#servamp quarantine au
animes-trash · 4 years
Servamp quarantine AU / headcanons
Y’all I assume most of you are stuck like me in quarantine so why not bring our servamp babies with us in our world
Mahiru knew it would happen, he calmy prepared himself and his house
Kuro is living his best life
Honestly it’s just his normal life but without all the shit 
Licht and Lawless live with mahiru and Kuro, the hotel they were staying in closed and they didn’t want to go back to Austria, so Mahiru agreed to take them
Team Melancholy bought EVERYTHING THEY COULD in ALL the stores
Tsubaki legit bought all the toilet paper
Shamrock is trying to reason them
But hey have you seen them ?? 
Sakuya just doesn’t care
But he’s deeply bothered to have to stay in with the noisy team
Tries to murder Tsubaki everyday
Tsubaki is so bored he just lays on the couch and makes unincoherent noises
Or just walks randomly in the flat screaming that he’s bored
Belkia screams with him
Sakuya secretly called Mahiru to check that he’s okay
Lawless believes it’s the end of the world
He has his apocalyps bag with ready
Became the scientist, screams at every (fake) news
Licht is kinda rational, but he often calls Kranz and his parents to make sure they’re okay
Lawless makes fun of him bc who thought the angel could be worried ???
Licht hits him
Though Mahiru is very tired of taking care of those three children boys at home, but he’s very happy to have company
Mahiru is a social person and likes being outside, so it’s a bit hard for him
The others understand and they often play society games at night !!
Monopoly always end up in someone licht or lawless flipping the table over
Licht deeply miss playing piano too, often feels down about it
When they go to the store, Lawless buys ALL the melons for him, and Mahiru leanrs new ways to cook them
They can’t all go to the store together, so they play Mario Kart and the winner has the privilege to go out
Kuro doesn’t even play in that
Licht plays music with everything he can, Mahiru tries to get him to cook to entertain him
Lawless screams on the balcony to talk to people
He becomes a meme lord on the internet if he isn’t already
Mahiru tries to keep everyone in health and with a normal sleep schedule
Now, the chaos has taken over the C-3, almost all the team is confined in it
Jun is at home with his son and his mom
Tsurugi and Yumi are in the C-3 spend time by pranking everyone, especially Shuuhei
Jun is scared of how he will find his workplace after the quarantine
Those three drunkasses probably just sit in one room and drink and have a lot of fun, like when they were younger
Except that Jun is in videocall with them
Shuuhei curses at tsurugi and yumi and then get back to work, I mean does he ever stop ??
Izuna has to yeet him away from his lab and know him off to sleep
Yumi is like lawless, he believes every fake news and is a self taught new scientist
Shuuhei is the only one with common sense about it
Tsurugi’s room is a cemetery of instant noodles soop
Touma just stays quietly in his room
Though he insists on Tsurugi taking the test to see if he’s not infected
Pretends it’s because he doesn’t want everyone sick, but in reality he just cares 
Johaness is stuck in his lab doing god knows what kind of way off the chart of the Geneva convention kind of experiment
Misono has to stay at home, and everyone in the household took a test
Mitsuki and Dodo are the only one who go outside to buy groceries, and they wear masks and gloves and everything they can
Mikado is just a paranoid father
Misono, Mahiru and Tetsu are often in videocall to check on each other
Mahiru just need a break sometimes, I mean have you seen who he’s stuck with
Mikuni stays in his shop with Jeje and he’s extremely bored
Goes out at night walking
He sneaks to the Alicein mansion to chech that his brother is alright, but makes sure no one notices him
That’s all I have in my mind for now but I will often edit the post under that sentence, also feel free to add !! Let’s have a long chain of headcanons under that post
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servamp-musings · 3 years
Just thought I’d create a masterlist of the headcanons I have so far for easy navigation 😅 Will update as I go along :)
🌸General Headcanons🌸
Envy and Lust Pair (from main blog)
Wrath and Greed Pair
Good B and Bad B
Niccolo Carpediem
Tsurugi Kamiya
Gear and Youtarou
Krantz Rosen and Guildenstern
Mikuni, Tsurugi and Jeje
Snow Lily
Iori, Miyako and Yumikage Tsukimitsu
Mahiru Shirota and Kuro
Mikuni Alicein
Misono Alicein
Original eye colours
Favourite Fruits
Leads and Contract items if they were Eves
Birthday Headcanons
Place of Origin
Previous lives and cause of death
When they were human
Playing Identity V
Animal forms
Preferred Video Game Genre
Horror games they might play
Gifts they would give their S/O
Morality of creating Servamps
Mikuni’s actions
Parallels between Mikuni and Tsubaki
Jeje theory and Abel’s origins theory
Servamp creation thoughts + Jeje theory part 2
Thoughts about Jeje - Physical Composition and Ability
Chapter 111 thoughts
Chapter 113 thoughts
Chapter 116 thoughts
Chapter 122 thoughts
Chapter 123 thoughts
Chapter 124 thoughts
Chapter 125 thoughts
🌸 Imagines 🌸
Mikuni x Reader Headcanons
Jeje, Snow Lily and Belkia with a chubby S/O who wants to sit on their lap
Jeje with an Eve that has a video game-based Lead
Relationship Headcanons - Gear, Tsurugi and Kuro
Licht with an S/O who’s passionate about angels
Instruments Servamps/Eves and Melancholy Team would play
Genshin Impact Visions
Greed and Wrath pair interactions
Quarantine Headcanons - Greed, Wrath and Melancholy
Dancing Headcanons
Danganronpa Talents - Servamps/Eves
Danganronpa AU - Premise
Incorrect quotes
Halloween Headcanons
How Akira met Touma
Spell Concepts
Servamp x Genshin Impact - Character relations
Favourite Desserts headcanons: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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