#fun with chronic pain
madmaryholiday · 4 months
for those just joining us, my knees are so shit that they won't support my weight if bent at anything approaching or smaller than a 90-degree angle.
i'm feeding the neighbors' cat while they're out of town, and today, i sat down on their extremely low, very squishy couch.
and could not get back up again.
my mother had to help pull me up. fml.
also i'm exhausted now because of all the failed attempts at getting up, and i'm afraid that walking to their house and then going down and back up the stairs each day will fuck my knees up enough that i may not be able to get up from a regular kitchen chair.
i don't know how to explain this to my parents without them panicking and demanding that i lose weight immediately.
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colourmeastonished · 1 year
Body swap movie where one of them has invisible disabilities and when the other one lands in their body they immediately collapse catatonic on the floor from the pain and fatigue and the first one is like 'oh damn guess I don't have to worry that I'm faking it anymore'
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Y'all ever have hip pain so bad that you just lay in bed until you inevitably have to hobble to the bathroom to pee
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chronicpaingirlie · 7 months
i feel like for abled people who don’t have to spend a huge portion of their waking life in bed, it’s really easy for them to imagine it as some sort of constant relaxing vacation from ‘real life’ or from effort and feeling and working or whatever else
when in reality it’s like. im so restless. im so tired of being in bed. it isn’t comfortable. i Hurt. im hurting all the time and if i could not be in bed without being in huge amounts of pain, i would!! i miss being able to do things!! laying in bed helps the most, but a lot of the time it feels like a trap, not a comfort. a lot of the time it hurts too much to be doing anything else
i miss when laying down was a choice i could make for relaxation, when napping was an indulgence and not a necessity, when i could spend time and energy being upright and it didn’t even feel like effort !!! i don’t want to do this. this isn’t something relaxing or fun the majority of the time. it’s painful & frustrating. i wish people understood that better :(
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tofu-bento-box · 9 days
perhaps i am simply a delicate spoiled houseplant but i don’t think having a fun productive day should give you multi-day hangovers
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defiantcripple · 5 months
Nosy Person: "You know, doing that will make your disability worse in the long run."
What I have is degenerative!!! It is going to get worse in the long run no matter what!!! That is what degenerative means!!! Leave me alone!!!!
If you have never had to confront that you did nothing to make your body fall apart but it fell apart anyway, and that it will continue to fall apart even if you just lay in bed for the rest of your life, you need to lower your voice when you speak to me and go Google what "degenerative" means. I'd rather have my body fall apart on my terms than for no reason at all.
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My GOOD leg is acting up and honestly, the betrayal. The audacity. How dare it. I'm offended and insulted.
I expect this behavior from my bad leg, I expect better of the only good leg I got smh
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
Laying in bed with no energy is really fucking boring, y’all.
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liltaireissocute · 2 months
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fem!Cullen and fem!Dorian
i redesigned Dorian's clothes and armour because i never liked how he's dressed in game
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
grasping what it means to be chronically ill can be hard for people, as it can be different for each person. But most of us understand chronic fatigue, days of pain that feels like it will never end, being stuck in bed, having to set reminders to take necessary medications medications. Chronic illness is not a joke. It takes time to adjust to having s chronic illness.
So don't be an asshole when your chronically ill friends cancel on you. The about of energy I use trying to take care of myself on a daily basis doesn't much left for anything else. And understand they may have different needs, completely different foods to help deal with their conditions. Mobility aids, and parking closer to buildings. I can not stress enough, please park close for them. Understand that chronic illness is exactly that: chronic.
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madmaryholiday · 9 months
i am in a comical amount of pain right now.
not that it's anything new, but goddamn do i want to call in sick to work today.
my headache is currently so severe that i feel like i'm wading through soup, and any moderately bright light sends knives into my eyes. (this is not a great description but it will have to do because lmao my head fucking hurts.)
my back is also killing me, and standing up at ALL hurts enough that i find myself shifting my weight from one foot to the other immediately instead of after a few minutes like i usually do. and after a few minutes, my spine starts curving in on itself involuntarily, and it feels like someone is trying to pry my vertebra apart.
no, i do not need advice. i am working on addressing these things. but some days are just way worse than others, and today is one of them.
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chronicpaingirlie · 5 months
also!!!!!!! it’s so frustrating how often i have to essentially end my day before i feel ready because ive run out of spoons to do anything :/
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When I forget how to have a normal conversation...
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Hey abled people
Don't offer to assist someone just to be polite
You don't get to offer to push me and then turn around and complain when I accept, or push me for like a minute and then give up while complaining.
I get if you didn't realize how heavy it is or that you might not be strong enough, just say that and apologize. And then STOP PUSHING ME. Don't continue while bitching and making me feel bad.
If you bitch at me it's only going to make me feel worse and everyone around us is going to be mad at ME for "taking advantage of you"
Usually I will only ask for help when I am at my limit, or when I'm around a group of friends I trust, so they can switch off if they get tired. When I need to get up a hill and no one is there to help I just get out and push. Until I get a power assist I still will need help from time to time.
Also in most cases, a stranger won't want or need your help unless they are in immediate need and usually then we will ask. It's very uncomfortable to have a stranger touch your chair.
You don't need to ask every wheelchair user if they need help. I think in some countries it's considered polite to ask but please..just stop if you can't back it up and actually help!!!
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colonelpancakes · 28 days
Chronic pain is so funny I'll be sitting there wondering why I feel like my bones are dissolving in acid and then I'll hear thunder and go ah. That makes sense.
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lesbomination · 25 days
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