#servamp niccolo carpediem
favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Niccolo Carpediem (18th August)
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to-spend-time · 5 months
Maybe team M or the wrath team being cute together?
Hope you like it 🤧
maybe wrath team soon?
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Degital this time 😇
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l-darklilac-l · 10 months
Happy birthday, Niccolo 💚💕💚💕💚
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katzkinder · 3 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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pocket-luv101 · 3 months
Licht: If the Shit Rat if bothering you, I will be mean to him for you.
Niccolo: Oh, no. It’s fine, Licht.
Licht: It’s really no problem, I was already planning to be mean to him.
Niccolo: ... What happened to that sweet kid who just wanted to play the piano?
Licht: He discovered the thrill of kicking a demon and then kissing him better,
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yarrayora · 7 months
um. hey.
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h e y
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are you telling me that every single one of licht's concerts so far has been a memorial service for nicco?
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joydoesathing · 1 year
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as far as chapter 131 shown, il has indeed (probably) bitten nico in the neck when they made a contract, so.......yes
here's a more accurate version of the picture below:
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kitsunenomegami · 6 months
I was trying new pencils and what could be better than the presentation of this AU of Ranma 1/2. Soon I will upload 3 mini stories on this topic. 🤩
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starrycyberse · 10 months
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Some servamp stuff I made a while ago
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bnzerano · 11 months
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Iduna and Nicco in chapter 130: Hey, welcome to the apocalypse, we're glad to have you on the team! :) We've both had a full character arc while you were unconscious/sent on a European adventure so we're all ready to go when you are!
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nicco-ck · 8 months
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Hello dear servamp fandom, take my nicco redraw as an apology for disappearing and only showing up every 10 months with some sort of fanart 😔😔
Here's the old ones so you guys can see my improvement <33
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to-spend-time · 4 months
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Doodling Servamp at the morning 😗🧋🤏
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l-darklilac-l · 8 months
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katzkinder · 3 months
Put too much dijon on my burger (again) so now you get burger headcanons. Yeah. I know.
Mahiru: simple and classic hamburger. Rare instance where he prefers premade over doing it himself because a pound of ground chuck makes So Many Patties and he’s just one person. This changes though when he has more people over than ever, especially because it means he can tailor the fat content and ingredients to Misono’s more delicate body so his friend can enjoy a good old burger too. LOVES the Alicein cookouts for giving him access to a fancy outdoor grill.
Kuro: children’s Cheeseburger from WacDonald’s because the onions come pre diced lmao. His only request is that they hold the mustard. The type of person who likes to open his burger up and stuff french fries on it
Sakuya: bacon cheeseburger. He used to get a fried egg on top but one time Belkia said it looked like a pimple ready to be popped and Sakuya can no longer eat it that way. It’s for the best; he never managed to not be messy with the yolk
Tsubaki: veggie burger with avocado and grilled onion. Yes he’s picky about it. Yes he’s a pain in the ass about it too. Yes, Shamrock will make it from scratch for him
Belkia: Meat! meat! Meat! Wagyu beef or bust! Swiss cheese and mushrooms cooked in the beef fat are a must!
Otogiri: you ever seen those crazy burgers with stir fried noodles piled on top? Yeah
Mikuni: eats fast food with surprising regularity. He likes Wanda’s* when it comes to chains, but mom and pop diners always serve the best of the best he’s ever had. They’re so greasy though…
Jeje: Does not like to eat burgers. Will steal mikuni’s fries or onion rings, though
Ildio: do I even need to say it. Bigger is better and the more toppings the more he loves it. Frankly, though, he’s learning to actually enjoy his food instead of inhaling it. Give him time to figure out what he actually likes.
Nicco: like Mahiru, wants to keep it simple. Loves heirloom tomatoes and bread and butter pickles.
Lawless: prosciutto and avocado on a fresh ground patty cooked medium rare. Roasted tomato slice, garlic pepper, and a focaccia bun. Did you expect anything less?
Licht: Basic and familiar WacDonald’s is his go to. Reminds him of late night concerts and the satisfaction of a job well done
Anyone else have some ideas??
*Wanda’s, the servamp equivalent of Wendy’s
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pocket-luv101 · 9 months
Hyde: No offense, Nii-san, but you and Mahiru are the weirdest couple I know. Kuro: Really? Kuro, looks at Hyde and Licht: Really, you can’t think of anyone weirder? Hyde, looks at Ildio and Niccolo and whispers: Well, I can but I can’t say when they’re sitting right there.
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