#seriously wtf was this episode
tobyfromthebearwell · 5 months
So, yknow how historical figures sometimes have nicknames or titles they're referred to by? Like Queen Mary I being known as Bloody Mary. I was thinking about what Kipperlilly would be known as in the history of Solace.
Picture if you will you're a citizen of Solace reading a history book or wikipedia-esque article about one the legendary Bad Kids' worst enemies and this is what the intro says:
Kipperlilly Copperkettle also known as Kipperlilly Copperpetal, Copperlilly Kipperpetal, Cippergililly Kepperpetal, Kipperface Pennybottle, Kindlesnap What's-her-face, Kettlechip Krispy-kreme, Clamface Cunthead, Cottoncandy Bitchfuck, Mollykiggins Kippermedley, Milky River, Biscuit, and Littledoggy Girlcollar. She is also sometimes referred to as The Clerickiller. It's unclear whether or not she was actually a teenage halfling girl or just four different dogs.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 7 months
Eclipse, Ruin and all of the Infernal Machine staff are standing outside... As the sound of something large shuffling around inside can be heard. Along with some strange bird calls...
Eclipse: Alright... Who did it? I'm not mad I just want to know. Who put an emu in my bar?
Bartender 1: Honestly Eclipse, I have no idea. I just came back from the stock room and it was right there... And then it chased me out.
Bartender 2: Yeah I just walked in to start my shift and it was there. It had hate in its eyes. It looked like it was going to frickin mangle me so I backed up and went out the same way I came in.
Eclipse: (Sharp inhale) Oh... I think I can beat it in the HATRED department.
Ruin: Eclipse don't, I'm calling animal control.
Eclipse: That'll just take too long, it's a stupid bird. I've got it. (Goes in to deal with the big angry flightless bird)
Bartender 1: ...You think he can get rid of it?
Ruin: (Sighs) Well, Eclipse has a sea of untapped rage... But if the entire army of Australia couldn't beat these things, I don't think he's going to be very successful here.
(It's like the sound effects of Solar vs Jack, although with a lot more swearing and bird calls)
Bartender 2: Still... Who let's an emu into a bar? Was it a prank?
Bloodmoon: (Nobody even noticed he was coming up behind, initially for a kill... But now intrigued by the conversation) What is an emu?
The two human bartenders jump, Frank waves and Ruin is unfazed as he's looking up the number of animal control.
Ruin: A big angry flightless bird that Eclipse is most likely fighting off with a broom... Trying to get it out of the bar. But I think it's winning the fight.
Bloodmoon: (Chuckles and races inside, sensing a challenge)
The sounds increase 10x now peppered with the sounds of Bloodmoon laughing and snarling... Before all goes suddenly still... And Eclipse, rather disturbed, pokes his head out of the main door. Although it's clear he's splattered with a lot of blood.
Eclipse: ...okay... So somebody go around and try to drag one of the dumpsters out here to the front. We gotta dispose of an 80 pound dead bird... Wait... Oh gross... A... A 76 pound dead bird, no wait... Damn he's still eating it... 70 pounds? ...65 pounds... Wait... Wait DON'T YOU DARE THROW UP!!!
Ruin: (After a moment, changed from looking up animal control to something else...) Ah yes hello, Grimsly Crime Scene Cleaners? My name is Ruin and I am inquiring to see if cleaning up a mutilated emu in the middle of a Steampunk Bar might be something your services cover? Ah... Yes? Oh that's covered in your cleaning packages? Jolly good, I shall see you in a bit then!
They never speak of this incident again...
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daydreaming-robot · 2 months
EXCUSE ME??????????????????
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My parents: happily watching my favorite piece of media and enjoying it
Me in the corner: slapping the pillow out of excitement of the “seaweed brain” and “wise girl” drops, listening for a small child yelling for Bianca(12:30), shaking my head at the four pearls, biting my nails over THE SOLSTICE IS OVER?
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Ninjago fans hate old people. Unless that old people be Garmadon. Garmadon is a dilf. He got pretty emo boy privilege apparently.
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rabid-rat-thing · 1 year
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joanfk fans migrating en-masse to kahlopatra and tophabe after the most recent episodes.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
I feel like I'm losing my mind. Like this has to be a thing right? It's a thing I experience at least. Please please please tell me abt ur experience if u do 🙏
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rainparadefromhell · 10 months
this is what would happen if manuel ever came out to dante probably like 10 mins later
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just-jae · 3 months
"Apology Tour"
Helluva Boss in respects to the episode "Apology Tour", demonstrates an overt shift in storytelling that not only went far out-of-character, but handled their portrayal of a toxic relationship, ironically in a toxic way.
To start, Im aware that the show has had storytelling flaws, and have since moved on and accepted that it's ultimately unplanned story subject to retconns (Such as with Moxxie, Stella, Octavia and Stolas) as well as just not going in any particular direction sometimes, especially given these are relatively new characters and personalities, and a story started as a small side-project with only one planned season, compared to Hazbin Hotel, who's characters have been in development since Viv was a kid, whom she had a clear and set vision for by the time Hazbin Hotel started production.
That being said, these past few episodes give me an impression that the focus of their story is shifting, due to the lacking cohesion between prior setup and Apology Tour and the one-sidedness in this episode's story, even if we only rely on the show's content for context.
They set up that Blitz is self loathing, having developed a deep-seated self hatred after causing the death and traumatization of people he cared about, internalizing other's opinions, effectively having given up on being the person he wants to be and considering himself a failure in that regard.
But, its not just self loathing, as Apology tour insists so strongly. Its also disillusionment with love. Blitz once knew love in the form of his mother, Fizz his best friend, and (maybe) his sister at least into his pre-teen years. He even attempted to confess feelings for Fizz with a letter on his birthday, and still cares about his sister enough to go look for her when she leaves the insane asylum.
He nearly believes Stolas's texts and his words in Full , because that's who he is at his core, someone who loves and longs to be loved, but convinces himself that Stolas doesn't actually mean what he says, and thus acts accordingly. Somewhere along the line he learned that "It's an act" after being betrayed, abandoned, or otherwise hurt by people he trusted with his heart. People like his father, Fizz, exes, or even people he set up performance act for, whom ultimately rejected him-- hence why he gave up.
"You tried a solo act, it didn't work out so well."
Unlike Stolas, who, since birth has been raised by emotionally distant, fake people who pretty themselves up despite being rotten and who "pretend to want to fuck his scrawny twig-ass" (his wife btw) because they have to. Honestly, I don't know why he'd consider his relationship with Blitz to be any better than his wife's.
Because they were drunk the first time i guess >=>… Seriously was that episode even canon--
Blitz went into the room already certain that Stolas was getting bored and about to cut him off, making efforts to appeal to Stolas-- a guy whom he considers an unpleasant chore to be around, insisting "I can do better". He even begs, that he'll do anything with DESPAIR -- as if expecting to be even more uncomfortable just to maintain their arrangement. And this moment shows clearly that Blitz never wanted to do any of the stuff their "relationship" is built on. He's there because those are the terms Stolas set for being allowed to use his book.
"Once a month, you return the book to me, followed by a night of passionate fornication!" Stolas, as usual conveniently ignores that this is the situation Blitz has been in since they met and proceeds to act like Blitz is the jackass for hating him AFTER ADMITTING THAT THEIR RELATIONSHIP was "NOT RIGHT". Blitz doesn't even initially steal from Stolas (when they're children) because he wants to, but because his dad is making him do it.
In Full Moon, Blitz snaps and goes on a rant about "Everything you've put me through" and how people like Stolas have tended to treat people like Blitz, because just as Stolas feels hurt, Blitz has also been hurt, as much as he tries not to be, such as the sentiment he expressed in "Ozzy's" (Which, btw was their last serious on-screen conversation), that Stolas has made him feel used more than anything. Even if Blitz initiated their arrangement, Stolas trying to make it an emotional relationship feels like a lure to be hurt, and having to reject that offer, especially after seeing a genuinely loving relationship, also forces Blitz to verbalize WHY he rejects the offer, being that at no point has Stolas done anything but sexualize Blitz and disregard his own disinterest and discomfort, which has been apparent throughout the serise.
Blitz has, up until this point, made it blatantly clear that he hates having sex with Stolas, and avoids doing so unless he needs to maintain access to the Memoir.
Blitz has been completely transparent about how he feels about their relationship from the get-go.
ALL that being said, it's becoming apparent that "Apology Tour" marks a noticeable shift in the storytelling style, where the writers are starting to portray specific unrelated life experiences through these characters, even if it doesn't line up with the situation set up by previous episodes.
In apology tour, Blitz not only doesn't take Stolas' breakoff seriously, but doesn't even believe that Stolas genuinely doesn't want to fuck anymore (despite having started the episide thinking he was getting bored, and having a history of breakups). And even exhibits behaviors of being possessive of Stolas, going over to his house to insist on nothing being different, getting angry when Stolas kisses another guy, even claiming that he "Stole" his bird.
In apology tour he's angry at Stolas, not for putting him in an emotionally vulnerable position, but for being emotionally vulnerable and rejecting his sexual advances, which felt not-only OOC as fuck for Blitz but resembled traits of a narcissist more than someone who was self loathing or emotionally insecure. He even says shit like "Stolas always wants to talk to me" as if suddenly he can't fathom that someone doesn't like him or doesn't want to be with him rather than the opposite mindset that's been set up throughout the series.
Apology Tour wants to tell a story of projected self loathing, but uses experiences with narcissistic tendencies to do so, through a character that, prior to this specific episode was anything BUT, and whom specifically had a history of initiating breakups SPECIFICALLY because he didn't think people actually loved him and were just luring him in to be hurt (or because he was predicting things were starting to go downhill and just decided to be to first to jump ship).
I can tell this episode is a depiction of personal experiances with breakups from certain kinds of toxic relationships, but the entire time these characters didn't feel like themselves but other people in their skins.
What bothers me, specifically, is that in sympathizing so one-sidedly with Stolas, Apology tour villainizes Blitz, and disregards the mistreatment HE'S endured from Stolas, suddenly blaming him for Stolas's insecurities and heartbreak when AT NO POINT did Blitz ever pretend to like their arrangement or be interested in Stolas. AT NO POINT were they ever even in a relationship. It was a transactional fucking that STOLAS required for Blitz to use the book. Stolas catching feelings doesn't obligate Blitz to suddenly put his own heart on the line, especially when he's already vulnerable in that he relies on Stolas for his business to operate.
STOLAS HIMSELF admits that their relationship was transactional in FULL MOON. AGAIN, Stolas was the one who made sex the requirement for getting the book in the first place when he could have just been lending Blitz the book without that.
This whole time STOLAS has been the one controlling the terms by which their relationship is maintained, and never made an effort to pay attention to how Blitz felt about it until Blitz actually told him no, even then he completely disregards the obvious vulnerability and fear of being hurt to focus instead on Blitz's self loathing.
"Why cant you just open up to me--someone who's talked down to you multiple times, litterally called you a plaything, needlessly disregarded your boundaries and discomfort, and who exploits your need of me for sex-- and just admit that you hate yourself?? I've tried so hard to be nice to you since the first time you refused to do what I want! Why aren't you giving me what I want?"
Like. TF? How is Blitz the bad guy here?
This could have been remedied just by swapping the character's roles.
Stolas should have been the one portrayed as a clingy, emotionally deaf asshole, (That he's been since his first appearance), who struggles to comprehend genuine love and actually being loved-- as opposed to Blitz who's just afraid of loving and self-punishing.
Blitz should be the one who's catching a break here.
An alternative approach to this story: Blitz realizes there's another way to get to the living world, and warily asks Stolas to help him get it, even offering to keep banging afterward as thanks, or, taking a risk that maybe Stolas genuinely cares about him. Stolas is too insecure to actually choose to give Blitz that freedom and potentially never see him again, and/or take him seriously at first because he's so sure everyone's happy with the current arrangement-- an arrangement that, frankly he's familiar with after living with his wife for years.
Maybe this could reveal that Stolas just felt that, being used/needed (for the memoir) was the only way he was even going to get close to something resembling a relationship and just hesitated a bit too long, causing Blitz to quickly back out and go for the crystal himself. Then maybe Stolas shows up to help anyway and they have a similar conversation as in Apology tour, without the made-up "we all hate this guy, its all your fault, you're the shitty one" party that, if anything just reinforced Blitz's self loathing.
Seriously. The dude's even a better dad than Stolas is-- he actually pays attention to Loona, and is capable of loving her and interacting with her even when she's a dick bc he's used to people being dicks and not kissing his ass when they're not drunk-- unlike Stolas.
So why does Apology tour make the entire situation Blitz's fault and make him soley responsible for their and EVERY "relationship's" failure? Why isn't Stolas made to confront or even acknowledge the way he's treated Blitz up until Ozzy's? (except for some flirting in a filler episode and some texts on a phone)
Why does the show make it BLITZ's obligation and responsibility to be sensitive to Stolas's feelings and vulnerabilities and to be vulnerable to Stolas after a majority of their relationship BY STOLA'S OWN ADMISSION has been transactional with Blitz being the one reliant on Stolas and therefore having an unfair power dynamic?
Because its not their story, they're being used to tell someone else's story.
Stolas sure does prop himself up as making efforts to be kind and loving pretty often. I guess that's why his daughter hates him so much and feels unloved and abandoned, why Blitz never felt loved by him, and why we literally see Stolas abusing and bossing around imps that work for him, if not talking down to them like he does to Moxxie and Millie.
I can accept that the show is veering more toward using the characters to tell personal stories, and that the change is probably going to cause a loss of serial cohesion, but this was such poor way to handle the relationship and dynamic between these two characters and is infantilizing and glorifying Stolas as a pure -of-heart sweetie way too much.
Because we even saw before, that when when they're just cuddling, Blitz adores it. He likes the idea of a relationship, and having someone to hold, in a non-sexual way but can't let himself actually be vulnerable, especially not with people like Stolas who talk down to and take advantage of his reliance in order to maintain access to an asset they need to run their business.
This was careless. It's like watching a truck full of baggage veer across several lanes to make a last-minute exit onto a different highway and spill half of its bags all over the road in the process.
I had a problem before when they tried to portray Stolas as a kind and caring father who's done nothing to earn his daughter or spouse's spite. And I have a problem now when they try to blame and villainize the person who had less power in a relationship and has been shown not only being mistreated and used but capable of loving and respecting others, as shown with his relationships with Loona and Moxxie, and emotional vulnerability even when they don't want to be.
I do appreciate that they're putting in effort to portray painful personal experiences, but for fuck's sake at least review the history of the characters you use to tell the story before you go and blame someone in the LOWEST CLASS OF SOCIETY who RELIES on the other MUCH MORE POWERFUL person for FINANCIAL STABILITY and whom ALREADY PANDERS to SEXUAL DEMANDS AGAINST THEIR OWN PREFERENCE for the failure of a NON EXISTANT RELATIONSHIP and FOR NOT LETTING THEMSELVES BE VULNERABLE WITH SOMEONE THEY ULTIMATELY DONT TRUST.
I was actually rooting for them to finally break tf up because it's toxic af, and they somehow managed to make me hate it.
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Literally they could have just swapped their roles and made the story make a lot more sense based on the setup, but No, Stolas is the sweet and innocent romantic one that needs saving and Blitz is the tough, cold hearted, reads hand, clingy jealous ex with narcissistic tendencies… for this one episode…
Okay upon looking into it further it looks like a lot of the mismatch between what Stolas says and what Stolas does is intentionally him being in his own head. I really wish they would make that clear instead of Blitz being portrayed as such an ass-- like more assholish than usual, having an entire party of people who hate his guts in particular as if he's somehow worse than the average hellspawn, and having Blitz not refute most of the criticisms Stolas throws at him.
Like, the most Blitz has to apologize for is blowing up at Stolas for trying to help him, but. That's all he did, yelled. He even waited for Stolas to reply and even tried to apologize. So. Idk, if they're really gonna chalk all this up to "It's Stolas being in his own head" they-- I want them to come down so hard on his ass after this.
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mikereads · 5 months
“You and Tommy have the right idea. Hang out with the boys!” -Gay, that is gay sir!
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samiiola · 1 year
we need to talk about this. Some people in the MD fandom are now sending death threats to Liam and Glitch because of ep 6 (v dying, nuzi canon, basically that) people need to respect liams decisions. It's his OWN show, not yours. So stop trying to send death threats to Glitch and Liam just because it didn't fit your expectations.
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sevenines · 8 months
i’ve been listening to/watching many (many, many) reactions to steven universe (because that’s what you do when you become newly obsessed with something. see what everyone else thinks about it and drive yourself mad) and it’s so interesting to see all the unique ways people tackle it and the common threads between them all.
there’s podcast recaps (pressure to over-analyze) vs youtube reactions (pressure to overreact). everyone knowing the show (yay) vs fans guiding newcomers (interesting) vs everybody being blind (often disastrous). don’t mind silly fun? they love the first season and amethyst’s character. told about how ~deep~ it gets and expecting only that? they love pearl and have to be dragged through the beginning. even how they chunk the episodes affects things—in watching episode-by-episode, people go the most mad as they try to squeeze meaning out of episodes they can’t yet appreciate until later (or are just. bad at analyses.). in chunks of two, people assume su will have much more horror after watching frybo and cat fingers back-to-back. and chunks of 5 are completely different too!
this only skims the surface. i can watch any episode of su and point out which jokes usually make people laugh, what people pick up on, and how their opinion of the situation reflects on whether they have mommy issues.
#steven universe#the ‘thats what you do’ comment was a joke ftr#i love seeing yt comments be filled with the same people btwn diff channels#bc i know they’re on my journey too!#the most popular one is s/orta stupid reacts bc they are quite intelligent and respectful#s/putnik’s spyglass is fun bc u can tell the reactor got truly invested!!#g/allifrey gals gets so emotional even at the ‘silly’ episodes they’re my favorite ;-;#s/pilling the milk is stupid humor. but they genuinely love the show and will defend it ALWAYS#(though it’s more apparent if you watch their uncut reactions and watch them wrangle twitch chat)#podcasts have been more disastrous for me.. the hyper-analysis format for newcomers not only sets up unfair expectations for the show#but also are almost always all over the place which is the podcasters’ decisions!!#they can talk about their personal lives! i’m listening to it all for free#(also it’s funny bc 99% of podcasters say how no one is watching them meanwhile im there. watching them.)#but it’s just not as enjoyable. also they tend to have really annoying opinions srry.#had to listen to two guys seriously discuss steven and amethyst as a ship. without mention of the age gap WTF?#and in another some guy said how ‘he can’t consider su best television if they keep having silly episodes’#acting all pretentious like know your genre smh#oh and podcasters tend to be guys so i have also listened to guys be like sadie and amethyst r so ugly :/#and ‘when will there be male gems i can’t relate to any of the characters if they’re all girls#oh there’s steven? he’s a fat kid though’#<-none of these are exaggerations it’s really painful#for podcasts i recommend ‘the b/its su podcast’! they’ve watched it all before and everyone’s queer so it’s all great :)#it’s still ongoing too#now i sound harsh on podcasts bc i don’t mention the bad yt reactions ive seen#(and i’ve seen them)#but idk there’s not many good reaction podcasts#now you may be reading this and think i’m writing wayy too much on the topic of reactions random ppl on the internet have for a show#and you’d be right. BUT i’m like those little kids that get frustrated when a movie has no interactability#i have to listen to people say the s1 finale was underwhelming as i scream in my head how they’re watching the wrong order bc h/bo max sucks#yes i have gone crazy. i truly mean it when i say i have watched and listened to SO MANY of these
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Wait did it seriously take them like 5 seasons for me to finally see Zuma driving/piloting his Mission PAW vehicle...?
I don't remember seeing him driving it before. I remember seeing it being loaded into the truck but not being driven. I need to check all Mission PAW episodes before the one I just watched again later. This can't be. I must have forgotten. What the fucking hell--
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 4 months
is there any magical girl anime still out there that doesn't have any fanservice? Shows like Precure, Cardcaptor Sakura or Madoka?
And if there isn't, are there at least any shows where the fanservice isn't with elementary school girls?
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krisssssssy · 9 months
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“Even if others forget your name…I will always remember.”
Episode Ardyn: Prologue
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torchickentacos · 3 months
Posting low-effort Contestshipping memes every day until CS Day: Day 4- This counts as tangentially cs related, right?
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