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jl09238 · 2 months
Smooth Out Your Website Traffic with HAProxy
Hey web warriors! 🌐
Ever had your website slow to a crawl when traffic spikes?
Worried about your site going down just when it's needed the most?
Let's talk about HAProxy, a load balancer that can keep your website fast and reliable, even under heavy traffic.
What’s the Deal with Load Balancers?
Load balancers like HAProxy spread incoming traffic across multiple servers.
This prevents any single server from getting overwhelmed.
Think of it as having multiple checkout lanes open at a busy store.
No one has to wait too long, and everything runs smoothly.
Curious about how to set it up? Check out this guide on setting up HAProxy load balancer.
Why HAProxy Rocks
High Availability: Keeps your site up, even if one server fails.
Scalability: Easily handles growing traffic as your site gets popular.
Flexibility: Works with many server types and configurations.
Quick Setup Steps
Install HAProxy:
sudo apt update sudo apt install haproxy
Basic Configuration: Open the HAProxy configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Add this simple setup:
frontend http_front bind *:80 default_backend http_back
backend http_back balance roundrobin server server1 check server server2 check
Restart HAProxy:
sudo systemctl restart haproxy
For a detailed walkthrough, see this HAProxy setup guide.
Real-Life Example
Imagine running an online store.
During a big sale, thousands of customers flood your site.
Without a load balancer, your server might crash.
But with HAProxy, traffic is distributed evenly.
Your site stays up, and customers keep shopping.
Final Thoughts
HAProxy can make a huge difference in your website’s performance.
It’s a lifesaver during traffic spikes and ensures high availability.
Want to dive deeper? Check out our complete guide on setting up HAProxy.
Keep your website running smoothly with HAProxy! 🚀
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computingpostcom · 2 years
Kubernetes, abbreviated as K8s is an open-source tool used to orchestrate containerized workloads to run on a cluster of hosts. It is used to automate system deployments, scale, and manage containerized applications. Normally, Kubernetes distributes workloads across the cluster and automates the container networking needs. It also allocates storage and persistent volumes and works continuously to maintain the desired state of container applications. There are several tools one can use to set up a Kubernetes cluster. These tools include Minikube, Kubeadm, Kubernetes on AWS (Kube-AWS), Amazon EKS e.t.c. In this guide, we will walk through how to deploy HA Kubernetes Cluster on Rocky Linux 8 using RKE2. What is RKE2? RKE stands for Rancher Kubernetes Engine. RKE2 also known as the (RKE Government) is a combination of RKE1 and K3s. It inherits usability, ease-of-operations, and deployment model from K3s and close alignment with upstream Kubernetes from RKE1. Normally, RKE2 doesn’t rely on docker, it launches the control plane components as static pods that are managed by the kubelet. The diagram below will help you understand the RKE2 cluster topology. RKE2 ships a number of open-source components that include: K3s Helm Controller K8s API Server Controller Manager Kubelet SchedulerSet up Linux Nodes Proxy etcd containerd/cri runc Helm Metrics Server NGINX Ingress Controller CoreDNS CNI: Canal (Calico & Flannel), Cilium or Calico System Requirements Use a system that meets the below requirements: RAM: 4GB Minimum (we recommend at least 8GB) CPU: 2 Minimum (we recommend at least 4CPU) 3 Rocky Linux 8 Nodes Zero or more agent nodes that are designated to run your apps and services A load balancer to direct front-end traffic to the three nodes. A DNS record to map a URL to the load balancer Step 1 – Set up Rocky Linux 8 Nodes For this guide, we will use 3 Rocky Linux nodes, a load balancer, and RKE2 agents(1 or more). TASK HOSTNAME IP ADDRESS Server Node 1 server1.computingpost.com Server Node 2 server2.computingpost.com Server Node 3 server3.computingpost.com Load Balancer rke.computingpost.com Agent Node1 agent1.computingpost.com Agent Node2 agent2.computingpost.com Set the hostnames as shown: ##On Node1 sudo hostnamectl set-hostname server1.computingpost.com ##On Node2 sudo hostnamectl set-hostname server2.computingpost.com ##On Node3 sudo hostnamectl set-hostname server3.computingpost.com ##On Loadbalancer(Node4) sudo hostnamectl set-hostname rke.computingpost.com ##On Node5 sudo hostnamectl set-hostname agent1.computingpost.com ##On Node6 sudo hostnamectl set-hostname agent2.computingpost.com Add the hostnames to /etc/hosts on each node $ sudo vim /etc/hosts server1.computingpost.com server2.computingpost.com server3.computingpost.com agent1.computingpost.com agent2.computingpost.com rke.computingpost.com Configure the firewall on all the nodes as shown: sudo systemctl stop firewalld sudo systemctl disable firewalld sudo systemctl start nftables sudo systemctl enable nftables Step 2 – Configure the Fixed Registration Address To achieve high availability, you are required to set up an odd number of server plane nodes(runs etcd, the Kubernetes API, and other control plane services). The other server nodes and agent nodes need a URL they can use to register against. This is either an IP or domain name of any of the control nodes. This is mainly done to maintain quorum so that the cluster can afford to lose connection with one of the nodes without impacting the functionality cluster. This can be achieved using the following: A layer 4 (TCP) load balancer
Round-robin DNS Virtual or elastic IP addresses In this guide, we will configure NGINX as a layer 4 (TCP) load balancer to forward the connection to one of the RKE nodes. Install and configure Nginx on Node4 sudo yum install nginx Create a config file: sudo mv /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Create a new Nginx file with the below lines replacing where required: user nginx; worker_processes 4; worker_rlimit_nofile 40000; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /run/nginx.pid; # Load dynamic modules. See /usr/share/doc/nginx/README.dynamic. include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf; events worker_connections 8192; stream upstream backend least_conn; server :9345 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server :9345 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server :9345 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; # This server accepts all traffic to port 9345 and passes it to the upstream. # Notice that the upstream name and the proxy_pass need to match. server listen 9345; proxy_pass backend; upstream rancher_api least_conn; server :6443 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server :6443 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server :6443 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server listen 6443; proxy_pass rancher_api; upstream rancher_http least_conn; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server listen 80; proxy_pass rancher_http; upstream rancher_https least_conn; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s; server listen 443; proxy_pass rancher_https; Save the file, disable SELinux and restart Nginx: sudo setenforce 0 sudo systemctl restart nginx Step 3 – Download installer script on Rocky Linux 8 Nodes All the Rocky Linux 8 nodes intended for this use need to be configured with the RKE2 repositories that provide the required packages. Instal curl tool on your system: sudo yum -y install curl vim wget With curl download the script used to install RKE2 server on your Rocky Linux 8 servers. curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io --output install.sh Make the script executable: chmod +x install.sh To see script usage options run: less ./install.sh Once added, you can install and configure both the RKE2 server and agent on the desired nodes. Step 4 – Set up the First Server Node (Master Node) Install RKE2 server: sudo INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=server ./install.sh Expected output: [INFO] finding release for channel stable [INFO] using 1.23 series from channel stable Rocky Linux 8 - AppStream 19 kB/s | 4.8 kB 00:00 Rocky Linux 8 - AppStream 11 MB/s | 9.6 MB 00:00 Rocky Linux 8 - BaseOS 18 kB/s | 4.3 kB 00:00 Rocky Linux 8 - BaseOS 11 MB/s | 6.7 MB 00:00 Rocky Linux 8 - Extras 13 kB/s | 3.5 kB 00:00
Rocky Linux 8 - Extras 41 kB/s | 11 kB 00:00 Rancher RKE2 Common (stable) 1.7 kB/s | 1.7 kB 00:00 Rancher RKE2 1.23 (stable) 4.8 kB/s | 4.6 kB 00:00 Dependencies resolved. ====================================================================================================================================================================================================== ....... Transaction Summary ====================================================================================================================================================================================================== Install 5 Packages Total download size: 34 M Installed size: 166 M Downloading Packages: ..... Once installed, you need to create a config file manually. The config file contains the tls-sanparameter which avoids certificate errors with the fixed registration address. The config file can be created with the command: sudo vim /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml Add the below lines to the file replacing where required. write-kubeconfig-mode: "0644" tls-san: - rke.computingpost.com - Replace rke.computingpost.com with your fixed registration address and with its IP address. Save the file and start the service; sudo systemctl start rke2-server sudo systemctl enable rke2-server Confirm status of the service after starting it: $ systemctl status rke2-server ● rke2-server.service - Rancher Kubernetes Engine v2 (server) Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rke2-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Sat 2022-08-27 10:17:17 UTC; 1min 32s ago Docs: https://github.com/rancher/rke2#readme Process: 3582 ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe overlay (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 3576 ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe br_netfilter (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 3573 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -xc ! /usr/bin/systemctl is-enabled --quiet nm-cloud-setup.service (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 3587 (rke2) Tasks: 163 Memory: 1.8G CGroup: /system.slice/rke2-server.service ├─3587 /usr/bin/rke2 server .... Install kubectl curl -LO "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" chmod +x kubectl sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin Export the config: $ vim ~/.bashrc #Add line below export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml #Source bashrc file $ source ~/.bashrc After some time, check if the node and pods are up: kubectl get nodes kubectl get pods -A Sample Output: Obtain the token: $ sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token K1079187d01ac73b1a17261a475cb1b8486144543fc59a189e0c4533ef252a26450::server:33f5c1a2b7721992be25e340ded19cac Accessing the Cluster from Outside with kubectl Copy /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml on your machine located outside the cluster as ~/.kube/config. Then replace with the IP or hostname of your RKE2 server. kubectl can now manage your RKE2 cluster. scp /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml user@ipaddress:~/.kube/config Step 5 – Set up additional Server Nodes (Master Nodes) Now install RKE2 on the other two server nodes; curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io --output install.sh chmod +x install.sh sudo INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=server ./install.sh Once installed, create the config file: sudo vim /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml Add the below lines to the file server: https://rke.computingpost.com:9345
token: [token from /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token on server node 1] write-kubeconfig-mode: "0644" tls-san: - rke.computingpost.com If you don’t have DNS server map A record for Load Balancer in /etc/hosts file: $ sudo vi /etc/hosts rke.computingpost.com Save the file and restart the rke2-server each at a time sudo systemctl start rke2-server sudo systemctl enable rke2-server After some time, check the status of the nodes We have 3 master nodes configured. Step 6 – Set up Agent Nodes (Worker Nodes) To set up an agent node, install the RKE2 agent package using the commands below: curl -sfL https://get.rke2.io --output install.sh chmod +x install.sh sudo INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE=agent ./install.sh If you don’t have DNS server map A record for Load Balancer in /etc/hosts file: $ sudo vi /etc/hosts rke.computingpost.com Create and modify configuration file to suit your use. $ sudo vim /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml server: https://rke.computingpost.com:9345 token: [token from /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token on server node 1] Start and enable the service: sudo systemctl start rke2-agent sudo systemctl enable rke2-agent Check the nodes: From the output, we have one agent node added to the cluster. Check pods. This output shows all the pods available, we have pods for the rke2 ingress and metrics deployed by default in the kube-system namespace. Step 7 – Deploy an Application. Once the above configurations have been made, deploy and application on your cluster. For this guide, we will deploy a demo Nginx application. kubectl apply -f -
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Daniel Muñoz Sánchez (autor)
Nació en Madrid (España). Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Máster en Programación Neurolingüística e Inteligencia Emocional. Titulado por la Federación Madrileña de Ajedrez y por la Fundación Kasparov para la Enseñanza Pedagógica del Ajedrez. Jugador en activo y preparador con más de 20 años de experiencia. Ha formado a jugadores de equipos de ajedrez base, competidores individuales y ha enseñado a niños.
Es el director del Site líder en artículos de ajedrez: www.thezugzwangblog.com con más de 65.000 visitas mensuales. Divulgador de uno de los canales de Youtube sobre ajedrez que más crece a día de hoy. Y ambién es colaborador de la revista online más prestigiosa de ajedrez Chessbase y ha colaborado con Chess24
Gran maestro Herminio Herráiz (coautor)
Nació en Las Pedroñeras (España). Estudió Matemáticas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha jugado al más alto nivel, representando a España en las Olimpiadas de Ajedrez de 2004 y compitiendo en importantes torneos internacionales (tercer puesto en el Campeonato de España Absoluto, Campeón de España Universitario, primer puesto en el Magistral de Elgóibar…). Actualmente, posee un ELO FIDE de 2456 y es FIDE Trainer (título superior de la FIDE).
Aunque es un jugador profesional, dedica gran parte de su tiempo a desarrollar nuevos talentos y otros grandes maestros de prestigio internacional. También imparte seminarios y conferencias sobre ajedrez.
El método Zugzwang es el primer libro en el que participa como coautor.
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EL CONTROL DE LA DIABETES CON LA AYUDA DEL PODER DEL METABOLISMO. Recomendaciones prácticas que le permitirán a usted y a su familia utilizar el poder de su metabolismo para controlar la diabetes. Se puede vivir con una Diabetes Sin Problemas... y este libro le ayudará a descubrir cómo lograrlo. Incluye DVD "Sentencia Final: DIABETES" Sabía usted que... -Nunca logrará controlar los niveles de glucosa mientras su cuerpo permanezca infectado del hongo candida albicans. -El 85% de los diabéticos padecen de sobrepeso u obesidad. Al bajar de peso la diabetes se controla y también se reduce la dependencia de los medicamentos recetados, incluyendo la insulina. -La pérdida de la vista, el daño a los riñones, la neuropatía diabética y las otras complicaciones de salud son totalmente evitables. -La impotencia sexual del hombre diabetico se puede evitar y, en muchos casos, se puede revertir sin medicamentos. -Aprender a restaurar el metabolismo es mucho más poderoso y efectivo que simplemente hacer dieta. -Su calidad de sueño determina el nivel de control que usted logrará con sus niveles de glucosa. -La gente enferma son un buen negocio para los que venden medicamentos. "Estoy seguro de que durante la lectura de este libro usted entrará en contacto con algunos datos o conceptos que, además de ser nuevos, le pudieran parecer incluso extraños o controversiales. Créame que, según he ido investigando a fondo el tema de la diabetes, a mi me pasó lo mismo. Hay bastante que no se ha explicado sobre el tema de la diabetes. Para colmo, mucho de lo que hay escrito y publicado en los libros sobre la diabetes fue escrito por médicos que utilizaron términos y palabras técnicas de la medicina que, por su complejidad, no ayudan al lector a entender el problema de la diabetes. La lógica me dice que la única forma de resolver un problema es aumentando el CONOCIMIENTO sobre él. Mientras menos se entienda un problema más difícil se hará solucionarlo. Por tal razón, mi meta es ayudar a la persona con diabetes y a sus familiares a entender el problema de la diabetes. Al escribir este libro hice lo posible por evitar el uso de palabras técnicas, términos médicos o cualquier otro uso de lenguaje que no fuera fácil de comprender. El propósito de este libro es ayudar al lector, cuando padece de diabetes o cuando quiere ayudar a un ser querido que padece diabetes, a comprender la información para que le sea útil en su vida diaria.
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computingpostcom · 2 years
This is a comprehensive virsh commands cheatsheet: Virsh is a management user interface for virsh guest domains. Virsh can be used to create, pause, restart, and shutdown domains. In addition, virsh can be used to list current domains available in your Virtualization hypervisor platform. Virsh interacts with Libvirt which is a library aimed at providing a long-term stable C API. It currently supports Xen, QEMU, KVM, LXC, OpenVZ, VirtualBox and VMware ESX. For installation guide of KVM on most Linux distributions, check the link below: Install KVM on CentOS / RHEL / Ubuntu / Debian / SLES / Arch Linux Virsh commands cheatsheet In this virsh commands cheatsheet, I’ll show you most used virsh commands to manage Guest Virtual Machines running on KVM or Xen Hypervisor. The basic structure of most virsh usage is: $ virsh [OPTION]... [ARG]... Virsh display node information: This is the first item on our virsh commands cheatsheet. This displays the host node information and the machines that support the virtualization process. $ sudo virsh nodeinfo CPU model: x86_64 CPU(s): 8 CPU frequency: 2200 MHz CPU socket(s): 1 Core(s) per socket: 4 Thread(s) per core: 2 NUMA cell(s): 1 Memory size: 12238908 KiB List os variants To get the value for the --os-variant run the following command: $ osinfo-query os Virsh list all domains To list both inactive and active domains, use the command: $ sudo virsh list --all Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- - admin shut off - cloudstack shut off - hyperv shut off - ipa shut off - katello shut off - node1 shut off - node2 shut off - node3 shut off - server1 shut off - server2 shut off - test shut off - ubuntu14.04 shut off - win12k shut off - xen shut off - zenoss shut off List only active domains To list only active domains with virsh command, use: $ sudo virsh list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- Virsh rename domain Syntax: virsh domrename currentname newname List available domains $ sudo virsh list --all Id Name State ---------------------------- 4 centos-8.2 running $ sudo virsh domrename centos-8.2 apacheserver01 Domain successfully renamed We’ve changed the name of the domain from centos-8.2 to apacheserver01 Virsh change domain boot disk Edit the domain by passing its name: $ sudo virsh edit domain Scroll down until  section and modify values for the line below: Example Virsh start vm This is an example on how to use virsh command to start a guest virtual machine. We’re going to start test domain displayed above: $ sudo virsh start test Domain test started $ sudo virsh list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- 3 test running Virsh autostart vm To set a vm to start automatically on system startup, do: $ sudo virsh autostart test Domain test marked as autostarted $ sudo virsh dominfo test Id: 9 Name: test UUID: a943ed42-ba62-4270-a41d-7f81e793d754 OS Type: hvm State: running CPU(s): 2 CPU time: 144.6s Max memory: 2048 KiB Used memory: 2048 KiB Persistent: yes Autostart: enable Managed save: no Security model: none Security DOI: 0 Keep an eye on the option Autostart: enable. Virsh autostart disable
To disable autostart feature for a vm: $ sudo virsh autostart --disable test Domain test unmarked as autostarted $ sudo virsh dominfo test Id: - Name: test UUID: a943ed42-ba62-4270-a41d-7f81e793d754 OS Type: hvm State: shut off CPU(s): 2 Max memory: 2048 KiB Used memory: 2048 KiB Persistent: yes Autostart: disable Managed save: no Security model: none Security DOI: 0 Virsh stop vm, virsh shutdown vm To shutdown a running vm gracefully use: $ sudo virsh shutdown test Domain test is being shutdown $ sudo virsh list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- Virsh force shutdown vm You can do a forceful shutdown of active domain using the command: $ sudo virsh destroy test Virsh stop all running vms In case you would like to shutdown all running domains, just issue the command below: for i in `sudo virsh list | grep running | awk 'print $2'` do sudo virsh shutdown $i done Virsh reboot vm To restart a vm named test, the command used is: sudo virsh reboot test Virsh remove vm To cleanly remove a vm including its storage columes, use the commands shown below. The domain test should be replaced with the actual domain to be removed. sudo virsh destroy test 2> /dev/null sudo virsh undefine test sudo virsh pool-refresh default sudo virsh vol-delete --pool default test.qcow2 In this example, storage volume is named /var/lib/libvirt/images/test.qcow2 You can also use undefine with–remove-all-storage option: sudo virsh undefine test --remove-all-storage Virsh create a vm If you would like to create a new virtual machine with virsh, the relevant command to use is virt-install. This is crucial and can’t miss on virsh commands cheatsheet arsenal. The example below will install a new operating system from CentOS 7 ISO Image. sudo virt-install \ --name centos7 \ --description "Test VM with CentOS 7" \ --ram=1024 \ --vcpus=2 \ --os-type=Linux \ --os-variant=rhel7 \ --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/centos7.qcow2,bus=virtio,size=10 \ --graphics none \ --location $HOME/iso/CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1611.iso \ --network bridge:virbr0 \ --console pty,target_type=serial -x 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial' Virsh connect to vm console To connect to the guest console, use the command: sudo virsh console test This will return a fail message if an active console session exists for the provided domain. To solve this run: sudo virsh console test --force Virsh edit vm xml file To edit a vm xml file, use: export EDITOR=vim sudo virsh edit test To use nano text editor export EDITOR=nano sudo virsh edit test Virsh suspend vm, virsh resume vm To suspend a guest called testwith virsh command, run: $ sudo virsh suspend test Domain test suspended NOTE: When a domain is in a suspended state, it still consumes system RAM. Disk and network I/O will not occur while the guest is suspended. Resuming a guest vm: To restore a suspended guest with virsh using the resume option: $ sudo virsh resume test Domain test resumed Virsh save vm To save the current state of a vm to a file using the virsh command : The syntax is: $ sudo virsh save test test.saved Domain test saved to test.save $ ls -l test.save -rw------- 1 root root 328645215 Mar 18 01:35 test.saved Restoring a saved vm To restore saved vm from the file: $ sudo virsh restore test.save Domain restored from test.save $ sudo virsh list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- 7 test running Virsh Manage Volumes Here we’ll cover how to create a storage volume , attach it to a vm , detach it from a vm and how to delete a volume. Virsh create volume To create a 2GB volume named test_vol2 on the default storage pool, use: $ sudo virsh vol-create-as default test_vol2.qcow2 2G
Vol test_vol2.qcow2 created $ sudo du -sh /var/lib/libvirt/images/test_vol2.qcow2 2.0G/var/lib/libvirt/images/test_vol2.qcow2 default: Is the pool name. test_vol2: This is the name of the volume. 2G: This is the storage capacity of the volume. List volumes sudo virsh vol-list --pool default sudo virsh vol-list --pool images Virsh attach a volume to vm To attach created volume above to vm test, run: sudo virsh attach-disk --domain test \ --source /var/lib/libvirt/images/test_vol2.qcow2 \ --persistent --target vdb --persistent: Make live change persistent --target vdb: Target of a disk device You can confirm that the volume was added to the vm as a block device /dev/vdb $ ssh test Last login: Fri Mar 17 19:30:54 2017 from gateway [root@test ~]# [root@test ~]# lsblk --output NAME,SIZE,TYPE NAME SIZE TYPE sr0 1024M rom vda 10G disk ├─vda1 1G part └─vda2 9G part ├─cl_test-root 8G lvm └─cl_test-swap 1G lvm vdb 2G disk Example showing how to create and attach secondary virtual disk: export VM=test-vm sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM-disk2.qcow2 20g sudo virsh attach-disk \ --source /var/lib/libvirt/images/$VM-disk2.qcow2 \ --target vdb \ --persistent \ --subdriver qcow2 \ --driver qemu \ --type disk Virsh detach volume on vm To detach above volume test_vol2 from the vm test: $ sudo virsh detach-disk --domain test --persistent --live --target vdb Disk detached successfully $ ssh test Last login: Sat Mar 18 01:52:33 2017 from gateway [root@test ~]# [root@test ~]# lsblk --output NAME,SIZE,TYPE NAME SIZE TYPE sr0 1024M rom vda 10G disk ├─vda1 1G part └─vda2 9G part ├─cl_test-root 8G lvm └─cl_test-swap 1G lvm [root@test ~]# You can indeed confirm from this output that the device /dev/vdb has been detached Please note that you can directly grow disk image for the vm using qemu-img command, this will look something like this: sudo qemu-img resize /var/lib/libvirt/images/test.qcow2 +1G The main shortcoming of above command is that you cannot resize an image which has snapshots. Virsh delete volume List storage pools: $ sudo virsh pool-list Name State Autostart ------------------------------ default active yes To delete volume with virsh command, use: # List volumes $ sudo virsh vol-list --pool default $ sudo virsh vol-delete test_vol2.qcow2 --pool default Vol test_vol2.qcow2 deleted $ sudo virsh pool-refresh default Pool default refreshed $ sudo virsh vol-list default Name Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ admin.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/admin.qcow2 cloudstack.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/cloudstack.qcow2 ipa.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/ipa.qcow2 katello.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/katello.qcow2 node1.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/node1.qcow2 node2.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/node2.qcow2 node3.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/node3.qcow2 test.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/test.qcow2 ubuntu14.04.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu14.04.qcow2 zenoss.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/zenoss.qcow2 Virsh Manage Snapshots In this second last section of managing kvm guest machines with virsh command, we’ll have a look at managing VM snapshots. Virsh Create Snapshot for a vm Let’s create a snapshot for our test vm. sudo virsh snapshot-create-as \ --domain test \ --name "test_vm_snapshot1" \ --description "test vm snapshot 1-working" Virsh list Snapshots for a vm To list available snapshots for a vm, use: $ sudo virsh snapshot-list test Name Creation Time State ------------------------------------------------------------
1489689679 2017-03-16 21:41:19 +0300 shutoff test_fresh 2017-03-16 22:11:48 +0300 shutoff test_vm_snapshot1 2017-03-18 02:15:58 +0300 running Virsh display info about a snapshot: To retrieve more information about a domain, use: $ sudo virsh snapshot-info --domain test --snapshotname test_vm_snapshot1 Name: test_vm_snapshot1 Domain: test Current: yes State: running Location: internal Parent: test_fresh Children: 0 Descendants: 0 Metadata: yes Virsh revert vm snapshot Here we’ll create another snapshot called test_vm_snapshot2, then revert to snapshot test_vm_snapshot1 $ sudo virsh snapshot-create-as \ --domain test --name "test_vm_snapshot2" \ --description "test vm snapshot 2-working" Domain snapshot test_vm_snapshot2 created Let’s revert the snapshot we created before: $ sudo virsh snapshot-list test Name Creation Time State ------------------------------------------------------------ 1489689679 2017-03-16 21:41:19 +0300 shutoff test_fresh 2017-03-16 22:11:48 +0300 shutoff test_vm_snapshot1 2017-03-18 02:15:58 +0300 running test_vm_snapshot2 2017-03-18 02:23:29 +0300 running $ sudo virsh snapshot-revert --domain test --snapshotname test_vm_snapshot1 --running Virsh delete snapshot Let’s delete the two snapshots we created: $ sudo virsh snapshot-delete --domain test --snapshotname test_vm_snapshot2 Domain snapshot test_vm_snapshot2 deleted $ sudo virsh snapshot-delete --domain test --snapshotname test_vm_snapshot1 Domain snapshot test_vm_snapshot1 deleted $ sudo virsh snapshot-list test Name Creation Time State ------------------------------------------------------------ 1489689679 2017-03-16 21:41:19 +0300 shutoff test_fresh 2017-03-16 22:11:48 +0300 shutoff Virsh clone a vm Domain with devices to clone must be paused or shutoff. So let’s shut it down: $ sudo virsh destroy test Domain test destroyed Then clone a vm, do it as shown below: $ sudo virt-clone --connect qemu:///system \ --original test \ --name test_clone \ --file /var/lib/libvirt/images/test_clone.qcow2 Allocating 'test_clone.qcow2' | 10 GB 00:00:06 Clone 'test_clone' created successfully. $ sudo virsh dominfo test_clone Id: - Name: test_clone UUID: be0621fd-51b5-4d2b-a05c-ce76e59baafa OS Type: hvm State: shut off CPU(s): 1 Max memory: 1048576 KiB Used memory: 1048576 KiB Persistent: yes Autostart: disable Managed save: no Security model: none Security DOI: 0 Virsh manage VM vcpus This virsh commands cheatsheet section covers how to add additional virtual cpus to a virtual machine: sudo virsh setvcpus --domain test --maximum 2 --config sudo virsh setvcpus --domain test --count 2 --config sudo virsh shutdown test sudo virsh start test Confirm that the number of vcpu has changed, the previous was 1, the current value is 2: $ sudo virsh dominfo test Id: - Name: test UUID: a943ed42-ba62-4270-a41d-7f81e793d754 OS Type: hvm State: shut off CPU(s): 2 Max memory: 1048576 KiB Used memory: 1048576 KiB Persistent: yes Autostart: disable Managed save: no Security model: none Security DOI: 0 Virsh manage VM memory Also on virsh commands cheatsheet is managing RAM with virsh. To adjust the total ram used by the guest operating system, the following commands are used: # In MB sudo virsh setmaxmem test 2048 --config sudo virsh setmem test 2048 --config sudo virsh shutdown test sudo virsh start test # Same in GB sudo virsh setmaxmem test 16G --config sudo virsh setmem test 16G --config sudo virsh shutdown test sudo virsh start test Check domain info to confirm the current RAM allocated to the VM.
$ sudo virsh dominfo test Id: 9 Name: test UUID: a943ed42-ba62-4270-a41d-7f81e793d754 OS Type: hvm State: running CPU(s): 2 CPU time: 70.7s Max memory: 2048 KiB Used memory: 2048 KiB Persistent: yes Autostart: disable Managed save: no Security model: none Security DOI: 0 Notice that the current ram allocated to the VM is 2048 Mount Virtual Disk You can mount a virtual disk on KVM for offline administration. For this, we have a ready article which you can reference from the link below: How to mount VM virtual disk on KVM hypervisor ls a directory in a virtual machine To ls a directory on a running VM, you need the libguestfs-tools installed. The run: $ sudo virt-ls -l -d   E.g $ sudo virsh list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- 10 allot_netxplorer_01 running 19 sg-ve-01 running $ sudo virt-ls -l -d allot_netxplorer_01 /root total 28 dr-xr-x---. 2 root root 135 Mar 22 14:26 . dr-xr-xr-x. 17 root root 224 Mar 21 10:37 .. -rw-------. 1 root root 385 Mar 22 14:26 .bash_history -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 18 Dec 29 2013 .bash_logout -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 176 Dec 29 2013 .bash_profile -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 176 Dec 29 2013 .bashrc -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 100 Dec 29 2013 .cshrc -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 129 Dec 29 2013 .tcshrc -rw-------. 1 root root 1447 Mar 21 10:38 anaconda-ks.cfg Common options are: -R |--recursive --> Recursive listing -h |--human-readable --> Human-readable sizes in output -d |--domain guest --> Add disks from libvirt guest -l |--long --> Long listing cat a file in a virtual machine You can as well cat a file without doing ssh to the VM or accessing it via the console. You need the libguestfs tools installed on the hypervisor for this to work. $ sudo virt-cat -d   $ sudo virt-cat -d sg-ve-01 /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) $ sudo dufo virt-cat -d sg-ve-01 /etc/redhat-release > check_os $ cat check_os CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) Edit a file in a virtual machine After installing libguestfs-tools on the hypervisor, use the virsh-edit command: sudo virt-edit -d sg-ve-01 /etc/hosts Display VM disk usage Use the virt-df command: $ sudo virt-df -d sg-ve-01 Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use%sg-ve-01:/dev/sda1 20469760 3954792 16514968 20% sg-ve-01:/dev/sda2 27739924 173828 27566096 1% List filesystems, partitions, block devices, LVM in a virtual machine or disk image $ sudo virt-filesystems -l -d sg-ve-01 Name Type VFS Label Size Parent /dev/sda1 filesystem xfs - 20971520000 - /dev/sda2 filesystem xfs - 28419555328 - $ sudo virt-filesystems -l -h -d sg-ve-01 Name Type VFS Label Size Parent /dev/sda1 filesystem xfs - 20G - /dev/sda2 filesystem xfs - 26G - $ sudo virt-filesystems -l -h -d sg-ve-01 --partitions Name Type MBR Size Parent /dev/sda1 partition 83 20G /dev/sda /dev/sda2 partition 83 26G /dev/sda /dev/sda3 partition 82 4.0G /dev/sda $ sudo virt-filesystems -d sg-ve-01 --all --long --uuid -h Name Type VFS Label MBR Size Parent UUID /dev/sda1 filesystem xfs - - 20G - 97074514-612e-4d1c-8433-935dbb3ec775 /dev/sda2 filesystem xfs - - 26G - 8cc9e0cd-282d-46a4-9a37-069dfb93c4f2 /dev/sda3 filesystem swap - - 4.0G - ad7dcd49-fe1a-4938-8600-f7299a59c57a /dev/sda1 partition - - 83 20G /dev/sda - /dev/sda2 partition - - 83 26G /dev/sda - /dev/sda3 partition - - 82 4.0G /dev/sda - /dev/sda device - - - 100G - - Show stats of virtualized domains Use virt-top to display stats of virtualized domains. You can filter by CPU, RAM e.t.c and save the output to a CSV file. $ virt-top $ sudo virt-top --csv file.csv You can also send debug and error messages to a filename. To send error messages to syslog you can do: sudo virt-top --debug >(logger -t virt-top) Enable VNC on existing VM instance List domains on KVM $ virsh list --all Stop the instance
virsh shutdown Edit the VM domain config using virsh edit command. $ virsh edit Add below XML contents within  block (Accessible from outside) Local loopback listen – (Accessible only locally on the host) Display log files from a virtual machine “virt-log” is a command line tool to display the log files from the named virtual machine (or disk image). This tool understands and displays both plain text log files (eg. /var/log/messages) and binary formats such as the systemd journal. sudo virt-log -d | less sudo virt-log -d | grep 'dhclient.*bound to' Virsh Manage networking To wrap up our virsh commands cheatsheet content, please read my previous article: Configure KVM Networking With virsh, nmcli and brctl in Linux Conclusion Our virsh commands cheatsheet is now complete. In our next tutorial on virsh commands, I’ll share with you my bash functions that come in handy when managing Guest machines on KVM. I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this post. Please share and comment if you have any issue.
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