epsombiblechurch · 3 years
Belief Determines Conduct Through my Attitude of Trials
Sermon Recap
What do you do when things don’t turn out as you expected? How do you respond when faced with a difficult situation? Do you grow stronger or grow bitter? Who do you look to when things happen in your life that don’t seem fair?
We continue our study of James with the second sermon in the series. Today Pastor Ric helps us dissect James 1, verses 1-4, considering each chosen word carefully and what they mean for us as Christians. 
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                                     Scripture Focus: James 1:1-4
The human experience is filled with bumps, twists, and turns, some expected- others not.  One day you are walking along smiling, and humming, listening to the birds sing, life is just great, when suddenly you trip and tumble into a hole, a pit, its dark, and cold, and lonely. That pit is not at all where you planned to spend your day, month, year, or how ever long it takes you to get out. But there is where you find yourself. Now what will you do about it? 
James tells us exactly what we should do, what we must do: 
Consider. Choose what to focus on, what you will have faith in. Trials can either strengthen your faith in God, or grow bitterness in your heart. Remember the parable of the sower in Mark 4:1-20. We are the soil, and Jesus is the seed. Which type of soil are you?
Know. Know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. All Christians will endure trials, age old trials spun to a uniqueness that is only for you.  For a Christian trials are not to test whether you have faith but rather, to grow and strengthen your faith. Like a school teacher God tests our faith with a loving dedication. Faith is a belief system, the object of our trust.  Are you placing faith in something, or someone, other than God? 
 Let. And let the endurance have its full effect, so that you be mature and complete, lacking nothing. Feel the full impact of the trial, and let it shape you. Do not run from it, hid from it, or make excuses for it.  Feel the pain, heartaches, and hurt.  Let it redefine you. Let trials produce within you a character more Godly than you previously imagined was possible. 
God works in your life through trials. Trials are often painful, there are times when we cant wrap our heads around why God would have us endure something so hard.  Be strong in your faith, knowing that what you are experiencing is ultimately good for you, and is for a greater purpose, even when its hard to see that. Let the trials you endure bring you closer to God, not further away. Remember that even Jesus did not wish to endure his painful death on the cross, He prayed HARD that God would find another way but since it was the only way, Jesus endured, as it was a necessary step on His journey to become the Savior of all. We must face our trials in that same manner, with a strong faith, and knowledge that God only gives us what we can handle.  
It is said that true growth happens on the other side of our comfort zone. Life’s trials place us outside our comfort zone in so many ways. When we are secure in our faith in the God who loves us we can endure hard things, knowing that He always has a grip on our lives and our circumstances. Our loving Father never tempts us to sin. The difference between between a test, and a temptation is our attitude about it.  How are you looking at the trials in your life? Are you letting them shape you to be more like Christ, or are you letting them harden your heart?
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officialrevkelley · 7 years
Regranned from @ifortchurch_ - Power For Living Bible Study 8/10/2016 #Sermonrecap #revkelley #soarthenextgeneration
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christcharm2316 · 8 years
DO IT AGAIN by Christine Epa | Sermon Recap | Feb. 26, 2017 |
Scripture: Joshua 24: 1-15 NLT Joshua wants to close the loop before he has no longer with the people. He wants to help them understand the magnitude and the meaning of some of what they've seen and experienced under his leadership. Joshua wants them to understand how God has fought for them so that they will be confident and will continue to do so. And he wants to leave no doubt about the reason for what God has done and the meaning of what God has spoken. - Sometimes to appreciate where you currently are in your life, you have to circle back to where God has delivered you from... - Sometimes you need to circle back to see how far you've become and to see how Jesus changed your life. - Sometimes you have to see things come full circle before you can fully understand them. - God always wants to use you to do something beyond you can imagine - sometimes you need to go full circle before you see what God has done in your life - we need to circle back to the place where we started to see how FAR God has brought you! - God will bring you back to where you started. - sometimes we can't see things till we come full circle - spiritual progress is NOT A STRAIGHT LINE- it's a Loop! - are you living in the LOOP? - growing in your Faith doesn't always mean you are in a new place, but a different person. - just because the situation doesn't change, doesn't mean your life isn't - you might want God to change the situation, but maybe He wants to CHANGE YOU First AND MAKE YOU BETTER! - Circling isn't the same of being stuck - The situation or challenges that you're facing right now is not permanent. Temporary lang yan. - Things above are eternal. Things on earth are temporal. - Colossians‬ ‭3:2-3‬ ‭ - you can choose what you FOCUS ON - we don't see miracles sometimes cause we don't know what to look for! - FAITH- I BELIEVE IT, THEN I SEE IT! - God has your back and also your front- he gets you out of your troubles and sets up your Success. - God has your front, back and sides. He has covered you in full circle. He makes a way where there is no way. - Exodus 14:13-14 - Sometimes what God is doing in me is more important than what I want Him to do for me. - Romans 8:28 - God is able to bring good out of those bad situations. He will cause all things to work together for your good. Take heart, put your trust in His unfailing love that will save and carry you through those difficult times. - God sees what we are going through. Jesus came down to handle it, died for us and rose again - He already handled our situation - Hebrews 4:15 - Close the loop in your heart knowing that the Battle is won and that God is in control of your situation. - John 16:33; Hebrews 6:19 - Hebrews 12:2 - Throughout the Bible God reminds His people again and again how He has help them in the past, and He also promises that He will continue to help them in the future. God knows that sometimes we need reminders in the difficult times of how He has led us in the past; these are faith reminders, they give us something to hold on to, something to keep us strong when the difficult times come. Joshua 23:8 (Easy English Clear Word) - “Hold on to the Lord and do what He asks you to do. He has helped you before, and He will Do it Again.” - the last part of this verse is a beautiful reminder of how God worked in the past and a solid promise that He will Do it Again. - God is always faithful to His promises to you and He will always be there to carry you through. - God has done it before and I believe He will do it again. - No matter how you may feel or what your emotions tell you during difficult times, God has a great future for you. Not only does He has a great future for you, He's also got the plan to get you there. - Jeremiah 29:11 - Don't allow your negative situations and emotions to alter what you believe. - Expect more of His favor, goodness, love and grace in your life. Believe that He will make a way when there seems to be now way. - Psalm 27:13
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kcoker · 9 years
The Grace of God given to us through Jesus Christ changes lives!
“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.”  Ephesians 2:1
... without Christ you are DEAD
“ remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.”  Ephesians 2:12
If you SEPARATE from Christ, you have nothing to anchor your soul to
People that don’t know Christ are FOREIGNERS and instead of trying to speak their language, we yell what we believe at them
People without Christ are HOPELESS - there is nothing outside of Christ that you can permanently anchor your soul in
WITHOUT GOD you have no peace, no assurance, no hope - apart from God everything is impossible
“But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved.”  Ephesians 2:4-5
If you are not walking in freedom then you are probably not walking with Jesus
When you’re alive spiritually and together with Christ you can weather the storm
                        ALIVE & TOGETHER >>> CITIZENS
“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of His household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”  Ephesians 2:19-21
“He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.”  Ephesians 2:17
He preached peace and because of peace we can have hope!
He doesn’t always remove you from a situation but he places himself in  OUR lives to give us HOPE!
“And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”  Ephesians 2:22
Dead, Separate, Foreigners, without Hope, without Christ <<< Alive, Together, Citizens, Hope, In Christ
“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.”  2 Corinthians 4:15
So what’s your next step?
PRAY; not only for your church but pray about your part in the church
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cravechurch · 10 years
Do your emotions determine what you do in life? Check out our sermon recap to find out the consequences. 
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theislandchurch · 11 years
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Conquering Faith is believing God is, God can, and He will do it for me. Most people believe God is.They believe God can do anything. But they don't believe He will do it for them. 
They think... 
I'm not good enough. 
I didn't go to church last week. 
I'm not reading my bible like I should. 
I hardly ever pray.
We fall into a religious trap. But, I don't read my bible to gain favor with God. I read my bible because I am a Christ follower and I want to be more like him. I know he responds to faith and I know what Romans Says. 
Romans 10:17 - So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ
I've lived most of my life in that religious rat race of trying to be good enough. I hate it. I've failed miserably. But when I realized God loves me not for what I do but for who I am in Christ. It was a freeing day.
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"Who Loves An Offender?" Genesis 3:8-17
My notes from church this morning.
Often times we can't see ourselves as the offender because we prefer to play the role of victim.  Adam was being questioned by God regarding eating the fruit from the forbidden tree and instead of Adam owning up to the offense he made, he blames Eve.  When God went to question Eve, Eve then blamed the serpent.  The interesting to note is that God give both Adam and Eve an opportunity to redeem themselves by questioning them.  God didn't have to question them to get an answer because God is all knowing, He knew what Adam and Eve had done but He was given them a chance to be truthful about it.  
We miss our moment of freedom when we decide to play the role of victim instead of offender.  We make excuses for why we do what we do instead of owning up to our mistakes.  This was the problem with the Pharisees in John 9:39-41.  They were so caught up in their own ways that they didn't see that they needed a savior!  
We all need Jesus because we have all committed offenses against the Most High God.  Instead of the Most High God killing us all He decided to redeem us.  Jesus came down from heaven and God became flesh.  Jesus went to the cross and died for offenders like you and me, the one who had no offense took on an offender's death.  He did this because He loves us!  So the question to Who Loves An Offender? Jesus does.  Jesus loves you, yes you!  Even though you committed sin after sin after sin, He still loves you and wants you to come to Him and take His love.  
Once we have this love of Christ we are supposed to share it with the dying world.  We are supposed to extend love to the offender and let them know that there is a Savior who loves them dearly!  When we extend this love we also have to walk in forgiveness and forgive those who have committed offenses against us.  We forgive as Christ has forgiven us.  You have been forgiven for your sins, so why hold a grudge against people who have done you wrong?  Extend the love of Christ to them, they just need Jesus that's all.
"Who Loves An Offender?"
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officialrevkelley · 7 years
Regranned from @ifortchurch_ - Power For Living Bible Study 8/10/2016 #Sermonrecap #revkelley #soarthenextgeneration
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theislandchurch · 11 years
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Ephesians 6:15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.
In our culture shoes are more fashion than function. And here at the beach flip flops are all you need. But let me remind you, you don't play football in flip flops. There are different shoes for different purposes. 
The roman soldier this verse is referring to was wearing sturdy yet comfortable leather sandals with spikes on the bottom so he could last through long marches and keep his footing on the battlefield.
Often this verse is taught as being strictly about a readiness to go and share the gospel. But as you can see a few verses earlier there is a huge emphasis on standing firm.
Ephesians 6:13-14 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, 
We have to learn how to stand in peace before we can go in peace. Your standing in peace is a weapon of destruction against the enemy and an enticement to the world. 
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Sunday Sermon Notes: The Mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5)
Here are my notes from this Sunday's sermon.
Philippians 2:5 - We have to put on the mind of Christ in everything that we do.
Philippians 1:6 - HE will continue the work in us.  We just have to get into the Word in order to keep ourselves energized to keep going.  The Word of God is what keeps us going and we don't have to worry about the work that He started but He will finish it.
Philippians 1:12 - We can't look at what happens to the Pastor or to our leaders because the enemy attacks in order to stop the purpose from going forward.  At all times we have to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.
Philippians 1:21-24 - Paul was heavenly minded at all times, always ready to be with Jesus in heaven.
Sometime we have to allow stuff to die, if it dies He will resurrect it we don't have to.  If God wants a relationship to continue, He will resurrect it stop stressing over it.
Romans 7:25-8:2 - We have to remember to put on the mind of Christ because the flesh will give us trouble.
1 Corinthians 15:10-11 - Stop stressing over knowing what your past looked like and feeling like you are unworthy to serve Jesus, it's by God's grace that we are where we are.  It's His grace and mercy that got us here and we have to stop walking in condemnation because He has made all things new.
Mark 11:22-24 - Don't be afraid to ask Jesus to meet you need because what ever you ask in His name shall be given to you as long as it is in the Father's will.
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Sermon Notes: The Battle Is God's (2 Chronicles 20:15 & Acts 23-26)
First, let me just say that church today was interesting and surprisingly the Word for today was short but still powerful.  Pastor reminded us that The Battle is God's and that we have nothing to fear in this life.  Often times we think that this is our battle that we are fighting but once we trust in God, we no longer have to fight He does it for us.  All we have to do as His children is to trust in Him.
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Sermon Notes: "None Of These Things Move Me" Acts 20-22, Psalm 16:8
On Sunday, the Word that was brought forth was a reminder that no matter what is going on in life it shouldn't keep us from pressing forward towards the things of God.  Paul explains in Acts 20-22, how he had many threats on his life and that in every town he went there was trouble.  Nonetheless he didn't allow any of these things to move him, he keep pressing on and doing the job that was given to him.  In these chapters, Paul also describes the encounter he had with Jesus. 
In Psalm 16:8, David explains how he is encouraged by the hope of God.  We now know that this hope of God is Jesus Christ, our hope is found in Jesus.
So when trouble come, just say "I will not be moved!"
When people talk about you, just say "I will not be moved!"
When you don't feel like it, just say "I will not be moved!"
No matter what happens our response should be "none of these things move me" from pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ!
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Sermon Notes: Led By the Spirit (Acts 17-19)
Today's sermon was all about being led by the Spirit and why it is important to be led by the Spirit.  As always my Pastor likes to "walk the bible" so I have a number of scriptures to share.
Matthew 4:1
Jesus himself, who was full of the Spirit, was led into the wilderness by the Spirit.  This occurred in order for Jesus to be tempted of the devil.  Tests show us what's on the inside of us, are we going to let the Spirit arise or the flesh arise.  Jesus told the enemy to get behind Him.
Romans 8:14
You know you are a son of God, when you are led by the Spirit.  To be called a son of God means that you have grown in the mature things of Christ, you are not longer a babe in the faith.
I Corinthians 12:3-4
You know when you been hanging around the Spirit because you aren't able to bring false accusations on Jesus and Jesus is your Lord.  Now, many of us have Jesus as our Savior but not our Lord.  For Jesus to be our Lord means that He is ruling in our lives and is calling all the shots.
Acts 17:13
The devil is always stirring up trouble because he is trying to fold the ministry that is on the inside of you.
Acts 17:28-31
We are the "offspring of God".  We need to repent from worshiping idols and turn to Jesus and be led by the Spirit.
Acts 18:24-28
Grow in the things of God.  We are always learning and never think that you can't learn from somebody.  God is not a respecter of persons, He will use anyone to teach you something about Him.
Acts 19:13-20
Don't play with spirits because if you don't have the Spirit of God on the inside of you they will mess you up.  Walk for Jesus for yourself, not trying to walk in the power of someone else.
I Corinthians 12:4-11
God has given us gifts and talents.  These gifts and talents are meant to uplift His Kingdom and edify the body of believers.  This doesn't mean that everything has to be a "church" thing but what we are using our gifts for, shouldn't be going against the Word of God. 
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In order to get ahead in this world they say that you have to know the "who's who", well when you have a relationship with Christ you know The Who's Who!
Pastor Shirley Young
"Godly Thinking, Self Image"
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Sermon Recap: "A Great Work"
It has been a while since I've done a 'sermon recap'; so back to it I go.
Yesterday's sermon was wonderful.  My pastor has been a little discouraged lately, I know because I'm in the leadership, but I heard the fire in her voice yesterday morning.  The sermon topic really says it all "A Great Work".  The text came from Nehemiah 5-6.  The focus scripture was Nehemiah 6:1-4 
 1Now it came to pass when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had builded the wall, and that there was no breach left therein; (though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates;)
 2That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come, let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief.
 3And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?
 4Yet they sent unto me four times after this sort; and I answered them after the same manner.
King James Version
First she explained that whenever someone wants to take you to a place called "Ono" don't go!
Then she jumped into verse 3 and explained that when you are doing the work of the Lord, you are doing a great work!  Don't allow people or situations to pull you away from the great work of the Lord.  The work of the Lord should cease because we left to go to a place called "Ono".  We know we not supposed to be going there but we go.  We know we not supposed to be doing it but we do it.  The place of Ono is the place of temptation you get the people of God, off of the great work of the Lord.
She left us with these words.
Living in the Spirit Church you are doing a great work!  A great work in the Lord!  Don't stop doing a great work; why should the work of the Lord cease?  Remain faithful in the work of the Lord and He will show Himself faith to you.
Keep on doing "A Great Work"!
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Anointed for the Assignment
Yesterday, I went to church with my grandma because it was her 67th birthday.  I am very familiar with her church because it used to be my church home.  Bishop Kelsey, the pastor, delivered a message that really sat with me entitled "Anointed for the Assignment".  I don't have my notes with me at the moment to give a proper review of the sermon but I do remember that he focused on David.  As soon as I get home I'll share my notes with all of you.
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