#sev’s little ears i cant
casspurrjoybell-25 · 3 months
The Healer of Shakkara -
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 23 - Snowstorm - Part 1
Galen ducked his head against the freezing wind and struggled to hear the others' shouts above the gale.
"This way," Sev yelled, tugging on his hand.
"We will shelter by the rocks."
They had passed a large outcrop of stone right before they chose a place to camp.
"Good idea," Rea shouted in reply.
"They'll have stored some heat from the day and should keep the snow off for a while."
"Everyone gather whatever fuel you can. We'll need to get a fire going," Sev hollered and Galen slipped his hand free and dropped back a bit to help Behn scoop up armloads of the firewood they'd already collected.
Laden with their burdens, they followed the others as the icy wind stung their ears.
Within minutes, the few flakes had increased and fell so thickly they could hardly see more than a few yards ahead through the swirling sheets of white.
"Damn it," Sev swore loudly several minutes later.
"We've gone too far east. We need to double back."
"Sev, we're losing light fast," Obi warned.
"I know. Stay calm."
They turned back, retracing footsteps that were already vanishing beneath thickly falling snow.
Galen shivered.
He'd been wondering what they would do when they reached the mountains.
Their clothes and blankets were warm enough for most weather but from Harrald's tales he knew the snow was another matter.
Despite the warmth of exertion, he already felt the bite of cold through his clothes, cold never seemed to bother Thrynians like Triss and Behn but Galen hated winter.
Moreover, despite the rush of triumph he'd felt after healing Obi's hand, he couldn't deny it had left him drained.
He wasn't sure how much trudging through blizzards he was up for.
Meanwhile, Obi was right.
The light was fading, dimming from pale gray to blue and within an hour would be gone entirely.
Then, if they did not have a fire and with the moon and stars behind thick clouds, they would be as blind as Zenír and in all likelihood they would freeze to death long before dawn.
"There it is," Triss yelled, pointing ahead to a dark shape just visible through the snowy gloom.
"The rocks."
Galen's heart lifted as Rea gave a whoop of excitement.
Obi chimed in but Sev remained silent and as they approached and the shape resolved itself, their hopes dimmed.
It was an outcrop of rocks but not the ones Sev had in mind.
Those were a jumble of upthrust slabs, some of which leaned together or canted at angles that would have made good shelter... these were little more than a cluster of rounded boulders.
Still, the largest was the size of a small shed and offered at least some measure of protection from the wind.
"We must make do," he said, as they all huddled against its leeward side, heads close together.
"We can't risk getting even more lost and being left with no shelter at all."
He picked up a stone the size of a loaf of bread, with flattened surfaces.
"Look around for more rocks like this but don't stray beyond sight of one another."
Without question, everyone obeyed and soon they had a pile of such stones.
Then Obi and Rea began laying them in a half circle, with the boulder forming its flat side, building a firepit with high, curved walls, like a beehive with the top cut off.
To everyone's great relief, they soon had a fire going strong and while the wind still licked at the flames, it burned steady and bright.
"We must conserve our fuel," Sev warned.
"And as soon as we are able we must gather more. The first snow will have left everything wet and it will need to dry before it burns."
"Agreed," Rea said.
"What we've gathered should last us through the night but barely and while we may not freeze, neither shall we be particularly warm."
"We must hope the snow stops and the clouds lift by morning," said Sev.
"If we are fortunate, the storm will depart as quickly as it came."
No one said so but Galen suspected they were all thinking something similar... they had not been particularly fortunate... so far.
They sat in a semi-circle around the firepit, with their bedrolls around their shoulders and their backs to the cold.
Rea and Obi had left gaps between the stones, letting the heat escape while keeping the wind out but the heat felt weak compared to the chill of the driving snow.
Despite the fire and the warmth of Sev and Behn on either side of him, Galen soon shivered uncontrollably.
"Come here," Sev said, as Galen shook so hard his teeth chattered.
"Sit in my lap."
"W-W-What?" Galen stammered, sure he had not heard the man right.
Sev reached an arm around him and pulled him closer, shifting so Galen sat with his back to Sev's chest.
"It's a survival technique. Our bodies produce warmth... why waste it? The rest of you do the same," he added to the group at large.
"Pair up."
"We're oddly numbered," Rea remarked.
"We can rotate with Zen," Obi said.
"I've got a better idea," to Galen's surprise, this last came from Behn.
"I might not be good for much but I'm good at keeping warm. I'm hardly ever cold... even now. And I'm big. Triss and Rea can sit with me and I'm happy to stay on the outside."
"Keeping two girls warm at once, eh?" Triss teased, even as she moved to sit in front of him.
"There's something to brag about."
"Shut up, Triss," Behn grumbled.
"Besides, this is probably the closest to any girl I'll ever get."
"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that," Rea said, winking at Triss as she leaned back against Behn's other shoulder.
"I bet you have a sweetheart at home."
Even in the firelight's dim glow, Galen saw Behn's round cheeks, less round than they were some weeks ago, flush red.
"I don't," he mumbled.
"Oh? Are you a 'man's man' then, like Sev?"
"N-No," Behn exclaimed.
"I like... I mean... I like girls."
"Ah... well, don't go getting too warm on us, then."
"Rea, enough," Sev chided.
"He's only a boy."
"That's not stopping you, is it, Omalan Sevhalim," she said, with something almost like a sneer.
At his back, Galen felt Sev stiffen and he spoke just to break the sudden and unexpected tension in the air.
"What does that mean?" he asked.
"'Omalan' that is. Obi called you that before."
Sev relaxed.
"It means 'honored' or 'most dutiful.' It's a title among Hands."
"Hands who have taken certain vows," Rea added pointedly.
In a voice Galen hadn't heard before, Sev said...
"I am well aware of my vows, Sei Re'annith. Perhaps you ought to mind your own."
Galen held his breath, seeing his uncertainty mirrored in Triss and Behn.
The sudden tension seemed to come out of nowhere and nothing like it had surfaced on the journey so far.
Sev and Rea continued to stare at one another but after a moment, Rea looked away first.
"Forgive me. I think the strain of travel has affected me," she said.
Sev huffed an incredulous laugh.
"The 'strain of travel?' We've lost a friend, Rea. And we're allowed to lose our tempers, now and then."
She shook her head.
"No. We're not. We're supposed to be above that."
A hard edge returned to Sev's voice.
"Not above, Rea. Apart. There's a difference. Now enough talk. Everyone sleep or at least rest, if you can. We will rotate a watch for the fire."
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snictionary · 6 years
The Snobels 2018 snominees masterlist
updated  29/11/2018
The snominations will close 30.11.2018. After that, you’ll have the entire December to snote for your favourite in each category. The winners will be announced 9.1.2019, which is the birthday of our snord and snaviour, Severus Snape. 
If someone you snominated isn’t on here, it’s because you did not provide a link. Without the link, some bad guesswork is the best I can do. The only way to make sure the people you snominate appear here is to submit a link. 
I will keep checking the snominations and updating this list!
@severusdefender, @akashikadoesthings, @deathdaydungeon, @raptured-night, @idealistic-realism00: Marauders vs Snape and Draco vs Harry, the difference between bullying and rivalry (meta 1)
@aworldofgrey, @thegreatsnapescape, @wormwoodandasphodel: Lily should’ve done more to help Severus during the events of Snape’s Worst Memory (meta 2)
@legilimensxsnape, @thegreatsnapescape: Sirius’ hate for Snape (meta 3)
@severusdefender: The end of Prisoner of Azkaban (meta 4)
@sayruq: Severus Snape never stood a chance (meta 5)
cj_whitehound: But Snape is just nasty, right? (meta 6)
@snapedefender: Why is it the accepted norm that Snape was obsessed with Lily? (meta 7)
@potteryet: One thing people forget (meta 8)
@rainfiresnowearth: Not fond of his looks (meta 9)
@rainfiresnowearth: Daily Snamione #88 (meta 10)
@maximoffsrogers, @deathdaydungeon: House points (meta 11)
@queersnape: About House points (meta 12)
The World of Severus Snape: Discipline at Hogwarts (meta 13)
@deathdaydungeon: Always (meta 14)
@thegreatsnapescape: Rue and Rainflower (literature 1)
@deathdaydungeon: A dealer, not a Death Eater (literature 2)
@humanveil: si vis amari ama (literature 3)
@severusdefender: One small step (literature 4)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Harry Potter AU idea (literature 5)
flamethrower: Of a Linear Circle (literature 6)
@humanveil: Curiosity (killed the cat) (literature7)
Paganaidd:  Memories and Dreams (literature8)
@rainfiresnowearth: A Gloomy Poem for Our Dour Potion’s Master (literature 9)
@rainfiresnowearth: Lost by the Seashore  (literature 10)
@deadcatwithaflamethrower:  Harry Potter’s third year (liteature 11)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Missing (literature 12)
@bananagege: Proud boy in Pride Month (art 1)
@elenianz: that snape boi (art 2)
@thegreatsnapescape: Redemption (Out of Reach) (art 3)
@the-mr-lolipop-things: Severus with his Pygmy Puff (art 4)
@elenianz: the good old days (art 5)
@a-substantial-trash-pile: Snapetober 13: Guarded (art 6)
@madfantasy: fairy kisses (art 7)
@doodlebat: Tiny Sneep stole his mum’s old Hogwarts uniform, skirt included (art 8)
AnastasiaMantihora: Impedimenta (art 9)
IrenHorrors: Always... (art 10)
Hellanim: The hot wet bat (art 11)
Vizen: Welcome to Slytherin (art 12)
@elenianz: Severus Snape is Gina Linetti of the wizarding world and no one can convince me otherwise (art 13)
@thegreatsnapescape: Inktober day 2: “Worst Fear” (art 14)
@bananagege: Week 3 of Snape Appreciation Month : Snape Experimenting Alone (art 15)
@madfantasy:  Spauldron (art 16)
@lifeofapottedplant:  How dare you stand where he stood? (art 17)
@nazonopurinsu: The place where we met for the first time (art 18)
@kedroboiz: Early Saturday morning in the Hogwarts kitchens (art 19)
@RainFireSnowEarth: The most beautiful thing (art 20)
@RainFireSnowEarth: When my time is up (art 21)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Cowards (art 22)
@RainFireSnowEarth: One day (art 23)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Poem - Nikita Gill (art 24)
@RainFireSnowEarth: I will cry (art 25)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Poem - Lang Leav (art 26)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Strangers and Secrets (art 27)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Quote - Russell Brand (art 28)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Quote - Mandeq Ahmed (art 29)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Author - n.d  (art 39)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Similar Personalities and Traits (art 40)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Different Personalities and Traits (art 41)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Similar Magical Abilities and Skills (art 42)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  Different Magical Abilities and Skills (art 43)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  #79 - Daily Snamione (art 44)
@RainFireSnowEarth:  #82 - Daily Snamione (art 45)
@RainFireSnowEarth: #85 - Daily Snamione (art 46)
@elenianz:  Layers & layers (art 47)
@semiramis-audron: Severus has been known to knife a motherfucker in his time (art 48)
@thegreatsnapescape: car salesman: *slaps Snape* (meme 1)
@potions-and-potters: Turn against the dark lord (meme 2)
@snapedefense: no (meme 3)
@ktnissevurdeen (@lvnderbrown) : What do you do? (meme 4)
@hharringtcns: B e c a u s e   h e    i s    w o r t h    i  t.  (meme 5)
@snapeseverus: Updog (meme 6)
@uchuu-nosuri: This is canon, right? (meme 7)
@1800areyousnappin: Snape flirting (meme 8)
@a-snarling-slytherin: swaying Snape around in the air (shitpost 1)
@snapedefense, @pessimistichogwarts: How Snape Haters Think The HP Books Were Written (shitpost 2)
@buffspiderman: you must join the festivities, Severus (shitpost 3)
@potions-and-potters: Severus I’m still missing your photo for this year’s faculty newsletter (shitpost 4)
@severusdefender:  Level with me (shitpost 5)
@doodlebat:  When you find bargain priced Dark Mark tattoos (shitpost 6)
@deathdaydungeon, @astronema-princess-of-all-evil, @xxtheforgottenonexx, @mollymcgiftens, @a-snarling-slytherin: Stage (shitpost 7)
@dungeonsblues: Is Sev a good dancer?  (shitpost 8)
@lifeofapottedplant: No foolish wand waving (shitpost 9)
@thegreatsnapescape: Every time I see this comic (shitpost 10)
@thegreatsnapescape: Expectdough patronyum (shitpost 11)
@snapeseverus: Those cunning folk (shitpost 12)
@mysnarkyslytherinsecret: Snape is walking across the Great Hall (shitpost 13)
@supiprimi, @severace-snape, @bayneko, @askfordoodles, @justdrarryme, @pandas-cant-fly-ks, @thepurplewombat, @cannithebear: Ridiculously overpowered
Conspiracy theory
@tetragon4: The Headmaster Snape Conspiracy (conspiracy theory 1)
@we-built-the-shadows-here, @dungeonsblues: Ruthless Dumbledore (conspiracy theory 2)
@severit, @prosnapeblogging, @potteryet, @thegreatsnapescape: All up in their faces (conspiracy theory 3)
@thoughtsaboutsnape: Severus marries the whomping willow (conspiracy theory 4)
@severus-snape-fans394, @snapeingturtle, @snapedefense: 3 lives saved (conspiracy theory 5)
@snapeingturtle: Gay deer (conspiracy theory 6)
@snapedefense, @snapeingturtle: the incredible cellist (peace 1)
@snictionary: incel (peace 2)
@supiprimi: The saga of snevor (peace 3)
@aworldofgrey, @sevi-seviyorum, @onecolorgirl, @wormwoodandasphodel, @thepotionsmasterwife, @librarydaze, @mollymcgiftens, @saltyqrow: Sounds more intimate (peace 4)
@snalendar-snofficial, @snictionary, @severus-snape-apreciation-blog, @madfantasy, @elenianz, @thegreatsnapescape, @agalemnon, @suffer-my-displeasure, @elfarock-art, @run-and-hide21, @lcsslr, @justyouraverageshittyblogger, @captainhellaradsart, @banana-ge-ge: The Snalendar 2019 (peace 5)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Hiding from Madam Pomfrey (headcanon 1)
@thoughtsaboutsnape: Severus’ patronus wasn’t a doe. It was dough. (headcanon 2)
@sxvxrxssnape: facts (headcanon 3)
@severussnapeimagines: Snape being human (headcanon 4)
@deathdaydungeon: Snape’s greasy hair (headcanon 5)
@snapped-snape: Hot take (headcanon 6)
@thoughtsaboutsnape: Swole Snape (headcanon 7)
@deathdaydungeon, @thoughtsaboutsnape: Sev’ socks (headcanon 8)
@RainFireSnowEarth: Is this the DADA Classroom? (headcanon 9)
@RainFireSnowEarth: #145 - Daily Snamione (headcanon 10)
@RainFireSnowEarth: #157 - Daily Snamione  (headcanon 11)
@thesnapewecandreamof: Missing (headcanon 12)
@snapeingturtle: A little sneadcanon (headcanon 13)
@prosnapeblogging: Snape’s ears (headcanon 14)
@thesnapewecandreamof, @deathdaydungeon, @raptured-night, @somuchanxietysolittletime:  I Have a Question (headcanon 15)
@sevi-seviyorum, @severusdefender:  Snape moves to Vegas
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Chapter 2- Little Miss. Snape
Luna's POV
The rest of the day went smoothly.  Devin and I talked with my father the entire time.  He was a bit hesitant to talk about Hogwarts around Devin seeing as they're a muggle. I assured him they knew about the wizarding world and wouldn't tell a soul.  That got him a bit angry with me for telling them that I was a witch.  But he got over and told us about the school.
"They're four houses: Gryffindor,  Ravenclaw,  Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I am the head of Slytherin also the potions teacher. Your house will be like family.  Each have their own little tower. Each with dormitories and a single common room. Students aren't allowed to walk around the castle at night.  Nor go into the dark forest."
"What house was you and my mom in?" I asked curiously.  Sev frowned the mention of my mom.
"She was in Gryffindor and I was in Slytherin."
"I hope I'm in Slytherin. It sounds cooler." My father smiled while Devin shook their head.
"But there is something else I need to talk to you about. This HAS to be in private though. You can tell Devin after." We looked at him confused. Devin patted my shoulder before walking away.  We were sitting over in the corner of the yard on lawn chairs. Sev took a deep breath.  He took my hands in his.
"Luna what I'm about to tell you is very serious. The beginning you cannot,  I repeat,  CANNOT tell Devin.  It's not safe for them to know. The last part you can." He looked at me seriously. I nodded.
"A year or two after you were born,  a dark wizard named Voldemort rose to power. He made an army.  His followers are called death eaters. Voldemort killed anyone who got in his way or didn't follow him. Y-your mother was one of those people who stood against him. Now your mother and I weren't together. It was a one night stand.  She was married to someone named James Potter. One night,  Voldemort broke into their home and killed them. That's not all. A year after you were born,  your mother had a kid with James.  Your half-brother.  He somehow survived Voldemort and lives today. He should be attending Hogwarts this year. His name is Harry Potter."
I sat in shock. Taking in all of the new information. My father stared at me, trying to decipher my expression. I don't know what I feel.
"Wow. Um I don't know what to say."
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm sad that my mother is dead.  I don't know. Happy that my brother made it out?  Does he know about me?" My father shook his head.
"No he does not.  The only people who know are the head master Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. And those two are the only one who will know that Harry is your brother and that I'm your father. "
He last words shocked me.
"You don't want anyone to know I'm your daughter?"
"It's safer for you this way.  If Voldemort returns you cannot be connected to me. Also I don't know if any of the kids would pick on you for being related to me. I know you might not like the idea,  but please don't let anyone know."
I nodded,  a bit angry he doesn't want to anyone to know. He smiled.
"I should get going. I need to start setting up your room." He said standing. I stood up after him.
"How do you know what i like?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. Sev hummed.
"Lets see. You like the color black and music?" I stared at him in shock.
"H-h-how did you know?" He smirked.
"Your entire outfit is black and you have music note earrings on." I looked down at my clothes and felt my ears.
"Oh" My father chuckled. We walked back over to everyone. Devin sat awkwardly on their phone. Probably on pinterest or wattpad. They looked up as we approached. My face must have said it all. Devin stood up and dragged me inside the house. Severus followed. Devin turned to run up the stairs but stopped.
"It was nice to meet you, Mr. Snape." I stifled a laugh at their formalness. They glared before running up to my room. I turned to my father and smiled.
"I will be back for you in the middle of August." He said holding his arms out. I walked forward and hugged him. He kissed my head.
"Ill miss you, Luna. I'm glad you know the truth."
"Ill miss you too. I'm glad i know the truth. I'm excited to go to Hogwarts." My father chuckled and smiled.
"This year is going to be an interesting one with you there."
"Oh yeah. Be prepared to be sassed and have sarcastic replies after everything you say." I pulled away and stepped back. I smiled up at him.
"I have to go. I will get you everything you'll need. The only thing you will have to get is a wand." I nodded. Sev smiled once more before disappearing with a loud crack. I stared wide eyed where he had stood.
Devin came pounding down the stairs.
"What happened? Where did he go?" They asked.
"He just disappeared! I wanna be able to do that!" Devin faceplamed.
"Come on. I wanna know what he told you."  We both ran up the stairs and to my poster covered room. Devin jumped onto the bed and crossed their legs.
"Okay speak." I shut and locked the door before walking over.
"My mother died and i have a half brother. Sev and my mother had a one night stand which resulted in me. She was married to someone named James Potter. My brother doesn't know who i am and that i exist and wont know for awhile. Also no one can know I'm related to Severus or my brother." I said in one breath. Devin's eyes went wide.
"W-w-wow. Why cant nobody know who you are related too?"
"I don't know why people cant know I'm related to my brother. But as far as i know, for being my father's daughter, so no one picks on me for being related to him." Devin nodded their head.
"so your going to Hogwarts?" I nodded.
"But i will come visit during the summer. I don't know if ill be able to for Christmas. I haven't talked with My father or...i guess... my cousin."
"Your going to stop calling them your parents?"
"Yeah, i mean if i was adopted and they had no relation, i wouldn't. But they are technically my cousins, so i will call them my cousins." Devin nodded. We sat in silence, staring at the poster covered walls. My gazed fixed on a photo of Ricky Horror. Subconsciously, i reached up and messed with my key necklace.
"Whats your brother's name?" Devin asked.
"Harry Potter. "
"Cool. Are you excited to go to Hogwarts?"
"Yeah. Learn about magic, leave this country, see my father and brother every day. The only horrible part is not being able to go to concerts during the school year." I said joking at the end. Devin gasped.
"Your not sad about leaving me?" I smiled and shook my head.
"Nope." They pouted and smacked my arm. "Kidding, kidding. That will be the worst part. The second worst part will be the concerts. I don't think i even will get cell service. OR WIFI!"  Devin mocked gasped.
"Oh no. No cell service or WiFi! The horror!" We laughed.
Time skip because Dobby!
August 29th
There was a knock on the front door. I rolled over trying to block out the noise of my cousin opening the door.
"Severus." Laura sharply said. I shot out of bed and down the stairs. Whipping around the corner, i came face to face with my father. I jumped into his arms.
"You're back!" He chuckled. '
"I am. You have an hour for goodbyes. If we arrive back in London on schedule, we should have enough time to go get you a wand." I nodded against his chest before pulling away.
"I should get dressed then or can i go in my birdie pj pants and black tank?" I asked looking down at my pajamas. My father laughed.
"Yeah, i would change into everyday clothes." I ran up stairs and changed into black shorts and a band muscle tank. As i was changing, i texted Devin to say I was leaving in an hour. They said they would be over in a moment. I finished packing last minute things making sure i had everything. I had packed up all of my clothes and belongings in two suitcases and two cinch bags. I had a folder full of Alternative press magazine posters.  I circled around making sure i had everything as Devin came bursting into the house.
"Good morning peoples of my second family!" I giggled before running down the stairs. Devin looked at me. "Hello there person who is leaving me." I rolled my eyes.
"Hey." We stared at each other. "I guess this is a good time more than ever." I simply said. Everyone stared at me confused. I walked forward and engulfed Devin in a hug. This was our first proper hug. Devin stood in shock for a second before hugging me back.
"I'm going to miss you." I said.
"I'm going to miss you too." We hugged for another minute before pulling away. Tears pooled in my eyes.
"I promise to write you everyday. I don't know how exactly i will be sending them." I said looking back at my father.
"Owl. You will be sending them by owl." He responded.
"Okay, you better. I will be expecting an owl everyday. And don't make too many new friends." I smiled.
"I wont."
"With my luck, she will become friends with the Malfoy kid." We looked back at Sev.
"Who's Malfoy?" I asked.
"No one." I shrugged, turning back around.
"Make sure you send photos of bands and tell me every stupid thing Ronnie does." Devin chuckled.
"Will do." Devin and I hugged one more time, before they left. I wiped my eyes as the door shut. I said goodbye to everyone else and my pets before leading Sev up stair to my luggage. He decided we would apparate back as we both could hang onto my luggage. We walked into my now partially empty room. The only things left is furniture. We each put a cinch bag on our backs and grabbed a handle of a suit case. I had the folder of posters safely tucked into one of the cases. My father took my hand.
"Are you ready?" I nodded taking a deep breath. My eyes quickly did a sweep over of my room, i have stayed into most of my life. Sev squeezed my hand comfortingly.
"Now, sometime first time apparators vomit. So be warned." I looked at him nervously. He smiled softly before apparating us. I felt a strong tug and heard a loud crack. My feet surprising did not fail me as we landed in London. I looked around. This must be my room. The walls were painted black except one was a blood red. There is a  window bay with black and red half 'n half curtains separating from the rest of the room.  Two doors stood over to the left of the room. One a closet. The another maybe a bath room. In the corner, a queen canopy bed stood. Black lace type fabric hung around the bed. Many pillows covered the bed. All of them music related or dark covered. The comforter was black with a white treble clef. The floors were a dark brown hardwood. A black rug laid in the middle of the room. Black bookshelves were against the wall with the door. A painted red nightstand sat next to my bed with a lamp with a while lamp shade covered in music notes resting on it. Against the same wall as the closet was a painted red desk. I smiled gazing at the room.
"Welcome home, bean."
0 notes
Luna's POV
I woke up smiling for a change. Today is my birthday. I turned 12 at one in the morning. I stayed laying on the couch for a while thinking about the day and every possible thing that could happen but wont happen. The next thing I know a pillow is thrown at my face.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Devin shouts. I groan and roll over, nuzzling my face into my Ronnie Radke pillow.
"Come on! Your family will be here in an hour and i want to swim before the girls get here!" They whined shaking my shoulder.
"But i wanna sleeeep! Its my birthday let me sleep." I dragged out the 'e' in sleep like a child.
"No! Lets swim. That should wake you up."
"Ill only get up if my cousin Sev is will be here. Which he wont, cause he's in the UK."
"You never know, Darian." I snorted unladylike like. But who cares, Im never lady like.
"Saying he will be here is like saying Ronnie Radke or Motionless in White will show up." I rolled over and looked at my only friend seriously.
"Please Darian. Once the girls get here, we wont be able to swim just us two and we will be forced to play with them." I sighed looking at the ceiling . Tears threatened to show as i thought about my cousin Severus. He hasn't come to visit since i was 7. I missed him dearly.  The small cloak he got me when i was 5, is way too small. It hangs up on the corner of my mirror next to my signed Alternative press bag. The bag was signed by Nick Major when i met him.
I threw back my blanket and sat up. Devin grabbed their swim trunks and muscle tank before running into the bathroom. I stretched looking at one of my dogs.
"Teddy, why hasn't he come to visit? Did he forget about me? He hasn't even written or nothing!"  I leaned down and hugged the small furry animal. HE squirmed underneath my face trying to lick me. Laughing, i sat back up. My mom walked into the house from outside.
"Oh good your awake. If you want to swim before anyone gets here, get going. Make sure anything you don't want the girls messing with is hidden or put up." She said stirring something on the stove.
"What are we having?" I asked walking into the kitchen.
"beer brats and burgers." I nodded and walked back into the living room as Devin came out of the bathroom.
"Leggo Darian!" I smiled slightly before walking into the bathroom with my clothes. I quickly changed before walking outside. Devin was already in the pool, adjusting to the cold water.
"The water feels amazing. Its not cold at all!" Devin shouted to me. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah right. We just filled it up two days ago." I set down my towel and glasses before throwing my black hair up into a bun.  I ave always wondered how i had been born with black hair. Whenever i asked my mom said she had deep brown almost black hair, like my dad's. But i wouldn't know if she is telling the truth or not cause she dyes it blondish brown. My older brother has light brown hair which raises my suspicions even more. I started up the pool ladder, watching my slight reflection in the water.
I have always felt like an outsider in my family. The only person i didn't feel like an outsider with is my cousin Sev. I was splashed out of my thoughts, literally, when Devin splashed me. I gasped at the cold water.
"Hey!" I splashed water back.
"You bitch!"
"I'm not a bitch. I'm a witch." I smirked at them as they glared.
"Shut up." Devin took a deep breath before going under. Letting my hair down, i decided to join them. I put the band around my wrist before breathing in. I jumped a bit, curling my feet in so i was sitting criss-cross. The cold water flushed against my skin as i sank.  The coldness licked my skin as i pushed my self back up. I gasped in air as i resurfaced.
"THAT'S FREEZING!" I shouted hugging myself. Devin laughed. We messed around, talked, thought of what we would do if a band walked into the yard. Soon we heard doors closing and little girl voices. I quickly got out and put all of the nice floaties, we didn't want to be popped, into the garage by my moms car. I quickly shut the door that led into that side, so if they did come in they couldn't see the floaties. My two twin cousins came running up to the gate in their swim suits.
"Darian! Devin!" they screeched. I smiled slightly. I got back into the pool as they came running in. They said hi to my mom before running over to the pool. Let the party begin.
An hour later, everyone arrived and food was just finishing when the gate opened. I ignored it not really paying attention. All of the adults stopped talking. They stared at the gate. Devin looked over confused.
"Darian, whose that?" I spun around. As my eyes focused on the person, i gasped.
"SEV!" I scream rushing out of the pool. He smiled at me. I ran over but stopped abruptly in front of him. I was soaking wet and didn't want to get his clothes wet from a hug. He rolled his eyes and pulled me into his chest. Automatically my arms went around him. I felt him nuzzle his nose into my hair.
"Ive missed you so so so so so so much, Sev. You have no clue. " I pressed my face into his chest. He kissed my head.
"Ive missed you so much, too. Im so sorry i didn't write to you. l have multiple letters explaining why i couldn't come visit again but all of them sucked. I thought you would hate me. But i have one letter, i wanted to personally deliver."
"Severus, no. Dan and I told you we didn't want her going." My mom said walking up behind me. I pulled away and looked at her confused.
"Going where?"
"Hogwarts. The school i teach at." My mouth dropped.
"You don't need to go. We raised you as a muggle and you are going to say that way."
"What do you mean stay that way? Just because you raised me as a muggle doesn't mean i am one. I'm a witch! I should be able to learn about magic!" I said lowering my voice as i spoke. I was furious. Sev simply pulled out a letter from his cloak pocket. He handed it to me. I looked at the wax seal.
"Flip it around to find out more information." Sev said calmly. My moms eyes widened.
"Don't!"  I flipped it around quickly and turned around so she couldn't take it from me.
Miss. Luna Snape
The biggest room in her cousin's house
I stopped reading. Tears rushed to my eyes.
"What is the meaning of this? Who is Luna Snape?" I spoke loudly. Everyone stared. My mom, if she is even my mom, looked down.
"Darian, your real name is Luna Crow Snape. I am your biological father. When you were a baby, i had given you to Laura to raise as i was unable too. She is your cousin, not me." I stared at the both of them in shock. His words slowly digesting. As each second passed, more and more tears rose up and pooled in my eyes.
"is this true?" I whispered. Laura nodded. "WHY DID YOU CHANGE MY NAME AND NOT TELL ME SEVERUS, WAS MY FATHER?" Silence. "TELL ME please..." I lowered my voice at  the end.
"its not safe for you. We even almost didn't tell you that you are a witch. We hoped if you didn't know, you would stay here with us. You thought if you knew he was your father and knew you were a witch, you would want to go to the UK." Tears rolled down my face. I stared at the ground thinking. Silence consumed everyone once more.  My body shook as i tried to hold back a sob. I thought no one notice, but i was wrong. Sev walked over and engulfed me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried. I sobbed like a baby. He held me as i cried. No one spoke. The only thing you could hear was my sobs.
Now everything made sense. Why i had black hair. Why i felt to close to Sev and no one else in my family. Why i didn't look like my "parents". These thoughts running threw my head made me cry even harder. Severus bent down a bit and wrapped an arm around my thighs before lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him so he could walk easier. He carried me into the house and to the living room. No one dared to follow. He sat down and put me on his lap.
"Shhh. Its okay. Let it all out." He soothed petting my hair. I gripped his shirt in my fists. After a few more minutes of crying, my sobs turned into hiccups. I sat back and wiped my eyes. Sev smiled small at me. I sniffled.
"Sorry for crying on you." I croaked.
"No worries."
"Do you regret giving me a way? Or are you happy you did?" i asked softly. He frowned.
"Look at it this way. If i would have kept you, you would have never had the memories you have. You never would have made the friends you have made. You would have been stuck with a stranger for most of the year while i was teaching. You wouldn't have had the life you have had. But yes, i deeply regret giving you a way. I cried every night after Laura took you." He moved a piece of hair behind my ear. "I have tried to get you back before. They refused. I tried to at least have them tell you everything but they wouldn't have it. I want to be able to spend more time with. Get to know more about you." I smiled at him before snuggling back into his chest. My head resting on his shoulder.
"I understand. I want to get to know you more also. You are the only person out of all of my family here, i feel i fit in with. I've felt like an outsider my entire life. The two events that you were at, are the only ones i felt that i felt like i belonged there." We sat in silence for a few moments, just bathing in the moment.
"We should head back outside." I nodded standing up. Sev stood up. I quickly hugged him. My father.
He quickly hugged me back. Then we headed back outside. Everyone stopped their conversations. Devin smiled sadly at me from inside the pool. I smiled widely back. They raised an eyebrow.
"Just it time. Food is finished." I ran down the stairs. All of the food was set up in the garage. I dragged my father into the garage and over to the food. I licked up lips, staring at all of the food. Sev handed me a plate. I thanked him as i grabbed it. We walked down the line piling our plates.
"Would you like ketchup on your hamburger?" I scrunched up my nose.
"Eww no"
"How about mustard?"
"Gross." I smiled up at my father. He smiled down at me. Quickly, i made a silly face, making him chuckle. We both ended up laughing.
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