#i forgot how much i adore nicco
nicco-ck · 8 months
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Hello dear servamp fandom, take my nicco redraw as an apology for disappearing and only showing up every 10 months with some sort of fanart 😔😔
Here's the old ones so you guys can see my improvement <33
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
I like to think Hua Jiao sometimes forgets stuff about Xci Nicco. Like he's introducing someone to Xci Nicco like:
Hua Jiao: "and this is Xci Nicco, my beautiful..." *trailing off*
Xci Nicco: "it's okay if you call me your wife or your spouse, darling. We've been married for over 20 years.."
Hua Jiao: "My beautiful wife— I forget terms way too easily.."
Xci Nicco: "Qi Hua Jiao, we've been married for 20 years! Get your head out of the clouds, I'm already yours!"
Hua Jiao then shushes Xci Nicco like how MK did with Macaque in the S4 special.
Aww haha! Hua Jiao forgetting that he's actually married to his beautiful wife is adorable. <3
I actually had to rewatch some of the S4 special to see what you meant by the shushing and...XD
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Powerful shushing powers - likely inherited from Wukong.
I love the thought of immortal married couple like just forgetting that they got married, like there's so much going on that it slips their mind. Not maliciously, it's just that they're so stoked to be with the one they love that they forget titles. Like that one joke from Hotel Translyvania 2;
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I can even see something similar happening to Shadowpeach a few times.
Wukong: "Hey, this might sound a bit out of pocket - but what are we exactly? I mean, we've had our break ups and make up, but I really want to know what title I oculd call you beyond my dearest Moon or Warrior." Macaque: "...Wukong we've been techinally married since the Siege on Heaven." Wukong: "WHAT!?" Macaque: "You don't remember? The rest of the Brotherhood were there. We were panicking about us not getting spousal rights if one of us died in battle. We passed Yue Lao..." Wukong: *thinks Really Hard* (Flashback to the Siege on Heaven)
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(back to present time) Wukong: "OH! I forgot it counted legally. Sorry plums." Macaque, sighs fondly: "My idiot husband..." Wukong: "We should do a repeat ceremony once all this Bone Demon nonsense rolls over."
In this case, it was the God of Marriage Yue Lao, who they passed by on accident during the siege, and he gave Shadowpeach his blessing (he can see the Strings of Fate that connect soulmates). Just as good (even better than) as a marriage certificate.
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incantavaxx · 5 years
So, in the spirit of share the love, let’s play a game! Rules: it doesn’t matter how much you have watched of each remake, if it’s everything or just one clip or even if you have to go and watch the trailer just to do this, let’s say something you love about EACH remake. (If I forgot one remake, scream at me in the comments and I’ll add it immediately!)
 Skam Italia: My baby. Obviously biased because it’s my culture, so I relate to it on a whole other level, but the friendships in this are so well done. So deep and natural, funny but in a spontaneous and not scripted looking way (the actors are best friends irl and it shows). The boysquad in particular stole my heart and soul and it is what made season 2 to me: I think I enjoyed OG Evak more than Nicotino and maybe I’ll enjoy other Evak more as well, but this boysquad right here will always own my ass. Their chemistry, the support, the mocking and the hugs, the physical affection, the depth of every single one of them. Gio is the best friend and magic wizard everyone deserves, but Elia and Luchino are just as amazing. “Patatine e marmellata”, the clip where Martino and Nicco wake up to the boysquad singing Buon viaggio while cleaning, the same boysquad that slept on the floor for them, well this clip right here is my favorite out of all the Skam Universe. It’s just so pure and real. “Share the love.”
Honorable mentions to: Mamma “finally a good parent” Rametta, Filippo “water only if my room is on fire” Sava, Chicco “savior of gays and god of tutorials” Rodi, Edoardo “I look like a badass but I bake cookies for my crush” Incanti.
Also: The bike scene: Martino taking off the mask while laughing happily with Nicco in front of San Pietro, the most important chatolic church in the world. It really doesn’t get more powerful than that. Which brings me to my last point. The setting, Rome. The eternal city. Only remake to have the Colosseum casually chilling in the background.
Druck: They have Matteo. Do I need to say more? I don’t even know what it is about him, it’s just this unique vibe he has, I loved him from the start and I’m loving his season so far –also I love that his Even (David, Beany Boy, GerEven, wherever you might call him) is so different as well and I hope the character is going to be trans just like the actor. And the fact that there is this confusion about Matteo possibly being Even because of all the little changes (the fricking ciguarette, the Sarah storyline...)? We absolutely don’t know what to expect from this season and I’m here for it. Also, that scene in season 2 where Alexander has a panick attack? That was not only my favorite scene from Druck, but one of my favorite scenes from the Skam universe as a whole, OG included. It was so well acted and so so SO important, the human, hurt side of the William’s character is usually just “told”, but here it was “showed”, raw and real, and it was powerful (and I cried a lot). Mia was there for him and the fact that they showed that even a cool, badass, male character can have panic attacks is, again, so important.
Kiki (Vilde) had an amazing development and let’s not forget that their female Chris has blue hair and she’s simply gorgeous.   
 Skam Austin: The fact that they kept us all guessing in season one because we didn’t know WHO was the Isak characters was amazing and I’m so happy that it turned out to be Shay, she’s an absolute queen and I’m so excited to see the first female Isak’s season, she’s gonna crush it, I know it. And I can’t wait to meet her Even, I also love the fact that we don’t know yet if it’s gonna be a new character or maybe Megan (Eva) herself, that would make them the only remake to have Eva/Isak canon basically and wow. But to be honest I don’t actually care, like if it’s Megan I’m here for it, if it’s a new girl, I’m here for it too, I just want to see Shay rocks her season. 
And their Chris is adorable btw -- > *about eating broccoli* “It’s like eating a tiny three”.
 Skam France: They are killing it with this season, Lucas (Isak) is a little savage and I pay this remake my respects for changing the first Evak pool kiss in a RAIN kiss, like, wow, they did that. And the buttcheeks on the mural, the kiss covered in paint, Skam France is feeding us well. Manon and Lucas have one if not the best Noora/Isak friendship, the scene where they both cry on the couch, without talking, is one of my favorite, just like the one where Lucas plays the piano (chills). And this is actually a clip that came out today but I HAVE to mention it: Imane (Sana) talking down the teacher from deleting the mural because all the colors represent all their differences and also skin colors, differences that can’t be covered in white, I loved it and I’m definitely excited for her season and all the changes they’ll make –since it’s not going to be the last season. Also I’m finding Emma (Eva) more adorable and funny in each clip (HER LAVA LAMP LMAO).
SkamNL: I only watched a few clips here and there even if I want to fix that when I’ll have more time, but this doesn’t stop me to have a crush on basically every single member of the girlsquad, like… they’re all beautiful and the Eva’s character looked very different from all the others Evas, I don’t know how to explain it, she’s just…cool. I haven’t heard about big changes in the plot but the vibe I got from what I’ve seen is still very original and different, it’s something on its own and I totally get why so many people love this one.
Also, I’m not sleeping on their Noorhelm: Liv, the Noora’s character, is SICK (in a good way) and Noah, the William, looks adorable and almost a new character, I’m definitely excited for their interactions this season, I think they’ll change quite a lot because Liv won’t take any bullshit from no one (and I love her for it).  
 SkamEspana: Okay I watched very little of this, but this remake is CRAZY and I’m here for it, Lucas (Isak) is already out of the closet and he has a fucking youtube channel, how great is that, and they’re going to have a CHRIS season which is an absolute first and it’s going to be about her sexuality too, if you haven’t seen the trailer where she’s in the pool go watch it because it’s one of my favorite trailer ever, I’m not even properly following this remake but DAMN, that was glorious and poetic cinema at its finest. This is the remake that changed the most out of all of them and I have no idea what to expect from it: I LOVE this. Also I remember when in one of the first episodes it seemed that the Vilde character was actually Noora, and then the bell suddenly rang, the Eva’s character opened the door and THERE SHE WAS, blonde hair, red lipstick, cute as hell, ‘hi I’m Noora’.  My favorite introduction of the Noora’s character among all the remakes.
 WTFock: I haven’t watched a single clip from this remake yet (because it was the last to come out and my social life is already overwhelmed enough as it is by all the Skam) but is this going to stop me from saying at least one good thing about this? NOPE, so here we go --- > This remake wins BEST NAME hands down, like, we have all Skam*country* and then it comes, WTFock LMAO Awesome, just awesome.
 And then, of course, last but not last…
SKAM OG: It created all of this.
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