#sf3 2019
falkenscreen · 5 years
‘Blue Moon’, ‘Sad Sachs’ take top prizes at SF3 2019
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Most films forget to place the bomb under the table – very few manage three ticking simultaneously.
Set in the early hours of this New Zealand morning, small town service station attendant and owner Horace (Mark Hadlow) wiles away the hours until an event occurs with the potential to move any financial woes well out of the red. Soon followed by Darren (Jed Brophy), at least at this juncture the most pressing threat to Horace’s life, each find themselves counting down to 6AM and what may well be the last hours for our local.
Shot on an iPhone and enjoying its Australian premiere as the first ever SF3 Best Feature winner, the form has a supreme benefit in Blue Moon’s unusual context; permitting tight shots in, around and between the two leads and even from within the bounds of the station counter from which a traditional camera could not subsist. Too permitting Blue Moon’s gruelling shooting schedule, there’s a compulsive, immediate resonance to the abounding chemistry between the two leads here well captured by a device that allowed both uncommonly long takes and an unusual intimacy between the performers and those trying to capture that shared charisma.  
The three time bombs deployed at different points and each serving their purpose of increasingly involving us, there’s an excellent stretch of the film where all are set to explode simultaneously and it’s a joy to see, as are a few of the elements seamlessly woven into the story doing well to pay off later. Moreover, this drama, and any, would fairly benefit with the active co-operation of the local arm of the law. Blue Moon’s Director Stefen Harris too being a front line Police Officer, there’s a strong presence and evident sense of investment from the region’s Police Force, adding a welcome dimension of realism to what was amazingly, and to the great credit of those involved, shot on a NZD $15,000 budget.
The September weekend also highlighted Australia’s best smartphone shorts, with 2019’s top prize going to Sad Sachs from local filmmaker Joel Perlgut alongside Best Screenplay, Cinematography Runner-Up, Best Actor & Actress. Exceptionally well shot and following the misadventures of three mishpocha on their way to a wedding, the tight dialogue and scripting at the outset, registering barely above satire for how Jewish friends and family might and would routinely interact, is indeed very funny.
Colder by Kenny Foo nabbed Best Cinematography for Bryan Fisher; a clever, contained shocker not for the too faint of heart which emerged alongside 2017’s Best Film winner Rearview by Ren Thackham as the best horror entry in now 5 years of SF3.
The Broadcast by Best Director winner and Russian filmmaker Daria Sviridenko distinguished itself as one of the few and still uncommon entries to cleverly integrate the necessary shooting format into the narrative as the phone’s perspective followed characters about their environment. They’re Listening by Rachael Belle Myers, winner of the WIFT Award for Best Female Creative, was a highlight of the night; a clean, light-hearted bottle comedy of sorts both, among more than one entry, serving as a cautionary tale as to our dependence on the very method with which each entry was executed and delivering the sort of shrewd, button ending to which most shorts aspire.
Fugitivos by Frank Benitez, likewise delivering a memorable conclusion, among the 15 finalists too did well to stand out with a crisply shot, character-driven road-movie skilfully crammed into just a few minutes.
It’s another strong year for SF3 which has only grown in reach, scope and diversity of entries and is only set to expand further with increasing notoriety, established and emerging filmmaker contributions and too the prospect of further feature entries to complement the recurring crop of Australia’s reliably best smartphone shorts.
on Festevez
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remy2fang · 3 years
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December 30, 2021
It’s been about 2 and a half years since I fell in love with F.A.N.G. A lot has happened and I didn’t think it’ll come this far.
I knew the existence of FANG since 2016, so the early days of Street Fighter V. I didn’t own a PS4, so all I had were YouTube videos to watch. He was very interesting to me. Reminded me of Hsien-Ko and the Harpists from “Kung-Fu Hustle.” His design was appealing to me. I was also intrigued because of Jesse Merlin’s portrayal of him. Many people thought he sounded “gay” and threw homophobic rhetoric, saying F.A.N.G should drop the “N” in the name. Oh, real mature, guys -_-;; My thoughts were quite the opposite, his voice was what made me like the character.
I then watched his Character Story Mode. His look was interesting in this. His hair is so long and thick. The physics made it swing around so seductively. I had a feeling that this design was popular amongst the girls. I liked him, but it wasn’t enough to make me go nuts for him at the time.
Then, I watched the Japanese version of the story mode. His voice was so deep, but there were instances where it became high pitched. I thought to myself, “Hmm, he sounds like Shigeru Chiba.” I Googled to see if F.A.N.G was voiced by him. Lo and behold, he was indeed voiced by Shigeru Chiba. I told myself that he is now my favorite Street Fighter V Character just because Shigeru Chiba voiced him. I have been a fan of Chiba for many years, mainly because of his role as Schwartz from Juukou B-Fighter. To be honest, I was amazed that I was able to recognize his voice. I hadn’t listened to it between 2012 to 2016 until I heard it from F.A.N.G. Even back then, he became my fave SFV character, though not quite topping Remy as best Street Fighter character at the time.
Throughout the years between 2016 and 2018, I have been keeping tabs with the SFV storyline or at least for the Character Stories. I didn’t really bother to watch the Cinematic Story mode except for a few scenes here and there, mainly because it stretches at 2 to 3 hours long. I did enjoyed the few scenes I’ve watched mainly because of the character interactions and such, though I couldn’t help but think about Street Fighter: The Movie, or the American Cartoon series. The plot was very much in line with those kinds of material. While watching the Character Story modes, I was just hoping for Remy to pop up anytime because so many other SF3 characters showed up. Alex, Ibuki, and Urien became playable characters. Gill had a cameo in the Cinematic Story mode. Kolin became a fleshed out playable character after so many years as Gill’s NPC secretary. Also Oro and Eleven (prelude to Twelve) appeared in character story modes. Necro and Effie made background cameos. I was just hopelessly waiting for Remy to come out, whether playable or not.
By July 2019, I decided to look up for Street Fighter fanart on Pixiv. I knew that looking for Remy fanart is hard because he’s not popular, but I went and see just for the sake of it. When scrolling through the first couple of SF fan work, an extremely well-made artwork of F.A.N.G showed up. I thought, “Hey I like him and that looks REALLY GOOD!” So I clicked on it. The artist was Kuzune who made a few other works of FANG. What I notice is the apparent “romanticization” of this character, something I hardly see when I looked for FANG fanart years prior on Deviantart in 2016. Because of the way Pixiv works, I was led to see other fanart of FANG. So many good art of him by talented artists, in which many of them also gave him a nice aesthetic.
The one artist that actually made me fell IN LOVE with F.A.N.G was Tsai-Game. The art was not only extremely well-done, but there was a strong understanding of anatomy as well. It also helped that the art made F.A.N.G fun, sexy, and appealing. Another incredible artist that sealed the deal with my love for FANG was Hideaki, whose style was bursting with beautiful colors and elegant muscle anatomy. Also to mention, many artists and fans shipped F.A.N.G with M. Bison (Vega/Dictator). Years ago I had the notion that FANG would be paired up with him, but I have never seen it until I checked on Pixiv. Both Tsai-Game and Hideaki were avid shippers and would often illustrate such scenarios. Because I’m a Fujoshi myself, of course I got into it!
After seeing these images, I thought I was done. But the next day and the day after, I couldn’t get enough of them. I’d often come back to those images because they’re so beautiful and FANG looked so good in them. It’s odd, I loved him but I didn’t find him attractive before. But after seeing those pictures, I couldn’t see him the same way anymore. I just fell in love with him. Because my favorite F.A.N.G artists hardly upload their work on Pixiv, I wanted to know where they were most active at. As I looked through their Pixiv profile, they have Twitter accounts.
From there, I see their works and I was just so happy. Also, I ventured a little further and found English speaking FANG/Bison shippers. It looks like the fans were having fun. Because I didn’t play nor own SFV at the time, I hesitated to join the fan circle at first—I might be deemed as a “fake” fan if I were to come in. What also halted me was my embarrassment of falling in love with a fictional cartoon character. It had been years since I had a major crush on one. I seriously thought I grew out of it, but I guess I didn’t. I didn’t want my Art Twitter account to be associated with my new obsession. I didn’t want my friends on Facebook and Instagram to know about it, or at least not yet.
I thought about it for a day or two. I realized by the time I own or play SFV, that’s when the fan circle will die out and I’ll be missing out on the excitement. So I decided to create an account that’s dedicated to fangirling over F.A.N.G. I named it Remy2FANG in dedication to my former favorite Street Fighter character and to the character that took his place. It was also a blank slate for me, so none of my friends knew about it…except for 2 of them. I wanted to join the fun with the other F.A.N.G fans before it’s too late. I wanted to enjoy the moment while the passion is still burning. And I am GLAD I joined in when the fan circle was still there.
It was a fun, special, and magical time. Not only that our little group uploaded neat artwork of FANG, but we had our thoughts, analyses, and headcanons that we’d share amongst each other. We even played with our Bison/FANG ideas. I will never forget that. It was Dragon-64, Fumettosa, Minaree3, NoeruParisu, Night_Garage, Rose, Dictatress, Randi, KAAD, YolaMiguelita, and Technically Blind. Funny thing is that Minaree3 noted that there were more fangirls than usual that joined during that time. We talked a lot. It was a lot of fun. It was definitely an amazing time.
Because I was surrounded by FANG enthusiasts, I had a taste of what the FGC was all about. I could say that I lurk around the FGC back in 2001 to 2003, but I don’t remember it was called as such at the time. I just remember going through a lot of GameFaqs, Street Fighter, and Videogame forums, but have never heard of such a term until that summer of 2019. But to my surprise as almost 2 decades have passed, that the FCG had become more progressive, or at least within the FANG circle and the people they associate with along with big name FGC members. They advocate for racial equality, feminism, the LGBT community, representation and inclusivity. It was a beautiful thing for me to see.
There were many good artists within the F.A.N.G Twitter circle. The FANG account I made was initially just for fangirling and I didn’t intend to turn it into another Art account. Also I hadn’t made a lot of quality fanart for many years, but these artists inspired me to go back to my groove. My F.A.N.G artwork definitely gave me some sort of recognition to the point where EventHubs featured my work on an article. If anything, my biggest thanks goes to the little F.A.N.G circle who were there in the beginning of the creation of my FANG account. They Liked and Retweeted my art, which in turn was shared by members of the bigger FGC that follow them. To be honest, I never really have that much luck with Twitter. I usually get about 5 Likes max on my posts in my original Art Twitter account. I would say the difference between my Art and my FANG account is that I have a better connection with people on the F.A.N.G one due to shared interests. So my FANG account has turned not only a fangirling account but also a place to express my love for F.A.N.G through art.
A few weeks later, I realized that F.A.N.G doesn’t have a lot of costumes compared to other characters. A lot of FANG fans hoped that Capcom releases more skins for him, but knowing how unpopular his character is, I had little hope for new content of our favorite poison master. I thought perhaps if I commission a modder to create costume mods for FANG, that might make some the FANG fans and mains happy. I know it didn’t make sense on my part because I didn’t own a gaming PC nor the game itself, but I did wanted to make the F.A.N.G fandom happy in some way. Many people expressed interest in having a Hsien-Ko skin for FANG, which made a lot of sense for me after seeing his fight style and several fanart of it. So I painted a mock-up of how the modded skin would look like. I messaged several known modders about my idea and asked for the cost of a modding commission. Unfortunately all of them either have their hands full or they do not accept commissions. I was a bit sadden by it. I posted up the mock-up on Twitter in hopes for an unknown modder to pick up the idea. There were a lot of supportive comments on there, though there was one that told me to “Stop dreaming and start making” lol. Admittedly I was quite salty by that comment, but way later on I was grateful to heed those words.
During this time, I also noticed that the Story/Nguuhao costume model and textures for FANG was never released online. I didn’t know whether I’d get into modding or not at the time, but I commissioned Dragonlord720 to rip the models and textures from the game for both the default and Nguuhao costumes. I just wanted the fbx and texture files. Not only did I received those, he was also generous enough to make XNALara versions as well. So kind! I told myself that if I’d get into modding, I’d use these files that Dragonlord720 gave me. It was still an intimidating thing to get into because it has been many years since I’ve done anything worthwhile on Blender or any other 3D programs.
Eventually I got to play SFV at a local Round1 and embodied my inner FANG. Before playing the game at the arcade, I learned some F.A.N.G movesets via wiki pages and YouTube videos to give me an idea on how he plays. I hadn’t played videogames for 8 years prior to playing SFV, so I was choppy at first, but oddly got much better after playing FIGHTING EX LAYER in the same arcade. I played SFV there for only three separate occasions.
For a time, I thought about owning the game for myself. I contemplated whether to get a PS4 or a gaming PC. A PS4 would be a cheaper option and I could possibly get one on a Black Friday sale. BUT I knew the PS5 would be released a year later, so there wouldn’t be a point in buying a PS4. I thought about waiting it out. But if I were to wait, by the time I get my hands on a PS5 and play SFV on there, the lifespan of that game would end (spoiler alert, it hasn’t been the end yet). Getting a gaming PC means fun with mods, but it would also be an expensive investment. I didn’t know if I’d be playing games long term because most of the time I often go outdoors or do some other activity. It was something for me to think long and hard about.
While I pondered about getting a console or a gaming PC, I decided to look up on Jesse Merlin. Ever since my F.A.N.G craze, I’ve been wanting to meet him in real life at an event. I learned that he’s an opera singer and stage actor, so I thought about checking up on his Twitter page for any upcoming performances in the LA area. As I scrolled down, I noticed he mentioned a familiar friend’s name. I didn’t know if he was referring to the same person, so I checked on Facebook, typing Jesse’s and my friend’s name on the search engine. There is a match. Apparently my friend is best friends with Jesse Merlin for years. This was quite a mindblower for me lol. I became friends with said friend because he was friends with old Hollywood actor Hurd Hatfield, best known for “The Picture of Dorian Gray” (1945), during the 1970s and 1980s…and I’m an ardent fan of Hurd Hatfield for many years. It’s funny that my friend who was friends with my favorite actor also happens to be friends with the voice actor for F.A.N.G. Wow, that is a lot of “friends” there lol. It’s like no matter how different my interests seem from one another, they’re somehow connected to each other one way or another. At least now I know that there’s a connection between my favorite actor and my favorite Street Fighter character!
Eventually I got to meet Jesse Merlin at a film festival through my friend. Not gonna lie, I was a nervous wreck when meeting him…then again, I’m always nervous when meeting people. At least Jesse was both patient and courteous while I was anxious lol. I told him I really like F.A.N.G and that the community love him very much. He was appreciative of what I said and told me he was proud of his work on SFV Cinematic Story Mode. Did I mention that his natural voice is marvelous? It’s deep and smooth because he’s a bass-baritone opera singer—very different from F.A.N.G. Also he was quite popular at the festival. One of the films that we watched has Jesse in a cameo role and when he appeared on screen, the entire theatre applauded. It was awesome!
Back to the gaming aspect. A few months later, I saw Randi’s Twitter post about SFV being free on Steam for Black Friday week. I knew my non-gaming laptop was too weak to handle SFV, but I downloaded the game on Steam during the trial period anyway because why not. It took almost a day to download the whole thing. When I first played it on my laptop, it was at max resolution and it ran super laggy. I put it at the lowest graphic settings and the window resolution at 800 x 600. That was the best option for my potato laptop. It ran relatively well, albeit with crappy graphics and some lag lol. After playing the game and getting the costume and color that I wanted for FANG through Fight Money, I decided to buy the base game at $7.99. That’s all I really needed actually. I didn’t need to buy anything extra since all I wanted was just F.A.N.G and his color #14 Story costume. After that, I never played the game at Round1 ever again since I can just play it at home.
Obsessing over F.A.N.G was something of secret. By this time only 3 real life friends knew about it. One lives across the country. The other two were actually coworkers. I don’t really open myself up to people about fictional crushes unless I know a person who’d understand these kinds of things. One of the coworkers is also a Fujoshi. I showed her an official picture of FANG in the game. I could tell that she thought I had weird tastes. I then showed her yaoi art by Tsai-Game. THAT’S when she got hooked! From there she actually actively looked for FANG art on her own and told me whatever I showed her was absolutely beautiful. I never thought I’d get a friend and coworker to get into the BisonFANG ship. I’m not gonna lie, this was a fantastic moment.
Because I was entrenched in FGC Twitter, or at least the Street Fighter aspect of it, I decided to go to Capcom Cup 2019. It was only in LA, so it’s not so much of a trek for me. I’ve never been to an Esports event, so I was curious. As it turns out, it was exciting to see these professional players in real life, seeing them play right before my eyes instead of through a phone screen. Also the enthusiastic crowd made the atmosphere fun and lively. It was definitely an awesome time. I also got to meet some online personalities and made some friends after the event. I’m only a casual player, but these kinds of settings are really fun to go to.
For a few more months, I continued to make F.A.N.G art and play SFV sporadically. The most I could do is hitting rank at Arcade Mode (not actual Rank lol). I managed to be the #1 FANG in North America and #2 FANG in the world for a short time. People still enjoy the F.A.N.G art content I put out. All was fine and dandy, until the pandemic hit the US. I got furloughed from my job and I didn’t know how long this would last. During this period of uncertainty, I thought about what I could do before eventually exiting out of SFV. Either get good at Rank or get into modding so I could make a whole bunch of F.A.N.G skins for the FANG community.
I tried getting into Rank. I have yet to lose a set, but didn’t fight that much either. Thus I still have a 100% win streak as of the end of 2021 lolz. It was somewhat nerve wrecking and it did made me nervous, so I figured that online matches isn’t something for me if it stresses me out. Maybe someday I’ll get back into it when I muster up the courage.
So I took up modding instead. By this time, I realized that I can’t wait for anyone to grant my wish for the costume of my dreams. Capcom isn’t going to make it and modders are fully occupied with their own matters. I had to act as if no one else would make it, so I had to take it in my own hands.
For many months, I have been aware of the existence of Modderbase and it’s plethora of tutorials. The problem was that I never knew where to start, so the whole thing was just intimidating. Eventually I found a tutorial that was meant to be the start-all for beginners, which was found via a Google search rather within the Modderbase site itself. When reading it, it actually sounded more approachable. Also it has been years since I’ve used Blender, but the tutorial showed the few most important tools and techniques when doing a simple costume mod. In other words, this is the definitive modding guide for a beginner.
When I downloaded Blender, I was amazed how intuitive the user interface became. Old school blender was hard and weird to use. The newer versions made things easier to work around with. This in itself boosted my confidence in using the program.
Was making my first mod an easy task? NOPE!! It was frustrating because I never used Unreal Engine before and SFV kept on crashing whenever I put in my mod. I realized after 5 days that I installed the incorrect version of UE4, and it took me time to figure out on how to download that particular version on the Epic Games launcher. That’s when I could finally put my mod in the game without crashing. The other frustrating part is figuring out the physics. F.A.N.G’s sleeves have one of the most complex physics assets to emulate (the winner goes to Necalli because he has TWO physics assets). I was also hesitant to use the Nvidia Apex SDK tool because it was not recommended as opposed to the 3DS Max equivalent, and I don’t have 3DS Max. In the end, I just used F.A.N.G’s original physics asset for his sleeves and left his front cloth with no physics. Not the most perfect thing, but it was an accomplishment for me. Also I have to thank Dragonlord720 because I used his fbx file and textures for F.A.N.G.
After making my first mod, I thought I wouldn’t have to learn Apex cloth physics. Guess what, I still had to learn because most of F.A.N.G’s official skins requires apex lol. Also after I released my first mod, I was already commissioned to do a tweak on Mech FANG’s mesh, and it required apex physics. Darn FANG and his flowy clothes! Hence, I had to teach myself this Nvidia Apex Cloth tool. Good thing there’s a written tutorial on Modderbase, otherwise I wouldn’t know how to deal with it. It was still a long and frustrating process because I ran into a lot of problems when making the apex. It took some trial and error to learn, but I end up figuring certain things out. I guess thanks to F.A.N.G’s flowy clothes, I end up learning Apex cloth physics early on.
Notice how I always mention that modding is a time consuming hobby? At this point I understand why many modders have their queues filled up or they straight up don’t accept commission work. In my opinion, modding is harder than making 2D art…but I also think it’s funner than drawing. I think because it’s a new and exciting thing for me.
That being said, remember how I had to choose between getting a console and a gaming PC? I’m glad I didn’t get the console because I’m now a modder.
Aside from making mods, I also recorded myself creating my first mod along with some apex physics. I knew that there were already written tutorials and videos out there, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to create my own for the world to see. I thought it would make certain concepts clearer for those who wish to learn modding.
But with full honesty, I have online friends who wish to have new costumes and skins for their favorite characters. I made these videos and organized all the tutorials I’ve learned in hopes that my friends could make their visions come true. The time when I released my tutorial vids, I was sadden that it had little to no reactions from my small circle. But, I also have to be mindful that not everyone has the time to learn the craft. Although the results can be rewarding, it is still a very frustrating and time consuming hobby. Even I still get frustrated when modding something, so it’s understandable that other people wouldn’t get into it unless they really really REALLY want to. Also, people have their own lives and have more important things to attend to.
Despite of that, I still end up receiving a lot of reactions, comments, and questions from people that are genuinely curious about modding. I guess my videos did serve a purpose after all. Another thing is that these videos showed another side of me that I was not quite aware of. I never wanted to become a teacher, but I didn’t realize that I’m capable of teaching or troubleshooting. I’ll say, it’s a very powerful and refreshing feeling that I’m able to do these things.
During this time while I was happy making F.A.N.G mods, half of the small group of friends I had in the beginning deactivated their Twitter accounts. I was saddened by this. Although I was able to keep in contact with some via other platforms, there are others whose whereabouts are unknown. I hope all goes well for them. I miss them as they are some of the few people left who love talking about the BisonFANG ship openly on a public platform. From what I’ve seen from past posts and what others have told me, BisonFANG used to be a relatively popular thing back in 2016 and 2017. I’m assuming a lot of it was due to F.A.N.G’s heavy involvement with the SFV plot, both in Character and General Cinematic Story modes during Season 1. Looks like I joined at the tail end of the party. It was brief, but I could say that it was something of a last hurrah for that fandom. Despite not playing the game from the start, it was definitely the right decision for me to join the fun while it’s still shining. Nothing lasts forever.
Although the fun has died down, there are still people who love the ship. I’ve seen a few new fans pop up here and there showing their love via headcanons, fanfiction, and fanart up to this day. It’s good to see that it hasn’t gone away just yet.
If the BisonFANG ship is sailing away, I at least still make fanart and mods for the fandom. I’ve created many things. For the F.A.N.G community, the modding community, and the FGC overall. I’ve learned to mod other games like FIGHTING EX LAYER and GUILTY GEAR XRD REV 2 and will be expanding outside of these titles. I’m happy that the modding community is welcoming, if not for my eccentric mods, then it’s most likely for my tutorials.
Because some of my mods don’t have the most heteronormative aesthetics to them, my works have actually inspired similar minded individuals to create what they truly wanted. One modder in particular is Azeilein. She became an incredible modder and she provided something that is fresh and unique to the modding community. I saw her potential before and now I’m proud of her accomplishments. If anything, I hope mine and my friend’s ideas would help others muster up the courage in making what they want without fear of other’s opinions.
I’m not the most perfect modder, but at least I did what I did. Even though I’m quite mediocre as a player, I at least have made my mark on the FGC. Happy to know that some of the top F.A.N.G players and the FGC as a whole appreciate my creations and thoughts.
Speaking about top players, 2021 was definitely the Year of the F.A.N.G. So many F.A.N.G mains won 1st and 2nd in offline real life events. It was something to behold and even I was not expecting this. I’d be happy if a F.A.N.G main reached #2, but I didn’t think it would be possible to see a few hitting the #1 spot. Dee Ancer got 1st and NovaSpec got 2nd at Ronin Rumble. Metalqueersolid got 1st in Celtic Throwdown. The biggest win goes to Mono for CEO 2021. He won 1st place with F.A.N.G. This is the biggest win for all F.A.N.G players in the world. We’re all so happy. It was absolutely wonderful and I got to see it.
It’s funny that all of these amazing things happen since I fell in love with F.A.N.G. I’ve made friends, went back to drawing quality fanart, started playing videogames again, learned how to make mods for SFV and other games, became something of a mentor, and saw the beautiful side of the FGC. If anything, it is the supportive people in this community and outside of it that encouraged me to do what I do. Also a few more real life friends know about my FANG love now lol. I’m thankful to have what I have.
For those who finished reading this, thank you for hearing about my life story with F.A.N.G 💜💜
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tastycitrus · 3 years
you know, thinking about it, we learned about the three cancelled sequels in the reverse order of when they actually happened
legends 3 being canned was a big thing that was announced when it happened, we learned about star force 4 in 2019 but we know it was canned after star force 3 and operate shooting star both flopped which happened before legends 3 got canned, and for christmas we learned about ZXC which was canned after ZXA failed to meet its 100k sales goal which happened before SF3 and OSS came out
there’s no punchline here, i just meme to cope
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bison2winquote · 5 years
Winners of the Winter 2019-2020 comic poll
Ring of Destruction Haggar's "BRAP!"
Geese's "Die Like Your Father, You Pinheaded Son of an Icecream Maker!"
"My Magic is Greater than your Strength.... MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Death Brade/ Mutant Fighter)
Magneto's "Homo Superiors will rule this world!" from XMvSF1
Wubba Wubba im in the pink today boy! (Terry Bogard, FF Special)
The Lyrics of the Arkham Asylum theme in Necronomicon1
"If you thouught that was abnormal, wait until you see this!!" Necro sf3
i have already started the 6-panel comic, and look forward to the results which will be posted on this blog first!!!!!!! thank you for putting up with these interruptions to my winquote routine
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dtjbsd · 6 years
SF3 ➤ Cooperation Cup 2019 Highlights
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mobilemoviemaking · 5 years
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Mobile Movie of the Week "SAD SACHS" Joel Perlgut’s “Sad Sachs”—which took the 2019 top prize at @SF3Fest—is about as dark as a comedy can get…while still being hilarious. The director (@joelperlgut) even gets laughs out of a neo-Nazi sequence that Lenny Bruce probably would have loved. At SF3, the nine-minute movie also took prizes for its screenplay, cinematography, and lead actors. Because the dialogue delivery is machine-gun fast, you might want to turn on subtitles…even if you speak Australian. You can see the movie—chosen as a Mobile Movie of the Week—at MobileMovieMaking (link in profile). Just click the slide in the homepage slideshow. And while you’re there, check out the Preview 2020 Video Contest. A 60-second video could win you a copy of Final Draft screenwriting software or another terrific prize. #mobilemoviemaking #mobilemovieoftheweek #comedyfilm #shortcomedy #LennyBruce #family https://www.instagram.com/p/B7g-2sDBn1U/?igshid=10mvwwzl593dr
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vinatai · 5 years
10 laptop Acer Core i5 2019 tốt nhất cấu hình mạnh đa năng giá từ 12tr
10 laptop Acer Core i5 2019 tốt nhất cấu hình mạnh đa năng giá từ 12tr
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Nhu cầu lựa chọn cho mình một chiếc laptop vừa giá tiền lại sử dụng bền đẹp, nhiều chức năng đang tăng cao với mỗi người. Bài viết sau sẽ giới thiệu đến bạn 10 laptop Acer core i5 được yêu thích nhất hiện nay.
1. Laptop Acer Aspire E5-476-58KG NX.GRDSV.001
Mang thiết kế vằn đen từ hợp kim nhôm siêu nhẹ giúp laptop Acer Aspire E5-476- 58KG NX.GRDSV.001 trở thành dòng laptop tầm trung được rất nhiều người yêu thích. Máy mang thiết kế xám đen sang trọng, tinh tế với khối lượng chỉ 2kg giúp bạn dễ dàng làm việc và mang chúng đi khắp mọi nơi. Đặc biệt hơn, với cấu hình Intel Core I5 8250U hiếm gặp trong nhiều dòng máy cùng phân khúc giá, chiếc laptop hứa hẹn mang đến cho bạn 1 trải nghiệm sử dụng mượt mà, đem lại hiệu quả làm việc tốt nhất.
Hiện sản phẩm đang được phân phối chính gốc với mức giá tham khảo là 12.899.000 VNĐ.
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  Thiết kế sang trọng, tinh tế mang lại trải nghiệm mượt mà cho người sử dụng (Nguồn: nguyenkimmall.com)
2. Laptop Acer A315-53G-5790 NX.H1ASV.001
Là một trong những dòng laptop Acer core i5 2019 được đánh giá cao nhất cả về chất lượng và giá cả, chiếc laptop Acer A315 -53G – 5790 NX.H1 ASV.001 đặc biệt đang thu hút được khá nhiều đối tượng khách hàng khác nhau. Đây là dòng máy thuộc cùng dòng sản phẩm Acer Aspire đang “làm mưa làm gió” với những cải tiến về công nghệ vượt bậc, chất lượng bền bỉ với thiết kế bền đẹp, chắc chắn. 
Máy được trang bị màn hình HD 15,6* cùng độ phân giải HD, tấm nền TN giúp người sử dụng có được trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất khi sử dụng ngay cả với điều kiện nhiều ánh sáng. Đặc biệt hơn, bộ CPU i5 thuộc thế hệ thứ 8 của dòng i5 với 4 nhân, 8 luồng giúp việc máy xử lý các tác vụ của người dùng dễ dàng, tránh giật lag hơn.
Tham khảo dòng máy này với mức giá bán là 11.699.000 VNĐ.
3. Laptop Acer Swift 3 SF315-52-52Z7 NX.GZBSV.004 15.6 inches
Thiết kế nhôm nguyên khối với viền Diamond cut là điểm thu hút riêng biệt giúp laptop Acer Swift 3 SF315-52-52Z7 nổi bật hơn rất nhiều so với các dòng laptop Acer Core i5 khác. Ngoài ra, thiết kế màn hình tràn viền lên đến 15.6 inches cùng tấm nền IPS cho đem lại hiệu quả hình ảnh sống động, sắc nét cho người sử dụng. 
Swift 3 còn là dòng laptop Acer Core i5 với trang bị CPU tiết kiệm điện, giúp tăng tính tiện dụng, tốc độ xử lý nhanh cho máy. Đồng thời, với khối lượng chỉ 1.6kg cùng ổ cứng có sẵn HDD dung lượng 1TB vô cùng phù hợp với những người làm việc tự do hoặc công việc đòi hỏi phải di chuyển nhiều.
Hiện sản phẩm đang được bán với mức giá là 14.596.000 VNĐ.
4. Máy tính xách tay Acer Swift 3 SF314-54-58KB
Nằm trong series Swift của laptop Acer, laptop Acer Swift 3 SF3-54-58KB với các thiết kế tinh tế, siêu mỏng nhẹ từ vỏ nhôm nguyên khối đang rất được yêu thích trên thị trường. Khác với nhiều dòng laptop Acer Core i5 khác, Swift 3 gây ấn tượng với vẻ ngoài siêu nhẹ chỉ 1,5kg với độ dày chưa đến 1,5cm đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu di chuyển, làm việc, vui chơi của khách hàng. 
Đặc biệt, với dòng máy thuộc thế hệ thứ 8 của dòng i7 với tổng 4 nhân, 8 luồng giúp máy xử lý được hầu hết các chương trình với cấu hình nặng. Cấu tạo bởi 2 ram 4GB DDR4 cho phép bạn sử dụng laptop cho mọi chương trình từ chơi game, xem phim, giải trí, thiết kế với khả năng chạy đa tab vụ siêu ấn tượng.
Sở hữu ngay chiếc laptop ấn tượng này với giá chỉ 17.999.000 VNĐ.
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Thiết kế vỏ nhôm nguyên khối siêu nhẹ cùng chip Intel i7 giúp máy sử dụng đa tab vụ dễ dàng hơn (Nguồn: tinhte.vn)
5. Laptop Acer Swift 3 SF315-52-50T9 NX.GZBSV.002
Cùng nằm trong bộ Swift 3 với thiết kế thời trang, thanh lịch, laptop Acer Swift 3 SF315-52-50T9 NX.GZBSV.002 là sự lựa chọn phù hợp với đối tượng khách hàng trẻ, nữ giới cần sự gọn nhẹ. Cấu tạo Core i5- 8250U với xung nhịp cơ bản của máy chỉ 1.6 Hz giúp máy vận hành nhanh ngay cả với những phần mềm có dung lượng nặng nhất. 
Với khả năng nâng dung lượng tổng lên tới 16GB kết hợp cùng CPU dòng U siêu tiết kiệm năng lượng nhưng vẫn “tràn năng lượng” giúp mọi khó khăn trong công việc được giải quyết nhanh chóng và dễ dàng nhất. Đặc biệt, với bảo mật vân tay siêu đặc biệt được tích hợp sẵn trong máy giúp việc bảo mật và sử dụng được an toàn và tiện dụng hơn bao giờ hết.
Sản phẩm đang được bán với mức giá là 17.354.000 VNĐ.
6. Laptop gaming Acer Nitro 5 i5-8300H
Nitro 5 là sản phẩm laptop Acer Core i5 mới nhất với cải tiến bộ tản nhiệt đỉnh cao, giúp laptop Acer Nitro 5 i5-8300H trở thành dòng máy hoàn hảo cho mọi game thủ. Với cấu hình CPU Intel 8th và VGA NVIDIA 1650 công nghệ mới nhất cùng bộ lưu trữ lên đến 2TB giúp trải nghiệm hình ảnh sắc nét, mượt mà, không làm gián đoạn cuộc vui của bản. Đặc biệt, với người chơi game,  phím tắt Nitro Sense cùng chức năng CoolBoost cho phép máy giảm nhiệt ngay tức thì chỉ với 1 nút chạm.
Trải nghiệm ngay dòng máy cực đỉnh này với giá 19.890.000 VNĐ.
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  Tông màu đỏ đen mạnh mẽ cùng cấu hình CPU Intel 8th chinh phục mọi game thủ khó tính (Nguồn: SoSanhGia.com)
7. Laptop Acer Nitro 5 AN515-54-51X1
Nằm trong series Gaming Acer dành riêng cho các game thủ hay những người có nhu cầu sử dụng máy với cấu hình cực cao, laptop Acer Nitro 5 AN515-54-51X1 với nhiều cải tiến về cấu hình và thiết kế chắc chắn sẽ là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho người sử dụng. 
Với hai tông màu chủ đạo là đỏ và đen với mặt lưng giữa sơn mịn nhám tạo cảm giác sang trọng cho chiếc máy. Đặc biệt với màn hình full HD tràn viền với công nghệ IPS giúp người sử dụng có cảm nhận chân thực, sống động, không mờ nhòe với hình ảnh đỉnh hơn rất nhiều sản phẩm điện tử tiên tiến từ những quán nổi tiếng. 
Tốc độ kết nối và cổng kết nối cũng là điểm cộng rất lớn của dòng máy này khi so sánh nên chọn laptop Acer Core i5 dòng nào bởi công nghệ kết nối mạng Killer Ethernet E2500 mới nhất.
Sản phẩm đang được phân phối chính hãng với giá là 19.890.000 VNĐ.
8. Laptop Acer Swift 5 SF514-52T-50G2 NX.GTMSV.001
Là sản phẩm của hãng công nghệ hàng đầu Đài Loan- Acer, laptop Swift 5 SF514- 52T- 50G2 NX.GTMSV.001 là dòng máy cao cấp dành cho các khách hàng doanh nhân cần có sự tinh tế mạnh mẽ, sang trọng nhưng vẫn phải đáp ứng được nhiều tab vụ phức tạp. Đây là một trong những dòng máy nhẹ nhất hiện nay với khối lượng chưa tới 1kg bằng cách sử dụng hợp kim Magie và Liti cho việc chế tạo vỏ máy. 
Tuy nhỏ gọn là thế nhưng máy vẫn được trang bị đầy đủ những tính năng và cấu hình cần thiết cho việc vận hành được trơn tru, tiện ích với CPU Core i5- 8250U. Đánh giá về laptop Acer Swift 5 cho thấy với việc tích hợp Intel UHD Graphics 620 giúp máy tiết kiệm điện năng cũng như có khả năng hiển thị chi tiết một cách chân thực nhất mà không cần hỗ trợ của các loại đồ họa rời.
Sở hữu ngay sản phẩm ấn tượng này với giá 23.990.000 VNĐ. 
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Thế hệ Ultrabook siêu mỏng nhẹ cùng card màn hình Intel UHD Graphics 620 là lựa chọn lý tưởng cho doanh nhân Việt (Nguồn: ankhang.vn)
9. Laptop Acer Aspire E5 576G 52YQ
Được thiết kế với chip Intel Core i5 Kabylake Refresh thế hệ 8 và Ram 4Gb, laptop Acer Core i5  E5 576G 52YQ trở thành dòng máy đa năng, đáp ứng được rất nhiều yêu cầu khác nhau của người dùng. Đặc biệt, với card đồ họa rời NVIDIA Geforce giúp máy dễ dàng xử lý các yêu cầu về tab vụ đồ họa có yêu cầu cao, trở thành 1 trong 10 chiếc laptop gaming có mức giá trong tầm tay. 
Công nghệ màn hình Acer CineCrystal LED Backlit giúp hình ảnh trở nên sắc nét, sống động, cho trải nghiệm sử dụng tuyệt hảo nhất. Mọi cải tiến tuyệt vời giúp mọi nghi ngờ laptop Acer Core i5 có tốt không đều được loại bỏ hoàn toàn.
Tham khảo với mức giá ưu đãi chỉ khoảng 12.000.000 VNĐ.
10. Laptop Acer Aspire A515-53-5112 NX.H6DSV.002
Là một trong những sản phẩm nổi bật nhất trong phân khúc máy tính xách tay tầm trung, laptop Acer Aspire A515-53-5112 NX.H6DSV.002 là lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho hầu hết mọi đối tượng khách hàng. Với thiết kế khung máy làm từ sợi plastic tổng hợp giúp máy đạt độ bền cao, độ chịu lực tốt giúp máy chống lại những va đập từ bên ngoài. 
Acer đã ứng dụng vi xử lý mới tiên tiến hàng đầu thị trường là vi xử lý thứ 8 Coffee Lake giúp máy vận hành êm ái và khắc phục những lỗi xử lý tab vụ thường gặp ở các dòng máy khác. Tuy nhiên, với 4GB RAM, máy vẫn còn hơi hạn chế trong khả năng xử lý đa tab vụ mà so với nhiều laptop Acer Core i5 khác.
Trải nghiệm sản phẩm mới này với giá bán là 14.190.000 VNĐ.
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Vi xử lý thứ 8 Coffee Lake giúp máy vận hành êm ái, nhanh chóng (Nguồn: phuongtung.info)
Với sự đa dạng trong thiết kế, công nghệ mà Acer ngày càng trở thành hãng công nghệ máy tính được nhiều người yêu thích và lựa chọn. Dù bạn là một học sinh, nhân viên văn phòng hay một designer, game thủ, bạn đều có thể dễ dàng lựa chọn một chiếc laptop Acer Core i5 phù hợp với nhu cầu, sở thích và khả năng tài chính của bản thân. Tìm mua ngay những mẫu laptop Acer với chính sách bảo hành vượt trội và mức giá ưu đãi hấp dẫn tại Vinatai nhanh thôi. 
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firstcars · 5 years
SCT SF3 Power Flash Ford Programmer Review and ScanGaugeE
An impressive product coming from a well-respected brand, the SCT SF3 Power Flash Ford Programmer is currently available on various websites today. The product offers to make the most of the vehicles for the average driver. Here I share a review on Best Car Waxes of 2019 for you.
Product Features
 Some of the features offered by this product include but are not limited to the following:
 Boosts horsepower
Improves torque
Saves up to 3 custom tunes
Improves fuel mileage
Data logging and monitoring system
Backlit display LCD
Allows reading and deletion of DTC trouble codes
Easily installation
Comes with one year guarantee
Product Pros and Cons
 The SCT SF3 Power Flash Ford Programmer helps car owners keep track of the efficiency of their vehicle. The item is capable of tapping into the hidden power of cars, allowing owners to make the most of their horsepower, torque, and various other engine capabilities. The item also helps read and clear out any DTC trouble codes that might be piling up on the car’s computer. This would help remove the annoying “Check Engine” sign found in Ford’s dash. The product is currently being sold at a reasonable price with a one year guarantee provided for all buyers.
When the SF3 Power Flash device is plugged into your vehicle, it backs up the vehicle's factory programming.
It arrives pre-loaded with dyno-proven tune files that increase torque, horsepower, and fuel efficiency. You may use it as an exhaust brake to increase engine braking while coasting towing heavier loads.
It’s not easy for first-timers to use. A manual is added in with the package through which should make it easier for new owners to install and start exploring the product. Also, note that the item is not available to car owners residing in the state of California.
 All in all, the SCT SF3 Power Flash Ford Programmer is a good purchase for those who want to invest in the function of their cars. Feedbacks for the product have all been good with buyers noting that it arrived on schedule. The device is packaged tightly and was in perfect condition upon receipt.
The ScanGaugeE comes from the same people who introduce ScanGauge II. Considering how successful the latter was, it isn’t surprising that there are lots of people checking out the ScanGaugeE product. Currently available at a reasonable price, the item comes with a wide array of features and more.
 Product Features
 Currently being offered at $99.95, this product comes with a wide array of features designed to help car owners maximize their vehicle. For additional cable, the item can be bought for $119.98.
 Made from durable materials
Easy maintenance
Very easy to install
Helps save on gas
Pinpoints problems
Solves engine problems before they become too big to handle
Provides diagnostic trouble codes
Compatible with different types of cars designed from 1996 onwards.
Product Benefits
The ability of the product to efficiently scan the vehicle and offer feedback about its state is very beneficial for many car owners. It allows them to always be in the know when it comes to their car. This also helps non-mechanics as it lets them pinpoint the problems even before bringing them to the car shop.
 Some owners of the product are happy to prevent major repair disasters from coming their way. The presence of a ScanGaugeE lets car owners has significant savings on their car repair.
 Feedback about the Product
 Currently, feedback for the ScanGaugeE has all been good. Individuals who have used the item are perfectly happy with the results provided by the subject. Not only that but they are also satisfied with the amount they paid for the model. Taking all things into account, buyers have noted that the ScanGaugeE has already paid for itself through savings.
0 notes
avinmotion · 5 years
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2019 NAB Show
The NAB Show (2019) is home to the world’s largest collection of vendors driving the future of media and entertainment. After visiting this years show we’ve made an personal list for the top twenty most innovative and important introductions and announcements. Aside from this list, we also made an extensive alphabetical list of interesting product announcements and created a YouTube playlist with NAB Show related video’s.
Top 20
Bolt 4K HDR Wireless Video System by Teradek
IS-mini 4K Video Color Processor (LUT box) by TVlogic
DaVinci Resolve 16 by Blackmagic Design
Digital Media Hub by Veritone 
F6 Recorder Mixer (32-bit float mode, RAW Audio Recording) by ZOOM
Creative Cloud Pro Video release 2019 by Adobe Systems
ProArt PQ22UC 22” 4K HDR OLED Professional-grade Monitor by ASUS
KUMO 1616-12G Compact with LiveGrade Pro & WonderLookPro Support by AJA
SpectraCal CalMAN 2019 by Portrait Display
RX0 II 4K Camera by Sony
ProArt PA32UCX 32” 4K HDR Mini LED Professional-grade Monitor by ASUS 
Media Composer 2019 by Avid Technology
4K Quad by BirdDog 
V-600UHD Multiformat Video Switcher by Roland
E2-F6 / E2-F8 Full Frame 6K/8K Camera by Z CAM
Teranex Mini SDI to HDMI 8K HDR by Blackmagic Design
Reverb VR Headset Pro Edition by HP
Shogun 7" HDR Pro/Cinema Monitor-Recorder-Switcher by Atomos
GNARBOX 2.0 SSD by MyGnar
What also caught my eye (alphabetical order)
Accsoon CineEye HDMI
Aputure AL-RC A9 LED Lightbulb
Aputure Amaran AL-MC (Pocket-sized RGB FX LED Light)
Aputure Module Link Bridge
Aputure Sidus Link app and Bluetooth mesh network (up to 64,000 devices at a time)
ARRAIY DeepTrack (Realtime tracking powered by AI)
Astera Titan Tube LED Light (FX Lighting, battery powered)
ASUS E900 G4 Tower Workstation
ASUS ESC700 G4 Tower Workstation
ASUS ProArt PA27UCX 27” 4K HDR Professional-grade Monitor (Mini LED, IPS, 1000Nits, 576 Zones, 10-bit, HDR10, HLG)
ASUS ProArt PA90 Workstation
Atomos AtomX SDI Module for Ninja V
Beachtek DXA-RED (Dual XLR Adapter for RED DSMC2 cameras)
Blackmagic ATEM 8K
Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve Editor Keyboard
Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro G2
BOXX APEXX Enigma S3 Tower Workstation
Chronos 2.1-HD FHD 1
Core SWX HELIX Battery Series
Core SWX NPF Flat Pack for SmallHD Focus monitors (60wh L-series type lithium ion battery pack)
Decimator 12G-Cross
Deity Pencil Mic
Deity S-Mic 2S
Deity Studio Mic
Deity W.LAv Pro Professional Lavalier
Dell Precision 7000 Series Tower and Rack Workstations
Falcon Eyes 4x4 LED Light Mat
FeiyuTech QING Gimbal
FilmConvert Cinematch
FilmConvert Nitrate
FiLMic Pro Audio (Audio Field Recorder App)
FiLMic Pro Freefly Movi Support
Glyph Technologies Thunderbolt 3 Dock with 2TB NVMe M.2 SSD
Grass Valley Creative Grading (GVCG) solution
Hive Lighting Bumble Bee 25-C (Portable Light with App control
HP Z6 Tower Workstation
HP Z8 Tower Workstation [link]
Iconic Engine HOLOMETRIC (4D Cinema)
Immersive Digital Experiences Alliance (IDEA) - Immersive Technology Media Format (ITMF) [link]
Insta360 EVO
iXsystems FreeNAS Mini & Mini XL
JL Cooper Surround Sound mixing panel
LaCie Rugged RAID Shuttle (8TB
Leader LV5900 8K Waveform Monitor
LumaTouch LumaFusion 2.0
LYNX Technik AG HDR Evie
Magewell NDI Firmware update
Moza AirCross 2 Gimbal
Moza SlyPod (Slider/Monopod Hybrid)
NewTek Spark Plus 4K HDMI-to-NDI
Pisofttech PilotEra 8K 360 Camera (in-camera stitching)
Portkeys EVF OEYE-3G 1080p OLED Viewfinder
Portkeys LH5 HDR 5” On-Camera Monitor (1500Nits)
Pronology NASm3
RØDE Wireless Go Compact Wireless Microphone System
Rycote PCS-Boom Connector
Saramonic Umic9 Wireless Systems
Sharp 8K MFT Camera (Prototype)
Shure Twin:Plex Subminiature Omnidirectional Microphones
Sienna NDIntercom for Apple iOS
SmallHD Cine 7 On-Camera Monitor
Sonnet SF3 Series Pro Card Reader for RED Mini-Mag
Sonnet Twin10G dual-port 10GbE Thunderbolt adapter
Sound Devices Scorpio (32 channel, 36 track, 16 mic/line preamplifier premium portable mixer-recorder with Dante)
Spiffy Gear Lumee LED Lights
SymplyWORKSPACE (industry’s first StorNext 6 powered, 8 client, 4K capable desk-side Thunderbolt 3 shared storage solution)
TASCAM Dante Converter Series
Teradek RT ecosystem (CTRL.3, CTRL.1, MDR.X, and MOTR.X.)
TVlogic ….. HDR Professional Monitor (Prototype)
Vaxi Storm Channel Scanner
Wooden Camera Shoulder Rig v3
Zacuto Kameleon EVF
Next to interesting product announcements, there are a lot of interesting educational programs presented by industry leaders. A lot of these great sessions has been posted online.
LumaForge “Faster, Together”
Adobe at NAB Show
Maxon ‘C4D Live’
Panasonic ‘Presentation Stage’
0 notes
cysnews · 5 years
Vít Müller
Výsledky 2019 – 400 Metrů překážky
Datum Závod Race  Pl.  Výsledek 18 MAY 2019  Czech Club Ch., Plzen  F1  1.  50.65 03 JUN 2019  Josef Odložil Memorial, Praha  F  7.  50.52 11 JUN 2019  Academica, Praha  F1  1.  50.46 Booking.com (function(d, sc, u) { var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js'); 09 JUL 2019  Universiade, Napoli  H4  2.  50.50 10 JUL 2019  Universiade, Napoli  SF2  3.  49.84 11 JUL 2019  Universiade, Napoli  F  8.  50.86 26 JUL 2019  Czech Ch., Brno  H1  1.  52.06 27 JUL 2019  Czech Ch., Brno  F  1.  49.59 09 AUG 2019  European Athletics Team Championships Super League, Bydgoszcz  H2  2.  49.62 10 AUG 2019  European Athletics Team Championships Super League, Bydgoszcz  F  5.  49.36 08 SEP 2019  Czech Club Ch., Hodonín  F1  1.  50.19 27 SEP 2019  IAAF World Championships in Athletics, Khalifa International Stadium, Doha  H4  4.  50.15 28 SEP 2019  IAAF World Championships in Athletics, Khalifa International Stadium, Doha  SF3  7.  49.97  Zdroj informací : IAAF (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Vít Müller foto: Iva Roháčková
Vít Müller foto: Iva Roháčková
Vít Müller foto: Iva Roháčková
Vít Müller foto: Iva Roháčková
Vít Müller foto: Iva Roháčková
Vít Müller foto: Iva Roháčková
štafeta 4x 400 m muži rozběh MS , Tesař,Šorm, Desenský , Müller – foto : Iva Roháčková
Vít Müller 2019 Vít Müller
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Effect of Cucumis sativus on dysfunctional 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
PMID:  Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 16 ;9(1):13372. Epub 2019 Sep 16. PMID: 31527805 Abstract Title:  Effect of Cucumis sativus on Dysfunctional 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Abstract:  Obesity is caused by lipid accumulation in adipose tissues inducing adipocyte dysfunction, characterized by insulin resistance, increased lipolysis, oxidative stress, and inflammation, leading to increased levels of adipokines. Herein the capacity of the subfractions (SFs) SF1, SF2, and SF3 from the Cucumis sativus aqueous fraction and their combinations (M) to control adipocyte dysfunction in vitro, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes was studied. Adipocytes, previously treated with dexamethasone or IL-1 to induce dysfunction, were incubated with different concentrations of the subfractions for 24 h. 2-deoxyglucose consumption and glycerol release were evaluated, and a surface model was constructed to determine the most effective SF concentrations to improve both parameters. Effective SF combinations were assessed in their capacity to control metabolic, pro-oxidative, and pro-inflammatoryconditions. SF1, SF2 (40 μg/ml each) and SF3 (20 μg/ml) improved 2-deoxyglucose consumption by 87%, 57%, and 87%, respectively. SF1 and SF2 (5 μg/ml each) and SF3 (40 μg/mL) increased glycerol secretion by 10.6%, 18.9%, and 11.8%, respectively. Among five combinations tested, only M4 (SF1 40 μg/ml:SF2 60 μg/ml:SF3 30 μg/ml) and M5 (SF1 40 μg/ml:SF2 60 μg/mL:SF3 10 μg/ml) controlled effectively the metabolic, pro-oxidative, and proinflammatory conditions studied. Glycine, asparagine, and arginine were the main components in these SFs.
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falkenscreen · 5 years
Film Fight Club S3E32: Queer Screen, SF3 & Sydney Underground 2019
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Where we chat all things Queer Screen with #QSFF19 Director Lisa Rose (Sep 18-22!), cross the galaxy with the SF3 2019 Gala & Smartphone Feature debut ‘Blue Moon’ and emerge from the Underground Film Festival to shed some light on our favourites – Wednesdays 7:30PM on 2SER and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes & Spotify!
See here for Blue Moon & SF3 coverage, reviews of Portrait of a Lady on Fire & Pain and Glory (both screening at Queer Screen) and reviews of SUFF flicks Tone-Deaf, The Art of Self-Defense, Greener Grass, Dreamland & Braid
Listen here
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Here’s information from the latest National Association of Realtors study about the current housing market’s ‘state of affairs’:
Second Quarter 2019 Single Family Metro Market Prices
August 8, 2019
By: Michael Hyman
The National Association of REALTORS® reported that quarterly home prices increased again this past quarter. Prices continued to rise, with 91% of the markets showing home price appreciation. Single-family home price growth is steady, median family incomes are rising modestly, inventory levels are low and affordability has been declining. Knowing the mortgage rates and the qualifying incomes for down payments will help potential homeowners figure out what metro areas are affordable for them. Here is a look at the metro areas with the strongest price growth in the second quarter 2019, as well as a look at the yearly change in median existing single-family home prices for the top five highest and lowest growth metro areas of the second quarter 2019.
These are the top five single-family metro areas with the highest home price appreciation:
These are the bottom five single-family metro areas that had a decline in home price appreciation:
These are the most expensive metro areas for the second quarter 2019:
These are the least expensive metro areas for the second quarter 2019:
Qualifying Income Based on Sales Price of Existing Single family Homes for Metropolitan Areas by Region:
For the US, at the 5% down-payment threshold, the qualifying income amount for the second quarter of 2019 was $62,192. At the 10% down-payment mark, the qualifying income was $58,918, and with a 20% down-payment, the income required to qualify for a mortgage was $52,372. The West led all regions with the highest qualifying income while the Midwest had the lowest income for 5%, 10% and 20% down payments on a single-family home.
Michael Hyman
Research Data Specialist
Michael Hyman is a Research Data Specialist for the National Association of REALTORS®.
  So…. what’s happening with interest rates this week? Check out this  weeks ‘Markets In A Minute”: https://sf3.tomnx.com/landingpage/?token=Y6N80qHby
  Have further questions? Reach out to us:
Why Home Prices Keep Rising, And Are We Headed For Another Recession? Here's information from the latest National Association of Realtors study about the current housing market's 'state of affairs':
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vincosport · 5 years
U23M 100m SF3 Michael Olsen blasts out the blocks like a rocket, the field began to close in the last 20m but the @EdinburghAC athlete crosses the line in 10.62#EAChamps 📺https://t.co/VEjEXSNIBg
— runjumpthrow.com by Vinco (@VincoSport) June 22, 2019
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kan100 · 6 years
SF3 ➤ Cooperation Cup 2019 Highlights
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old-sf3es-blog · 6 years
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La SF3 os presenta la prueba (test individual, categoría femenina) clasificatoria para los mundiales de la iF3:
Completa tan rápido como puedas. 5 ROUNDS • 5 POWER CLEAN (35 Kg) • 10 KTB SWING (16 Kg) • 15 TOES TO BAR --------------------------------------------------------------- THEN • MAX L-sit pull up Time cap: tiempo máximo, 7 minutos.
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** Si estás buscando la categoría masculina, pulsa aquí.
Todos los interesados tienen que enviar sus grabaciones a partir del 01 de diciembre. A partir del 01/12/2018 pulsa aquí (-enlace aún no disponible-) para conocer todos los detalles.
La inscripción es gratuita. 
El Colegio Oficial de Jueces de la SF3 confeccionará una clasificación provisional que será publicado una vez se revisen todos los vídeos por modalidad y categoría. Fecha de publicación prevista: 15 de abril 2019.
El 29 de abril 2019, después de haber atendido cualquier reclamación, los 10 primeros clasificados por modalidad serán los que opten a la FASE 2 que consistirá en una prueba presencial.
En la Grabación:
Lo primero que deberá aparecer en la grabación será la breve presentación del atleta. Por favor dinos tus nombre y apellidos, provincia y nombre del box, si perteneces a uno.
Lo segundo que deberá aparecer será el material que vamos a usar: muéstranos el peso que le has puesto en la barra y de la ktb. En todo momento debemos comprobar que no se cambien los pesos por otros y que no haya cortes o alteraciones en el vídeo: toma precauciones para que no te invalidemos la grabación por esos motivos.
El reloj debe de aparecer en la grabación pero también se puede usar las apps que lo inserte dentro de la grabación.
Además, los movimientos deberán verse completos y de cuerpo entero salvo que se indique otra instrucción más específica.
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La SF3 podrá:
Podremos invalidar aquellas grabaciones que se interpreten como incumplidoras de los requisitos y normas solicitadas. También nos reservamos el derecho de restar todas las repeticiones no válidas que consideremos.
Tras notificarte nuestra decisión, y si no estuvieras conforme, te damos un plazo de -OJO- TAN SOLO 24 HORAS para enviarnos una nueva grabación. Esta segunda grabación ya no podrá ser recurrida.
La salud es lo primero:
La SF3 y los organizadores de este evento quedan eximidos de cualquier incidente, accidente o lesión alguna que pueda ocurrir durante y tras las grabaciones de dichas pruebas.
Los autores de estas grabaciones serán los responsables solidarios de sus actos y de aquellos daños a terceros que puedan incurrirse como consecuencia de dicho vídeo o prueba física.
POR FAVOR: hay tiempo suficiente. Prepárate la prueba con antelación y planifica tu entrenamiento de forma razonable según tus capacidades atléticas.
Cualquier atleta puede participar y todos recibirán los comentarios y la evaluación del Colegio de Jueces así como un agradecimiento por vuestros esfuerzos.
Mucha suerte a todos los atletas.
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