#sevika is on her knees screaming that jinx can't keep getting away with this shit
mollysunder · 10 months
Is Jericho a Jinx Stan?
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I'll admit it, I cheered when I finally saw this shot. Like, there's Jericho from the back wearing his clothes in a way that looks like Jinx's pants and shirt in one go! It's such a fun way to show that maybe Jinx's more popular in Zaun than we think. That maybe there's people outside of Silco who are looking out for her but don't necessarily align with Silco.
The scene happened so fast it's like the artists wanted you to miss the hint. Seriously, I wondered why this endearing show of support wasn't on random extras or graffiti in Jinx's image. Instead the creators chose to use a character named Jericho to rep her colors.
And then I lost my mind because I remembered there's only one other character in League that has that name.
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The grand general of Noxus himself. Idk what he wants exactly, I'm just gonna enjoy the fact that Jinx effortlessly endears herself to problematic old people.
Update 1: This all makes me remember the initial buzz around Swain's potential involvement in Piltover and Zaun's conflict. There was a lot of speculation that all the crows that began to appear were a sign of his presence. But that was more or less shot down as a reason because Swain employed ravens, while crows were more associated with Fiddlesticks. But now we have two examples of two things that rhyme with Swain but just aren't. There's the 'not ravens' and now, the 'not that Jericho', so instead of a red herring this is turning into a teaser.
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