struwberrie · 4 years
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•Day 4: Distance•
facetime dates for when your bfs abroad
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wikipoodia · 4 years
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prince todo and thief sero for seroroki week day 3: fantasy
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struwberrieangel · 4 years
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•Day 6: Timeless•
some happy newlyweds for today's prompt :')
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countlessdaydreams · 4 years
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Based on an Ironman scene, supposedly for Serorokiweek ✌️😗✌️
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donny-donuts · 4 years
December 25th, Day 8
Free Day -> "Hero Santa"
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Todoroki, overreacting: "If you change the first letters of your full name, "Sero Hanta" become "Hero Santa"
How come no one in Class 1-A noticed that before?!"
Sero, slightly concerned but amused: "As an expert about complotist theories, you should have realized it sooner..."
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Christmas Cuddles
sero hummed as he set three small ornaments on different places of the mini tree, turning back to his soulmate. “how’s it look, love bug?” todoroki looked up from his phone and gave a thumbs up with a smile.
“perfect as usually, babe.” he said and sero blushed a little and chuckled.
“even if it’s the smallest tree?”
“even especially so.” todoroki hummed, standing up from his bed and lightly kissed sero’s nose before nuzzling his face in his neck. “i think it looks perfect.” he murmured. sero smiled and hugged his boyfriend.
“gracias amor..” he said. the two stayed that like for a while, rocking side to side with each other. “whaddya say we put on some christmas movies on the laptop, hm?” he asked, patting down his mixed colored hair.
“...yeah. i’d like that.” todoroki muffled into his neck, pulling back where sero caught his face in his hands and cupped his cheeks.
“te quiero.”
“yo también te queiro..” todoroki said back. sero smiled widely and kissed him, happily.
“your spanish is getting better, hm?” sero whisper-teased on their lips, stepping back to his desk and moving some things around to find the movies.
“yeah, probably cause i have such an awesome great teacher..” todoroki giggled, jumping back on the bed. sero laughed and grabbed his laptop, jumping next to him and shuffling the first movie in. “what’s this?”
“polar express, of course.” the tape boy said, leaning back in his pillows. he patted the spot next to him and todoroki laid on his chest instead. sero chuckled and sneakily slipped a santa hat on both their heads. of course, the dual wielder didn’t see such an action coming and he snickered, reaching up to kiss his cheek.
“you’re so cute...merry christmas, hanta.”
“feliz navidad, sho.”
Day 8: Free Day
a/n: why not another relaxing day with latin sero for a last seroroki prompt,,,MERRY CHRYSLER YALL
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madysenpaiart · 4 years
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Seroroki week 2020 - Day 5 Sci-fi
I chose an X-Files AU!
Also a bonus meme bc I think I’m really funny:
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struwberrie · 4 years
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•Day 5: Sci-fi•
took a few artistic liberties w this one bc I will be 100% honest i had NO IDEA what to make w this prompt
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struwberrie · 4 years
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Seroroki week is here baby!
• Day 1: free day •
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struwberrie · 4 years
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•Day 3: Fantasy•
sweep your local prince off his feet!
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struwberrie · 4 years
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theyre watching christmas films..
•Day 2: holiday•
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donny-donuts · 4 years
December 21st, Day 4
Distance more like
“Go to Distance”
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Todoroki: Sero, we might have a problem
Sero: At 3.30 A.M?
Our school day hasn't even started, what troubles could you have?
Todoroki: The "Thing" happened again
Sero: Oh, fuck
That's a serious matter
So, what kind of "Disney Nightmare" did you do this time?
Todoroki: Well, I remember I was at the cinema watching “Hercules”
But something seemed quite different about the movie
Sero: In which way?
Todoroki: You, as Hades, freed the Titans to fight the last epic battle against Iida...
I mean Zeus.
Sero: I’ve become one of the most charismatic Villains ever, at least
Go on
Todoroki: Right after, Kaminari in a Hermes’ disguise began to alert all the other Gods even though you were almost managed to win
Sero: “Yes! Hades rules!”
Todoroki: However, before you actually claimed your conquer, Kirishima arrived on the Olympus to save the day from the Evil Forces
Sero: He's the main character, isn’t it?
You know, the story until now don't resemble a bad dream at all
Todoroki: Indeed
But the whole situation worsened when Eijirou started to sing "Go to Distance"
Very bad performance if you ask me
Sero: How is it ended, then?
Todoroki: Everyone lost the will of fight and Hades surrendered
Your last words were “I’ve changed my mind, I prefer to remain in the Underworld instead for hearing a wonderful song ruined like that"
Sero: It's something I'd say to him, as the good friend I am
Out of curiosity, was there any Bakugou in your nightmare?
Todoroki: Yes, he played the role of the satyr Philoctetes
Sero: ...
Todoroki: ...
Sero: Today I'll laugh at Katsuki everytime I'll see him in class
And I have to thank you for this
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Red Nightmare
content warning for blood and some slight gore
“hanta..” some whispered. sero clapped his hands over his ears and huddled in his corner.
“no...no...stop it. stop it..” he mumbled, closing his eyes. “i won’t look at you, i don’t wanna look at you.” his lips quivered as he felt a hand ghost under his chin, forcing him to look up. “NO!!” he screamed, pulling his chin back.
the hoarse voice whispered loudly. . . suddenly it started to form into...a familiar voice.
this time sero relaxed himself, slowly opening his eyes. that voice was... todoroki’s voice. sero gently uncovered his ears and relaxed his body, leaning back on the wall. there stood his lover in front of him, dirt speared on parts of his face as he extended a hand to him.
“is everything alright, my love?” ‘todoroki’ asked with a slight smile. sero carefully reached out to him before taking it back.
“no...no. i’m not gonna answer you..” he whispered to himself.
“what?...” todoroki froze and pulled back. “but hanta, you know it’s me. you can trust me right?”
...trust? todoroki lunged forward on his knees to take sero’s hands in his own, gripping them tightly. sero’s breath became ragged and his lip quivered at the close contact.
“i-i don’t know..” he gulped.
“a-ah, you’re always unsure, aren’t you?” todoroki tried joking with him, gaining a little nervous chuckle from sero. the tape boy shook his head afterwards. “i know the way out of here, come on.” todoroki pulled him up to his feet and without any hesitation, he dragged sero behind him.
leaving him hopelessly dangling at his heels, sero did his best to catch up with his strides.
this hallway...seems endless. sero breathed quietly, turning his head every which way for anything out of place. and that was the problem. nothing felt wrong.
“s-sho, how far long is this hallway?” he asked. suddenly they stopped and sero fell face first into shoto’s back. he was beyond nervous at this point. “s-sho-?” he gulped, tugging on the back of his shirt.
“not my name...”
sero stopped at his words and looked down at their conjoined hands. stuck together like glue. no matter how hard sero pulled and yanked, neither could let go. “shoto!!!” he wailed in a panic, tears coming back to his eyes.
with every cry and pull, the paintings on the plain wall cried with him. they were crying blood. and for every painting that cried, their background was shaded with red blood.
a final pull wore out sero’s energy and he stopped. “...sho?...” the person was quiet now standing eerily still. he wouldn’t turn around, wouldn’t face him. so sero did it himself. he walked in front of todoroki, immediately screaming of horror.
it’s like his body had just been cut in half, blood pouring from every open part of his lifeless body, insides turned outsides. “SHO!!!” sero cried, pulling at their hands again. he looked down to see if any sign of progress had been made and only found...
neither of their hands were...human hands anymore. too bloody to see which was which and what was what. sero didn’t dare move. the blood climbed up his arm, practically swallowing his limb.
“this is how it’ll go right...? ...right?...”
too much energy lost and sero let him and the lifeless half body of his lover get eaten by this blood of a monster.
and then he woke with a start. todoroki was already up, confusion on his face. sero looked at him, holding both his cheeks.
“...we just had that same nightmare, didn’t we?” todoroki asked. sero nodded with a sigh of relief. “we’re never watching that movie again.”
“ten times agreed.”
Day 7: Horror
a/n: mini slight wholesome ending cause idk how to end stuff🧍🏽‍♀️
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donny-donuts · 4 years
December 23rd, Day 6
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"Everyone likes old-fashioned fairy tales, isn’t it? Somehow, they still have a timeless appeal.
That must be true considering how an incredibly huge number of volunteers were so eager to help Sero Hanta.
Due to Midnight’s Quirk, our “unusual Sleeping Beauty” spent unconscious almost all the Joint Training between 1-A e 1-B and, as a well-known story said, a kiss could possibly wake him up.
For the following half an hour, Todoroki and Tokage with several of their own classmates violently fought each other in order to decide who will become his "Knight in Shining Armor".
Only one person last until the end: Shouto Todoroki"
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Alien Boy
todoroki twirled in his chair, a bit bored, as he looked up at the ceiling, spinning. he hummed softly to himself, kicking his feet and bobbing his head to the beat in his head.
his first mate interrupted his jam session and todoroki quickly sat up straight, faced the wrong way. “yesssss?” he turned slowly, embarrassment written on his face.
“w-we’ve found some sort of creature while on exploration. uraraka and asui took them in to see if we could gather any intelligence from it.” midoriya said a bit nervously. “we’d like you to come and look at it with us in the lab if you will.” and with that, he gave a slight bow and left.
todoroki cleared his throat and stood up, fixing his uniform and heading after midoriya. they ended up at the lab at the same time, uraraka, asui and iida already huddled around the subject. todoroki’s footsteps alerted the three as they stepped back to give their captain some space.
he bent down to the alien’s level at a safe distance. the alien carefully lifted his head and at the sight of the captian, he began speaking...something that was very unfamiliar to the entire crew.
“does anyone have the trans-scan?” uraraka looked around and midoriya fished around in his pockets frantically.
“right here, ribbit.” asui raised a thermometer looking thing and handed it to the captain. todoroki thanked her and put it against his forehead for a while before attaching it to the alien’s head.
“you may speak-”
“greetings! i am hanta sero and you all must be earthlings!! my deepest apologies for crashing next to your ship. my friends and i got lost from our main home and sadly cannot get back.” the creature spoke quickly, almost too fast that a couple of his words were caught. “i dearly hope that you could at least help me.”
the crew looked at each other a bit confused and todoroki held out his hand for sero to latch onto.
“sure we can.” he gave a soft smile and sero gripped his hand with a gasp.
“thank you, thank you, thank you mister earth man!”
afterwards, the other four went off to at least do something to put progress into it while todoroki stayed and talked with sero.
“hey mister shuto? what’s earth like?” the alien asked out of curiosity, tilting his head. todoroki chuckled and shrugged.
“shoto. and...well it’s like any other place i suppose. lots of people scattered in different places around the entire planet. different tastes of food, and power. different sights everywhere to see. it’s just a wonderful place to be but space is a lot better.” todoroki sighed.
“ohhh, earth does sound lovely.” sero hummed, kicking his feet on the ground. “my planet isn’t like yours. we’ve only got one ‘power’ but we get a lot of freedom!” he snickered. todoroki chuckled again and looked at his wrist bracelet.
“ah, do you...eat? like food?” he asked. sero thought for a bit. “he had to think about that-?!”
“yeahhhh but i’ve never had human food before!” sero suddenly seemed excited and bounced up and down in his spot. shoto slipped off the lab counter and gestured for sero to follow.
“well then you might here for a while, so enjoy it while you can.”
Day 5: Sci-Fi a/n: tbh with you i expected this to be better but i did it bye 
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donny-donuts · 4 years
December 22nd, Day 5
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“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”
Deku: “Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and a apprentice”
Todoroki: “Can Midoriya be Yoda’s secret love child?
Sero: “I don’t care, I only want my laser sword and to drive the Millenium Falcon”
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