#seriously how is EVERY herbivorous dinosaur in this series so chill
Okay, enough is enough. No more carnivore dino villains. I can accept a few movies of herbivores being the cute harmless ones (although thank you Lost World for averting that), but we’re at six movies, a tv series, and multiple video games, and yet we are still shuffling through the theropods like there aren’t hundreds of enormous, anxious prey animals about to smash some skulls or headbutt trucks.
You think that just cause they eat plants and are big they aren’t gonna care about humans? You know what else eats plants and is bigger than humans? Moose. Hippos. Elephants. Bison. Cape Buffalo. Rhinos. You have a ten-ton ball of muscle and fear that isn’t aware if you’re a threat or not and it won’t give you the chance to find out. T.Rex will wander off if she gets interested in something else. Iguanodon will see your kids playing in the yard and trample them flat in case they’re compies.
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