#seriously they treat FE7 so badly
faireth-reed · 2 years
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I know this banner is Lyn's harem, but it looks like they're referring to each other.
Also, yet another month that we could have Nergal because of his relationship with New Heroes but the banner will be Legendary again? Oof. Guess I have to wait for another year, if they ever remember anything about FE7's plot.
Perhaps we'll have another Myrrh/Fae-like situation, but M!Corrin or Xander should appear soon. Wouldn't complain if we got post-TS Yuri, though.
Next year might have summer Askr and Embla, and NY!Emblians + Ash.
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runespoor7 · 7 years
Why do people constantly compare Chrom to Sigurd when he’s clearly supposed to be invoking Ike?
I suppose because they’re both born aware of their status as heirs to a duchy /kingdom and woefully unprepared/unwilling to consider the political ramifications of it? 
I already referred to Chrom’s shameful ignorance, but it’s such a terrible trait it made an impression. Sigurd I already said is incompetent. Ike does have a scene where he displays shocking ignorance re: the Laguz, but he has the excuse of not being the heir to a country. That’s gotta have less ramifications than Chrom’s or Sigurd’s fumbling. He doesn’t look good at all, but it looks less like he ran away from class with his fingers shoved in his ears and shouting at the top of his lungs from his teachers.
It took me a few minutes to realize where you got the “supposed to be invoking Ike” from, in fact - it’s the Shepherds. Chrom’s the leader of a do-gooding gang and doesn’t want much if anything to do with ruling. But that would be neglecting his duties. He’s Emmeryn’s heir. 
Ike, on the other hand, takes his duty as the leader of the GM very seriously (until the end of RD, but I can cut a guy slack after he’s been through two wars and the GM still stand - Ike can retire). The Greil Mercenaries are a family business - I almost want to say Ike kind of treats it as a small kingdom. Ike’s his father’s heir, and he looks forward to working in the GM. Obviously when he steps up to leading the GM when the need arises, but every FE lord steps up to the plate when push comes to shove (even if they do it badly, they don’t refuse to).
Maybe that’s why trying to shape Chrom after Ike didn’t do as much for his popularity as could be expected. The difference in tone is too big. That and you can’t have Chrom both be “the Exalt” and “urgh I hate the nobility” - Hector gets away with playing dumb as the younger brother, but we don’t see him as ruler of Ostia in FE7; Ike never gets a throne - so that puts his character in a weird position.
I was mostly namedropping Chrom because he’s the other FE lord I least like (I am not a fan of Ephraim either), and Ike, due to a variety of reasons, I’m pretty fond of. 
...also if I sound less coherent than usual or more aggressive, I apologize, I... should have gone to bed a while back.
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