#seriously I cannot stress enough how much @squidpus headcanons and art on this gives me life ☺️🙏🏽
ladykissingfish · 1 year
*in the living room*
Obito: Gramps! Come on! Just let me go!
Madara: Boy. You’ve heard my say on the matter. Be a man and accept it.
Obito: I’m not a man, I’m only 13 years old! For Kami’s sake, just let me go trick or treating with my friends! All I want is a spooky good time!
Madara: You want me to not only let you out of this house looking like a depraved lunatic, but to allow you to parade from door to door begging for food, as if you’re not fed plenty at home? For shame, Obito.
Obito: *points* Mikoto is going!
Madara: That’s different. She’s taking a group of small children out. She works hard and can spend her free time as she pleases. But you? What do you do all day besides moon about and write terrible poetry about that eye-stealing Hatake boy?
Obito: He didn’t steal the eye, grandfather! It was a gift! And —
Mikoto: Boys. That’s enough. Grandfather, I do think you’re being a bit unreasonable. Let Obito go. If it makes you feel better, I’ll take him and his friends along with my group and keep an eye on them, and I’ll make sure he’s not “dishonoring” the Uchiha name. Alright?
Madara: *sighs* Very well. Go if you must, boy. Just know that my disappointment in you is —
Obito: *hugs Madara hard enough to crack his ribs* Thanks, gramps! Mikoto, give me twenty minutes and I’ll be ready! *runs upstairs*
Mikoto: Thank you for keeping the peace, grandfather. And don’t worry, I’ll —
Mikoto: Er … what are you doing?
Madara: *rummaging through the closet* Looking for — Ah! Here it is! *pulls out a giant spider costume*
Mikoto: What the hell is that for?
Madara: Remember I used to wear this at night to get baby Obito to relax and fall asleep?
Mikoto: Relax? You gave him a mini heart attack every time he saw you in that! It’s where his night terrors come from, and why he has such a fear of spiders now!
Madara: Mm. Well, if my grandson wants a “spooky good time”, I’m going to give him and his little friends the time of their lives. *puts on costume* You’ll see me later tonight, my dear. You and Obito. *transports away*
**Once again based off of the fantastic menace headcanon of “Grandpa Madara” by @squidpus 😊**
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