#kent was reduced to just lyn
four-loose-screws · 2 years
FE7 Novelization Translation - Chapter 8 Section 3
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Chapter 8: Noble Lady of Caelin (Section 3)
Once they traveled down a small hill and made it north through the large forest that covered the south, they would arrive at Castle Caelin.
When they started to fight, Lyn and her allies would join them. Knowing that, Eliwood had Oswin, Marcus, and the other experienced fighters start their march as the vanguard.
Rather than prioritize meeting up with Lyn, he decided to prioritize putting their efforts into moving separately, as if they did so, they could throw the Laus soldiers into chaos. 
Meanwhile, General Bauker, while on the defensive, was desperately trying to figure out where the pegasus had fallen when she dropped out of the sky.
"Someone! Figure out if that pegasus knight is really dead! And if she is still breathing, then finish her off!"
If the pegasus knight was a messenger from the remainders of the Caelin Army being led by the escaped Lady Lyndis… she would not be just a nuisance to them. Laus had ambushed another territory within the Lycian League and captured their castle. If Ostia or one of the many other territories knew about any of this, then the entire Lycian League would likely become their enemy.
They now needed to bide their time and regroup their forces.
But then one of his soldiers approached him with a report which utterly crushed that thought. 
"Reporting, Sir! An enemy is attacking from the west! It is Eliwood, son of Marquess Pherae!"
"...So they're here."
It must be the army that had conquered Laus Castle. He couldn't imagine that any other army would be able to arrive so quickly once they had learned of the situation. Knowing full well that he was going to lead them down a path to their own destruction, Bauker made the decision to fight for his lord. 
"This is our opportunity to show our loyalty to Marquess Laus. Our foes are nothing more than a ragtag group of random soldiers! They are no match for us!!"
Within the thick undergrowth of the forest, Lyn unsheathed Mani Katti and started to move towards the castle.
As she ran, to protect her, Sain and Kent were on either side of her, and Wil was behind her. It might have been the right decision to wait for Florina’s return and Eliwood's arrival before doing anything, but Lyn couldn’t bear it to just wait around.
And so, in order to reduce the enemy's numbers as much as they possibly could, she decided that they would utilize guerilla warfare tactics. As there were so many places to hide within the thick forest, they could engage in an advantageous battle even in their small numbers.
Even Kent, who was against the idea at first, reluctantly agreed, so long as they kept this fight a feint operation, and they began to make their move.
"What is the current status of the enemy?" Lyn asked Wil upon his return from reconnaissance. 
"Their archer unit appeared to have deployed out on the front line, but are now receding. I wonder what could have happened to lead to that?"
"Archers…?! No! They couldn't have been targeting Florina…?!"
"It's alright, Lady Lyndis. We can't say that is necessarily the case."
"What do you mean?!" Lyn calmed her panicking heart, and looked at Kent.
"If their archers moved to the front and they are now retreating, then two options are conceivable. One reason could be that they fulfilled their goal… Or the other could be that they are now in a situation where their archers have no other option than to retreat."
"They had to retreat?"
"Because of a situation like an enemy attacking?"
At Sain's guess, Lyn realized what Kent was leading up to. "So that means Eliwood and his allies have arrived?!"
"Yes. That is one possibility."
What Kent was saying was nothing more than a guess. The latter possibility was mostly wishful thinking. But Lyn didn't want to think that Florina might have been shot out of the sky. 
Lyn announced her decision, made to obtain a grasp of this unclear situation. "I want to know what's going on. Let's get a little closer to the enemy!"
At Lyn’s words, all of her allies nodded in agreement, and they started to march once again.
They were careful as they progressed and pushed their way through the vegetation.
As they neared Castle Caelin, the sounds she heard became more and more distinctly those of battle.
'It really does seem like the battle has already started.' 
When they reached the edge of the forest and could see the field from where they stood, Lyn's thoughts were proven to be reality.
She saw the magnificent swordplay of the red haired lord she'd met one year ago, fighting against a Laus soldier.
"Lyndis?! It’s so good to see you safe!" As he wiped the blood off his rapier, Eliwood turned towards Lyn, who was coming out of the forest. "Florina told us what's going on. Everything will be alright now. We're going to fight with you."
"Thank you!" Both the arrival of reinforcements and the confirmation of her friend's safety made a sense of relief wash over her from the very bottom of her heart. 
'Now we can go save Grandfather!' She looked at Castle Caelin in the distance, and renewed her resolve.
Once Lyn, leading the remainder of the Caelin army, successfully combined forces with Eliwood’s unit, the outcome of the battle was decided.
Though Eliwood and his allies were also disadvantaged in sheer numbers, morale was high towards their goal to take down the Laus soldiers, who had not predicted at all that they would be assaulted by another territory of the League. The Laus soldiers also seemed to sense that what they had done was underhanded, as their performance on the battlefield was half-hearted.
And as the tide of battle became less and less in their favor, more and more soldiers started to flee, until it led to the complete downfall of the defense unit that had been deployed to surround Castle Caelin. General Bauker continued to put up the best resistance he could in front of the castle gate, but once he was defeated by Hector, the initial battle for the recapture of Castle Caelin ended with Eliwood and allies claiming victory.
"Lyndis, once we defeat the remaining soldiers inside the castle, then we will be able to recapture it."
After gathering everyone back together at the front gate, Eliwood turned back to face Lyn standing behind him.
"Thank you, Eliwood. Without your help, we never could have made it this far."
"This all happened because we cornered Marquess Laus… of course we would help."
"The situation… it's as I heard before, right? About your father. I think I would have done the same if I was in your position. What happened in Caelin isn't your fault. Don't let it get to you."
Eliwood felt his guilt ease a bit at Lyn's words.
Though he would do whatever it took to find out where his father was, the consequences of the events he had caused were harming Lyn and the people living in Caelin. He felt that he was more responsible than anyone else, and couldn't help but blame himself over and over again.
And because of that, he vowed to return peace to Caelin by his own hand, no matter what. "Thank you. But allow me to take responsibility until we recapture the castle."
"I will. Please lend us your strength."
"Eliwood! We're going inside the castle already!" Hector came to tell them that their preparations to invade were complete. 
Eliwood nodded enthusiastically and answered, "Understood."
"...Who's that?" Lyn asked, this being the first time that she had ever seen Hector. 
At her question, Eliwood realized for the first time that he had not yet introduced her to his friend. "Ah, that's right. I'll introduce you. Hector!"
"This is Lyndis. She's the granddaughter of Marquess Caelin. Lyndis, this is Hector. He's the younger brother of Marquess Ostia."
At Eliwood’s introductions, the two faced each other and exchanged a brief greeting.
"Now let's go inside the castle!" At Eliwood’s order, everyone rushed towards Castle Caelin at once.
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faireth-reed · 2 years
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I know this banner is Lyn's harem, but it looks like they're referring to each other.
Also, yet another month that we could have Nergal because of his relationship with New Heroes but the banner will be Legendary again? Oof. Guess I have to wait for another year, if they ever remember anything about FE7's plot.
Perhaps we'll have another Myrrh/Fae-like situation, but M!Corrin or Xander should appear soon. Wouldn't complain if we got post-TS Yuri, though.
Next year might have summer Askr and Embla, and NY!Emblians + Ash.
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