consider: au where in Nohr, you are born with the name of your soulmate. In Ylisse, you are born with the name of the person destined to kill you. Odin looking an Niles and Leo thinking he's witnessing a tragedy whose ending they all expect. Laslow growing incredibly distressed when he learns of Xander's mark. Selena asking Camilla why tf she hired her if she had her name (Camilla mistunderstands as "why did you take me as your retainer and not your equal if we're soulmates?")
Oh, very interesting!! I quite like that--the striking difference between Ylisse, which is largely a culture of community and love, with a population born knowing from birth who will be your demise. Meanwhile, Nohr, which seems so dark and dreary and less filled with a sense of community outside individual families, is born knowing who will love you most in the world. Oh, the dichotomy...
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Sorry! I got reminded of the Soulmate Thing when I was looking at your reblogs! The initial idea (all thanks to Kimium!) was that being born under a zodiac sign would have a specific soulmate "sign" attached. In a Fates/Awakening context, it could be Fates/Nohr having "your soulmate's names on your body" and Awakening/Ylisse having "dreams of your soulmate's memories"- and it doesn't go both ways, because it's entirely different worlds. [1/?]
SO in our favourite examples, Leo/Niles/Odin where Leo has Niles and Owain somewhere on his body, Niles has Leo and Owain, but Owain/Odin has no physical marks. However, Owain/Odin dreams of Leo and Niles’ memories. They are soulmates! The worlds know it, but how it’s displayed is different due to where they were born! (also, having such different soulmate signs/indications would result in unheard of cultural displays/clashes! And makes “predetermined destiny” implications terrifying.) [2/?]
Maybe Ylisse is more open and understanding, because you can’t easily hide things from your soulmate! (or maybe they’re even better at lying because they need to lie to someone who can see their memories). Maybe Nohr is more skeptical on soulmates because a name isn’t as easy to verify as a whole place or person! (Or maybe they’re better at spotting lies, because it happens more often!) I’m so excited becasue I never thought of it before and so many AUs can be comboed! [3/3]also I’m so sorry about that; I didn’t wanna mention the AU Mashup thing without also mentioning that Kimium had helped spark the idea in the first place! :‘3 (Also I have a very bad habit of going headlong into new ideas OTL i’m sorry!)
(referring to this ask)
Oh! I really like this concept a lot! Soulmate Mashup! Good one, anon! (And thank you @kimium, for sparking them!)
Not only are soulmate AUs so fun and now you can have 2 in the same fic, but also! The characterization, like you said! Are Ylisseans more open because you have to be? Do you get good at guarding yourself? (My heart wants to say they’re more open bc sharing is caring and it can’t be helped anyway, but the second one is neat too). But Nohrians! Of course they’d be more guarded and suspicious! Especially for the princes and princesses of Nohr! What if someone lied about their name just to get close to you? How do you verify your Beruka or Keaton or Effie or Whoever is the real one? The one you’re really looking for? They’d be even more suspicious of an Inigo and Owain and Severa who showed up out of the blue claiming to be their soulmates if either side had ever known from the start. 
(But then!! The Trio really did lie! But not in the way you’d expect! How would the Nohrians ever recognize them now? They used fake names– is that taken as a sign that they don’t want to be recognized as soulmates? But then why get close to the royals in the first place? Such questions would probably be swirling in the mind of the Nohrians, even though the truth is a little more wild and unexpected. And the Trio probably would have no idea about the name thing until later too. It’s hard to figure out what’s your dream and what’s someone else’s when dreams are so nonsensical in the first place. And then narrowing it down is even harder when the other side isn’t saying anything to you about it. What do you do if you suspect you’re seeing the dreams/memories of a certain person but they don’t react when you try to inquire about it? Or they react with confusion? And that’s just two (2) possible AUs! There are so many to choose from!)
You’re gonna have me thinking about this concept all night, anon! I love it!
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When it was over, she wiped her mouth with the back of her arm and grimaced. The taste was terrible. And—she glanced down—some of it had gotten on her shirt too.
Except it wasn’t a shirt she was wearing. It was a hospital gown.
Severa stared at her clothes dumbly for a moment. Nothing clicked into place.
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I can see Leo being another detective that kerps stumbling on Odin while he's trying and failing to scout out a possible tarhet for Laslow with discretion xD
(referring to these asks) That would be neat! Double the detective/thief dynamic! (Or triple if you include Camilla and Selena as well)
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