#seriously what do people want from Catholic tumble
tinycatholicbean · 2 years
Serious question for y’all: what do you want out of Tumblr, why are you on here?
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gotatext · 3 years
14, 16, 18, 20
14. how many friends do you have that don’t live in the same country as you?
"a few. when i was studying fashion, i did a year abroad in mexico. when you go through an experience like that together— when you're young and you're all going through this immense period of growth—i think it creates a bond. and weeks, months, years can go by, but those people will always have a special part of you, because they got to witness you evolve. as a teenager, i was also in a pilot for a telenovela in spain. the show never got anywhere, but that was one of the first times in my life where i felt independent, you know? it was such a strange experience, suddenly being displaced and having this new family who you work and sleep and eat with all month, and then you go back to your separate lives. i still talk to a few of them! especially the head of wardrobe. she helped me get into fashion school."
16. how big is too big for a wallet?
"for high fashion, never too big. for street fashion, a wallet can function as your entire purse if you chose it well. but i'd stick on the smaller side. a statement clutch is always a great in between. if we're speaking metaphorically, i think it's a lie that money doesn't buy you happiness. it does. but there's definitely a cut off. money makes life easier, but too much money can make you ignorant and out of touch."
18. what was your pet peeve when you had a substitute teacher in school?
"i went to catholic school in nevada. the only times we ever had a substitute teacher it was usually the priest or one of the nuns. needless to say, they were strict, unrelenting, and often cold. even their presence felt stifling. the worst was a time i passed a note to my friend maria asking if she wanted to practice our tumbles after school, and i was made to stand up and list all of my shortcomings to the class until the priest was satisfied i'd reflected enough. then i had to stay behind after class to pray a full rosary, which takes like half an hour. so i missed my bus, which was the only one, and had to walk home in nevada on one of the hottest days of the years. it took two and a half hours."
20. what do you look for in someone’s online dating profile?
"a kind smile. open-mindedness. a strong presence or powerful aura. a good body. dark eyes that know more than they say. a sharp mind that can keep me on my toes but also won't take themselves too seriously. an interest in the metaphysical is a plus, but not essential. interests that are separate from my own so we have something to learn from each other. a healthy bank balance is always a good thing, not a dealbreaker, but they have to be financially stable. a love of food, music, culture and a good butt. i don't think i'm asking for too much."
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imaginethatawriter · 7 years
Punisher, Luke, jessica, and Matthew headcanons for what they were like in high school?
Frank Castle
Frank Castle was a little asshole all throughout his schoolyears.
He liked to play rough and tumble around when he was little andthat only got worse in high school.
He picked fights with everyone who looked at him funny and wasprobably border line a bully at times. 
He did not do well in his classes. 
He zoned out or drew random doodles in his notes. 
He failed or came close to failing every single test but he didjust enough homework to pass the class. 
I’m not sure if this is canon but I feel like he might be one ofthose kids who always knew he was going to be in the military so he didn’t feelthe need to do well in school. 
I’m not sure if the military has an application process thatinvolves academics. 
If it does that is the only reason Frank does well inschool. 
Luke Cage
Luke is pretty good in high school.
I think he’s respectful of his teachers as long as they’re decent human beings. 
He’s not going to be a teacher’s pet though and he can be rude to those few teachers that make their student’s lives unnecessarily difficult. 
Luke doesn’t get super great grades. 
He’s pretty average, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. 
He enjoys gym class and he is actually fun to play sports with. 
There are always the people who take the games way to seriously and then there are the other people who want to sit on the side and do nothing. Well Luke is a happy medium. He’s there to have fun and not have to think about math or the books he has to read for English. 
He kinda runs with a tough crowd so sometimes he can get in trouble through association, but when he’s separated from the bad influences he’s a friendly funny guy who likes to help people. 
Jessica Jones
Jessica Jones gets sent to the principal’s office more than anyone else.
She is too sarcastic and stubborn for her own good. 
If she thinks that an assignment is a waste of time she is going to say it. 
She will correct all of her teachers if they say something wrong. 
She will not be disrespected. She will talk back. 
Also she’s probably gotten into a few fights 
Some kids make fun of her because she’s kinda pale and doesn’t dress like all the other students. 
Also her adopted sister is kinda famous so she get’s a lot of flack as well. 
The most annoying thing, at least for her teachers, is that she actually does pretty well in school. 
She doesn’t do a lot of her homework but she can ace her tests 
There are maybe two teachers in the entire high school who she get’s along with her because they are just as sassy and they don’t put on any fronts. 
Matthew Murdock
Out of everyone he’s the best student. 
He’s a good Catholic boy who respects all of his teacher’s and stays quiet during lessons. 
He does all of his homework and answers the teacher’s questions when no one else will. 
Look out though because he is not a push over. 
People try to push him around because he is blind and there have been one or two instances when he kicks a kids ass because they will not leave him alone. 
Everyone is shocked when he shows up to the pricinipal’s office with a bruised cheekbone. 
But he’s honest about his actions. Yes sir I did give Johnny a black eye because Johnny tried to steal my cane
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supernatural0224 · 7 years
J2 fics
1. Mildred: A College AU It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Jared in possession of his heterosexuality will immediately switch teams upon enrollment in college and first contact with Jensen Ackles. [cute, adorable. Long, but really simple.] 2. Disclaimer  Jared and Jensen are willing to do almost anything to help their friends. Almost. But what Chris is asking of them this time? It's the one thing they both swore they'd never do: Grow up.  [I don't know about the individuals in here, but the relationship they have was ah-mazing.]
3.No Codename  Jared's got a brand new show, tons of things to keep him busy, and pretty much the most awesome costar he's ever met. Okay, so maybe he has some less than entirely pure thoughts about said costar sometimes, but he's, like, eighty-three percent sure Jensen thinks impure thoughts about him, too. Sometimes. Possibly. Now he just has to stop being so chicken-shit and actually make a move.   [oh my God! I can't remember when was the last time I had this much fun while reading something! And the best part is that I can imagine our Jared and Jensen being like this, in real life 😍] 4. Operation: Mistletoe  FBI Agent Jensen Ackles is a damn good agent, but his devil-may-care attitude, gut instinct, and sheer dumb luck have finally run out. With his job and reputation on the line, Jensen is assigned to a new partner: the overzealous and overachieving Agent Jared Padalecki.Their mission: Infiltrate a ring of drug dealers hiding out in Suburbia in the midst of the Holiday season.The only catch? They have to pretend to be head-over-heels in love with each other. [cuuute 😍] 5. Project Get Jared Banged Jared's had the best stepbrother in the world in Jensen since the age of five — growing up together and more attached than usual brothers would —, only realizing that he’s in love with Jensen by the time he hits thirteen.After five more years of Jared's impossible crush, he knows his life turns and spins around his brother. Luckily for Jared, he and Jensen have always been closer than other siblings, making his feelings seem a little less hopeless. Or that is until Jensen announces he’s moving to Austin to live with his girlfriend next year, leaving Jared's perfectly built Jensen-centric world crashing to the ground.That’s when Chad and Sandy decide to convince Jared that moving on and letting go of his feelings are the only way to get through his lost love for Jensen. Yet their plan to get Jared out of his shell and over his stepbrother doesn't sit well with one person: Jensen himself, who realizes that the more Jared tries to pull away, the more he wants to get him back closer. [The first time I read the summary, I squirmed away. But then, it turned out to be one of the sweetest, with angst served on side dish I have had in a while ;) ] 6.The Winchester Identity  A tall and handsome doctor is kidnapped by a mysterious green-eyed man who has no memory—but who definitely has a past. The J2 AU version of "The Bourne Identity".   [W-O-W!! This was so freaking amazing and absolutely amazingly written. It had been such a long time since I've read a good thriller - and since I hadn't read or watched the original, so I was totally unspoiled. I loved everything about it. Though it is freakishly long, but it is SO worth it.] 7. A Hole Straight up to the Sky   Captured by scientists determined to save the human race from impending extinction, two weres - seemingly strangers - are caged together in the hopes that they'll mate. What happens between them is unprecedented and changes the course of both their races forever. [I liked it. It was good. Worth a read.] 8. The Gloaming  gloam·ing ˈɡlō miNG/ - the part of the day after the sun has gone down and before the sky is completely dark: dusk Other popular connotations: gloam, glow, glowing, glomming, glommedJared always knew he would one day experience a gloaming and find his soulmate. No one told him, and in fact, no one else in his family that he knew of had ever glommed; but he just knew, and he was willing to wait, despite all the offers thrown his way and all the well-meaning advice by friends and family; Jared waited.After all the tragedy Jensen had endured recently, he was now content to live a simple life taking care of his family and working a job that he loved. He sure never thought he'd ever find love again, let alone a true love; if one were to believe in Gloamings, which Jensen never really did until it happened to him.Jared and Jensen - strangers from seemingly different worlds decide to give love a chance. But will outside forces and unforeseen enemies drive them apart or bring them together forever?They only have 60 days to consummate or the Gloaming will Fade... and they will both lose out on what could possibly be a love for the ages. [pure fluff. Like seriously, even the angst feels fluffy but um, yeah. Go ahead. It is fun. [Sequel awaiting]]
9. The Lost Big screen star Jensen Ackles was on his way to Brazil to continue filming his latest project. He was glad to lose himself in the role and bury the pain of his broken heart by slipping on a stranger’s skin. Because of his manager’s twisted attempt to help, he found himself on a private jet with a high-class rent boy. Before he could figure out what to do with that, a bolt of lightning sent them tumbling into the rain forest. With them believing there were no other survivors, Jensen has to figure how to get them back to civilization. It was a good thing he was as strong and capable as the leading men he portrayed on screen, because how much help could an expensive hooker really be in the middle of the Amazon? [okay? This? This is pretty amazing. (Apart from certain someone being over possessive and protective, but that’s probably just me) And I enjoyed this story more for, well, the story than the fact that I love to read about pairing. So, big kudos to the author. ] 10. Hope You Don't Mind   Jared has no problems being an introvert in a family of extroverted women. He enjoys his alone time as a freshman in high school... that is until signs for prom start showing up. With both his sisters going, he begins to wonder if maybe his time alone is a little lonely. [it is fluffy and funny and fantastical and a pretty decent one.] 11. When You Find Me [You'll Search No More] When Jared unexpectedly finds himself in possession of a stolen jewel that belongs to the mysterious and powerful sorceress who lives in the woods behind his castle, he feels compelled to return the stone right away. The witch surprises him by offering to grant him one wish, and the last thing he expects is to fall in love.  [i probably read an extra zero when I first read the word count so I was so surprised when it was coming to end :P But it is good, very cute :] ] 12. reinventing love 'verse   Coming out to your best friend isn’t easy. But then again, neither is falling in love with him. [okay. This is AMAZING and CUTE and I am a pile of mush which doesn't know what to do with her life anymore. *whispers very, very slowly* I want a love like that... ] 13. Bring Me to Life   Jared’s a shy young man, whose life has never been easy. His father hates him, his mother drinks her sorrows away and his husband Paul treats him like he is nothing more than a beautiful toy. When his husband has to go away on a business trip to Europe for two months, he sends Jared away to a ranch in the middle of nowhere to keep him under control. There, Jared meets people who show him what love, friendship and loyalty mean for the first time in his life. Can he escape his life and finally find some love and happiness for himself? [Oh, Jared! Come, babe. Let me wrap you up in blanket burrito.] 14. Refracted 1. To deflect (light, for example) from a straight path by refraction. 2. To alter by viewing through a medium. 3. BentJared knows exactly what he needs to do: earn a 4.0 grade point average, lead the basketball team to the state championship, nab a spot on the Homecoming Court, and be the best son two Catholic parents could ask for. He should know, this sort of stuff has been his life for the last 17 years, but this is when everything changes.Befriending Jensen Ackles, who everyone knows of but doesn’t really know, opens Jared’s eyes to an array of possibilities he’d never considered. With Jensen in his life, Jared finds the courage to to be his own person, recognize his real feelings, and make his own decisions when it comes to school, friends, and love. [this was nice. Sweet and simple. I liked it.] 15. There's a Hole in Me, Just About the Size of You  [I have already read and listed it, but seriously, it is just so angsty and inevitable and mushy - it is worth reading again] 16.The Doors of Time  About love and Fate and destiny. And Jensen being weird. And piano music. And finding the one person that's made for you in a world that isn't. Something like that. [AMAZING - seriously. There is no other word for this. Just, WOW!] 17. For All Your Days and Nights (I'm Gonna Be There)  Jared returns from a days-long hunting trip to learn that the chieftain of their tribe has passed away and Jensen, his best friend, is to succeed his father. As their new leader, he faces many challenges, including having to find a spouse. But before he settles down, Jensen asks for one night with Jared first. It turns into much more. [OMG this is super sweet! Loved it.] 18. Brand New Start  Jared Padalecki is one messed up kid, after his parent die he his tossed from Foster home to Foster home slowly losing everyone he loves. He's given one last chance with the Ackles. Can he come to peace with his past? Will he admit that he's attracted to Jensen? AU story of a hurt boy who's trying to find some peace and maybe, if he's lucky, love. [A little heartbreaking, a little painful but worth a read.] 19. [Won't Someone Come] Rescue Me   Big things are coming soon to The Wayward Heart Band; then lead singer and guitarist Jensen discovers a box of abandoned kittens, and his personal future starts to look just as bright as his professional one. [aw, so cute 😆] 20. You Came Smiling Softly, Shyly Moving, Into My World   Jensen wants more — wants to know what Jared tastes like in the morning, and after he's had his first cup of coffee of the day, and between takes, sheltered away in their trailers. He wants to explore Jared's body with his hands and mouth, get him to make every sweet noise there is; he wants to be inside him and all around him, until he's everywhere. [I ABSOLUTELY loved it. The author is probably my fav one.]  
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momdefrazzler · 4 years
Investigating Sensible Plans For Securities and Exchange Commission
They maintain over 484,000 net acres within the southwestern core of the Marcellus Shale and over 137,000 web acres in the core of the Utica Shale. Liberty Media Corporation is an American mass media company managed by chairman John C. Malone https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQ-7KxHc8nny6vsXp4FqHDoXFAurGUGO/, who owns a majority of the voting shares. The plains bear the grunt of the chilly gusts of wind in the chilly season. Frost is a daily guest even though the times hardly ever lack sunshine. Freezing nights are not a welcome proposal to the tourists, even though a couple of guests endure them within the hope of the open ski season on the mountain slopes.
Can you be a CEO of your own company?
In fact, being the CEO of a business you own is almost inevitable. Of course, you can’t be the CEO of a company that doesn’t exist. So, you must establish your business first, and you will become its CEO-automatically. Now, let’s discuss the steps you will need to take to become the CEO of your own business.
While the precise park is one of the most secure places in the neighborhood, due to the variety of drug and alcohol related crimes that happen around Colfax Avenue, Cheesman Park makes the list, albeit on the decrease end. There had been 1,006 offenses in 2015, for a crime density of 1,909 per square mile.
Douglas County Libraries is committed to constructing the following generation of libraries that exceed their patrons’ expectations. DCL will embody public libraries’ noble and necessary tradition as locations of learning.
The resort has delivered more than 200,000 vacations for his or her four,000 plus Members and their households. Full-service relocation & talent mobility providers; serving to organizations manage everything involved in worker relocation. This is a steady job with an organization that will be around for the foreseeable future. Pilgrim ‘s is likely one of the largest poultry producers on the planet, producing wholesome, excessive-high quality meals merchandise that go into some of the world’s best recipes. With the assistance of P2 business customers are actually empowered to perform their very own self-service evaluation and create their very own stories.
Dirt lot, broken windows , trash strewn all over the place, beat down vehicles, the park MANAGER is missing enamel/wears a dirty mumu, and three-legged dogs. Last week, the city came out with a fireplace truck to raise somebody up in the growth to take pictures for code violations. I probably wouldn’t walk round at night time in Sheridan (Hampden/285 at Federal up to Sheridan) both. Contrary to what Denver locals believe, Denver does NOT have ghetto neighborhoods. Sure there are run-down neighborhoods and there are low-revenue ones the place you might feel uncomfortable however there aren’t any ghetto neighborhoods in this metropolis.
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The average high temperatures in early fall are in the heat 70°F (21.1°C) to eighty°F (26.7°C) range, and the typical low temperatures are in the delicate forty°F (four.four°C) to 50°F (10°C) range. that draw tourists from all around the nation to its wilderness and natural beauty.
They are devoted to creating every of their communities really feel like house. They foster an atmosphere of kindness, respect and friendship and encourage you to make use of social areas to meet your neighbors. Children’s Hospital Colorado is a nonprofit hospital for kids positioned on the Anschutz Medical Campus near the interchange of I-225 and Colfax Avenue in Aurora.
They start with prenatal care and go all the way through leadership development for certified younger adults. They take a protracted-time period strategy to what they do and go beyond Lone Tree simple involvement within the lives of the kids and families they serve. Cimarex Energy Co. is a company engaged in hydrocarbon exploration.
Students receiving internship provides earlier than November 9, 2020, on account of on-campus recruiting might be given till November 23, 2020, or two weeks from the date of the offer, whichever is later, to make a decision. Any scholar receiving an extra internship supply after completing a previous internship together with your agency or firm shall be given until November 30, 2020, to make a decision.
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This darling boutique in Cherry Creek embodies the non-public type and spirit of its founders, Molly Fortune and Abby Miller. Denver born and raised, the 2 have a ardour for fashion and town they love. The boutique and model is based off of Abby’s profitable blog, Denver Darling, and their goal is to bring timeless kinds and excessive-quality clothes at an accessible price point. Amethyst Coffee Company has established itself because the espresso shop for baristas and coffee connoisseurs in the city – in a matter of just a few years, too. And extra importantly, proprietor Elle Jensen has turn out to be a widely known advocate for coffee professionals, especially ladies, gender non-conforming, gender queer and transgender people.
Littleton Public Schools is a premier college district located a few miles south of downtown Denver. LPS is the only school district within the Denver metro area to receive the Colorado Department of Education’s highest accreditation rating all seven years it has been offered. And with a historical past of close neighborhood ties, LPS has passed every bond election delivered to a vote. Larimer County is likely one of the 64 counties within the US state of Colorado.
Larimer County contains the Fort Collins, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is located at the northern finish of the Front Range, at the edge of the Colorado Eastern Plains alongside the border with Wyoming. Bagels is an American bagel and coffee chain that serves scrumptious meals produced from the freshest and most interesting ingredients. This respected bagel shop provides guests with freshly baked bagels, breakfast sandwiches, espresso, lunch sandwiches, and a lot extra.
Both Carrie L. Gomez and Yari Figueroa are the creative administrators and co-homeowners behind the powerhouse group at SCY Pictures. Shop on your Lone Tree vacation presents while supporting a great cause with Pearl Street Lights, a candle firm based by Kerry Humphrey.
What are the 12 characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?
The 12 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs 1. They take what they do seriously.
2. They make it all about the customer.
3. They make the big decisions carefully.
4. They aren’t scared of the road less traveled.
5. They harness technology.
6. They invest in themselves.
7. They are constantly learning.
8. They’re not afraid of risks.
More items•
In addition to both frequent and rare houseplants, you’ll also find lovely pottery, handmade decor items, houseplant-associated instruments, accessories, gift gadgets and extra. Fig + Yarrow was born in 2010 when proprietor and apothecary artisan Brandy Monique turned a senior class project right into a model of well being and sweetness products which are utterly rooted in nature. You’ll find a wide range of natural skin merchandise on their online shop, together with cleansers, masks, serums, toners and extra. Plus, 10 percent of all sales at Fig + Yarrow go to the Rumi Foundation, which distributes donations to non-profit organizations devoted to animal, human and environmental wellbeing.
CHI is a nonprofit, faith-primarily based health system formed in 1996 through the consolidation of three Catholic health techniques. The firm was formerly known as New World Restaurant Group Inc. and adjusted its name to Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc. in May 2007. Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc. wad based in 1992 and relies in Lakewood, Colorado. Delivering ‘Low Fares Done Right’ is the driving philosophy of Frontier Airlines. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, this American low-price provider has been recognized as the eighth largest business airline in the United States.
Beyond the perks, staff rave in regards to the office culture and the CEO. Not solely that, it’s one of many top corporations headquartered in Denver. The workplace culture focuses on development, innovation, and empowerment. And not only that, they make a unbelievable product – Zoom is broadly considered top-of-the-line software program corporations in denver. As considered one of hte most successful companies in downtown Denver, you possibly can expect an inclusive office tradition, paid day without work to volunteer, and free monetary advice.
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I used to ship Meals on Wheels in Athmar Park, Valverde and Barnum. Not an area to walk round in, however there may be little to no industrial development there, so no must be in the ‘hood except you live there . One of the key takeaways for me was that are fairly a few extra assaults per capita in Lodo than any of the neighborhoods that individuals typically contemplate ghetto.
E2 was based in 1988 to ship environmentally targeted providers associated to water and wastewater. Since then, the agency has grown and broadly diversified to provide engineering, environmental consulting, oil and gasoline pipeline engineering, infrastructure operations, and remediation-associated providers. Gevo, Inc. is a renewable chemicals and superior biofuels firm headquartered in unincorporated Douglas County, Colorado in the Denver-Aurora metropolitan space. The firm develops bio-primarily based alternatives to petroleum-based merchandise utilizing a combination of biotechnology and classical chemistry.
P2 Reporting brings collectively knowledge from all areas of the business to permit for cross-functional evaluation and collaboration. P2 supplies a comprehensive vary of upstream oil and gas software. At FirstBank, they’re lucky to have the financial stability, outstanding staff, and the best customers they could ask for. Ever since, they’ve maintained a robust commitment to comfort, friendly and intelligent customer support, and loyalty to their staff.
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nauseateddrive · 5 years
"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.” - Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
 I'm in The Wuthering Heights pub. I know, it's a shameless exploitation of the novel's title, but Lulu and I didn't care when we stumbled across this place in the early nineties. We liked the way it blatantly took advantage of its location on the edge of the remote Haworth moorland. We had dinner here before we set off into the open country with our tent and camping equipment.
Tonight though, I'm finishing my meal alone. I undo the top button of my shirt and release the pressure around my neck. I remove my Anglican clerical collar and place it on the table in front of me. Being back here, I feel like a twenty-year-old again. I look at the oak beams on the ceiling. The place hasn't changed. It still has the same decor: the lead windows and ornate mirrors; paintings of the Yorkshire landscape in gilt frames. The smell of polished wood and real ale. I'm the only customer tonight. I look towards the door, half expecting Lulu to walk in but it's extremely unlikely. It's been eight years since I last saw her.
I reach into my shirt pocket for a picture of her, taken in her student house in Glasgow. Her eyes stare back, wild and dark. Her pale skin is unblemished, with naturally pink cheeks; blonde hair cropped short at the back; long at the front, hanging down to her jaw-line on one side. She changed hair colour frequently, but blonde suited her best. Behind her, scrawled over the walls in black ink, are verses of her poetry. She never stopped writing: in notebooks, on scraps of paper, on her hands, wherever she was, whenever she thought of it. She even wrote one on the back of this photo. I study the familiar words:
It's a picture of a house I built burning in my head,
It's a picture of a little boy bouncing on a bed,
It's a picture of a little girl bouncing by his side,
It's a picture of a daddy who may as well have died.
I turn it back over. There's a white fold line across the middle of the photo, but it's the only picture I have. I place it on the table next to my dog-collar.
Outside, snowflakes tumble down in ever-changing courses. Fleeting shapes fall and disintegrate on the glass before my eyes can catch them. More drift down against the winter landscape and I'm lost in memories of Lulu once again.
The first time I saw her was on my twentieth birthday. I was in The Jug of Ale with my mate, Coddy. It was crowded; music thumping, lights flashing, everywhere the cacophonous din of laughter and chatting.
"Hey, Dan." Coddy nudged me, pointing to a girl on the dancefloor. "What do you think of her?"
I wasn't sure who he meant. Most of the girls looked the same to me - short skirts and white stilettos.
"Yeah...she looks all right," I said.
It wasn't my kind of venue. I spent most of the night slowly nursing a pint of Guinness while Coddy did his best to impress any female who would listen to him. He'd managed to speak to a girl with long dark hair.
"So, what do you do?" she asked him.
"I'm an astronaut," he said, with his typical straight-faced confidence.
Then I saw Lulu. She walked up to the bar and stood inches from me. She wore a purple, knee-length dress with Doc Marten boots, but what drew me to her most were her eyes. They were dark, but incandescent with life.
"Your bill, sir!"
The waiter places my bill on the table. Two men stand by the door, ready to lock up for the night. A glance at my watch tells me it's midnight. I apologize for keeping them, put my collar and photo in my pocket, and settle up. I step outside into the cold air. The moon is big and bright. It's stopped snowing and the wind has died down. Everything is white.
There's no sign of anyone outside. I pull my coat collar tight around my neck and stroll along the path towards the heath, the inspiration for Emily Bronte's tragic love story. 'Wuthering Heights' was Lulu's favourite book.
Last time we were here it was under cloudless blue skies. I remember sitting outside our tent in the long grass surveying the endless moors, breathing the sweet warm air, watching the wings of insects dancing in sunlight. The memory is etched in my mind. Lulu noticed a white rose growing next to us.
"Look," she whispered. "That is so rare." She took hold of it and broke it off halfway down it's stem. A thorn pierced her skin and drew blood but she didn't flinch. 
"Whenever you see a white rose, think of me." She handed it to me.
I wanted to ask her to marry me there and then, but I was scared of being turned down.
Instead, I asked, "Do you think we'll still be together in ten years?”
"Maybe." She smiled, amused at my question.
And then, to try and ensure we didn't ever lose contact, I came up with this ridiculous idea: "Let's meet back here in the year 2000, whether we are or not, on the date of Bronte's death. Midnight.”
"The nineteenth of December. Okay." She looked deep into my eyes and smiled.
I held the side of her face in my hand and reached towards her. Our lips touched. Tongues. Two souls merged together; the outside world non-existent. Bodies touched; stirred.
A single snowflake lands on my nose. Then another. I look up into the night sky as the snow starts to fall  again. I pull back my coat sleeve and look at my watch. It's quarter past midnight. I don't know if the idea was to meet at the pub or where we camped. I don't hold much hope but wander further down the lane.
"Like the eternal rocks beneath." That's how Lulu once described her love for me and I felt the same for her. I'd never met anyone so fearless and unpredictable, yet at other times she'd be lost in deep thought. She studied Art, while I read Theology. We started going out after lectures, drinking and smoking together, talking into the early hours, spending every available moment with each other.
I walk through the falling snow, along a dim, deserted path in the direction of the rock-face, close to where we camped. From the gate on my right, the lane slopes towards the open countryside. I sink up to my calves in soft, fresh snow. All I can hear is my own breathing and the light crunch of each step as I move forward.
Lulu didn't know her parents. She was brought up in a Catholic orphanage on the west coast of Ireland. She didn't talk about her childhood very much. All she ever told me was that she'd been abandoned when she was six years old. She hated the thought of being left by anyone again; she told me she preferred not to get too close to people.
I stop for a moment and hold my breath. There's not a sound except for the very faint whisper of snowflakes landing all around me. As I set off again, the crunch of my footsteps is deafening.
I arrive at a steep bank and the snow slides away in clumps. I grab a branch above my head and a dusting of white powder falls, but I've made it. I'm in an open space with a view of endless hills. I stand for a long time, taking it all in, looking for any sign of life on the beautiful, desolate moor.
We saw each other every day for a year. She gave no explanation before she left, except that she needed to get her head straight. A week afterwards, I received a poem from her in the post, along with a note saying she was staying with an aunt in Ireland. A few weeks after that, the lease ran out on my house. I tried everything to get in touch with her but no-one could help. The university wouldn't provide me with any information and no-one knew her home address, or even which village she was from. I never heard from her again. I spent a few months drinking myself into a numb haze until I realised I was better off getting my life back on track, training for the ministry, helping all those other broken-hearted people.
I've been the rector at St Matthews in Ayr for three years. None of the leadership or parishioners know anything about Lulu. I take a deep breath. After tonight I'll be able to put to rest any thoughts of a reunion. The air is crisp and still. Nearby branches crack as they strain under the weight of fresh snow. I stand motionless on the moor, listening.
Moonlight shines through the clouds and my eyes become accustomed to the light reflected on the heath. Apart from black shadows under bushes, everything seems as bright as daylight. Then I hear a faint thud and feel a chill on my neck. I listen carefully. I can sense someone near. Close behind me. Maybe two meters away. Maybe closer. I'm too scared to turn. A rustle. Someone out walking their dog perhaps? Or is it just the sound of winter on the moors?
I turn, but there's not a soul for miles. It's stopped snowing.
A memory comes to mind. A burned-out tree nearby, destroyed by lightning. All that was left was the remains of the trunk; the top brown and charred. I'm not far from it. I step forward.
Around the side of a hill is the rock-face we climbed - its towering presence imposing. It was at the top that Lulu and I held each other, surrounded by endless countryside. I stand motionless, absorbed by the familiar sight, and it feels like Lulu is here with me.
Another memory unfolds. Something she said to me. A Bronte quote. What was it? I close my eyes to concentrate. There was a moment when Lulu had slipped from my arms and looked straight at me:
"Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!"
I open my eyes. The seriousness of her face when she said it. And yet here I am, back on the heath, unable to find her.
Praying feels pointless tonight. I reach into my coat pocket and take out a small bottle of Glenlivet. There's a crack as I twist off the cap. I hold the bottle to my mouth and take a generous gulp. The acrid taste of scotch burns the back of my throat. My eyes are warm with tears and I throw the bottle as hard as I can onto the heath. It lands with a quiet thud and disappears into the snow.
I stumble backwards a moment and through blurred vision, I see the burned out tree. Such a distinctive sight. It must have been hit directly to cause that kind of damage. One side of it is covered in snow and the other is untouched. I walk towards it and see words scratched into the bark:
Andy Martin is a Philosophy teacher. He had a number of articles published in the music magazine Brum Beat. This is his first short story.
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gaiatheorist · 6 years
Blind faith.
(I’m smirking at that play on words, but my left eye is already ‘going’, it remains to be seen, or not-seen whether I’ll be able to see anything at all on the left side soon enough. It’s annoying, but I can work around it by turning my head, and not moving around any more than I need to, having one eye ‘gone’ buggers your depth/spatial perception.)
The NHS is celebrating its 70th ‘birthday’. Inception date, I suppose, and I genuinely doubt there’s much celebrating happening. Someone has posted a link from a BBC Radio programme asking ‘Is the NHS a new religion?’ I was going to say I hadn’t read it, but it’s radio, I haven’t listened to it. My immediate thought? “Is it bollocks!”, I then tangent-bounced through various “Religion is bullshit!” opinions, before remembering that I do have a religion of sorts. THEN I remembered all of the people I wanted to punch after my brain haemorrhage, for telling me I was ‘lucky’ and ‘a miracle’, and ‘must have a guardian angel.’
Semantics, but words are my thing. I wasn’t ‘lucky’, I was a statistical anomaly, the type/grade of haemorrhage I’d had has a statistical mortality rate of between 80 and 90%. The 10-20% of us that ‘wake up’ don’t all immediately shout ‘Hallelujah!’, and claim that we have ‘seen the light’, because a lot of us can’t speak, or see. The dancing in the church aisles has to wait, too. I can mostly walk and talk now. Sometimes I walk into things, sometimes I fall over, and sometimes I assess the risk of walking, and decide to stay sitting down, to avoid significant injury to myself. I can talk in relatively short bursts, until my concentration starts to fog, and I start word-slipping, or babbling absolute jumble. I repeat myself A LOT, and I quite often think I’ve told people things when I’d actually just THOUGHT ‘remember to tell...’ I am in varying degrees of pain at all times, and have only just started accessing prescription analgesics, after three years of gritting my teeth and ‘getting on with it’ through the pain haze. Lucky? I’m alive.
I’m not ‘a miracle’, I’m a stubborn bastard. That obstinate streak could have killed me. When the aneurysm ruptured, when I felt the irregularity in one of the arteries in my brain burst, and was struck down by the most blinding, indescribable pain I have ever experienced, I played it down. I told the friend who was with me that I thought it was a migraine, and then tried not to vomit in my office bin, because I didn’t want to put a dampener on his weekend. I told the ex I needed to sleep, and, when I woke up, and vomited in my son’s bedroom, it wasn’t a ‘miracle’ that he woke the ex, it was his judgement that there was something seriously wrong with me. There was, the rupture was pumping blood into my skull, which is a closed unit as far as circulation goes, my brain was being crushed. It might have been a minor miracle that the ex got out of bed, but that’s just me being bitchy. It wasn’t ‘a miracle’ that the ambulance was eventually sent, or that the ambulance crew eventually agreed to take me to hospital, that was a clinical decision based on my presentation, they didn’t have scanner-eyes, they couldn’t see what was happening. My ‘Glasgow Coma Scale’ rating was around 7 on admission to hospital, I had very basic muscle-response, virtually no eye-response, and was non-verbal, and unresponsive to verbal commands. At that point, I was probably ‘dying’, there wasn’t much of me ‘in there.’ 
Another not-miracle was the clinical decision to send me to another hospital, rather than write-off the drooling, cross-eyed lump that I was at that point in time. The surgeries that saved me weren’t miraculous, they were examples of skill and judgement by the medical staff. (On a Saturday morning, I’ll add, for the type of politician who likes to infer that the NHS is a Monday-Friday 9-5 institution.) I don’t have a time-line for the surgeries, the first one was similar to something from a horror film, the second more of a futuristic science fiction thing. Intubated and anaesthetised, the surgeons shaved a chunk of my hair away, used a bone-saw to make a groove-incision in my skull, and a drill to make a small hole. That’s not the goriest bit. Then, they very carefully punctured the membrane that stops your brain chaffing against your skull ‘subarachnoid membrane’, I think, and it probably made a right old mess, with the blood, and cerebrospinal fluid that was causing the hydrocephalus. Membrane punctured, they laid some sort of plastic tubing from the large incision at the front of my skull to the small drill-hole at the back. (I’m sorry, I should have asked if you wanted a sick-bag.) Plastic tubing, along the surface of my brain, poking out of the hole in the back, and draining the STINKING accumulated fluids out of the water-bomb that had been my brain-sac, into a plastic bag on one of those IV-stand doofers. High-end trepanning, isn’t it? It wasn’t ‘a miracle’ that they didn’t slip with the drill, or the bone-saw, it was technological advances in imaging, that meant they knew how deep to go. It wasn’t ‘a miracle’ that the bit of tubing IN MY SKULL didn’t track bacteria or infections into my brain, it was scrupulous attention to cleanliness and infection control. ‘Drain infection’ is a real thing, I’m glad I didn’t Google that phrase until afterwards.  That was the horror film bit.
What they did next was amazing, a marvel of technology and medical expertise combined, but it STILL wasn’t a miracle, it was ‘hard’ technological science, combined with knowledge, and centuries of medical developments. Also very steady hands. Having drained off the fluids that were physically crushing my brain, it was assessed that the bleeding was coming from a ruptured aneurysm on my Anterior Communicating Artery. Imaging also noted two other aneurysms in there, but science is logical-rational, they weren’t urgent or life threatening, the ruptured one was. Linear-logical-analytical, although my ex and son had been taken into one of the quiet side rooms, and told I might not ‘pull through’, and I wouldn’t be ‘the same’ if I did, the risks of the surgery were minimal, compared to the battering my brain had already given itself, they weren’t going to make me any worse. I can’t even find the scar from that surgery. An incision was made in my groin, over the femoral artery, and a surgeon guided wires and cameras and all manner of improbable machinery into my brain. Science knows that the human body builds scar tissue around foreign bodies it can’t eject, so, that’s what the surgeon did, he fired multiple tiny platinum coils into the burst aneurysm, to encourage scarring. (Don’t weigh my head in at Cash Converters, I assure you it’s worth more to me, and I bite.)  A ‘miracle’? No, science and technology.
‘You must have a guardian angel!’ No, just no. My survival, and subsequent ‘recovery’, although impossible without the NHS intervention at point of need, were all down to me. There’s no delusion of grandeur about that, it was a life-altering medical emergency, with a statistical mortality rate averaging 85%. Most people don’t survive at all, and the majority who do don’t go back to work six weeks later. The NHS is strained beyond breaking point, I wasn’t ‘discharged’ from hospital, because there wasn’t a doctor on the ward, so nobody told me what I was, or wasn’t ‘allowed’ to do. Two weeks after my brain leaked, and my head was hacked into, I just sort of wandered out of the hospital, because the ex was whining about being bored of waiting. Everything after that first two weeks was me, because when I eventually had my rehab clinic appointment, I was an absolute horror, and told the poor woman that I WAS going back to work, that I WASN’T going to ‘be looked after’, or ‘make colour-coded charts for household chores.’ Yeah, I misjudged how ‘better’ I was going to get. My bad. 
Despite having ‘a religion’, I’m not a big fan of the organised mainstream religions. I was raised Catholic during my formative years, and I never quite managed to step out of the ‘Shit, I’m going to get caught!’ guilt-trip, into the ‘if I do get caught, I’ll just atone, and it will be fine.’  I didn’t ‘put my faith in God’ after the haemorrhage, I trusted the medical staff to do the best they could, and hoped my body would eventually repair itself. 
My religion. A couple of hundred years ago, I would have been burned for it, you get the drift. I’m a throw-back, a glitch in the system, because I understand most of how the human body works, based on science, but I can also pinch a bit of a plant between my fingers, and tell you, from the smell, what medicinal value it would have. It works, my son has been prescribed pharmaceutical drugs twice in his entire life, and I’ve successfully treated animals with herbs and aromatherapy oils, you can’t argue placebo-effect on that. I’m that weird old woman, living mostly alone, except I’m not in a tumble-down shack in the woods, I’m in a detached house in a cul-de-sac just off the main road, couldn’t tell you if my right-hand neighbours have two children or three, and today was the first time I ever spoke to the lady-neighbour on that side.    
Here’s the old cross-over between medicine and religion, that old woman in the woods would have been feared and revered, but, with the emergence of science and medicine, that link was lost. I genuinely don’t believe that the ‘pray for...’ Facebook posters have given any thought to the immense unlikelihood of a collective consciousness having any impact on a dog with ham on its face, or whatever they’re babbling about now. I think it’s just a ‘thing’ that’s stuck. We don’t believe that our soul is going to fly out of our nostrils when we sneeze, that’s just snot, but we still say “Bless you.” The ‘thoughts and prayers’ phenomenon drives me insane, I think it’s just as much of a reflex-nothing as ‘bless you.’ 
I don’t think that the people mouth-barbling, or typing that nurses are ‘angels’ are drawing any real correlation between over-worked, under-paid humans doing phenomenally difficult work, and cherubim and seraphim, they’re just weightless words. There has been a shift, with the advent of the internet, and the increasingly litigious nature of society. The ‘man in the white coat’ is no longer as respected or revered, because we all have Dr Google now, and can look up our symptoms, disregard the first result that says we’re clinically dead, and stomp into our GP’s surgery to tell them what’s wrong with us, and what we want doing about it. (If we haven’t actually died during the 4 week wait for the next convenient appointment.) 
My ex father-in-law had prostate cancer. He’s all clear now because he ‘went on the computer’, and looked up emergent techniques available locally. This is a man approaching 80 years of age now, who always followed his doctors instructions to the letter. To the extent that, when I queried whether he should STILL be ‘on tablets’ for his ‘bad toe’, he shushed me, as the doctor hadn’t discontinued his prescription. I can’t remember what the medication was, but it wasn’t intended for long-term use, and accumulated in his liver and kidneys, causing significant damage requiring surgery. From a man who wouldn’t question his doctor, he became a man who would. (Still paid no attention to me, I was just ‘a girl’, not a doctor or nurse...) 
It’s not all good, because the NHS has limited funding, and, if we all demand everything we’ve seen on the internet, and the poor over-stretched GPs are concerned about legal action, we will screw it into the ground. Free at point of use is what we’re used to, but that Gods-like obedience to whatever our doctor says is slipping away. (I know, I’ll only see one of the three doctors at my surgery, because the other two are fond of ‘everybody gets that’, and ‘you survived, what more do you want?’ The third one listens and responds, he doesn’t just dismiss, and THAT is the relationship I need.)  
Doctors are not Gods, we do not worship them. We respect them, but we do not revere them as our spirit-guides, and we know they can’t hex us. The NHS is ‘a Godsend’, in the loosest sense, thousands, if not millions of us would be dead without it, but to ask if it is ‘a religion’ is the silliest of wordplay. People who say ‘Thank God!’ generally aren’t, and people who do ‘Thank Gods’ generally don’t bandy the phrase about, lest it lose weight, a Djinn only gives a fixed number of wishes, after all, and there’s a price to pay. 
I’ve been tapping away at this, in fits and starts all day. I am thankful for the functionality that the NHS managed to save, and I’m wary of the way that the government is asset-stripping and disassembling it. For 70 years, the UK has had free medical care at point of need, and, this week, almost 20 ‘non-urgent’ surgical procedures were removed from the available catalogue of things we’ve always had access to. This anniversary will see many of us reflect on life-saving, and life-preserving procedures, care and compassion. It will also see many people reflecting on why they had to leave the NHS as an employer, lack of funding and cohesive support mechanisms mean that the system can no longer function as it was intended. Is it a religion? I don’t believe so. Is it fundamentally a compassionate and humane service, intended to preserve and prolong life? Almost certainly, for now. Our ‘Christian’ Prime Minister would do well to acknowledge that. 
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
Okay, so today was all around a pretty good day. I woke up to my alarm at 8:45 and got out of bed (even though I didn’t really want to) and started getting ready for church. It was supposed to be like, ridiculously hot out today, which is kind of annoying because it was 40 like two weeks ago and now it’s 90. like, why can’t I have spring dammit?? sigh. but this meant I can wear one of my summer dresses to church for the first time this year, so that’s cool. I grabbed some snacks and headed off. the way my public transit schedule has been going lately isn’t great, because I end up just missing a train out of the station when I get off the bus and then have to wait 11 minutes for the next one, which makes me like, a minute or two late to church (which I know isn’t a big deal really but I hate being late) but like, going earlier means I get there way too early and it’s like, awkward. so I’m a tiny bit peeved about that but it’s not a big deal. Got to church, worship was great, and it was Baptism Sunday, so the message was on Acts 8, not a passage I’d particularly studied before, but it has to do with a guy from the early church named Phillip encountering the eunuch (it’s never really clear if that’s an accurate translation, but not the point) who he talks to about the church and Jesus, and the guy is really getting into it, and is basically “what’s stopping you from baptizing me right now?” and Phillip was basically like shit you right and they went to the presumably close by body of water and he baptized the guy, just off the side of the road they had encountered each other one. The message was specifically focusing on how sometimes people think they have to clean their lives up before they can get baptized, when in reality God wants you to come to Him just as you are. And of course at the end of the sermon they make the call for any person in the church wants to be baptized, they will do it right now, and they do. they always get a ton of people. my service ended up being super long because 41 freaking people were baptized, and that was just in one of three sermons. To add some context to this, the church I grew up in is easily 4 times the size of my church now, if not larger, and they do baptisms like once a month, and there’s like, 4 people on any given Baptism Sunday. And here’s where I really appreciated the sermon and my church’s way of conducting baptism, because that church that I grew up in makes this huge deal about it, before you can get baptized you have to take a 6 week course about I don’t even really remember, but I guess about baptism and its significance. And like, that requires a lot more effort, and it does kind of communicate the message that you do have to clean up your life and make things right before coming to God and that’s just....straight up unbiblical, honestly. Whereas my church says we want you to come right here, right now, and experience the holy spirit. I also appreciated a comment my pastor made about those who were baptized as babies, in general catholic and like traditions, and he said that adult baptism doesn’t do anything to cancel out that, but rather that infant baptism showed an intention for your parents to raise you to follow God, and getting baptized as an adult is the fulfillment of that intention, which is definitely the best way I’ve ever heard it described, he basically attributed the purpose behind baby dedication, which we do, not infant baptism. Adult baptism is never a you have to do this to get into heaven thing, it’s an expression of your faith and a intention to follow God. And man, standing there singing and watching person after person get baptized, I cried so many tears, because it was honestly so moving. Two of the girls who were sitting next to me went up and did it, and their friend was recording it, and I was just like, I feel so happy for them. I just love that we take a we want you to come as you are, come right now, if you’re feeling it we’re going to make it happen, and like.....I just love it all so much. I’m gonna really, really, freaking miss my church if I end up leaving Chicago. I’ve never been to a church like it before, where I felt so much like I belonged and the other members feel the same way I do about the things I consider important (let’s just say we don’t have any Trump supporting gun crazy “evangelicals”, that’s for sure), and like, I now know we have several gay couples who regularly attend and like, that just makes my heart so happy to see, to see people who have been largely rejected by the church, but yet they press on because they want to know God, and they’ve now found a place that accepts them for who they are, tells them that yes, they are made in God’s image, and anybody telling you that you were made wrongly is on the wrong side of the gospel. Well that was a tangent, but I hope you appreciate it. I ended up ducking out a few minutes early because we had huddle up for the kids ministry before the next service, and the current one was pushing an hour and a half, a solid 20 minutes over regular. So we had our huddle and got sent off, I was the only person technically signed up for the babies/walkers room, so one of my friends who’s recently taken on more of a leadership role helping coordinate things stayed with me, for good reason because things ended up being a bit hectic. At first we had 4 kids, and 3 of them were screaming their heads off, (the 4th was seriously the cutest little girl, she was all smiles the whole time even when she took a bit of a tumble I held her for like 15 seconds and she was done crying). So that was a bit much, to say the least lol. One of them is a girl who’s been coming for months and months now and has always been fine, but for some unknown reason she was shrieking her lungs out today, like that really high pitching blood curdling scream that just makes you wince, and she was not calming down, so we ended up texting her parents and they came and picked her up. I have to wonder what happened there. Some kids do just spontaneously develop anxiety issues about being left when they used to be fine, but this was such a drastic difference, it had me wondering if maybe she witnessed something potentially traumatic (I mean, traumatic from the point of view of a 1 year old) but it’s definitely not my place to be suggesting such things, I just wonder about it from a child psychology perspective. I think we ended up with 6 overall, so a pretty solid number. There was a very cute little baby, I think about 3 months or so, and like most babies at that age she mostly just ate and slept, with some minimal crying mixed in. There was a little boy I played with for a while, he was kind of jumpy and definitely could easily fall back into crying, so I had to be careful with him for a bit but then he started engaging and he was fine. Then there was that super adorable little Indian girl I was talking about last week, who is in her prime my parents cannot leave me stage, so her mom was in with her for a while, and like, every time her mom tried to edge somewhat closer to the door she would be all over her pulling her back. Her mom did end up leaving, probably with about 15 minutes left in the sermon, which of course resulted in her furiously crying, but she was definitely improved from last week as far as lulls between crying fits and seeking out comfort from us, so that is progress at least. It can be really hard with some kids, and sometimes it just takes time, but it’s so much easier to get the situated at this age rather than waiting until they’re older, because a screaming 1 year old is much easier to deal with than a screaming 3 year old, trust me. But yeah, overall not bad, there were a couple of moments that were touch and go but we made it through. Headed home after, and once I got here I jumped right into bar prep. I guess what they’re doing is having the lectures during the week and then doing review questions over the weekend, which was the majority of my work today, and then there was a essay writing workshop thing that was.....interesting, I know I need to get over my ego when it comes to writing and accept what I’m being taught, but like.....I know how to write essays lol. I can talk the structural tips and all sure, but I know how to write. so that was not my favorite thing, but we’ll see how it goes in the future. They started with a “reading comprehension” test where they had you read a passage and then fill in the blank of sentences from the passage and like, I got almost all 30 of them right lol. No surprise there tbh. At some point I decided I wanted sushi for dinner, so I ordered that and it came here surprisingly fast, the app said to expect 60 to 70 minutes, but it was here in under 30, so I was impressed with that. I finished up my work around 7, so a solid 4 hours of work, not bad. Then I transferred over to the couch and sat down to watch my great british baking show episodes intercut with the “masterclass” episodes where the hosts show their version of the challenge they just had them made, and that’s mostly what I ddi for the rest of the night, while doing some other computer things like updating the company tumblr like I do every Sunday. And yeah, I watched that until I decided it was time to go to bed, and damn it’s 2:20 already?? I’ve been writing for a long time, clearly, so I’ll end it here. Goodnight friends. Have a lovely Memorial Day tomorrow.
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mycentralpark-blog · 7 years
My Central Park Tour
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The surface of the Rock is one of the best destinations in New York. Having labored on the 71st Ground of the Empire State-Building for quite a while, using many windowed sights of New York City and endless usage of their Observatory, used to do not feel I could be satisfied with all the landscapes in the the Top Of Rock, however they are definitely beautiful and a particular must-see fascination during your visit to Nyc! The landscapes are incredible you need to include several areas of Ny you can not notice including a see of the Kingdom State Building, that is wonderful, from your ESB!
Here are some techniques we learned together with several core strategies for My-Central-Park-NYC's facebook the way that is easiest on my personal visit to find out the Rock's Top.
ONE. Consider the waterfall crystal chandelier that is stunning while you enter 30 Rock. Today have a look at upside down...are you able to you know what it's?
2. Seeing the Empire State Building is actually a genuine treat although both the Top Of Rock and the ESB have www.mycentralpark.nyc superb NYC opinions. There's additionally a whole lot more to do around Rockefeller Center than near the ESB.
THREE. Sunset could be day's most busy time. Viewing the sun over The Empire State Building is actually a delight.The finest time to propose at Top of the Steel is the period that is least crowded, in the morning. If you are blessed, you'll feel just like you've most of New York, and a complete outside floorboards, to yourself for a brief period.
FOUR. Have you ever viewed the renowned picture, known as "Males on Ray?" You know what in the event you considered it absolutely was obtained while the Empire State-Building...it had been taken through the construction of Plaza. Through the excursion, sit on the gleam and appearance along through the glass-floor to obtain of what it was want to have lunchtime at seventy stories high, a virtual sense.
5. The visit incorporates 3-5-minute shows regarding the record of Rockefeller Center, the Rockettes and NBC Studios. Rockefeller Heart Central Park Pedicab Tours was D and was designed during the melancholy. By generating more than 70,thousand work Rockefeller's gift to NY during hard-times.
6. How come John N. Rockefeller on the dime? And the way was itis name got by the Walk of Dimes? A charity was commenced by him and asked individuals Central Park Pedicab Tours to send in their INCH further dimes that were." His encounter was chosen to become on it once the dime was re-designed by the people Treasury.
SEVEN. If you're able to discover a number of the invisible Swarovski bestial crystals built into central park nyc tours the glass walls over the 67th Floor, see. There are at-least several pets that are invisible.
EIGHT. Go directly to the very the top of outdoors observation patio (70th) floors to find the best pics - the only real ground without glass. You will defeat on the throngs and get many gorgeous photos in the process.
NINE. Need to see a side of the Big Apple many miss? There's nothing can beat a cruise about the Nyc harbour, going for a stroll along the terrace together with your supply round the one you love because the solar disappears behind the breathtaking Ny skyline, and then enjoying an excellent food. That's a niche site to observe, as the lighting are fading away begin to light.
10. New York City possess gives cruise options that are numerous. Meal and supper cruises provide high-class encounters. But you will find location lighting cruises, happy hour cruises cabs, The-World Boat, and even an amphibious visit. With a lot of selections there is definitely one that satisfies your dreams that are special.
eleven. Oh, did I-say amphibious? Yep, an amphibious vehicle created after the DUK that is traditional. Unusual hunting, nevertheless it passes terrain and by sea for any tour's many exclusive perspective. This car is capable of getting out of bed central park nyc tours close and particular to people water sites regarding outstanding image options. It just devices away onto the territory once you conclude about the water and the quest continues. The Duk can be an insightful and incredibly interesting trip.
twelve. The Entire World Yacht offers a unique dinning choices and it is a New York experience that is unique. Meal cruises with moving and central park nyc tours amusement final for three hrs and gives the blissful luxury one would anticipate from a Ny yacht. The most effective view of the city.
thirteen. Generally overlooked over a trip to New York is the water's enjoyment. There are numerous distinct corporations giving these water one for every finances, activities. Take the time and check-out what the have has to offer. Enjoyment and truly unforgettable satisfaction waits. Whynot see New York from your other viewpoint , about the water?
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shannonsuxx · 8 years
The Most Awesome “Scruff” Profile You’ll Never See | The Persian Prince Diaries
One of the things that always gravitated me towards apps like 'Scruff' and 'Grindr' was that it markets as a place where gay guys can meet and chat in a comfortable setting. Of course, anyone knows that once you target something toward gay men, you’re simply asking for an orgy of some type. What’s funny about these apps is not that people use it to hook-up (I had my fair share of app-ups), but it’s that people take it so damn seriously; as if the countless men soliciting for sex and posting headless pics of themselves at the gym are somehow mindful about their health, nevertheless their feelings. So, I took it upon myself to create my Scruff profile and add in parts that not only highlight the kind of person I am, but also how ridiculous the people who use these apps are. Needless to say, whenever I open my mouth (or put pen to paper), I tend to offend at least someone in my general audience. I was blocked so many times my account had been suspended… twice. When I emailed asking, “Why is my profile deleted. There is no nudity, sexual solicitations, or offensive material that isn’t suitable for anyone under 17?” I simply got a response of “It’s offensive for mass audiences…” and then received a list of offensive quotes….somebody up in Scruff don’t like me. So, not in protest, but just for sheer irony, I’m posting this here for more audiences to see rather than just the headless torsos who want a BJ: Name: “Little Monsters” Age: 25 Status: Partnered What I Do: “To start, and please take this seriously, I’ve been flagged numerous times on this thing for inappropriate content. And I have a strong feeling it’s because I’m simply too honest. So if you are easily offended or take yourself too seriously, do us both a favor and just block me. That being said: If you think the name is from Lady Gaga, you’re too young and I’m just going to make fun of you. With that, is it just me, or does Howie Mendel in that movie look like a Chinese AIDS patient? I love racism. There, I said it. I like making 9-11 jokes, I point out black people running and then ask you if you still have your VCR, I have yet to find an Asian who can make me hard or drive a sedan, and I’m brown so I can say all that without you PC schmucks playing the race card. I am constantly entertained by the mass amount of Sleepy Hollow fans on this thing. That horseman would’ve loved this app. I’m not hooking up or meeting up with you. If you read too much into this, you didn’t read this at all. However, I do believe in equal opportunity bigotry, so I will gladly laugh and talk with everyone so long as it stays about me and how awesome I am. I’m a student by trade, but a ruff n’ tumble at heart. I like chopping wood and swimming in swamps. I’m distracted easily and still haven’t gotten over that Menudo broke up. “ Activities & Interests: “anything that requires beer… I’m an Indie kid (no, NOT hipster!) so I like all the weird music, movies and books and coffee that them ugly hippie kids like but the main difference is that I both have taste and know what a shower looks like. I like to point out people’s flaws. Not because I’m a douchebag, but because I like to bring you down to earth. For example, nobody cares that you work out at Golds Gym 5 times a week. I also work out 5 times a week – my brain. So instead of posting a picture of you looking like Denise Austin masturbating a tire iron why not post a picture of you reading a paper? You’ll look sexier and you’ll come off less a stereotypical gay douchebag. Tattoos: I have four. One of the first guys that ever sat on my lap had a Chinese tramp stamp, so from then on I vowed to only get tattoos that wouldn’t make me look like a product of a bad 90’s joke (aka Tribal tattoos, Chinese “laughter” signs, etc.) Each one took three years of thought — except the last one which took 30 seconds and a large bottle of Sailor Jerry rum. I also love to watch horror movies. Top one on my list: Passion of the Christ. I follow religion, not church. I grew up with a Muslim father and a Catholic mother so I was able to claim jihad on myself well into my wonder years. Now, I just follow the religion on being an inherently good person… Who happens to judge…a lot What’s in my iPod? The Naked and Famous, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Tycho, Alexander, Starfucker, Lumineers, Yellowcard, Stan Getz, Gemini Club, Kanye West, Digitalism, Cat Stevens… To name a few” What I’m Looking For: “Well, I already have a dude (actually we met through here — so take THAT) and I have great sex whenever I want it, so don’t expect me to be down just cuz you’re not brown. He would call me too “libra” for my own good. I have no clue what that means, I don’t care what that means, I already have one big ball of gas in bed, I don’t need to look up and see more. Leave the astrology talk for someone who cares. Also, we are completely monogamous. So don’t ask if there are some lines I cross. We don’t. I don’t. He don’t. The only line I’ll jump I the taco stand line. Buzzwords: Coachella, Tribe Called Quest, Scott Brown, Grilled Cheese Truck” And there you have it: the most awesome “Scruff” profile ever suspended.
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momdefrazzler · 4 years
Investigating Sensible Plans For Securities and Exchange Commission
They maintain over 484,000 net acres within the southwestern core of the Marcellus Shale and over 137,000 web acres in the core of the Utica Shale. Liberty Media Corporation is an American mass media company managed by chairman John C. Malone https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQ-7KxHc8nny6vsXp4FqHDoXFAurGUGO/, who owns a majority of the voting shares. The plains bear the grunt of the chilly gusts of wind in the chilly season. Frost is a daily guest even though the times hardly ever lack sunshine. Freezing nights are not a welcome proposal to the tourists, even though a couple of guests endure them within the hope of the open ski season on the mountain slopes.
Can you be a CEO of your own company?
In fact, being the CEO of a business you own is almost inevitable. Of course, you can’t be the CEO of a company that doesn’t exist. So, you must establish your business first, and you will become its CEO-automatically. Now, let’s discuss the steps you will need to take to become the CEO of your own business.
While the precise park is one of the most secure places in the neighborhood, due to the variety of drug and alcohol related crimes that happen around Colfax Avenue, Cheesman Park makes the list, albeit on the decrease end. There had been 1,006 offenses in 2015, for a crime density of 1,909 per square mile.
Douglas County Libraries is committed to constructing the following generation of libraries that exceed their patrons’ expectations. DCL will embody public libraries’ noble and necessary tradition as locations of learning.
The resort has delivered more than 200,000 vacations for his or her four,000 plus Members and their households. Full-service relocation & talent mobility providers; serving to organizations manage everything involved in worker relocation. This is a steady job with an organization that will be around for the foreseeable future. Pilgrim ‘s is likely one of the largest poultry producers on the planet, producing wholesome, excessive-high quality meals merchandise that go into some of the world’s best recipes. With the assistance of P2 business customers are actually empowered to perform their very own self-service evaluation and create their very own stories.
Dirt lot, broken windows , trash strewn all over the place, beat down vehicles, the park MANAGER is missing enamel/wears a dirty mumu, and three-legged dogs. Last week, the city came out with a fireplace truck to raise somebody up in the growth to take pictures for code violations. I probably wouldn’t walk round at night time in Sheridan (Hampden/285 at Federal up to Sheridan) both. Contrary to what Denver locals believe, Denver does NOT have ghetto neighborhoods. Sure there are run-down neighborhoods and there are low-revenue ones the place you might feel uncomfortable however there aren’t any ghetto neighborhoods in this metropolis.
The Case For Private Equity When Stocks Tumble
The average high temperatures in early fall are in the heat 70°F (21.1°C) to eighty°F (26.7°C) range, and the typical low temperatures are in the delicate forty°F (four.four°C) to 50°F (10°C) range. that draw tourists from all around the nation to its wilderness and natural beauty.
They are devoted to creating every of their communities really feel like house. They foster an atmosphere of kindness, respect and friendship and encourage you to make use of social areas to meet your neighbors. Children’s Hospital Colorado is a nonprofit hospital for kids positioned on the Anschutz Medical Campus near the interchange of I-225 and Colfax Avenue in Aurora.
They start with prenatal care and go all the way through leadership development for certified younger adults. They take a protracted-time period strategy to what they do and go beyond Lone Tree simple involvement within the lives of the kids and families they serve. Cimarex Energy Co. is a company engaged in hydrocarbon exploration.
Students receiving internship provides earlier than November 9, 2020, on account of on-campus recruiting might be given till November 23, 2020, or two weeks from the date of the offer, whichever is later, to make a decision. Any scholar receiving an extra internship supply after completing a previous internship together with your agency or firm shall be given until November 30, 2020, to make a decision.
Importance Of Entrepreneurship:
This darling boutique in Cherry Creek embodies the non-public type and spirit of its founders, Molly Fortune and Abby Miller. Denver born and raised, the 2 have a ardour for fashion and town they love. The boutique and model is based off of Abby’s profitable blog, Denver Darling, and their goal is to bring timeless kinds and excessive-quality clothes at an accessible price point. Amethyst Coffee Company has established itself because the espresso shop for baristas and coffee connoisseurs in the city – in a matter of just a few years, too. And extra importantly, proprietor Elle Jensen has turn out to be a widely known advocate for coffee professionals, especially ladies, gender non-conforming, gender queer and transgender people.
Littleton Public Schools is a premier college district located a few miles south of downtown Denver. LPS is the only school district within the Denver metro area to receive the Colorado Department of Education’s highest accreditation rating all seven years it has been offered. And with a historical past of close neighborhood ties, LPS has passed every bond election delivered to a vote. Larimer County is likely one of the 64 counties within the US state of Colorado.
Larimer County contains the Fort Collins, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is located at the northern finish of the Front Range, at the edge of the Colorado Eastern Plains alongside the border with Wyoming. Bagels is an American bagel and coffee chain that serves scrumptious meals produced from the freshest and most interesting ingredients. This respected bagel shop provides guests with freshly baked bagels, breakfast sandwiches, espresso, lunch sandwiches, and a lot extra.
Both Carrie L. Gomez and Yari Figueroa are the creative administrators and co-homeowners behind the powerhouse group at SCY Pictures. Shop on your Lone Tree vacation presents while supporting a great cause with Pearl Street Lights, a candle firm based by Kerry Humphrey.
What are the 12 characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?
The 12 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs 1. They take what they do seriously.
2. They make it all about the customer.
3. They make the big decisions carefully.
4. They aren’t scared of the road less traveled.
5. They harness technology.
6. They invest in themselves.
7. They are constantly learning.
8. They’re not afraid of risks.
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In addition to both frequent and rare houseplants, you’ll also find lovely pottery, handmade decor items, houseplant-associated instruments, accessories, gift gadgets and extra. Fig + Yarrow was born in 2010 when proprietor and apothecary artisan Brandy Monique turned a senior class project right into a model of well being and sweetness products which are utterly rooted in nature. You’ll find a wide range of natural skin merchandise on their online shop, together with cleansers, masks, serums, toners and extra. Plus, 10 percent of all sales at Fig + Yarrow go to the Rumi Foundation, which distributes donations to non-profit organizations devoted to animal, human and environmental wellbeing.
CHI is a nonprofit, faith-primarily based health system formed in 1996 through the consolidation of three Catholic health techniques. The firm was formerly known as New World Restaurant Group Inc. and adjusted its name to Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc. in May 2007. Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc. wad based in 1992 and relies in Lakewood, Colorado. Delivering ‘Low Fares Done Right’ is the driving philosophy of Frontier Airlines. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, this American low-price provider has been recognized as the eighth largest business airline in the United States.
Beyond the perks, staff rave in regards to the office culture and the CEO. Not solely that, it’s one of many top corporations headquartered in Denver. The workplace culture focuses on development, innovation, and empowerment. And not only that, they make a unbelievable product – Zoom is broadly considered top-of-the-line software program corporations in denver. As considered one of hte most successful companies in downtown Denver, you possibly can expect an inclusive office tradition, paid day without work to volunteer, and free monetary advice.
It’s not stunning that we’ve seen a steady influx of corporations shifting to Denver and others increasing their presence. Here’s a look at a number of of the latest standouts so far into 2020. Part of the Mile High City’s enchantment contains its high variety of people 25 years and older having a bachelor’s degree , massive number of millennials, and the lure of the outside lifestyle. Please be happy to contact us for a list of some of our shoppers who will enthusiastically attest to our expertise and outstanding IT service, or try the shopper testimonials we have gathered on our website.
Whether you’re keen on the outdoors, need to discover the mountains, or enjoy cultural activities, Colorado can provide all of it. Before shifting, you additionally want to think about your budget and some of the cheaper cities to stay, work and play in Colorado. Find all of the transport options for your journey from Denver Airport to Denver Marriott Tech Center, Greenwood Village right right here. Rome2rio shows up to date schedules, route maps, journey instances and estimated fares from related transport operators, making certain you can also make an informed decision about which possibility will suit you finest.
I used to ship Meals on Wheels in Athmar Park, Valverde and Barnum. Not an area to walk round in, however there may be little to no industrial development there, so no must be in the ‘hood except you live there . One of the key takeaways for me was that are fairly a few extra assaults per capita in Lodo than any of the neighborhoods that individuals typically contemplate ghetto.
E2 was based in 1988 to ship environmentally targeted providers associated to water and wastewater. Since then, the agency has grown and broadly diversified to provide engineering, environmental consulting, oil and gasoline pipeline engineering, infrastructure operations, and remediation-associated providers. Gevo, Inc. is a renewable chemicals and superior biofuels firm headquartered in unincorporated Douglas County, Colorado in the Denver-Aurora metropolitan space. The firm develops bio-primarily based alternatives to petroleum-based merchandise utilizing a combination of biotechnology and classical chemistry.
P2 Reporting brings collectively knowledge from all areas of the business to permit for cross-functional evaluation and collaboration. P2 supplies a comprehensive vary of upstream oil and gas software. At FirstBank, they’re lucky to have the financial stability, outstanding staff, and the best customers they could ask for. Ever since, they’ve maintained a robust commitment to comfort, friendly and intelligent customer support, and loyalty to their staff.
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