#seriously huge thank you for your surpport through this entire thing
I still owe you a comment on ch 3 of There Is No Other Land, but in the meantime I wanted to stop in and say how much I adored the City match. Roy (unwitting and unaware of how Ted and Jamie's talk actually went) going to him for the pep talk instead. Roy unknowingly setting something right when it was still fucked up in his world. Roy's unwavering determination to try.
Then him telling Jamie he loves to watch him play?
That choked me up. Love it. Obsessed with it. Been rotating it in my brain like it's a fruit basket on the counter and I am a cat making it spin (this is a common metaphor for rotating btw)
I'm so absolutely in love wiht this fic- thank you for sharing <3
First of all, you do not owe me anything. If you want (and have the time and capacity) to leave a comment I always love it, but please never feel an obligation (or a rush).
And I mean, this is a comment, too, is it not? (still counts) I love writing Diamond Dog Roy Kent! He tries so hard! And especially in this world where every rug has been pulled out from under him, he needs to make things right, or he's back to the Roy that didn't think he'd survive post-playing career.
Well, it's funny you say that because I STRUGGLED with what to have Roy say to Jamie. I almost left it blank like in the show because I couldn't think of something adequate. And all I could think about was what Roy said to Jamie in your amazing fic, oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love) (which I am linking in case someone reading this has been living under a rock and hasn't read it yet and if you haven't WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?) and thinking how can I come even 1% close to as good as yours, so as usual, thank you for inspiring me! (love that very common rotating metaphor, I will be adding it to my list)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I still feel a bit weird it's actually finished and posted and out there in the world, but I love that you love it :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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