dandylion240 · 1 year
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By the time Ephy made it back to the rental Sevan was in the heated pool swimming.
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Ephy: come join me and talk.
Sevan: ok I'm done swimming anyway.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Noa Hayashi and Sevan’izaran for @dandylion240 Double Trouble BC
These goofballs are ready for… just about anything, really. They’ve been best friends since elementary school, and they do just about everything together. Noa and Sevan love nothing better than pursuing wild ideas and having adventures together, so this double bachelor challenge was practically irresistible to them!
Noa and Sevan bonded over each being one half of a set of twins, and also being new kids in school. Noa's family came to Willow Creek from Mt. Komorebi, and Sevan's family came from an entirely different planet, but despite that, they discovered that they've got a lot in common, including their passion for music, their love of crafting, and their quirky sense of humour.
Their respective brothers, Yuzuru and Xai, haven't become nearly as close as these two have, but that's okay. Yuzuru and Xai are the more reserved ones; Noa and Sevan are far more outgoing, but thanks to their brothers, they have both developed an appreciation of introverts and are quite good at interacting with people who are shy, anxious or just quiet in general.
Noa Hayashi
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Noa's anime called; it seems they want him back.
Name: Noa Hayashi Nickname: Zero, Nono Age: 22 (young adult) Birthday: 2 September Pronouns: he/him Gender Identity: male Sexuality: pansexual Aspiration: Nerd Brain Traits: Cheerful, Childish, Music Lover Likes (in-game): S-pop, pop, metal, Japanese folk music, Winterfest, streetwear, cross-stitch, knitting, dancing, videogames, funny sims, high-energy sims, pink, blue, yellow Dislikes (in-game) research & debate, robotics, arguments, complaints, deception, brown
Noa does not have a middle name.
He and his twin brother Yuzuru are their parents' only children.
Yuzuru is sporty, but Noa... is not. Noa's favourite "sports" are dancing and swimming. Just because he isn't sporty, that doesn't mean he isn't high-energy. He loves to run, and has trouble sitting still unless it's to work on his knitting or cross-stitch projects.
Noa's family immigrated when he and Yuzuru were eight years old. He thought they'd be the only new kids at school and that they'd have to stick together all the time, but he discovered on the first day that he and his brother were not, in fact, the only new kids. There were aliens in his class, and Noa was fascinated immediately.
He's interested in rocket science, stargazing and everything to do with space.
He really enjoys listening to music, and he's learning how to play the piano. He also loves to sing and is quite good at it.
He speaks three languages, Japanese, English and Sixamish. He also speaks enough French to have a basic conversation.
He loves bright colours and enjoys eclectic fashion. He also really likes changing his hair colour.
He'd like to have a big family some day, but he's still got things to do before he seriously considers children.
He wants to be famous. If that doesn't work out, he'd like to pursue a career in law.
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Remember Kaji’s little twin brothers, Xai and Sevan? Well, they’re all grown up, and Sevan is here to see if he’ll be lucky in love.
Name: Sevan'izaran
Nickname: Six (it's an inside joke between him and Noa)
Age: 22 (young adult)
Birthday: 13 November
Pronouns: he/him
Gender Identity: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Clumsy, Outgoing, Bookworm
Likes (in-game): S-pop, metal, Japanese folk music, Winterfest, rocker style, knitting, dancing, fitness, bowling, funny sims, red, yellow
Dislikes (in-game) research & debate, arguments, deception, complaints, brown, grey,
Sevan's name is pronounced like the English number seven.
He can camouflage, but he rarely does.
He speaks four languages; English, French, Japanese and his native Sixamish.
He's genius-level intelligent, but pretends he's not particularly smart. He never really has to work hard at anything academic.
He loves to read, and will devour any kind of book from textbooks to non-fiction to high fantasy to murder mysteries.
Sevan, his twin brother Xai, and their father Kiri escaped a life of abuse and oppression on their home world, thanks in no small part to Sevan's older brother Kaji and his many supporters and friends on Earth. Sevan and Xai were eight when they came to Earth, so they're both well-immersed in Terran life by this point and fit in with very few problems.
Sevan's stepfather is Maxan, a Sixamish doctor who inadvertently fell in love with Kiri while looking after him when he and the twins first came to Earth. Dr. Max is Sevan's biggest enabler in his mischief (next to Noa, of course).
He's one of five siblings now, as Kiri & Max have had two children together.
He's a fan of Sugar Valentine (he's wearing band merch in one of his outfit slots).
Like all males from his world, Sevan is capable of becoming pregnant. He'd love to have babies some day, but he's still sowing his proverbial wild oats at the moment and isn't ready to think about staring a family yet.
He wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up.
More pics of the boys!
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Here's what Sevan's camouflage looks like:
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**they have other likes/dislikes assigned in-game than what I listed above, but I can't remember what they are. Also, I have no idea what Sevan's human camouflage might be wearing. I didn't really spend a lot of time dressing his camouflage, other than an everyday outfit. Feel free to match all his outfits to Sevan's alien form, or just dress him however you like!
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Who are you calling Sevan?
Sevan: my good friend Birdie.
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While Ephy napped outside Sevan sat in the living room in front of the cozy warm fire
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Ephy woke up when his phone alerted him that their taxi to the airport would be arriving soon to take them home. Thus ends their vacation.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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They moved to the nearby picnic table to continue their interrupted conversation.
Sevan: I must go now
Ephy: but why?
Sevan: I have to go
Ephy: okay but not before I do this
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Poor Sevan! He seems to have been bit by something in the water. Look at all those spots!
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Birdie decided he was over being mad at Ephy and it was game on.
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However inside the house things weren't going well for the one time best friends.
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This ends day 8 with Ephriam
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Both Sevan and Noa are at lovebird status with Ephy
Birdie has dropped to hot and cold with Ephy
Alex remains at romontic interest.
@stargazer-sims @mahvaladara @katmk36
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Next Ephy took Sevan to a differnt lounge and something tells me this isn't going to go as well as Noa's date.
Ephy: I'm so bored
Sevan: me too
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Ephy: well maybe we should talk.
Sevan: about what?
Ephy: I don't know.
Sevan: tell me how your date went with Noa
Ephy: No I don't want to talk about that
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Sevan: why? Because you like him better than me?
Ephy: I didn't say that
Sevan: than why don't you want to talk about it?
Ephy: because it's private and between me and Noa
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Sevan: you kissed him, didn't you?
Ephy: what? Why do you ask that?
Sevan: why else wouldn't you want to talk about it?
Ephy: would you want me to talk about our date with Noa?
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Sevan: well no...but this is different.
Ephy: I don't see how
Sevan: it just is
Ephy: I'm tired of talking about this. Let's sing karokee.
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Despite Ephy's efforts to distract Sevan from discussing his date with Noa, Sevan wasn't having it. He stomped off the stage thus ending the date.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Ephy: I'm sorry for shoving snow in your face
Sevan: you should be
Ephy: is it because you don't like the cold?
Sevan: the cold isn't good for my skin
Ephy: I'm sorry. I didn't know that.
Sevan: you should really be more aware, human skin is so easily damaged.
Ephy: um ok.
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Sevan: I have to go now. Don't stay out here too long or you're skin will chap.
Ephy: I won't be long.
A few minutes later...
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Ephy fell asleep outside.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Ephy tried to stay awake until Noa returned but lost the fight against his bodie's need for sleep. But Sevan was still up and roaming about the house. Perhaps he's more concerned about his friend than he's let on.
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Meanwhile Noa has returned. He seems to have enjoyed his away. I wonder if he'll enjoy the lil present they left him with!?!?
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This concludes the group date.
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Of course Ephy considers everyone a romantic interest.
@stargazer-sims @katmk36 @mahvaladara
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Sevan: It's my turn
Ezekial: you're turn? For what?
Sevan: I feel lucky today.
Ezekial: luckier than I am.
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Sevan was right he had luck on his side and won his first game ever!
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Ezekial: that was a great game. You've must have played a lot with Ephy.
Sevan: I did but he's a much better player than you.
Ezekial: I guess that's just another thing he's better at than me.
Sevan: you have your own gifts
Ezekial: (chuckles) I'm glad someone sees that.
Sevan: I'm very observant.
Ezekial: yes you are.
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Sevan: like I can see you need a better cleanser.
Ezekial: what do you meant? Do I have something on my face?
Sevan: It's really dry.
Ezekial: it does feel little dry
Sevan: I have several moisturizers you can try.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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The scores after the date.
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If they weren't so jealous of each other I'd just do a poly relationship between them and Ephy but I doubt that would work.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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The first thing Ephy did was shove snow in Sevan's face.
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Sevan: what was that for?
Ephy: I thought it'd be funny. You know, loosen you up a bit.
Sevan: don't do it again. I didn't enjoy it.
Ephy: ok I won't. I'm sorry.
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This was not starting off well and it didn't end well either. Sevan kept slipping and falling on the ice which made his mood tank. Then the game kept glitching when I tried to get them to go sledding together. Then Seven decided he had enough of the awful white stuff and went home.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Ephy: well never mind about yesterday. Today is a new day.
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Ephy: this is really good. Thank you for cooking.
Sevan: you're welcome. But if you'll excuse me I have to go do something.
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Oh I see....playing video games is more important than spending time with Ephy.
Sevan: after what happened yesterday I'm out of this race. I'll never be able to live that down.
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Ephy: are you ready to hit the slopes?
Sevan: um do we have to ski?
Ephy: no we could go sledding or just walk around.
Sevan: yeah ok.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Ephy made it back to the rental and started a cozy fire for them.
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But Sevan made a beeline to his bed. He just couldn't face Ephy.
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So Ephy decided to take a mud bath.
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After a good night's rest, a long hot shower Sevan was ready to face the new day.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Sevan, what happened?
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Sevan: I said I had really had to go.
Yeah but ...
Sevan: I didn't make it.
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He's so said now.
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He needs someone to make him feel better. Fortunately he recieved a phone call from someone who was able to put a smile on his face.
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Birdie always seems to be calling Sevan. Are they trying to tell me something?
@stargazer-sims @mahvaladara
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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They swam around for a bit until Sevan became too cold.
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Poor baby just stood there shivering while Ephy swam around oblivious.
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Then Ephy had to check his phone and began walking on water.
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Ephy: why did you leave?
Sevan: the water is too cold
Ephy: it is?
Sevan: yes.
Ehy: oh
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Then they preceeded to check their phones together.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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I guess this is as close as the game comes to letting them walk together.
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The waterfall is beautiful and I wish they could swim to it.
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Sevan looks huge next to Ephy but I think he should smaller and petite.
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And this is where Ephy decides to give Sevan a gift. Just where is he supposed to store it? Sevan's teeny weeny yellow swimsuit barely has enough room as it is much less hold anything extra.
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But he did it. I don't know how but he did it.
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