#seriously i'm afraid now that if i start doing anything it'll just attract attention
madmaryholiday · 5 months
so i WAS gonna organize some stuff in my room today, but my dad just HAD to nag me about cleaning my room and point out all the places i could "start" and now the thought of doing any of it makes me want to peel my skin off.
AND this has had the handy side effect of making me afraid to start playing fallout 4 now lest dad barge into my room again and demand to know why i'm not cleaning.
so instead of doing either of those things, i'm just sitting on my bed, mindlessly scrolling tumblr.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 9- Falling For You
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I finally got to this part. This will be interesting.
Comments are appreciated! Thank you guys for reading. Enjoy!
-Recap time!
-Previously, Yashiro, Kou, and Teru look for Mitsuba due to Kou worrying for him
-They found him safe and sound with Hanako who was disguised as Hana at the time
-Mitsuba's conversation with Hanako revealed a secret
-While Yashiro and Hanako decided to continue the deal they made, they both started feeling something for one another
-What will happen?
-Yashiro was still looking into Yako's case of Missing Misaki
-Yakoo and Satou were now reported as missing since there was no contact with them so far
-Other people seem to have been disappearing too and it was concerning
-As Yashiro was looking through the files at Tsuchigomori's detective agency one day
-Tsuchigomori suddenly told her that she was off the case
-Yashiro: "What?? Why?! Tsuchigomori-sensei! I can do this! I may not have found much so far but I haven't given up!"
-Tsuchigomori: "I know that. I've granted you permission but Yako-san had told me that there is a police detective who volunteered to help her out. I don't know much of the details but the detective was just recently discharged from the hospital. Since they're a professional, Yako-san put them in charge so I'm afraid you don't have much of a say. You're still an apprentice, Yashiro-san."
-Yashiro was not pleased.
-Yashiro: "Can't I still do something about the case though?"
-Tsuchigomori: "They will be coming here in a few days to pick up the case files so perhaps you could speak with them."
-Yashiro: "Alright!"
-The door to the agency opened at this moment
-Yashiro turned her head from Tsuchigomori to see her best friend Aoi coming in
-Aoi would come by the agency once in a while to check up on Yashiro
-Yashiro: "Aoi!"
-Aoi: "Nene-chan, I'm here to visit~! How are you doing?"
-Yashiro: "I've been pretty busy. Actually, this is perfect timing. I've been meaning to talk with you about something. Let's go grab a drink!"
-Aoi: "Oh?"
-Yashiro: "See you, Tsuchigomori-sensei!"
-Tsuchigomori did a nonchalant wave as they left the agency
-Yashiro and Aoi both went to a cafe outside to chat with each other
-Yashiro told Aoi what was troubling her and how she had been feeling lately
-Aoi: "You know what I think? You've definitely got a crush on Hanako~"
-Yashiro spat out her drink, choking a bit
-Yashiro: "WHAT?!"
-Yashiro's yell attracted attention from people around her and she quickly looked around and lowered her voice
-The people went back to minding their own business
-Yashiro: "How did you know I was talking about him? I didn't even mention his name."
-Aoi: "Who else have you been in contact with who has those traits and level of charisma? Nene-chan, I know you."
-Yashiro: "Indeed. You know me so well, Aoi"
-Yashiro put her head against the table as she internally cried
-Aoi: "Don't worry~ I'll keep it a secret ♡"
-Yashiro: "Aoi....it doesn't make any sense. He's not even my type."
-Aoi: "Hm that's true. But why not try confessing to him and see how that goes?"
-Yashiro flustered at her words
-Yashiro: "W-wait Aoi! You know what you're saying, right? I mean, he's a criminal."
-Aoi: "You don't have much experience with guys anyways. You always get fooled by a pretty face. I think it'll be good for you."
-Yashiro felt like she was getting stabbed in the heart by Aoi's words. She was spot on.
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Eah well you're not wrong...I wonder if it's too soon though"
-Aoi: "Grab the chance when you can, Nene-chan!"
-And with that, they started talking about other topics and catching up
-Akane was still as usual attempting to confess to Aoi
-The topic of missing people came up in their conversation
-Akane mentioned to Aoi that he hasn't been hearing from Yamabuki-kun lately
-He actually insisted on coming with Aoi to the agency since he was worried something might happen
-Yashiro: "Eh? So, where is Akane-kun?"
-Aoi: "I put him to sleep~"
-Yashiro: "You what now, Aoi?!"
-Aoi: "It's okay. I'll be back to see him before he wakes up. Hanako's escape tactics are pretty useful~"
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Aoi...."
-They finished up their conversations and drinks and headed off to their homes around sunset
-Yashiro was expecting Hanako tonight since a pink Mokke came earlier in the day
-She waited in her apartment until his arrival
-A knock at the window and Yashiro opened it up for Hanako
-Yashiro: [smiles] "You came."
-Hanako: [smiles] "Of course I did."
-Hanako hopped inside but he didn't sit down
-Hanako: "Hey detective, how about we do something different today?"
-Yashiro: "Different?"
-Hanako: "Let's go out."
-Yashiro fought her blush down as she realized he meant to go somewhere else
-Yashiro: "But isn't it pretty late to be going out?"
-Hanako: "Don't worry. I'm with you. And if anything happens, I'll protect you."
-Yashiro's blush surfaced from those words
-Yashiro: "Okay, let me get dressed first."
-Hanako waited down at the bottom of the apartment
-Yashiro finally came out and went to Hanako
-Yashiro: "Sorry to make you wait!"
-When Hanako turned to face her, the first thing he noticed was her hair
-Hanako: "You let your hair down"
-Yashiro: "You did mention it before. So where are we going?"
-Hanako: "I'll take you there. Follow me."
-Hanako took her hand and they started walking
-It took a while before they reached their destination
-The silence didn't bother each other though
-Rather, they felt comfortable in each other's company
-Hanako and Yashiro were now at the rooftop of a building, staring up at the night sky
-There wasn't really anyone around at this time
-Yashiro: "Wow, the stars are so pretty tonight."
-Hanako: "They really are huh."
-Yashiro: "Why this place?"
-Hanako: "You can see the stars clearly from here."
-Yashiro: "You've been here before?"
-Hanako: "Yeah, I held a heist here in the past."
-Yashiro: "Really?"
-Hanako: "Yep. I guess at the time, you weren't an apprentice yet. Detective Tsuchigomori was also at the heist. Good times~"
-Yashiro: "It sounds like you know Tsuchigomori-sensei."
-Hanako: "Haha I didn't mention it before but we had our own little conversations."
-A pause
-Hanako: "Hey detective."
-Yashiro: "Hm?"
-Hanako: "You're not seriously falling in love with me, are you?"
-Hanako: "I'm just recalling one of my conversations with the great detective. He told me once that if I kept up my behavior and actions, I may make someone seriously fall for me and hurt them, which is ironic since I'm a gentleman thief haha. Well you can forget that question--"
-Yashiro: "And what if that happened?"
-Yashiro couldn't keep her mouth shut
-Yashiro: "What if I really did fall in love with you?"
-Hanako's eyes widened in shock
-At first, his chest was filled with happy delight but dread quickly took over his body when his mind registered Yashiro's words
-Hanako: "...You're kidding."
-Yashiro: "I'm not! I think to Hanako-kun, I actually lo--"
-Hanako suddenly grabbed Yashiro by the waist and lifted her against his side
-Hanako: "A phantom thief and detective cannot be together. Not with me."
-Hanako started walking along the roof edge with Yashiro, the wind blowing in their direction
-Hanako: "Let the breeze calm you down. I'll let you down if you take back your words."
-Yashiro: "I won't! You said that you would protect me just earlier!"
-Hanako: "I did but--"
-Yashiro: "Is there a reason why you won't use my real name at all? I've told you before, didn't I?"
-Hanako: "I..."
-Yashiro: "Do you not love me back? ....You never really thought that I was cute?"
-Yashiro's tears were threatening to burst
-Hanako felt overwhelmed by the situation as he stared eyes wide at Yashiro's crying face
-His mind was in so much shock
-He accidentally let go of Yashiro
-And Yashiro
-She was falling
-Off the building
-A moment later, Hanako screamed in horror when he realized what he did
-Hanako: "YASHIRO!"
-He dived after her
-Yashiro was currently feeling like an idiot as she was falling
-She thought she got ahead of herself and confessed without thinking
-Yashiro snapped out of her thoughts to see Hanako reaching his hand towards her
-She was pissed that he decided to finally use her name after she called him out on it
-At this critical moment, she decided to be stubborn
-Yashiro: "NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!"
-Hanako was running out of time. They were about to hit the ground.
-Yashiro widened her eyes as she reached her hand up for him to grab on
-Hanako held Yashiro as they floated down safely using his fancy garment as a parchute
-They stayed in each other's arms once they were on the ground, Yashiro burying her face in Hanako's shoulder
-It really wasn't fair
-Mitsuba had returned to his apartment earlier that evening
-When he opened the door, he wasn't expecting Tsukasa to be hanging out in his room
-Mitsuba: "What?! What are you doing here?"
-Tsukasa: "Now now don't be like that, Mitsuba~"
-Mitsuba: "I don't have any photos for you. Wouldn't you rather hang out elsewhere like the news department or something?"
-Tsukasa: "Sakura and the other guy aren't there right now. I don't feel like sneaking in. Besides"
-Tsukasa peered over at Mitsuba with his eyes that seemed to be an endless void
-Tsukasa: "I know what you've been doing, Mitsuba"
-Mitsuba felt complete dread and terror
-How did Tsukasa know?! He left his phone off for a reason!
-He thought he wouldn't get tracked that way!
-Mitsuba touched his hair clip
-There could be a tracker in his hair clip
-Mitsuba felt like he was sweating his life away
-He was a fool to think he could get away from Tsukasa
-Tsukasa may have been spying on him
-Tsukasa: "You know..."
-Mitsuba snapped out of his thoughts to look at Tsukasa. To what he's holding in his hands
-Tsukasa was holding pictures of Kou that Mitsuba had taken before
-Tsukasa: "I noticed that this guy's important to you and he cares for you. Hey...what if he could experience what it's like to be dying?"
-Mitsuba flinched
-Mitsuba: "DON'T TOUCH THOSE!"
-Tsukasa stared him down
-Mitsuba: ".....please"
-Tsukasa grinned
-Tsukasa: "Don't worry Mitsuba! I like you! So that's why I got someone to make sure you stay safe!"
-Mitsuba: "What?"
-A person appeared behind Tsukasa
-Tsukasa: "Meet Shijima Mei! She's a police detective!"
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