georgia-jereau · 4 years
Georgia had given herself a fully unplugged holiday. She’d made arrangements with the necessary people, taken the necessary precautions and of course, the right people had the number of the hotel she’d stayed at. Still, she’d gone to Hawaii and treated herself to a phone free vacation to celebrate Christmas this year. Spending time alone was not new or awkward anymore, she filled the hours with bars and restaurants, spa treatments and sleeping in late. Now that she was back in Olympus things should have felt relaxed. Instead, she found herself slamming on her breaks as she passed by the MC, tires squealing as she pulled her car to a halt outside the barrier of police tape. It was dark and nothing was well lit, but she could damn well see that the MC wasn’t fucking there anymore. Her heart beat faster in her chest and she stared for a moment. Georgia had few loyalties to any one person in particular, but the institution such as it was kept Mal safe in prison. It was one of the few emergency lines she had. A move like this was strong and deliberate. Swallowing her fear she climbed back in her car and drove to the Dive. She parked quickly and stalked inside. It was loud, and she knew her black slacks and pale linen blouse looked more at home in a board meeting that this bar, but this is was her first stop. She stalked in, her heels clicking as she looked for a place to sit. She jerked her head at the bartender. “Tanqueray and tonic, double, with extra lime.”
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celinacarcone · 3 years
Who: @scthcartcr​​
Where: Hallway outside the ER, Medical Center
When: Early evening
“You’re going to be fine, okay? Just squeeze my hand.” Cece didn’t normally work in the ER, but when a child came in, she was often called down simply as an encouraging presence. The child in question today was a little boy who had been hit in the face with a baseball during t-ball practice. Given that these kids didn’t even pitch yet, Celina wasn’t quite sure how that could happen, but she still held his hand and offered a bright smile while a doctor proceeded with a few stitches.
After thank-yous from his parents, Cece was heading out of the ER and towards the elevators when she caught sight of a familiar build retreating around a corner. “She’s not here,” Celina called out to Seth, a small smirk appearing as she peeled off her gloves and deposited them in the nearest trash can. “Your sneaking skills are getting worse.”
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the-tessacampbell · 4 years
closed - @scthcartcr
location - dog park
Tessa laughed as Archer pulled on his leash a bit, his tail nearly breaking as it wagged in excitement the closer they got to the park. “I know, bud. I know. Calm down. We’re getting there.” Tessa half-soothed as they walked up to the gate, trying not to spill her travel mug full of coffee. Once inside, she popped off his leash and watched him take off like a rocket, sprinting and sniffing, happy to play after being cooped up in the house. Sinking down onto one of the benches, she didn’t pay much attention to who else was already there. They owned a dog, obviously and Tessa couldn’t think of a serial killer who’d had a dog. Sure, there were probably SOME serial killers who had pets, but it couldn’t be very many. Dogs could smell evil... maybe. Was that a thing? That had to be a thing. Unless it wasn’t. Surely it was, there were dogs who found bodies, and could tell when someone would die, and find drugs- 
“Do you think evil has a smell?” Tessa asked, turning slightly to the person beside her. It was random and definitely not a typical way of striking up a conversation, but her thoughts had been too loud to keep in her head. She was aware that she kind of sounded like a serial killer now, so she just sipped her coffee and waited before she said anything else that sounded weird.
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Location: Seth’s place
Eddie knocked on the door of Seth’s place with the back of her grease stained knuckles and switched the plastic bag she was carrying from one hand to another. She had about forty minutes to get caught up before a bit more running around to do. No doubt he was busy as well, between the two businesses and the fucking war that was on with an enemy they’d yet to properly meet. When the door opens she gives a small, quick grin. “Heya, boss. I brought ya’ some of my world-famous chili.” she said, holding out the plastic bag with tupperware inside. “There’s enough for like four people, because I cook like I’m feeding an army.” she said with a shrug. Eddie has a pen tucked behind her ear, and as usual there’s already a few notes scribbled on her arms and the back of her hands written in an illegible shorthand only she could decipher most days. She wasn’t the most professional of people, but she was effective and her odd system worked for her. “You got a minute so we can finalize some stuff?”
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laurelgavaris · 4 years
set: sunday afternoon, january 3rd location: quarry lake availability: closed | @seth-marrok​
Laurel knew from the moment she grabbed her keys that was making her way to revisit the place that had been the stage of her last horror in the past year. Despite going through a new year, ghosts from the near past wouldn’t go away so quickly. Despite the cold temperature, she made her way to the lake after she parked her car, hues that matched the scenario in her surroundings. In fact, her green eyes were, for once, as cold as the shades nature offered that sunday afternoon.
She was sitting by the pier, hypnotized by the scenario and thoughts and it took her some time to notice that she wasn’t alone anymore. “Sorry…” she apologized by the clear jump scare she went through the moment Laurel was aware of Seth's presence. "I didn’t see you there."
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aleynagreer · 4 years
set: february 2nd, morning location: police station availability: closed | @seth-marrok​​
Aleyna couldn’t offer more to her boss than a quick call to let them know that she wouldn’t be able to work, and she was glad that in response he stated that no one was going to work that day because half of the staff couldn’t be reached out and there was a rumor that people were missing. And she knew it wasn't rumors, before the sun would rise she was already fully aware that something had happened, but calls hadn’t been enough. Calling the police to let them know that her child was missing was her first attempt at finding Andrea, afraid that someone had taken them and their friend.
But as time passed by, she understood that the children hadn’t been the only ones who disappeared that day. Every hour awake was another hour of someone else saying that their loved ones had disappeared, or their neighbor. Unable to wait any longer for answers, she found herself at the station. Claiming for attention in the way she could, raising her voice to draw them to her, knowing that part of that was her instincts as a werewolf and another part was just a mother desperate for answers about her child. “Can somebody please tell me what’s happening? I want to know where my child is.”
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nestundernight · 9 years
Small World | Seth
In the middle of the night, on a park bench, Byakuya lazily stretched himself out and gazed at the night sky. The boy wondered if he would have the time to keep relaxing like this. The thought didn’t bother him, though neither did the idea of something more exciting popping up in the near future. If he had to wait until he was able to as much damage as he wanted, then that was fine by him, however at the moment he was beginning to wonder how long it would be until the person watching him made their move.
“Yeah you there hiding in the shadows.”
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“Feel free to come out any time now.”
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convict-of-sin liked for a starter
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        “May I ask why you are so sad? Or is it stern? I am not in tune with reading humans yet, please forgive me.”
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