#seriously: I thank my mom for the early tunes that molded me into someone who enjoys music from all walks of life!
gentleoverdrive · 2 years
(148/?) When the winter comes, keep the fires lit, and I will be right next to you.
TW: This concerns the tragic passing of a beloved actor. If that sorta thing doesn't jive with you, feel free to skip this entry. It's understandable.
---- Saw the news earlier today that voice actor Billy Kametz lost his battle against cancer and it fucking gutted me. Beyond enjoying his fantastic delivery in many projects, the impression I had from every friend/associate/acquaintance that got to work with him and told me about him is that dude was an pleasure to work + get along with. ---- And, like, people need to understand: Those people? You cherish those mo'fos in any work environment. Anybody who can bring that twinkle into your eye + make you bring your A game? Those are the sort of people you associate with, that you check up on and that you try to make sure are around to help you out. ---- Even if this all sounds really cold and detached, losing a good dude just like that doesn't fucking jive with anyone. I mean, 35-- Thirty-Five years of age. That's fucking young. That don't make no sense. But then I remember: It's chaos, be kind. Cherish those you have and are grateful for while they're still in this plane of existence. Life is short like that. ---- Vaya con dios, Billy. Cuídese mucho por favor.
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rachellesedai · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Nancy (and Kal)
EATFU High School AU
     Kal slouched down in the back of the Mercedes, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. He hated it when his mom insisted on driving him to school. She made it seem like a huge favor. He should be grateful she made time for him at all with how busy she was at work. He just wished it didn’t feel like she was keeping track of all the favors and expected him to pay up someday.
     He got out of the car and breathed a sigh of relief when she drove off, already on her Bluetooth, without waiting for a goodbye. He trudged up the steps and down the hall, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he remembered he’d never finished his Algebra homework. He was racking his brain for yet another excuse when Az came belting around the corner and practically slammed into him.
     “Are you trying to kill me?” he snapped.
     “Not today.” Az grinned. “We’re going to have so much fun tonight.”
     Kal shook his head, a smile creeping onto his face. Az was crazy but she was his best friend, practically his only friend in this miserable place. They’d met the first week of freshman year in detention. Kal had only skipped class, but Az was there because she’d dyed her hair cobalt blue, not to protest the dress code, just because it was her favorite color.
     They stopped at their lockers. “What’s going on tonight?” Kal asked as he grabbed what he needed for the first two periods.
     “Your birthday.” Az paused, rolling her eyes as Kal blinked. “Don’t tell me you forgot.” She punched him in the arm. “What is wrong with you? You only turn seventeen once!”
     Kal shook his head. He had forgotten. So had everyone else, apparently. Everyone except Az. “It’s not that big of a deal,” he said.
     “It will be by the time I’m done.” Az grinned, a wicked twinkle in her eye. She shoved a couple notebooks into her giant turquoise purse. “Your birthday is going to be epic!”
     “Why? What did you do?” Kal cringed, thinking of the trouble that usually followed that look.
     “I’m not telling.” Az smirked. “But it involves bottle rockets and lots of alcohol.”
     “We can’t get arrested again,” Kal protested, grinning in spite of himself. “My mom won’t save our asses a second time. She made that perfectly clear.”
     Az shrugged. “We’ll be fine.” She glanced at her phone. “You’re going to have to run to beat the bell.”
     Kal groaned and sprinted down the hall to the sound of Az’s laughter. First period was the only class he cared about being on time to. The only class he cared about at all, really. He’d had to use all his charisma to convince his mom to let him take band. She was determined to mold him into a mini version of herself or at least that’s what it felt like. He’d had to prove that most prestigious colleges wanted a well-rounded student and music would balance his transcript.
     Of course, none of that would matter if he failed Algebra. Still, she had insisted he choose piano and take lessons from ridiculously overpriced tutors. It wasn’t his first choice, but at least it was music.
      He slipped in the door to the mad caterwauling of everyone tuning their instruments. The bell sounded a second later.
      “Cutting it a little close, aren’t we, Mr. Valor?” Mrs. Jensen gave him a stern look.
      “It won’t happen again,” he said, flashing her a brilliant smile.
      He slid onto the piano bench and ran his fingers over the keys, playing a few scales to warm up. He sighed, closing his eyes. Music made him feel alive like nothing else. It was like falling into his own little world.
      “As if she’d ever write you up,” a teasing voice whispered, “you know you’re her favorite.”
     Kal opened his eyes and glanced over at the girl next to him. “Hey, Wick.”
     The tiny red-head shook her head as she finished cleaning her flute. “That’s not my name,” she said and stuck her tongue out at him. Kal laughed, but when Mrs. Jensen turned toward them Miss Lilli Wickett was looking straight forward, a picture of innocence. Her curls bounced as she straightened up, bringing the flute to her lips.
     The band instructor frowned at Kal before tapping the music stand with her baton. “All right, ladies and gentlemen, let’s see if we can keep it together this morning. From the top…”
     The rest of practice flew by. Kal was always astonished at how quickly it was over compared to the rest of his day. All of his other classes were either insanely boring or some form of hellish torture. Gathering his books, he gave the room one last, wistful look before heading out the door.
     Kal raised an eyebrow as Wick fell into step beside him. They both had honors English next period and often walked together, but she seemed particularly jumpy this morning.
     Hugging her books to her chest, Wick smiled up at him. “Happy birthday,” she blurted out.
     “Thanks,” Kal stammered, “How did…”
     “Az told me. At least, you said you were a Scorpio and I asked her. Anyway, happy birthday.” She looked away, a slight tinge to her cheeks as they continued walking.
     Kal swallowed, running a hand through his hair. For some reason none of his usual semi-flirtatious responses seemed appropriate. “So, do you have any idea what kind of craziness Az has planned for tonight?” he finally said.
     Wick shook her head. “She didn’t say anything about it.”
     “You and Ellie should come. I’m a little terrified to face whatever it is alone.”
     “I’d like that.” Wick smiled as they walked into the classroom and took their seats. “We can work out details at lunch.”
     “Sounds good.” Kal leaned back in his chair. He kept glancing over at Wick’s profile as the teacher droned on about John Steinbeck. He grinned, a warm, lighthearted feeling spreading through him. He hadn’t expected today to be any different from his other birthdays. But for some reason he felt like Wick had tipped the scales in his favor and he might actually have a good day for once.
       Kal frowned, crossing out another column of numbers that didn’t add up the way they were supposed to. “Damn letters shouldn’t be allowed in math,” he muttered, shoving a few more fries into his mouth. He sat at the lunch table hunched over his notebook, glaring at the treacherous symbols that refused to make sense in his brain.
      “You are not allowed to make yourself miserable today,” Az said, plopping down across from him. She reached over and shut his textbook.
      “Hey! I need to finish that.”
      “Not necessarily.” Az leaned in. “We could always take off and actually have fun for the rest of the day.”
     “I don’t know.” Kal shook his head. Escape, however fleeting, was very tempting. “My mom will kill me if I get caught cutting class again.”
     “Whose cutting class?” Wick said brightly. She slid in next to Kal, setting a tray of food on the table. Her friend, Ellie, sat next to Az, a slightly disapproving look on her face.  
      “No one,” Kal muttered.
      “I think it sounds like a great idea,” Wick said, smiling at Az who was struck momentarily speechless.
      “Seriously?” Kal grinned.
      Wick nodded. “It’d be an adventure.”
      “As long as your pretty little friend doesn’t squeal,” Az said, frowning at Ellie.
      “She won’t,” Wick replied, “She’s coming with us.”
      “I am?” Ellie looked from Wick to Kal. “I thought we were making plans to go to some kind of party tonight.”
     Kal glanced over at Az. He hadn’t told her about the additions he’d made to her birthday plans. He gave her a pleading look.
     Az sighed, rolling her eyes. “Tonight will be awesome. We’re just starting a little early. Who’s in?”
     “Do you really think we can all sneak out without anyone noticing?” Kal rubbed his hands on his jeans and looked at Az. “You know the evil Ms. Cazna will suspect something if she notices we’re both absent.”
     Az shrugged. “It’s a risk we will have to take.”
     “I can get us out.”
     Everyone turned to look at Ellie, varying expressions of shock on their faces.
     “How?” Wick demanded, suppressing a giggle.
     Ellie sighed. “I have a free period after lunch. I always pick up the attendance sheets and take them to the office before going to study hall. I’ll mark us all present and meet you after. That should give us an hour’s head start. All you guys have to do is get out of the building without anyone seeing you.”
     “I don’t believe it.” Kal shook his head as Wick bounced up and down in excitement.
     Az grinned from ear to ear, giving Ellie a nod of approval. “Why?” she asked.
     “Someone’s got to keep you three out of trouble.”
      Kal took a deep breath of salty air. A laugh escaped him as they scrambled down the scrub covered slope and onto the beach. Az kicked off her shoes and ran to where the foamy surf kissed the shore. She screamed as the cold water sloshed over her feet.
     Wick twirled around, her red hair flying. “This is amazing,” she gasped.
     Smiling, Ellie deposited the bag of convenience store snacks they had bought onto the ground.
     “I still can’t believe we pulled it off.” Kal sat down on the sand and stared out over the water. Wick sat down next to him and untied the laces to her red sneakers. Pulling them off, she gave a low sigh as she wiggled her toes in the sand.
     Ellie joined them on the ground. Pulling a package of pixie sticks out of the bag, she gave some to Kal and Wick.
     Kal poured the colored sugar into his mouth, the taste bringing back fuzzy memories of a childhood filled with sweetness and laughter.
     “Come get some snacks,” Wick yelled to Az who was still running back and forth, playing tag with the waves. She didn’t seem to hear and continued her mad dance along the shore.
     “She’s having too much fun,” Ellie said as she opened a can of soda.
     “And you’re not?” Wick teased.
     Ellie shrugged. “I never thought I’d do anything like this, but I have to admit it was an insane rush, just walking out the door like it was no big deal. I was sure someone was going to stop me and demand to know where I was going, then make me go straight to detention.”
     “Well, no one can make us do anything for the next few hours,” Kal said, “enjoy it while you can.”
     “I think I will.” Ellie stood up and strolled out to where Az was standing ankle deep in the water. Kal shook his head as the two talked for a minute and wandered down the beach, neither one looking back or asking if he and Wick wanted to join them.  
     He glanced at Wick who was smiling at nothing in particular, humming a little song. “Do you want to see something cool?” he asked.
     Wick turned toward him, shading her eyes from the bright sunlight. “Better than this?”
     Kal nodded. He stood up and held out his hand. A smile danced in her eyes as she took it. “There is a cave in the cliff a little further down the beach,” he said as he pulled her to her feet. They walked along the shore. The sandy slope to their left giving way to rocky ledges that gradually grew higher until a craggy cliff towered above them.
     Kal pointed to a shadow among the rocks where the cliff jutted out before curving back inland. Water swirled around their feet as the tide ran out, leaving a rippled surface of wet sand leading up to the cliff face.
     “Are you sure it’s safe?” Wick asked as they approached the entrance.
     “It fills up during high tide,” Kal said, “but it’s fine right now. Just watch your step. The rocks are slippery.”
     Wick took his hand as they stepped inside. The walls were worn smooth, sand and pebbles drifted up against them. They curved up and around to a hole on the far side. Light shone in through the roughly arch shaped opening reminiscent of a natural cathedral window.
     “It’s beautiful,” Wick said as they made their way over the rocks and up the sloping floor. “Lift me up so I can look out.”
     Kal’s cheeks warmed as she steadied herself on his arm. He cupped his hands together and she put her tiny foot in them. He boosted her up high enough for her to grab the lower edge of the opening and peer out. The sunlight lit up her face, her curls glinting like a rosy halo.
     “What do you see?” he asked, struggling to maintain the awkward position.
     “The sky.” Wick’s voice was soft. She released her grip and he lowered her down. She twisted around and Kal found himself looking into her eyes. He swallowed, realizing that his arms were around her. She stared up at him, her hands resting lightly on his chest.
     “Do you like it?” he asked.
     “I love it.”
     Kal took a slow breath. He knew he should play it cool, let go of her, and make a joke about something to relieve the tension. But he couldn’t turn away. The warmth glowing in her eyes, the joy in her smile, it stirred something deep within him, a tiny flame of hope, the hope that happiness was real and even someone like him could find it. He had to remind himself to breathe, vaguely wondering how long he had been staring into her eyes.
     Before he could find the words to even begin to explain what he was feeling, Wick stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him. A jolt of something electric and exquisite coursed through him. His arms tightened around her and he leaned down, savoring the feel of her lips on his. Wick’s hands slid up around his neck and into his hair, pulling him closer. For a moment everything else fell away and they were the only two souls in the universe.
     Then Wick buried her face in his chest and suddenly they were back in the sea cave. He kissed the top of her head, still holding her close. Kal took a deep breath, shaking his head as he heard Az and Ellie calling their names. Wick started shaking with laughter and tipped her head back, a wicked smile in her eyes. “Shall we hide?”
     Kal shook his head, but couldn’t stop smiling. “You know they’d never stop looking for us.”
     “True.” Wick tossed her head, red curls bouncing. She took his hand, lacing her fingers through his and led the way out of the cave and over to where Az and Ellie were walking toward them. Kal shrugged as Az gave him a knowing smirk. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this, but today was definitely turning out to be the best birthday ever.
 (Happy birthday, my sweet daughter! I wanted to do so much more and have them run into Finn and Lucas, but I ran out of time. Maybe there will be more later. Love you. Mom.)
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