ciccerone · 1 year
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7698 · 26 days
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fridayvelvet · 1 month
daewoong and chail part
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handsomedudesxxxyz · 5 months
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안세웅 An SeWoong
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안세웅 An Sewoong
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sungiesafety · 1 year
[ Cuter | Choi San ]
A cute and fluffy daycare worker reader x choi san fanfic!!
Warnings: none..? Only a precious relationship mixed with a few food/missing meals mentions, and kids (because it’s a daycare fic)
Word Count: Almost 2500 words :)
Summary: Sometimes you forget things at home and leave for work without them so it’s a good thing that you have your sweet boyfriend San to help you out by bringing you the lunch that you forgot at home… and since he is here on his free day from work, why not let him join you at the daycare for the rest of the day? It would be cute.
(I hope everyone likes this fic! I wanted to post something really sweet and fluffy so this ended up being what I decided to do, I thought the idea fits our mountain Choi San pretty well especially after the baby/child cloud youtube eps so please enjoy it. And as I was editing this i thought of one of my best friends more and more so @cinnabunhwa ily lots!!)
-Your POV-
You hum softly cleaning around the room as you watch over the kids at the daycare who are eating their lunches and talking to each other. Once you are done you go to check your phone which is on your desk because it was plugged in and see that you have gotten texts from your boyfriend San [Hii, Angel. You forgot your lunch here at home so I’m going to head there to give it to you, see you soon!] which makes you smile and when you go to text back to thank him you don’t make it far into typing the text because you hear a knock from the front door of the building since it’s right across from the kids main room, you head over there after checking over the kids with your eyes making sure everything is fine which it is and you head to see San who is waiting there at the door which makes you smile bigger. You open the door and let him inside as you still can hear the kids happily talking and eating in the daycare room “Thank you so much, babe” you say with a laugh then you mention about the fact that he could have walked into the building without knocking and waited at the front desk for you but he only smiles then kisses your nose and says “You didn’t answer my text so I didn’t want to just walk in without warning. And no need to thank me, I couldn’t let my baby be hungry” he says and you smile pecking his lips “are you busy today?” you ask as you think of a cute idea and when he shakes his head no, you ask “do you want to stay and take care of the kids with me?” his eyes grow wider slightly then says “I’m allowed too..?” which has you nodding “Seonghwa is sick so I’m alone doing everything today and I trust you with the kids so it’s fine especially with me and Seonghwa as co-management here so I can mark you as a volunteer” you say with a soft laugh which makes San smile while laughing too and nod “if you want me to stay then I will” he says and you smile grabbing his free hand since he is still holding the lunch bag and bring him over to the room where the kids are. Once you both step inside, all of the kids look and stare at the both of you “Everyone this Mr San, he is going to hang out with us for the rest of the day is that fine?” All of the kids stare at you and then him for a second before a few of them nod or say something in the form of agreement and then everyone goes back to what they were doing aka playing or still eating as you turn back to look at San you feel one of the kids holding onto your leg and you look down to see one of your favorite kids (even if you know that shouldn’t have favorites) “yes Sewoong?” You ask him and he stares at you with a small smile then says “he is the guy that you have on your desk!” which makes you laugh softly nodding since you have a framed picture of you with San for our 2nd anniversary on your desk which you know some of the kids have seen before “he is, do you want to say hello?” you ask kindly and he nods so you go down and pick Sewoong up before standing up fully and holding him close before you both look at San who is smiling happily and you can see a sparkle in his eye which you mentally note to ask him why he is so happy later on “San, this is Sewoong. Sewoong, this is Mr San” they wave at each other since Sewoong is one of my less shy children here and then Sewoong says to San “are you dating Mx y/n?” which makes you a little shocked at the fact he would ask that question right away and San just laughs nodding “yea, we are dating” which has Sewoong nod his head as if he is processing the information then looks at you and smiles “can I play with him?” which makes you look at San who only smiles so you look back at Sewoong and nod “of course you can” so you carefully let him down and out of your arms before he goes up to San as he hands you your lunch and they go off together to play as you happily go and sit at your desk happy to finally eat your lunch.
-San’s POV-
Me and Sewoong end up drawing for a while as we talk about random things before he looks at my drawing and says “who is that?” which makes me look down and realize I was drawing y/n subconsciously but badly drawn since it’s with crayons “Mx y/n” I say and smile at him, he looks at me with a tilt of his head and says “Do you love her?” and I stare at him knowing he probably is one of the smarter kids at this daycare but I nod and say “I do” which makes him nod and then he puts down his crayon that he was holding and stares at me before saying “why?” and I honestly start to feel like I’m being interrogated by him but I answer “because they makes me happy” I say keeping it short knowing he is still a child but he shakes his head and says “my mom says love is deeper than the ocean, that doesn’t seem very deep” I laugh softly at his mindset which I know is pretty accurate so I reply “That’s true… I love Mx y/n because they make me happy but also because they make me feel like I’m at home” then I see for the first time his real child side as he looks very confused “What feels safe to you?” I ask and he thinks before saying “Being at my house with my parents cuddled up watching a movie” he says with a strong nod like he is proud of himself before looking back at me so I ask “and what do you feel when you are thinking of that?” which makes him reply with “I feel really really happy and really really nice” which has me nodding and I say “that’s how Mx y/n makes me feel but all of the time, that’s why I love them” I watch as his eyes widen but I just smile bigger as he calmly says “wow..” and I nod softly “I know” I reply and then he looks over at y/n so I do as well, I see they just finished eating and I can’t help but feel good knowing they ate since I have known they have been missing lunch a few times this last week because of how no one else is here to help her since Seonghwa has been sick this last week when he is usually their main support for help.
-Your POV-
You put your fork and spoon back into the bag before putting the bag to the side of your desk, you look up at the kids to see everyone is fine then your eyes land on San and Sewoong who both are staring at you. You smile and wave at them both so Sewoong waves back then you see him say something to San then go back to his drawing, you watch as San grabs his drawing and walks over to you “yes?” you say and he stands beside you putting his drawing in front of you and you ask with a smile “is it me?” then stare at him as he nods which makes you smile bigger “it’s cute, babe” “I was just mindlessly drawing and that’s what popped up…. but Sewoong told me to show you it” he says and you nod while staring at it then you look at him. After a bit of silence you ask “did Sewoong say anything weird to you? He is smart for his age but still a kid at heart” San shakes his head “we had a nice conversation about love and home but that’s it” which makes you confused so you go to ask him to explain but he cuts you off “it’s nothing super important, all he found out is that I love you and you are my home” then San pecks your lips softly with a sweet smile on his face which makes you just stare at him in slight awe because he did it here in your classroom but also because he doesn’t always say that kinda stuff since he is a person who likes to show his love instead of saying it or atleast deeper things like that. You watch as his smile grows bigger and then you feel him grab your hand softly “I know I don’t say it a lot but don’t act so shocked about how you are my home” he says with a little laugh which makes you smile nodding “you are my home too, I hope you know that” you reply which he nods too and you give his hand a squeeze then add “and I love you too, San” as he brings your hand to his lips and kisses it “I love you most” he replies making you slightly emotional from seeing the same sparkle in his eyes from earlier now knowing it is a mix of love and fondness.
| a few hours later |
The both of you watch as one of the last daycare kids gets picked up, after the last few hours of playing with everyone and San getting closer to all of the kids (not only Sewoong) you can feel yourself feeling pure happiness from how the day has ended up then you both turn to Sewoong who is the last child left here because his mom usually is the last one to get to the daycare. You walk over to Sewoong as he makes grabby hands at you so you pick him up in your arms as he holds his backpack and you walk back to the door where San is “will you be here next week?” Sewoong asks San which makes you happy knowing the kids liked him but you say “Mr Seonghwa will be back next week so Mr San won’t be back then” which you can see makes Sewoong sad but he nods and says now looking at you “will he ever come back?” which makes you side eye San who nods and you focus back on Sewoong to say “Of course he will, we will work out a day he will come back and it will be a surprise” which makes Sewoong smile happily “Ok! As long as he comes back I’m happy” then you both hear a knock on the daycare door and all three of us look over to see Sewoong’s mom there so you walk closer as she walks inside and you put Sewoong in his mom's arms “thank you so much, I’m sorry that I’m little late” his mom says and you shake your head smiling “it’s honestly no problem” which makes her sigh then nod and you wave to them both as she walks away with Sewoong before you turn to San and see him waving as well then you ask “how was your first day at the daycare?” as you hear the front door of the building close “it was good, the children are really cute and fun just like you say to me all the time” he replies as he wraps his arms around you so you do the same with your around his neck “I’m glad that you liked it” you say feeling yourself relax in his arms “home?” you ask him softly and he nods then you both let go of each other so that you can get your things from your desk and then you check the room quickly before heading out of the building to the house that you share after locking up the building safely.
| after dinner and doing your own night routines |
You cuddle close to San feeling his arms around you tightly and his face comfortable in your neck “I love you so dearly” you whisper to him after awhile of silence then he pulls back from your neck and leans his forehead on yours “I love you too, my angel” which makes you smile and lean to kiss San softly, he kisses you back sweetly before pulling back and leaving soft kisses all over your face making you push him back softly “thank you…” he says as he stares deep into your eyes “for what?” you ask him feeling his hand cup your face and rub your cheek “for many things but right now for letting me help you at your job, I know how important those kids are to you. I can see it and I’m just thankful you let me be in another big part of your life” he says which makes you tear up because you never thought of it like that till now “of course, you are a huge part of my life San… I didn’t even hesitate to let you get to know more about my work life” you reply and watch him smile bigger which makes you peck his lips softly “can I ask something dumb?” he asks you after rubbing his nose against yours “what is it?” you ask after nodding and he hums then asks “who is the most cute? me or the kids?” which makes you laugh softly before saying “I might have to say that you are cuter, but that’s probably because I’m dating you so I’m sadly biased” he shakes his head laughing as he pulls back from you with a big smile on his face “You mean so much to me, y/n” he says as you watch his voice get more fond and his eyes sparkle like they did earlier in the day then he moves to cuddle you even closer as he pulls you close to him “Thank you for being my mountain, San” You reply softly and he rubs his nose against your temple softly before kissing it and saying back softly yet loving “Thank you for being my universe and everything in between” you hum softly feeling completely safe and happy in his arms as you close your eyes and cuddle up in his chest before you feel yourself falling asleep with a soft smile on your face.
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luvlittlefreak5 · 4 years
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happy taevin day!
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idolseatingwell · 6 years
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princeunsu · 6 years
20180712 - MyTeen's fandom name got set
Proud to be a YOUTH. What about you?
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lqmyteen · 6 years
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Happy Chuseok from the boys 👋🎉
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kpopdex · 7 years
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MYTEEN- Teaser images for Debut!
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legosaurus · 3 years
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Lego La La Land
Image by Sewoong KIm
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7698 · 24 days
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fridayvelvet · 2 months
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just hwang daewoong barging in unannounced to tell his brother he broke up with his boyfriend nothing petty happening here at all
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everydayisday6 · 5 years
MyTeen's disbandment was the most idiotic disbandment I have ever seen
The boys worked so hard and gained so much attention from px101 and themusicworks decided to do nothing with it
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tonguesofkpop · 5 years
Happy Birthday to MyTeen’s Taevin!
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MYTEEN - TAEVIN  Do not edit or crop logo! Do not share without full cr: On picture.
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myteensubs · 5 years
do not reupload
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