, though, because defending the fandom is pointless, and not something I want to do. Curate your experience.
The first thing to say is: If you like ofmd but don't like Hamilton, that's not hypocritical at all, that's first and foremost a matter of taste. Things are good when we like them and bad when we don't. We don't have to find objective reasons for it.
If the fact that the historical Stede Bonnet was a slaveowner, and the historical Blackbeard also participated in the slave trade, are dealbreakers for someone, that's valid. People have every right to be uncomfortable with that. The conversation could end at this point, if we want it to (I don't because I love to hear myself talk).
If we look at the historical figures a little closer the first stark difference is the cultural context in which they exist. The founding fathers seem to be extremely mythologized in the american consciousness but also, are understood to be real historical people. The founding myth is fundamental to the way in which the USA perceives itself (that is, as a beacon of freedom and democracy), and it's pretty hard to reconcile that with the bloodshed and human misery it was founded on. It's uncomfortable; and it's not just an American problem. Every western nation/former colonial power has quite literal corpses in their closets they'd rather not talk about (just so you don't think I'm getting on a high horse about the famed Erinnerungskultur here; go ask a german person about Lothar von Trotha and what he did to the Nama and Herero to receive a blank stare). The difference is, that the founding fathers are too prominent and too important to just not talk about, so instead, they are sanitized to a degree that can be straight up historical revisionism.
That's not Miranda's fault. Nor is it the fault of any one particular piece of historical fiction, biography, documentary, or what have you. But it is the context in which Hamilton exists and, from what I understand, a culture to which it contributes. Especially since it's based on a biography of the real Alexander Hamilton, and (again, to my understanding) claims to tell a more or less accurate story.
Pirates, on the other hand, are perceived completely differently. They are mythologized, but not for ideological reasons, not as state-building propaganda. Pirates are more like folk heroes; cultural icons (near) completely divorced from whatever historical figure once lived. They are "real" in the sense that they are based on real people, but engaging with them, from the start, has a layer of removal from reality that engaging with figures like the founding fathers hasn't. Blackbeard is from a saga. George Washington is from history.
ofmd, specifically, makes clear at every turn that what we are told is a fictional story that has very little to do with any real events. It's openly anachronistic, it has absurd internal logic. Life-threatening injuries are walked off. There's actual magic. Dinghies are treated like spawn points in a video game. Everything, from the costumes to the vernacular to the story beats, tells the audience that none of this is real.
You wouldn't accuse, idk, A Knight's Tale, or Mel Brooks's Men In Tights of whitewashing history. I feel like ofmd plays in a similar league; it's a comedy very vaguely based on history, and it makes sure the audience knows we are not about to be told anything true. If you watch ofmd, you know this isn't about the real, historical Stede Bonnet or Edward Teach.
So. Let's examine the actual story, yes? The story that is told here is anticolonialist, antiracist, and challenges oppressive power structures as much as is possible for a production like this. It addresses these things and condemns them, both explicitly and in its underlying message. (I'm not gonna explain all of this, enough ink has been spilled about it by people smarter than me)
I do not know what Hamilton is about at its core. I know Our Flag Means Death is about authenticity in the face of the whole world telling you there's something wrong with you. It's about resisting dehumanization and reclaiming your personhood. It's about love, in a radical, system-destroying way, about breaking the cycle of abuse, about healing, and finding joy.
Yes, the real historical figures it's based on were all horrible people. Again, if that's a dealbreaker, that's fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone who is deeply uncomfortable with that fact; it's perfectly understandable.
However, for me, personally, the story as a whole is so far removed from reality, and so firm in its message, that I feel this is forgivable.
(Oh, and a lat aside, I also feel like likening ofmd to Hamilton seldom seems to come from a place of genuine criticism. Often it seems to be more along the lines of "Hamilton is cringe, and if I say ofmd=Hamilton ppl will be too embarrassed to defend it" which yk. feels kinda disingenuous to me.)
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jungwnies · 2 years
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⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ tomorrow by together | s. soft sex with txt ! | w. smut smut ! | r. requested ! | wc. ~0.7k ! | g. smut, slice of life, romance, headcanon !
ㅤㅤㅤ��ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀masterlist | navigation
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⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ choi yeonjun | 최연준
sex with yeonjun was never really rough
a lot of people make him out to seem like a hard dom but i see a completely different side of him
someone who cares and is gentle
yeonjun to me is someone who knows what to do with your body
yeonjun is especially soft during sex when he's feeling stressed or he's just completely overwhelmed with what's going on
he's very careful with your body, making sure he touches the right spots
he makes sure his touch is gentle
and his sweet words as his soft lips barely touch your ear
yeonjun is good at what he does and this is no exception
⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ choi soobin | 최수빈
soobin is always soft
soobin is so vanilla to me idc idc
there are times where he might be a little rough
hair pulling here and there but this time around he was gentle
he knew your body like the back of his hand
his favorite position is literally missionary idc what anyone tells me
he loves the intimacy
i wouldn't say sex with soobin is particularly soft
but he's very sweet and always wants to please you
he tends to put his needs to the side
but he always gets joy from knowing he was able to make you cum
⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ choi beomgyu | 최범규
the way i can already imagine him being soft during sex
beomgyu is a JOKER
he is always making jokes or being the reason someone laughs because that's just the kind of person he is
so who am I to think that sex would ever be serious with him?
but this time around he was different
he was in a loving mood
not that he's not always in a loving mood but today he was feeling a little bit more soft and serious
today he touched your body like a delicacy
his touch was soft and his hands wandered across your body gently
the way he would whisper the most sweet yet seductive things in your ear???
⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ kang taehyun | 강태현
not going to lie but i was definitely listening to justin bieber "love me" while writing this but anyways
i feel like taehyun is already super gentle and super loving because he's not someone who gives into love easily
tyun is good with his words but he's also good with the way he treats your body
i promise you every time you have sex with him it's just making love because he's not someone who would give himself to someone without knowing that he loves them wholeheartedly
he's always compassionate and willing to give you all of him as you give him all of you
sex is the most vulnerable moment to tyun so he's going to treat you like the only person in the world
calling you perfect, not blinded by imperfections but finding even your insecurities the most beautiful things ever
whenever he's reaching his high, his beautiful moans and the way he tells you he loves you while he fills you up
he's just husband material, he's not someone you could have a fling with
⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ huening kai | 휴닝카이
theeeee sweetest boy ever
but my intuition just tells me he's rough
so when he's being soft he's either tired or he's just so in love and wants to make love
mind you, hyuka is a LEO
HE IS A LEO so what makes you think he's not full of himself
he's literally such a brat during sex and he's very, VERY cocky
smirks everywhere istg
but anyways enough about that because this is not what we're supposed to be talking about...
when he's having soft sex i can promise you he's missionary
he loves being able to see your face and being able to call you beautiful
he loves those intimate aspects of soft sex
he's very good at soft sex when's he's a little bit more emotional or vulnerable
he's especially soft when he's feeling stressed
he'll fuck you hard but his pace is everything
slow and sensual i swear!
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2022 © jungwnies
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
we need to see reactions from the sully family of subtle romance and displays of affection between y/n and fali
a/n: oh my goodness, absolutely. this has been on my list to complete for a while , but the influx of requests recently ( thank you all so so much ) has kept me from fully focusing on this. i'm trying to release as often as possible , and so far i've been pretty solid. i sometimes will skip requests if i don't have current inspiration just so i don't fall into a writing slump !! anyway , thank you so much. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @wxnderingthoughts
young love ( sullys reacting to fali + [y/n] )
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jake sully
okay so, yes... at first he was skeptical i supposed you might say
he trusted his daughter's judgement and all, but he still needed to check for himself
and he did, as presented to us by a previous fic when fali met the family
after that, though, he actually loved fali
he was a respectful kid who jake could trust to protect his daughter ( not that she needed much protection, but a father still worries )
he loves watching the young couple just because it always throws him back to the early days of him and neytiri
loves watching them bicker, always finding it hilarious because... well, it isn't real bickering, more like dumb things
fali makes his genius daughter turn into a stupid teenager and he loves it just because he is fully aware that he stole her childhood ( and lives with that guilt every day )
always smiles when he catches them holding hands, walking together, sneaking little kisses
it's actually adorable
except he gets so sad knowing his baby girl is growing up
but he always feels better knowing that she's growing up with someone that she loves
she has always loved her daughter
when [y/n] was first born, she became her pride and her joy
she became the reason to continue surviving
she became the reason to fight
to say she was extremely proud of her daughter for finding her own source of happiness in their new home
well, that would be an understatement
sure, she was a tad depressed her baby was beginning to leave the nest
but that sadness always disappeared when [y/n] returned home with the happiest look on her face
and then she would yell at her when she didn't miss the marks on her daughter's neck
but also she immediately goes from upset to teasing after her daughter turns bright indigo
she smiles every time she catches their subtle antics
a hand on her thigh, his fingers playing with her hair, small kisses, their sunsets spent on the beach
neytiri finds is beautiful. beautiful that her eldest daughter, once her baby girl, is finally finding her own reason to survive. to fight.
he loves his big sister
but oh my eywa, fali is literally stealing her! she used to spend every moment of her life with her siblings, and now she just leaves them!
although, he understands
but he hates it nonetheless
how dare she find happiness before he does! ( joking !! )
but, otherwise, he loves the two of them together
he honestly--and do not tell [y/n] he said this--looks up to their relationship
like that's what he wants
despite him gagging every time they kiss and narrowing his eyes at their held hands
it's actually quite adorable
he supposes
ah, this sisterly relationship
they are the cutest
and kiri was the first to catch on when [y/n] and fali first started getting together
although she didn't fully make the connection, she was more than aware of the change in her sister's attitude
and kiri absolutely adored this version of [y/n]
just living and loving and thriving
in a home that wasn't theirs
but fali was helping make into [y/n]'s home, too
so, with that, kiri always enjoyed the small glances at their small romances
kiri noticed that [y/n] seemed to love tracing her fingers over fali's scars
it seemed to remind her that their tribes weren't so different
they all truly cared about the safety of their people, of their homes
kiri loved [y/n], but she absolutely adored happy [y/n]
and so, as a result, kiri adored fali as well
he is so obnoxious
which is rich coming from him! please, we have all seen the way he states at tsireya
and yet he still manages to embarrass himself in front of his crush as he makes fun of fali and [y/n]
maybe it's because he's jealous of what they have
or maybe it's because he thinks he's funny
( it's a bit of both )
either way, he always catches when they interact intimately while in public
they aren't big on the dramatic pda, but they're always holding hands at the very least
both are quite possessive of each other
lo'ak always rolls his eyes as he catches them
but he also secretly smiles
it's kind of cute
ah, this baby
she loves them together
she loves that fali makes her biggest sister happy
she loves that fali brings her seashells for her necklaces
she loves them!
she always hides a smile and giggles when they kiss or hold hands or do anything that is even remotely romantic
she is still so young and innocent, she thinks any display of affection is scandalous
she's so cute
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 11 months
hi !! i reread your works so many times ! i especially love the TWST dorm leaders with the reader who stops giving them gifts. could i request the same idea with genshin bois? i'd like to see itto, kaeya, diluc, childe, and zhongli, as well as any others if you have an idea! no pressure ofc, and have a good (insert timezone relative term)
It’s been a while since I wrote for genshin so I hope they aren’t too ooc lol
Itto, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, and Zhongli + reader that stops giving gifts
Arataki Itto
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Itto loved all of the little knickknacks and trinkets you gave him. He treated all of them like they were made of diamonds even if they were just shiny rocks or other simple items.
At first, he didn’t notice that you had slowed down on the gift-giving; nothing against you, he just isn’t someone to pay too much attention to time. He does notice, however, the lack of your presence during the day.
Itto starts getting worried after a while. He looked forward to seeing your gifts but now he was hardly seeing you at all! His heart couldn’t take it anymore and he came up to you and asked if he had done something wrong.
He looked at you with such big eyes, poor thing looked like a pouting puppy. When you explained that you thought he was starting to get tired of the gifts, he couldn’t be more confused. He loved them!
“Hey, hey, who said that? I love each and every little token you give me! Don’t you ever keep me from seeing you for this long either!”
Kaeya Alberich
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Kaeya finds your gifts adorable and he makes sure to tell you when you give them to him. He even has a couple in his pocket when he walks around Mondstadt.
He gets a little disappointed when you stop giving them as much but he figured you were getting busy as of late. Archons know he’s got a lot on his plate himself.
But it had been several days since he had seen you last, and he was worried he frightened you away. So when he bumped into you again, he made sure to let you know he was starting to miss you.
As you explained that you thought he was growing tired of you, he was quick to correct your statement. He’d never admit it, but he was hurt that you thought he would ever feel that way about you.
“What? Oh no, I could never get tired of seeing that face of yours. Come now, there’s no need for the long face anymore. How about we stroll around town for a minute or two?”
Diluc Ragnvindr
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Diluc is used to getting a bunch of gifts from people that find him attractive or want to earn his favor for one reason or another. Normally he pays no mind and just declines them, except with you.
Obviously, he’s not the kind of guy to go jumping for joy when he gets those gifts; but the fact that he accepts them at all is telling of how much he cares. He gives you a small, but still genuine, smile every time you give him something.
When you stop handing them, he takes notice but doesn’t mention it for a while. It’s only when you stop showing up at Angel’s Share that he questions you about your actions.
He waits until most of the guests had left before questioning you. Diluc didn’t want to completely scare you away.
“Y/N? Do you have a moment? Have I caused you to distance yourself from me? I’ve… started to miss your company.”
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Childe really does like the gifts you hand over to him from time to time. It reminds him of when he did similar things for his family, giving them trinkets and the like.
Chide’s a busy guy, so he doesn’t get to see you as often as either of you would like. That’s why he makes sure to save some time to see you whenever he’s in the area. He’s always excited to see what you might have for him this time.
But suddenly, you stop showing up in the usual spots. Nobody in the town gives him much of an answer when he asks about your whereabouts either. He was starting to get worried when he quite literally bumped into you.
Feeling a mix of surprise and relief, he started asking you about how you’ve been. When you tell him you thought he got tired of you, he was very quick to tell you that wasn’t the case.
“What do you mean by that? Course I wouldn’t get tired of you. You’ve never given me a reason to hate you. Unless you did something that I didn’t know of? Kidding! I’m just messing with you.”
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Zhongli isn’t used to getting gifts at random. Working at the funeral parlor hardly has him meeting with people giving him small tokens of gratitude.
Which is why he finds you especially endearing. You really have no reason to be showing up to the parlor as often as you do, and you always had something new to give to him. Sometimes it was a new pastry and others could be jewelry that reminded you of him.
He always accepted your gifts and looked forward to the next. Which became a rare occurrence after a while, and he couldn’t figure out why.
The next time you came by, he was quick to ask you. He was worried that he had offended you in some way, and calmed down slightly when he found it to just be a misunderstanding on both parts.
“Oh? I could never grow tired of you, the days here go by so slowly without your presence. Please keep coming by, I don’t know what I’d do in your absence.”
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jackmkelly · 18 days
idk much about newsies uk as a production, can i know more about why you have beef with it? :-0
OVERALLLLLL i do love newsies uk and it was great and gave me the greatest joys (michaels jack, brontés kath, brooklyn girls) HOWEVER!!!! i Can always and Will always be critical of the things i love and newsies wont ever be an exception 🤕🤕
tooooooo many injuries happened in that show ! and .. fine its newsies ppl do get hurt when its so dance heavy it happened on bway and tour as well (but come on that shouldnt be normalized either lol). especially when its all about unions and how safety on the job is LITERALLY mentioned
it also eventually reached a point where brooklyn being all girls felt incredibly disingenuous. it didnt feel like it was supposed to be an empowering moment for kids in the audience and instead was just a way for the team to be like “we’re the version that had brooklyn girls” and that bugs me! and because kath and medda had alternates (which is a good thing pleaseeee normalize alts!🤞) brooklyn was down to 5 instead of 6 twice a week…. totally couldve been avoided if they just also hired an off stage female swing (i understand budget and all that but come on… if youre gonna flex ur girls make sure u have them lol). not to mention the fact that due to sickness and injury the boys had to cover brooklyn multiple times, which would be fine if the same rules applied the other way.. but it didnt… and that really urks me. theres No reason one of the girls couldnt have helped out in the manhattan ensemble when the boys were allowed to cover brooklyn
(i think newsies should be the most blindly casted show ever like who said they all have to be guys… open a book about the strike and they really werent so its just kinda tired to see it over and over again)
also in regards to the girls the element of surprise stopped being a valid excuse to not credit them accordingly after they put the girls on television so program still not saying lillie was spot by cast change even tho ever single man to play that role had it right in the playbill is icky to me
also once and for all is my favorite song in the show and i hate the way it was done there but thats its own issue
++ also also fan behavior was honestly atrocious and disgusting bc a lot of ppl were hiding racism and ableism behind “support for understudies!” bc why did people Want jack and crutchie specifically out a lot more than they wanted a davey or kath understudy but thats its own conversation.
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