#set him free ‘verse
wh3nturtlesfly · 2 years
Set Him Free (Chapter 4)
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Relationships: Slow burn prinxiety and logicality
Word Count: 2892
Summary: Virgil is sent out on a new job, though things go unexpected when he runs into the wrong person…
The sky was still pitch black when Virgil awoke. A morning chill seeped through the windows, allowing his dark purple quilt to appear much more enticing. He pulled the covers over his head, trying to gain a few more minutes of sleep, though his mind had already been awoken by several thoughts.
Groaning, he shuffled out of bed, intent on finishing the day's tasks early to avoid confrontation. As he passed through the doorway, he was immediately met with the sound of clinking metal and the soft scribbling of pencil on paper.
A small candle shone upon the kitchen table, casting a soft glow upon the inventor’s face. Janus turned to face Virgil, having heard him walk in, “Wonderful morning, isn’t it?”
“Could be better,” Virgil grumbled, rubbing his eyes and taking a seat in a nearby chair, “It’d be nice if I could actually gain some sleep for once.”
“That was your fault in accepting work as a thief.”
“I assume you already have your requests ready?”
“You know I’m never one to disappoint,” Janus held out the piece of parchment he had been scribbling on, “Location and items are on the list.”
Virgil took it, carefully tucking it into his pocket and sliding on his boots.
“You may need these as well,” the inventor held out a case filled with several lock picks. Virgil accepted the small box, clipping it to a loop within his belt.
“I am solely providing you with the necessities for your assignment, you have no need to thank me.”
“Alright, no thank you then,” Virgil snagged an apple from a bowl centered within the kitchen table, knowing Janus would scold him if he left without eating, “You’ve taken care of me since I was a kid. Seriously Jan, you can stop pulling all this merciless acquaintance crap.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Janus’ face displayed a mock innocent smile, “Though be safe out there, it may be dark but that doesn’t present an excuse to be careless.”
“Aw, looks like someone really does care,” Virgil smirked, heading towards the door, “I’ll be back in a few hours, try to keep Remus from destroying the house while I’m gone.”
“That’s like asking me to keep day from turning to night, though I suppose I could prolong the inevitable.“ He met Virgil’s eyes, his expression softening just slightly, “Try not to get caught while you’re out.”
“As if those royals could catch me anyway,” Virgil gave a final wave, then vanished behind the closed door.
The cold air brushed against his cheeks, Elden not yet warmed by the morning sun. He reached to pull his hood up before realizing he was currently without his cloak.
Roman still had a hold of it after his last near-escape. Just another reason for him to despise the prince. Virgil shivered, running faster to escape the chill.
He swiftly made his way into town, slipping through alleyways and ducking within the shadows. Each small footfall brought forth a slight uneasiness, the possibility of being found growing more likely with the soon rising sun.
Virgil retrieved Janus’ list, skimming the cursive letters. They wove through the page, listing directions to a silversmith’s shop located a mere streets away. It shouldn’t be too hard of a job, especially since the silversmith would most likely still be asleep. Virgil followed the orientations, hastily winding his way through the cobblestone roads before reaching the workshop.
The cream stone building towered above him, lined with wooden accents and wedged within two other establishments. It consisted of two stories, the bottom holding various silver craftings and the top dedicated to housing for the silversmith.
This made Virgil’s job somewhat more difficult, though it was nothing he hadn’t done before.
Silently, he crept to the door, retrieving the lock picking kit he had been given. He carefully inserted one of the rods into the lock and turned it with no avail. Perfect.
Virgil clutched a larger rod in his hand, again placing it within the lock. After a few experimental turns, a small click surfaced from within the bolt, bringing a sly smile to Virgil’s face.
He gently pushed the wooden door open, sliding inside without so much as a creak from the worn hinges. Inside lay various silver trinkets, each polished to a crystal clear. Scanning through platters and kettles, Virgil crept past the shelves, searching for what Janus required.
Nothing of great importance had been placed in sight, causing the thief to have to seek more hidden areas. He pushed aside cabinet doors and pulled open drawers until he finally came upon what he had been hunting for.
Three circular washers had been placed within a cedar cupboard along with metallic gears of varying sizes. Virgil quickly swiped the parts, setting them inside one of the pockets that lined his belt. Closing the cupboard doors to avoid suspicion, he wordlessly slipped back outside, leaving nothing but the missing supplies to indicate his presence.
Virgil clicked the lock shut, then turned to face the waking city, though came face to face with a pair of emerald green eyes instead. Janus was going to kill him.
The prince smiled down at him with something that could only be described as triumphant bliss. Virgil wished greatly to wipe that grin off his face and make a run for it. Such options were an impossibility now.
Virgil locked eyes with the prince, assessing his surroundings as he attempted to stall, “Fancy seeing you here princey, I didn’t take you to be one for early morning strolls.”
“It seems I am full of surprises then. Mind telling me what you’ve stolen?”
“No-pe!” Virgil popped the ‘p’.
“Typical,” Roman muttered under his breath, “I suppose I’ll just move on to apprehending you then. I do have expectations to uphold.”
The thief rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah, we get it princey, you’re a valiant prodigy.”
“Allow me to bask in my success for once, would you?”
“I think I’d rather just be out of your way altogether,” Virgil stepped to the side, aiming to get past the prince, though coming up short as he was immediately pulled backwards. Roman once more grinned, and Virgil glared at him in return.
“Now, just where do you think you’re going?”
Virgil resisted the urge to step back, his face only inches apart from Roman’s, “I don’t know, anywhere but around your irritating self.”
“I hate to break it to you, but it doesn’t appear that you have much choice.”
“It’s all on your perspective,” Virgil proposed.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Observe,” the thief quickly advanced forward, causing Roman to shrink back in surprise.
The obstacle-crowded streets did provide one advantage, allowing Virgil to leap atop a stack of crates. Swerving to the right, he nearly avoided Roman’s grasp. Now, Virgil was about twice the prince’s height, smirking down on him with a triumph of his own. “How’s the weather down there princey?”
“This is all just so amusing to you, isn’t it?”
“Sure seems that way,” Virgil admitted, pulling out a stolen washer and mockingly inspecting its surface, “Not only that, but you tend to use a bunch of fancy words when you become frustrated, which is hilarious.”
“Thine words hold no truth!” Roman exclaimed, flushing as his statement registered within his mind.
“I hate to break up this lovely little conversation we’ve started, but can I go now? It would be much appreciated if I could continue on with my day in peace.”
“You don’t get such pleasantries as a wanted criminal,” he sighed, “Now, I order you to get down from there-“
“Nah. I don’t think I will. The skyline actually seems pretty great,” Virgil took a step backwards, advancing up to a higher crate.
“Don’t you dare,” Roman warned.
“Don’t I dare what? This?” Virgil took another step back, almost in line with the roof of a carpentry shop, “I thought the queen taught you to use your words when you wanted something, Averille.”
Roman scowled, taking a step forward before freezing as Virgil backed away. He was a step away from the roof now. Any farther and Roman would lose the chance of apprehending Virgil altogether.
“Aw, what’s wrong princey?” Virgil taunted, observing his rival’s sullen expression, “Can’t bear to see me leave so soon?”
“Psh- you wish!”
“I see. I suppose you wouldn’t mind me taking off then, I’ve probably taken enough of your time already,” the thief stepped atop the roof.
“Wait!” Roman called, causing Virgil to stop. He sighed, retrieving something from his side, “If I can’t arrest you, then will you at least allow me to make a trade?”
Virgil raised a brow, suspicious, “What kind of game are you playing?”
“I’m serious! If you return the items you stole to me, then I will return something of yours.”
Virgil perked up at this, eyes growing wide as Roman held up the jet black cloak. He stepped partway down from the crates, but froze just before he reached the prince’s eyes level, “How do I know this isn’t some trick?”
“In all honesty, you don’t. I just need you to trust me.”
Several doubts ran through Virgil’s head at once. Who was he to randomly trust the same person he had been running from moments before?
All he had to do was step up to the roof and make a break for it, though Virgil greatly wanted his cloak back. It was the one thing that grounded him when he felt his mind was spiraling out of control.
Virgil, groaned, rubbing his temples and muttering something along the lines of, “I am so gonna regret this.”
He slowly descended from the crates, stopping just above the first. Virgil was a mere arms length from the prince now. He retrieved the items from a pocket within his belt, motioning to Roman, “Give me the cloak first.”
Though hesitant, Roman tossed the garment to Virgil, quickly catching several metallic parts thrown his way.
As they both held their bounty, Virgil pinched his brows in confusion, “You’re not just going to arrest me anyway?”
“As wonderful as that would be, I asked you to trust me and you did,” Roman sighed, “Technically, since the goods have been transferred to my hands before you reach whoever you deliver these to, you haven’t necessarily stolen anything. I won’t take you into custody, this time.”
He was met with a look of disbelief, followed by a more gentle smile, “Y’know princey, you aren’t as bad as you seem.”
“Why thank you- wait.... What’s that supposed to mean!”
All Roman received was a smirk in return, before his longtime rival had disappeared from sight. The sun had just begun to rise now, the sounds of townsfolk waking up serving as a reminder that it was still only early morning.
Roman desperately wished to remain in the streets a little longer, though he was probably already going to be in enough trouble for leaving the castle without informing his mother or any of the staff beforehand.
How was he supposed to explain that a sense of adventure had led him to patrol the streets this morning? That and Logan had informed him that criminals like Virgil typically worked within the dark, trying to avoid confrontation.
It was only a short stroll to the castle, allowing Roman to arrive upon the gates within mere minutes. He snuck in through one of the back entrances, passing through the kitchens on his way. The sweet aromas always brought a smile to his face, and he needed a little bit of joy after having to deal with Virgil so early in the morning.
A familiar face greeted him in the kitchens, “Evelyn!” he exclaimed, “Such a pleasure to see you!”
“You as well,” the woman smiled, flour covering everything from her apron to the tips of her strawberry hair, “I see you’ve already been out this morning.”
“Indeed I have. It seems to be both a blessing and a curse as head of the royal guard.”
Roman glanced down to the wooden bowl clutched in her hands, “What are you making?”
She glanced down to the bowl, smiling, “Oh nothing special, just a spiced bread using a recipe from an old friend.”
“I see,” the prince took note of the open recipe book on the counter, “I assume Nakita will be the official taste tester again.”
A soft smile settled on Evelyn’s lips, “I’m sure she would love to, but she’s out on an assignment right now. She’s been really busy ever since she was tasked with scouting the northern realm, though she somehow always finds time to write back about her adventures.”
“I’m sure she does. Nothing can stop that girl from doing what she wishes, she’s too stubborn,” Roman chuckled.
Nakita was his right hand soldier, the two fighting side by side until Queen Elena had allowed Roman to patrol the kingdom himself.
Now Nakita had been tasked with protecting Elden from enemy nations, all while occasionally managing the dungeons. She claimed she handled the second job to ensure Roman didn’t screw it up, but the prince knew it was really to be able to spend more time with Evelyn.
It was always amusing to watch the hardened soldier become flustered at the mention of a certain baker, especially since she was usually so serious. Seeing the soldier come out of her shell for Evelyn was nice though. Roman knew Nakita needed a chance to laugh a little.
“She should be returning soon,” Evelyn added, a delighted spark flashing in her eyes, “She wrote that she would return to the palace in about a month’s time as a special visit.”
“Well that is absolutely wonderful!
“Indeed it is,” Evelyn beamed, eyes catching sight of someone in the doorway, “I don’t mean to stop our conversation, but it seems your advisor is waiting for you.”
Roman took a peek behind his shoulder, “It’s alright, I can address him later.”
“Go on Roman, you needn’t keep him waiting for my small talk.” Evelyn waved him forward, ushering him towards the door, “Knowing Logan, you could be missing something imperative.”
“Everything is imperative to him! Though if you insist, I suppose I should go. It was lovely getting to talk to you!” Roman called behind his shoulder, “I hope the bread turns out well!”
With that, he had passed through the kitchen doorway, entering a broad corridor. Towering windows lined the entire hallway, providing the perfect dose of natural light, especially with the morning sun.
Roman turned and was met with thick rimmed glasses and quizzical expression. “I know, I know,” Roman lamented, “I said I would catch him this time, but here I am, without success. Go ahead, tell me everything I did wrong”
Logan simply chuckled, “I was merely here to inquire as to if you were victorious this morning, though I guess that question has been answered for me. Still, if you wish for a piece of constructive criticism, I would recommend informing the queen of your intentions before leaving without a word next time.”
Roman groaned, “Oh no, she’s-”
“Worried, distressed, disgruntled, vexed? Yes, very much so.”
“I could suspect as much. I am going to have a lot of explaining to do.” His mother never liked him leaving the palace without her knowing. Another layer of protection, she had called it.
“Not if you hurry. She may forget about all your morning endeavors if you simply apologize first.”
“That’s true,” Roman admitted, “how are you always so smart?”
“Using common sense is usually an important first step,” Logan deadpanned.
“Ha, ha, very funny- but how did you know the purpose of why I left this morning? There was no one in the corridors this morning when I snuck out.”
“Inductive reasoning. That and the fact that I was awake at that hour, and I did notice you sneak out,” The advisor rolled his eyes, ”You simply didn’t catch sight of my presence because your mind was too focused on other tasks.”
“Of course it was,” Roman snickered to himself, glancing towards the door to his mother’s study, “Any send offs before I face my interrogation?”
“I hardly believe her highnesses concerned questioning could come close to an interrogation.”
“You must not know my mother’s true potential then,” The prince smirked, giving a wave before meandering towards the white and gold door, “Wish me luck!”
“That would be worthless as luck does not come to play with life’s doings, though I will hope for the best if you so wish me to.”
“Good enough for me!” Roman arrived at the door to his mother’s study. He raised his hand to knock, though hesitated.
The white rimmed door seemed much more lofty than usual, towering over him with a pressing intimidation. Gold detailing that lined the priceless wood screamed cold regalness, almost persuading Roman to avoid knocking altogether.
What was there even to stress about? It was only his mother, there was nothing to fear.
Taking a deep breath, Roman stood as tall as he possibly could, rapping against the door three times. Clear and crisp. Just as he had been taught.
A voice called from the other side for him to enter, and exhaling with a final courage, Roman opened the door.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 4 months
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the fuck did they do to pavitr again
Edge of Spider-Verse (2024) Issue #4
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direwombat · 7 months
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the novice, the scholar, and the stray dog
or, the sole remaining members of the brotherhood's (defunct) detroit bureau in ASSASSIN'S CREED: MOTOR CITY
template made by @unholymilf (tumblr wouldn't let me tag directly, so linking to the blog instead)
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yearszero · 2 months
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it's   gone   centuries   before   kenzie   even   attempts   to   find   her.   it's   terribly   unfair   what   happened   to   aniela   in   the   end.   cast   out   of   her   home   for   something   beyond   her   control.   kenzie   understands,   because   just   like   ani   he   can   feel   emotions   too.   there   is   a   slight   fear   she   might   be   upset   that   he   waited   so   long   to   reach   out,   despite   it   being   a   bit   out   of   the   angels   control.   there   were   certain   threads   you   had   to   weave   through   as   gods   right   hand.   she   looks   happy   though,   that   what   kenzie   tells   himself   as   he   gazes   at   her   from   a   distance.   it's   a   beautiful   day,   *&   the   water   looks   very   inviting.   toes   dip   into   the   sand   as   he   transforms   to   a   more   "human"   state,   carefully   making   his   way   forward.   feet   glide   into   the   tide   as   he   takes   in   the   fresh   air,   eyes   flittering   to   ani's   presence   mere   inches   down   the   beach.    ❛❛ nice   day   for   a   swim. ❜❜    a   simple   statement.   kenzie   has   to   break   the   ice   between   them   somehow.
@anishael gets a semi plotted thing
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Starter for @poeticphoenix​ || Genesis and Vincent Chaos
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It was that point in time of existence that Vincent expected would reach him occasionally...that time when a few decades passed since the greatest hells ran over this planet that he or his friends or both fought against....that time where he’d grown more distant for a multitude of reasons, and he couldn’t count the days since last he’d seen them, though he kept up with their well-being from a distance. But he didn’t need the...feeling, or the experience, of facing those living on, comfortably or in complications, while he still wandered in his seemingly frozen state.
He was perhaps past his sixties by now, though he still didn’t reflect any different age at all. He was wandering as he ever did, finding ways to provide some effort to this world and satiate his need for action or information. He needed to something to keep moving towards, or he knew he’d be inclined to find a corner to settle in for who knows how long.
But for some time now, there had been something prickling at his senses. It was the strange sense of world-wide instinct that he knew was connected to the WEAPON spliced into him, bound to him as force and host. He knew how it reacted to Sephiroth, to Jenova, to the Remnants, with apprehension, distaste, if not feral rage--they were not right, not meant to exist on this planet, not meant ot risk tainting the energy that belonged to his other, his partner, his opposite, his purpose--Omega. 
Then there is how it reacted to Deepground and Omega. Omega’s awakening was inviting, though Chaos seemed aware it was a violation, forced as it was, it was also their fate and he cared little for everything still living and existing. Deepground was a problem, specs, disrupting natural energy and paths, but they weren’t quite the same threat as the calamity and its spawns. 
Awareness of a shift in energy, in balance, implications of threats and disruptions, that is what he could sense, as well as greater threats to the planet itself, whether it be its corruption or it’s rapid impending death. And Vincent had learned to keep aware of it, and follow it when necessary.
But this sense...it was...different. It was an awareness, of an energy. An awareness akin to what the being Chaos would feel when considering, sensing, or feeling Omega, yet still different. There was a curiosity, too, as if he knew little of this energy. There was no true sense of threat, though there was unrest for the fact that he was uninformed. Vincent did his best for a time to ignore the sense, as it didn’t seem important enough to face, and he only assumed the planet was doing what it’s done before, forging defensing or mending what it could of itself.
But finally, the demon without could not be ignored any longer. Vincent had given in some months ago, and with Chaos’ sense of powerful energy traveling the planet, Vincent took to following, distantly and lazily at first, but soon he was committing full effort to it. However, he tried to keep discreet even so. For a time.
Pointless, really. If this...thing, this figure he was following was, as Chaos made it seem, like the demon in any way, he would have sensed them by now. So with Chaos’ eagerness brewing underneath, Vincent set to finally face the figure. He’d seen him from afar, seemingly humanoid. A vessel, like Vincent? Or something completely other...? He had yet to see any true harm or trouble being caused, so he would stand by his assumption this figure was no ill-intentioned threat. For now.
He found the figure atop a hill overlooking a town below, Vincent not entirely focused on where he’d ended up at this point, or why this figure could be here. Instead, he simply marched his way to the edge of the hill, making his presence known as best he could without clearing his throat. Still standing a distance away, he stopped his march and observed the figure and his unique garb. It was...familiar, however chaotic and seemingly torn or perhaps it was designed that way. Long hair, he seemed to stand with a strange body language the raven-haired male couldn’t help trying to read into.
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“...I’ve been following you for quite a few months now... Four, five now is it...? I have to asked... Why haven’t you faced me yet?” he spoke then, standing steady his reasonable distance away, as he felt Chaos’ focus solely on the other figure, trying to feel him, sense him, assess him through Vincent’s own senses.
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rasafcrged · 4 months
@lncarnon / nekros sent a meme.
“They torture me, but still they fear me. Do you fear me?“
He was a fascinating construct. He seemed to be something akin to herself - a sentient ... mechanoid, or perhaps a form of adaptation, a melding of bionic and mechanical forms. A blending of species, but yet like nothing that she had ever seen before, and something that she could not readily analyze or identify. And that made him ... fascinating to her. She had no way of knowing what he could ascertain of her own making, what abilities and systems of analyses that he had access to and that made him ... potentially dangerous. But she had long since learned that her curiosity would outweigh a chance of harm in nearly all scenarios.
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"Fear?" An easy smile graces the edges of her lips as she watches him, hands clasped loosely together at the small of her back, a light bounce of weight from heel, to toe, and back again as she settled. "No. I am not one that is given easily to fear, or hatred, or the violence that seems to go hand in hand." That brings a slight furrow of her brow, a pensive crease. "I do not desire to see you hurt, or constrained. I am sorry that they have resorted to such tactics. Is there anything that I can offer? Do you require food, or water, or nourishment of some kind?" She did not have the authority to free him, not in the innocuous position that she had obtained with those that currently held him, but she could try and make his time here more comfortable.
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tvrningout · 8 months
we turn the page to a new chapter | mutuals meet cyrillo ♡
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his hand rubs relentlessly at the scars on his wrist, turning tanned skin red as cyrillo stares up at the clear blue sky. the sun warms his cheeks, has him squinting and scowling, yet his gaze never leaves the aky above.
your wife died giving me her heart to keep your little one safe. did you plan for that, too?
he had. he discussed it with her as a possibility, a scenario to be prepared for; a small part of him always wondered whether or not she ever had to do it, and a larger part preferred to push the thought down. not knowing and wondering would be the end of him if he let it. though, now that cyrillo knew what happened after his death, of his wife's fate, he realizes the truth can be just as maddening.
she died without him, because of him. their daughter lived without both of her parents, raised by a valravn forced into servitude. he wonders how different all of their lives could have been if he hadn't deserted the army all that time ago.
cyrillo doesn't turn upon the sound of approaching footsteps. bronwyn did not save her biting words for a private conversation, relishing in his subtle discomfort ( despite centuries apart, it was disconcerting how well she knew him still ). he can only imagine the other is here to bring some sort of comfort, but the vampire would much prefer a distraction.
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" i hope you aren't here to pity me, " he comments lightly as he slips his glove back on. " i made my choices. wise or not, i have to live with them. "
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namenoted · 7 months
❝ well, here we are, ❞ he says, looking at the spread of books between them. ❝ man, where do we even begin? i guess ... at the beginning, right? ❞
he's putting it on heavy today. while there is nothing necessarily ominous about yagami, no shadow over his shoulder here (not in this world!), there is an air about him. he is a proper, well-put-together boy, and he is oddly helpful, well-mannered, and bred for success. the ultimate academic, an almost teen detective, and japan's top student —— and yet, here he is, sitting in his livingroom cross-legged with his hands on his knees, leaning back to stretch out his ribs against the lining of the couch's base frame and cushions. the tonkatsu he's pulled out is clearly expensive, and despite its use, has been well taken care of.
the general decor is a relative mix of traditional and western —— a nice house —— and yagami is obviously playing comfortable. maybe he really is? still, with company, it's best to keep up appearances. he can't be too comfortable. this person isn't keitaro*.
❝ hey, do you want something to drink before we get started? ❞ their introductory tea is empty, the small pot sitting near their discarded cups and saucers. ❝ water, soda? we also have chips if you want a snack. now that i think about it, i think i need a little 'brain food'. ❞ — @kuroyrii
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a-koschyei · 1 year
gonna have to read the whole sab series in full before i lock this in, but i'm thinking koschei was probably one of the first heartrenders and possibly ilya's merzost study buddy
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
" You're lucky that you're cute. " [BATTLEBOSS MAYBE?]
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
The words pique the boss’ attention, earning a tilt of his head followed only by a questioning grin. 
“You think I’m cute?” There’s traces of playfulness as his voice glitches ever so slightly, alluding to how her words alone caused something within his code to stir. “And to think-- I only thought you put up with me because we’re partners.”
Yasuo sports his signature half smirk, the very same one seen plastered on the side of his own cabinet when he had one. They hadn’t been working together long but spreading malignant code together was way easier than attempting to do the feat alone-- after all why shouldn’t they make it easier on themselves. Saves them from Veigar’s wrath later. Just so happened this time Yasuo had been a little too flashy and stupid for her liking this time around and well-- here they are now.
“Well-- if it’s anything to you, Princess,” he begins, voice once again faltering and slightly repeating at the last word. “Not too bad yourself. Now let’s head back before Veigar deletes us both.”
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wh3nturtlesfly · 2 years
Set Him Free (Chapter 23)
First | Previous | The end, you’ve made it! :)
Relationships: Prinxiety and Logicality
Word Count: 2407
Summary: The fate of the kingdom seems to be up in the air, is it possible so many loose ends could ever be tied?
A blink of an eye. Then, a sliver of light through the curtains. Roman groaned, groggily opening his eyes.
He could hear hushed voices, and he slowly turned his head to face the source. Crowded around the table stood Logan and Patton, both of them speaking in hushed voices. Roman couldn’t recall how long he had been asleep. His mind was clouded; that kind of feeling you get when you hadn’t quite woken up yet.
There was a dull throbbing to his bones as the prince took in his surroundings. He tried to think back to what had happened before he had fallen unconscious, though it was all such a blur. One minute he had been pushing past his mother, and the next there had been pain. So much pain.
He remembered screaming, his mother sobbing at his side. Flashes of glowing orange emerged in his mind, and he tried to piece together the significance of it all. The liquid. Piercing, searing, burning.
The prince shot up from where he had been lying and instantly regretted it. A sharp sting cut through his veins, shooting up his spine with a piercing clarity. Roman grimaced, falling back onto the bed as tears pricked his eyes.
“Good heavens Roman!” Logan exclaimed, rushing to his side with Patton close behind, “Be careful, you mustn’t injure yourself further!”
“I’m fine-” Roman tried to say, but was interrupted by a coughing fit that rattled his bones. His lungs burned, and he winced as he shakily propped himself up against the headrest.
Patton’s brow creased with concern, “Please be gentle kiddo, your bandages are sensitive. All this movement could reopen your wounds.”
Roman nodded, biting his cheek to keep from wincing at the ache within his body. The smallest movement sent a shock of pain up his back, and he flinched as his sheets grazed his skin. Patton and Logan exchanged a worried glance.
“How are you feeling?” Logan asked, clearly trying to remain calm. Roman had never seen the advisor so emotional, not besides the day he returned.
“I’m as well as I can be,” the bandages on his torso scratched his skin as he spoke, “What was it?”
“I beg your pardon-”
“The orange stuff, that- liquid. What was it?”
Logan stiffened. He pushed up his glasses, repeatedly opening and closing his mouth. Patton saved him from having to find the right words.
“Poison,” he said, “You were struck with your mother’s poison-”
“Your father’s creation to be exact.” Logan spoke up, “A hidden weapon of sorts. One capable of destroying entire kingdoms if Elden ever found the need.”
Entire Kingdoms. He had been deceived by his own family. Hurt by his own mother, whether it was intentional or not. Roman felt sick.
Patton placed a hand over his, “It’s a lot to take in, and we’re sorry that we didn’t know sooner.”
“How-” Roman gulped, “How did I survive?”
“There was a hidden antidote as well,” Patton explained, “The Queen panicked when you were hit, and ran to fetch the cure. Luckily, Logan was able to keep you alive before the effects got really bad.”
Roman tried to block the feeling of burning skin from his mind. The smell of smoke and the screaming. Fiery orange haunted his thoughts.
“You should be back to full health in a few days, though you will have scars. That I was unable to heal.”
“It’s alright Logan, thank you. Thank you for everything.” Roman met the advisor’s eyes and smiled.
“We’re just happy you’re okay,” Patton squeezed his hand. His eyes crinkled as he smiled, and Roman then noticed the puffiness of their faces. Both Logan and Patton had been crying no doubt, and though the advisor had been better at concealing it they both clearly had been doing so recently. Roman’s heart ached to know he had put them through so much worry.
“What about my mother?” He asked.
A touchy subject. Roman was entering dangerous territory, though Patton nodded, “She will have a trial. After what she’s done, she surely won’t be Queen anymore, but we still have to decide her sentence.”
A trial. The one thing his mother wouldn’t grant him. The thing he had begged her to allow, all so he could protect-
“Virgil,” Roman blurted, “Where’s Virgil?”
His friends stilled, momentarily taken aback. “He’s still in the dungeon,” Logan said, exchanging a glance with Patton.
“I have to go to him.”
“Roman, you can’t. Your injuries are still healing.”
“I don’t care,” Roman swung his legs over the side of the bed. He grit his teeth as his body ached in protest. “I need to see him.”
“Kiddo please, you just need a bit more rest.” Patton brushed a thumb over the back of Roman’s hand. He shook off the touch, hoping that his friend didn’t feel too hurt by the action. This couldn’t wait.
Roman stepped off the bed, wincing as weight was put onto his stiff limbs. His joints were still tender, and movement was not doing much to help that. Roman didn’t stop. One step after the other, he inched forward until he had reached the door.
“Roman, please.” Logan called out to him, “You could endanger your health.” He stepped forward, but Patton caught his hand before he could reach the prince.
“Let him go Logan,” Patton muttered, “That boy is in love whether he knows it or not. All we can do now is watch it unfold.”
“If you say so. I just hope it all goes well.”
“It will,” Patton smiled, bringing up their joined hands to press a kiss to Logan’s knuckles. “It sure did for us.”
Logan turned a brilliant shade of red, quickly forgetting Roman’s departure. Meanwhile, the prince had managed to hobble a great distance down the main hall.
Each step was a struggle. Roman grit his teeth and tried to ignore the pain throbbing in each muscle and joint. He longed to move faster, to sprint into the dungeons until he could catch sight of dark bangs and a defiant smirk.
Gritting his teeth, he quickened his pace. Faster, faster, faster until he could see the doors to the dungeon. Pain shot up his spine, electric and piercing but Roman willed it away until he reached the door. So close.
Virgil was moments away.
Roman wrenched the door open, striding down the dungeon corridor. Upon entering, he heard voices, one distinctly resembling that of the thief.
“Please, just let me see him,” the voice pleaded, “I need to know he’s alright. There was an antidote, right?”
“I cannot tell you that. All information regarding the prince will be shared in time.”
“You said that two days ago! Please, I just need to know if he got the cure.”
The prince turned the corner, finally catching sight of the two at the end of the hall. Virgil stood tense, brow creased with worry as he pleaded with the guard.
Roman ran. Fifty feet away… twenty…ten. One.
The sound of footsteps caught Virgil’s attention. He turned, eyes widening, “Roman?”
Roman’s heart ached at the mention of his name, and he nodded frantically.
“I-” Virgil slowly stepped up to the bars, reaching out hesitantly as if one touch would break the prince. His eyes drifted to the bandages around Roman’s torso, “You’re hurt. Roman, you should be resting, what are you doing? You need to be careful!”
Virgil eyes darted across Roman’s battered form and his hands floated just above the prince’s wounds, “Seriously Roman, I don’t understand-”
“Hey,” Roman whispered, taking Virgil’s hands in his own, “I got the antidote. I’ll be fully recovered in a few days, you don’t have to worry,” he flashed a reassuring smile, “I couldn’t wait any longer, Virgil. I needed to see you.”
The slightest blush crept across Virgil’s cheeks and he met the prince’s eyes, “You’re okay. You’re really alright.”
“Of course I am,” Roman laughed as tears pricked his cheeks, “I couldn’t leave the notorious Virgil Rayne by his lonesome, could I?”
“You could have. I deserve it.”
Roman squeezed Virgil’s hands, “Nonsense. You’ve done so much for me, I had to make sure that you were alright.”
Virgil’s gaze dropped to the floor, “I’ve just made things worse. I disobeyed the laws of the kingdom. I was supposed to be the one that poison hit. You weren’t supposed to get hurt. You never were supposed to suffer like this-”
“That was my choice,” Roman insisted, moving to cup Virgil’s cheek. He leaned into the touch, and Roman nearly melted.
“I wanted to see you again, after all you’ve done to help me. Please Virgil, don’t blame yourself for the actions of my mother.” He searched Virgil’s eyes, hoping with everything that the boy understood. Guilt was never something he wanted Virgil to carry, not when it hadn’t all been his fault.
“The poison, that was the secret Janus was looking for.”
“I know,” Roman whispered, “I wish I would’ve known before. We could have avoided this mess.”
“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have gotten to know you.”
The prince’s face grew hot, “Yes- I suppose that’s true.”
He continued to sputter, and Virgil smirked, “Careful princey, you’re getting a little flustered.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Roman huffed, pursing his lips into a dramatically irritated expression.
“I’m a thief. Stealing things is what I do.”
“What ever could you have stolen?”
“Your heart, dork.” A feline smile emerged on Virgil’s lips and Roman swore he was going to burst into flames. A raging blush covered his cheeks, unhidable at this point.
Roman wanted to kiss that smirk right off Virgil’s face. Maybe then they could share flushed faces. Though as he met the thief's eyes, Roman got a better idea.
“Well, Virgil Raine, if you are responsible for such crimes, then I must give you a sentence.”
“Oh?” Virgil raised a brow, a playful grin dancing across his lips. Perfect.
“Yes,” Roman nodded, “As ruler of Elden, I sentence you to a life in the castle! No longer shall you live in the streets where you can commit crimes. Instead, you will be given a place here where you may live among me and my companions.”
Virgil stilled, eyes widening, “Roman, I-”
“Please Virgil, you could work with the seamstresses, I know you can sew. Or you could tend to the gardens. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how much you enjoy plants. Or if you didn’t want to do any of those things you could stay with me. You could live a good life, happy and perfect.”
Virgil wanted with everything to accept Roman’s offer. He wished to jump into his arms and leave everything else behind him. He would give anything to forget his life before, to live free, though one thought weighed deeply on him. “But I cause trouble. I don’t want to hurt you any more than I already have.”
“Even the deepest wounds can heal,” Roman said, sending Virgil a pleading glance, “You have set me free, please allow me to do the same for you.”
He brushed his thumb across Virgil’s cheek, sending a shiver down his spine. The touch was feather light, and paired with Roman’s desperate expression, how could Virgil ever refuse?
“Okay. I’ll stay.”
Roman nearly exploded. A smile, bright and beaming emerged on his face. Laughter bubbled in his chest, and Roman giggled. Those violet eyes locked with his own, sparkling even in the darkness of the dungeon. They were the prettiest things he had ever seen.
“Thank you,” Roman whispered, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Virgil smirked, “Don’t thank me, this was your idea.”
“And what a wonderful idea I came up with, hm?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Roman huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. Virgil’s smile grew, somehow shining even brighter than before. Roman wanted to get lost in that smile.
He stepped back from the thief, his heart melting as Virgil looked almost disappointed at the absence of his touch. Roman decided he would be alright for the time being. Especially with what he was about to do next.
Roman turned to the guard who remained standing at their post. He almost felt sorry for them, knowing full well they had to be feeling quite awkward at the moment. Oh well.
Without even having to speak, he was handed a ring of keys each holding a number to the corresponding cell. Roman accepted the keys and the guard practically sprinted out of the dungeon. He heard Virgil snicker behind him. It sounded adorable.
Roman was able to find the right key relatively quickly, and had already inserted it into the lock, turning it with an affirming click. The barred door swung open, and Virgil hesitantly stepped out. He looked at Roman in question, and the prince nodded, beaming as the thief closed the cell door behind him.
“And so comes the end of this crazy few weeks.”
Virgil raised a brow, “Oh?”
“That is, unless you have something to add,” Roman smirked.
Virgil stepped closer, their faces now inches apart. He moved to cup Roman’s jaw, those violet eyes shimmering. “I may be wrong,” he muttered, “but I believe all stories are supposed to have a brilliant finale.”
A deep crimson covered Roman’s cheeks, “Well then,” he hummed, “shall we have our happily ever after?”
“Please,” Virgil breathed, and Roman’s lips connected with his own. Roman saw stars, glittering and brilliant just like the shimmer of Virgil’s eyes. He moved his hands to rest on Virgil’s waist, feather-light. Everything about it was stunning and soft and perfect. Virgil’s hands moved to wrap around the prince’s neck and Roman melted, pulling Virgil closer.
They broke away after a few moments, both breathless as they gazed into each other’s eyes. A beaming grin no doubt covered Roman’s features at the moment, and he allowed it to shine bright. Virgil possessed a twin smile, the blush on his face easily comparable to the red of the royal crest.
“Woah,” Virgil breathed, “That was one heck of a happy ending.”
“It’s about time,” Roman smirked, holding one of Virgil’s hands so they could walk in tandem.
As the walls of the dungeon disappeared behind them, a weight lifted from the thief's chest. He stepped out of the shadows, his fingers laced with Roman’s.
No more running. No more hiding. They were safe, they were happy, and most of all… they were free.
Final Notes: You did it! Thank you for joining me on this adventure of a story, it’s one of my favorites for sure. Don’t be too sad however, I’ve thought of making a few extended oneshots of this universe, though no promises. Even then, I’m hoping to come out with some new prinxiety stories in the near future! I’m glad it could come to a close, and thank you all for your support. See you next time! :)
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ofmythsandfablesaa · 2 years
open to: anyone muse: s.alazar s.lytherin ( verse dependent | bi ) connections: acquaintances / friends / possible love interest thread style: short para to novella, depending on how things roll
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❈ — “No no no. You’re supposed to stir the mixture counter clockwise five times first and then twice clockwise. And immediately after, add in the herb...”
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inspireswar · 2 years
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@ourlordfather from here.
lyanna is silent for only for a moment at his words, she expected no less from adar. "what if he should return with the elf or the humans?" she did not fear death nor believe they would be able to overtake adar and his orcs now that they had the advantage of the land. she did not, however, like the idea of battle so soon nor the risks that came with any battle. there would be losses, too many of them. "i have no wish to hide, i only believe we should have a plan should he return to us. sauron will need us, not the other way around. let us use this to our advantage."
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"and if said punishment is not directed at you but your children?" she questioned. what better way to punish adar than attacking his children directly? surely, sauron would see this if he had not already and he was not a merciful master, perhaps he wished to play at the idea of being one, but they all knew the truth. it was certain they would all rue their betrayal once sauron was done with them. even she would, no matter how small a role she had played in sauron's death. "what is to be done then?"
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yearszero · 2 months
i dropped all my verse tags wrong so...
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universestreasures · 3 months
@voidfell Sent: A tloz: twilight princess (manga) starter (Accepting!)
❝ what do you mean ‘never mind’? ❞ - Edo to Asuka
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"I said never mind, Phoenix." The duelist is firm with her words, golden eyes narrowing in on the pro. Asuka had a lot she wanted to say to him, specifically regarding his actions to both Ryo and Judai, but she decided to hold her tongue. Picking a fight with him, while certainly a satisfying prospect, at this moment did not seem wise. He was in league with that guy who, with Manjoume's help, had made a big portion of the school start acting crazy, after all.
He was not to be trusted. That was for sure. And as much as she wanted to kick his ass for what he did, it may put her friends in danger as a result. Who knows what this guy could do after the pettiness and arrogance he's shown so far. That was something she could not do. Period.
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"Or are you so high and mighty that you think you can just ignore people's wishes? I said never mind, and that's the end of it."
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anthrcpophagi · 1 year
tag dump
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